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August 23, 1951 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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August 23, 1951 |
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Mt. Vernon, In ltawkeye-Reeord word that the train would arrive in, the wedding bells rang out "Happy appear under water. Two men week . . . (August rivals June for Wolfe's corner . . . l~ arj Holmes In contrast -- Mrs. Angeline Wil- NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF Mt.
and The Lisbon Herald D ~ ~Denver at 7 p.m exactly on time. I Days, Happy Days" we ahnost de- siphoned gas from a motor bike weddings hereabouts~, l(now of literary fame) third with son and Eunice drive team of ponies EXECUTORS i
Thurs August 23, 1951 ru~u ~ lit had been up to 20 minutes late ! tected a little extra note of "Too on the roof to use in a one-burnez satirical view of same scene, to Decorah and expect to go to Min- No. 21793 ~ 2~r. ar
earlier in the day. bad, gals!" Coleman stove--the only cooking TEN YEARS AGO ~ nesota, all overland. State of Iowa, Lirm County so. ,} the Indi~
~ j The Cal. Zeph. continued to Chi-I :---W7-' . . equipment in the hotel. That nightI Ang. 21, 1941 THIRTY YEARS AGO ~ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEl%i day.
Irle I-In wKeye-Kecora i cago over the Burlington tracks l lnought I snoum cnecK on van one of the men and a waitress boil- 'John Colon jr Fred Blaine and! Aug. 17, 1921 NOTICE OF APPOINT.~IENT OF that the u.ndersigned have been 0n~ Mrs. t
and The Lisbon Herald from Denver. As the Burlington :~ Sickles~ martins to see if they had ed 150 eggs, six at a time, on the I Myrtle Johnston win prizes in U.S. ! Bruce Eyestones off for China . . . EXECUTRIX this 8th day of August 1951 dul~Mary m(
Inn ~nd Ave North Mount Vernon Iowa !does not come anywhere near to art suauemy vanished by the middle one burner: Remote Control golf tourney . Dr. Flint sails for Europe . . Dr. ! No. 21821 appointed and qual~fie~i' as ExeC'l: ers apar
Official New~paper Mount Vernon and iMt' Vernon, we changed to the City i of the month as prophesmd. Mrs. ------ IGunn, Austms, Lights reune . . . : John Bryant to take over vet prac- I ~tate of Iowa, Lmn County, ss. tars of the estate of Luella D. BurgeI Mr. an
Linn County . !of Denver which left that city at lV- S. beat me to it, calling to say As the water receded guests left "Town of Taxco" wins prize for'tice from Dr. John DeCamp NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, late of Linn County, Iowa, deceO~ Children
The Mount Vernon rlawKeye i3:30 p.m. the next day. i every last one had departed by the by the back door and boat. The] Name Lathe in art exhibit at State Seville Gaston ties the wedding knot i that the undersigned has been on ed. All persons indebted to said ~i bank Su
Founded in 186q by $. H. Bau. mani My cousin, Pauline Spencer was15th-a kind of "today you see bride was carried through the lob- Fair R. P. Ink honored on with Olive Bryant. this 6th day of August, 1951, duly tote are requested to make immed'iClare
The Mount Vernon Remarker tat~ the Denver depot to meet usmem~,~omorrow you don't" routine, by and put on a hay rack and tak birthday the 21st Dick Busch- Joke Klimo reflects on 25 yearsi appointed and qualified as Execu- late payment thereof to the under:
I~,ndtd in 1593 by Minard Logier]and we went to her apartment for . . . "-----7-. . en out to the state college What bark buys Fackler property .of service with the C and N W-- trix of the estate of Charles Rsi~ned Those havin claims a ain.~ j0r surg
~ " " . . " ~- g g ! Cedar R
L U ,-~ a visit na speaKmg o; aires--parson of the bridegroom~ You can well ! J D Peets celebrate 40th anmvers- observes that nothmg m the job Keyes late of Llnn County Iowa : the same will file them duly auth"~Mr. a~
Founde~en ~s~nb~:l~h:~.n Stahl thTh~:?Jlr ~ln~ im:;~r~ngo~VeNv:2it:d ~seo~ ~teeAerog:~P~g acb:tut erag;r~ ~r~agloewh~l! th~e~ oCaYt~e o~tJg:orY ar~l:::o/l~hggs, Elaine Rieger, La-i hadplbe~no$~e lante~tjYemth~ln ! d:C;aeSedat?lalrePer?::ste~d~btemdat e;tli~?ted l~:het;ffl~eefa th~C~re/~I ed the(
james, w. t~t !History at the City Park to see the ]name. At Long Grovesparrows by the bride was rescued she spotted]V nne Vandeberg compete in Brain ed. "a bill of !anding with his !immediate payment thereof to the Court. ' ' i~as Par
~auo.r ana ruousner ~ "%Iron !splendid exhibits of animals and : he nunoreas were oatterea .ann him on the street headed for the ]Der y at State rmr : weaning i freight to the httle lad who called i undersigned. Those having claims J.C. Davis, Bernadine D. Burg~i Mr. al
~whr~da~i ~lu~! ~!ii~wie~a~ii~r~ ~elAg~~ e: Et:~o*s~eS ~g~il~gR~I3~:l~:Gn:rermk i~~Yer~:e!~~tY~e~!~ ~i~. ~~~~Cito~~!~!!!! ~doB::e~y~A~!~ff0till;I l~lonteZUin the h
i Clewell ~,lr. a
Lisbon i
ONE YEAR, in Linn and adjoin- {40 feet'in length are unique They -- ------'7 . . . ,~,~, v I Polly Neal nam~ Linn Co. health ! climb on the wrong trainsThey ; :. ' " i -- I in the h
- ' " . lnere's no accounting tar tastes v, =~n ~ . waste A~torney. liam Hal
~na esunttes $2.50 t demct the animal and nlant life of l Any mrcus proves mat, oust wnat" aug z~ ~v~ [ champ, . . . Dale Johnson buys l ask silly questions. But the best " Aug" v xo ~ ~vo~ ~l~t'l~ ~'hl~ Wffl n~', ~
ONE YEAR, outside Linn and ad- i the West from the deserts to theI . . . " ' I Lowe s hardware . . . Wes Brash i is the one on the observation plat- . - -z - i Miss I
]olnin# counties, but ~zlthln the i highest mountain. [wou.m re a young woman to "l~uu' Herring lands in Honolulu!and Lillian Crofutt trade houses !form who asked the porter 'Which i SUnday:
state $2.75 ~,~ ~ ~n*w ~v ~o [ making a career oI scooting up a enroute to Japan and Korea . . .i Start digging well at Lower Pall way is the dining car?' " . . Parents,
ONE YEAR, outside the state . $3.00 i"~kf"te"r a nl'" eas"a'nt~'~l'unc'~h'eon a~ i .rope to .hangby her .heels high up Wagging tails are saying "thank and excavating cellar for new house ~ :i at Sewa~
~~ ~" ~ in me atr or illp her Doay Over ann ou to water su erlntendent Me for harh M '~
i Dani,q~ ~n~ ~'i~-~ * Y " P - C 'e eyers at Pal . . . AI-i FORTY-FIVE YEARS AGO ~ ,i
! :'~io er 50 hmes while holding on to Ilnay for cuppmg a hole in the new bertma Slach-Leonard Henlk. Opal l Aug. 21, 1906 ~,~ ~a ,!
returnee ~o me apartment ann or-I 9 [
Through Moffat Tunnel naz't,-~ ~',~r *t,~ ,~,~,~,~, ;. ,;,~,~ ,^~the rope. cement near the Second Ave. Walton-Allan Thompson Rubye Autoes go thru Mt. Vernon mak- Z~J~ ~a~l~ ~,~,/~ ~fff#D /~/$/4 "
~* ~. ~ 1 .s ------7-- drinking fountain so that thirsty Caraway-Earl Solma all mlddle-msl- mg record run from New York to ~"~f~fJ~" I ~dlr ~" / (~/1 ~P'~F'llrJ~'~l 'I
Io uenver name ooaro me ~lty at ~enver at a:~ol uongrazmauons ~o Jean ravelka do-s ma" be ~-rv"d r;,~* in" 't-^a^ ~, :.~ : ~^ .~. ~ ~# " ,~
z xrom uenver m oalc ~u~e ~lomef . the fmal leg of the trip]on be f~. choeen ~ttenda~t to t.h.e Peterson cars collide at Linebach Cornell Art Colony has free" show: lng" mght' and day. Leave C.R. at /
Tne zr p,u etcnlevemenz ~ueen as she all f
. ~ . - . -. - i corner south of Lisbon . Paul --Grace Kegley winning second 6:45 a m and travel the 78 miles to Late summer - early toll is the ideal time
City w~ts made in June 1949 over ~ The City of Denver wastes no ume i Iowa Fair Thursaa xne corona ~ " " " "
. ~ Y" " i McKeen on crutches after "tapping" wzth wew of Main Street from Dr 'Marshalltown by 11"15 ~o beautify your lawn A beautiful, sparklfnca
me rtoyal ~orge rouce oz me rtzu,in sxar~ing me top spree overnight, tion ceremony was an impressive :,- -=, ,~- ' ' " - -- - - " - "- -
' i tO~ WILII ~OU IO. ~te2t~l.Ll~nCfl a~ t [ "
rande The Cahforma Zephyr op r n ~ LAWN costs no more than the ordmar ,o
G " "[ u to Ch'cago. It maintains one tone. with almost 30 girls carrying l Iowa Man HaroldB-r-~- ~.--U- - LLLLL n m l LLLL l tmJ r
crates over the Moffat Tunnel route, :of the fastest schedules of a modern ) the clover chain to outlinethe ( ,r^~,^ ~.^ -: -~ ~. a^~'~~ :.~m m ' kind.Here is all you do. I
r Salt,v, u e ,once v, ,v oe vl,u .-,ve. m " /
h ~
tl~e IS more of it This rail- i the track ahead so he slowed down ~ ~,vav at the end9 ~ - ' " " /- q, ,
' . . ' .~ - I 1( '~,
line oes throu h the Rock ) $ If weather is dr and lawn cannot ~J>
ro i g g " Instead of gettmg up a httle after i ------- [ -- . = S y / & [z, -r
les while most of the others go 14 a m as planned we delayed it to Amon he in er t be water ] f rth r tm t /- ~o 22 "
. i . . ' i gt ' t esingstotiesfol- ~[ ~m[ ILK: [~k~ ~/~k[i-% t ed, deny u er tea en ~. ~.a~2J. 2~
around them as rouen as pos- ]make up for the time the train was j lowine the Kansas floods is that of ~,| ~sv'~s~ '~ ~ S% P~r'~'~=--~ S ,n+|l aft [,; ;n ".--,~1 ~0 "~"
gible, ilate. Lloyd LeGrand was on hand!a newly wedded hair the wif= ~- l ~ ~"~"~'~ ~ 't
Castle Gate is a frequently pie- I at Cedar Rapids to meet us and take ) amon- ~h,~ l~ ~ '.~ .~ : / - ~ "Y -"t ~" --" ~ =
and rolled across the Utah desert ~to the home cooked food and the{ in the upstairs halls for guests to Children under 12 Free
toward Colorado. At Westwater the ~simplicity of life in Mt. Vernon as help themselves. As the hotel
S "+h ,ivino mineral ) married male member was hired for l
prlngs pour neat~ ~, ~, . i
. : o ~ + +~ ~,~-l~r arrest warm tne staff and probably the most de-
**=" .~+o. ,~.~ ~Ir ~wzm" min~ pool. I Hatmg news we received was that [
Conszstent warmth of the.water per- ' he had. tied .the ;knot just before
mils year-around swim rag, scnom openea ann or re ne naa L
A second west bound Zephyr was lhad a chance to look us over! As
met at Glenwood, the first having
Colorado river is glimpsed for the icomnared to the heavily populated ~i guests ate they could see store win-
first time on its way to Hoover Dam. i areas.
daws across the street breaking in
In the next 238 miles between West- ', I certainly came home this time I and soon clothing, cooking utensils,
r nd Granb Cola the rover is with a renter
wate a Y, " . i g appreciation of the ltables, musical instruments and re-
seen in its dramatic development imany advantages we have here and i frigerators floated out the holes and
from a small mountain stream to a a conviction that I would not wanti away on the swift current.
mighty river, to change places with many of theI
At Grand Junction and Palisade, I people in California. I Lunch included crackers, cheese
Colo many peach orchards wereI land beverage. Telephones were out.
passed. Peaches from here are ship- Might i The guests watched that afternoon
ped to Mt. Vernon and Lisbon every Mention )from the roof, and the bride saw her
summer. At Rifle a pilot plant isi By Flor~nee Holdahl car in the parking lot slowly dis-
carrying on experimental work forI
extracting the oil from shale on the See that Lisbon's new man teach- Midland l~rm Management Co.
surrounding cliffs which have a l er in the elementary department 612 Merchants Bank Bldg
high oil content. !has joined the ranks of the be e-
Remembering the experience of idicts. Trust the new" one hired forI
the previous day when all seats in~Mt. Vernon will stay single at least
the dome were taken in the Feather i till he gets here.
beforeRiver CanyOn,reachingI GlenwoodWent to the dome i 1n) !
Springs'/" y day it was real exciting to i
a pleasure and health resort in the Pemrhaps times--have changed but]
heart of the Rockies. Yampah Hot fledges of the faculty when an un- [ g~~
been met on the previous after-(
noon in eastern California. i! HOME FOR SALE
Fortunately the sun was under! New 3 bedroom
clouds as the train entered Glen-~ located at 702-2nd St. W.
wood Canyon for a stretch of as l
pretty mountain scenery as yo ;
could ask for. There is no betteri
place from which to enjoy it thanI
a seat in the vista dome, especially!
when the sun is under a cloud. '
The radio speaker in the front of:
the ear was carrying a play by play
report o f the Cubs-Philadelphia
game at Chicago. How is that for
complete comfort? Relax in a com-
fortable seat. drink in the marvelous
scenery of the color-splaashed, can-
yon with a baseball game thrown
in extra, in case you need any-
thing more!
Each turn of the canyon
brings a new and different series
of formations which only time
~nd the elements ean produce.
Sheer walls of red rock rise t11
rugged grandeur on both sides,
blanketed in numerous places
by many evergreens.
It was while riding through Glen-
wood Canyon in the cab of a Rio
Grande diesel that a General Motors
vice president, C. R. Osborn, got the
idea for a vista dome. He realized
how much the passengers would
like the view he had from the cab
and proceeded to do something
about it. Midway through the can-
yon a monument was seen on the
other side of the narrow Colorado
river erected near the spot where
Mr. Osborn had the idea. It con-
tains a replica of a vista dome carl
on top of an archway/. A highway
follows the other side of the riveri
through the canyon and the monu-I
lent has been built along the high- I
way. I
At Dotsero the Moffat tunnel line]
leaves the Royal Gorge line. TheI
name comes for the initial point
on the record of a survey in 1885i
".O" (dot zero).
The 40 mile line from Dotsero
to Orestod, (Dotsero spelled back-
wards), was built in 1934 to connect
the Moffat line with the D. and
R.G after the Moffat tunnel was
built. It passes through Red Canyon
between these points.
Until the Moffat tunnel was built
in 1928 the Rio Grande trains had
to cross the Rockies at 11,666 feet
by way of Corona Pass, which was
closed during the winter and was
a costly and slow operation at any
time. Trains such as the Cal. Zeph.
weren't even thought of then.
After the 6.2 mile tunnel was
opened and the Dotsero cut-off built,
Denver was on a trans-continental
We left the dome while traveling
through some of the broad valleys
enroute to the tunnel and came
back again to watch for the tunnel
as the train approached the snow
covered peaks. Finally the west
portal came into view. The auto
highway from Grand Lake via Gran-
by to Berthoud Pass goes right near
~Cedar Rapid~: Iowa
VITA-SKIM h-m moce heelth
benefits fhan regular
whoR, mWk!
Order low-cost VITA-SKIId
from yo~ g r~w or
call 6321 for home del.
Ready to move in. Oil heat.
Will carry good FHA loan.
Call us for appointment to
show. Paul White.
Tait & Wagner & Co.
Phone 8144
Cedar Rapids, la.
: II Ill I,
Ability and Sincerity should be considered when'
you select a Funeral Director.
Johnston & Morgan's Funeral Home
"1 got the st0rg on
"I do a lot of intermittent and
long-trip driving, says Mr. Riley.
"I never cease to be amazed at
how clean new Conoco SuI~d:
drains out of my engine."
"SO,O00 /Pliles-No ffear/"PmvedHem :
After a punishing 50,000-mile road~m'~;~L-t~:~.~~~.~
m ~ ~:::~,~:~:~," '.':~.' '~
test, with proper drains and regular ::::::~:~::~:~I~I: ~:I -
care, engines lubricated with new
Conoco ~ Motor Oil showed no ~::!:.:::!,:.L* ::::~:~:,:i~ :: ii!~ii~:i::'::::::!~.~
GARAGE MAN wear of any consequence: in fact, an )
average of less than one one-thou- ili!il i!i
m sandth inch on cylinders and crank-
"Believe me, this '50,000 Miles-- shafts. AND gasoline mileage for the
No Wear' story is all you say it is," last 5,000 miles was actually 99.7TP~
writes Harry W. Brown, Garage as good as for the first 5,000!~~~
Man, Oskaloosa, Kansas. "With
cars using Conoco Sul~--I find
engines cleaner, easier to work on,
a ~
and show less we r. #~ #(k~
the west portal
After ustng many advertised
THROUGH MOFFAT TUNNEL brands, we have standardized on 1
Into the darkness of the tunnel ~ Conoco SuRer," writea Sherman L. 'lffl~|s is 0
phmges the train and the lights in!
Snyder, Mine Operator, Helena, HmAVY
the dome are switched on in a few l
seconds. Although about 10 minutes ~ Mont. "We find that we get better OIL
mileage, and operating costs on out"
it seemed like an eternity before i cars and trucks are much less." ~ t:ONTINgNTAI, @It @OMPANY
light looms ahead as the train comes i
out on the east side of the Rockies i
at East Portal. Snow was seen here
close to the tracks. )
At the renter of tile tunnel )
the train wu 9239 feet abovei
sea level and there were still 4021
feet of mountain ~bove it.
It is a downhill run from East
Portal to Denver. After some more
mountain scenery the tram reaches
the foothills and heads for Denver.
Over the public address system came
D~ck Carbee, Truck Operator W.E. Kohl, Truck Operator
On sale at the following places
Ostergaard Motor Sales, Mr. Verncm Buresh Implement Co Mt. Vernon
Zimmer Garage, Lisbon Sutliff Generator Service, Lisbon
Marshall Young, u, hanicsville
For the most thrilling races and the most spectacular
upsets always attend Ce-Mar Acres Races sanctioned by
The Championship Stock Car Racing Association.
Eyes Examined
Glasses Fitted
Modern Styles Prompt Service
~21 3rd. St. S.E. Cedar Rapids, Ph. 2-872.1
E~onom;cal-3,000,000 seeds pee pound
so you need sow only a third as much as
ord;nary seed to g~t a permanent lawn.
; /b. $1.55 5 /bs - $7.65
T(R# $1//tOEg
Autumn feed;ng restores sparkl;ng color
and vigorous heqlth to lawns. Turf
Builder feeds grass better for less. Use
only 1 Ib to 100 sq ft. 25 /bs feeds 2500
sq ft. $2.50 |00 /bs, 10,000 sq ft- $7.85
SCUTL Crobgrass Control-
79c $ 95 $$.85 .~
4-XDel;m;notes Plantai~o Dandeffons o
47c $;35 $4.85
Mt. Vernon, Iowa Dial 4512
The first rural llne on record in lowa
was built from Clarinda to the J. R.
Lee form in 1908. It was o single
conductor, iron wire line. W. N. Jack-
son, who built the line, suspended the
wire from trees wherever possible.
we salute the pio-' with Iowa State "Coll e, estal .2
II#l ll hers of rural electrifica- lished a national precedent in
II,II tion in Iowa: The eom- farm utilization of electric power
II II mittee on tim Relation with the historic experimental
I of Electricity to Agri- project on the Garner farm lines
culture, which included represent-
atives from the American Farm
Bureau and the National Grange;
Iowa State College, which, from
the early days of rural electrifica-
tion, has worked ceaselessly to ad-
once better f a r m i n g methods
through electricity; Pioneers of the
investor-owned electric companies,
who started carrying electric paw-
in the 1920's; and the REA-financed
rural electric cooperatives which,
since 1935, have played a vital role
in advancing the farm electrifica-
tion program in Iowa. These are
the pioneers the men of vision
who foresaw better farming and
better living with the wonderful
help of electric power.
blow 96% of Iowa farms hove central
station electric service. The week of
August 26 is set aside to honor all
those who contributed to this great
project including form groups, the
REA, investor-owned utilities atoll
equipment mfgrs,
As soon as the first crude lines were
built to a handful of farms, a vast
number of men from all of these
groups joined together to lead the
way toward complete rural e!ectrL-
fication in Iowa. As power lines
were pushed ever farther to bring
the miracle of electricity to art
ever-growing number of farms,
other pioneers were working to
develop new uses for electricity
for more profitable farming and
more com:-ntable farm living.
er to their first farm customers The pioneering job demanded