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August 23, 1951 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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August 23, 1951 |
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Mr. Vernon, If Hawkeye-Record i storm. Ten of the same sows have I
and The Lisbon Her, tld .~,i been bred to the same boar carl
Thrum August 23, 1951 Yoga a iSeptember farrow. . I
There are a hundred LegnornI
~/ . - /! ~ ipullets which will be a laying flock I
t, nesmr r~ome farm ithis winter. These were purchased j
= ~of Bachman Feed Service.
~hg~wN [~l~' W~k J Mrs. Noble is the former Maxine
i Unruh, daughter of the Louis Un-I
'rbo f~rrn onerated bv Chpster!ruhs, who live south of Mechanics-
Nol~ie f*or'iJae ~st eight 3,ears-was i~ill.eMThejN blel% haVOc nel?~ghn
~ictured last week. Located threeI,y n, ,
h " . eighth grade at Lisbon.
and a half miles sour of Lisbon on l a,r~ ~annz,~ u ~,~E
~ne roaa pas~ me c e y s'
' ,- - ! The Nobles have a 5-year old Pal-
ownefl oy ~. weneeslaus cnurcn ox .
ln,aTu C" farm i a ed hvJamInO saoale norse ana a yearnng
lty. The s man g ~ . .
the Midland Farm Management Co. t colt. Chester is the president of the
' Mrs. O. L. Ellison is visiting in The F. J. Krumms and Kathy Visitors last week of Mrs. Mall
Three Forks, Mont with the Arlolwill leave soon for Savannah Ill Kreischer and Mrs. Elizabeth
Ellison family. She expects to be!where Mr. Krumm will be high
gone a month, school athletic coach.
The T. L. Williams' entertained~ The James H. Wilson family are
at dinner and supper Sunday, Mrs. moving to their cabin on the Cedar
Anna Moravek and Mrs. Fannie river near Ivanhoe. They sold their
Duroc, Cedar Rapids: the DeWayne residence in Solon to William
Lamanskys and Craig. Scorpil who, with his sister Mrs.
James Stahle of Fort Campbell, Stockl. will move in. The base-
Ky is here on a 10-day furlough ment has been excavated for a
with his parents, the Herman house the Wilsons will build in
Stahles. Solon.
The Cyril Stockls and Tommy, F.
The Louis Beraneks and John L. Beraneks and David and Mrs.
Beranek attended the golden wed- Marie Zenishek were visitors in
cling of the Levi Penningtons at Chicago and attended the ball game.
of Cedar Rapids The Nobles moved iClear Creek Saddle Club. He enters lvlecnamcsvl~e ~unaay. . . The Vernon Bittner family at-
there from the'John Ramsa" farmlhis Palomino in the stock horse zne r~ev. ~ari ~-. t=lems attenflea tended a dinner Sunday at the
. ~ i class at some of the horse shows the .wedding of his niece in Cedar Walter Weldon home in Cedar Rap-
near MechamcsvIlle Dale Kohl pre- "
viouslv farmed it i uast week ne won a nrst at uewi~. Rapids Saturday, when M}ss Ber- ids in honor of Mrs. Bittner's neph-
-- ~. ' ~Reeently he won first at the Fred ma Joan lvxels oaugnter oI me tier- ~w.~'- o^~.^ W^'~^- " ~" :" ^~
Tne iarm comprises laz acres ox~
near ya dtok
man A. Mels' became the bride of from Korea after a long service,
w ich is crop land and the rest i?%entook a
pasture. There are 40 acres of corn. !a. I ourtntl~ mwe ~h~t at tile All donn Josepn.~ bnerwln, son oI l~ay-II C.uo~t~ .%,ndav, ~vonin~o of tho
Fifty acres of oats did not yield s lxtn ~ n. e no s - monfl. ~. bnerwm, highland. ParK, i J~-~" B=.~.~k .~ '~--'lv~ ~=.c ="^
very high this year. It was on theIOwa ~'.alr: I I ll. lhey were rearmed bet re[Richard Krobs, Joanne and Jimmy,
noorest ~,round on the farm A large i ne wiu take part in tne ~tanwooa ~mner ~lems m me *mmacumte i n--~ Rod"e-" Era 1
~L2 -2 ~ .L.+ 'o,7 :.~, ~ Horse Show on Sept. 3, at Rock Is- I Conception church at a high nuptial ~ -'~ " ~ '.~ '
of red clover and timothy. In spite ituna on tn~ ~nlo~naoa~ 9c~ ~atue . -" l-lorm,nmaSs" Besides.~tr,hFather~nd Mr~Clems'w~thrvnFather ![ loveslneandJ ejoey~'avelSleft anOTuesday~eeUfort~OOfl-Ok.
of rain Mr. Noble put up a good ~ongress, a,] DOyOU live on this [arm? If you do, come to this office and claim an 8xlO inch enlargement %Vest"x~:ood-~'er-e a'Iso i-n-atte-n~la'nc"e".i~h~tahCeintY,aOkl;ont visit the C.
; of this picture without cost. Watch this space each week for an aerial picture of a fc>rm in the Mt. Mrs. Anna M Kueera, Mrs. Anna: - P Y"
Three cows are milked and the ! The farm picture was first ~dentl- I ~, ,: U--, : "rU : .- : .a- ~
the,v~rnun-~,~,~u, ~u u y. ~ W,~.u.~ ~ ,u~. w~ issue has been identified as the izeller and Adolph Kucera attend- The Myron Ellisons have. return-
surplus cream sole to ine I~ISDOn Ilea. oy Mrs. luon l:~axt~r at i ~ .
freemen-, There are 15 head of Hawkeve office who said "That is I~.nester Ploole farm 72 m,le ~outh ot Llsbon ed the Indian Pow-Wow at Tama eft xrom a iu ~.ay tr!p to tnc t~ew
white face cows on the pasture, my fonl~er home," Her father, Edi-[ i" Sunday. Evening vi-itor~,~-" tu^,~ !England states mcludlng New York,
About half have calves with the son Achenbaeh of Mt. Vernon, put- I'~ - -- ** ~',~ two sisters, Mrs. Joseph T. Krob ' Mrs Anna M Kucera home were r~lagara ~mis ana ~ueoec, canafla.
Herefrd bullwas m hasedfrom thOracic ealvelater'rcTheP lledGeor~ Downin and moved on i in' chasede ll0 acres f it inlg00t fJl~easmore ll~n~ l~on ~olon News and Mrs Della Votroubek, both of!Dr, andMrs. C.O. Parks, IowaCity, l The Charles Pertliceks have re-
Kessler Bros SoloPl The heifers 1901.~he other go acres were bought !Return From Canada M Alma Zeller Solon and one brother, Paul Brock, i Mrs. F. J. Bittner is slowly re-iturned from a several weeks' visit
i Naperville, Ill. :covering from her recent injury. 'with the Ray Pertlicek family near
are kept and bred each year while of George Degy. Mr. Achenbach
the steers are sold as yearlings to built all of the buildings except the
be fed out. original barn which was added to.
Chester didn't have very good The house, built new in 1915, was
luck with his pigs last spring. Only one of the finest in the Lisbon cam-
about 50 pigs were saved from 10 munity. The cattle barn was built
young Hampshire gilts which were in 1912. Mr. Achenbach sold the
bred to a Duroc boar. The pigs were farm to Frank Krob of Solon in
farrowed during the March snow- 1920.
MT. VERNON Larson's Produce 5811
Lisbon Produce 80
Daily Service For Removal of
Dead or Disabled Livestock
with Leco high quality scientifically mixed feed.
You'll be more than pleased with the increased well be-
ing and gain of your livestock fed Leco feeds as well
as our prices and service. Leco Supplements have mln-
erals, vitamins including B-12 and Antibiotic Feed Supple-
ments which your stock needs.
Feed L E C 0 Feeds
Leco Pig & Sow Meal
Leco Mineralized Hog
Leco Cattle Feed
Leco Mash Maker
teco Laying Mash
Leco Speclol Sow
Phone 4- Lisbon, Iowa
U. S. Highway No. 30
at 11:00 o'clock
We have three packer buyers besides the shippers
and local trade to buy your fat cattle, butcher cattle, veal
calves and fat hogs.
We sell over 1,000 head of livestock at Public Auction
every Wednesday.
Buyers from Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois to buy
all c~asses of stock cattle and hogs. Commission, 3% on
first $1,000; 2% on second $1,000; and 1% after that. The
larger the consignment, the lower the commission.
Always a reliable market with competition. Truck
your stock in anytime Sale Day or the day before the sale.
Veal Calves, Hogs, Sheep, Horses, Stock Cattle, Dairy
Collie, Fat Cattle and Butcher Cattle sold in order named.
We are buying fat hogs every day for the big packers
paying more money net to the farmer. Call for our market
prices on fat hogs before you sell.
Business Phone Residence Phone
No. 259 Mechanlcsv|lle, Iowa No. 53
bassy proved interesting.Mon-
treal came next .and was much
larger than thought to be.
From Montreal we went north
east through Trois Rivieres along
the St. Lawrence river until the
city of Quebec was reached. There
are many old French villages and
farm houses and also large lumber,
]aney were the E. C. Ber
and Tommy and Willard
bauers and John of Chicago,
i C. E. Maybauer, Mt. Vernon,
ma Beck and Mrs. Lillian
wood pulp and paper mills along
the route. Quebec is a very old
city, surrounded by the old wall
and posts of early days. Both the
French and English have held and
built to them. A tour was made of
the old "Citadel" or largest fort,
which is still occupied by a regiment
of Canadian troops. In front of the
)owder magazine is the coldest
guard walk in the British empire.
Adjacent to the "Citadel" are the
"Plains of Abraham" where Wolfe
defeated Montcalm, giving the Eng-
lish a French city, a victory which
is resented to this day. Only French
is taught in the schools and spoken
except a little English to tourists
where needed.
- A ferry boat was taken from
Quebec to Levis. Some miles out
from Levis we were stopped by a
road block of Canadian army offi-
cers. They spoke only French and
a good time was had by all for a
few minutes. I finally showed them
the car registration, driver's license,
etc. which seemed to be what they
wanted. After a check of these
and a search of the car we were
*allowed to go on. Whom or what
they were looking for I'll never
The U.S. was entered again north
of Skowhegan, Maine. We drove
south through the White Mountains
of New Hampshire and across to the
Green mountains of Vermont. A
day was spent in and around Rut-
land, seeing the marble quarries and
the cutting and dressing of the
The Leonara Yeggy family
~Sunday visitors at West
with the Carl Yeggys, Roy
family and Frank Yeggys.
Anna Jenkins of Denver,
visiting this week with the
Week end visitor of the
Croftas and Leo Beuter was
Bryant of Van Home.
Guests of the Louis Krouls
day and Friday were the Joe
of Homer, Minn.
The Charles Beuters r~
from San Antonio, Texas,
they visited with their son
Charles B. Beuter. They
through Kansas City and Okla
and returned by the Ozarks.
Mrs. Martha Leidich and
Louis Krouls attended the f~
of Wesley Hucle at Iowa
Saturday afternoon Mrs.
Patton entertained several
folks in honor of her son ]
Patton's 8th birthday. After
were played Mrs. Patton
hmch and Ronny received
Robert Beasmore and son Jim WESLEY HUCLE Her ankle was broken when she Grand Rapids Minn. Mrs. Harold The increase in beef cow
returned Friday from an interesting Wesley Hucle, 76, died Tuesday i STUDY CLUB Islipped on wet grass at her home. ' Shold and daughter Karen left for during the past few years is
auto trip through Canada to Quebec ' afternoon in the home of his no- r Solon Study Club met with Dora- iThe cast has been taken off and she ! Storm Lake after a visit here and part to their ability to make
and down through the New Eng- phew, Elmer DeValt, near Iowa City.~thy Bittner Thursday evening. This [gets about on crutches, However the I Mary Shold went to Des Moines to lent use of by-products of a
land states. A story of their trip Mr. Hucle was born near Solon, lsenior club entertained the ]unior~:injury remains swollen, l visit. Bobby Pertlicek who has al-'soil management program,
Aug. 15, 1875 and has resided in club. recently organized with 15 i The Francis Miltners received so been visiting here left Friday for Beresford, extension beef
written at the request of this news- Johnson county except for about Ipresent. Games were played and word of the birth of a 6 lb. 4 oz. I his home at Grand Rapids, Minn. ~ specialist at Iowa State Colleg~
paper follows:
"Our trip took us north from eight years when he farmed in Min-,awards given Lunch. .was served son. Tommy Dean. to Mr. and Mrs.
nesota. The family lived about threel September meetmg will be wnh Jack Lynch, Aug. 15, at Corpus I
Lisbon through Wisconsin to Sault miles northeast of Solon for many~Lillian Upmeyer. Christi, Texas. where Mr. Lynch l
Ste. Marie, Mich. Visiting the great years near the home of the Anton! --------- ',is stationed. Mrs. Lynch is thei
Sac locks was somewhat restricted Fencls. Mrs. Joe Abrahamson Shenan-former Geraldine Miltner. Grand-I
due to heavy military guard now ' ' ' F
protecting them. Crossing by ferry He was married to Amelia Ca- i doah; Rudolph Votroubek, Sig- i parents are the rancis Miltners and l
to Canada we were checked through balka at Solon on Nov. 4, 1897. ourney, the George Brooks, Marilvn Wallace Hargraves of Iowa City. I
customs and immigration. They retired in 1934 and moved to and Marjorie and Carl Wehrles'~ Mrs. Francis Miltner is confined!
and Joe Aurora, Ill.; Louis Roits. to her home with a kidney infec-I
Iowa City. Mrs. Hucle died May Elburn, Ill ; Mrs. Anna Skarda andtion and complications.
Kings Highway No. 17 was taken 19, 1939.
to Sudburg where the huge nickel
and copper mines and smelters are, In addition to Elmer DeVault, Mr. Vladimir, Iowa City and Frank f Sandra Lee Unash of Cedar Ra- !
located. North Bay, Chalk River, i Hucle is survived by a nephew, Schleuters, Marion, were recent pids is visiting her grandparents, Mr. I
Pembroke, Renfrew and finally at- Arthur DeVault, Casper, Wyo; three visilors of the Joe T. Krobs. i and Mrs. J. F. Unash.
I Mrs. Mary Slaby with the Frank l
tawa were reached where the gay- nieces, Mrs. Lottie Porter. Nichols, The Omar Miller family,~e~ar. ~. Yuzas of Cedar Rapids and Norbert~
ernment buildings and U. S. Era- Mrs. Louis Kroul and Mrs. Martha Rapids. were Sunday guests o~ tne Meads and Joey of Oxford have re- ~
Leidich both of Solon Schueyler Zellers
' Ro LaRu " "ml . mrneo ~rom a nsnmg trlp ~o ~eal
Services were held Thursday at Y e o~ ~pmn. Mr. anti'Lake in Canada l
2 p.m. at the Oathout funeral home lMrs. Virgil Barclay and sons of Ray Randall-left Monday for the!
in Iowa City with the Rev. Leon!Wilton Junction, the Donald Slachs armed services goipg from Des',
Engiad officiating. Burial was inland Betty and Susan of Tipton, Moines to Fort Sheridan Ill Ray l
Oakland cemetery, lwere visitors of Mrs. Verna Slach iis the son of the Carl Randails He
In~l~p~" 'r R~n~ i a d Joyce las.! .~eek. Mrs. Slaeh !has been attending college at Mr.
ana ooyce vlslieo a few flays witi~ [Pleasant
Services for Joseph T. Brock, 74, the Virgil Barclays and sons at Wil- '~ John i~atrick Riley was honored ~
were held Saturday at 9:30 a.m. !ton Junction. fan his 16th birthday Sunday, Aug. '*
at St. Mary's church, Solon, with l Mrs. L. L. Randall entertained at!f2, at the home of his parents, the l
the Rev. Carl F. Clems officiating I dinner and SUploer Sunday, the John H. Burriers. A family dinner',
Burial was in St. Mary's cemetery. *.Everett Kesslers-Kay and Karen was served and John received nice
Mr. Brock died at his home Wed- ',Walker; James Hollands, Oxford, gifts. Guests included the Richard i
nesday after a long illness. Born~and Don Brannamans and Sue El-~,K. Rileys, Kathleen and David ofI
July 3 1877, at Sheboygan, Wis fen. 'Iowa City, B. H. Fromans, Opel l
he had lived in Solon since he was i Joann McCall will take nursing lSnetzler and Elizabeth Froman ofi
8. He was a member of St. Mary's at St. Anthony's hospital in Rock ICedar Rapids.
church and of the C.S.A. lodge. His i Island, Ill. She was a recent visitor I The Edward J. Charles', Chis-
wife, Frances, preceded him in}of Mrs. Anna Pavelka, John Pavel-holm, Minn and'S. Charles Ny-
death, Feb. 4, 1951 i ka and Mrs. Barbara Serovy. Mrs. ~berg and Jolene, Soudan Minn "
Four daughters survive: Mrs. i Serevy was a recent guest of theare visiting the John Pesheks.
stones. We remained in the quarry
until 7:30 P.M. to see a 34 ton stone
cut loose and hoisted from the
shaft. The entire town of West
Rutland is under-mined. Severali
old wooden covered bridges were:
seen as well as maple syrup and
sugar processing plants.
Crossing Massachusets, Connecti-
cut, part of New York and New
Jersey we turned west to Gettysburg
where the battle field was seen and
the battle illustrated by means of
an electric map and lecture.
Besides the turnpike, Pittsburgh
and Chicago nothing was of special
interest on the rest of the trip
except Lisbon, Ohio, which is the
second oldest city in that state.
ScoWs Mill
Mrs Gerald Scott
The Arnie Fields family and Tony
Hejda of Cedar Rapids spent Sunday
in the Edward Stastny home. Mrs.
Fred Plata, sr. and son Fred were
callers .in the afternoon. Mrs
Stas~ny returned home from Mercy
hospital on Tuesday. It will be
necessary for her to have two weeks
of complete rest.
Paul Johnson spent the week end
in the Grill Johnson home.
A son Allen, weight 6 Ibs 9 ozs
was born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Viktor Sunday, Aug. 19, at St. Luke's
hospital. Congratulations to the
new parents.
Steven Scott spent Saturday night
and Sunday with his grandparents.
Ithe Gerald Scotia. Mr. and Mrs.
Scott were dinner guests Sunday
i evening in the Joe Scott home.
I Gary and Wayne Decious spent
a few days in the home of their
grandparents the Gerald Scotts.
Mrs~ Don Dolezal
The Lee, and Leonard Heniks !eft
tMonday for a ten day trip to Cole-
I rado. While they are away Mr.
land Mrs. Ben Albaugh of Mechan-
i icsville are staying at the Leo Hen-
':k home.
i Dinner guests of the Ben Nea!s
Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ira
Ware and Mrs. Burl Burr ol Cog~on.
! In the afternoon the Wares and Mrs.
Burr visite2 at ~he Howard Neal
Barbara Nagle of CeCar Rapids
scent l~st week visiting' Jean Ann
I The Joe Viktors and Don Dolezal
were ~uests Sunday evening at a
fried chichen dinner at the D~n
Brutsm~n home in Ely.
i~r, and Mrs. Alfred Witousek
and Joe Euresh of Western called
on the Antone Eidermans Thursday
evening. The Milo Naxeras of Ce-
dar Rapids were Saturday evening
Mrs. Antone Biflerman called en
Jennie Petrick at St. Luke's hos-
Fital Sanday aP, ernocn.
Louis Roit, Elburn, Ill.; Mrs. Carl
Wehrle, Aurora, Ill.; Mrs. Albert!
A. Ehl and Mrs. Libbie Edwards ofi
Solon; two sons, George, Aurora,
Ill and Frank, Carbondale, Ill. i
Other survivors are seven grand-:
children, one great-grandson and'.
Preston McCall family in Lisbon. i Waneta and Priscilla Lestina. Fern
Guests Thursday and Friday of Little and Kay Jakoski of Chicago
the Fred Patton family were the were recent dinner guests in the
J. E. Conways of Purlew and Verne : Peshek home and visitors were Mrs. "
Lembkes of New Hampton, who!Eleanor Scheerer and Nancy, Mrs. i
were enroute to their home from lAnn Dvorak and Mary Tichy cf~
North Carolina. i Cec:ar Rapids.
T. M.' AR'MSTROhlG, Mt. vernon, la.
JOHN REYHONS, Solon, ia.
Classes will be dismissed for the day at 11:30 a.m.
Advance Registration was held last May
If you have not registered yet, do so Tuesday, Sept. 4th
Kindergarten Pupils --May enroll in the kindergarten if they will
on or before Nov. lS, 1951
be five years of age
High School and Special Subjects
George M. Brooke, Supt.
Bernard Erdman, Principal and Coach
Graver Miehe, Smith Hughes Agriculture
Charles Campbell, Social Studies
Wilma Briggs, English
Vivian Ennis, Math.
Joan Steinbeck, Music
Madge Young, Homemaking
Elizabeth Yeisley, Kindergarten and 1st grade
Eleanor Carbee, 1st and 2nd grade
Anna Hansen, 3rd grade
Brenda Benda, 4th grade
Jeanne Presson, 5th grade
Alan Riedesel, 6th grade
Glee Clubs
Radio Speaking
Public Speaking
Boys Baseball
Boys Basketball
Girls Basketball
Future Homemakers
Future Farmers
1. Complete Co]lege preparatory and vocational courses are available.
2. A well planned physical education program.
3. A visual education program second to none.
~. A successful hot lunch program to serve you.
8th Grade Graduates; You Are Welcome at Lisbon High School
Lay a firm foundation for your future, meet the advancing standards of the Agricultural, Industrial, Com-
merdal and Professional vocations by being skilled workers in what you undertake.
For further information call or see
M. Brooke, Superintendent
Phone 17 Lisbon, Iowa
lmt rcper v:iring is one of the
most freq~.:ent]y found hazard~ cn
Iowa Iarms,