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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
August 17, 1939     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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August 17, 1939
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Six g i t I II I i CONGRATULATIONS LISBON on the new School Building USE ~EI{~ MO~YN'~ ~ON, IO~VA, HAIV1~EY~-Rg~ORD A~ THE LISBON HERALD I I I II II II I lit D-X Motor Fuel 760 Motor Oil Diamond Kerosene MID-CONTINENT BULK STATION JOHN L. PETFA ON, Manager Phone 123 Lisbon, Iowa [ Lisbon High School ]----=--:==:--- .................. = ........ -- ..... Alumni Association I ENGLISH CLASS ROOM OfficerS[,resident, EssieFOr-----'Mae1939"40Thompson---; i ; ...... Hill. t Vice president, Stuart Franks, Permanent secretary, Margaret Bieger Capper. Treasurer, Eleanor Van Fosscn. The presence of honeybees has ben shown to increase the yield of Hubam seed 3 bushels and biennial sweet clover 5 bushels an acre Deserve Good Hardware Your school building has been furnished with Corbin locks and Stanley butts supplied by 206-208 First St. S. E. Cedar Rapids, Iowa Your reward for choosing your hardware like an expert will be paid in complete and lasting satisfaction. In our showroom many beautiful designs are on display. Whatever you are remodel- ing or building don't miss seeing them. PAINTERS AND PAPER HANGERS INTERIOR DEOORATERS Wall Paper, Paints, Varnishes, Brushes, Oils and Glass 1329 Second Street S.E. Telephone 2-8447 fled and more easily corrected. ~VE&~r ROO~ The walls of the gymnasium are The west room, 20 feet by 30 of Waylite blocks made by the Ce-feet, is the kitchen and has a unit dar Rapids Block Co., which were of cupboard and drawer space the selected because of their appear-length of the south wall with a anee and acoustic qualities. The built-in sink in the center of the glass in the large steel sash wasworking surface A Westinghouse furnished and installed by M. Cach electric stove and General Electric Glass Co., of Cedar Rapids. Brou-refrigerator comprise the equip- lik Bros., of Cedar Rapids finished merit on the east wall A Moore's the gym floor and did all of the painting and decorating of the building. The large ceiling was lathed and plastered by Paul Ham- el of Cedar Rapids• BOARD ROOM AND OFF'ICE The .board room and superin- tendent's office, directly over the gym lobby, have a block floor and all windows have venetian blinds. The board room at the north is 19 feet by 10 feet and will serve CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA as a meeting place for the school board, as well as housing supplies and text books not in use. The Superintendent's office, cen- trally located is 14 feet by 10 feet and contains chair and desk, up- right files, pigeonhole files, and the sound system equipment. The outer office to the south is Photo By Jaynes Photo Service 12 by 10 feet and will serve as a Over the stage, at the east end of the south-east earner in the new waiting room and also house some addition, is the E]~'lish class x~)om which ~411 furnish much needed supplies. clax, st~om for IAsbon Hig'h School students. GY3INASIILM LOBBY Amon~g the equipment furnished for the new addition by the Triple doors to the east admit Mctropolitau Supply Comlmuy of C~lar R~pids are the tablet arm chairs one to the lobby. A small ticket SIIo~VII In tile picture, office is located at the north end while double doors at north and Tile slate black board was installed by J. T. Ure of Cedar Rapids. south ends give admittance to the .................. gym floor proper. The ceiling is ~-I-0 *-o-~4-~4-~e-*-o-~-o.~-~4.o.~ ~-I *-e-~a-~a-o~a-~.~.t.,.~ covered with sound-proofing ma- terial. RAMP ENTRANCE TO AG SHOP The floor of the entrance lo'bby • is terrazzo which was laid by -: J.T. Ure of Cedar Rapids who is well known for this sort of work. A large rubber mat, which fits in- to a shallow depression in the floor, is known as an entrance landing. This was also installed by J. T. Ure. "~Veil-McLain Sameo radiators in- stalled by l)ahn & McCall furnishes 1 I Photo By Jaynes Photo Service Sho~ at the end of this picture is the ramp on which tractors can be brought into the :tgricultnre shop to be worked on. Beyoml tile ramp can be seen tile Jol~t Pfautz residence, west of the school build- ing. Along the north side of the room, the right hand side of the picture, are the b~llches ill the ~op. The shop includes a large area for agriculture wor,k. 1939-40 WAPSIE 8 Conference Basketball Schedule (Lisbon Games on top line under each date) Friday, Nov. 17 McVille at Lisbon Clarence at Lowden Olin at Wheatland Tuesday, Nov. 21 Clarence at Olin Friday, Nov. 24 Lisbon at Clarence Lowden at Olin Stanwood at McVille Wheatland at Bennett Tuesday, Nov. 28 Olin at Lisbon Lowden at Bennett McVille at Clarence "Whcatland at Stanwood Tuesday, ]bee. 5 Bennett at Ligbon Stanwood at Olin ~'heatland at Lowden Friday, Dec. 8 Lisbon at Wheatland Clarence at Stanwood Lowden at McVille Tuesday, Dec. 12 Bennett at Olin Friday, l)ec. 15 Stanwood at IAsbon Clarence at Bennett Tuesday, Dee. 19 Olin at MeVille Stanwood at Lowden Thursday, Dee. 21 Mt. Vernon at Lisbon* Lowden at Wheatland MeVille at Stanwood Friday, Jan. 5 Lowden at Lisbon Bennett at McVille Olin at Stanwood Wheatland at Clarence Tuesday, Jan. 9 Lisbon at Olin Friday, Jan. 12 Lisbon at Stanwood Bennett at Lowden Olin at Clarence Wheatland at McVille Tuesday, Jan. 16 Lowden at Stanwood Friday, Jan. 19 Lisbon at McVille Bennett at Wheatland Stanwood at Clarence Friday, Jan. 26 Lisbon at Mt. Vernon* February 1, 2 and 3 Linn Co. Girls at Lisbon F~bruary 9 Bennett at Clarence MeVille at Lowden Stanwood at Wheatland Linn Co. Boys at Springville February 16 Girls' Sectional February 23 Lowden at Clarence Games marked * are non-conference games. SCHULTZ INSTALLS VENTILATION Invisihle in the walls and floors of the Lisbon new school building are many feet of sheet metal ducts which heat and ventilate the building. All of these duets were manufactured and installed hy the A, J. Sehultz and Son firm of warm air heating, ventilating and general sheet metal contractors of Cedar Rapids. Because of these ducts, which were carefully and accurately in- stalled by Schultz workmen, and! the Trane unit heaters installed by Dahn & McCall, the building will! be adequately heated. The Schultz firm did all of the inside and outside sheet metal work on Merncr ttall, men's dor- mitory which was erected on the Cornell campus in 1936, and on Armstrong Hall of Fine Arts erect- ed in 1937. This sun]mer the Schultz firm has done the ventilating work on the Currier Hall addition at the University of Iowa, the air condi- tioning work on the Elks Club at Iowa City, and the ventilating work on the new Highway Commission building in Cedar Rapids. At present they arc working on an elementary grade school build- ing at Waterloo. RECENT JOBS Other recent large jobs are: High School at Iowa City. High School at Mason City-. New School Building at Fair- field. Municipal :Building at Gutten- berg. Court House at Independence. Other large ventilating and air the heat for the entrance. BOYS' AND GLttLS' LOCKER AND SHO%VFIt ROOMS The boys' and girls' locker and shower rooms are located under the stage at the south. The boys' to the west is 26 by 22 feet and contains both closed and bas- ket lockers, and keyless locks, as does the girls' room. I The girls' room, 27 by 18 feet, has individual shower and dressing t compartments. Hot water is sup- ~plied to the showers and all other i Parts of the building by a 420- I, gallon insulated tank located in the ] boiler room. The slmwer heads in both boys' and girls' showers and all plumb- ing fixtures in the locker and shower rooms, are Kohler prod- ucts purchased by Dahn & McCall of Lisbon thru the Chandler com- pany in Cedar Rapids. Trane unit heaters, with a vari- able speed control, will keep the dressing rooms comfortable in the coldest of weather. i I,'AI~M SHOP The farm shop, located on the lower floor to the northwest, is 38 by 30 feet amply lighted by two large windows, 310 square feet of surface area, same as the home economics rooms. A ram.p and ten-foot door to the west will af- ford entrance of farm machinery. A chimney for a forge is located in the northwest corner. Due to the fact that the W. P.-A. are expected to remove the ground from the enclosure just south of the farm shop through a door along the south wall in the near future, the farm shop equipment has not been fully installed and will not be moved from the old industrial arts room until the excavating has been completed. HellE ECONO311CS ROOMS The home economics department has two rooms on the north side of the building under the bleacher elevations. The combined area of the rooms is 30 feet by 37 feet, and each room has a large window, 10 feet by 15 feet, on the north side. The windows are each cur- tained by four mesh panels with a valance trimmed with red ball fringe. The floors in both rooms are finished with alternate black and red squares of inlaid linoleum with a two and one-half foot black border. EAST ROO.M~ The east room, 17 feet by 30 feet, is to be the living room and will be used for sewing, reading, and the serving of dinners. There are three tables, six feet by three feet, with birch tops and pressed steel standards in tubular design with tubular legs, and 16 chairs with birch backs and steel center stand- ard with four steel legs. A similar table, five feet by two and one- half feet, is bY the window and holds a reading lamp and the lat- est issues of the six magazines to which the department su:bscrlbes. conditioning and cooling systems An attractive 'birch bookcase on have been installed in this part of the east wall contains the home the state in recent years by this economics books. A screen con- Thursday, Aag.a~t i~, ~e$ finish on the gymnaSium, flo~r mlo It is a duram~ known as Ju • ~ and the as well as non-skid finish, rett as a picture. floor is as p Y . ,~^ npJ~t" Broulik Brothers has ~"~-c~ on ratingcentre ing and deco .... and I Merner Hall at Mount vern~: oak the beauty of the finish on ~[" is e commOnS roOm paneling in th ~ visit" recalled by anyone who ,'~ Chesterfield gas stove and a sink ed this room. -.,q~ with a drainboard are on the west Recent large jobs bY aBllr°d;r- side of the room. Brothers include Greene 2ca~PUS, Four work tables placed back to mitory on the Coe Co:leg Building back and end to end form a work- and the New .~tumctv ing surface, ten feet ,by four feet at Monticello. in the center of the room, and two[ ~--------------"-'_.,f, sets of two work tables placed 'back } ][T|T]~| A~ cllDl)/ll ll to back are under the window on IMII~I/-L3 3U/I the north wall. There are two "'~ ..... ... kitchen stools at each one of the q ISlt' II t DI II A[ eight work tables. The teacher's |I~[4 r~l[[~i][|][~'~l]k]lJ desk is placed on the west side of 1[ lllllal lll~l~ ,"-- the room. . , ~, e which ia-~a Heat and ventilation for the :::s b:lllldd;ohrard:a;_Ine::d t;: Home Economics rooms is provid- cl ed by Trane unit heaters installed window trim hardwary -°-" ~e cabine ,is cabinet hardware for t- by Dahn & McCall of Lisbon. The in the Home EconomiCS and I~°el heaters, located near the ceiling, of the are directly connected with an air mestic Science ro°mS~^n School ~tlonto the Li~u~ shaft reaching to within a few add'' . ~^n ,bY the inches of the floor. The powerful Building were furmS~';~in csdar Kubms Hardware stor fan in the heater sucks the cool builder'S hard" air from the floor, passes it over Rapids who have a ....carrying the steam radiator in the heater, waremdepartmentlete stock ofbeSmv~hardware" ,. and out into the room, warmed, a co p ~-~ bY Fran~ The speed of the heaters is con- The store was founa~o~nt own" trolled by variable speed controlKubias father of the pre~ nd haS bias in 1879 a or mounted on the wall near each er, Fred Ku. , .... , ather heater, been operated by citify- f son since that time. ~epart" uilder s hardware ~ ~- The b ' ~er the s BROULIK BROS. ment °f the st°re ts uI~u ^mPl°yee' pervision of a full time ~'" Mr. L. F. Ford. . - ~obS fo~ DID THE PAINTING Recent large buildtn[f~r~ishe" which the hardware W~re C0ra" by the Kubias Hard~;e C011e.geo ----- pany include the new ~ar gaP~-° ~d=cn dormitory, the neW CeTew 'build: Police Station, and the. offices 0~ m to house the district "* • g . ,_ ,a~r Co~~ the Iowa State 1-hgn~- sion in Cedar RapidS. ed in 1913, this firm is made up ~to provide of William Broullk and Louis keeping "f b~o one of th~ Broulik whose work is well known The in Cedar Rapids. honey for family fo°a'_=~,~raetlCe~ One of the features of their oldest types of husbandry ~ work on the Lisbon building is the by man. New We are increasing our stock of chrYs" ler--Plymouth repair parts and MasseY" Harris farm implement parts, also other popular car parts are kept in stock. We have increased our help in the shop so prompt service by trained mechanics is yours for the asking. All this added service for our cust0¢" ers benefit without extra charge. Chrysler and plymouth Sales and Service Massey-Harris Farm Equipment ,o Io Phone 71 Lisbon and invite you to inspect it next firm. Among those in 1937 were: nects these two units to form a Cedar Rapids Gas Company, air reading center in the northeast conditioning, corner of the room. Penick and Ford office building, A continuous unit of drawers air conditioning, and cupboards on the south wall University Theatre, University of and a steel file for bulletins corn- Iowa City, air conditioning, prise the storage space. There are Capitol Theatre, Davenport, air four Singer sewing machines on conditioning, the west wall, and these are oppo- Varsity Theatre, Iowa City, air site the dumb waiter which is conditioning, used to take food to the gymnasium 19-'~6 JOBS when large groups are served. During 1936 threc large jobs were completed by the Sehultz firm as follows: State Theatre in Cedar Rapids. Strand Theatre in Waterloo, air conditioning. Cecil Theatre, in ,Mason City, air conditioned. In 1936 the Inter-Ocean Rein- surance Company office building in Cedar Rapids was air condition- ed. DESCRIPTION OF NEW BUILDING (Continued from Page 1) high, motor driven and instantly reversible. The instrument will be paid for by high school athletic fund money. GII'~P OF CLASS OF 1939 A Vocograph Sound System, gift of the Class of 1939, will be in- stalled. It will consist of a 20- watt amplifier, two twelve-inch speakers, microphone on stand, electric turntable for playing rec- ords and connection for radio. This sound system, besides being a source of pleasure, will be a and at Bight Friee When you want the best in Fresh Meats Visit Our Shop Phone 212 Lisbon' Installed by • Warm Air Heating, Ventilating and General Sheet Metal Contractors II00 Third Street S.E. Phone 2.5355 Cedar Rapids, Iowa strong help in speech correction as speech defects are ampli- mn unmnuu uinulinnninnmnnfmmmmmmm work,