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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
August 21, 1941     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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August 21, 1941
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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21. l _’ ’1 August 21, 1941 “Ha M()l'4."l‘ VEILVON. lU\\'A. HA“ I\ In“ I‘l-lil‘IUHRll AND THE LISBON Hlu'lh‘lhl) d an . _. ... _ __ 1. 1 7.1 . ,- .-....,._.,. _-. - ._. 7,... -.. “new..-” _ A- ,lw_s_ ,_ ....._.,_,.A.__,_-. his. ' . . 1 me. . ' dings Of The i , I 1 Mrs. rd of Supeersorst If. '* JUNE sussnox, 1941 nlnfl ‘ Cedar Rapids. Iowa.‘ 1. July 29. 19-11 “We. County of Linn. ss: i ‘7' of Supervisors met pursuantl naval licnt. all members being DN‘SOYELI‘ ptmn 3;: Supervisor Petty. sceond~ 0‘“ “ Pelvisor Scevcll. the minutes oi. “Hg of July 22. 1941 were ap-I read, all members voting “Aye”; ling at Spirit Lake. Gilbert Worrell and son Donald of Denver, Colo., arrived here on Thursday for about a two weeks’ visit with relatives. They accom— panied Geneva, Maxine and Alfred, who were on a western tour. son Walter and daughter Alice were week end visitors in Des Moines with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Selner and Mr. and Mrs. David Sanderson Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Olmstead andl 1 An Army of Buyers When you use Hawkeye~ [‘ no and on the return trip Mrs. San— n by Supervisor Secvou .second-, . .Demsor B9850“. the 0mm” Audifi derson and children Carolyn and Record and Herald you i‘llhorized to assign the following: Davld accompanied them here for . . mgzrtiiichte for cancellatiog and’ a two WeekS’ VISIt- are addressmg a Virtual lit due with interest an Den- nCh . Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. a 33m? ‘?X;‘Zvv“ii.§§§li‘§m°"" A“ A. L. Ketter were Mr. and Mrs. E, army of buyers. No mat- an re. 53 33 Tax Sale of Feb.l B. Christy of Waterloo. Mrs. Ket~l mills ‘ 1939' assjgn m Edward H' ter’s father, Frank Altland, and heri lief What You want to 3811 V0 3, . niece Carolyn Altland who were .. nb 'll. d» ’ . ,v- “KiethSliggyfefhchbgiitieililn. VISI’fllégtlgere ftortz; fewhdays, accom— --01‘ buy, your presenta orized to assign the following panle em 0 cm ome. . . erCe mfificms and in the mom tlon Will get attention. . With ilitcrcat and penalty there- u'ate of assignment. all members READ THE ADS Aye" thereon: i ale No. 1511 PB Tax Sale of ,' 6. 1936, assign to Myrtle Walton; PB HAW KEYE CLASSIFIED AD SECTION 6. 1030. assign to John David‘ l ate No. 1513 PB Tax Sale of Only 1c Per Word Per Insertion; 25c Minimum Charge. ' 1936' “3‘3” ‘° M“ "Md Terms cash Have Copy In By Wednesday Morning late No. 1530 PB Tax Sale of: ' 6- 1936. assign to Frank J. and To Appear On :rllls Page. . e No. 1537 2'13 Tax so. or ClaSSlfled Ads Bring Results 6- 1936, assign to Frank J. and le No. 1538 PB Tax Sale of ” 6v 1936 assiwn to Geo J Simitz‘ '1/ r “a M. Shnitz' ' 7/3“ N D SERVICE ate No. 1.309 PB Tax Sale 01‘ “A TE l. 19:50 assiwi to Geo J Simitz 5' .11a M. s'imitzi ' ' / // cane No. 1040 PB Tax Sale of WANTED TO RENT: Farm Fr’l‘eltIiECIIi/[ili‘IlZZ‘nAZ’SFllggitltg’f . I 1930. assign ‘0 Myrtle “31‘0" CATAPULTING A PLANE I‘NTO pionship football team. Courses in a skilled pilot, navigator, radio suitable for dairy and poultry tarm- reservation; $2484, Cédar’RamdS' 18.13 ion by Supervisor Seevell. second-1 SPACE takes nerves of steel and all branches of aviation are now expert, gunner, or aerial photog— ing. Inqmre at this offloe- 43D At j 1m 0mm of No. 30 and NO. 94' 19.00 .“l’ervlsnr Beeson. the following; split-second accuracy. These Navy being offered to you by the U. S. rapher. In fact, you can learn any Mr and Mrs V H DeWald 434“, 5,50 , " Was adopted. all members votingl - be f BOY 17, SENIOR. WANTS v - Allergen. men work together like a cham- Navy. They qualify you to come oneo 45 trades. d ff rho I and 43'“ ‘ . Wm“ mm” a“ a “r 0 YOUR PRESENT AUTO INSUR- I‘EM’LUTIGN S tllrda s in either Mt. Vernon or . ' a V ance policy may be extended to in- ilkffolvecd by m? Board 0‘ Sumr'i Llshml- mm do anything" NM cludo medical hospital expense cov- . nn iounty. owa; 43° . . . . . t ' 5500 "It" 6 l‘vm- zero 0 'it our risin 1 low 'tnnual m. ‘ ls ordered notice to depart. as. g, (.. . p gy . .. of by Chapter 180.4 or the 1939/ I premium! Covers ALL car occu- I“"93. to prevent the acquiring oi,l I WANTED: Clover "nmmning' l q M 1 ., em in this county, be served upon: I I straight, or windrow. AISO see me I 123 “63 he following named persons. to- _ F b h . . h N th . about bean combining. I. H. Plat- i . . . 1233 G _ Do things seem dull around town for you; or t ose w o enlist in e avy ere is a mm Lisbon phone 80mg. 43%.” SAVE SARGENT COUPONS __ Ce‘m'f' 8” 8‘“ S“ S' Do you feel tied down by your Job? Here 8 Wlde variety of fascinating work, mcludmg Each has of Sargent Feed contains 7237 L mm W . . . . . . . . . - WANTED: Gm“ "sod aromat' nc Th "tr cod 1? oh so .‘gR.therle, 1210 Memorial Drivc‘ your chance to lead the most thrilling life m everything from awation to engineering. Pic- ine Heater or on Rnrnor. Mrs. 31 a'ny va‘l‘iliah: gift vouofn§52él§ct m a) . . . v / Roberta ‘ the world . . . and get paid for it! A chance tured here are a few of the thrills that are . , Dick 'Rusenbark. Dial 3732. 4mm Get a gm “st and start saving them (By {Brisimr'ii’invi‘ (daugh‘er’ 1 2 1 °l to serve your country too. For Uncle Sam’s everyday occurrences in the life of a Navy ' ggaigémtsaeg‘f- gagetnirsor; >. . . . WWW“"“' ' r. .. '. e may? spigvifor Elegvillgjggoilglx; new Two-0cean Navy has ships and planes man. They’re open to you right now1f you’ve FOR RENT Company, Des Moines. 43 our as n. e , . . p.00 “musk as Clerk in the office of which are unequalled by those of any other reached your 17th birthday. on SHORE LEAVE IN A STRANGE PORT: At the tiller “A , {1" Ag;le at a 53.113? $134010 nationinthe world of a Navy launch, the coxswain steers blueJackets DEAgal‘Aigggsi‘sphfiE“;2V££ . .e ectiVe as o uy . .l a ' ' - . I'ee' ‘ ' 9/.96 “Ed. all members voting “Aye” .HShore- If you want to travel -’- - Yafluk“, south Amer FOR RENT. Comfortable lmuect, Mt. venmn' 307; Dmflon 77: lca, South Seas . . . the Navys W ere you belong! and apartment, reasonable. , e Anamosa' 7417.2! (or Clean fast “Won by Supervisor Petty. second- 15812 or 5252_ 430 l ’ " Ci P uDeerBOI‘ Seevell. the appointment] a“ V . . .. ecl‘neo‘“ se" “3' ‘ an 5 am“! “Anne Sti‘itesky as Clerk in the; MOSQUITOES THAT TRAVEL AT 45 FOR RENT. Modem 6,mom Agent. Anamosa, Iowa, for Farm. 0 lg; gaitttozeagsaoialzil‘; MILES PER “OUR! It takesacool head house. Inquire 318 2nd Ave N. m. ers Rendering Works. State [4. 600 .iy Was appr'oved. All members alnéikeeney$tooper§tetfl§newbulleb Imal 3142. 43p censc No. 7, Iona City, la. 17-“. _ 8" thereon. : B pod P I orpedo 08 . 011 V8 seen -—-——-- “3.9" bl’ “Dem”? 36950“. Femnd' them in the newsreel throwing up great o'egl‘sfigwie‘g- a‘hgpezi’flmgg‘fix waves of spray on either side. But how FOR qALF MISCELLANEOUS :01 L who?“ compensation 01‘ liability Would you like to handle one? Your ‘ ‘ m h c°umy meal” as 0‘ July 26- Navy needs men with the stamina to W ‘allln‘oved. all members voting . . ‘ s ' kliens”. tackle this Job! Have you got it? FOR SALE: Porcelain top kitch— l 1« ARMLRS. Let us do your dirty 31'0" by Superviser Beesoni second" on cabinet. like new. Ivory finish. work. Trade your soap fats, tallow, “35mg” seeven’ a Cigarette Per-I Mrs. Dana Wilcox. 43c etc. {Or granulated soap products. M gated to Elmer H. “31%;? amt:I ‘ Over 1000 customers in 29 count- ” n lhngmdolgn'asoifkgriogoolooi :23 FOR SALE: Yearllng Pound ies have traded for more than a w, " all members voting "‘Aye" there- China boar. K9831“ 31‘611- R0393” half million pounds of soap. Send , Henik. Dial 5408. Mt. 0m0“- 9 postal card stating amount you have 64 ‘ion by Supervisor Beeson. second- . 1 k., . Em .hiifiervisoi- Seemli. the hon oi ’ FOR SALE: Second hand Ma_ toe‘tizggelmizynes soap Wor 231:; Egg Ihe]gage%3;h;fssfi)nm:?:egpgovgée . l jestic Range and cider press. John 2.72 bers voting “Aye” thereon. ‘ . . Worrell. Mt. Vernon- 43“ YOU CAN BE SURE! EVERY 511 CI nus ALLOWED (N0 Obligatwn) W lhomc, every business house presents MTS‘AJ.Apoor nursing .--.$ 35-00 . u . FOR SAgilié: HGi~aiaes£o3CN§ltp$1§§ an individual heating problem. _- "~ Frank. Door rent 12.00 MANNING A“ Am_AIRcRM.-r Gun is real sport TODAY . . . get the illustrated booklet called Life picked an _e kveire Di 1 540.1 43 Each problem requires careful am“ “' 3r e‘itv‘“ 00' pgorldmm 23300 if you know how to handle one Each man has 1“ the NW!" It 81"“ YO“ Valuable fact“- If you 3” no“ (“30' J’ 2‘“ u ‘1' a ' p way and study. A Green Colonial ,v .poorme 3 ~- ‘7 _ . ' - W’ n ,‘EH. poor rent 6.00 1,13 stamp—and a Job to do_ If he does It cor. 17 or over (lush school educatlpnnotneceesarvimllyou FOR, SALE. Used ABC wash,“ factory—named engineerps “liable pr: Elma“ 90°“ '9‘ ' $033 rectly the gun-crew functions as a single man— need d° ‘3 to ask the Navy Edmu- °f um newspaper' lfnachine- used 22-an pick-up radio: llo You Without 005“ to sit“ it you“ , fink. 0'see postage . , .. " ‘ particular problem. triennmake ’3‘“? Co. sewing proi .... .. 33% With deadly accuracy and superhuman speed. TELEPHONE HIM,orfilIinthe coupon below and give it usedb Selig?” gcghggfg F‘Ylihlrecommendatiom Get mommy, SHarry. poor rent .... .. . , ' ' v ' new a Bl‘. r .' 1 ’ ‘7 ’ lg Ed, sol relief rent 12.00 LOADINGA2000-LB.TORPEDO mtoatube aboard Wmlgtfi :1)“ neWBPall’eerw- Ormml‘h’mwmt‘ffi tric Supply Co.. Dial 4214, Mt. Ver- with Dale In Johnsvni locial dealer, my"; 00 "Urge 925W“ 23-33 a crack destroyer calls for dramatic action. The hm» I m an enve ope or pasted on a penny p“ non. 43c Zgoigfsingfi-‘llggéfig :3: Egg??? wp'. m' Door r-en """ " Navy can train you to becomeatorpedoman. md' . . ‘ I; . weed cutting ...... .. 19-20 FOR SAI Fine improved velopments in Green Colonial heat- A - ‘ t a . . ‘ N krgviejrlAgifij°fienialfy "2'33 WEAR Inn: “has or “0N0311€3ft°’ farm, 159 acres. 4 miles south of mg installations. Green Colonial ‘ . resurfacing ........ ” 34:05 readmg the free Wm“ you demde Springville, on highway, County Furnace Co., Des Moines. 43 limo. weed cutting 19.20 apply forgplaoemthe Navywouynll Road 0. See me if interested. ‘ ‘ i gag-gggegwfiged f3; receive this smart lapel-emblem. It In a Maurice Fay. Anamosa, In. 42-2tc fPItIhOB I'T 1;? 3H1“ I‘AXPERIENictE ‘le """" " bad eofhonor ouwillbe roudtowear. “3- name Your 3”“ W rufworks‘ 9°" mm 2.00 g y p P R I N T E D ADVERTISIN6- a LONG TERM, LOW INTEREST. PCOaIMH, poor fuel 1199 Circulars, posters, blotter-s. cards,‘Federal Land Bank loan, as hull. ’Elrk Fug] Go“ Door etc. Let us help you plan your dreds of other farmers in this com- ‘e’lv D00” rem - Li . H wke e-Re- munit have done. Come in and SERVE voun COUNTRY wrouunmem-scomn li’éi’i‘e‘i‘pi‘i‘vflii‘” a v i B y ' . r - - ’ ' ....... ..M”L°“°.' 25.03 to the Navy Editor of this newspaper G lsecretary-oeasuier. National Farm Book""'ia'i;;;iip§." "Justice , FOR SALE: ngh teSt “me' Loan Associations, Cedar Rapids, ................................ .. ‘49.5o‘. Without any obligation on my part whatsoever, pleasesend stone, building rock, sand, gravel. Iowa. 8t_36_43c W 13. Co Home grain c 2000 K me free booklet, “Life inthe Navy.” givingfulldetailsnbout ngheStle‘lc‘ggnforl W0?» htlgiesv furs PIANO TUNING I h m """""""" ‘ ' e minim-es enintheNa “Navalm and jun . aso uy n sowa . noun 0 arge .... "Tun? 300.00 th 0pm form W and 'pigs of all kinds. D. Burgess {2.50; cane seating and chair wrap- gox. Ci. Hse rpm 13%;; ' * E & Son, Dial 5341, Mount. Vernon, ping. R. E. Sanderson. 319 Third Store, poor prov . . Iowa, 40tt. Street North, Dial 2622. ti. 3;?“ Dam. prov ..... " 15A3 :’ NameW— I ,. ed. weed cutting 44.80 . glam. weed mun: m Addresa.____.__..___—————-s——— i Class1fied Ads Bring Results A. 9!. poor rent 12.00 I I “9917. poor prov 3.57 I . a Market, poor pro . 14.48 ' s . .. CLI.‘ And at as: binding 43.90. g , ‘ . poor in aid .... .. .00 . _ . . atiicia clerk extra help 42.4os " ‘ - Dub proc 36.19. ' 11?. poor prov gigglgfisfis Mig’lrketfi poor prov .... .. H 3 Travis 67:77 gorge“: l-‘wrchary .................... .. igggla’iisonJEmma Marjie Zenisek of Fairfax; Mrs. ’ ' . resurfacing .. . i i ips rs ecie. poor ren . gRichav-d E Burlingh m 26.:6 e. l or No ie . ‘ 'om essie . . #8:: resurfacing 22.05;Pcshek Dr W, poor med aid .. 14.00‘Jog Hun, ______ I. a 11:6 Bickal Carrie 10.00 On motion the Board of Supervisors aliqignna snyddii" M1; andvafjr-S oaleety a a S -' urles. weed cutting 19.20lPetmsek Lester. weed cutting .... .. 19.201v c Young 2_77,Rurgcr Leona. . 30.00.30urned to August 5. 1941. i ayne an aug ers a me: er ' ,' Bern Eva, poor rent 10.00lranlson Electrical Const Co. Ct w L Morgan 43.51,Burmws Martha . 10.00' c. L. BEESON, Chairman. rude and Darlene of Washllingtoné. raid. poor prov . 10.71l Hse rnrs .................................. .. 79.12 v ‘1 L g, b 35.41‘Cavanaugh Nollie 30.00 Board of Supervisors. Linn Mr. and Mrs. John Berane an i ‘ - ?? flea. poor prov 8.5’Iipioneer Litho Co, Ct Hoe supplies 21.22-iLLri—Z‘n 19.34 Cole Helne ..... 20.00 Cmth Iowa. sons Louis and John Frank Bel-arm House Of a M11110“ Auto Parts 9 Grocery. Door prov . 18.73ll‘eterson Oscar. poor rent 10.00 jvaey Alexander 30_§33{C00k Lucille 20.00,ATTEST: Robt. M. Vesely. j k d Fl d f M . M d ‘ Mkt, poor prov ...... .. 20.46lP0weIl Edwin, road maint 28.00lxennem A, lemon 835 Cook Nell .... .. 20,00 County Auditor. e an 0y 0 orsei r- an . o Newman, poor prov 12.24‘lPrice Clyde. weed cutting .. 23.20 Leo Baker .... .. 39.83 (30011 Mllllc 10.00 INII‘S. Chas. Gill, Mr. and Mrs. J.‘ 1 h A B 'd 003. food stamp acct 1.53:Price Ervln. weed cutting 16.40 Wesley Barman lgyggiCraia‘ Betty 18.001 S l 'W‘ Zenisek’ Mn and Mrs. J. J. Ever- ve. b; {{PWFTBM ....... "aha 13.:3‘1Pioneer‘ Litho Co. O'seer etc 306 Howard Jordan sealgurltrlfiht Marv 10.00. 0 on sky and daughters Marcella Eileen m . poor me ill .5 supples .. in y d L k M 28.77 avis arriet 0,00 m“... t . i .i r filler Co O‘seer ofc sup. iPalo Savings 13 . oor re 10.003.13039? Mafiryomn 53,11 Doonam mom 101,0 Ann. zeuer §ettyz agd Dglorresid Mr. Iii/Ind Mrzi Cedar Rapids, Iowa .31 Quaker Oats Co. Co Home gra Emmett Murphy , 17_70[Drafahl Hazel . 50.00 0e er e an e l ren, ary an . _ a cool ................. ................... .. 05.00;; L Sword ,,,, n 5311 llrehos Amalie 40.00 I‘ng Joseph, Jr” Mr. and Mrs, Stanley, Open Evenings to 8 p. m. Open Sunday to 1 p. m. 38.70.Royal Hotel, sol relief rent 12.001K E Graver 37,05.Flnn Anetta .. 20.00 H C Beranek Jack Beranek Miss Eileen] lRygl' Berry. sol relief rent . 10.00iLioyd Davis ._ 53,119F0lcy Mary ..... .. 10.48 As every year the Solon h0me_, ’ 16.601R0hn Mrs. B. M. poor rent . 3.00 F E Graver 5311 Freeman Frances B 20.00 . . tt d d b Battle“. M11 and Mrs. FI‘Ed L- i ced cutting 12.803Standard Oil Co. poor trans ...... .. 10.00 Arthur Holub 53_11 lFrench Olive 10.00 comlng was agaln 3. en 6 y aiBeranek and son David and daugh-l . :htLisihziC: Power Co. 714JSthLukes Meth Hospital. poor 6100 glean Cli’rlli(ighiillilit gaggiggiier gore .. 333.33 large crctizvdk. The bég paradtedwa: tel. Virginian Mm Anna M Kucera, . , .................. .. . * osp ...................................... .. . . nr ..... .. er icna . . a l a rac ion an conSls e o defile Light 8: Power Co. Security Laboratories. poor med Glenn Basset; 53.11 Grout Marguerite 20.00 mang beautiful and interestin Mrs' Anna zener’ Mr‘ and Mrs' "if light ser .................. .. 1.75, supplies .................................. .. 3.075.101]. Cassatt 22,13‘unnshhw Vera 40.00. V . . h g Adolph Kucera, Roscoe Zeller, V NpandOll’l‘ 00- 00 Sum :‘Shuimr Fnori Store. Door move. 7.65loeo Clark .... .. 48.08,Hau Elizabeth . 10.oo,fl°ats; The prizes glven l0 '6 6 “‘09: Florence Kucera and Earl Bennett. . l“leis ............................ .. 8.55ts1iadid Grocery. poor prov . 0.12‘Wm Conrad .. 39.83tllaner Lucille . 13.93.!)‘95‘l1t‘ful floats were} 501°“ State jr. Afternoon visitors were Mr. and ipeSL R 0 w expense 19.63,Scliantz Frank. poor prov 11.01”; w pmierick 20.55 Hayes Clara 20.00lBank. first; Illinois Oil Co., second; M G R f 1 C-t * Vlalton A. ofc supplies Security Saving° Co, poor rent 10.0mm” Hglbig I 35.41 ‘ Hedi ingcr Ccva 30.00‘C010nial Rug and Carpet C0 third. 13' eorge upper 0 Owa 1 y" ...................................... .. 19.5815n3'der Mrs E m_ poor rent " 10,005“; L Kassler 2.213 Hoemng Georg” 25,00 ' I ., , and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ruppert” . an? Foods. poor DI‘OV 1.47:8ixth St Grocery sol relief prov .. 9.18 A] Lecer . 39.83'Hogan Lottie 10.00land F1111” Meat Market fourlh- # ‘ l = Mr“- {mor prov 21.5%.Simon Frank. R Comm’r salary c M Meroshe 17.701Horsky l‘cirl Ma 10ml Best comic float: J. E. KaspareleEGION ELECTS OFFICERS ““ v Lgo‘zecfil‘ffnlgb my" 12.00%: mile/32?“. wiu-ui-l ifi-ggdack Norris .. 20.53igcntk01g‘ve ........ .. l0.oolflrst, and Jack Miltner, second. Bestl Officers elected for the ensuing: . '. . . . ‘ m p. or . . . . . . :unlllics ................ ........ .. 9.94T‘Sallilmeortziifiiioor rhllgt ...... .. [12.00illglc1; 2%.??illin‘elweavgiijlcjcaaisy égggldecorated bxcyde' Billy ChanSky‘ year In the Amencan Leglon are' leave, 3 Comm'r salary §Schcnken Al. weed cutting . 14.60 Everett pulp" 53.1114”. Alice s .... H sholfirstn Joseph Maher, second; and Elmer H. Stout, commander; Oscar i lie ................................ .. 13.60l5t Anthony 3: Dakota Elevator Co Frank Fee 53,11 Luettjuhann Minnie 30.075Prismlla Fisher, third. Children's Leidich, vice commander; Orris; _‘R0§§rifp_ wegd citittting . “Eggs brihdgfi {gins f ‘ 103.233 Forest Hart 14,40:izlickluriii;R Laura . 10.00lpets: Arlene Hipp. Pop drinking Connolly, adjutant; Lance Bahlmer.! . wee cu lng .... .. . .mit . resur acmg . :. .- .R W H y, ,1] 53.11 i aciey ose ..... .. 32, l . - ' ‘ f ‘ more“. weed cutting 35.2’0,Scott R W, resurfacing 33.83'ank finite.” 53.11lMargretz Pauline soggicontest for chlldren under 12‘ John sergeagt at arms’ V‘Cto.’ Shlma’i 0 mid. weed cutting ...... .. 51.95lschueior N .1. wood cutting 34.47 J D Hills .... .. 62.245Martin Angeline 20.00l5Ch0ttv first and 30139” Umbden-lChaplam: and 0- EA Markltan, seI‘V- “ in. R E. poor med aid .. 2.0013tick w E. weed comm'r 24.70 w 13 Help); ,, 17_60iMelelldy Juanita 3000 stock. second. For those 12 to 15‘ice officer. I“ re. lounGlzldys. poor rent ...... .. 5.20,Smith August. weed cutting 19.20;Wilbur Oliphnnt 53.11'Mendcl Joan 10.00iyears old Dick Ellis and Gene ': lili ‘5’ Food Stamp Office. ZSwift & Co. Co Home prov ........ .. 108.10ffioward Ramsey 64.31-‘Ml1ler Della .. U bd t, k H 11' PHYLLIS KNIGHT WILL BE K L I):I Druv ........................ .. 179.00}Security Laboratories. poor me-l 'Forest Tunks .................... .. 53.11iMlllCl‘ Lalll‘il ~- 30-00 m ens 0c . 0g ca l'ng conteSt‘ ‘ WED T0 LEO BERANEK 1 ll. A B svl relief med aid 2.501 supplies .................................... .. 7.65. g". Rd Coflfitmcnon 1.“ “on V0 13 ,Muore Rosa Lee 3.57 Frank Meyers and Orvnle UnaShiE c9“n 13, poor mm aid .... .. 3.50lsm'lmra L Stanley. Co Home in ‘L‘pctorwn y § '61 32:Muliin Leona 30.00 tied. Announcements of the approach- a- e 91'. grog Food stamp on. 93- golgtgrain 3: Feel ........ “1...... ....... .. ig-gfiifiicham 2‘ pulping; """"" " 26:55:}:nkvihilia RBIftrxich 10.00lBERANEK REUNION wAS ling marriage of Dr. Leo Beranek of’ .. . l '1 t .‘llsle. resur :lcmg a. . | n \cwm‘ u . 5000*. . . “‘1 weed cutting 660‘Sll(p::rSeWice Oil Co road In 61104‘sam C Frasmg” 26‘0"} 'ewlin Wanda ‘ ‘BoStOn’ Mass" to MISS Phylhs‘ ' ' . ' ~ . Lt — . 0. 4 . O a “g Villa??- Rec extra help 3‘300fT0rch Press. aud books 41.8szl'ggfinfimgu'r‘g“ 23"?i’iN0fflI Eugenie :«2, ngHELD HERE SUNDAY iKnight, also of Boston, have been; ’5 I‘ “fly, a sm'ld H wl’llal. poor hosp .. 98.00l’1‘l'omhls0 Bros. poor prov 2.3 ‘v'c Y a ' ' 1O‘Brien Virginia 1‘) 00l 0“ Sunday the 14th ammalflecdved here by relatives. Thel Do the members of YOUR famil this? uf . ate], C v. . y l ouna 48.68. ~- ‘ . I y say 0, 0, poor w :let & Wagner, poor not 5.00,W L Morgan 145mPautm Edna 30.00.Beranek reunlon Was h€1d at thelceremony Will take place Septem- . it. ----------------------------------- uThorne Tun 6: Body Shop. N lVirgil Logerbeam 17‘7oil’egump Maxine 20.00 a auditorium with a bountiful care—5 If not, perhaps it is because you have never given Aliza-Seltzer 1}] c George. poor rent 6.90‘ rent .......................................... .. 75.00i1mmn vnmmips1 qg'fi7il’Cl‘0W Gladys 10.00% ' d‘ ‘be-r 26th at Borgton’ and the couple th 11 tr'al ran. poor rent .... .. 1:140 THRK‘Ilnel‘ Forrest. weed corrm'r 38.55‘rDewey Alexander". solfiell‘lotz Louice no ooiberla htlgneih served frtomARaSktegs “"11 make the” home there- Dr' . croug 1 ' M ces, poor rent ~.00,Thompson Alice F a: James N ' ‘ ‘ ‘1) 1 " ' ; Tong y 0se Presen 91' exBeranek is a raduate of the Solon All {Y .lggzrybusndl polorf rent .. $.39; rouikcs. food stamp acct 59.00iifi§"‘§;‘k£"‘lffffi fi’gglfllfi: 3.213... . {Eggg‘lfeast the minutes of the last re-lhigh school, Cgornell college at Mt. th 9"”. “gym” people Who have used Alka'seltzer m it: ‘ l:-::;“‘ii.f:..Me:“*;:l‘:l “3‘33” were read “‘1 appmved andlvemm and University W ‘” “mm “3 p"“°' blanks ...................... .. 154,00 vpg. Lem Prob ope cm m, 1,75;H0mm Lockifiwa' “zmmmy Mtge; ggtgggglven by the Secretary and “035- . Massachusetts. He is now professor If Aliza-Seltzer is as good as we say it is, you want it inyour med- tawe‘ “Wm 9”" 358'023m‘wm' mm" (70‘ J3“ PM“ m"WlFJmmm Murphy 35'}: Rogers Elizabct io'ooiurer‘ Mrs‘ Anna M' Kucem' The in the laboratory at Harvard lcine cabinet'ifit'is not, it won’t cast out: W will fund n Supply C0. Instimle ‘ngzins Faye, poor rent 10.00%K E Graver ” 2412.7,Ryun Catherine D 50:00‘ofiicers remain with permanenti I th h t y b ;penny' . e r? trying.X”;.Bygxrungua 7.89cl‘li'illbra2d AlHé s R. (.‘omm'r 5111- 875mm... Caraway 53.11 lsnem, pew-e 10m president, Ed Beranek of Fairfax. ECQNOMIST ls SOLD e purc ase price 0 any new user w o is not entirely satisfied. n . i .ry mlcne .............. .. . .M; r ‘1'. H :5. 1‘3 1' ,l, , . . Bern‘s. .................... u " 55.40,“.m59y Georm warming 20m, g' E“ ‘31“:in Mllnfi‘: " :g'ggsVlce pres“ John Beranek 0f Morsew; Thomas C. Peterson of Blooming Your family may need Alka-Seltzer sooner and more often than a,‘ pig‘s; gubwgfgzmmg 313-133 3'00” \;m weleoncuttingc .. 19.2mm,” Lem 53.11 Slugsrilll Alma ‘7'71‘Serf‘treaS-i Mrs- Anna M- Kucera-‘Prairie. Minn, has purchased the, you think. Our guarantee of satisfaction or money refunded . . i .‘s )_ r. a, - . ' : ' i ' . ‘ 311"” word cutting .... .. 1.3.203 (1:33:31 ..... ..... .......... .. 05 00lB C W‘C’Jm" 053.11 [Thoma Vivian .. 10,00 T e entertainment committee for Solon Economist. accordmg to 3.“ “Wars “3 use in ancondmonsnfiedbe‘ lg)“ Motor. road maint 1.82 Zilm Mrs Antonetto. poor rent . 12:00i1vimnfi Efkmrtilm lo‘oolneXt year Is ErDESt Beranek 0f Ely’ i announcement made by F‘ C' Shh low. f 101‘ E L. poor med aid 19.00 Zm-ok Khtherilie, poor rent 5.00fivm guitar-3rd ” '13128.Vavllnlliza;yal‘ym“ lgggStanley Beranek and Joe. Marshek. mon and F, J. Mattas, Mr_ and .‘Vl‘ yui‘lzejeigscugzifi’irgdfiigé T9153?!3ZahrailnzlikAkgaeioi’lgellagging;..l9312.00:C w Fredppick 26,46‘lVl‘edellburu Celestia :iojmrirhe foil]? €023m5ll‘i‘f rgmamskaSNfIOI- { Mrs. Peterson and family will move G“ on Stomach. Add Indigestion. Bell‘- ‘ liceorze. poor rent .... .. 10:00 ‘ Guy Mikael! ....... .. ‘ I .S 9.50‘30"; his-rigged. azil‘lllwrwlgih‘ltlinATmG u TOVYJS. D r: k reM I A erang II: here and'take ln‘lmedlate‘ poss'essmn. bun, “mom W. muscular "w 9“ “Hal. Poor rem 8.00112 E Brellneman 9,001“ “mg”; 3,-28lwgm; 3mm i" ' V0 3 yr rs- “’13 era“?- igF. C. Shimon Will remain With the nigh, Headache, Distrm o! Colds. a I G.- t HR E. Door rem ‘ lo‘ooiAmus 09m 9.60:0 M mmsh-ék- rynswflls Lulafl ~ lg‘gngrs. John Beranek and Ern-{Economist while Mr. Mattas has gle In Mina Throat Irritations. ‘1. fold. mud-gems 100.10‘John Hess . 6.401Jac‘k Norris .. Ebjaplwonper Blanche .. 20:00“ESt Beranek The reunioni‘mll be not yet announced his future plans. ' -~ old A“ Robbins. Lo H-me 45 soiF :‘ecFKouleLalnlemulce 1' Rio" 50. 1:5 inn-est Han 24.00,“:heeler Mxlry Ann 20.00lheld the third Sunday inf-August. ——-——-— 3 .[Qve-llag..;gg\.l.r.aa .......... .. 3621;“ L [redegc .. ....$ 82.80,w ‘B Holub .. . 20,80fl’i‘hee‘lcr Winona sollulDue to the inclement weather. the; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Marshek and i, ‘30; "’ : ync " 87-77 “ll-0‘” I‘Nlllo 3 July 25lWllito Julia .. 30,00: th ‘ h ‘ ; h'ldr 1 ft f t k m- Door rent .............. .. 101101.1er Searles 53.1.1 Adams, Margaret $ 30 ooiwmord Haze] .30 0013? - enng ,Was 5‘3me at smaller' to. 1 en e or 8 WO wee S vaca' . largecmcal Const Co. C: is E Secvell 53.11'Ament Lena. "" "j 20:00y\'ilkins Georgina 30:09 Those present were? Mrs. Annaltlon with Mrs. Marshek‘s parents , 8.58;C E Sprague 239.00 Beranek. 53.11113ain Ruth M' 20.00lWlllits Irene ....... Edward Beranek andiat Estherville and also for an out-l