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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
August 21, 1941     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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August 21, 1941
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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August 21, 1941 I'ItP. M(gI.N/I" Vi:I{N~)N. IA)%%A. IIA%~1~,1'14 I -I{l~c'(bl{I) A.%I; I'lli.: idNl~ON tlI.:I{AIJD Page Floe a dinner this noon at the Jordan,r - m " I ~ )r,j~ ~pmb -- j- - -- at 2"30 o'clock Rev Joseph Bren house honoring her house guests r m~k ~Pr| k []][m IkV],r ~ fib m| r~,m]Iki[ ][ ~ i l~mmm |jlm ~lk~ LR ~mm~pastor of the church, officiated tr'lq. Jt .Pl ? lhl.s g the double ring service. the Misses Addle and Alice FirkinsI r'l 'If I" i' dilP' qKr I IP',P 'kLI"II'ff",!1"%1 I rll4k k ( j Sn~cial ylubhwfllnmee:!-" "'*'" F'"~" "~*~'~"~ of Belle Plaine. Covers were laidl i n.- m n'~llh ")' 11,Imm.lP W ~l |l.m ~,d' Ul~l I V| m~ . F miq~'I Mrs. John Vosatka of Cedar Rap- for eight. [ : : : : : : . iids, sister of the bride, was matron afternoon, August 28. I : ~ ; : = : : : -- -- : : : = : = = -- : : -- -- : 2ity Rebekah lodge will l The Ladies Industrial society ofI ~"v.~l~.- dar meeting, Tuesday lthc Presbyterian church will meet Jst 26, at 8:00 o'clock. ]in the church parlors, VCednesdayi Kepler entertained at~ afternoon, August 27. Mrs. Joe luncheon today at the Visher's division will be hostesses, i Tea Room. Placeswere Mrs ]~ussell Cole and Mrs. R. A. LI six. Nelson were co-hostesses at a din-i Emma Plattenberger was her honoring Mrs. Robert Baumani at a quilting bee and din-Ion Friday evening at the Nelson~ home on Tuesday after- home. Places were laid for twelve, i were five guests . A gift wos presented to Mrs. Bau- man from her hostesses. The 81st birthday of Mrs. James Bryant was celebrated at the an- nual Bryant reunion held at Belle- rue on Sunday, A large decorated birthday cake was baked by Mrs. Lyall Bryant and served as a cen- terpiece for the picnic table at din- breakfast this ner. Those attending from Mount at the Becker home, hen- Vernon were: Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Geraldine Bryant whose Bryant, Miss Geraldine Bryant, Mrs. to Dale Norton will be an i James Bryant, Mr. and Mrs. Lyall of Sunday evening. Ten ~. Bryant, Bob Bryant and Dale Nor- N~ ~ared the courtesy, ton. O geraldine Bryant, bride- ~as honored Tuesday at a! and linen shower given Margaret Keyes at her were ten guests. C. F. Becker, Mrs. Clyde daughter, Mrs. Faith were joint hostesses for All Text Books Are Cash JEAN H. JACOBS DOROTHY L. CASE ' Homemaking Girl's Athletics Mrs. J. R. Eyre and Mrs. C. E. steak fry at the Palisades. Those :Hedges were joint hostesses at a present were: The Misses Elizabeth tea at the Eyre home Wednesday and Geraldine Bryant, Eleanor afternoon, from 3 o'clock until 5 Gough, Audrey Nelson, Josephine o'clock, in honor of Miss Josephine Magee, John MacGregor, and Gor- Magee. There were forty guests, don Myers. A gift from the hostesses was pre- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fisher have sented to Miss Magee. been entertained on several ores- Bob Bryant was honored at a *lsions before they leave for their new birthday surprise party Tuesday home in Avers. They were dinner evening by a group of friends at at guests, Sunday, in the home of Mr. LI~OYD GOETTEL Coach JEANE ,~C~OBIE Fourth Grade and Mrs. E. E. Moots of This Community and Surrounding Territory Make Your Plans Now to Attend High School at follow the luncheon. R n Geraldine Bryant m And Dale Norton To Be Married In Chapel [] . | | I . | | i, = Our Country Needs You As An Educated, Responsible m Citizen. Why? m I. Because you will have more of a chance of meeting corn- I petition in earning your living. 2. Because your attention will be directed towards better I homes, schools, churches and government. [] l on Sunday. All the members of t their family were with them except their oldest daughter, Mrs. A. E. Kleger, of Pocatello, Idaho. Twen- ty-two were seated at one long table t centered with a bowl of deep red roses, a gift from their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Peet of Iowa City. Those present were: Mrs. Alice Merritt and daughter Blanche of Niobrara, Nebr.: Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Smith of New Boston, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Peet, Junior and Joan of Iowa City; Mr. and Mrs. J'. F. May, Mr. and Mrs. Elwain May, James, Robert and David of Anamosa; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoidahl of Chicago, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Felsman and Miss Huldah Peet Miss Geraldine Bryant, daughter of Mount Vernon of Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Bryant, will, " become the bride of Dale Norton l~.(l~--- ~lr-- 1- ~ '~ ' se marsneK Ana SOil of Mrs. W. R. Norton, of Dar- Ha lan Elhson Wed lington wis in a candle-light cere- i r mony, at 7:00 o'clock, Sunday eve- ------- nmg m the Cornell chapel key G At a ver uiet w ' ] y q ~ ed ling on Mon- C. Lusted will officiate at the sin-Iday morning August 18th Miss gle ring service in the presence of R s M r " t o~e a shel~ of Morse, daughter seventy-five relatives and friends i of Mrs Mary Marshek of Mt Ver- The bridewill be attended bY lnon' became the 'bride of Mr. Her- her sister. Miss Elizabeth Bryant, t lan Ellison son of Mr and Mrs as maid of honor and Miss Mar Ottts Elll on ,- I s of Mount Vernon. The garet Keyes as bridesmaid Otto cer m w ," I e ony as performed in the Ruf of Darltngton Wis will at rector of Br ' ' "' " I y St. idget'schurch, tend the groom. I Nolan Settlement. Rev. Edward Gordon Myers of Janesvllle Cot I