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August 19, 1898 |
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)fofi 0
of d“ Plank Road This! “ii”
a de and Always Has a
(1 Surface.
an in ‘0 be an 1“creasing de-
neral public for road‘
nt,_and it is hoped that
Will be adopted with
suits. The macade
a one has been tried 10
le imp It has proved quite a
'19:. a is an open question
be generally adopted
1] V , tled rural dish“:ts 0“
“re '
“y the} great expense, and ml
the lack of stone ofj
I therefore propose '
:etzlilsseto’lmpmved madways and
. , ‘k road
hlnle plan . -
mere oiflnk7 eight inches wide
ports ?ne_balf inches thick.
:5 duri
‘ vel or Earth Road Bed)
.‘resid in its construction. In
it the see that the ground is
the 1 ed to prevent water
9 UP" ting on the roadbed.
3 113‘: a level surface of surli-
‘POUSIr a roadway; place
Vera“ and one-half” feet in
We 3:} ches wide and two and
13””? thick, at. proper dis—
.10“ live the planks for the
flora: drop the erossties so
'9’ them will be on a level
~ e of the ground; then
planks in their proper
ecure them to the ties
I spikes; leave four feet
tracks for team; grad?
pt at the sides to a level
e of the track with fine
.- quality of earth, and
a ’1 hem’y roller, and you
at. road in wet or ‘dry
, free from dust i
od bicycle path. With
3 t repairs, it will last
. ength of plank is re-
; k. as it may vary from
p 6t. as most convenient.
:6 material at market
. “'m be a trifle over one
'T‘fl‘ this in priming.
V shards arose as a rule
d. tinge. Mutant the
Q, the raspberries.
, . is usually a profitable
.lng of unmarketable
tth tobacco w
medics for worms
to s" equires but little prun-
tie thinning out of the
Tait“ and dl‘op off from
he“ grown in sod than
:tte, , is kept cultivated.
d .1 Possible strawberries
lat. n I"easonably high land.
ViscO atisreadilydrained.
Pin}; :25}; in the soil is often
)nce. 8m;tu‘ll:e(ll;.0pplng from
Their presence may
~Th the sawdust. Probe in
wry destroy them. ,
Eht. hfal’tas One advantage in
lilroa S rnwberriesin rows,
e greater compa
.ngk ries, :15 mm“ as th
is over, cut the as
The new shoot
ild ll, always sbzzrfigur in.
ake next seasoms "(in
{also 'th of vigorous shd tl’
5.—G d at. this time “Us:
.ing ‘t - ' '
“'th Pears.
mite ‘ “a (Shiite finest fruits
XS ab ‘1‘ en‘pieked at the
a StL “Pened it i'
the “133:2: it not for :11:
Pl‘ Dalie platitgéegf‘s are sub-
lied The pm. 0’9 large-
:ni 1 m8 ouldne~
3323.2“ "he if:
'1.“ “3‘8 befo
sent 1mm re
a .
, ained afewd‘izt‘el)’ to
often and are
« rig to market
r. 15. .c ‘ arrin
i of t; .5 0:231:3“38 their
at i “P price
I em in newclean
1each crate, wrap Each‘
“‘1‘ White paper. and,
- for heav
phui II'M] in suitable widthi
‘ f-t Put on. thereby con-
,0 , "NW." road destro
troO over. y"
n sum-
shows wheel tracks and ruts.
scraped both of these would be oblltn
eraterl, and drivers would not follow
so constantly in the same irzmks, tn from this and neighboring counties
the great detriment 01 the road.
It Makes the Richest Kind of Far-
tilizer for Flower Beds and All
Garden Crops.
There is no necessity for throwing
the waste from the kitchen into the
drain from the house, and to do so is
absolute waste of valuable fertilizing
material. Dishwaier, soapsuds and
all :‘uch waste products make the best
kind of fertilizers for grape vines. cur-
i'ant and gooseberry bushes and trees,
and vegetable pairings, may be put to
good use by being kept separate,
cooked and mixed with bran as a feed .
for pigs and chickens.
The richest kind of fertilizer that
can be made for flowers and gal'dl‘n
crops is to make a. flat pile of sodsJawn
Clippings and other such material. on v
which is thrown the soapsuds and dish-
water and other liquid waste from the
kitchen and house. This compost pile
shoiild be turned over once in awhile
so as to become thoroughly mixed and
rotted together, and then use where a.
quick and thrifty growth is desired.
All garden crops require an extra
amount of plant food because they
have been bred to make a quick
growth. and are ravenous foragers in
every case. There is not a single, gar-
den crop that, is not benefited by for
tilizing. no matter how fertile the soil
may be. ("ablvages tomatoes, cucum-
bers and melon vines. beets, onions.
lettm‘e. and radishes respond to extra
fertilizing very promptly, and if the
kitchen and house waste is utilized the
average family makes enough of this :
waste in a year to fertilize the garden.‘
Soapsuds and dishwater are both
rich in potash, and the garden crops
take to them very kindly. lfcmploycd
in this way the waste, may be put to
good use. instead of clogging“ up the.
drain and creating an unpleasant and
disease-breeding odor through the
warm months—Farmers” Voice.
A Simple Device “'hich .Aflordl
Grntefnl Shelter Agnith
Heat and Rat n.
Calves suffer severely in summer by!
being: hitched out in the hot sun. Some
shelter ought to be provided, both to
guard against heat and rain. The cut
, lshows an arrangement that will be
‘lways bears the bestl
found to fit this need. A hole is made
in the turf with an iron bar, and the
upright that is shown is driven down
into the ground. This upright has a.
cylinder (a square box will do as Well)
about its lower end, to which the
hitching-rope is tied. This prevents
the rope getting wound abut“; the
post. To the upright are, nailed two
light strips of wood. over which some
cheap cloth is stretched. its position
bank shown by tbsdotted lines. Make
this "just hi‘g'hi‘éh’ough for a cult to'
go under, “and it can be moved aboutl
with great ease, using a crowbar to
make a new hole in the turf iii each
at” 15 one new iocntion.~-N. Y. Tribune.
in ]
A New Method Which Bus Proved
Succciolnl Wherever It flu
Been Given I Trial.
The black knot is producing great
disaster among plum trees and prom-
ises to destroy some of the most value.-
ble kinds.
William Mendenhall, in the Horticu
tural Visitor, says thus far no remedy
seems to be suggested by fruit, growers
except to cut down and destroy the
trees which are attacked. but we find
on visiting the OTC-hard of Mr. Joseph
A. Pagan, of West Richmond, and talk.
ing with him that he. has discovered a
method which he regards as a positive
cure of the pest. It originated With
Win and he freely gives it to the pub-
lic for the general good. Being very
simple, it can be readily tried by any"
one. As soon as black 1mm, appears,
Which is shown by the swelling on the
trunk or limb of the tree, he cuts with
a knife an incision along the line of it
and saturates with ohloro Millim-
leum. a disinfecting fluid, a small can
of which can be had at any drugstore.
Another application should be, had in
the fall. We saw several trees on
which this was done, and inevery case
the black knot was destroyed and the
tree saved. In one case the. black knot
had been several feet long and it was
entirely removed and a new growth 93.
fablished. Several kinds of trees, in-
cluding the Damson, were operated
on. and the trial “'85 always a success.
Mr. l’agan has successfully used this
precess for the past three seasons.
Feeding Value of “Hwy.
Wisconsin experiment station re-
ports that 760 pounds of \vlieymfiected
a saving of 100 pounds of cornmeal mid
shorts. mixed in equal parts. the latter
being worth $12 per ton: the who}! was
worth eight cents per 100 pounds. At
$15 per ton for the grain whey was
worth ten cents pm‘ hilntll‘t‘il'V‘Vt‘lg‘llt.
Whey was fed in varyingqnant ity,i'rom
twototen poundstoonepouullof grain.
Feeding pigs on whey alone was not
successful. In Danish experiments it re-
quired 1,200 pounds of whey (from skim
milk) to equal 100 pounds of meal. And
several trials at home and abroad iii-
dicate that whey has just about the
same feeding;r value for hogs as half
the same weight of skim milk.—~ West.-
ern Plowman.
(Tare Keeps Rondo Good.
A road that receives little were soon
If it was
swept and
Change in Busy Attitude of Depart-
nlents at “'ashington Since
Return to Peace.
Washington, Aug. 15,—The white
house, the war department and the
navy department resumed their usual
Sunday quietude, a condition which
has not prevailed since the Maine was
blown up in Havana harbor, February
15. Secretary Alger was at the depart-
ment a few minutes and also went to
the white house, but. did not remain
long. Gen. Corbin came into his office
during the day and looked over his dis—
patches, but did not remain constant-
ly on duty, as he has been doing. There
were a few clerks about the depart—
ments, but scarcely a Sunday passes
. in peace times that this does not hap-
pen. The busy, warlikecattitude has
entirely disappeared and Washington
has settled down to a peace basis.
The president believes that the most
serious problem which the peace com-
mission will be called upon to deal
with is the Philippines. Before the
commission assembles it is hoped the
affairs of Cuba and Puerto Rico will be
found in such process of adjustment
as to leave little for the commission to
consider under that head. The abso-
lute relinquishment by Spain of all
sovereignty over the islands in the
West indies will allow only the prop—
erty questions to be settled between
i the governments, that is what Spain
1 shall take away and what, shall remain
as captures of war, and the protection
of Spanish subjects and their property
in the islands. The greater questions
growing out of the war as relating to
Cuba and Puerto Rico will have to be
dealt with by the United States alone,
The fact, that the Philippines will
present the difficult problem in the
1 peace negotiations has caused the ad'-
ministration to give it a great deal of
careful attention. Several suggestions
have been made as to what shall be
done, one being the retention of! the
bay, city and harbor of Manila, jgst
what the protocol gives temporarily.
Another is that Subig bay and a suf-
fiecient amount of territory for a naval
‘ and cooling station be secured, and the
lbuilding up of an American city at
that place begun. Still another idea.
which is being considered. is the reten-
tidn of the Island of Luzon, the advo-
cates of that plan believing that there
would be trouble between the govern-
ments which occupied a portion of the
island with a line of demarcation such
as would exist in case Manila and the
buy only were retained. The island of
Luzon is the largest of the group, and
contains about 3,000,000 people, which
are said to be the better class in the
Philippines. It is believed, however,
that the administration and the com—
mission will be greatly influenced by
the reports which Admiral Dewey and
Gen. Merritt will make on the subject.
Their reports are expected before the
commission meets.
The final determination as to the
government of Puerto Rico and the
settlement of the government of Cuba
ard’bi‘oblomstor settlement. but the
impression prevails; that these lain-113*
will become quite rapidly American
tired, and every encouragement for
ltllelll to do so will be given. Puerto
Rico will be under military control for
the present. Cuba also will be similar-
ly governed, but it is probable that
IAmerican reforms. in the matter of
, government will be such that the peo-
ple of Cuba will see the advantame
becoming annexed to the United
States. It is thought the sanitary im~
provement of‘Havana and other cities.
and liberality offered the country peo-
ple Will be of such a. character as soon
to convince the people that the
changed conditions are for their good.’
No more troops will befisent to Gen.
Merritt unless he asks for them. It. is
believed at the war department that
the 16,000 men now there are sufficient
to garrison Manila and the
which the United States for the pres-
ent will occupy. All of the troops that.
were with Gen. Shatter in the Santiago
campaign will be. out of Cuba by Fri-
day of this week. Gen. Shatter will
accompany them to Mo‘ntauk Point.
There will remain at Santiago five regi-
ments of lmmunes to'tlo garrison duty.
It is yet. possible that a battery will
lbe sent to Santiago {0 take the place
10f the batteries which are to be re.
moved. Gen. Miles has about. 15,000
men in Puerto BicO- They will be suf-
ficient for the occupation of the island.
land perhaps more than are needed
after the Splinkh evacuate. The re-
mainder of the troops will remain in
the various camps to which they have
been assigned for the present, though
.somethlng may be done looking to-
lwards diminishing the number when
‘ it; becomes apparent that they are no
longer needed.
All vessels of the navy that can ,be
:spared from the service in the West
llndies will be ordered to ports in the
lstates, where the men will be given
‘ibrief holidays. The big battleships of
, the fleet will be put in dry dock as soon
i as possible and undergo such repairs
as may be necessary. There is scarcely
a vessel of the navy that does not need
docking. It is expected that the large
dock in the New York yard will be
ready to receive the ships in about two
weeks. The auxiliary vessels of the
, navy which will not be used for the per-
manent navy will be disposed of as
soon as they go‘out ’of commission,
, probably being sold at auction.
Ruined the Union Jack.
Vancouver. B. C., Aug. 15.~—-.\lai1adv
vices received here say that the Brit—
ish warship Mohawk has raised the
British ‘flng over the Santa Cruz and
Duff islands and taken formal posses-
sion of them. The islands or in a re-
mote part of the South Fact The
Santa Cruz group has seven large is-
lands. The Duff or Wilson gronp con-
sists of11 islands.
Salled for Spain.
Santiago, Aug. 15.--The Luzon sailed
Sunday afternoon for Spain with 2.056
soldiers, 4 priests 16 women. 34 chil.
dren and 137 officers: total. 2.237.
was» -» .‘sms .,
“'ill Visit Yellowstone Park.
Washington, Aug. 13.-Commissioner
Binger Hermann. of the general land
ofiiec. will leave Washington for his
home in Oregon. leforc returning he
will visit the Yellowstone National
park and reservations in California,
with a view of studying the needs of
these parts of the public domain. He
will be absent about six weeks.
Old Settlern’ Benson.
Spencer, lud., Aug. tin-The twenty.
fourth annual old settlers' reunion was
held at Quincy. About 12,000 people
were present.
the management of the municipalities“
Lost His Life Saving- Other-I.
A country boy visiting New York stopped
a frantic runaway team that was about to
dash on the sidewalk where there were hun-
Hreds of women and children. He saved
their lives, but lost his own. Hundreds of
lives are saved every year by Hostetter’s
Stomach Bitters. People who are fast go-
ing to their graves with disorders of stom-
ac , liver, bowels and blood are brought
back to good health by it. All the sick
should try it.
Delicntely Put.
He would not say that she painted, pow-
dered and all that. lie was too much ofa
gentleman for that. .
“Still I may as well confess,” he said,
"that she impressed me as one who thinks
she can improve upon the Lord's handi-
work."——Chicago Post.
Shake Into Your Shoe-
Allen’s Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet.
It cures painful, swollen, nervous, smarting
feet and instantly takes the sting out of
come and bunions. It’s the ’rentest comfort
discovery of the age. Allen s loot-Ease makes
tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain
cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired, ach-
ing feet. Try it to-day. Sold by all druggists
and shoe stores,250. Trial package FREE.
Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
Little Dora is so thoughtful of the future
that she never eats dinner, but what she
thinks of supper. She was taking her music
lesson at the piano when she asked if she
mi ht: learn to play the harp instead. “It
wifi save me having to learn when I‘m an
angel,” she explained.——Pick-Me-Cp.
“'urs Within “'nrs.
“Another Quarrel going on next door.”
“What’s the matter this time?”
“She wants to name the baby ‘Dewey’
and he wants the name for his wheel."——Iu-
dianapolis Journal.
Wheat 40 Cents a tunnel.
How to grow wheat‘with big profit at 40
cents and samples of Seller's lied Cross (80
Bushels per acre) W inter “'bcat, R , Oats,
Clovers, etc, with Farm Seed ()ata ogue for
4 cents postage. JOHN A. SALZER SEED
C0., La. Crosse. Wis. K
In the Language of the Day.
He~I shall never love again.
She—Ah. An immune. ~— Indianapolis
Journal. ‘ “Mb”
G. A. R. Encam inth Sept. 5-10. $500
Queen & Crescent oute. Cincinnati, Chat~
tanooga and return. W. C. Rinearson, Gen 1
Pass’r Agt., Cin’ti, 0-
Bennett—“There is iner talk about Spain
ceding the Canaries.’ véearpass H “To
France?" Bennett - l“1\o; to a man to
Whom she owes a coal bill.”~«Puck.
1 498—1 898 .
Culico’l Four Hundred":
Calico was first manufactured in India
in 1498, so that its use has been constant
for more than four hundred years.
William Sim son &Sons.most extensive man-
ufacturers o thisrcountry now produce the
best. grade of this kind of goods possible to
make. Their prints are always attractive,
the colors bright, clear and lasting. Deal-
ers as well as buyers recognize this fact, and
very wisely give them preference. Ladies
who have not worn them will do well to
remember this, as the piece of calico which
bears the. ticket upon which appear the
magic words “\Villiam Simpson & Sons"
is not. only the best that the world has pro-
duced for four hundred years, but is daubt-
less as good as will be made four hundred
years hence.
”“‘—"‘ .
Her First Tri .~“What are we stopping
for now?” “W c’re going to put the pilot
off.” “How cruel! What did the poor man
do?"-—Truth. »
Help tor nay-Fever.
Dr. Hayes’ treatment controls the
Asthma, relieves the itching and sneezing,
checks the catarrhal symptoms, stops the
cough and makes life endurable at the same
time bringing about a change of, constitution
which removes the cause and cures to stay
cured. If you want to know about it, write
to Dr. Ha es, Bufi'slo, N. Y. No charge for
book on sy-Fever and Asthma.
.__.___. ‘
\Vrite W. C. Rinearson, G. P. A., Queen
dz Crescent Route, Cincinnati, 0., for free
books and maps, $5.00 Cincinnati to Chatta-
nooga Excursion, Sept. 8-10.
WWW“... VV .___
Mamma~“From what. animal do we get
our milk?” Flossie—“From the milkman.’
Piso’s Cure for Consumpition is_sn AN0.
1 Asthma medicine—W. . Williams, An-
tioch, 111., April 11. 1894.
After that. alliance with England is
formed, will she ‘oin us in celebrating the
Fourth?—L. A. vvl. Bulletin.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quininc Tablets. All
druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c.
He—“I 'know how to manage my wife."
She-“Vbe don’t you, then l’; lie—“She’
so obstinate she won’t let me. ~~Ttt~Bits.
G. A. B. $5.00 rate Sept. 8, and 10. Cin-
cinnati to Chickamauga, Q. C. Route.
...._—... .—._.,_.
Circuses that have come and gone are in
the passed tents.—L. A. W. Bulletin.
1 :
Hall’s Gators-h Cure
Ii taken internally. Price 75o. w
if you are dissatisfied with the size
of place or with the quality of the
chewing tobacco you are now
usmg "‘
, 1, .'_. tv'picce of
‘ larger IO—oent
other brand pf same high quality,
Battle Ax is
piece of any
andisWW 6
chewing, tobacéo
10 cents.
Remember the name
when you
that is sold to
a»... WW, My“... .w. ._.....
i say to every young \
\They save a daughter
from blindness.
When a father writes that ours “ is the
best medicine in the wor d." you can
allow something for seeming extrava.
gance in the statement it you know that
the medicine so praised, cured a loved
daughter of disease and restored to her
the eyesi ht near] lost. The best med.
icine in t c world or you is the medicine
that. cures yon. There can’t be anything
better. No medicin: can do more than
cure. That is why onus. Geode. of
Orrick. Mo» writes in t as: strong terms:
a common experience to have Dr. Ayer’o
Sarsaparilla prescribed by a physician.
It is a common experience to see a “ com-
plete cure” follow the use of a few bottles
of this great blood purifying medicine.
Because. it is a specific for all forms of
blood disease. If a disease has its origin
in bad or impure blood. Dr. Aycr's Sars-
aparila, acting directly on the blood. te-
movin its impurities and iving to it
vitaiizing energy, will prompt y eradicate
the disease.
The great feature of Dr. Ayer's Sorsspm
tilt: is the radical cures that result from
its use. Many medicines only suppress
discascwthey push the tropics down
under the skimthey aim. t e com lexion
with subtle arsenica compounds, at the
disease rages in the veins likeapeut-u
fire. and some day breaks out in a we .
canic eruption that eats up the bod .
Ayer’s Ssrsapsrilla goes to the root. it
makes the fountain clean and the waters
are clean. It makes the root good and
the fruit is good. It gives Nature the
elements she needs to build up the broken
down constitution«noi to brace it up with
stimulants or patch it up on the surface.
Send for Dr. yer’s Curebook. and learn
more about he cures effected by this
remedy. It's sent tree. on request, by the
J. C. Ayer (20.. Lowell, Mass.
run naconma mus and came PURCHASE A Calcimo
from vourgrocel' or paint dealer and do your own kalsomtniu . This
material is made on scientific
princl lea y machinery and milled in twenty-four tints and a superior to on
concoction at Glue
and hltlntz that can outiin be mode is and. To be mixed with (l d Water.
13‘ Band for DA PLE COLOR .ARDD uni it you cannot purchgjo um mum-(.1
your local dealers let us know and we will put you in the woy of cumming
" Dr. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the best med-
lcine in the world. M daughter had a
relapse after the mess es. due to taking
cold. She was nearly blind.aad was oblige
to remain in a dark room all the time.
The doctors could give her no relief; one
of them directed me to give her Ayer’s
Saraaparllla. Two bottles cured her com-
The thousands of testimonials to the
value of Dr. Ayer’s Ssrsapsnlla repeat
over and over again. in on: form or another
the expression: “The doctors gave her
no relief; one of them directed me to
ive her Dr. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Two
gottles complete y cured her."
It is a common experience to try Dr.
Ayer’s Sarsapsrilla as a last resort. It is l
Mrs. Pinkham Ciounsels Young Wives to Keep
Their AttractivenesswA Letter,
Front, 9.; Young Wife.
Seven-eighths of the ‘
men in this world mae-
ry a woman because,
she is beautiful in their .
eyes. . ‘
What a disappoints.
merit then" to see the
fair young wife’s beauty
fading away before ayes:
passes over her head
‘1 sceiaslliwouiditkeio . . t ,. ..
puss who isyabout-
to be married?“ 5 L yourself in
advanccrém that you will notbrcak dew
under the new strain osxy‘ou‘r powers.
Keep your beauty, il. £3138" procious pose
session! Your husbaadloves your beauty, ,
he is proud to be seen in public with you; try to keep it for his sake.‘
and your own. V L p
The pale checks, the dark shadows under the eyes. the general
drooping of the-young wife's form, what do they mean? They
-meanthatjhernerves are failing, that her strength is going and that
[something masts-sass: to help her through the coming trials of
i' ? maternity. ,
i fwfinuatajfier up at once by a course of some tonic with specific
FREE for a few months tool! nun of the
celebrated ELASTIC STARCH, (Flat Iron
Brand). To induce you to try this brand of
starch,» that you may find out for yourself
that all (Joints for its superiority and econ- ,
only me true, the makers have has! prepared,
at great expands, a series of {out
, exact reproductions of-the $10,000 original: by Muville. which will be
you ABSOLUTELY FREE by your. grocer on conditions named below.
, These Plaques are wind!“ in circumference, are free of any suggestion
advertising whatever, and will omamenf the most elegant apartment. No
r manufacturing concern ever before gave sway such nimble presents to its ,
, customers. They are not for sale at any price, and can be obtained only
the manner specified.
American Wild Ducks.
English Quail.
The birds are hndsomely embossed and stand out ultursl as life.
Plaque is bordered with I. hand of gold.
has been the standard for as yours.
packages of this brand were sold
last year. That's how good it is.
to show you the plaques and tell
you about Elastic Starch. Accept
The subjects are:
American Pheasant.
English Snipe.
lion To Get Them:
All purchasers of thus 10 cent or
six 5cent packs of Elastic Starch
(Flat Iron Bra ). Ire entitled to re-
coivotrom their grocer one of these
beautiful 0mm Plaque. free. The
hiqu will not be sent by mail.
They can boobulned only from your
Every Grocer Keeps Elastic Starch.
Do not (MI,- ’!‘his other
is for a short time only.
ers; « Such as Lydis2E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. ‘ You can
get it at any drug‘git‘it’s.
Following We publish by request a letter from a young wife—~of
her own accord she addresses it to her “suffering sisters," and
from modesty she? asks to withhold her name, she gives her initials
and street number in Chambersburg. Pa., so she can easily be found
personally or‘bylcttcr:
. To my Suffering Sisters:——Let me write this flat your benefit. tell-
:ing you what Lydia E. (Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has done
for me. lam but nineteen and suffered with painful menstruation.
Qléucorrhea, dizziness, burning sensation back of cars and on top of
my head, nervousness. pain and soreness of muscles, bearing-down
‘ pains, could not sleep Well, was unable to stand without pain, and
oh! how I longed to be Well! ‘
One dayl wrote thrs. Pinkham telling her all, knowing I could
do so in perfect confidence.
She wrote me a lovely letter in reply, telling me exactly what to
do. After taking nine bottles of the Compound, one box of Liver
Pills, and using one-half package of Sanat’ive Wash, 1 can say am
cured. I am so happy, and owe my happiness to none other than
Mrs. Pinkham.
Why will women suffer when help is near P Let me, as one who
has had experience, urge all suffering Women. especially young
wives. to seek Mrs. Pinkham’s advice—«Mrs. R. S. R., 113 E.
Catherine St, Chambersburg, Pa.
Lazy Liver
.15.“? lb?“ "$23,305. "m ‘f"
a rp vor.w c_ moons: .
lion. 1 round CASCARETS to hi all sit at
(or them. and secured such relief the rat trial.
that ! porous-ed another supply and m oom-
piotoly cured. I shall only be too glad to rec-
ommend Cascarets whenever the opportunity
ll presented." .1. A. SIXTH.
2920 Susquehann. Am, Pailsdotphis. Po.
lBLAND"oniliutrued book to . .
SIXTH. Truffle Man or,
Long lshnd titty. New ork.
By the Geo-in on the south slim, or the
assessments emits
~\ .. L. E. N ‘3
Is the only sum euro lmworld for chronic Ul-
iilnatntcui desert live book 4 for
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ur- on. Ulcers loin vices-o. Vin-h
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h t ls d b0 d h L
"him. “3...: a: $35 ulr‘ifi’éu‘é“ 1.8;?
so «at Gammon
gold Sores. i. never fail}. ansout an poison.
Haves expel!!! and mitotic . Cu permanent.
Best. solve for Alumna. loo. In", 0-
38“? eastwards: item“ "glean
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Thu Bast 800K . " Whitfimfiixftl
tuouslyillustmwd (price Linus-v:be about
two annual subscrt close at «on to the orisn
Monthly. BAN FR romeo. Sample Overland Jo.
..___.___...,,.,. MM. wamflm «W--
NEW mscovmv: It;
quick "list and cures worn
men. stand for book o! in. one 10
Pl at, Puss-bis. 0mm. Tun Good. Do
Good. §¢vsr station. Weak-n. or Gripe. me. 130.500.
Mull-c My (ta-pay. Chis-go. non-moi. low ran. as
lo-To-uo 9°” “"1 gamma“ by man".
all“ to c In Tobacco Habit.
trons-sent. Eran. In I. In um cosmos-in.
A. N. k.—A 1722
in." mm To A?"
Ibsen-now“. “nous-
uouh “nur-