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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
August 24, 1939     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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August 24, 1939
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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and VERNON HAWKEYE, VOIaU~I_E LXIX, N'U'MBER 43 THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1939 MOUNT VERNON RECORD, VOLUME Xi,II, NI•MI~ER 52 0FRURAL =wi"BeWgdSgbia BIR'D';S EYE vIEW OF P ARK PLAN fFARMERSSCH00L WILL OPEN .... COUNCIL PLANS MONDAY ___., ...... .,...-,,,,- ADULT COURSE S State Supt. of Public Classes To Adopt Schedule Of . i .. m...:.o o_ Buell MlllerNamed i Instruction Gave t 28th \ cussed un ocnoo tmara uuress ~nd the s heels "~k .. ~ The Sellool ~ '00111 in the' Saturday and Sun--day. August 19 , . c ,- ~ ~ Tne farmers' eveniug schoolnew building was the nleeting place and 20, 1939 nlarked the opiHlin%" ~Ownshlp opening for ,~N council met last Monday night and of the school board for the llrst [ and dedication of Lisbon's fine new a ool will start on Men- "/ ~v made plans for a course in farm time ell Monday evening Because ! school building. It was an event- ~8: ........ "~,, '~ management for adult farmers to I of his moving to Cedar It:tpids, R. ! ful occasion. The entire commun- ur ~ne teacners o: tne : " ~ '~\ be given in the IAsbon school build- [ p. Andreas resigned from tilt, i ity entered into it with lu'ide "lnd , Iin Linn county is f ~J ~ ~ ing during the fall and early win- [ board He h td s~ i v,,a ,,,, ,~,, I,..~. , ] gladness , . t Sattuda~. and 'v.~J_,)r ter. l he meetings ale to be held[s" . q.~ • . • The event n'du .... ~tdin ,xa ~' ~ ~. 1~ ~ .lI/Ce t..l and had been president ! , tally (ot`el(!d , _- ...... e,,.lmey ,ilK, ,.~,~,a ..... . gO-, at weekly intervals from g:00 to Is,nee 1934, giving freely of his time nluch intercstiug history from tile ~(la.r Rapld. s. . ~ ~.¢~u~.tJ.-a~- 9:30 on Monday evenings. A ten- [for this work. i year lS.t7 te 1939. which inchlde,I • ,urn in Iron township f'--'~r tatlve schtdule of tb~ topics to l)e ttheseven school bu l ,- ~ " "' ' "" • • ) ' " John B. Meyer• will fill the office i " . i dings, start- ~I)temb ~. a ,,,," ' un township will begin ~ __._._.---- discussed is as follows: of president. Mr Meyer• h'ts been ]iug with the log building located • el- 4. ,~ ~ ,, Oct. 2 Farm practices and their Is member of the board for ten ijust west of tile George Graver g ls the list . .of thei L~/ ~ __._..---- effects upon farm earnings. :,'ears and has pcrfo "reed his dl ties i home, the Neesley honle the Hoov- "'2n~nree townsmps ,er-i "'q~,~ ~d~J '1 Oct. 9 What is the outlook for l faithfully !er boise, the fl "st two room frame • m i~ranklin and theirI -~- _a 1 ~40 '~ "" I • . % . • I Buell Miller was annotated ,, ~ buxhlmg on the present s heel cam )rnext }'ear: 1 /~< Oct. 16 Planning tilt, cropping}uleinber of the board'to fill the]Pus in 1862, the ia,-gc two sto,'v L TOWNSHIP ] (-k ~" ~ system for the farm. [vacalxey caused by Mr" Andreas,]frame strueture in 1864. the brick Bertram Ind Mi*'" H .... 1 e¢"~,-~ ~,, ,,~,( Oct. 23 Planning the livestock resignation until the annual school building of 1889 to the worthy (~f Momlt V~,'rnon Zelda ] MiSS LENORE SlUrP•ON n/t Ofl].~ -~#*.~A~, '. enterprise. ]election in next March. ]structure dedicated on this ocel- ot SPrin~'ville ' t .... '~,~i ,-~}J.,~l~l i oct 30 Reducing the cost of pro- ] i •ion All tlong tile l isbou {om Mrs. Minnie Crew, Mrs. I Mr. l,,arl Simpson is announmng ,-¢"%X ~d .~5/;~//atl ~ ]~ diction. I I~'~ ~"~wr~,~|.,~=~ fulunity kept pace with all advant.t!s mkoff both of Cedar Ra,-" ...... ,the aproaching marriage of his [ " \ @--'~ ~/~'~'/,'-~ ~ .'If, ~ n'~t Nov.. 6 How does the revised, out-I va~ta~'~-I ~ X]X ~..q~ ~1~151~ ]in .school buildings, and e_ul )ulentu 'x e j s]ster, Miss LeNore Simpson,to ~ "- ff , ¢'h¢.x^t;~v~[~ ~ff~ [~I look reformation affect out' ld'lns I I ,i,m o.~t ~v,~ land has given its young peo')h, the Pc Nolnlan Cu ent ~'-/ 0 ~ ~' foI the coin n ~ .,,--~,~a,~,at ~. ~o~, vv ~I~ "0s'. La.I:o Rvt, Mil u-I ..... . , son of ~{i'. aud ~ l ~. ) ~ }~ "~ ~- ' • ' g yeal.'. I-ff ...... Ive "y ,)(st botll in struetll •cs ,Ill ~nt Vernon ' I Mrs. Harold Current The wed- ". ~ } ,...~]I¢O.~.~t~'N. ~.~" Nov 13 Marketing problems I lnsialle¢l I re'it hers ~eRoberts Edna Moyni- cling ,,,I} take pi.ace at tbe home of .~ ; ]: _,~.~'~-~%~ ~ No,'. 20 Adjustu, g tbe fa,'nl busi- ______ ] The present buildi,lg s t ,iclight ax ,'it ano .vt s larl Slrnpson on n(ss to (hinging conditions C tic s Pc• , t • + " ........ " , ~ ~ "° v'lt~~ ~ ...... ] Y P." t, NO. 10a, Ameriean [ o tile conlutunity and all dcpa,'t- White Lueille Russell ISunday, September 3. .~ ,~'-- ~ ,"~-~'5~'~"N "~¢~ ~t l)cc. 4 Keeping" p,'actical farm [Legion met Tuesday evening for Iments in g'ales and high school trlaon. ' " '[ Miss Simpson will be bonored ~--~-"~ ,~ ~ ;"? ~. ~'~(.~'dl ~ records. [regular business and installation of loan be handled admirably wllieh (2araw... ~,__..~_ ~,,_.... [guest this evening at the Simpson gk~_~ ~, ~ ~ ,,~ ,,9 ~ Dec 11 Summarizing film ~e offic¢~s Insttlhng ofll((~ ~as t)lt(~s tht 1 lsbon •(heel ih~east ~mamons Catherine Cars I nome, at a rinen shower given by ",,,_~t~ k. M.j "~,,,..~'-~ ~ cords and analyzing the /'arm busl- I John Krall of Fairfax. comity corn- ]the times and equal to tile best ~lt Vernon. IMrs. Sm~pson. Mrs. Harold Cur- .,tat s=g.tT w s..,~.~,*v so. ao ness. [mander. [anywhere. The old building is re- .lYe,-, ....... I rent and Miss Hazel Pirkey (Continued on Page 8) Off,eelsto serve fo~lh~ n~in lied ~ith mw flools and f~esh tl. -mue, l,oralnne wnee- I _ • ............. . ~ year ] ~ .~ . ' • ~ . .. ------ M ~. • V ~ ~.M 0 N T 0 W /4 lare: /palnt, anu n~w he.atlng ldant, wlulc ' VNS..D s tw, r, " _ " " P IPtlI V PHlltlPl?.f, I Conlmander--1)r b] P Bigger Ithe roonls in tile new section for [ r.lrr.l./ilk I¢|III,V _ -,. ,,,.0.. ,0,,. , . ktUIlr.l ~$II~'~ll0r~l~ I Vice COnllnander---llo# Kohl." [new departments arc really mar- ,- eteIl, Doris Andro'a's of I am~=mm,a~WaL ~t* &tlat~,~UU ~,--,~n,m,,.~.,,, ~,~'.~,~m~ == a~-',~==~----~" t l,'inanc ""~" -. ' • , I vcls an" " • " ....... ,lty. ...A ..~ ~.~. m.... | e tJllIOcr-- 31orl'lS l, c •0'11- I', u one it" od.(l (lelignt tO nave ~d Ma l?lllfflI IT ~fi Now completed and approved are the plans for the ~lount Verm)u city Dark as ~own above. ~ll llI~ klilT I'IIlI TV Ison. ]their beauty and neatness in ills reena MoGrave of l/ill]/ £PURILI 10 d,si~,l,~ and plamlhl~ were done by Prof. and Mrs. E. E. ]~Ioots. llll~ llffl ~lOlla/l I Adjutant--George I). Sailor.] hm~le. . rek Servi(tOffice---Call Hagan Se(lng lu t)etievmg It )OK haw off both of Cedar Ra" I a ~,~w~wwww~ =~=,~.. =,, The neat eompaetnea~ of the park design and the inclusion of regadar picnic tables, chairs, ere spoAd¢ !%1 .,. ] • • " • " I " : ' ' • . ' v .... Chaplain--Fr. G. A. Stemm. n't visited the new school plant . IAKKIVI MUNOAY t~.ll for the park's appearaaqee when completed. The nlaln feature ~411 be file band-stand where all band rL~A l0 hUILlI I Historian--Geor,-t l) .q'~ilor lyou h'~ve a jovand revelation corn ~ll~eSt Edge, Neile Kelly I ~ -- ooneerts ,hill be held. ------- I Sergt.-at-Arms--Chas Maiden. ling to you. "This su,'cly will l,e ' ~ra ......... ] A.4-~4-~ ~)O~ ~T .... Except for the south side the park will be bordered by shrubbery aud tt~es. 2L~ iudieated ia tl~e A~'~ ~.~l]l.] Trustee--Sherman McHenry. [IAsbon's pride and something that r ._ , . di%,,-ram, concrete and fla~gstone walks will act a~ paths to the center of the park Another lnterestln-,r .... o .... ] " ' . .g' n voted to pay six dol- ] " advertise the town "md draw psi ed For ltearln On lalstothe Sauerklaut day fund for pupils f, om the lurtl tomnulnlt.~ ..... ::. _ I Students Will Enter feature wlll be the pienie tables and fireplace under the water tower sl)aee which might well have bee,, g /, .... " . .' .... / _. . ' ' ' ! --~,~*~rttr . ' tt~¢ * "mar - /1 rlzes ror lne canneu rruit exmoit iana lain,lies to town t`vuo consioel" I'Iele wa~ted, but which is going to be put to a good purpose. Lvlonua lvlornln M, Selz " ' ' • n Sister of Lisbon Cornell - . y g /• .. "er of t,'airfax was a ~'uest |educational advantages first in t FIill Mar~aretoPitlik, I ---- Trees will be planted throughout the park along wlth the shrubs. Motmt Vernon people will be call- -- [at the meeting ]seeking a loeation. The two d'lYs ,Vernon. I Dr. and Mrs. John B Magec and ed upon later for donations of shrubbery, and for other feat~mes to be worked out width will include a ,1tarry Achey's attorney, James E. ] ~ [of initiation and dedication were t~, D 1 atteIson unexp(ctedly t`~alked In • m ,~_ OrothyFisher,of]family are expected to al:rive in tountain. .'.2': '- " .'" .? .-/Serwoo ]h-~" ~=tt~r ] ost delightful and opened the "aon I Moun" "" .... to tne cour~ rooln In Ce(lar t~apms / ~-~ ~& ~tatj /door of history in a lnost intcr(~st- D~r' 9: t vernon on .vtonuav, AUgust: on Wednesd t~ mornin ~h~n Kin in an b a,- ris Montgomery, of ].8, after Dr. Magee eonducls a re-[ ......................................... ' " . ' ' g/Johnston Were Held / g ' d eautiful ,vay and "'l ,',,- ~10n Tnonlpson county attol nt :~ v~ is 111( nlbel n ~_ • Iligious service "it the Iowa State tW~" KIYTV "l'l-Ill/ll !DlSlrlCl; t/overnor i I/L'|_'IN'I'ISAII/Ihi ]~'~] ther( and' st~ ed" h "'~' •~ ]~_a_ _1 A~. ] , "' a d "do you remeult,er" t leek, Thomas Kellyof IFair in Des Moines on Sunday I llttlla OIA ! 1 1 IlllU$ t rte D..4- .... /'nl..k-- i ltlatllt ll l I~l~ ~1~ ." •" , '~.t .t. at A cney ,,','as/~aturuay AIternoon /passed between the hun,h'eds who [August 97 '1 a~v~mvm~-~m~ [UI JL~qi,,llL~l,[,y ~_~IUlDI~ ]~,~,,~ .,~ ,t~m,~.~.~..w,, relay to pleau gulhy to 2 enarges| --------- |came baek to rejoice and enjoy alle .......... I .-. e7" '~t`ill o n " )• " t ~RIIMll/Ih'U~I~V [lT"-'d. -1 T --A..~.I ,Ih'lJlllA II ~:l'llll)llAV Iof first degree murder w.hich were/ Funeral services for Guy It with the pr(s(nt titiztns and (ell ~, ~teua ~ova ot ~As- Corn 11 , pe SeltcmDer lq 1.A L 1 * " " " ~" ' ' " ' '" ' ' " ' t __ "' I/tlllll I R/t_lll I vlslteu oca uo , rlulgttl. Oft I Ullg/~I filed as a result of the fatal sboot- |Johnston were held in the Metho gl ttul lt¢ thlrl on doin th(i, b, ~t ~. Iw~m a minimum of 2.~ new stu-I { . ,. . • • • - ~'~ ~ ' "~ g ~ " "" '~ s,,~, ..... n ........... ~ I . lng of Mr. and Mrs. (Hyde Hoover/d]st Chulch in IAsbon S'tturday Ibv th( vouth of tht (ommunitt` I,. ~IILIO( in ~ertram I uents lnCluulng Lue Iresnnlan class I ----- ~ ~ -- • / ' " ' * ' ' t " ? " ! * -" ~s ' I .... I as they sat in the living roonl of]August 19th at 4 p. m ] SI'I~I" llAHN IqlFNII)FD elosedand Rosedale land transfms It is exn~ected tb_,~o o ] Mr. . ,and ~Mrs D. C. Hartung ~ho ~~~ [ Regmtr~tlon" ~ of n¢~ " .'stud~nts~ ." ~lll' . . . . , .... ' ..... " • nd Glenwood in Linn ]will be 120 boys and 10o ~irls ]are alnong the oldest married eou- [~,be held at the 1Asbon selloot house' ..... [ " ~ ~ " " ' " Y[ " P .... '. ~ l ~.'" ; ? • r. " ' their home m IAsbon on the night ln~ s(rvlees ~ere (ondmted b Su t i N H(hn )r~sldtd at tin Will no o 1 punt V rnon if n h , of June 9, ]Rev Stratton assisted )y Rev Iptogrul ou Sltmda,, dtdi(atlon t open this year I Freshman week which begins ]P es in 'M e , " ot t e [ Priday and Saturday of this week Aehev 47 was brou -ht in and/BlitZ an . . " , ] • • . • , ,. , ~. -------_I " Isentember 14 in("lud,~ re~-i~twa {,oldest are observing their 63rd i with hours 9"00 to t1"3( and 1"(,( . . ~, ., . . g . d Rev Hill day of the ne~ bulhll lg H~ ~x h • "--- I tio'n of fresh;nan. , ~t-test'in~g ...... pro- I wedding anniversary, today, ve "y ", l ito 3 :30 each "da" .v. "' " nis plea o! not guilty macle on Guv. H., the eldest .son of Robert ! press(,d., the appreei ltiou, of gifts" . Ketlnlon Held I................. I ......................................... ,, ..... IAugust 12, was (-hanged to one of/and Clarissa Johnston was bo-nlfron~ Mrs Myrtle Smitb Reid 'q6 ~.~ i~r~tn~ ~tixu varletl SOCl&l activities. }quality ~t ~,~ ,au~zt~. I] *'~ttau~xum *¢uu tHxve ques......s .'.,-. . . ....... .~_ . ., .• .-,. . • •" . , , • gUllty u(Iole JUU~( ~n~rles J In t~ed~l (ouut IO'A t l et)l l f C Th itdln chin es n # Y t ~ryo (dal Rapids thlte sits ot On S,,na I e boys dormitories are filled t, [ Mr. and Mrs. Hartung came fo g~" " g * ' i pre-,'egistere. I.. ........ . ' . "' " " "' "" ' ' "'" "' ~.a ~,.~d |capacity and a few boys will re- [Mount Vernon in 19 )2 for the par l lsoh~,,hlles ~hould appear for coin- ]rtass. ].btn, [~,a and grew to nlannood at ]books, Howard ('lassies, Victor - ~ 1 ._ . '. .... ~ - I " . ...... - I ~l~[~~~l [ s(1 ~* ¢~.'~o'+~.~. .~.,.. ] In spite of the plea of guilty, it [the l)lacc of his birth. ' Hugo s ~,Vritings md I)~ Stod :I¢ reunion was held at |slae In iowa. "lnere nas oeen a! pose or e(lucating tueir Iamiiy ~ - ~:~::~l~t.'" ,~- ~,,,,--,,,,~, ,~,,~,,. , ......... • .. i. I ., : ". d - ~gion Hallon Sunday /careful seleetion of new students ~ and were closely identified with the' [1A~;l'ON SCHOOLS "WllA, [~,Vlll oe neeessary to noxu a near-[ un March 15th, 191!5, he wms[dard's lectures. Mrs. l)elbert John- ' --' • ....... I . . ~ ,, ,, . I : I .... I ink so the judge can determine the /united iu marriage to. Miss Mabel I Continued on na~e 4.) -~ ea or tht ensuin. ,,-,-,,~ ,~vv ,~,*~.,,-~ -,~- uumi~etTheff°ll°wing°ffic" [t~nl"sye?'l'l~S'::)fli?tn'a'Vec~eenue ac :,ears ,!~any ] to~t`n an'~l iT°meal* c°uegelr°~e'm~}nY '.~ r. martung iol o~t` utne } - ,INqIIF'NS )|I,Si(, degree of guilt before sentence is [Marker of Mechaniesville, low& [ "- [ Mrs.t e e " g I ~- I " " " " "" ~ ' ~ ' I ,.'vee instruction on "111 instru- ] pronounced. Monday morning, Aug. ] with her he continued to farul until I. t. Frank Sbi-[t:P:e:hWinthrtehestgd°Inl:~'.ent l'm'ted]o~:n:2r~:uadt ~:#ennthaen~ bfi:;';tti_ ~~~ In-,o,~ts o:" ,he band and orchestra 28th, at nine o'clock, was set as[the ,,',17 (during this timel ...... .... _re._ara_lons, aunetion; vice pre- [ " I " ~" [ I,,,ill be provide4 in I.isl.on l'ublic [the time for this heal'ing by Judge |ttlei,' only child was born) when Make P n t }~iHynek, Cedar Rap-Ipi~;~P~;ln~2v'e~t2~?o~,."~' t2n~ [veannYoof thhen'Cli hedUS:nS '2 'M?$r?,~ I ~~:./ ,qchools during tho coming yea," to ]Cha,'les J. Hass. [he ente-ed in the I:u,'nitu,'e and IFor Harvest Home • , lar&nk Hynek, Ox-] - *'. -' i '. I - Y ". . ] ~~'~{~ l all those :.ttendin:;' who h:|vc in-I Achey was urtde," a great strain /llndertaking Imsiness with his ]rl~.'----.'.. T nlk..~ T~n.. n tne COllege classes ~lllbeginat near Blalrsto~t`n m thelleall 1 ]UlglUg l~alOUl l~ ~lce SecyTreas Unilents ind w sl 10 )lt |n '; "" ' - "[7'45 an, v " . ]. "'. '. "" "-I ..... ~~ ts ' , . ,', "-' 1 :y' lbe]and was so nervous that be could|father aid brother, this partner-[ Y l~ltt Tuesday morning Sep let marrmd life 1 or many s o an i ,n shl her Cedar Rapids" [ • . . - , _! . e • ~:i:~ I 'c;- el o'~ iz~t': Inot ~rite his name on th( plea/ "p (ontinued until th ..... | Mrs. .~Iildred Butler' |tember 19. ]years Mr Hartung was sup- I[' "l:qans ~t;e be;w; l:,'td, to fu,'n'sh ], .... ; ...... -~ ..... :: ............. ;" ...... / ...... : ..... e o, I "he people of St John's Parish • ' m I I ~@~,~ ~ * - '-~ ,: *~ !. I Vllt'Al IL "ihrtI.S relay ~u~ pu,~eu ~.nut- i,xtS ~atxiev a lew years ago since i ...... , .;non;Entertainment ]t.~-~ ,,~~ ..... l erl.ntendent of bu,iding Cornel,I ~~!~ !uniforms for tbe band and forlseif together -~nd did so a little hhen the business bas been 'known ]~)t ,q~s,,on arc ma~nlg prepa,'atmns ~rank Shimonek, Vic- I ~'11 RI~IIIII Iff I~IIV~ I college, reurln.g tron) tnat posit,on ] ~~/~~ ]chevrons to give recognition to [late,'. I as Johnston Bros. in which organi- [ !or their annual Ha,'vcst ttomc ,,~eor e wnen ne attalnea tne age of 7o tlcni( t`~hl(h ~lll be h(ld on th, ._ g Vlach II,&]l,lo It lllt/Ulalllk iJOIO I " I ~~.~~ musicians of outstanding" 'dility ~. I The report of tfarold Gesell I zation he enl'tined until +h ..... I " ~ " '~ " - "~ llyn years p t lois parish gl ounds I at)m 11 t~ ek of Oxford Junc-[ ............... I • [ ~~:- ~~~ ]schedule of the requirements for/ballistics and handwriting expert ling of August 17th, tile time of his [.-" - " :'~ . i" ..: " " ~ "'" Olde .~lon(lay .'~eptelnDel {in " st person present, [ M,,J'PAIM I.I]111t21," ] He was an active Mason for ow~r [ ~~g~A~~'~ . each of three grades of ability has/of the state bureau of investigation I death, l" ' .... " " th Kahban'. of ,Mount I lllUUll2t I! 111/OO15 I fifty years and was given" the fifty" ~ll~lll~:;&:~I~.'~va~i~.4mi~i~ been~, made- out to be used, :,~s a ~'ln Des =Moines, uho, had e'xammed" " I He is survived by .his wife, of /s e(i'tl ~ "x I{~adt Is of. this_:" pl.p(~ ~" n,i~ed -n° YOUngest• The meet- I --- I year recognition at a service in [ Garvin B. Price course of study and a standard of |the two bullets taken from Mr and I Lisbon his son How'~r,1 P. ...... l" p' ~ : e planatlon oI l.'atner r w Stemnl s pl(ni( ~hi(h IS last b* ill be held at Ox ]?d Blouhk who hv(s south of 1937 by the local lodgeMls Hal achievement Thus m ,1 s will be t , -I ?] • " " , ' '""" ] -.~ "- "-[ ~ , ' - l 1". "" . |.M's. Hoover and the gun found I ~'ife and one grandson of Mount I" . . . ". ' ~" " " "*" )n o M t B l'rlt e of I eon dmttlet ov OlUUlg t adltional 1host ~ he n the third Sunday |. punt Vernon above Iwmhoe]tung is of a very retiring natureG. • : "" ~. , " "" g - eneouraged to measure their own ]near Aehey in Mechaniesville, was ]Vernon, Iowa, two t,rothers C. A I have enjoyed the 'f led "'~'ie"v Ibridge,was the highbidder at the [ and a lover of her home and faro- ]ernor of the 132nd district of Re- progress and to make the greatest/received on Wednesday and stated land (,. B. of Lisbon. a.nd three sis-I . ~ " n .Ken sen n rnatlonal made the an droner and supper In )ast e ~rs '. t Were: [Mrs. Nora M~eGraw property sale lily. Their health has not :been I tary I te " , " - possible advancement. [that the bullets were fired fronl [ters Mrs. W. D. l)ohm and M~ I " '' Y~ . une s Vlslt to the Mount know that the sumptuous nle,l tion: Mr. and Mrs./on Saturday afternoon with a bid[the best for the last few years.[null governor' "'" " = George R. Harlan, who will be[Ae.hey's gun. ]Bobert Goodyear of Marion Iowa] _ : __ . ":." , : ~o 9 club on servea ny the laUlCs Of St Joun nek, Mr. and Mrs. |of $1.00. There were ,ive "~etive [Hearty congratulations are extend- ]Vernon-Lisbon Rotary in charge of the instrunlental ! Aehey was found near his pro- |and Miss Luella Johnston of Oak- ]: " .~ , ." ..'. " " " ek ) h des In the eool (ltan Ulnln~ oolll IN l~ [-I and Ruth, M,-. and |bidders at the sale with the next led to tbem on this 63rd annivers-]Tuesday evening at the Ia "sa., music has had seven years expel'-|dace station in Mechanicsville with [dale. Iowa. I xttlh ;~t t's 'i~"is boa, "i~ ; : '" Ynek and Elaine Mr. |high bid being $1t90. ]ary. ]Lodge Mrs. Priee is accompany- ien.ce in band and orchestra work [two bullet wounds in his head .,~oon [ He was t ulenlbc~ of the M-,~h |e.'' ~ ., : *' . It ', us. It is eOr ~ th( tI fl)ltion of those in (hat , t,) ge Vlach and Mar The offering of household goods mg him on this trxp He addl es ed and has had or aniz ~tlons ~h h g - | . ] --------- I" " . ' . " a g '~ " . " it' [after he had left the Hoover rest- |odist Chureh, the Masonic Order, ] .'f . ...... ". , '. " "" ~. " a.nd Mrs F rank Van sold ~ell mx cane seated dlnln the Maquoketa club at noon and seemed hlgh ratm s in contests m dence aecordm to m l.Ke t/lls In( imest t n,t ,t n unl • " / " , ,, -" • ' gl................... I - ' " " " " g. ' .... " / , . " g Maw Esther|the Eastern Stars and the Knights[ , ], s , : ,. :.., _ n , , ner t/Icy nave evel s(IVt(1 30 gll(Sts d Mr teem chairs brm in 3 60 e met with the Belle I lame clue on c in s. Joe Van Sickle, / " ' " " g" g $. aeh. ll'£,MW KTIM'gVAI IIKI " ' O petition with nationaland state|Boyd, 13, wbo was in an upstairs[of tythias. [theis e~(l t'le a:sm'":~'.~ : ( "'', Uarleen Beneshek, Mrs. | W'. E. Challis was the auctioneer ] ~JIk~l~ || k~lqLIHOllkll'lllkl~O [ Wednesday noon and Marengo club winners. He has had special train- ]bedroom. He was taken to St. ] His fornl was laid to rest in Lis- [ " y z • :" • • :s 'eu or au tu usual Mhrs. JamesHynek Mr.]and Dave Mueller the clerk• I.,n • ~ nl~WlW•~ Ion Wednesday evening• ing on various instruments under|Lukes hospital where he recovered[tlon's beautiful eemetery just over{treat' . ' • • - • • " ' " AS usual tbe n " ~1' "' " * ," an Claid Randolph I I Wll 1 Kl Kllll I I Governor Price met with the of- outstanding Instructors in Iowa I from the bullet wounds. [the hill where loving friends ~ath-], • . con st x l( L ~. Ill ~u t * Iliik~l~ II~Li llki~l~ildl - • . ..... ' . " ~ " begin at 1l o'clock and con" , g on, Nebr., who was I Annnuneo Now lane ] ]hcers and comnuttee chairman ])le State College, Kansas State [each-] County offlelals state that to I ered to pay their last resnects to a l ...... tlnu, -- ................... I -- I vious to the dinner and addressed ers' College, University of Kansas, I their knowledge no one has ever'IovingI husband, a true farther, and]Untn two. "lne evening meal will ,: rs, Josephinel0f Farmall Tractors I ocal feeders and livestock ship-[the club fo lo " g " ". ~. Vandereook School of Music andlbeen given the death sentence in] ee 1 wm the drone1 l • ] b( served from fiVe trot 1 ,ight a f, iend to eve, ybody s::,vico will be &, ;i,,,' : ,lain & Lillian Andrew I -- I pers wiLl be interested to know that , J. Osgood presided, elsewhere. Ife has studied and ] I.inn eounty |CARU) t~w, ,~n~a,~u,~ " . . . ' Y " y" 't- .... ' ..... I4 ---=~='~ "~ lllluntes ana seats ('el b, • •- ~ • , -, t. I The new line of Farmall tractors ] the Chicago and Northwestern. Hm remarks concerned the var- played under the direction or G. I CALL, ~ITNESSES,~• I "~'ivv Ln ............. ueepes~ grantuae ana ap- I for "ur • .n. t, i t.~tt~. ¢.,I ~tll yo f tvorite dlnln houl t '.. HW;:ekU.y ek I ::ala nA:; rt '2k 2 :kc?Yn g o:= Vne :;OCo il!! 2 :dt'arYoI itiE lehighdigPtln f fiEneHOlmi:?n: homt;~nsit;l edu~:hd [neSdb;O:ftea:n::refol:Sthd ;?tZ£ds I Pheei~tif;; ?;lee eo:ee:,2hte i:i:;O; e i],