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August 19, 1898 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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August 19, 1898 |
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, A Weekly Newspaper publishished in thrI ln-
Pslmnl .‘vlount ‘.'vrnoii and vicinity by b. H.
, Innan Iv. Son.
\ n. IiAl'MAN, Al'u. A. BAUMAS.
Editors and Publishers.
| .___H if 'k
: Regular advertising: rates furnished tel‘p‘lllflmn
Verna”? "lion application. Anonymour 'Olll~
——At the Alumni banquet last June,
two table napkins were lost, one mark—
ed with the letter V Ill. red .and the
other a plain white medium Sized din-
ner napkin. Will the ladies of the
.\l. E. Aid Society who loaned linen at
that time. look over their linen care-
fullv and find if possible where the
two'are and report at once to Mrs. H.
l). liutterfield.
~Mrs. May Bently had a narrow
during his three years service. Ite-
turning home after the war. he bought
and operated a steam llouring mill at
Mt. Vernon which was later burned, to-
gather with all its contents, entailing a
loss on him.
Not willing to succumb to this great
misfortune, he built and furnished a
new mill. but the fates were against
him and in a few months. that, too.
and all its contents were reduced to
Business and Railroad Notices.
All who desire lady students should
make application for Faculty permits.
Permits of last year are not good for
this year as lady students are not re
glstered unless rooming in homes hav-
ing such permits. Any one who can
furnish some work to either ladies or
gentlemen will aid some one by giving
information at the college olllce.
Black and
. . . . . \ a. \.\. 3‘
T' VERNON HAWK‘EYE' ‘7 ,. . .. ,,
(‘ \__ Have You Rooms to Rent? 5
I. 9/ Those having rooms to rent to stud-
VERNON. : i IOWA. ' ‘ , . .I. ./-/l ~l. cuts are requested to give
the under- ”
3 - “ signed full written information very
. “w , soon, including prices, sizes and how I 8 9 a
y F1RI)1\Y, AL'GI'ST 19. 1898- from his company for not even one
day heated. C C C O O 0
Colors, Plain and Fancy
We are opening the Fall Campaign with an elegant line, of
the newest Weaves, Materials and Colors in Dress Goods.
[- imitations not noticed. escape from a very sorious acciden: lfishehs 3nd
there/grunge of hiséige ctho: National Dental Meetings,
. ; ___,_/———_— Monda , as it is she as two burn or a Vams le . ls
r9886 \1 90 Omaha Au _ 25-89 t.
’ v; uATss or sitiiscnirTION- hands glld an arm, as a result of trouble
discourahgerlll go tOOkuhllS Wife and child, E3, 1 8g98. p A HANDSOME OF
, v , l ' . ew wit 3 IS ear I ossessions, in- ' ‘ L
‘. PC in “mum. ' manor? wbt‘gxabwgllflhal; Chiler alluding a
few dollars if] lllmmeyy a team (m account of the, above, all agents In
Blacks, Plain and Fancy Mohairs, Soliels, Whip Cords, Eudoras, Henriettas,
Serges and the most popular
le A “fig? ................ _. .5 clothing 031mm,," fire aud it
38,me of horses and a wagon, he emigrated of the North-Western Line will
sell weaves of the season, Crepons. in Stylish Patterns from a$1.00 ycl up.
Colored Dress Goods in Fancy
(. 0 Copy, 3 months ------------------- “40 very fortunate indeed the
result was not to Kansas settling in llarvey county, 3,01%“ :0 ()In‘aha
at N‘dllcfi'd rates Allg- Wool Mixtures for 25 cts yd. Beautiful
novelties for 45 to 50 cts. Sci-gas from 28 cts up. Whip
1. “mm—HM worse. she is helpless Without the use about 10 miles from
the Villiage of H3 and J‘- 1‘01' full Particulars al‘lfly
’I‘Elllil) As unborn) CLAss MA II. MATTER
W»m ~»—
“ ““i’i’é..?“rllf:i.‘?‘ M“ "r:
‘ mod 1" 0“ 0"be . i noon 0 ,n
»k to insure publication,
OFFICE ‘B’ifi‘acronv
nice one“ from 7m a. m. to 8:00 p. m . except
.' urdn '. '
aturiiuy, oflics open from 7:00 a. m. to 9:00 p. In.
.; ivu anon EAFT.
103. In.
a: in,
p. m.
p. In. from Clinton, Iowa.
3:04 p. in.
i , 5 1). In. from (3. ltuphls, In. 7:29 p. in.
313" D. in, 3:30 p. in.
Iiisrncunn EASAT.
3:30 p. m.
11:19 p. in.
of her hands and was removed Tues-
day to the home of her parents. MT-
and Mrs. W. II. Stoufer in Linn Grove.
Her many friends trust for a speedy
recovery and the miminm of suilering
from the burns.
Church Announcements.
M l13’1‘liOI)!ST.
ReHular church services in the morn-
ing, sermon by Rev. llomer Wroten
of Stanwood. i\‘0 regular evening
Rev. A. K. Knox is expected home
tomorrow and will preach at the usual
hour Sunday morning at the Presby<
terian church.
Newton, where since 1875 he has resid-
ed most of the time, and where by in-
dustry and economy he became one of
Harvey connty’s most prosperous farm-
ers, owning one of the linest farms in
that county.
It was the writer’s gOod fortune to
visit him in 1892, and from personal
obsorvation and reliable information
knows that no man in Harvey county
had a wider circle of acquaintance or
was more universally respected than
Last spring he placed his farm in the
care of his son and retired to his home
in Newton where on the 3rdday of this
month his death occured. At home he
was a good citizen, a kind husband and
father and a true christian. Ills fam-
ily has the sympathy of every member
of his company and regiment in their
to agents.
Go to the Omaha Exposrtion,
Via the North-Western Line. Excur~
sion tickets will be on sale daily, with
limits prOVIdindg for longer or shorter
sojourn, _accor ing to rate. This Ex.
pomtlon is a great education and should
be seen by everyone. For further iii-
formation apply to agents .Chicago &
N orth‘Western R’y. .
Bring your second hand
Aug. 22 to 27, to Book St
National Encampme t. Aug-
ust 9—14, at Rock Island, 111.
All agents of the Chicago .9: North-
001 books.
Cords, Vigor-aux, Granit Cloths, Soliels, Empress Cloths, Henriettas, Broad
Cloths etc.
ln Fancy Mixtures and Plain Cloths, no two alike. Our line covers a wide
range of stylish goods from 10 015 yd
up. The qualities are the best for the price, and the styles and prices
will suit all tastes and purses.
0f Lineings and Finding in this part of the country. A very essential
matter in the fit and wear of a dress.
The Correct Thing to Complete a Dress.
No Lady should Buy a Dress without seeing Our Line. We are
Headquarters for These Goods.
llrlrurotli(:e hours mail ismmie up at Post , ‘1. “Taste”, 3’).
will sell excursion tickets
é’l‘l."lf‘:,l’;’,§%i‘;.l';;‘23“”' Mm”
order Democratlc: caucus' sad 9513:3323 thinning out~tlie old boys.
,Augufit 8112, limited returninglw Aug“ -.
Hymn; At the Democratic caucus held in They're few now on the sod, 29.
her full particlars apply to agents
'1‘ all arrives ati'fi’ytn. m. from the east and is Ellis
Cit-y SilWFd'dY “mung Align“ 13' They’re crossing~crossing
over _ l‘<()Tth‘Wes'361"ll Llne. I
’ I‘lllllted. Office open from 12m. to 1 p. 1n. 1118 tollowmg
delegates WGI‘C selected. To the camping grounds of G0d.’ w have m d ,
‘mdenv MT p- m. Delegates to county convention. J. (1. ._private 00. H.
mm Iowa in Marion 9 a ‘3 announcement to ac-
w. M.M00RE,P. M. Ringer, w_ A. Smyth, Henry mama, Reg‘ster ’ ’ cept
allsecoud hand school books that
;‘ Fred Neesly, Supervisors’ convention, ' Will be used "I the
Mt. Vernon schools
‘ ” I M” Jacob Kafer Geo. Thompson, 14‘. J. thleall term,and
SOCIETIES. Benesh, Mr‘johugon. PROGRAM COUNTY “V ETrSv price for them.
.Bring them in next
REUNION. geeegk’ a“: glflt W315” I):an school opens.
V l 0 ratio 0 o . Lisbon, Au ust 24—25. 6 m3 ‘ s. 00 Store Olw. G.
L A.F.&A.M. Dem c tCiZmu'nty C nven Powers. g y I g; .
l\ “NON LODGE- N0" MK“ “33%: The democrats of Linn county met
WEDNESDAY, AL’u, 24th. Bame borleng .m‘lney 9159Wh9f6, ,_ s; r ’ . l
i ”
212,33: (mgéiiifgéécrfifi- in conVention yesterday and placed in
Report on arrival at headqartem at :rrfigmtggggigavggfigghgig We _.handle
the C6181”?!th DUCK Brandy, there K1“,
~ E , I , ' . ‘ ' _ l s i. g r .
D. “gleam”. n' on noggin? J. 11. Opera House. Register, secure
your bow longandaho security youhave to are ‘ no better. A splendid
double texture But to have W m o"
‘fiv‘flfiw OWN” Ullanggti 00‘ A“?! J 0'05in .R‘"
iggigefnand 39:31:30“! mne' 23E".§£§“
YRSfia‘flfiogafig {fals‘m‘ garment ‘fOr 3.50 such as you
usually pay weather and to meet engagement"! all
KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. corder, M. I). “1. Embed; SuperVIsor C,“ L.
,' , 03h g . on“ mthemmmdw
. ., 9 d D..t I In J Ives . 0 p. m. d. to order inn 00. money to Linn LO.
people on 5 00 for better goods up to 50 In the reasons an.“
R v _, FRANKLIN LODGE No. 98. “n 15 " 0 1 ' M usrc by the Band
Linn Co. lands. Write us abut de- . ' , who H Whmde Rd“ a“;
, “a Re8‘11!" meetings on the fir“ 1:40 p. m. Prayer by
Chaplain posits also and let us tell you about our late styles ‘ and
colors. '}
c 2:3.sir..“rv..:r$:s.‘:: Council Proceedings v- m. by are my» ,,
mode of ¥ . « ¥ DUCK BRAND ~
‘ 00’ . . : .m. ress 0 we come ,
3??“ “nigh” C 800‘1130“ m}: insfeQ‘atgessfq Aug‘ 17v Reg. 1.
K. Statton . y b Seaonaélfilmtefii With diarrhea will ' Mackhrtoshcs.
They 100k well and lend
' 0m“: 03“ WM“ 1‘58, 3370‘” ‘Ol'm Y1“ e?
3","18111' 2:40 .m. Res onse b. Comrade Dr. 8 n res n eex
rience of Mr. a.
K. or a. a. e, c. c. bers present Leigh, Butterneld, Mason, J_ Gripper, p
y w. M_. Bush, clerk of om Durance , . , distinguished air to their
wearers. They
g WilliX. Herrick- On motion the fol- 3:20 pm, Music by Band l’rovrdsnce,
R. I. He says: “For’ , , r ‘ K ‘ _, e w wear welttoo, and do mt
give out I
" " lowmg blus were allow“ and Older 3:30 p. In. Short talks
by comrades several years I have been almostacon: . ‘ , ‘* WWW Odo, m
HURCH DIRECT ORY. drawn: ,, and others stunt sufferer from diarrhoea, the
fig. a ~ W r , , ,
. ,rfi T. A. Gormly Chloe 0 scale (30., re- 5:30 p_ m, Supper quent
attacks completely prostrating “a” Sum
_. .. my 308 es an frelght 31251; 7:30 p_ m Camp fire conducted by me and
rendering me untitzfor my \
Comrade J: O. b‘tewart. 00. K. lst.
Iowa Vol., also 00. B 20th Iowa.
seriescisterns;is: AA shod assortmentbf ladies; wrappers and skirts
. E. Gamblefireight and dravage $2.00;
aching Sunday at 10:30 a. In and 7:00 p. m. H
1‘ day School 251.9116 a. m
. someetlngs Sunday at w m-
vortli League. Sunday at 3:3” I” m
A‘ yer Meeting Thursday at 7:00 IL
u ial invitation to all services
‘“ H. 0.8
f. BYTERIAN cuuwl
f, ignilnsg Sunday ‘ "1..
‘7‘ aY~choola 9., -. 11L
1 ng People-"Easting atllzlin.
yer Meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. m. I
, : invited to attend these eetings.
; , f A. . Knox. Pastor.
and 7:80 ,1. m
....'l‘hro Personae! ...... ..7:31II. in.
:08 a. m.
.12:16 0. m
11:19 “
lzlli pm.
8 and 11 only Sunda P
’Jhiil)~ Hxlmpt Salurdil’y. “Banger Trams
on signal or to leave passengers.
J. M. GRAUEL, Agt.
; dar Rapids.
-' wand Arriving Time of Train.
; .....No. 1 Mail and Ex ress..
. .No. 8 Waverly Passepnger.
No. 6 Minneapolis Exp?!”
. ....No. 61 Chicago WW'
; .5ng LINE oornu scum
0.2 Chi 0 Passenger- . «8:30
, , .No. 4 Burlincgtgm Passe“ 11-39“ I}: g:
o, a Chicago‘g 3;, Louis x.. .3230 p m
-....Deeornli Passenger . . . . . ..B:15am
« .3pirlt Lake Passen er. -.
-Slonx Falls Fast Expfiess... 382.28%: E.)
......... ..Pnssen 02,... 8:910. in
-~ . . . . . “Passenger” mug in
......Passengsr. 8:30pm
Passenger. . .. . .
‘ DAVENPORT mvnuon.
] ..7 :15 a m
in Sioux Falls
day. All other trains daily
&Tkt. A
,t‘ J. A. nonAX,
i‘mpids, [owah Ticket Agent.
., lnols Central R. R.
, ...Davenport Passengerm
umber: 5,'6. m. (:2, a ‘
‘ :10? :3”, ARRIVE PRO)! nonrn.
Jmmsm ‘P-MPassqllz‘ZDam
3,4:40pm { .. 351.4011), 8:60pm
_' t slum“ 331F358... 8:10p m
p 5" Conneot at Manchester
s run daily.
' no out and we"
j Eastern Iowa.
. Go
. ‘ 0d
Reasonable r
'~NIW».».M» .
. J. Alexand r, work on water pum ,
$1.25. Move that A. B. Hartley bl‘h
be laid on the table. Carried. Moved
that tics of the M8 or and Re-
of Wm. Dun-
, $2.40
. ,, t L é, f
well gr the city water wgrektsbemwfim ‘
ed. Carried. ’
On motion that the Street and Alley
Committee be authorized to contract
stone to macadamize Main St. Carried.
On motion meeting adjourned.
Clerk. Mayor.
ever experienced here hovered about
the» vicinity Monday and Tuesday
nights. The weathegyvas ver hot and
threateningall the time, brea lug out
into sweeping showers, accompanied
by sharp flashes of lightening and roll.
lug, roaring thunder, especially severe
from, an: to enamel: Tuesday evening.
, per-in; the time much damage was
' cause throughoota large section of
the county, the storm conditions being
quite general.
In Mt. Vernon the loss seems to
have begun with a vengence Tuesday
morning,lighteuln striking the large
barn onth‘o '1‘. F. avis, lace near 1. e
station and broke u in flames so
I; . & N. Time Card at 09- Quick and furious the not a thin in
the doomed barn was saved. .T res
15 ton of hay with a lot of miscellan-
eous articles of various kinds, entailin
a loss of about 31800.0() and but $600,
Insurance. Fortunately the horses be-
Io’ngin to Mr. Davrs wars in pasture
so no live stock were lost. Mr. Davis
expects to rebuild as soon as I possible.
Tuesday I evening the lightening
caused conSIderable damage to the
Electric Light Company‘s lines and
fixtures, one of the business blocks be-
ing cutoff 01’ lights that night. The
residence occupied by Mrs. A. S. Lieb
was struck, a corner of the chimney
broken and a hole burnt through the
roof. The Hogle block was given a
slight touch of high life and the {138
staff pen the Chapel tower hit mice.
It sec ed a wonder more damage was
not done, while a high nervous state of
aliens generally was reatly relieved
when the storm subsl ed.
Captain A. R. Knott.
Captain A. R. Knott, notice of whose
death appeared in the REGISTER of
the 10th was one of Linn county’s pio-
neers, and for many years a prominent
merchant and business. man of both
Mt. Vernon and Springvule, well known
and res ted by the citizens of Linn
and Co ar counties.
“6, W353 engaged in mercantile busi
ness in springvnle at the outbreak of
the war of the rebellion.
In An 1153 1862, he closed up hlsbnsi~
ness, enl sted no a volunteer, helped to
raise and organize what later became
Company H-,24th Iowa volunteer In-
fantry, was chosen by his company as
1st. Lieutenant, commissioned by Gov-
ernor Kirkwood and held the position
until after the death of Capt. Villiam
Carbee, who was killed in battle at
Champion’s Hill, May 16th, 1893, when
he became captain of the company
which position he held until mustered
out at the close of the war.
Captain Knott was an efllcientotlicer
kind hearted and brave. Loved an
respected by the officers and men of
his com any and of his regiment as
well. 1- e was possessed of a cheerful
disposition and maintained a christian
character all through the war.
He was seldom known to complain,
always ready and able to go where duty
called. He was with the company on
every march and in every skirmish and
bgttle in which his company participat-
e __
At the battle of Cedar Creek, Va,
Oct. 19th, 1864, early in the day he was
wounded and taken prisoner, but
thanks to the friendly shelter of a
great rock and the mystic magic of a
Masonic in which he always wore he
was enab e to elude the viligence( '2) of
his captors and join his regiment that
gHe was given a 30 days leave of ab-
sence, came home fora few days and
with that exception was never absent
, fiberctructige Lightening. A:
One of the severest electrical storms
buggies, 3 sleighs. 1 Wagon, 1 cart, 75
sets of harness, 50 bu. corn,3bo bu. oats.
S eakers, Dr. F. W. Luce, of Marion,
on. Milo P. Smith, Mrssnarah Roth-
rock, Capt. C. W. Kepler, Itev. J. H.
Palmer and others.
10:30 p. m.
. Open air concert bleanjd
. a. In. Business Meeting ‘
lat Appointing Committees
2:? Report of Post Commander
3 Report of Adjutant and Q. M.
4th Beadin of death roll of old sold-
iers who
the past “your. . , a
bth Remarks in'memorium by
. L. Love and others
‘Bt Election of oilicers ‘ ‘
~7th Report of Committees; ,
11cc 3.. m. Dress Parade-In front of
Opera House ..
:09 m. Dinner *-
Assembly. Music by Band
Song by Glee Club ‘
Prayer by Rev. M. Culver
' Cam Fire under direc
. Day
Weather-Crop ,Bulletin.
Iowa Department Weather Bureau
Des Moines, Iowa, August 16, 1898.
The past two, weeks was. somewhat
cooler than usual, the daily mean tern»
low the normal. It was generallydry
able for threshing and stacking, and
good progress has been made in serum
mg the grain crops.
Corn hasmrlde fair progress. though
the nights have been too cool for its rap-
id growth. Generally, the crop is more
advanced than at the corresponding
date last year; but it is in all stages of
rowth. from the silk to roasting ears.
n many early planted fields these dif-
ferences are noted in the development
or ears, resulting from the reviving in-
fluence of the rain following the
In response to inquiries as to the
date when the corn crop will be safe
from damage by frost, quite variable
opinions are given by crop reporters.
The condition of the crop is variable.
resulting from local differences as to
time of lanting and the weather con.
ditlons uring the period of cultivation
and growth. The average opinion
seems to indicate that the more ad-
vanced corn will be fairly well matur-
ed by September 10th; the larger part
of the corn will be practically safe by
September 25th. and the belated por‘
tion will require all of September with“
out killing frost to reach full maturity.
In this state the average date of first
killing frost is later than the first of
October. So, with normal weather
conditions. the corn crop is well assur~
ed, and for the state the total output
Will be very close to the average of re-
cent years, and possibly above.
The Martelle News.
After an eloquent sermon by the
pastor, ‘Rev. 15. w. Soper, the following
named persons united With the M. E.
church Sunday morning. Aug. 14th.
George Robbins, Mrs. Lizzie McCraken
RobbinS, Eugene Reed,.Mrs. Carrie
Onstott, Alta. Coffee, Virglmus Onstott,
Andy Onstott, Mrs. Sam Onstott, Mr.
and Mrs. Kinney, and Howard Stearns.
having served the six months proba-
tion in a most faithful and acceptable
manner. The first live named were
baptized by sprinkling. Those that
did not JOln under same conditions
but were prevented by sickness were:
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Strothers, Mr. and
ersi. Philip Bobst and Mrs. Geo. New-
an .
The Ladies’ Aid Society meeting was
postponed on account of the Fair.
i lArthur Briggs has been dangerously
1 .
Many of our people attended the con-
vention at Paralta last Sunday.
Backache is the first indication of
kidney trouble. Urinary disorders, dla.
bets, and even Bright’s Disease follow
unless promptly checked. Nothing bet-
ter to ma 8 perfect kidneys than Dr.
Sawyers kstine. H.112 Rambler.
persture beingfrom to 4 degrees be- a
the larger parrot the week, and favor— '
me}; small bottle of Chamberlain’s
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
Much to my _surprise~ and (blight its
sheets were immediate. Whenever .I
felt symptoms of the database I; Would
fortify myself against the, at ‘ k with
a few doses of this vein l '1
The result has been Yer , V
and almost com plete
estimation.“ For Sale b ‘
‘Dr. T. J. Baird, H.‘F. Um
“I have used Ch Ir
we 3 a,
even-led in this: country, a , ‘
um sin -,
could tdo
more l «
,' Cholera rigs
diving that
cabled. 'We
on? as an
that you
.‘ .l‘. J. Baird.
want to give y
evidence, of on
need it to adv
rained .«G.
For as e by -‘
II. F. ‘Haeseler ’*
A limited number of
persons to do vane;
v in fit their homes.“
.19, dtor every hun-
mptness and
abouts for parti-
The Sioux City
Sioux City, Ia.
Mi; ,
If you are low ted, write for rices.
Terms, Excursich 331368;] p
l . B
Burt, Ia,
To buy a farm. 1
also have a western
~'l’arm which I will
sell cheap. on easy terms. Address,
Box 354, MechaniosVille, Iowa.
The best line of New York shoes in
gill; part of the globe, at Horton 8:.
y e’s.
" _,. ‘L ‘
‘ V .g _,
(land 20, i". . .4 and 1
Milwaukee» St. Paul R'y.‘
round trip excursiontticketsto poi
, Up Date ally/lines.» ‘
meet anyc'bmpetition. you will or k
utility and Price: Will
[0, m eta 6213 comingwtous.
t ,
the (5hch 0
' ’wlll‘sgll
in“ northwest and southern states
rate or one-fare plus’two dollars i;
round trip. For full particulars
coming sale of these tickets ball: :ufia
r. a:
ticket agent of the 0., M. & St. 1’.
or address Geo. H. Remand G.
A., Chicago Ill.
,_ Rigs ’~
Fourtoeh Pcsuncorcerryuiirbr pic'- .
nlc_und_-;_$reso°country Trips. a
and surrounding
W6Will Be Pleased
to receive trial orders how new cus-
tomers. whom it will be our en~ »
deavor by pleasing to make
permanent ones. ,
11,“. ‘
or _.
L it me MARKET Ann TnsY ARE ALWAYS sou)
r “i no: wnicnassrmss You THE FRESHES’I‘
‘ _ mnm
Herc They Are
A few of Our, Straw Hats, both in Boys and
Mens, which, owing to the lateness of the
season, ,will be closed Out regardless
of Cost.
Now Is
The Time
to purchase your Summer Suits either in Crash
or Wool.
rWe are making a GREAT
all Summer Goods.
Call and Be Comfinced-
L clashich
Blair 2’: Kyle
con i
Refrigiators Cheap
Cream Freezers Cheap
Gasoline Stoves Cheap