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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
August 21, 1941     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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August 21, 1941
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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q Page SLx THE MOUNT VERNON, IOXV.~, ITA~VIC'EYE-I~ECORD AND THE LISBON HERALD Thursday, AUgUSt 21, I - I o~n|,|~|r[[|,lr~ i|r~|Tq /100 pound shoats sold for $14.85 ' Cedar Rapids; Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Mrs. Loren Noah of Marion spentI Mr. and Mrs. Donal Gordon and IU[E'./~HI||I/~('|111,r. j Tuesday morning for Philadelphia, lant afternoon passed ~rK|]~|lv~|,l,~, [~,W, teach. Shropshire ewes sold for Wilson, Misses Hattie and Minnie I Friday with Mrs. Loren Brown. Ison Bob were Sunday dinner guests ivir,|,rl/~il||,'~||oLr, land Winston, Penna to spend thellovely lunch was served. ~" $13.75; late spring lambs brought Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wilson, Miss Ella Faust returned home I in the Jesse Gordon home at Cog- j month with relatives and friends Brock and Mrs. Grace ~ 158.75. Six counties were represent- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson and l Sunday from several days visit with don -LLL---. I Dr. and Mrs. F. M. Wilsonand fnished the nrogram. a-u~lvJ~ ZVIAZaL~IC~ .~'IU OZI~VZ~O f " ' F VVJ~LI.;UD'I~ IG2klN r ~ ,~,~n ,~w~,~E ~v~D ~vTn z~ led by bidders. O. J. Emmons o Beth of Anamosa, Mr. and Mrs. I relatlves and friends at Center~ Mrs. Clarence Taylor of Cedar daughters Vlrgmm and Barbara re-! Mr. and Mrs. McCashn, "*% ".%ffi "~, - . Ithe Exchange Bank was clerk; W. Chris Dircks and Sue of Cedar Rap- Junction Scotch Grove and Moat[- Rapids spent the week end in the he genue ram wmcn wmtea tins turned home Saturday night from Staab and Mary Staab . Announcemen,t has oeen maoe oi !E. Challis of Lisbon was auctioneer, ida; Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Sterner cello Dennis Taylor home section of the country Sunday was i Indianapolis where they have been I Vernon left Sunday m0 me marrmge o~ ~vljss~lma miner l ------- and Bob, Mrs. Maude Post and[ Ivan Armstrong of Cedar Rapids rL Mrs. Anna Hann accompanied Mr. a most welcome visitor. The dust at a convention the past week ! Arkansas for a week's staY. and James,~eea, wmcn was solemn-IBURKETT.SECRIST .REUNION Quentin Post and family of Joliet,[spent Sunday afternoon in the L[and Mrs. Earl Goodlove of Central was getting almost unendurable, i Dr. and Mrs. Elmer Littig enter-! lzea m me ~'resoy~ermn l~anse, The annum ~url~et~:~ecmst re- Ill" Mr and Mrs L O Gorius of[B Stanley home [City to Marion Sunday where they and the lawns and gardens were!tained at five tables of brid~e at ~, ~ug la in riopxinton r~ev ~avid~union was held Sunday in the ~s n much refreshed ~ ~ l~ ~, --' ' ' ~---" -~ i Marion; Mr. and Mrs Claire Mel-] Mark A Smith of Plymouth OhioI pe t the day in the Hillis Gill - their home Friday night for Mr ~a'i~ ~-~ ~:" Dr0 ue~est on[elated, misses r~na ~aust I Springy[lie rligh Schoo~ pluming lette an"~ Bob of r'hic'a i w - "-" home i "~,m i m~a- m ~ ~* and rances ae~es~ were in m~ena-i55 were in attendance urucers Mrs W G Co--in" of Pasadena ~L B Stanle-- ~ Rev Charles B Willmin-" and au~u,~,~-~ ~ I mo in n 1 ,~', L " " " ~'P ~ ' ' " Y" I ' ~ . V g tO ~e saco a, rm. ~ranK, 0CK dace. - !elected for. 19 42 were: Pres Earl Calif.; Mrs. Vend Greenawalt, Mrs./ Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Patterson ofifamily returned Monday from a M,ss Imogene Jurgensen of Ohn, IWoods wonhigh score for men and[ ,~9[pe~ad~t~f~P Tne pride wore a navy blue en ~ecnst, Vice ~'res w ~ ~mmer ~,~'- ~: [ " - -," I. S. Pearson, and Will Pollock. [ Pomona, Calif,were Thursday eve- [ week's vacation in Illinois In the and John Smeltzer of Stanwood I Clifford Ayres low Mrs Jack 'Car- I 152kLl~ t~ semwe w~m a corsage or pink anct Sec and "~Teas, ~oris ~ewmno; Office's e~ected were ~re- ~" "~ ~-" ~ t--" near "~'-'l--- "- -~r~ marrie,~ this morning August " ' ~ ! :al~ I " ,~ ." ~ ~ : r ~ x~. ~. I nlng guests In me lwr. and Ivl.rS. 1.1. I t:uuxa xy ~ul oHx t[]cy VlSl~eo ** ~ ,~ . ,~,{ Vllle won nlgn for women and Ivlrs. I ivlecnanlcsvm mven~er asters mr an~ lvlrs Program t~nalrman, urn ~ ~ecrlst ' ' 21st m St Mar s church here : ", . Wilson; Vice Pres,Mrs. T. W. Pol-~B. Stanley home i friends of former years when Rev Y' Sankot, low. The guests of honor i ~g~tC~ ~eeo ~sz~ea reianvesm. ~oc~mra, J of Marmn. lock; See Mrs. Harry Smith; and] Mr. and Mrs. John Alexander lWillming was pastor of the Char- Rev. Father Frenken officiated. I were presented a gift. ] ~=~'~" ,h 111, and returned m ~prlngVllle on l~nv- ,~ " [u~ ~,~ ~,~--'pR~,~,~A~U~ 1 Treas Albert Pollock [ were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. !lotte Evangelical church. From ~ [ The Gracia Guild gave an ice Tipton West g ~unaay ~ rs. ~eea has been e.m- ] ~SI~Y ~k~GUST 2"6~ " ] ~---- ] and Mrs. Frank Himebaugh at Cen- [there they went to Downers Grove Old time ~riends in this commun- i cream social in the display room of ,~ f} 4 1 prayed m t ne loca~ ~empnone ~nce i ~- ~" . ' . " . [ Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Barrows Iter Junction. I to visit with relatives, and to Na- I ity were sorry to learn of the death i the Lynch Motor Co on Saturday ~--'-:. -~ ,~rmerS .~or arn ime ero eYrearSi e . oemgoprogramjnscnoojDu ( -iof Marion were Sunday evening] Miss Nelle Davis entertained Mrs.[perville where Rev. Willming at-!of C. J. Murfield of Martelle the]evening. A neat sum was added ]~a]~|V u, ~,~wod~ ~s a ~ o m a ~y c n mg a~ lu ou am ivluslc By me ~ l~enoer g~ " "1 : ~" ": [guests of Mr.and Mrs. Wilbur R. L. Bixby of Davenport last tended college and seminary. They i last of the week. He had been atI to their treasury. U/tllhl, gramlauons are extenuea I~prlngvllle Banct, wire a(lcUtlonal ~ ,Ea le Rock ~allf las~ winter as :No ~ I Stearns ]Thursday and Friday. [ spent Sunday at Mooseheart where ' g,' ',! The Social Club met with Mrs. State LicenSe KEARNS REU~ i ~pe~a'B~2eDer:~drl2sV C~U wnelc2e;: Joan and Jean Davenport return- Orval Kelly spent the week end [two brothers of Rev. Willming are I had been hinS' custom :or a number I James Connor Thursday afternoon Clean -- Fast -- " ~ . ' . . . led Sunday from a month's vacation/in the Clarence Robertson home i employed at the Mooseheart Home i of years, a d ad c e home to i All members were nresent A nleas- --- ne ~znu annua~ ~earns reumon!Mayor ~. oonnsmn; response, fin points in California Joan has near Martelle for Children I Martelle only a few weeks ago. He [ --------- - " - was nero in me memoais~, cnurch ~ Leol Duster, Past Commander. Iowa I returne,~, ~+o D~ ~,~,v,~+" ,~ ~ o,~'~/ ~,~,~r~^"~'~ ,~,~.r~u:"~*;~ ,--,h'~ ~h ~,~ The members of th~ Wir~'~ ~r. had suffered a heart ailment for I A [~ hereSunday. Because of mclement iDept. American Legmn; trumpet is employed /the summer months at Dixon, Iowa~ihers community club gathered at ithe past two years and his generali ~== we a~ner, only ~l were present solo, Bob Whitman; an address, Doris George spent from Saturday [returned home Thursday ' 7:00 o'clock Wednesday in the home health had failed. His wife was the l '~ i --umcers xor me ensuing yearare: !"Whither .~merica," z rank Mires, to Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. [ Mr and Mrs Wm Sh'ellhammer ]of Mr. and Mrs. George Olinger I former Belle Gregory daughter of[ V l i ~res 2onn ~earnso~ cemrai t~ y.; editor ox me iowa egionaire and William McKee at Newton.]called in the John'iVIcDonald hos-lfor a basket dinner complimenting lMr. and Mrs. Wes Gregory, early l , vice r're~, ;dam oonnsmn, o~ lVlt Public Dzrector of Iowa State Selec- Mr. and Mrs. Earl George and :pital at Monticello Sunday to visit [ Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Olinger, who I residents of this place Mrs. Mur- ~'~ [ II 1 , vernon; ;~eC. and "lTeas Mat)eltireService ~ . Dons, and Mrs. F. C. Roberts re- Mrs. Arvil Tuel and baby daughter were recently marrmd, field died mx years ago. There were [1,a~ Kearns of Marina; Relatives were Free Barbecue sandwiches at 12 . ! -r- n turned home Thursday from a wmt Beverly Ann, Mrs. Tuel was the Mrs. Nancy Pearson was honor~no chddren. p ese ~ zrom ~uvuque, ~ran~on, noon ~asevml game m me a~er- at Ida Grove, where Miss Doris former Eunice Boxwell [guest at a birthday dinner in ob-I Mrs. Ida Andre submitted to a ~ ~ Mo~r~lO~oa~dldCg2:ralextC~tYuniI:nTl~s noon; Iree acts, afternoon and eve: will begin teaching in the 6th grade Mr. and Mrs. James Burroughs of[servance of her 89th birthday [aim[nor operation at her home on "" u rang; Dana concer~s atternoon and Sept 1st Tipton spent Thursday evening with the home of her son-in-law and '~ south street Thursday morning. Mrs. VIA c~zth'!rd. Sunday in August at Central evening;. . exhibits in high. school ex-. Bernita" " BoWdish and Victor Kes- their mothers Mrs Rosa Burroughs daughter Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Pal- ~, Bailey of Lisbon is caring for her. Y h~b~t room Dance m the highse P I 1 of asadena, Calif were callers and Mrs. Elizabeth Gritman mer, Sunday Mrs Pearson is very~ Mrs George Dennis spent Satur COWS SELL WELL" school gymnasium; musicby Hal of Mrs. Harry Freeman on Thurs- Mrs. Frederic Fuerste of Dubuque active and attends church services i day in Cedar Rapids shopping and Look at these examples showing comparative cost of Foreman and his band. day. Bernita had enjoyed a ten- and Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Brown regularly. Bernice Palmer, her [ visiting with relatives marketing livestock by rail versus truck, from Wheat- Wednesday, Aug, 13, Dolph Van day vacation with her parents, Mr. i of Oskaloosa were week end guests granddaughter, also observed heri Mrs. D. C. Bell of Washington, land, Iowa, to U. S. Yards, Chicago, based oa mini- Sickle closed out his livestock in and Mrs. Irving Bowdish near Wau- of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. birthday, with Belva Bruger as her I Iowa, was a week end visitor in the mum weights applying on 36 loot cars. the first fall sale of the season, beck and other relatives Mr. Kes- Brown guest at the dinner, and home of Mrs. Frank Wilson. Guernsey cows brought from $97 to sel had returned from a ten day va- Mr. and Mrs. Leonard White and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Calvert Mrs. Ruth Gleason Hays and little $118 a head; guernsey heifers sold cation with his parents at Crosby, baby of Miles were Sunday callers daughters were Sunday guests of son Tommy returned Friday to for $48; calves, $30 a head; Here- Minn. They, accompanied by Ce- of Carmen Boxwell. Mr. and Mrs. George Gunnison at I Dexter City, Ohio, after a two ford steers brought $76.50 each Po- dar Rapids friends, departed fori Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ernst spent Walker. Other guests were Mrs. weeks' visit with her people and land China sows topped at $45; and California by motor Thursday eve- the week end in Bellevue with Edna Wild and son David, and Ethel friends in this place Masters John and Edward Earl Free Prompt Removal of all DEAD STOCK Call Our Nearest Phone Collect Cedar Rapids 4612 Anamosa 542 Stanwood 800 Mt. Vernon 11000 SANITARY RENDERING CO. Cedar Rapids, Iowa Iowa Dept. of Agriculture License No. 1 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Charles B. Willming, pastor If you like music you will enjoy the service next Sunday morning. Several of our young people, in- cluding Miss Jean Burroughs, our organist, will be leaving soon for school. The program Sunday is ar- ranged to g~ve special recognition to these people. The program will be varied, with organ, piano, and other instruments assisting the choir and other vocal numbers. The ser- vice begins at 10:50, following Sun- day School at 10:00. The pastor is back from a short vacation, and hopes to meet all members and friends at this service He wilt preach at the Antioch Presbyterian church Sunday eve- ning at 7:45. WILSON REUNION The 17th annual Wilson reunion was held Sunday at the R. C. Wilson some with 56 present. Relatives attending were: Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Pollock, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith and family, Dr. and Mrs. George Pearson of Burlington, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pollock of Whittier,Mr and Mrs. Albert Pollock and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pollock and family of Nowhere else in the nation can ~?~ you see so much fine livestock of America in eompe- every breed and type in one huge tition for more than show AI~o 3,000 Iowa farm in rize juoPging youngsters cem- peting in 4-H Circuit races with over 60 of America's top speed aces Includ- ing Gus Schrader, Jimmy Wil- Auq. 22.24-29 1941 Night Show Smash Nit! BOTH combined in ONE b~g t show, 3 afternoons--Aug. 2~ 26-27. Complete harness and hind. relatives Harris of Marion Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ell[son of Mrs. Dillard Merritt and Jack re- Mrs. Anna Dorothy and daughter Grunder returned to their home Lisbon were Thursday callers in turned from Waukesha, Wis Mon- Isabelle Dorothy of Sioux City were here Sunday night after a two ] Springville among former friends lday, where they attended a religi- callers Saturday of Mrs. Morris weeks' visit with their father, Royi and neighbors, ous conference for the past week. Miller Grunder at Warren, Ill. Miss Helen Parker of Hopkinton, Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Martin of Mr. and Mrs. aid Sankot of Belle! Mrs. David Baril and son John of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Stearns were Whittier were business callers on Plaine were week end visitors inI Pipestone, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mann of Marion. Monday of Mr. and Mrs. Morris~this place. Stanley Parker and Barbara of Mar- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pekosh, also of Miller Mr. and Mrs. Peter Klimek lefti telle were Wednesday dinner guests Marion Mr. and Mrs. George Olinger and Saturday morning for Pensacola, i of Mr and Mrs. W. A. Shaffer. Mrs. John Bowhard and son Clin- Roy gave a dinner Sunday as a Fla where they will make their[ Betty Jane Smith of Cedar Rap- ton of Colo were Thursday guests courtesy to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn home. Their household goods left l ida spent Sunday afternoon with in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Olinger. Others present were Mr. Monday. The Cedar Theater will! her sister, Mrs. Russell Reed and Boots. Other guests during the week and Mrs. Tom Taylor of Alburnett; continue to run as usual with Hur-i family, were Mr. and Mrs. Willard Murrin Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Batchelder of iley Scott as manager. Mr. and Mrs. [ Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reed, Lu- of Morley, Willard Boots, Mr. and Marion. Shaffer will operate it. ] cille and Richard returned Wednes- Mrs. Orville Russell and Reta Mac Mrs. Raymond Smith of Center Mrs. Hattie Carpenter, who has day from a vacation trip to Tomah, of Mechanicsville. Point was a guest Monday of Mr. been caring for Mrs. Mort Hatcher Wis. Mrs. Lloyd MacNeil of Chicago, and Mrs. C. W. Calvert for several weeks returned to her Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stambaugh and who is spending a few weeks in Mrs. Edna Wild of Culver City, home Saturday night. Mrs. Louie family were Sunday dinner guests the home of her parents, Mr. and Calif and Bernita Wild of Mon- Williams, has been engaged to take in the L. G. Berry home in Cedar Mrs. Wilbur Whitaker, entertained roy[a, Calif were Monday evening her place. Rapids. a number of her school mates Sat- dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam- Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Feyen went Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Manly were urday afternoon. Present were Mrs. uel Palmer to Cedar Rapids Friday evening to Saturday night guests of Mr. and Theodora Re[her of Lone Tree; Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Schueler spent attend a 6:30 dinner and meeting of Mrs. Harley Williams in Coggon. Thomas Taylor of Alburnett; Mrs. Sunday in the Jack Goertzen home the U. S. W. V. and Jane Delano Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Armstrong in L. A. Johnston, Mrs. Archie White, near Vinton. aux. company with Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mrs. Alexander Taylor, Mrs. Ken- Mr. and Mrs. Don Colehour en- Mrs. Paul Horner gave a lunch- Van Sickle attended the funeral of dall Gibson, Mrs. Carl Calvert, Mrs. tertained Sunday as guests: Mr. and con and two tables of bridge were C. J. Murfield at Martelle, Sunday George Dripps, Mrs. Wilbur Whit- Mrs. George Maxfield and son of the diversion of the afternoon Sat- Mrs. Dale Upham of Mason City aker, Beverly and Eleanor Mac- Robins, Miss Patricia Patterson of urday for Mrs. D. C. Bell, who is is spending ten days with her par- Neff, Ruth Dripps and Vera Louise Cedar Rapids and Bob Colehour of a guest of Mrs. Frank Wilson Mrs. ents, Mr and Mrs. F. G. Taylor. Calvert. Anamosa. Byrne won high score and Mrs. Mrs Margaret Kinney, Dr. and Mr. a: Misses : Wilson second. Mrs. Bell was given Mrs. Dale Upham of Mason City Delhi x~ and their a guest prize. were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. and M~ of Santa The Gracia Guild of the Presby- Linus Dunbar. Lloyd ] dinner gu terian church will hold their an- Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Johnston en- turned home at nual picnic in the city park, Friday terra[ned at dinner Sunday Mr. and visit Miss Li i evening, Aug. 22nd. Mrs. J. H. Rathmann of DeW[it, Mr. m man Chu( i Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Johnston were Dr. and Mrs. Merriam Gearhart, Dr. ed in t] ning in 1 '.business visitors in Tipton Monday. and Mrs. G. W. Gearhart and David Mrs. A. L. Tate and Susan of Day- home at Norway. Mr and Mrs Leonard Helmer !and httle son Billy of Clinton, were Johnston. enport; Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Wilson and i orer Sunday guests in the home of Mrs. Sarah Pearson and Helen en- of Comdon, Ark.; Margaret D. Paul, Miss Hattte, and Mr. and Mrs. T. G. tertained at Sunday dinner, Mr. and Gary, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Copping were Monday luncheon lMr. and Mrs. Willard Boots Kyle Clark and Floyd, Mr. and McShane, Mr. and Mrs. James Bell guests inthe ClarenceMcGrewi Miss Doris Christensen of Ring- Mrs. Arthur Pearson and Zelda, and family of Cedar Rapids. home. stead was an over Sunday guest in Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pearson, Nor- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Waln were Miss Hattie Wilson spent Friday'.the home of her grandparents, Mr. man and James. Sunday guests of their son-in-law in Dubuque with Mrs. Frederick and Mrs. Henry Jackson Mr. an Mrs. Darrel Manly were and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Fuerste. John Tracy of Strawberry Point Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. John Rob~rtson in Cedar Rapids. Sunday guests in the Herman was a Sunday guest in the home of Patton in Coggon. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Roberts spent Chudzinski home were Mr. and Mrs. his cousin Mrs. E. D. Christensen Dr. and Mrs. Merriam Gearhart Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer L. C. Wieneke of Marion and Misses and son James. departed for Des Moines to await Johnston and Terry Wayne in Ce- Eleanor Ward and Jeanne Lynch John Ramsay and sister Lily left orders to report for medical serv- dar Rapids of Chicago. ice at O'Reilly General Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Archie White en- Mrs. Anna Kester of Santa And, Springfield, Mo. tertained the following guests Sun- Calif is visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reed spent day at dinner: Mrs. Elsie Sheehy, Misses Mabel and Leta McShane. Thursday in the Earl Bronson home Mr. and Mrs. Marlyn Sheehy and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bruger, in Waterloo. daughter of New Sharon; Mr. and Belva and MarY Ann were honor Mr. and Mrs. John Vernon en- Mrs. John Ramowsman and Mrs. guests at a family dinner in the tertained in their home one mile Cord Clark of Rockwell City and home of Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Bru- north of town Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Charles White of ger at Van Hornc. Glenn Bell, Shamrock, Tex.; Mr. north of town. Bernita Wild spent Tuesday with and Mrs. Loren Dumont, Martelle; Miss Nellie Avis of Marion is a Mr. and Mrs. Carl Carney, north Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kouba and house guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. of Whittier. sons David and Dale of Marion. Rose this week Miss Jane Walton of Cedar Rap- Tom Pollock and daughter June Doris George spent the week end ida is spending a few days with her accompanied Mr. and Mrs. T. G. with friends at Ames. sister, Mrs. Alice Carney Miss running race pro- Copping of Pasadena, Calif. and Mr. Mrs. Calvin Moore returned to Walton and Mrs. Katherine Dau- gram PLUS the and Mrs. T. W. Pollock to Bennettne~-~ ~,uumt" nea~ xp~un" ~o~mwmg- a benmier returned, the first of the vi~' v'th hot n c Mr ~n,~ agvo week from a visit in Bridgeport, "MUSIC ON WINGS." most gor- midwe.qt's ~reat. Friday where they visited Mr. and it X l ~ r geous produ :ion ever seen on the kt~" ~" Mrs. Clinton Pollock and family.Earl LeAr Conn with Dr. and Mrs. Arthur ; Prach and Arthur jr Igraat Iowa State Fair stage 200 ~k eatthrill-a- Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Carbee visit- Mrs. W. F. Dunlap ~s hostess to ' " i ' people, beauty chorus, famous r ~r Mrs Fred Evans of Rochester stage-screen-radio stars, sym- minute rodeo ed in the Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Kelly the Past Noble Grands this after-,! a phnny orchestra Every ni,d~t.~ " home Thursday. Mrs. Carbee found noon. Minn was a guest Thursday in the i "~ ~ "'""~% f - Mr and Mrs C L Burroughs home U~ ~ her brother W. H. Kelly, somewhatMrs. Bertha Stmger has returned :.; . . ;- me f om n visit ~xrHh h~, o~ L;aroI ~urrougns re urnea nome improved. He has been seriously ho r Franc~s and famdy near Mount Ver- ~ ~'~-A~c"i;cus Pat,ot,c~re,~)~ANCli~l ill. Sunday from ~everal days visit L~A~ I 3-rang circus " " " - Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Newman of non with Mr. and Mrs. John D. Busch -, show- 2oo acres I SAN g m Davenport Des Moines departed Monday for Mr. and Mrs. Harry Erickson and " --" Y" ".~ I exhibits - 40-acre farm ma-I tlea~n.aor~n' ~e~o~'~n'ery- show * Flower and [ Every mght or, the their home following a three day Mary Jean left Sunday for a week's Ralph Frank attended a luncheon "dive bomber"er"Vsa ~hesl i garden clubs show- Fish and,Dance Plaza. Such visit with their parents, Mr. and vacation in Wisconsin. and dinner in the Roosevelt hotel sl do for ~ --],~ I game show * Iowa art salon,~ topliners as Bernie Mrs. A. C. Newman. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Whitaker Monday. 1942 cars were exhibited. ". m'. n, "~2-'~2; I I,hoto salon - 125-acre Free [ C u m m i n s, Joe breath, taking--~,zcns ~andcrs.O Griff'W'Wil- Mrs. Wilbur Stearns and Mrs. H. Mrs. Lloyd MacNeil and daughters Mr. and Mrs. Howard Van Kirk [] eyelets lianas C. Carbee were hostesses tothe of Chicago were Wednesday guests and family of Superior, Wis ar-l ",~ Willing Workers Society of the of Mr. and Mrs. Wid Scarbrough, rived Thursday for a visit with Mr 'l' ' . 77],* ][ :]' - : ~ ' ",: ' ' ' " Presbyterian church. Plansand and Miss Dollie Tabisinsky and Mrs. ,~ and Mrs. W. S. framer xney plan" committees were named for the an- Mabel Kirk, west of town. [to move soon to Battle Creek, Mich. i i--,i~ I nual Guest Day, Sept. 10th. The Ladies Aid society met in[ Mr and Mrs O D Clark and June Pollock was a week end ~a:nc~hUl~ChrsW:d2e~daYMrW~thsaMrr~ ifamily attended a family dinner in ST asy to Move, Larg~,ingUest in the Clinton Pollock home ,Bennett. " ~the Mrs. M. Clark home in Marion Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Patten attended Pe~:~ nni:S h:lS:::seSfour year old on Sunday. Others present were:: : paclty Farm Elevator ! so~ of Ral-h "~i Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark and ram- /the Brewer family reunion Sunday, p r~a sLon, iell wnue ilv Mr and Mrs ~ o~ ~ ~ i I hMd in the Orval Brewer home at playing Sunday and received a *'/-'-:, " o " "~* ~ ~"~' l broken ri-~,+ u ~. ~.~. ~amuy o] lvlarlon; Mr. and Mrs. Central City. s ~Jes ~ " ,2,~"~ " . . ~ se Clark and family, Mr. and Sensa+ionaJly new Kewanee-- fed+urea which insure a I" ell e Mrs. F. M. Bailey attended N. C. ar~rsd ~2~n2~ySt~;ngaO~vi2tmTs Ml~Sc gEoV, ~Ttt Clark and famdy of Jargesf capaci~] farm eJevafor of froub[e-free service, club meeting in the home of Mrs. a e bull+] Keeps pace w[+h AlgA-speed ~ee +he new Kewanee. S+ore your L. B. DeWees in Marion Wednes- the Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Port home i R C Hunie and son Bob retu " +rac+ors, 2-row pickers and com- crops fhe fasL easy modern way. day. On Sunday this group accompanied rnea late last week from an extended! blnes. Handles ear corn, smallIf will pay you dividends in Mr. and Mrs. Will Patterson of t~lenana tort m attenct me t~. d.:tnp ~o ~an ~a~:e t~ty San ~ran 9ralns, baled hay and many o+her coun less hours of hard work/ Pomona,with Mr. Calif and Mrs.Spentj. c.WednesdaYPatten. MurfieldTom Foglerfuneralof Rockwellin Martellecity was ic~co~,Los Angeles and' Denver. - il farm produc s, saved and dollars made ,/,~ Mrs. Walter Andrews and Doris a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Band concert, 7:30 to 8:30 Satur- ; Elevates the blgges+ loads in 3 fo for years fo come. /,4~1~~" were also callers there Wednesday. l Albert Taylor. i day evening. Donkey ball game minufes, Saves hours of hard Mrs. Leon Rollins was hostess to~ Andrew Neilson of Vinton; Mrs in the ball park at 8:30. the Fancy Work Club Thursday af-]Georgia Murray of Anamosa spent labor and speeds up harves . Portable /~ ternoon with all members except the week end in the home of their L. New 2-Wheel Tra;ler Truck, Shodar Bu ke! /2~,one present, and the following in- mother Mrs. Serena Neilsoni x-tusrr~ana wr,[e r req y wheel base and s+ron9 rigld con-Models ] Vited guests: Mrs. T. G. Copping of Mrs Harold Corn Mrs "Marthal The A~Iri:m post Is ahvavs hus~ sffucfion. Easy to move or +rans- L/~'~'[ ~ Pasadena, Calif.; Mrs. Willard La- Barber, and Mr. anti Mrs" Harvey l Aceordin~ te stnfisties the Aus cock and Ann, Mrs. Mary Rollins, Barber of Martelle and Chris Nie]'~tri'~s aro the nmst dlli~ en| wrlter~ pod for shorf or Ion9 dls ances. /~V/~'/ ~ ~[ Miss Hattie Wilson. son were Monday dinner guests of of letters in the world, every An~ For ream, +racfor, encj;ne or ]~/]l Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Peterson, in Mr. and Mrs. John Ricketts.i trlan ,vi~in~ "2 ~ lefters a yoar mofor. A[[-s+ee[, 9alvan;zed cop- / 1 II company with Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Bonnie Duncan entertained Sat-[ The aver'~e In l~,dglum Is 204 Wagor of Central City, departed for urday n~ght Mary Jean and Anna Hotla'~d 1.o.6. Switzerland 17.2, En~ per alloy cons+ruction. Fully rol- ] /~ ~ Duluth, Minn for an extended va- t.;amweu, L, elverna Wilkinson. Missl land 1"2 '~r~r~nv 1' nnd Italy .2', ler bearlng and many excluslve ~ ~x i cation into Canada. Wilkinson is leaving soon for a new " W~ /'~ ~[[ Mrs. Louie Levasseur and daugh-home in Pasadena, Calif. 2 or 4 Wheel Tru0ks ter, Mrs. Ralph Williams of Marion, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Rodman and "A Wsgon m~~~~~ were Thursday guests of Mrs. J. C. family attended a family dinner in Alden]ion farmers ~,~ :~ Patten. the I. M. Rodman home at Monti- and Tr" Tr. k or Mr. and Mrs. Loren Brown enter- cello, Sunday. UIUIt~I~II~ rained at a pot luck supper last Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Schneiter of #~AOII ~ATr~ LJ[~$~ Friday. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Monticello were recent visitors in ~j2A~I1 l-'2-]kll~ Donal Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. James the A. C. Rodman home. Miss Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Reed, Wanda Rodman accompanied them for all scrap ear h(glies, famn Mr. and Mrs. James C. L. Clark of home for a visit nmehinery, fen('ing', I)arbwire, Mount Vernon; Mr. and Mrs. Loren Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Taylor of etc. F'ul]y equipped to handle Noah of Marion. In Mount Vernon ,Since 1914 Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Carnahan re- Cedar Rapids, Mr. and Mrs. Rus- In any (,ontlition. [ turned home late last week from a sell Singleton and Mr. and Mrs. i Also Paying Top Prh'cs For Hardware -- Implemenis --- Appliancos 3450 mile trip to the Black Hills, Dennis Taylor spent Sunday at the i Svrap Iron, Metal, Rags and Yellowstone Park, Salt Lake City Taylor cabin on the Wapsie. Sacks Open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings and Denver. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Sterner and Mrs. Christena Lundeen enter- Bob returned home from a week's : Eo Cohn & Sons, Inc. tained as Sunday evening guests visit in Chicago 'Friday. Mr. and ]Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lundeen and Mrs. Clair Mellette and son Bob of i 9th Ave. and "lrd St. SW /daughters Lois and Doris,Mrs. Chicago returned home with them': Cedar Ral)lds Phone 7181 I Bertha Stinger. to spend the week end. i HOGS EXAMPLE Minimum Weight 10,000 Ibm. 50 Hogs, actuel weight 11,250 ~ By Rail By Track ~.1~ 11,250 lbs. Rate 30c $33.75 11,250 Ibs. Rate 25e "~0.00 Yardage ~ 15e per head 7.50 Yerdage ~ 20e per head " 5.~ No Insurance charge . Inaurance, 11e per head ~$43.63 $41.25 Saving by Rail $2.38 CATTLE Minimum Weight 22,000 Ibs. By Rail 22,650 Ibs. -- 500 Ibs. (Fill Allo~enee) EXAMPLE 22,65O 22 Cattle, ectuel weight (By rail, there is fill alloWJ~ 500 Ibs.) 22,150 Ibs. Rate 26e $57.59 Yerdege @ 45e per head 9.90 No Insurance charge $67.49 Sa~ing by Rail $4.9S By Truck ~.26~ 22,650 Ibs. Rate 25e 1~10 Yardage ~ 55a pe head ~'74 Insurance, 17c per head J HOGS (S;n~le Deck) Minimum Weight 16,500 lbs. By Rail 18,000 Ibs. --300 Ibs. (Fill Allowance) EXAMPLE (~Y 80 Hogs, actual we;ght 18,000 l~" IM,) rail there is a fill allowance oi 17,700 lbs. Rate 30e $53.10 Yardage@ 1Se per head 12.00 No Insurance aharge $65.16 Saving byRail $4.70 By Truck ca~.~ 18,000 Ibs. Rate 25c "i6.0e Yerda~e @ 20c per head 8.~ Insurance, lie per head o"~'~ J HOGS (DoubleDeek) EXAMPLE --~6~ I~. 137 Hog,a ectuel weight $1h~e~, .s ~0 Minimum Weight 24,000 lbe. (13)' rail there is e fill ellowee 35,865 Ibs. By Rail Ibs:) ---6001ba. (FiliAllowenee) ~TI~Ck $ ~,~ 35,86~ Ibs. Rate 2~ ~ $7.~ 3"5,2~Ibs. Rate 26e $ 91.69 Yerda~e @ 20c per bead IS.~" Yerda~e @ 15e per head 20.55 Insurance, lla per head ~1-~ No Insurance charge $112.24 Sa~ing by Rail $19.84 **MIXED LOAD EXAMPLE $ ~t~ II~ RvRmU 25 Hoga, aetuel weight ~.~IM. 22 2551bs --" - 16 Cattle, actual weight --'255 Ibs~ (Fill Allowanee) Total ~5~Ibe" hT lb, .te .7.2o "'" Yardage, Hogs 15e per head 3.75 22,255 Ibs. Rate 25e - ,~ Yerda~e, Cattle 45e per head 6.25 Yerdage, Hogs 20o per heaa~ No Inearanee eherge Yardage, Cattle 55a per hesa~.'" ~.D Inaurance, Hogs 11e per heea-." ~.7~ Insuranea, Cattle 17o per hesd.~ SavinE by Rail $8.71 BY RAIL--FREE PICK-UP SERVICE ON ALL CLASSES OF LIVESTOC'I{,II~ **Ou mixed earloeda, the fill allowance shall be the.t applleable to the aP~,i~l ~ etoek used to determme the rate. For turther parheulars, conault your The above examples based on rates applicable from Wheatland, Iowa. For rates from other C. & N. W. Ry. Stations, consult your local agent. AND .ru our Factory-Type ()w OtIR SE IICE pfiLICY ~IGHT NOW your trucks and delivery carS -e. IS OllR pIlOl CllIllt greater value to your business than ever bet t c.r t st And now is the time to save money wisely bY t:?; .~ "ce depart- Of~[el, intO our ~,2t:cial case.' " meat is a sp~. ex- t,ng them !n bang-up, economical runnlr g ti g It receives indtvtu,~'A r. ~. " - Our specml factory-approved Laboratory ~rt attention trora ~:~ 0U~' t;ry.tralned men :::'e~t speclal fact rYi::~:etorY equipment will spot. trouble wherever it ct Y"" teols and genU .-~ we expert factory-trained specialists know exa r s ~f needed, e*,~ . it t at Vr: .e what to do and how to do it--with genuine factOr: e.Stome is ta*r t ,quare parts. Let us keep your trucks rolling! ,WE SERVICE ALL MAKES OF TR . MOTOR MPANY D,al 6912 Mount Vernon, Iowa