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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
August 23, 1951     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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August 23, 1951
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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) r ai Mt. Vernon Locals Pavelka Is 4.H Central States Electric Co. Jim Smith Gives l Former Cornell Prof Hear From Don 'week end in Evanston. Ill with| ---- -- - Merges With Light Co i, m, Receives Ph. D. Dearee,-,]g51 Page a.d Mrs P Ink attended t eir uncle lph Bowm n. ueen .enaanr ilnteresTIng /alK 1 wooas In Japan i tf e Indian Paw-wow az Tama Sun- ! Mrs Henry Wehmer of Chicago is " Stockholders of the Iowa Electric i i Prof Harold Havercamp, who wasI -- i IVI~,i uay. ;exnecied this week end to visit in Jean Pavelka, daughter of the Light and Power Co. and the Cen- "Some Murders in Linn County" instructor in psychology at Cornell] Pfc. Don Woods has written re-[Hnnnr r~nn ~|||~ A# en 0n1 M~IrS. Roy V inchip and daughter ! the~ home of her daughter and son- Leonard Pavelkas. south o: Mt. Ver- tral States Electric Co on Aug. 16, i was the subject of a very interest- !from 1940 to 1942, received his Ph, cently to his parents Mr. and Mrs. -- dulY~ ry moved into the ~Im areth "~ Rog- in-law" Mr and Mr~ Roy Bowman. non, . was honored Thursday" eve-i overwhelmingly approved plans for ing talk given to the Rotary club i' D degree at the university of Io,~a Perry" Woods. from Itayuke JapanFamily Picnic Sumda 'xeC'"~ era apartment last ~eek - I . " ning at the All-Io~a Fair at Hawk- I merging Central States Co into the on Monday by Sheriff Jim Smith. summer commencement recently, where he is a radio operator at an Y ' ~ ~ " { Mr. ana Mrs. ram ~awaras arove : . . " : Burge~ Mr ~,~,~ ~.-~ ~ -- ,-,~-+,;. ~ ~ ,^ ,~ m~ t- ~mo,~,~,~ r~,~,~ : eye Downs Jean was one of the Iowa Electric Light and Power Co. George Young was m charge of the I Work on h;s doctorate covered an mr force base. He sa;led on Aug. A large group of relatives met at ecea~ Children visited r~lative~ in Fair- ~, t wo,~k Their daughter Mary two attendants to the 4-H Achieve-: In discussing the merger wlthlprogram. . I tens ~e.rep a - pemmental]6, 19o0, for Japan. and was sent to the Marion Twp. rural schoolhouse dd ~ibank Sunday. - ~ Alice st~ved with the R.E. Minnick's ment Queen, Carol Jordan of Mar- stockholders, President Sutherland There have.been ~ muraers wim proolem in numan .veroai marnlng, ii~orea in ~eptemoer. ~in.ce las~I north of Marion on Sunday to :lmea'iC1 - lwhile they were ~one. ion. Dow in response to a question stated!ll victims wn]mivlr.~m]th hasoeen ~ro~: ~avercamp is neaa oI the ~eoruary ne has oeen stauonea in honor Mr. and Mrs. Don B. Filloon mder'i jar su;~ce- relsman un~er~en~ ma- ! .- ~-- -.~( -- ~" o Thirty girls were finalists in ~;that per share earnings of the merg- t sher.;ff. The murderers are Joel I psycnology oepa.rtment at l-lope CO1- Japan i of San Pedro, Calif who are visit- -oi~t'~--. ~ry at bL ~UKeS nospnm,I ors. rmrence, o~r~ .~ ,~ ~s the achievement contest ~nd ied comnanies would be slightly im-fJones and Graver Wynn in 1936 liege, ~Ollana lYnCh. } /-/is address is ~,~. ~zo~aez, ao~!ine in this vicinity Aft'~rn auth'~ ~ar ttap]ds, Saturday. :,will leave for nom,e ~riaay direr from these the three judges se- !proved'due to certain economies of]Graben who killed Mr. Skalsky ati ------------- [ANR OPR. De!. Apo 929 p.M. San !derful dinner the$'gat'taerect around Clerki e tt~ and Mr~ Frank Gage attend- isp~na:intgeainW~:~ x~Im ner2r hne[ leered the queen and the run-igeneration and administ r a t i o n,f Ely and Harry Achey who shot i Methodist Women Plan :Franc)sco:. t:ani. ~.xcerpts ~rom i the piano for an old-fashioned song istrid~ ~e Gage family picnic at Tho- ! " ." /' " ' hers-up About 4@@ girls par- ,which would be obtained when the I Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hoover at Lis- ecent letters ~onow: ~ feat with Mrs Alexander Ta,lor at ma~ Far " " Ral h BusenoarK ~ - " i : "I "ust had a seven da leave so " } ~ k In Marion Sunday P " . . hc~pate in 4-It work in Lmn ,properhes are operated as one cam- ban both in 1939. In 1945 Clark Visitation Do,Sept. 5,] Y . the piano. Clan- Richardson sang ~urg~ . Mr. and Mrs Earl Beach of l Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bureau and county and their yearly aehmve- i pany instead of two. Fisher committed a murder, in 1948 Y I~m pre2y we.l~ rested, up ~ne o~ several solos with Ann Holcomb as 'ilcO~ ~ontezuma were week end zuests family attended the Buresh-Bartamerit records, their personali- Customers of the Central States] Robert Rutledge murdered Byron l Wednesday Sent 5th will be Via-i,~ ~ u ~ ),=~ .~ ~. accom!oani~t E v erv on e enjoyed tars I m the home of Mrs J E Beach. reunion which was held at the ties and appearances form the will shortly be receiving bills from t Hattman, in 1950 Lloyd Hunter shot I itation Day for all Methodist worn- i ;~r ~ase for five o~ our days. Ha ~ : himself and would like to reheat it Mr antt M. v~,~ ~h~11i,~ of Louis Buresh home in Cedar Rap- hases of the judging, i the Iowa Electric Light and Power I an 84 year old man in Cedar Rapids I en and we are asked to keep an ~ot our outfl.t are. up there now so sometime in the future l~l Lisbon ~=~"~,' ~:,~,"~.~,~'~"~ ~: : ida. About forty attended. On August 8th the 30 girls and Co. The entire personnel of the two and a few weeks ago Webster Sal- hour or so free for this activity on I xve. are aomg the WOrK OI tWO ~ ~. .~ ~ ~ " ~com antes will be utilized in the ' outIits oecause of me man power i ~resent were me t~. n. ~ea~s, ~n the home ~ ~ nnd Mr.~ Wil ~ t~v Meeker of Davenl0ort their parents were guests of the p yer shot Charles Johnson at A1- that afternoon All over the United I ~ ~,~ ~ ~,r~ 1 1 ,4 ~; T')nn C'.nOrtvonr~ ~ l-I ]:~ioh~rcl~n~ ! ham Hoggard armved" last ,xeek. to visit in the ; Iowa Tractor. and Machlnely. Co. of merger,: Mr. Dows stated, i burnett" States Methodist women are enter-, i, :s~ ,n~,h *h,~ *~ins~ 'Geo . ='Tohn~tnn nnd Clnir ]:~iohnrd. "~U~1 Miss Doroth~ ~,~lor returned parental Walter Meeker home. Cedar Rap)d.s ata dm.ner at the ! .~ o v a~;.~ I "I sometimes wonder ]f a pros-ling upon a visitation.program with "No I'm not on m wa home and lsons Linda. Lana and Larry, -~'{ SUnday from ~o~'k~v~i~it with her Mr~ Olive Meeker of Cedar Rapids, t:oun~ry t~,up, e onowmg .me o an- ] Y." .T Y- ~Y~") ~,=~ .0",~ ~'22 [ pective juror who says that he has I the goal "Every .~,~emoa]s~ woman [I won't be for a feYw 'amYonths We i all from Mount Vernon" Eel- ; ~ : iris were intervleweQ ln lUletuvJn ~nu lVlZ. allu zwz~. ~Juzuu*J " " " ' '- " "" ! . " i - . ' Parents, Mr and Mrs John Fosler mother of Mr. Meeker, was a Sun- que.t tneg ~-~ ~.~;o' nd Jim Gillette of Iowa no objections to the death penalty]V is,ted, xn}s ~lll take the form iare due to leave Japan ]n Decem- wm Goodyear, Yule M,tchells and :i at Seward Nebr " i day guest. ~foup~ o: = . ~ ":'= *~-~ I has really thought mucn aoout it,"[oI a progressive vls~muon pmn anti ber so it won't be long, about four Bobby, Arlo Goodyears M. A Le- .~ ' ',!1~ames oi me winners ]n me con-lt--lty w~xt~ gu~tb u~ lvl~. a**u *v~* " a d snored result in a lOt oI gooQ Iel- . ;}nJ v~r. and Mrs. Edgar Gillette of] A. It. Maulsby of Kansas. C,tY, ltest we,e not disclosed until the]Roy D. Young for Sunday evening]the sheriff state : v ]lowship Plea e remember Wed-im ~ h~s been rainin," here ~incei ms and-'Patf:c]a:--Cedr'ar--RaTpid'~s' ,~ ,~ar l:lurlina~n- ~,n rarnoe ~-illette. as * ~*,vdav night and ~un- .; 4-ha ~-~. i 111noh [ i llitve ~Oill~:~ uu~/utb Ill 111 uwll ] ~ 'e~ . ~ { ~ o ~.l, aj ,~xu.~uj~=ol J.uw l % 11~,; ~ 1%, 't ::~. *,*-v ~---,i co,u,a,o. ~c,= J " nesaay be t am,1 ' : " - P. Jul 6 and ~t doesnt show an of Iowa 1 u sts Mrs C E Hedges ~ - mad and think most people do who Y,y Goodyears Bob and Mary Jo, , C ty were Sunday g e t day with Mr. and Chuck Darnels presented the ; Mr and Mrs. Harvey Elhson and lletu The " " " " d m the Gle-,~ ~ *,~o ,- ~ ~. ,~nt to Waterloo late : ~. ~-,^, .~ ~ ~ ~.~ i ; have thought very much about it. I ~,p. y say it rams here for ~Monticello; WIlmer Rlchardsons ,~ ,va=,o i s,~x. ~,~au,~,~ - ! queen to the ~a. ~-,~,~ o-~, **=*=-, granooaugmer ~am attenueu a I . } months at a time I*'- *'""i";"" *" ' " -"'~ "-" " ]VI - oke before ser- ~ " i WOUlO nesnate to Bang someone,t ~ o~=N x*x**~ ~u ! DH(ll~D, L;enls, ~aroara and t~eoec- ,~'} "'mr r. and Mrs. W]l on Morrow and 1, Sunday. where he sp amoer m i! Tucker, home economist from Jones. family, dinner Saturday evenmg at i ~,v--.~^ - ,~ ~oo* ~ .o t Mt. Vernon (:;amp lre ,~et miserable now. Everthin~ is so i ~ ,~n c'o,t~l c' y; ~ ~.~ ~---~,~""' ~ ~.;,; d," and Mrs. Robb Morrow and i wee club~ and the on ~ ] Co announced the attendants, Miss ! the Witlard Heneks near Mechan- 1 ; I ~ kl J ! --J damn and the mud is knee deen. ~ A ~,;~t.o~.~ *,~ ~ ,~ ,~ ~aughter~Joyce and Nancy, of i Commerce on Monday and ~uesoay. Pavelka andMardelle Perry of ~ icsville in honor of the Floyd Hen- I ~g,jt w.u .~ .u ~.~ ~[~JU~ i~mt~m m.t=uU~=l~ The'Jans are hannv tho' ~- ~ ~'~- ~'-"~'- -" " ~. ",~"~--" ~-~ *~^ ,~w~*~-" ~' - . - ~-- -*,- +~ ~nonkor at the i -- - ~ . . I unless a muroer ]s planneo, pre- i i .- . ~-,-- : orau: ~, uary and ~usan, thenter ,*-xlns wereSunday alternoon ~ lvxr, ~v;au,suy ~,a~ ~-= ~,- ! ~alrIax. r egs Irom lexas r t - a lot of rain to grow good rice I . calle " ~ " ~ervice at the Mr.' meditated and v;cmus I don t ca e The Extension Chairman of the . . Junction, C. B. Johnstons and Bob '.l ~^ rs ]n the Ralph Busenbark t Sunday morning ? . ~ I Jean has been a membe~ of.the Mr and Mrs Melvin Sikkink at-] ~ ~. ~*.~ no~t~, ~nalt " he c'~ ~,;~, n ~n ,n= ~ call 'Everybody is praymg for a peace labd Cha~ A .Iohn~tnn* nf Li~ ,| e. ! Vernon memoms 4-n group ~or three years, atllllat- tended the Schnenf family reunion I ~ .^ ^~.~^~ T ~^ ~ro no~aod fur itreaty in Korea, but I doubt If any- I hnn" I. E I-lnlPnmh* Arl~n ~,~d II I~~ ~:ed wlth the Frankhn C ~at Pine Lake E]dora on Sunday } I~ A ~ ~+~ ~.~ ~,o~.; ~. ~n,~ thing comes of it They just seem,Ann M~r~ollo" FI ~:~ ~"i]lnnn~ Rnn '| ~ ~ } ~roun which ~he has served as [ ; ~ ,~. " 1 Murder is often commiuea ouring I~*'~ '~::'~ ~'" .~*'~u=. ~i~Y % "2 ." ~,~ ho ,x,~,~na ~imo" .'~ 1 l[ .'~',~ ,~ 'v~ i~ney win visit ~v~rs. o. n. ~]~,n~, I It ~o~m~ to be a ~olution of[Campnre maaers in ~tn ana 7tnI ;Pedro. Calif.; S. W. Johnstons, Lee !t,| T E L E V I S I O N,|! pres,~m ~as~ won a~b~u~ ribbon on ! l~r. s mother, at Preston, t the problem- oi'the- moment. "Some l grades- Sunday dinner ~,ucsts of Mrs i-Andrew Johnstons, Alexander Tay: I I" . }.wllnn tnls week enu. " ~ " 1 could be " Be t~oara recommends mat all i ~ e . lors and lvlargaret ~pringville" and :| I Guaranteed So|e$ & Service I her garden project at the Lmn Co. I lot this group po.s]b y I lo,d~r~ h~ willln~ tn t~k~ ~ train iROse Walton were her smter. Mrs. : ~ ^~ '~ I '*~ ~--~ * ~ ~,o~ ~,~ flower ar- ] Mr ana Mrs. nomert ~wcs~e, ml brought into a mental state to corn- ~ *" " . ^ tr ~. ~ ~g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~^~. .~uo~.~ ~uuu.vea~ ~u*~ L, uuu- , ~a. a.u ~,~ ~ . . ~ in o r whi h i offer i Cedar O~ ,~u,=~, ,~.u o.~, ~. ~uu I BLAKE & MULLEN I] ~,aom ~e *i* * nn nnnle hie and ; Iowa City and the Misses Stella and [ mit murder but ,ou never have} g c u se c s ed n ~,~^^~. ^ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~, o .~ ~ i years, Luella Johnston, Wayne ,| ~ J u .:o t~ vv Mt V*~,nnn ~362 l i~.~,"~.~J'~.:~~' ,~(,'~ ~'hrea~t In the i Julie McKune were dinner guests been " * ~ Rapids in October. There are also ~,~T~'~, ~ ~=,;s,~=: ~.~y~:,-~-- i Scotts and Susan, Frank Bairds, ~| ~ ~" I + ~, h ha took firsts ' recently of Mrs. C D Maybauer at lm nthly meetmgs of the leaders to .w. a ~o ,h,~ ~-~ Orhn Hanna Laura and Ruth Ann ~[ "-- m lin both live and dressed poultry. ! ~ s,- ":'L': -"Y """%~ ""':.:1 was a bad nrisoner" the speaker,D~ ^ ~/r ~ ".T ~'r~vn~r h~xt.~on iat the cemetery where their parents ,~ ~ I m' " n a la m *%eene are wsnmg tram t:ouncn ~- v.= ,~ " and then visited the]r l ----------------- I m t She is also working o Y g: ~said "Most of the murders give[ 6 .-m and 7 ,-m if-,ou are willino were burned I I flock project, on home ground im-i~luns' . l muc'h less trouble than 60 per cent lto" ~ive of your timeand talents insister and husband, the Frank Kay-D,~ I 1.~^ A.J~ I provement and a Irozen food pro- Mr. and Mrs. jonn Banaro rcl of the other prisoners They are not lthi~ wnr~hx'~hilo onmml~nifv ~rviee ]eYS Of West Branch. :, I%~%.1%.1 II I~ V V ~ I I I ~U~ in ac - " " - - ~--- ,GOOD JOBS FOR MEN ilject, iturned home Saturday.even .g, .'/as remorseful as you would think,"Jproject i~NERS STOLTZ CLEANERS i mI Of .le.'s b e rihbo, entries !~:TPaandle;o~Yi (:w~a~v~ar as~a~inr;Ihe added / " -- !~1~" ~ [!l i Keep Looking Fres h ~| I Iso attractive vacation and insurance pragra s. - I i "~ t " " "1 ' M the State Fair the lal~ o! uae ; lvlr. aria Mrs. If. t~. ~nerwooa Oi[He was a very model prisoner.[ ~ ^ .~ ~t ~ r ~.- ~- ~. .t ~. U 2.VJ L. dJ[lU ~LVJ.I~. ~J UlllJ ~.~ Y I~LUJ 1 ~: UI r~ ~I perlenc~ n~r~ssarv I month Independence, Mo were week end lwith another prisoner by the name| ~ I ,~ g ,I v, ,~4.1~,~ I:1 "~ I /" II ",-. . = ~ .^ lm1.- ~ ' F~'*^1.^.~ 1 -.*~ -~ I .-- ~ -- ~ ]ADeroeen, ~ u, ,LVII S ,r~llzaoeLD ! ~u Ill ~Jli~ ui iil~ ~/lii ~.~/ll~i. J~iUll~ ]F~l~i N '~I I~! ~ ] =~ V w;11 be a ou~ nior in the high '~ guest~ n] the ~*uyu. *x,~t;ne **v*.~ OI ~neets ne walKeo away ~rom a[ --.~ -av' '~t' v."* ~' ~ne*nn, Mr ~,~a ~r~ I O~ . .-- . -- . *~" ~ I I i school this fall She has been active' They called at Clair Stonekmg s on I prison farm and has never been~ John Brin of S,rin- Valley Minn i . clothes here regularly for dry cleomng and o ;[~ Apply al onc~ - ~lll uwnce ~,o ~ ~ "with basketball heriFriday and on Mrs. ettie Kinraoe found It is hard to find a man who[ . ~2. *" o :Z'. '2'1 -- ~-- ,-.~ -~ ' " . ano J~everly urr oI ~alrmont," ~n ' "" in t Ion Saturday. Mr. Sherwood ]s a never eta arrested and ~s never . ', ressln . ~I I l{spec]alty, and participates he~ ~.~ ~;.~.~.~ g ~Mlnn. were guests in the Rev. i~ P g ,~ ~nep*~w ux ~,~ *~.****,~ Iln er r]nted the snerlii sala , I mixed choru, and sextette. "" " g P ' " ntle" Bruce Eyestone home the past "~ I ~1 NATIONAL OATS COMPANY li ~ ~ Mr. andMrs. B. Jacobson of Bur-I "BobRutledgewasafmege.-/week They came to attend theiO I!,-~ I / ~w . ~ / ~ bank Calif visited from Tuesday|man, adjusted quickly to pr]s ni ~,~ol ~orvices for Mrs Walter E,~e--t ~n~ ~a~v ~sn e%n ~=nl~l[ov ~ItO|Ll~ AIl~-IIeV U1 i " ' ' " t ir " k his man disa oint- ~" ~ N ,~v r,~ ~r v~ ~,~ v~,~. w,~,~,%- ,~v,~w~ ,v I 71 ~ l~,u c ^ kl I:: t' 4 D,-,n;A I,~, Ii~ea~ me want ~as until Friday in the home of he Ihfe and too Y - .PP /stone of Olfn, which were held last ~u ~i I -----, uIin .~uu~n. n' ~ ~"'~'~'"'--r'-", '""- ~ niece and family Mr. and Mrs. H. |ments gracemny, the snern~ con-] "~r,~.~ o~a ft-rnoon in the Olin ,-- Z I I I iIi --'! R. Hanley. On Friday Mrs. J. K. [tinued. "There ~s no question bu [Methodist church with interment ~ A I I I ~ : -- I I ~. ~ Ii Dahl Jackand Dorothy of Park that the death of his father discour-| in the Olin cemeter- : I U L I ~, Z ~ i ~-, I ;-~" / ]'z~ If Ridge Ill, arrived to spend the/aged him," he stated. } ~r~ Janet Duncan~'Evestone who i Z ~ I ~ I I I Help Yourself To Soft Water I [ii:i idoean d e iiin r;rhm :!:t' :wi k: Ad{ihi;r:efiiid : ;i i/ !i:iM:ann i: rd'B J hhuSband C L E A N E R$ I . . . ml I visitin relatives. Mrs. Ronaldthe felt he had to keep faith with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lutz of Des-I ~ ~ ~ ' IT S rest not water TauceT,~ "~ hem In re I to a question about rl n s and ~=K~ ~/UL/~. k, Lr/AINrK~ ~)/Ukl~ k.LI:.~INrK~ ~/UL// ~ as close as your nea . I {t"1"T'J' ~ ~ [ 1~/)/~ I Rionle of Spencer ~ister of Mrs /t - P Y -~ ~ I tin Fla are visiting f 'e d -- -- -- '~ " I~1 /W l/~'v~3~" ~./ I Ruse accomnanied'tlaem home and/the Rutledge trial, Mr. Smith said I relatives in Mt. Vernon and Lisbon i-m----'-'---~-~----~~ Ill "~ ~ I Mr Rinple spent the week end [he thought Rutledbe had a fair for a few days They came to at-! , I n -- . - I' with them /trial. /tend the wedding of Mrs, Lutz',* I NEAL S SOFT WATER SERVICE II ~~~ ~lI' " Wernimont ~ 1 brother Richard Brokellast Sun-,I ' NPIPI IPIInAnAII i,0,:,Mr. and Mrs. H.E. I . :i - and sons, Larry and Ronnie, who,Wr,tes Of Flood Damage ,day. i, o. spent the ummer at Breakers oMrs P W / ------::----" -- I ,'*15201 Mt Vernon, lowa f /l:Ll:ll l !~ I i[ ~ " ~[~ " [[ Cam~iZ~hiisngwt::kI~?~hd'J::"Bare p:t~rsaor?te~t.l~et;r:~, Mrs.'Arthur New Cars L,censed ! i :~ ~ ! = i l ~ [ tPa andg Ross Baldwin They wn]]Lowen of Kansas city, Mo: told aO / Frank Wood Ford truck L. A. or I : I ,~ ~ I~ ~ ! ~,loire for their home in Riverside tdriving as close to the flood area ]Alma Woolison, Mercury both from :[ [ I :---~. Iilia. lhe lact of the week ' they could and walking to a point !'Mechanicsville. |] [ ' /~': . where they could look down on the ~ W I / I il ooPs -- THERE GO YOUR I Barbara Berry of Chicago arriv-/ NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF [ YOUR TELEVISION SET NO I ~ ~!:::x ~: .~.::::'/ :: ~: i I I . . . /~.ansas =Ity IIOOfL 1Be waier ~Juw- I| I ili:!:~ "~ Ill SAVINGS I ed Saturday from Chicago an~ IS led swiftly between the buildings. E~EO?I~T~yRS [ . ' [ I t/idiTl= f~ /:~,I![ I visiting with Judy.anct ~any ~us-/There were big auto freight trucks!star, of Iowa, Linn" C~mty, sS. :'[ r~ / II ./ / / II / !~ I ww I II/I- ~ /i~ ?-~.~--"Iii No matler how careful you I enbark in the U]CK musen arKIwashed over on ~heir sides and! NOTICE IS HE,REBY GIVEN, that thei| De reaav TOt all rne DaseDall aames I '~ ~ ~k~--~:2"P" I tl L J . I home Mr and Mrs. Alfred t~erry/ ~. ~-*,mer,ed l undersigned have ~een on this 16th day O~il ! ~ / ~t [~'~ F . Ill may ae persona,y, accnaems Ii . - ~ ; and/ma,y t,~ ~a~% ?u~. ~ ~lAugust, 1951, duly appointed and qualified'~[ I ,/ 11 ~- z n ~ i il~qPI I~ ~ ~]~ x:~ Ill t;.~** k ;,~. wh;.h I wm arrive xnur~u.~ ':,~. We saw lots of nogs, a olg cow anu]a.~ Exeeut f the estate of Jeannette I ono YO~YTI~Clll (21(21rn~. Loosr TO Loasr / 1 ~ rr r ara will return nome witn ner " r n i I .~ ~. ~J .~ ~11~ ~" I J Ba b ~everal calves walkm~ a ound o Lowell Ebersole late of L nn County Iowa :[ ~ I ~n~m=--- ,:,: :i: ! / :" $=:: ;, l you are responsible. Protect i ,arents Friday morning t7 ~ + f buildin~'s " Thm~s are l deceased. All persons indebted t<, said es':I .-- IL I, 'll L-- ---- C----~ 1 ,-- I ~/~*:":~, ~':e. :~ j;"~ urs f a aunst costl dam ~.o -- " = " now In art tate are requested to make immediate pay-: rJ~| WU[K WIll I~l~ O!1 O~ i, I. ~U /llU/ I ~L~ '*";]1:~~ I,I yo e g Y " I~ Miss Mary MacGregor and Miss/pretty much dried out P lment therenf to the undersigned Tho~e I P ! } 1 I e C ea l!l a,e suits by being insured I Nelle Ayres of Greenwich Conn. [of the area. The removal of deadtba,ing elaims against the same will file ]l II LL -L J' A ~ I: A-- | c r m I|l 7 -, -. : . I returned-to the Dean and'Mrs J'lanimals spoiled food and watertthem~ duly authenticated, inthe o~iee oTi yoo ~UI! ~t~ UII IHI~ ~ilO~ ~ I~i1/1~1./ 1-11.3111 I I "" aT all TIml~$./YI~KI~ II CI polrl! " " ' - - the ~lera ox t.inn ~ounty, Iowa, uis~ric~ ; -- -'.';~::':" . i B MacGregor home Sunday after soaked produce is still going on. I Court I * Dehclous Tas to drop .n soon and talk your stench is terrible -- Iy Ill .L I a "six weeks trip in Miss Ayres' car [have heard the " " The GuarantyBank&TrustCompany, il California and other events that I " ~~lSi~.~ m ll insurance iorogram over wim I + ~r,~v;,~ r-it, The, visited Mr The, kee- srwaying the area with[ of Cedar Rapids Iowa and William|| I " :::; e red of S. Et.erso]e, Executors Dessedl,~ } us,and Mrs Phil Henderson at San DDT to try and prevent th sp Ho n I I I I " t t lines & Holmes Attor eys I ha ) )en every day. I - ,-" ~ ;:~ Miguel while in Mexico. Miss Ayres (disease. There is quite a mt oz ~ug. 23 ~ Sept. 6 i951 I ---- -- " i : ~:~, ~ i who taught w~th Mms MacGregor trouble w,th rats . ~" ! ~ ~:,'" : t " " " too" --------- 1 . If ,oo+ v-ar has onei -------------- I ~OTICE Ol~ AI~POINTME~T Ol~ ' I r Make Aooo,ntment for Demonstrat,on I nn .::~. : t ~'": * Ill r~A~.u.a l I It wnll brlnq cheers from your Ill AL MORRISSEY ]'on to her home. t Mrs" F!ora I.~igh of vioJa, .:J iI I . -- -- "'.~'~,~,~I tl I; n rs m me ~rezurnecl to ner nome ~wonv.ay mcer lst~te .f Iowa, Lban ~unty, e~ II ~A~ nAPAklTI:I: RECEPTION / ~.'I ~ I I I ~ Ill IId IIDAIdPIg II bunaay aiternoon ca e I~nonrlin~ three weeks VlSltlni~/ NOTICE IS HERIgBY GIVEN, that the',l wwm. v~r~nr' -- / ,aKe nome a package I io,o, 6'2V ~t. Vern.n ! Ll:rY:l~2rdy ~l?F~YaEll~;;h ~m~.[~it!nV~erhdnr-e~atIves m and around/Fg?r~{:uqg~51:~ythb~-n~t~tdh~l{thdi!fe~df.:,]i / ~-' .~ I I ~~ !Pittsfield, Mass Alva Heneks from[ ,~a.r ana .~ rs. x r ] ceased. All persons indebted to said e~-', I a 1 Cones Pints. Quarts and (~: '' ~iLisbon Mr and Mrs. Floyd Heneks]~nms~me a~.enae.a.xuneral servxce~|tate.are requested }o make ,~.~ ~,- */ Don s Radio & Television / 1 " " -- ~1,~'" ::i 1 -- ~ t ~ i ~1 I1~ 1 ~,'. " ~----.---- m "~'^"" ~ Ior MrS. Will M, ell, a great-aunt! mcn~ tnereox ~ tne unaers~gnea, lnose i l . / ~m ~i 1 DUN & BI::V':) i lzrom nine ~enter zexu~, m=".I "u ~ b They nl~n attended[ having claims against the same will file m r~= r~ f"*A,~L~ / ~ ~t #~ I~ - - I!daughter and son-m-law, Mr. aria]y?-'- ?~2"~' --"z- ----, ~2 th m0 duly autheuticated in the office ofiI ~iI Ik~ %~.I[~I[~IIR~ ~,#l|~,~[J. I' I~a I~lIIl~n~ ~ne LaeocK iamlly picnic at ~pr~nl~ the Clerk of Lmn C ~ " ~ ! mr ~ ! D A DDITDV It Mrs. Floyd King from Los Angeles,! "I . ' ounty, Iowa, D'strict iI | n u mmn m llCalif and Mr" and Mrs" Ike Plat" vn-le;un;:Y'man accom anted Mr|~ ur~hecuaranty~ank*Trustc mpany j Oial OiZl at. vernon, ,owa / at 1}ner, Doug and Cindy from Mar- Ma y P "I of Cedar Rapids, Iowa and William I / 1 For o meat thot is gOOd1,te]le and Mrs. John Eyestone to Aber-| s. Ebensole, Executors,/ " ' V" " Holmes & Holmes Attorneys " and deen, S.D for a weeks ~sit. The , m ! to col cut up, 5axed and If Dr. and Mrs. Orlo Halght [ Aug. 23, 30, Sept. 6, 1951 1 ~ Av ~n~ th~ frvino ~an. l|~i~;o ,-ot,rned Thursdav from a ~yestones were nere to attena me ~ ---~ Caramel Corn Mt. Vernon ~-. - ~ b rim services for Mrs Walter ~ ' m " I I two weeks' vaeatmn In Salt Lake ou ~ ~:yestone In Ulln m ~ J T. .* ~ /m I ""'~;V~.k A ! City where they vi.ited Mr. and lIlII I I, la. UllU iwln ~aDleS I *': ':= 2:=".= -" I Mrs. Harold Greenleaf. Mrs. Haight Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McCutcheon ~ I I R I I ~ i I 1 t' q" I ~ ILl I I m*. vernun, m. I and Mrs. Greenleaf are sisters, and Ann attended a family picnic at I I K I I I ~l I I ILl m ' n W~ al~ hove oediareed |They all spent four days in the the IVIrs. Et.ta Smith and Holl~s Wil- m ~ LIP L m %, ~ U ~,| v II LISDOn,' - mountains, trout fisning. ~nroute son nome in ~r~anwooa on ~unaay I Dreea,ng ~,u ~. i home they stopped at Estes Park. evening, honoring the Bob Beebee ! mm n m ~ N N un nm = -iMrs. B. E McCunoeh of Eagle family otS ioux City. We are moving to Denison, so will sell our complete household fur- E "~E == E ~ E ~" ~=-~ )i urove, morner ot m,;s. fo~:iagnvtisatC.- Victor ~ann, son of Dr. and Mrs . Patt n Acrea I = ~= Lcompanied them hom ' '. Gordon Rahn. was taken to Mercy n,sn,ngs, on Tne o ge ocaTed at 421 3rd Ave. S. Mount Vern- ~" '': " ). RobwehrtoEl~vk~, :o%Offatr~henReOrY MElt: hospipt lCe:a R:Pio?edOnwThh:rsd hYe on, Iowa (4 blocks south of the Methodist Church), on : " ~ |~Krlons,~ ,r v " servin in little boy was ill with mumps He i 10 ,ears, ~s g . . New Jersey is getting along ~at~sfactorily ~the Navy on the U.S.S. . ' " is Robt Elkm SKSA Mrs Henr i His address y Kramer, Dixon, lIl ~" 1323-99-63. S-2 Div. USS New Jersey is visiting for two weeks in the ~" ~" " " ~" (BB62) c/o Fleet Post Office, Sanhome of her son and family, the C. ~lgP" ~r ,w ~"~ FvrajCa~e~ nWCt:;L ~r~ieE~:wlrn:O Ha~ t~'unKne!:m!:ihrSe~:na~a/nb~t:t:@t:]:a Commencing at 1:00 P.M. , s y ' Household could look him up when his ship (,o, t Dr and Mrs John MacGregor and :: I !~I rrT~ . ~eai~tkti~Ma';DaFi'l:;~khhaSs~eritaten~tfri~im [~ne:flw~e~! j??C~{cp}lrraee~o l?:em~7 ftlolMi nj:: R:trigerator, Jate model; table top, 4 burner, Gas Stove; ,1~ |Clark ieft there Aug. 10th, enroute and with ~liss" Mary MacGregor oblong s " le with six Chairs; Porcel-Top Work-Table; 3 folding I] I! IS! !;:sat::raJrSl~aottrla~'?ha:s~enn:dnecaJ TheYhj~ret~aolled2r~vi:ra:~.~ek I form Rocker; occasiona)chairs; rocker; Man's Desk with chair; drop. leaf "2,~Iy crop rn.oncy seemed to just melt away.' early June and it is needed now. [M~aVo~cka,~r~i~ ker, lyUdmOlpfloV:d I Desk with chair; Child s Desk with chair; floor Lamps; table lamps; S,Iver- :: says a customer,"until I got the habit of put- Mt. Vernon Church NoteS!by th'e William Barber Advertising m tone Radio and Record player, Console model with records (late model); agency in Colorado Springs Cabinet Grand me" - " ' . t'ng it in the bank and paying by check. It ' ~IETHODIST CHURCH I ~ |m,alum size upright Adam Shaaf piano; Thor Washing ' ' til] disappears too fast, but at least I knew e ie orBS will ]1 Machine, late model; 4 twin Hollywood style Beds, complete, hvo with ~w.ere ~" it goes. And I'm able to control it a i bo~he,d' in union" ~ with the Presby-i] ~ ~ ~ hU~ruCl~t~ll I!1' head boards, all nn good condihon; S, ngle Bed complete; 3~A roll a-way bed, ;terian~ at 9"45 a m at the Presby-;,) ~ Jim ! . ! r. I ! better.' i "~ h The reoular schedule ~) -" - 11 almost new; mapme Tmnmsnea uressmg Iable', Uresser', 3 chesfs bedroom e* t. 1 ~ ~ ill ' -"'-"" "~'" ' " lnt:a chool and church w 3m~ule~a.nEuren Of Sk y # m~ d =~, eOe l~ This bank is imere~ed in t.e financia, we]- ,ta t a"aiy the first Sunday in Sep-I[ ~i~!?$U~en J I chair; rugs; book racks, one soJid walnut; single utility Cabinet; 9x12 fare of farmers cf tMs cc::=munity and 1ad l~ r ~ !tombo, Congoleum Rug; Hoover Vacuum Cleaner; Sewing Cabinet; portable elec- to have them zsdepositors --" " n ,n g ne; power Lawn Mower, just one year old; Garden PRESB1/TERIAN CH[RCH I =' im tric Sewin Machi ,[ SJ~'av?~ug~h6oStVil~eSc~'illwb~I i I Tools; Plow, new this summer; dishe,glassware, silverware, and cooking terc nd Scales,utensiectrielectric Fly Sprayer; Homilmn Beach Electric Mixer; household I !1 IIII IIMI ! IS;el iand service. Hour is 9: 5 a.m. m ; .c Corn Popper; Waffle Iron, Electric Plate; Toaster; gallon !1 Illl I1~1 ! Everyone cordially invited il stzeThe:m sJug;fru[tiarsandMiscellane us Articles too numerous to " LINN GRO~SBYTERIAN I/ |, r-" ~ menfinn Claude Klaver, PrnaStoi~iornin I~ ~'~Pne' o': n~ ~u[ !m -'" Sunday School, 10 a. g) ) ! worship, 11a.m. Youth Fello~snip, ! ' iI /~rm5 ~,usi! i mi ,ilk illi I Tuesdayevening, 7:30p.m. I--~~i.~i:, Annual Sunday School and church I im p~cy~c o~cilolckbenhoelnd Sa~rday l~aoOkn. I ,-~'~ ' t- a ' e" Ii HAROLD PLANK, Owner I " "' "--' " m' i,WlJbur Colby, Auctioneer Mt Verno