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August 17, 1939 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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August 17, 1939 |
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At today's low p[ices you need not PaY !
a premium for a new Timken Oil Burner'
I lxev u U ~mltn was caned to Mr and Mrs Ral h Waln in 1)All,h INDUSTRIES INC I have sl ned their names to this "
~ 1 ........ --'-~--~-~-::~--~'~=-- ~.'~--~ ~---'-----'-~----f[ Mr a----~d M-----rs D'~n Youn-----~ a-'ndt ~ " rL... naces it is warmed, and then rises kle, W. A. Wirtz, ,,Alma ~ .... | -
Mr. Behrens will coach in Grundy ed the lJurungto.n Ialr las~ wee~I ~r. ann l vl~-~.~, r~aLp~,~L~ ~]q~,~ v ..... ¢,-,,~ h.... ÷÷=.n~.4 ÷h=l ~l ~ through the hot air flues and is and many others. • ,~-t if ten ]
D N V ]r'enter }ann were guests in the Dr. GeorgeliDo,ren ann ~.Aeo atten aeu me[~,~ ..... -,,s .- ............ ~.''~.%" ":"/]I~F]~JJI .... " ................. s b" 3"he .board promisea .... ,^A to |~_
S| I~UI, I &ll.a11LJ "~ " --- Pearson home. *,Kearns ~cnooi reunion neia in ~oung zamny reumon m ~eaar[ ~-- ,, ,,,,~, ~T!~i¢~1 n alr[useu Lnruus~, .... "'/~'~"'-"-:'~ *~ .... and dollars were vow~.~a~ |
t EE REUNION ' Mrs David Wel h returned toiThomas park. IRapms Sunday. ' |11|: • |L'lJ||ll t,:S'USUll , registers near the cemngs ............. . se notm0re~". |~._
Mrs, ltarry Freem~,n tCARB 13th annual Carbee Reunion !her h'ome in Evar ;ton Saturday ! Dr Richard Greenawalt of Cedar ] Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reeee and]~r ~t~[~ I~[l~I'1~ the cold and foul air, being heaD- !o.ufld a scl~ooi no~ld be egpen.d~ |
"-- " twas held m Butler Park Sunday ~ followl'ng several d tys visit in the Rapids spent Monday evening with son, Mrs. H. Beck, and. Mrs.. Dan| .----- ier, falls to the floor, ann escapes. ] ,tnat am. ..... raise was ~a~-ithfullY l~e~ula |~][~ ........
V~ESPE~,C2~T~%T,,T !with forty-nine members and four I parental Mr. and /Ira. J. G. Van his mother, Mrs. Vena Greenawalt.]Studer attended the fair m Cedar ] ,Continued from Page4) at the bottom of thc room through [Jhat !)::o ...... n that the debt ~°~e l l
"~ .......... • .......ust20thILvisitors present. Following a pic-iSickle home. Her son Richard re-i Other callers in her home recently~Rapias lvlonuay. { - ~ registers passes unaer ~ne riDers, ~ n~y ~,),,-,.~--- rs That Pr°~':t | 1
• ' • • I me dm g g ma g .... • • ~ • " .. • 11 to, ' n
On Sunday• night. Aug ' " " her reetin s were read ined for a Ion er visit w~re Mrs Nellie Mellette of Chi-] The "Ways and Means" society of and Blustering The board at this and is collected in the foul air be pain in ten yea "~.,filled I~ig~ |
weather permitting, the Sprmgvll.le from absent members from :New i E J Daubenmier and his neph-!cage Mrs. Antrim White of Pasa-/the Presbyteman church met Frl- time consisted of ReD John Curts, chambers in the basement, then ~xfll be as falthfu Y° alreadY bee |~
band will play a vesper concer~ m ~',~sh-ire Washinaton and Rock- ew "Clayton Fields of Manly were~dena Calif, and Mrs Cecelia Dan-[ day afternoon with Mesdames nresidont' Wm West vice-presi- passing through the dry closets thousand douars n:-~ t remain '" |
Butler park at 8 o'clock. . i f*ord"~ WapsipiniconState Park was i week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. ~liels of Cedar Rapids.[Glenn Woods, H. Jackson, Robert/ dent" Adam t{unkle', secretary; and up the air shaft into the outer I and three, yea~[:,~nce' |
Last me vesperiar e crowuC°nc-er~ tu,,~was, chosen as the 1940 meeting place.. [Harry Whitman. They were en-i Mrs. Mabel Stewart of Wh~tier/Smlth," Nellie" Trump, and Ray Puz-/Daniel' Buck, treasurer and Daniel' air. By this means the air' is al- [ which" to pay tn~* I~
given a a . g • .. I Officers elected were president, |route to the New York World's!called in the home of Mrs. uen-|zer, nostesses. 2, pieasan~ a~ternoon|~_rauel director The first te~ch-t ways pure and its temperature is/ ..... - I |l
gathered to hear it voicea its up- Leith Pearson Anamosa" secretary Fair and will also visit in the Dr. ]his Taylor Saturday. [was enjoyed together with music[ f, 'r M" 'Galloway Lewis/~ompletely under the control of the [$---- -- | |/
ba, . i .... P ........ : [ ton Anamosa, Mount Vernon, Day- !home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Heft- I James Thompson home at Hopkin-| e ' ! -- - " -P- -.' ", =old ! pleasure ] | V ~ 1• ~ ] I~
video ~o play mem m. #~uw ~= I o,,~nrt Viola Snrin~ville and Lis- Iman were Mr. and Mrs David Wil- i ton | eat is s~in cominea to nm room. |" ~.'. ................. n [ ". , .. ........ ! "-" | |~
the old Pagoda is removea zrom tne ~'~,~ .... I son Davenport' Mrs Maggie Fields Mr and Mrs Floyd Kratzer of| Mrs. Rudolph McKnee, who has ~rlor to l~u ~ae sec,-e~=,~ ~----, COST I NI)I~.I{ $10,OOO | .~-~ • • ~ I I~
park, a much larger and more suit:[ .... ~ Iof Des Moines: Mr. and Mrs. Will[Rock Island were Monday callers[been seriously ill, is somewhat im-[treasurer were me m_oers o~^ ~sn: The to!al coster this.bulldingln- [| l_~ ~r ~'~ ~fl | |~J~
able band shen. or Dana stana ~ PRESBYTERIAN NOTES ' Welrlck" " of Lm 'ben. of Mrs, Matilda Berlin. | proved at this writing. A nurse ooara out since, tna~ ~tt,te . clu(ling, tne nearing ann ventiiating. / I g ~J m.~l | ~l--• ~,~ I I/
could be built The park boardl Sunda school i0 am ] ~ ....nn Mrs Robert McDanielt Mrs Harrison Batchelder who/from Tipton and Dr Krause of directors consUtute a board, ann systenl is $9896 13 to which must/l J.~.~ I |l
has done remarkable work I MorniYg service 10:45 a.m. . [of*Carroll were callers Sunday af-|underwent an operation at Iowa|Cedar Rapids are caring for her.|they elect.a, secretary and treasurer be added the cost of grading the [i " " I I1
keeping the park always m.nne] Jean Marie Burroughs, a plpelternoon on Mrs. Ellen Cushman in tCity University hospital is recover-| Don Allen Peterson of Lisbon is[from outslae. . . yard which will be aoout $20.00. l! - &,, ! il
shape but the zunas tney work On,organ student of ReD. R. A. Banger ithe T L Samuels home and in the~ing satisfactorily. |spending the week in the home of[ Nothing ot any nnportance oc- In the long list of directors wno l| ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ |l
are limited and wou!d, not permit II will play. Last Sunday, Mary Jean ] Wilbur Stearns home• ] Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hotchkiss| his aunt, Mrs. Allen Jackson. i curred for several years except the have serw~d the district in times [ | ~ ql~ ~' -.! | I1
the expense o~ an eiaDorate Dana~ Cooper another of his organ stu-I Mrs O J Emmons instructor in|have entertainedthe following'| Mr Meyer of Clarence, who I seating of the secona story wltn past the following are entitled to l| | |l
hell[[ihoneWe he2 ./120. thatcedaSomeonel~l willds 1|I' Y ' " ' ~ " St'at"e ' '~ " ' ' ~ !DOGS " / i . " att°rney's i~ rt "rooms o de[ rnegWSao aa tr er na tn .sgee aa.tst in ~ i ' " UI ~, ~IlIII~IIU z'~a~ b~~
s . pe . [ dents, played, iplano and voice, presented the fol- I Howard Saxton of Oxford; Mr, and] teaches mumc m the schools of | the A. H. An P ment.on an account of long or ape- [| • ~v* | |l
start something--we have one ozi ---- ]lowing pupils in recitalSunday!Mrs. Chas. Louden of Marion and/Reinbeck presidedat the organ inl 1877 and the lower rooms with cial service. Adam Runkle, ReD. It If laef v0U can ge _ ,. | |l
the best arks m the state for e NOTES B
P . . • t METHODIST l evening in the Presbyterian church: ; Phyllis Draker from west of town.|the 1st Presbyterian church Sun-Ithe same seats in 1879. D.S. Fouse, Solomon Kettering,~| ......... orthWh / l1
size town and we have a Dana toi The pastor will be back in the t?,iary Jean Erickson, Wanda Rod-I Mr. and Mrs. Russell Singleton,[day morning. [*,~,~ ~ WAIT I~OUtt I)r. E. Burd Hen. John E. Kurtz,[|Drld uats in w ,mt~ | |:l
play the concerts. . . _.ipulpit after two weeks vacation, lman' Frances Lee Knight, WavalMarion, and Mr. and Mrs. Dennisl Mr" and Mrs" Wilbur Wright werel~'~.'~R~~ ;~)l~ BUILDING Hen. Warne'r Spurrier our verier-|| nuantities. These ~L,/ il
The concert next Sunaa.y nlgntI Church school at the usual hour• i Peck, Virginia Williams, Dorothy ITaylor enjoyed a day's fishing at[shopping in Cedar Rapids Saturday. I ~" ." . ............... f able chairman and ReD John Curts|| "1 .... .i at m= |
~Vcfllisbengi~tAt 8o°oClm°C~t:~du:lnee ;Ur~k The fourth qua;e[]y :~l?:e%nce. iKinkead, Zelda Pearson, Joan Pa~-IWaubeek last Wednesday. | The Morley band played on our/ 188:rIthg tq:e:t~::rof"%ui~dlng ~ all of whom have served as presi-|| were pro,uCeUrime t | Ill
• . . . _ . will be held at P " g , . - [ten Jean Whitman, Anita Mac C - i Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Bowdish mov-lstreets here Monday evening, corn / . " .......... dent of the *board for longer or|| Canadian expe _, / |;1
~d1 hbeagi~e~eVeral extra numbers ~aYlaAl~ign27th, ~tp2.30tPmt %np.mat" ~e~icP:t~rC~%/ma, Y~I~ryLejo::n Cl:rk. ~on~taOy.thl~ILen~ Ma:%:pa:tsn~enn!l~nagyst~had~:et~.~ Morleys booster/ta[t~d~:n?t! tf~Sjditgba~ ::a~eieS]te ij.ho~ektre::trSonDaclelHGrKu:lt,z I)~ 1t station. They ,ar [;;/ ]l
............... I ----- ter Carolyn Cooper. Mrs. Emmonsiley will move into the home thel ,r~ ,,~0,, ..... ,,.. c ........ el/a • "" [" Fisher and H 'C "Ku'rtz besides|| --o~otant stiKstra • i/
:l:V~d0~y~hhrWve c~afo~PC~st!:uEh:u:ebt~in ::T~N:aTONI?j~UNIs{r~Uy,::vW~S i ~t~Mller!r~i:r~the: w~iSokSrsg:f ::~ a~ pBuO~d~shn~d v~.;::e:::::= ?=lyy ti~r~:~th:l~annua~p.f~c?i:I.~o:m:a:/!~bm:i~de:e~hOo~%~ift~arii:imue~)~!i~ !:;h~st ~ o~:e~T~:, have served/Iiii~d:d iotl:or7pe bu-~t~! Ill
to fill the y Y in~ and a business meeting - .Tinton were Sunday dinner guests toming were Sunday dinner guests| " /ting the ques " ' , " ; r" ' ~ ~ || ~- _~^., ~0111~ Y°| |l
Coach Milton Behren s res~gnatmn, led a picnic droner. Members pres- in the Dolph Van Smkle home and/in the parental A E Switzer home / .Gracm Guild of the Presb.yteman| they called a meeting m the bank /IN FL[ll~2S~ IN SCHOO~ |] acre in l~e | |l
Geor e' cnurcn me~ rriaay night wire Mrs Its )oat onement t t~t~"
.__- __:~---_ - --=~--e ent were Mr. and Mrs. . g t called on their mother, Mrs. Ellen I Carol Rodman is visiting in the[ ............ "| where they urged" t P ] To ReD. D. S. Fouse, more than ][~oo ~amule a .-[ ll
• Johnston,Mr. ann Mrs. Wilton I Cashman. home of her grandparents in Mon-|~nnngham" r~ellle ±rth~np gavel for four years, a.nd promised in [to any other man are we indebt-l1 ..... - 1~ ~I |l
All P-~m~rs Feeding, [ i , ; • " .... " . [ ' • / that event to " " ' . " I ed for the possibilfty of the present | hardwar I |l
Johnston f Kent Iowa Mrs NIC Mr and Mrs A Shaffer a d~tlce lo the aevouons and Mrs ~yrne me work heartily fol the e stor~ u~
=]"~.="',~=" .... ~ |lReptlinger Cromwell, Mr. and Mrs. tfamily, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Free-I Harold Palmer and Max Ramsey/lessOn" | new building in 1889. AccordinglY, ~ proud occasion and for the ad- ||ohaniesville. [ |l
FIgS DnOUlG reed | [ Wilton Gunn and James of Lisbon; / man and Don Christian, Mr. and / returned home Friday from a Boy| Howard Platner has bought the/ ReD D S Fouse drew up the fol- ] Danced position attained by our [|" I |l
Rir Sird:rPoiwgth,eaa Iii°!d°~inaNdne~!itog~g°r~sUn~~!ll~i! l~ii~~uon~ii~Pil ~~iaL~Blr~i~ii~e~:i~ie~tari/~i~t~!~!~f'mtir~eetdr~i~il ii!ii # il: o,il I i W. T. JAC '
healthier pigs; more Chicago, Ill; Mr and Mrs. T: W. EClarence. Mr and Mrs Lew Thompson of| J:mes Cook and Florence Stilesl-,-~t at the annual election for~ - ' - " 'g " *h lea nttim:II Distribut !
weight at less cost. | Pollock, Mr. and Mrs. 1~. ~. wi,:,~ Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Duncan and IMount' Vernon' were Sunday eye-|attended a show in Cedar Rapids onl ~,~0, ,~n, ie~rs in the snrin~ of 1889~ ~j.o-~ " ~ ea continuously.~,n ~J, ,t° t~,e pk.,,,.t~' ' e h~v~ I |" _..~J# ~l:ee
. .............. ,~.,,,| son, HatU_e oan..d. M~nn~e, aiVl[(i I~2~ t family" of Mount Vernon were Sup- i ning guests ~nthe home of Mr. and|Sunday evening. | the quest[on of issuing bonds fort done faithful work on the building 1% ~ ~e L[
~et us provv ~u you =.a~ lvirs. Barry onnt,, o~ any Dinner guests o~ ~vn-. anu ~vxrs. Mrs. oonn wmtman. ' • ool house" • ~
, | I ......... = = Coo"er Mar" 1 ........... I ........ | Mr. and Mrs P. J. Latham andl the erectmn of a new sch "1 committee, both having devoted[ ~ ~ l[~tin
u can save mone o Mr. ann ~vl~. ~. .~. ~" , J wularu rlonman. ~'reaerm ~aytor, wno nas oeen ' rs of "
yo Y- Y | ..... n (',r,qvn Mr and Mrs .......... r~ , ,,,,,..n ....~ ..................... |daughter Beth Mrs. W. R. Buchanl shall be submitted to the vote many days of time and work to the~ ~ , ~tg
" " " " o~.a** ~,,~ "~--'" a , " " / 1¥1[. anu ~,~1~. ~. *. ~,~*~a,u a,*u., VlSlung me worla s Fair Oil tIl~ " • • • W • "
feeding Riverside Pig | Tom Pollock and JuneWin.Pol- I sons Lynn and Larry were Whurs ....... + ~n~st ~nd relatives in Alham-/and daughter Marguemte of Ben-I said dmtrlct, and that the ne / school Interests. We regret that he[ • ~ • • "" . ~u,
ton Wm were over ~unaa guests school house shall be erec%e(~ u w
Meal. ]!lock, Mrs. Chas. Meek, L. A.John- !day evening visitors in the HarrY!bra and Los Angeles, Calif., has/ ~, '.~.~ :~ ............ ~...Y ,,~t ' .. • ......... ~]cannot be .ith . .~ ..... * ~ce
• .~ ...............~........~ / !stonand son David Springwne; [Freeman home. returned to his home ~=~ .,= ~.=~u~ .... ,~ ........ ~= w .... ling tne summer ot sam year ~oo ,/ The teacners waD nave taugnt/ "
I we Ca;r aii Ty:£; -at / D~'rand MrsB2~i°rggen.Pea~g 3~d ]froChr~:eyeial~°ner~:rvnegt Twh~sd~iYs mMlSs~)SrC17eFranDkoriLs°mGeNore[e,] Re~Ir:ndleM:: Ty°r°?~l accompanied ~':~o: [o~U:t~r~PlinTdghi:°csui:!h~D2°~n!! / tohrd::~gZllilo~r°:;" :;:~s~ jenntIh:]~ ~y
• [~n,,f~,,~,,r~¢! ~n¢! ]P~r |leers are Win. Pollock, L. A. J h -Idaughter, Mrs. John :Nyman and Eleanor Boots Lois Patten enjoy-[Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Stanley of Li~ |at said eleet'o . ' /Alexander Mary Courtney, C. M.|~r'/~'~'~ ~.,~~ ~-~o
[ .........~,'~:"" ,'* ......| / ston and Mrs. Clarice Long of Ce- [family at Bancroft. led an early breakfast in the woods] ben to Cedar Rapids Sunday eve-!.be a sufficient petition to authorize / Webber, Mary Spurrier and Lizzie/~' Jl~lllb • | ~ W/~ i~ ?
L ~aie a~ 1 ~ dar Rapids. Mr and Mrs. C. C. Hotchkiss and near town Thursday morning | ning and attended a show. | the board to submit thc question of [ b=enderdine. | | ~ I | ~~ ~~,,~
0 , ~ !son Gerald and Carol Burroughs Mrs E. H Levsen and Bett were i issuing bonds to the amount of ten/ In addition to the above list | | ~ • | [?.~"--.,. $'ir~ I ~"~
[ Rivnr. Mn I:p. d .~tnrAs |tBoY S~OUTS T? CAl~,,÷,~o~÷o~!enjoyeda picnic Sunday at Illinois Thursday visitors in the pYrenta~l~llthousand dollars for the e~'ection!among those deserving of special~F"~l~ ~'~::.~'~;~~
[ ,,,, ............... | I. ~o.ur~esnscouts ~noU .~-:...-~=. I White Pine Forest Park near Pale, I W. P. Bowers home in Maquoketa.] ORIGIN?kL ~OTICF [ of such school house. It is Further / mention, are H. S. Bradshaw, P. J.| ~ Cedar ~..~ll~ ~)llla~i
All kinds ..... of Feed, Flour Hay narola a..~aimer le~t -~uesaay ~or Ill Edward Kinney, a college Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Stearns . . ~ No( ,.51484 ' stipulated~ that the agreement, shall .lri-uhor....... .-.~.'~w................ ¢~urt~ A B lgnhl Eli/ "~ 1''~
• camping the remainder of the I , - • :t In ti~e 1)retract (~ourt of I )'~a in - " three fourths
I and Stra~ |I ................ troommate of Geralds at Iowa C~tYlhave returned from a sxx weeks, ........ 1 .... Count- Se-temberl not be in folce until - I Johnson J R Wetherell Wm Ach-| _ "" ~:~
week near wauoeeK a~ ~ura~ rtuc~ 'Dined them at the icnic • " ........... ~' ~ ~ " "ct " "
Main Store 119 14th Ave. S.E. //Lodge Those who went are Bill !J ...... P • .... trip. ~ | Term, 1939 _ .- i of the present voters of the dlstrl l enbach, R. Agnes Wilson, AliceI ...... --d ~'~
| SO)r• No. 2, 222 1st St, N.E. |lBob and Jim Graham, David Kel-I ..... ~." .... "~. :. .............. t • .-- =. P .... I ' P'laintiff, j "g ................ d /Hartwell' Anna L. Graham, A. M./ ~ F
• ' r t}i 1 'Leo Palmer. Orville' Boxwell liv£a£~"="t~'w" x~=~, -~-s. ~o ~icompany With ...... lwr ann Lvlrs 1~ ~. v-s. I paper, . And It lS iulq;ner .......... ULIpUI~tLe , Mecklam W E ('ort U D Run-{ ~/-~.~,
[ " /I~" ....n ~h~',~ a~n~l~ P~rt' conduct the funeral of Henry J. !Thoma ann ~oan spen~ ~unaay with/GERNEttT CO~tPANY, MARIE GER-I that the building ot sala school [__ tin, W. ~.~ Co~t•, U. D.Bun-[~m~~mm--"~ |
| ur.. or:, r~,d~ .... ~,,,,At l~ .... T.u ~ ....... ;:,~' "':"A" _':__" !Rledell Also to Maroon to conduct!Mr and Mrs Milton Behrens in l NHF.T. EARLE GERNERT, MILO lhouse shall not be agitated during[ 1 I~
1 1 I ~h~n xra,~ W~n ~h T4nke I ..................... ~., *"~- I ~eaar Fans. | "~" ~r~.~o~I~ INDIVIDUALLY I the years intervening ue~ween ,w~, I 1 l[
bl "~---'-- --=~-----~ - -- --$ ~oe"Goldsberry-lVIe~iv'inan~d Keith telle, on Thursday, Aug. 17th. Mr. Mrs, Mary Cameron of Lisbon[ ~iU~O~.'~S'~DELAR and SHOT'[and 1889. This paper to be filedI 1 _...-- l[
~-'~ Boots. They will use tents this Young was the father of Dr. H. O. was a Sunday dinner guest of the~ WELI.-CARVER CO.beIfeNnC(iants twtth the secretary of the ~choolI I N~='W LOW£R-PRlCI U I!
| ..... |lyear for sleeping quarters. Lastl~°~gg'da,, eveninothe Presb,,terian]M~sses ~a~e~" ann ~ams~lr::2aa~lTO At~L Oi~. THE ABOVE NAMED[board. Dated]Peb. 13th. 1885: ~naI 1 "" . l~
! nor Frompt ltemovai |lvear they were housed inside the l f. e, . ./ I ~,~. a,,,a ~ ..... ~." ~- ....."'~ *"" / £)PFENDANTS: | signed by H. Stuckslager, AaamI 1 l l • ~ 1 [] ~1~ __ ~ ~ |
| Cedar Rapids 4612 |!:': " [~g ............. - ISmith both'of Marion, were mar-[Iowa City "Sunday where he is a[F(;R~rY-NINE~ CENTS ($', 5. )'/ " . ,•. _ / I _ . , t..n I |
• • !nouse", Aug. zorn in wnltuer. |,-~on h,~o ~÷ ÷h,~ ~',~h,~A~÷ .~v¢~n | +' + ~,~ ~,,~ ~÷o÷o' ITalians-city hna-I with accruea interest costs ann at-/ for, authorizing tne Doara to issue| 1 | 1 = / • J 1 =alfllllll 1 |
~ ~. v paden~ ~ .... " " torne) s fees praying that a certain ~ le
| Anamosa 542 | C.W. Calvert is receiving treat- age'~ S'aturday:'Aug:~12."'~Attenctan'ts!pital. " ............... |de~d ~"rom .~(ilo J. Sedtaeek Trustee.~b°nds for $10,000.00 and 7% ~e'./ I ~llnt ~rn~n ~n~ ! I_~llUll I L
ment in ;hi LuKes
nospltal d ~ a ~mst The boald haa o~erlooKea
i . . " , . .' _" ': were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar E. Freed. i Kathryn and Charlotte Pollock|to Shotwell-Carver Co., Inc., execut-/ g " • " " I I Illlllllll |lINlliil|l nllll Lit/ 1
i ,~.~tFIW~d ~fifi I i Bowdlsh m taking care oz trace at T-T~?,~I ~ .... dv and her Method- ~ u ....t~ ~ro visitin~ their ~rand- I ed on January 26, 1939, conveying| the fact that the hours of holding I 1 • •~ I~ ll~ 1101 • • V • • 14 • • ~w ,-- 1 [:
1 ............. 1 !the City Service oil station. ~o(*~',~,~,~o",~"'o':.~,-~,,~-=~o,~ .... n , ',,~,~=~,÷'~'~" ~,~n ~r'~ T W~Pol- [real p.rol)erty in Linn County, Iowa,[ school elections had been changed I 1 --.-Jill
] Iowa Dept. of Agriculture|i _Mr. and.Mrs. T. .W= Pollock and picnic an~ a swim at Thomaspark ! oc'k and other rela"tives this week. t ae'~'¢h~'~'aas~S'Forty and One-Half ~by the legislature, and we had I .....
! License No. 1 | iotner re~auves re cewea worn ot tne Sunday afternoon Members at- Mrs J V Smith and daughter ~ (~0%) feet of Lot One (1), Block | opened the polls at 9 a.m. and clos- ~ 1 ~ ' 1
| 1 idea~n oI Jonn r'aul Eqgerton, son ]tending were Patricia Taylor, / Susan of San Francisco, arrived on] :Jl.o~ntYn-:~v~gch~:ty o(;28M))~rioOnmi%lwn~'" [ ed at 4 p. m., whereas, the law nowI / , II II 1
oi Mr ann Mrs 1 V ~:agerton oil / e 1~
| SANITARY | !r,,.,..~., ~u ~r:.n=o~,, iShirley Carpenter, David Kelly, tSa~urday for an extended visit inland a 'certain Conditional Saies~requires, them to be op ned a.t . I | • ~ --~mm a| ~M ] H i
! RENDERING CO | ['~'~i'isses ~ean'a~cl'~Fr~ances SafelyIRichard Van Fossen, James Keith i the Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Gearhart| ¢:,:~ra~'t ~e~tuted bYarvGern~rt Ciom-[ and closed at 7 p. m., and as there I | 1 ~| ~ ~ ~m ~T ~ ~ ~T ~ ILl fl ~ ~
• , • . and Melvin Boots home ~ ' n" "2" ~1939 and' file~i were doubts ~s to the legality of ~ • ~
i ....... i ,returned Thursday from a visit I ........ r" " "" k o t • ~dated Ja uary 6, ,. ~ " , . I i I ~ V K ~1 I ~ ~ I ~ I1 lip • " - I~ 1
t ~euar l~,apl(lS, Iowa t ,H÷h ÷h,~- ~i=÷~r ir~ ~ov~fhnva S I Mrs. ~erue wa ner o~ ivlus eg n | ---~ | in the office of the Recorder of Linn/ our election, the ooara, acting un- 1 • "~ .... - ~| 1
--. . |]~'~" ....................... " Heights, Mich•, was a guest Thurs-[ l~l~.g'~||&~||~'~i[|| | r~. |County Iowa, on January 27, 1939,|der the advice of the .State Superin- | / , -.^~ l~ [I I
[ re, epnone Mr. Vernon 6000 [ !'~'~:.....~ ~o .~r~, ~'~ith and day and Friday of her sister, Mrs ] |-r.t.n/uIILJVlLLr. [as.('hattelc21{~rts~oarge NO~ol:l~01...~ovt [ tendent of public instruction re-] | /~* *.d~:/c | .... ~e d n0~ ~l 1
Effle Kennedy During the week u tlon on March Jr I~
~B~/B~~~'Mr and Mrs Henry Cooper attend- .. .-.. _ ;' . .. .~_ [ | and personal property in connectionl submitted the q es = / / IJ~!~c~ .y~-- ~'~'~-- ..~ ~B "--~.
' ' " lvn's. UlCK r~person ana ±vtrs..:a| ............ .,.'-~;%"A-.~,.r [therewith, situated upon the real[28th, ,,'hen 118 votes were polled l 1 • . Burnel' I I
Duboise of Central City and Mrs./J~?~V~,~__~~ ......... [ ,.t~:tte above oescrmea,_mayDe~ore;I for and 47 against the issue of I / a premmm 10r a new I imKen u,, 1
• Edna Wild of Los Angeles have| ±he oOixtxsolx ~an~txy ,x~x ~t,~| uiosea as a mortgage ~ts a~.t~t~ u.t~I , ' ~ - .... I•
= ..... been callers in the Kenned- home | descendants held their annual pic-/ defendants and that the amount of[ bonds The board at this time con- ~ ~
11..--£ fl-- • n- -,~ ~,~ Mr~ .T,~i, ~i .... t' C'e~ l~'~nic at Bever park Sunday. 32 mem-|~l~id u~Udngme~ ~aalYesb~atdecre~dealsisted of ReD. D. S. Fouse, presi-/ ! ~'~
/IlU[IJ MII I KM El KiJ i illl S?i ?tK%,Ket ehng urD:cheE/ ~ I:
/IIUIU IIIUU1 UU M IIUUUUll of her son Howard Briner and fam- ~s~½n:~,~:%/~Mr" ..... ~t~.'Mr ~n~lti~'~l~r/Y described in said Condi-landAbrah~'mRunklenamedinthe/ ~~ /~
ny. ~ .......... J "" ".*"'~'~ ......... ": " - N tional Sales Contract) as of date ell _ . ." ...... / ~ ~.e-~i~ to d~ _~7,,,'-d~ .~ JI L'*
.................... Mrs. Myrtle Butcher of Sonora, IMrs" Graydon .oohnson ann son[january 2,'6, 1939, in the. anlount de:I_°r(ler o~ tnen" senlor!ty m serwce.---[ ~- ~a~ ~zi~~ [
wny ~nere ]s more ~nerwln-Wllllams paint useu Calif Mrs Mvrl Steckel of Cedar llx°°ert oz ~wecnanlcsvnle; Mr. anaI t~r~,c~ ann rouna to De cue, andt W. H. l~UnKm, secretary; ann Jonn | ~~- g ~l.~°~*F~a~'~ ~ 1
" " " -Mrs Relme" r and family from Cen--special execuuon issue For the sale Hershey treasurer Mr HersheyChrom,~" '~ ° ~1~
than any other brand. If you have ever used SWP, Rapidscalled on friends Wednes-I~ ".~i.~÷ ~.~,~ ..... h,~r of other I~'f said real eat.ate and said persona~[ ........ ' ...... :, "~,: ..... " ..... I ~~ ~d~'.~-~ ! 1
. " .............. any. They nan been guests in the|.~.............. --?,'.-"- " Iproperty, to-wit, said COla storage| .... s .............. ~ ............. ~ K~°.w_m~.~,~--g~"~ _,~.~ ~ 1
you Know way It IS worth tne uInerence in price De- Will Armstron~ home at Whittier [ in-laws of these tamales. | locker plant and equipment thereonI elected in his stead. ! " " " -~ Ti~.en.t_e_-~.~,~'~-~°~'~ 1 1
• . ~ .- • " -- to make the antount of said judg- 1% v D S Fouse H C Kurtz i Iower-p~ic~l nnl¢
• Mrs Butcher is spending the month e o~¢ ~
tween SWI and ordinary paint. If you haven t, try .: ....... KILL SHEEP ...... ~t interest, costs and _ _- -~' ~. " . . ".'1 ~:~ 1 1
, . " o~ August witn Iowa relatives ann Durin- the ni-ht Frida'" two ] fees 'and for general equitable re-l ann A~oranam rtunKle were electea i i~" ~o~,~ ups'-_'~ ~'... • 1
It and see the difference, will ~o on to visit her son H C [. - g. - ~ ~ . ~" ~li~f' | building ,committee and Dr E I ~~_v~~~'~ I 1
. . snepnera Dogs wen~ into me or- ~(ND UNLFSS YOU APPEAR ' - ~d~ ln l~r~'~
Butcher, vzce-premdent of the Na- I .... ~,,n uu~n ÷h ....hee" of [ "P'~ Wr~ETr" AND DEPEND on ~r b°-{I Burd, John Auracher, and Solomon I ~'~e~_~l~ In ~ ~'~., I 1
Now is a good time to let use help you figure on tional Broadcasting Co., in Wash- i~v~*r~'~q~"~ F'even~"s sma~ f ock 'and t ; ':n°onvof the second day of thelKettering finance committee, i ~l m~ce or boiler. ____==n&~,~ ~ I
.......... ~ T e "
fhof Poll l)o;ntl~a ~,~h 1~ ..... ' ....;no" ~. ,'h-. ~ho ~,~h mgton, D. C,, and her daughter, ] ...... ,, ........ ÷ ÷,, +~o H--,ara/n,:xt, September, 1939, erm of theI The ,board visited the new school[ ~.~[~l FRI~I~ COMP u':LT ! 1
w,~v =.~.i jv~,. ~. j,-.~ £~ ~,=at~ vv uv ~aa.~ jvu • '1 ' ~'~"' ~"~"~ ~""~ ~" ~ ....... l~istrict Court of Iowa in and for . .=1=.== .r- ~ le
....... ,¢ --..-I- ........... : ............ ," ....... Mrs. Luc!lle.Sarr and fam, y mIPlatner farm north into a large[L,nn County, to be begun and hel~[h°use at Mari°n' and ° Ceda' I ~~~---~ !,~115~'~_ I 1
yuu~vJ=,p~Ht~p~ ~ ~ t:a. K~vv ~u.te ~ug~e~t~tm~, u[ w~ ~ew zux~ ~,~. I flock and killed five and injured ~tt the Court~ House in' Cedar" Rap'ida, Rapids. , and finally agreea upon a heatlaS ~m~" ~l~_
........... ,~ ....... ,,, ,!,, th.. 4,1, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pollock en-[,~+h,,~ c~,~ ,~ +he a,~,~ hn~ ho,~n[1,:•nn County, Iowa, on the 18th da~] modification of the Marion build-[ I /
~a. =~--,--0~,~ ~u=~v,v ~ u~ ~--~: j,,u. tertained at dinner Sunday Mr and ~,..~:o. .~..y .... "; =~'~'~ ":7"- -~"] of September, 1939 your default will I ............................ n I "/- " Imv¢ mo~ pho~, ~*"¢o1¢ $ *'" | i
-- Mrs" F~sedw'Be~r I~f erMa;te~:c°rMl~' ~:~eQenDfU~ua~" yet me °mer has I ~/~ nd~ ~r2~:g~g~n~°~eer~ I ~° ~° ~;~ ~ ~t~Ru~ ;;~?:~ i ~ COMI~%"ltl~'t~l I I
• ' " Y' " 1" ------- prayed in said petition, of heating and ventilation, and the our showrooms
Callers Sunday evening In the Po -i R.S. MILNER,
" A •
SWP OUTSIDE WHITE lock home were Mr. and Mrs. Don- i RAY SIMPSON BUYS , Attorney For Plaintiff, Swead dry closet system• . W. . OWfl
• aldBradley of Cedar Rapids THEP][ONEERI~RESS Aug.17-29-31-Sept.7 t Fulkerson, of Cedar ~ av Nothma
$3.19 per gal. $3.09 m 5 Gal. lots Misses Leta and Mabel McShane Mrs. Margaret Smith has sold the t employed as architect and instruct-I ~ ~ I 1
were Sunday evening supper guests Pioneer Press to Ray Simpson ofl ~ I ed to draw a plan of a building of | ~ ~ __ __ ~ . • 1 .1
~namosa who took ossesmoh ORIGINAL ~O~CE six rooms such as could be built
of Lydia Hood in the Henry Hood , P "' " / " " ...... ] " | r~..~,. ~t. ~ i~ ,~ ~1~ i I~V I 1
G. A. BERANEK v niy IM
ental Oliver Caldwell home Her P ' / : ' v.': .... I chitect c 'p " P " ' -/ You don t pay a =ingle solitary red cent downl -~ I |
. , " - rlalnui~, / iS ¢*
I-Io~-d~oro ~nd 17~vm M~ehlnorv sister Ruth arrived home Saturday our m~dst. Her paper was a clean-/ vs ~ttons. Timk~n instmlled and start ~avin~ monthly on a bus ,,,, ~ I ]~:
................................ a from a year in the Dr J V Smith cut sheet a "booster" for the town |CERNFRT COMI~ANY ET AL | "]'he finance committee arranged _. ---. --?-:,-- .-7 ..---: .~---.." - ~" ._.., ~*" "
..... home in San Francisco. no trace of any sarcasm, but a|~.i....... L--~'E~" Defendants; |to borrow the money at5 per cent' ~lC a ~ay, ~r ,_~.e nrst nearing season, yuull ~Y _ !
l~one z~7 Mr and Mrs. Charles Sterner of kindly interest toward all. We have~ .t l.a) J. ~l) ~Cr~,s:~eVti~t'~'o~n~,r /interest, had the Bonds printed and ~ll~g you've ever done! ~ ! ~ L.~
Cedar Rapids are guests this week no acquaintance with the new[ vs.. - ' ~ afterward exchanged for cash. "~i i I [[~
in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. editor, but feel that he will be giv-/GERNERT COMPANY, MARIEGER-|~Iv~r~ CONTR~C'r I ........ . !¢" III I~
Mount Vernon P~t*en en the kindly sunnort which has|NERT and EAt:LI,: GERNERT, |=.~';'-7 ...... [ !.'1 ¢117 II~N ~m,&Am~i~ff ~' I I tkw
Mr and Mrs Fred Bailey are via- been given the one who is leaving: . . s E ~.., o~+~, +~o h~n. w~-- onen [ l" ~W • • .~V J~M II VIISS~ • m~ ~--- | I ~k~
~'~ ~" ='i • " . " ~-'- '/TO (.ERNERT C%%pSAIN~?n~Ia~t% ]'~On" ~:.:?o~7~ .......... - r ---- ........ il
iting relauves in l%ansas this week. -- | GERNERT AND EARLE GER-| ,~n nnd we found Six ran~in~ from I ..~ Hllmidi4iiaP K I I Ik"~
[ Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Palmer en- The Trustees and Elders of the[ N~]~[{,T~' THE-~-A~BO)hE~ NAMED|~;2590 dowI1 to $8 000. ~J S [ ~ • "'""~""*" ~'1 I
• " " Pr ' ~ ,~ tu~- ~E F 1'~ l)~mx ~ : • ,' ' " " "
tertalned at a bwthday droner Sun- esbyterlan church attended a/ You kND EACH OF YOU ARE]¢~-aubv's bid was for the latter I ........ I 1 I"
day honoring their daughter Ber- called meeting in the church Men-/ HEREBY NOTIFIED that there is/"~ °* n~ the contract was I ~it ~/.11 ~'K~;FJlZ ~,, II I
Inice and Mrs. Palmer's mother Mrs day night. |now on file in the office of the[amount, a a - ~ wa I ~ ......... ~ ....... . ~ | | |
B e f o r e S c h o o i ! ii!e 71i i S sAi! !iiiii t o i Y PA! JCeaC n!rc / !!'i~!~d~~~!i~!il ~iP~i!!:~h~ii~!~~!i! E ~~~~ II~
attend s " . • ' the above anaed c s -P i " , erintend the ate e r "" ' '
! S ervlces regularly and also Rapids, Sunday evening. /l)r',ying that his title in and to thet ..... ,-,~olr ..... I.qo ~ master I ! '
IL • A A= ..t~l .~ wouldn't miss a meeting of the Ev-ReD. and Mrs. Tyrrell arrived~ re~l estate situated in Linn County,/ ~" .~'" .~."'.~."~.' -/--- -.- -~, 1 |
I r r i.~ ow andescribed as mechanic in his line to ao ~ne plus
.~]l-ll~,~ r]l-~ll~ ~e g een Rebekah Lodge. She came home Saturday from a most pleas-/ va, kn .n.~ . . '_- ._/ ..... ' ..... h" The T/mken Sfore I !
I~.~ ~L,~l,l ~L, t~.~ tOarentIOwa when a small__ o~irl ................................. ~x, lth ha**- ant vacation ~nont in tho ,~÷ l:/o~r, i The(40~z)r~aStfeet ofJ~'°rtYLot oneana (une'J~alrl), Block. /terlng.whole. wnne ne supermtenaea t e • • 111
~he i~sWlh°e~tet~eedr n::t~ry~Ub:eikn ThY:(elhle Satt~teen%e2U£duaYh ms:/n'~negs] "l'o~:nn~YnoE/gchity (f~)s)ariO;~IglOioWnc:~ / The directors, buildibg Co~%t::- ~k~H)b~l~ 1:l 4brlG
• • Linn coun 1 " ' and also to the cold tor g er tee and a gooaly nunl, er - i•
T that vour children arIve to o,a er--, I ty. ast Sunday m New England in )iu t and .)ersonal nronertv in con-| , . ...... kitty I | I
.,~ ~ ,~ ~=.~= = u=. .... ~ , " " " ns nave ClOSely an(l careiuny 4
- ~ Geraldine and Pauline Frank two mdhon dollar church edifice nection therewith situated upon said|e ' .......... ~ ~ 4
school should be checked and overhauled before school tspent several days in the Ben Sher- with his brother but he decided i r~ al estate • may be quieted andl watcnea every uetai~ m tne erec- I~ • • =
~|nr|~ .q~n|omh~- .~|h tman home at Central City return-,that our own little church here i(0nfirnted 'in him absolutely, and|tion of the building, from the first ~~l[~ I
........~" ............. ing home Sunda • ' • ! vas , . . 'alleging that you and each of you . •
_.- . y eve mng .with~, .. much more to his hklng, make some claim or right, title and|bleaking of the ground to ,ts corn- 41~ MDI~I~~ I |
............ thmr parents, Mr. ann Mrs. l%alpll i lvlr. and w. oonnston, west interest in and to the same adverse| pletion, and all unite,, without, e. I // M --~ I !
1)on t Delay navlng repair WOrK taken care of. See Frank. from town, went to Scotch Grove t. him, but that you .nave. no sucn| dissenting voice, in saying ~na~ tne I _..,~•,i~P [ !
us at once sothere will be plenty of time to all La?:y anedre Mr~daGyUYisiMtoCrKseen ~d ~hetrr~naurla~ ,h2~£e::m~ng.,t,o attend ilr~iiqy!~ffl~s~::)p:~£t~i!i~a~lail~i~]:3:ktih::slb;ed:nh:rthrgohl4h~nd ?b!r P, F. KOHt. MOUNT Vl~~ |~
necessary work Done. theme of Mr. and Mrs Marion Mc- I The Alton Herring family will eat t " P . . | the building is a beautiful and su' - L ___. f
!Shane at New Boston Ill. move to Clinton this week. l~ds. lcgalnt;tlert°eS~lyd irealenSnta~e[ stantial one, a credit alike to the ~~ I |
• .m ,~ ~'~ a [ Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brown visited! ~. Harry. Bagley .°f. Los Angeles, ti~m ~h'erewith,'and prays that youI citizens who voted for it, the archi-t l I | ;
• ,r~ | r~,f~ ~]~ t~4~ Ik.~ ~ ..... Kin the Mr an~ Mr~ ~ ~arrows Cain, aroppeu m town ~aturoay 1,e barred and estopped from maK- tect who designed it as well as to l~ I II I
.................. " . " • er '
h • " for a short visit wlth old acquaint- tn~ or asserting any claim, e~th: our home mechanics by whom it
~UIIIUIUtU ITIUtUI Ot [VIC(2 [ ome at Baldwin Sunday. The Bar.-[ances He renorts his family all ~,~~.~1 ~r equitable, to an Interest m ................. ~ L~,d!~ [ i i
J. |rows were zormer reslaents oi ~nls I well "ha and ros erous" H saia property wnetner real or per- WaS erecteD. June DUnaln$ m very 1 I __~r--mm ,
• place. , ppy . p p . . e s(~al, and for general, equitable r -Icomnl~ete In all its arrangements_ , I I~ ~ ¢'~ ~ ~ ~'~11 ~'~ ~l |
leftfor DeW,It Sunday morning lief and costs I °De 3°el li,' "
's New and made a tri to .. " '" • "AND YOU ARE FURTHER NOTI- , g'~ll ~ U~
Don 1 and will comfortably seat r
We are now equipped to do Complete Car Greasm" g Cedar Falls Thursday making plans p for a VISIt wlthHhlSerUnCleB leand wife, I~•IED] that unless you appear thereto scholars. . It is lighted' l"n the most ] ][-- ~-- :
to return ÷~er- ~ater to ~ttend Iowa Mr_ and Mrs. ore! .. agl y. . . and defend, on or.before noon of scientific and m?dern manner, all ! ......... l~lfft~
i ...... I Mr. ana ±vlrs. uate cook went to the secona oay o| the next, ~eptem-I ...... h-" theli ~_]r~..,~,.~ ,~4F ~ RUl~ll~,nt~ /~ll'rd~ ~- ~J*'* I |1
/ Teachers college. Iwa~orloo Sunday to snend the day bet 1939 Term of the Dtstrlct Cou [ . ..... II Uu~ ~ I il
~l 'll~Arlpll 'HID P & !1~ J, ~ r [ Mrs. Elizabeth Gritman and her[w"ith- relatives. " "- " '~f I~)Wgauin andd ~°e~dLin~ tC~un~utr~ll'ugh~lisbeh'ndandatthe'ett°t tnel o ] i
.'~ llVl I/ r'! ,.~ • 1 ALl ~ ~[ kl ii ~ guests Mr. and Mrs. Antrim White I Mr, and Mrs. George Connor and [-I )use tn Cedar Rapids, Linn Court- ] p ~P.~. " ........... I -1. - - , - --- t,-.dce I |
• ~,~.6~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~AI=~ a~,d~m-J of Pasadena, Calif. are visitors in sons Harry and Chancy Lewis Con- ty, Iowa, on the 18th day of Sep-] °rnen.eaungana ven~*~u°n m~°YI west ,nu loin ~-~ve. ~- =" I |
n. ~r~m~,,~-- ,,~, T,~,~-,,,~ ......... the home of her daughter Mrs J /nor Mr and Mrs John Clifton, tember, 1939, your aefault wilt De [the lxuttan system. Tnree large/ " /I! ~
It- ~l,L¥1~ll U ~ 11
l-ki'~l IU
l) UUtiI~
IM. Burroughs and family, this Mesdames IDa Johnson and Charley trank~nre~tndthe3Uedogmentaiantd yodeCreae furnaces are employed tOfrW rm:uhtel Cedar.Cupids, Iowa , o ~'~J |
...... week. i Studer, Misses Ella Connor and prayed in said petition. _ [a!r w'n,cn bu . e nS m lar ; I • " .... day to 1 [k
mount vernon, Iowa Mrs Bess Newland and Doris Marjorie Crissman attended the fu- _•_ v:. WILSON.. -k sine. me . g g g Open Evemngs to 8 p.m. Open ", / |,.
were Sunday afternoon visitors in j neral of O. J. Nosley, north of Lis- At~lr2e~r£'Orpe~o2er~eU'ace '[ fre~ :~ 2ctS.a~es over the fur ~ "I- |
the Wm. Secrist home in Marion[ben, Tuesday. Aug.17-29-31-Sept.7 9 "~ I