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August 17, 1939 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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August 17, 1939 |
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AU&~LSt 17, 1929
PJ m
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lincoln of Grant Colton, of Spokane, Wash., F.A. Young left Monday morn-] Mrs. Odette Siver began clerking Leo Butler, Will and Tom Jori- Daniels Park in Cedar Rapids.
v,~,~,v~l, a tn,~ Muscatine were guests last week is a guest in the home of his broth- ing for a vacation trip" to northern ] in the Pringle store on Monday of man, Mrs. Effie Butler, and Mrs. Mrs. Laura Dobbinett and her son
um:mmmnmlmn IInSl • E el-ton Minnesota this week frank Gage and daughter Dorothy John returned Friday from a two
wnnn~nmo=.m ..,... end In the home of Mrs. Margaret er J. . C • • •
- " "" ak i s-endin-~ Mrs Flora Buck and Frank W left Wednesday morning for Mil months stay m the east
1[l.llU111Jl~ /'[I/bY Gormly. Dorothy Eddy went to Marengo ~vlrs. Mary uvor s p g • • . ........ - . .' . -
~ Miss Maybelle Coleman is spend- on Monday for a vacation visit with an indefinite time in the Mrs. Jas. IMoore attended the celebration iora wnere mey wnl spena several Mr. and mrs. herman Nebiker
" "~ rtosh home held in Walker last Saturday, days with Mrs Butler's daughter and daughter Carol accompanied
ing two weeks with a group of relatives and friends. ~a . K , -- .. .. . .." .... ' .....
L Bowman of Fort.Madi-t Mr. and Mrs. RenSiver, and Mr. school faculty members from Day- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Carl left last Miss Mary Little went to OakI Miss Mary Staab went to Chica- ~lrs.,_~ane,nansen ann at LaK.e ~ne]r sono herman, Jr..,. and Dick
a week end vlmtor m I and Mrs. George Lake left !ast enport, at Ely, Minn. week end for a brief vsiit with Mrs. Park, Ill., last week where she is [go, Ill., on Sunday, where she ex- ~v~cOu~l?:n w~a mrs= c. ~aLoaat oi t:eaar l~aplas to t:eaar
• rnon. week end to attena me worla'S .............. • ..............Carl's narents in Tabor a guest of Mrs Olive Adams Ells- pected to visit until Friday y- ~u ~u ann mmny m Jener- runs ~unaay wereme ~wo young
llla *- ....... , i Po~, ~., ~,~,.. v,,~1, r,~÷.. ~w*:,~ J v*~L.v _c,~p~, ~cLu~u~u uvmc " ' " ., ' t . son. men Will "oin me ~van-elical
::^ .L~nasley.ana ] .................. J" Monday evening from a visit of a Mrs. Lillian Springer of Lisbon worm. [ Mr. and Mrs. Maumce Doyle were Mi~¢ R~ w,,,no,,,~ t,~h~ ,¢ church campj for a week °
.~ wsmng wire retanvesI Miss Florence Walker of Miles week in the Mr and Mrs Lewis spent Monday on business and call- Mr and Mrs. Leonard Heniklvisitors Sunday in the home of ~__:~_,-.~.,~_..,,z.,~:.~ .~ ....... M~ ~,,n ~,~o ~ ..... ~.,~,~ ....
t~er City .... ' • " -- . . " . . , D[J~iIll$II Ill ~orneu, l~zo-z~ was a ,. ,.,,, ...,o. ~,a-,,- ,,=,~¢, a,~
• [was a vlsffor Monday w~th frmnds Chavman home north of Mount mg on fmendsm Mount Vernon were droner guests Sunday m the[Mrs. Doyle s mother Mrs. Sarah ....... ' ._ f_~mu, ,,~ ~,~ .... m ......... ~_..
nd " " • - ' - " T llm guest over me week ena in ~ne ...... s ,~- ~v-,,*a----= -=-= ,-a..~.s
Lea' "" MrS.S J• R• Eyre and sOn3rice~ an Llno trlat nel,/m Mount VernOn.n (~ashierMmS Walker ]s gues~Vernon.G l~owley an Zamll_ Ur• nlnMr.v~sstxnand MrS.MrsDalewatson sJOhnsOnbrothand[ thehomehomeOf Mr.of Mrsand MrS.John EldOncarawayDe-[ a an. had ! p.h .... W.. inne ~o ~e~ ~.~.~..t.oi~oaO~e;,,,,~ /tohu~FridaVr:~init~to~amnkWsheneVening in the home of~ii~Mr
~ ~_.aturday to spend two/a member of the Ward school fac- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ladage who family had as guests Sunday, Mr. Camp. I Mrs. Lloyd Kent and baby son Howland has recentlv resigned and Mrs. George King.
-r.~es ~arK, t:OlO, n ulty• purchased the Joe Bennett drugand Mrs. Arthur Johnson of Earl- Miss Florence Downey who has Paul Wflham returned to their from the faculty of theState Nor- Mrs. Henry Roselle and Mrs.
store last week are located in an ville, been living in the Darel Kohl home ]home Friday from Mercy hospital, I mal school in Minott, S. D. She Clinton Berry spent Monday with
apartment m the Mrs D D Klein r is now hvmg w~th Mrs Sally Mc Ceaar ~aplas Mrs Herman
• • • • " " M and Mrs A J Middleton of .... • - " is visiting for a few days in the C " Nebiker. Other call-
eck house• Canton Miss "were "callers Friday Intosh. Miss Betty Jean Lee of Tipton F. Hartzell home northwest of Mt" ers at the Nebiker home during
...................... I Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Carbee andin the 'Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Kidder Miss Dorothy Ann Flint was a came last Friday and is a guest I Vernon. ' ' thn~ d::n v~e? Mrs. Laura Dobbinett
~n |H~ I the Misses Bertha and Carrie Kylehome visitor over the week end in the this week in the Mr. and Mrs. H. Mr and Mrs G c ~.~..,;.^ ^, n, Mrs. Joseph Miku-
0UK INIEKE$I$ n,......, J attended the Carbee family reunion ~r~" ~,'~ ~f~'e ~,~]]naa I-T,,~÷ ~¢ home of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Raffety iT. Scott home. iiLansin~. Mich " carrie" o. "*~'"~"=1oo+ ~÷,,,u" lecky and daughter Ruth.
• . ....... in Carroll ' embers of the Lmn County
I held Sunday at Butlerpark,in Iowa City spent last Sunday with • I Mr. and Mrs. Byron Jones, Bar- day and have been guests this _hm~n~ ~,,~ "----~ ....... * ........
, [ Springville. Mr. Hunt's parents Rev. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis and [bara Lou and Jackie, spent last|week in the home of Mrs. McIn- =,'~t'~"'th',~-~,'",~,~,~h":~"'~,.~'~s
A D pal D ' ¢ n ~ T g ~ ~ ~ T ~ I Mrg Frank Frick accomnanied E. G. Hunt• ' [Gertrude of Tipton spent Sunday [week end visiting friends in Nashua ]tire's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Murton ;'f.'_"_ ~'_':. ""'2%:"";" "~ ~. .......
................. "- ' "' and Forest Cit .. ~wu ealr a~ nawKeye ~owns.
I Jut ~ IVl L U~d U n u ~- n~ .- ~e u ~ I their ~nn in l~.r ~n~ dn,,aht~r Mr Rev .T .T l~ic]clpr ]~ft Tuesday [ m the home of Mr. Dams mother ] Y' / Kepler. They left today for a VlSlt ...........
- - ~" ' ............................ ' " " in , ~ir. ana Mrs. L:arl ,~erry ot L:e-
.... rA~.. [and Mrs. Clare Neal, Sunday to for Alberta, Canada, where he will Mrs. Lucy Davis. I_ M~ss.Josephlne Smith of Omaha, lbro:h:r h~vme of Mr.. McIntires dar Rapids stayed over the week
__ ,-~l|~r~/~ [ their home in Detroit, Mich., for look after his landinterests for] Charles Beach and Lloyd Kent[.Ne~r., ~s ws~mg re,me nome of her/ ...... , . yne ~aclnure, ann .a~ end in the C C Berry home and
an indefinite visit several weeks expect to go to Sioux City Sun-[bromer-in-~aw ann sister Mr and l.m.e warn ~en~z home m ~sceola .... n- ..... '---- .... -"I .....
[--'~%It411ff~//~/] I • • ' " ............. lvliss Laurene Ke ler accom n ............ e ~vc~ wnue me miter
[~~/ .0 un_1__ _L ...... L-- [ [ ~r ~,~,~ Mr~ A1 MorrJssev and Mr. and Mrs. George Kirkpatrcklday. to attend the State American ]mrs. wlnara l~eal, I th~r~ p pa ma couple were in Wheatland.
I "~~ nr~_ nnn tin,ely nmmer ] ] f.=.~i.,-:.~~,,:.=~ ÷,~ ~n,,n÷ ~;,~rnon called in the Mr. and Mrs. Warren[~egmn convenuon. [ Mrs. Mary Tracy, Donald and[ "':'"' ______
• -~ ................... Mrs Charles Beach r
I ............. ' ...... I I to'reside on Monday and are lo Hepker home in Marion, last Sun- Mrs. F. W. Leigh and Miss Elda[Florence Le~ghr returned home on .... ':. . . , M s. Harry D--~,--I+--
L ~ ~ [ rated in the Bovev estate nronertv day afternoon. [Leigh spent last Sundayin the ]Monday from a visit with relatives]~nne~.~ter, mrs. mac Mitchell, 143~l~l, lt~l~
• -mm.~mm~ n " ¢ '~"" - ..... I home of Mr and Mrs Herbert fin Jump River, Wis ]mrs. florence biggins and Miss Mrs l~y Boiton
~-~f/f][~'i~\ Ion Fifth avenue, north• Mr. ann mrs. ~ames ~raner ann " " ~ ' Maxine Turn " last Thurs ea~!taYaMW~i!e~::~°m°~ih~itub~rmd" ___~.
~, ~lon..uur Interests [ Runkle who is quite ill. 'Gaillard Beranek, Don Krumm, I ..... [ Mr. and Mrs. Oliver. Meyers of I elected president of the Linn i Mrs- Hattie Campbell last Wednes-
and thefarrner'smterestsarebundled I ' . Don Merritt and Vernon Paul at- Nan and Jane Macklem who had [Indepenaence were wsRors last]county group last fall, took over iday afternoon. Each one took a
~^,,,~h,~ ;, ~t,,, ~,,,, ~h~f i Prof. and Mrs. Harry Clowes ann tended the air show in Des Moines[tonsilectomies at Mercy hospital, ]week end in the home of Mr. and her official duties followin~ the L live chicken Hattie lost all of
-,,s,-~--~: .... :~- ....... ~"-'r s and I family of Washington, D. C., were last Saturday. I Cedar Rapids last Friday are re-]Mrs. Scott Stoneking. i convention. She succeeds l~rs. J. Iher chtckens a few weeks ago m
what.ever nelps.g°0.a c[°P s the I Wednesday indthe h oyme of Miss Mercy Aylesworth, who waslCUpcrating at their home. ] Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fuller of Cedar Rapids, the creek went
good p , yth g p "l'wes is' a member of the facult • employed in Bowman hall during I Mr, and Mrs. Lowell Emerson, [as guests over last week end, Mr.i t rof. and Mrs, IL A. Nelson, :~ Mrs Lou Wa" 11 "" "
farmer to greater profits means an ~o ~ ...... ..,. ^~ ~,_....~__~ Y the summer session left last week]Hbmer and Charles Emerson, and / Fuller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Harlan, Audrey Jean and Richard " ae was a Caller at
: ......;.~ +h;o ~,~,,t.,o 1~,,~;,,~ ~,,~ [ o~ t.~ ~mv~r~y w ~v~,~,~.u. end to spend the remainder of the I Mrs. John Colon jr., attended the ]Fuller of Savannah, Ill. left Monday forenoon .by mot~, t',,. IEthel Rose's Saturday afternoon•
"^~+° too [ Miss Faith Johnson who has spent vacation in Sheldon. [funeral services for EarlFrmk held] Mrs. Anna B. Chaffin missionary i,:hlcago. I11. where they e.~pected ...... ] _
~'~"~°' • . ........ [ the last two weeks in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Colton Miss[baturaay a~ternoon in ularence. [in Korea, will be a gtlest next week to spend two days visiting in the!mem°ry now as ~, ~san torn uow~L
f~"~t,~, r-armers, theremre, nnam~msvan~ [ her mother, Mrs.John Caraway Ethel Colton and Roy Sanderson I Mr and Mrs Ira Perry and tam-/end in the home of Bishop and I home of their friends M~ and ~ney nave ~ar~eu me trame wor~
morrow for ' " " I .... Ion ~eorge ~ose's nouse.
~l~:=~'~ a thorough understandins[ of their [ expects to leaveto were Sunday dinner guests in the fly of Alta armved Wednesday and Mrs Thomas Nicholson M,s Samuel Ross before oln to
....... ' " ' I" "'" ~ '' • g g "
||~'~/~] .....A. ,..,,4~,~,,1~1 ..... ,4 .... HI~ ...... ] H~gh" land Park, Mich. where shehome of Mr and Mrs J M. Tall- ]are located m• the Mrs. Ada Stew- / Mrs Everette Beattv ann ~o,~ ,~¢, join a ~artv of friends from Pitts Martelle ........ home coming was well
~,,.~]~ .......... ~ ................. --:-~, .... I is a registered nurse in the hospi- man in Cedar Rapids• ]art house on Second avenue north. [Shell.~hur~ w,~r,~ ,i~t~ w:,~'~,~:'il ..... ~ ~,, "~ .... *,, 'n ......... ~,,,: !represen~ea oy me ~aranta corn-
• er OSSlble wa ' - .................... , , . - .... ~ un ty weanesaay.
tt~a~oow~at~v~:L: ~P~ ~nterest: [ ii!h~;!~ms~ly~p!~rkil~n ~e~h~rtoil~~~£~e~;Tiienin~ril~i~ri~~ii ~ii!ilNtlt~~inei~i!i~oer[h[i~ R~ioY~e ~l~eugOn!a2;i!!oy~iit!
,~ -- • • n 1 ~ I Hemenway went to Calamus, Men-I Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fisher spent [honored Mr. Osgood's sister .Mrs. [with relatives at Vardeman Miss. ~ ]the electric lights The electricity
~Vloun[ vernon Dank ano I day to spend a few weeks with his]the week end visiting relatives in[J., Sternoerg o~ ~a~.e ..n.amnmn,[ Junior Peet, who submitted to! l ertram ,was turned on a week ago.
~ ] father, Ward Hemenway. [Hiteman. John Wilson, who was a [~la., WhO was a guest m meir home. [an appendectomy in a Cedar Rapids i Mrs Fr--'- ~ ..... i Emil Zach is driving a five pass-
lrust tbompany [ wM~SSan~lC~rVnecf:r~Iea~f, Huber~]rg:te::nl:~ttF~k ~otmh: F~hhe~hh~me~[~:nmta~VdesMi~e~v~e~°e]f:spr~ew£.~h°sp~t~r:~el~tsly~S~tasrdaaby~e :°dres PICTURE SLID-~?WE:E~r ~InogurtC~:v::let. He bought ~t m
CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $75,000 I ", I .......... n Mr and Mrs Ce"has Miller who" ' * -
_ I with the Joe Fisher orchestra, were l mr. ann rats. ~ranK watson ann I • • ~.. [recovering very nicely. I SHOWN AT FRIDAY PROGRAM I ~v~r. and Mrs. Ray Bolton spent
u. C. Neal, Pres. R.B. McConlogue, Vice Pres. [ married on Tuesday of last week[will Watson spent Mondayeve.]have spent part of me summer in) A groun of boosters fr,,,~ ~.~.~.,I Picture slides depicting "Children!last Thursday in Cedar Rapids with
D. U. Van Metre, Vice Pres. a d [in Waterloo. Mr. ~ad Mrs. Mead] ' g "'" g • ' -] ..... :....... ~' [presented~a brief band co'nce"r~"on[Everywhere'' were shown during a !Mrs. Bernice Cook...
J. A. Ford.~ce, Assistant Cashier ~ are at home to their friends in the ]er, Will Conklin, who has been]momer...o~, ~v~rs.•.muler, ano..w~.n[Main street in Mount Vernon on ]program in the Methodist church l.. Mr., ~acn. ano ~:mn attended
" ~ Charles Paul apartments. [very ill at his home in Olin but[~r:, mulers morner, lV,[~, la~s~t~[Monday afternoon advertising Mor-/°n Friday evening. The opening]~Oruns Dig any last ThursdayA..
~ ]is improving• [m~.ner, expec~ ~o .mace t e. ~, . [ley's Booster Days celebration• i nymn ~y the audience with music-i ~larence_~olmns_ana ~eo. ~entz
tins week ior me~r nome m ~alu al accom animent la ed b a trm spent bunaay w~m natue t:amp
[ Miss Bonnybel Kirkpatrick and [ ...... -[ Mrs R K Davis and ~on ~n~÷ [ P P Y Y ' i, ,, ' " "
• [Miss Arlene Lindsey spent last|met t:]ty, lno. ....... ]Mrs "Joe J'ackson and" daugh~t'erlC°m,prised of Mrs. C!inton Berry, [oeJL
_ ~ Iweek end in Cedar Falls where] Mrs. Edgar r~eai nas leasea me[~everlv ,f w~,,~.~. ~u ~ o~ I vmnn, mrs. r loya witcnen piano, t ..................
l | | ~ • | _ _ ~ ~ [they both made arran~e~aents to ]lower apartment in the Busenbark [,,~tnr~ n~,,~ ~"~-'~,~:'~' o-'~"a.."+~: Iand Herman Nebiker, cornet was Brome grass ~s a pasture e,'op
'~1 ,~1, O M[, I A uo .. && &~ ~ \ ~g [ ~'~ [enter Iowa State Teachers college [house on Seventh avenue• She w.fll [home of Mr. and Mrs Anson Burke [ ollowed .w~th prayer by Rev. Eye-i at the Iowa State College dairy
$ ( " ~'~\ in Se temher move as soon as necessary repmrs • o " stone' prone uuet "tJranammer's~ • .
P • ',, ' . . f~rnl m conmdered far sllperlor to
U Y ~ ~. | | ~ ~ ~ L • e~ ~"~Xf~.$~ ] J [ ............ ]are completed. The new ownere [ .Mrs. Jerry .Tower of Cedar Rap- Song, was played by Doms K,tch-! ......
~ 7-'~'~/k~---..~ __ [ mrs. Joe ~ase el .~orw~en: ~.. x., [Mr and Mrs Oscar Houstman of [ms wash visitor ~unaay afternoon [en and her mother Mrs. Floyd i ~xentucay muegrass.
.... [wno was exl:~ctea last ,wee~ %or a ]Olin will move to the property [!n the I vlr• and, mrs. H; W..Scott I Kitchen- a reading by F. G. Ander- [6 - ~ ...... •
• ,I whmh Mrs Neal vacates. • Y son, duets, Home Sweet Home, [
nounces Im roved and Pitt Manning and other relatives " Kurtz of Lisbon spent the day with and "ton Lon A o" wer 1
P /w" detained and is expected to ar-I Miss Florence Chambers returnm/ /. ~, g' . g g' e payedl~ I
i fr m Ev Mrs. Scott. oy floyd Kkchen harmonica and l
• • • • • • rive this week ed home Sunday even ng o - . ,
,..I.c_J c ...... • ]an-ton Ill where she attended a~[ M~ss Huldah Peer left last Sat- hm son Darrell, saxophone; Mrs.]i ,, , ,7 , r, [
"l~ll[|~l ~[VU~ |~(~|||1[|~ '~ ~ [ Miss Helen Turner of Council[ .?.~. ' ;" er --'-o-1 -ourse[urday with Miss Marjorie James,[Kitchen played their piano aceom I| nln,,na nnh ~,~ •
. , eight weeks summ ~eu o ~ . "
.o I • • o . . . . . ~ "F ~ [Bluffs m expected to spend a weeks [in Nnr~hw~.~tern University She [of Thorlngton for a ten day motor [pamment. Announcements and dis-| ~|IK,|K;; I.~K;g~ k$~,Ze i
~'~h~ ~, ~r~)'let~.tlet=.|;~tr~let A~ ~'l ~tlx.~ ]vacation with her sisters the Misses[~" ve;-'~e-)ir~~- of-S-e~temt)er for]trip thru the Ozarks. Miss Peetlmissal were given by the pastor,! |
-,,N,, ~vs~m v~,mssvss ==-m~=~vsm • ~ts~ ~i ~ [~ylvia and Maxine Turner anat;=,-..- - "~ - .- • ¢ ........ land Miss James are both teachersiRev J B Evestone Divisions No iii •
Mrs Mae Mitchell She will ar ~:lmton wnere sne ~s a memver w in J l " " " ~ ' '
~dr'W ~ ~'/ [ " " -[the hi"h school faculty | the Monticello schools, and 2 served refreshments at the } |
@ur constant efforts to provide you with the most • ~' ~ / [rive a week from Sunday. [ ~"- [ .... rs ~ewar"~ "Merritt and | Elmer Miller of New Canaan close of the program under the di- ~ |
~lcle 'S R H Lowe will be located in ..... ~'~ ...... to s n Conn who ~s ..... wmtmg in the home[' rection of Mrs Floyd Kitchen
nt service facilities as well as to keep today • | iS ~// ['- " ""r" J " Buser .... m- t [family left Wednesday pe d [~, , ', . ......... ' " ii ~"~,a !
e.08 . . me m s. . ~. apar~ en . i i in oz nis morner mrs. ~at~ie miller ~
t Electricity dependable and always ready to ~ ~ [ .... hil~ Mrs Low~ i~ stand [the remainder of the week v s t ,g [c ....... [METHODIST SERVICES | ~ |
~8 " . ~-~-.-, ...... ¢- - • mr a ~ew weeks went ~0 ~nlcago [
You, we feel that some changes in our service ling this year with her son and[m the_ Mr.. and_Mrs. L]oydSwan~[~l1 last Friday'and visited withl Services as usual on next Sunday[ ~ ¢~ I
.~ son nome in ~wasv. ~lty a.u w~u
ment are to the best advantage of everyone in ~ ~- ]daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.] ..........T ~' ~-rr^t÷ ~÷ Rock 1friends until Wednesday. at the Methodist church beginning[ 1 ~ [
.... m,. ,~.~ ,,~o. ~,. ,~. ,~,~ " ~ "~ " ' with th c i
~ll~Inu " " " Mason Lewe m Mamlla, Phihppme " " Mr and Mr Alla ~ e hurch school at 10 a.m.
. mty. Effect,ve at once, the following ser- ~" ~ ~ ],~o.~o [ford Mrs. Swanson Is a sister of/ • s. n Thompson land th- w,~r~hin h .... ,÷h ...... i 1 ~ I
lalles and recommendations will apply to the ~ ~- ~ /'~'~.~"-'.. ....... I Mrs. Merritt and Mrs. Carrott a sis-]and family of New Boston, Ill., by the~ "~astor Rev~":l "~uce~'Ev"e-~ | l~ S
~t Vernon and Llslmn Area. - ..... [~o~n~e~°~°~tr~Wy~:;~li:M°~n?~??j~tetr~ishHOW~rd~ M:~-I~Mere:~d~rrrSss'l~t~?:~Vn~lt~pane!n~S~ it°oO:n l:~t tSunLday the mini:er [ ~.. l~;. [
/visit with relatives• Mrs. Gordon's]" o • " ]wR'h Mr Thomvson;s mother ~"r- i P e ' e of Elisha. He i| " " •
i~ . A .I i I • "1"1 . ~ [son, Phelps Manning is expected[nesday by motor ,~or Lal~eport,]~dmund'Thom~on ...... Iwas assisted with the music by a | |
t e urn • ' • L;aliz ana omer places oz interest v • [sextet of oun folk with Mrs '
• erv[ces ~va|lable from /his Lompan¥ ~e:~t home with them thlS[along, the coast. They were accom-| Recent guests in the Mrs. H. E. iAmos BerrY, p~nist. All are wel"i) "Th' time you get up in !
-- -- [ ..." ...... /panied to Lakeport by Mr. Fisher's ] Little home were Mr. and Mrs. Ed-]come to attend and share in thel~ the mornin' im
In the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Area, two men are available for electric [ac~lss~ax'~erTU~f:trheerfPe~Sor~°]sister, Mrs. Cliff Hendricks, who]ward Asqmth. and daughter_Bar-]services of the church, i| ... , ,~,,~ ~,o ~_ |
~..j . , ............ , .... ,nas visi~eu relatives in mis vicin-Ioara o~ r armmgmn, nl.; ann mr. i ---- I portant as wnat you ~o I
--u gas service worn. In case el service lnterrupuon alter OIIlCe nours, ITurner, to his home in Ames todaylit., for several weeks land Mrs Burgard of Avon Ill Mrs i Miss Catherine Berry entertained I .. - ,, I
Please call: ]for a.visit. Mr. Turner has been[ ~o r, ~ Builtv" of Dallas [Asquith'and Mrs. Burgard' are iat dinner Sunday evening at her i| ar~er you get up. |
alvin Butler, Supervisor of the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Area . Phone 98W [atu n mg. t.he. mee~ng of the ~ea- [ Texas' motl~er of M~s. H. C. Lane: /nieces of Mrs. Little. ! home northwest of town a group ~ |
~ |~; ~ v ~v~u~;~a~ zz~ ~x ~:~al~- [ ~.~.~ ~ Wi111arn ~41]i:¢he~ ~f F.v [ Friends in Mount Vernon have [ oz ~rienas incluuing the misses ~ • ~--- I
(is this week Maymm Remhe~mer Zelda Gfl
Frank Wooldrid~e Lisbon Phone 3 on 90 ~ .. _ .." ..... [ ansville Ind. expect to leave on]received the announcement of the .... , ~. . " i [ [
Should "ou- Ele-tri /~rvi~ b~ :'-'e'r-''''^j J"^ i...__- ....... • ] ~v~rs-l~°°ert~auman.ana[Monday' following a visit in the]birth of a nine poul~d daughter, an~r:f ~:rio~a~i~ee~ine.. -~einn~mer, | |
• ~ 1 ~ ~ 5 ~ ~:; lll~ llU~L~ql UUI~ LU ISU[l|lil~ UUL UI lson J~oDoy remrne~ ~unaay Irom[h¢~m~ n¢ Mr~ ~e n~ilev 1Mary ~]iTahoth tO ~l~.,r ~nd Mr~ [ ; e en l~ose oi ueaaril |n~ll|ft|iNn Vn)) ~.~n .'1~ |
ransformer fuses, replacement will be made in either rural or urban areas [a two weeks vacation. They were [w'~l'~•accomp"any Mr's-.'Hu'ghes t~o" her [A"-l'lan -I)ar-li-ng'"of Cale~io-n'ia "'~l'{.' lRapids and Marjor~ Albaugh. , . | k'uc"h"'~'~"~h "~- ~o'~['~,f |
Wit . guests in the home of Mr and Mrs [ i it before "| 1 • • ' ' Mr ann mrs ~: t: ~erry visitea .-- ~t, ,. ~; ~.v.,. ~ v
hou h r home for a v s returnm Ju y 28 Mrs Darhn wall be re
t c a ge to customers • • , g . . g - • ....
• • .... Corlyn Bauman in Philadelphia, [membered as Miss Beth Wallis be w~th Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Blake Oil ho e u tin
0nservlcecallsdurmgtheday, eRher m urban or rural areas, lnvolvlng land vi~it~dAtlantic City and the tO Dallas.[ ~o _ . -atWheatlandandthe~rou,~attendil y r m by pt g
• • • • ......................... - ......... ~ i xore ner marmage. ~- ~ " •
res Dr W G Rowley will a~sst ] ZONOLITE in ourat
_ toratlon of servicein your home by replacing burned out fuses . [fair at New York City. ['~ "" ": =' ...... ] ......... F -led the Mississippi Valley Fair at ! " "
Whether caused by defective appliances or otherwise . . . a charge of $1.00 ] Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mitchell left[~n::s Jat ~lePnre~da2~ecati~n s~rS- [Ba~darYn ~o s~al~gmn~:d t°~an r;~- ]D~enp~:l'lie Kramer " r| tic.._Get information. |
~eo ge a a
per hour will be made. A minimum charge of 50c will be made on trips ]Monday for .Augusta, Kan., where[vices of the Prairie Chapel, Meth-[pendectomy at Mercy hospital Ce-I Robert Kramer ~--~ ~'" ........ i| |
lo men~ with ' ~"~ ~' ~"~ ~"~-
o~_ 30 minutes or less. A charge of $1.50 9er hour will be made on calls emp y .......... todist church north of Marion,[dar Rapids on Wednesday of last[Frank Letner attended the Kramer]l I
alter ..... ~, w~ ~xm~y. ~,~ v,~,~=~ ~,v,. which will be held Frioay ~ep~em- weeK, is recovering very nicely, famil reunion h 1 n i
_ 5 p.m. Any new matermls used will be billed along with the servzce [Thursday until Monday in the[ .......... ' ..... he]Sh- ex-ects to be able to come] Y ed Su day at[ w t • |
Char .... | • ]oer u. ur. rtowiey oucup~e~ t e p
~e on the next sncceedmg electric servlce bill. lh°me of Mr. Mltchelrs. parents, Mr. puptl i in St. John's Methodist home the last of the week. [ , ~]
land Mrs .... T I MitchellIchurch in Davenport last Sunday. Mrs Roy Young who has spent ~~llllllllilllll/i~l I fledges ,
[ Mr. and Mrs. T. I. Mitchell left | ... ~ roth-- Fisher left Tuesda--[the summer at Lakeside Ohio is[ 1 • "" |
" ' " otor ~vuss ~o y y ' ' I
thin morning for a ten day m " " Rev expected to return to Mount Ver-
_ A I, I~ • ~ • [trip to the Black Hills, Estes Park, If°r. W a_pello, _w_here_she_~o~us _..:: [non next week Elwood who has r~l our lteeord Of I II Lnmher & Cnai |
.... ~, . ,., , ppllanc¢ Kcpalr ~ervlce [Boulder and Denver Colo. They~ana ~rs. ~vya_ ~.,x?.~ 22,~ ~y..~]also been at Lakeside will returnt ~ a2 Yearm i~ • ]| ............. |
~w~[V| " ' 1=~111 lennant tur a ~rtp ~v ~=w
ces /'%V4114Dle ..,-..... 1~ ......... h ..... e,~ [exp~t~t~P~v~d F~da~[a:dc~ridlaY[York City to attend the World's m hme to enter Cornell at the be- I f'~l P~f~':;'F;:e 1 [ ~'~%--~,~... !
, o . , , ~va~j~x ~VV,L,m~n,t..~9 o~a# ~ ~a•~ ~ I ~ • ' l~..:, m~- ~x"ect to be awav aboutIglnnmg oI tne SChOOl year. I 1 ~lm l''l • ll LIIllllJ~lllV •
Cram at Esmond S Dak r J
rrom Local Merchants refrigerators, water heaters, washers, ' ' " /two weeks. Bill Tennant will re-[ Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Wilson and] l~ L • Service • t l
i oners. , sold this Comnanvr, ] Mrs.. Dorothy Higbie,. Miss Leila[ main in the east where he will en-[ daughter. . Mary Ellen and twin 1
................ ;. ...... ~,~;# .%~---,/,-~ b-,*%~ ...... ~-- ]left the first of the weeK. zor a]year,s study [ter were overnight guests SaturdayI .................. [| ]["none ~J[~. |
... oe servlcea wlmout cnarge in accoru- ]brief vacation in Minnesota anat " -Inight in the home of Mr. Wilson's1 ~ ~ .).,L~,~,u,~ .~ • • |
.W.e feel that all wiring, ance with the terms of the guarantee. ]Canada. Callender, the home of[ Mr..andMrs. Fre.d Burne~ and[parents' Mr. and Mrs. Bolton Wil-I ~ ~:u_n_e~?L.u'"e • I| ......
~n~tg materials and repair ............ .._,.._j Ithe qui.ntuplets was one of the/dau.gnter .mary ~aa_ene O~mo~rU:~ne~[son. They are enjoying their resi-i ~ ~"an~L~e~'onn°~ ~ I! Mount vernon, 1own |
wor ¢.... u .,u ,.,o ,,oU,, ~ecause oi ~qe nlgmy specmnz, eu I pmces mey plannea to visit./mano, arrlvea xues~ay tour g/hence in Manchester where Mr~ _ i ~J t
.... "* -- ........ ir to do en and are visitors in the home of the["~ • . ' ' I1~ I
..... ~ .a,oa .... training and tools requ ed g " n G.L. Franks returned home Men-[ ............ Wilson nas charge of a locker plant. [ , v - ........ ,@
• -~"~ ~a. ~,~ ,L,=Hua~u aLa,,~,~ " " " " [ " kII iormer s zamer ann morner, ~v~r. ann ~_ ...........
• eral refrigerator repair work, it ns day morning from a two wee s ....
lClently and to better ad- " " 1 wmt" " m' the home of h,s" son-in-law Mrs. Wllham Burnett, and Mr. and. ~]~
h., u.,,.~ vo~.., o.a our pohcy to offer repalr service on y I__~ .,.. _~.,^. ~. _...~ ~.o ~ ~r Mrs. Ray Burnett and fam,ly.
~OUll lller~llaUt~ aXlU g:Ull" 66 ' .... unt Vernon
• " in th,rteen years in Mo .
ttac,...... pany. ]spent Sunday with reahves St.[
ViA ~1~. ~lnlSpal~ OI. our ]Paul, Minn., on his way home. [ Mrs. J. F. Barrett returned home I~
m, there]ore, emg enm- Ri/l Tf% Ill:: ] Ray and Mrs. Arthur Kindred]Wednesday of last week from • _
-cited ~,,-~-~ --v ~, ,..,.,.•Vb,~bh-- t --"" "" " " ------ "---- --X----'--~visit with her two sisters Mrs ~-~ I m w
• ana Iamlly OI uecoran are e pec~eu ' 1 "l
.... IN MOUNT VERNON [guests this week in the Rev. and[Julia Clarke and Mrs. Mary Ca- l~It • • 41• |
. =or wiring ma,eria s we [Mrs E G Hunt home Jean Hunt/]arman at Mt. Sterling, Ill. She ~ I I I I • • • • I I • -- r. I m i r. i I ! -
r~c0 .......... ~ who has been vacati~ing with the| was accompanied home by Mrs. ~ m m m ~ ~ v ~ ,~ ~ V V ~ ~ ,~ V ,I ~ ~
a...mmena purcnaslng [rom Beglnmng with.the_ ..August b!lhng, [Rev Kindred family at Clear Lake]Clarke and MrS. Callarman who
ot me IOllOWlng mer- service bills will be denvereo to mount [ for several weeks will accompany| were her guests until Monday when
- uts: Johnson Hardware Vernon customers by the meter ]them home. ' I they returned to their homes with _ _ ,
~lld Dr and Mrs F M Clarke of Chum
t,-- Beranek Hardware in reader / Rev T S Bassett -astor of the " • .. • , : 1 have taken possession of the Bennett Drug Store
~v~ll " • .... I Paign Ill. wno were week ena . . ,
nt Vernon . . . Frank /Methodist church in Goldfield,, ..... ~ in the Mrs Barrett home ,~ ]%][a~,~d- ~[?'n~,, ..... ]~,,~1~ ~e nnur ~n ~-~n nvn~-~ nf ~m~"
"0olr;a o ~oal, .~h~n ]Vr|nlr'~ ~" " t kl .... ~f._. ~ .... [..~o~÷oa ..... ral days this week in I gUe~ ' • 1JtL .LVJLUIAI|t YUJLIIUIt Wllllbll 1~ ttW,, azt tJtt~ J~l~.~,.,oo ~JL v~zatb
l)hllnb the home of hm brother, Rev HI Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hoover re- remod
b lng Shop and Hoeft ..... ] ......... ............... r_m eled into a Walgreen Drug Store. The store will
• *ardw • • • • • A. Bassett, ann w,m ms sister-m-,turnea nome rrluay evenzng x v . •
are Store m Lisbon I:llll 1" 4 In ervlce m th home of Mr and Mrs
" Y 9 ]law, Miss Alice Nauman. Rev. a visit" e • • be completely redecorated and some new fixtures wll| be
w::r wiring and repair work, beF:ue2:eo tl hOU/oCU T:/ infindoth [nB:l~setnt t~:Slagr:do~at~d from Cor-c~oehmW~Sa~ll~b~us~t~U~br~.Se~t~ - installed. A soda fountain is ordered and is
uggest that you call any " g " n r turned P " " " "
,L ............... '- ".... v-n [ Mrs. Cynthm Belk ap e ell to several interesting places in soon, We expect to have the store completed within a
tire IOllOWlnff" ana ior otner reasons, It 1~$ ll|t;Ultt U - I h~ ~rn,anv frnrn ~ months visit ........ '. ' " *
............... ~ .- .......... . • Cluaing a visit to tne poztery plato
) lent to come to the Mount Vernon I Most of the hme was spent with o÷ 7 ..... me. *- ~rietta and to Iew weeks.
• E. Sipple ...... Mount Vernon office during regular hours... 8 a.m. I her granddaughter, Mrs. Paul Han=m ~'~]xa~.~ .... in West V~-"~'~,.~,,,,~... ..~÷ ~.~.~.r~o~ . • •
Phone 155W to 12 and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.... to pay at Ci r.Lake :n th hO e , ware, Ohio, they ws,ted grave We want to become c]hzens of thin town and to co-
. " " I oI ner so -ln-Law naoa gn , r - " • • • • • • •
electric service bills. For your con- M and Mrs ed M' ' of Rev. Sylveste Elhs, former pus
• , . [ r.. Fr filer in Water- " urch in Mt operate with the other business men in ClVlC activities.
• n .... tor of the Method[st ch •
Westcott. Mount Vernon vemence we are providing a slot 1 leo.She also crafted relatwes in Vernon and ,~laced flowers on the
Phone the front door through which your [Maquoketa -rave 'There were man-" more I~ !...-..-..~! ....... L__ !" ~ 1, , * •
............ . . _ _ , • g . • it a ways oeen our pOllCy [O Sell at minimum
j. remittance may roppe . A sup= [ P W Pearson and his daughter places of interest they would liked • / / i- -il ! /~ 11 1 /
Ohnson Ha.. ulv of envelopes is provided for use inI Mrs ~rthur Lowell and children to have visited but time did not prices ann sucn a pOliCy Will De iOllOWe{l nere.
...................... " mit
Phone 124 sealing your bill and money. Your l?f City, who are visiting 3ermlt. !~¢ .........
..... . --ailea t-'ou Im mount vernon a monm, mo-,, --- _=-- --=--, lvlany items are being ClOSea out ourlng our re-
~'~-ra , . ~c~g~u. u., ----- -~ ,~ u v a , i tored, to Fort D'~a~,..~ last Saturday - , -- "-- --
nk Wooldndge - Lmbon showing the full amount of cash re- [where they visited until Monday • M D A N E modeling at less than cost.
Phone 2 or 90 ceived. If you do not have the exact [ with Mr. Peterson's brother and a u ~-/
n moun aid in excess of I slster in law Mr and Mrs W A
: cha ge, any a t p " " ~et "'n" t' i~ f h ir" n - Fire and Windstorm
~lk [ erso a the ome o t e so
Wooldridge Mt. Vernon your bill will be credited to your next Don Petersom. Automobile
Phone 4000 month's bill or may be called for at
I Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Kramer and Health and Accident
our office. !daughter Christobel, who have Life
spent several weeks in the home
i of Mrs. Kramer's parents, Rev. and
IOWA I:LI:I TRIC LICIITAN[I POW[I:I COMPANY ~' J" J" Kidder, expect to leave So N. MERRITT
Friday for Manchester where Mr. Office in Bauman Bldg. Mount Vernon, Iowa
Krarner will open a rubber weld-
iiag shop. He has been driving to Phones: Of¢. 65; Res, 169J
Phone 265 Mount Vernon
Iowa City each day far several Mount Vernon, Iowa
weeks, where he took a course in
welding. I -'~ ~._ - - :- - - ....