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August 24, I939
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Travis entertained at
her home on Thursday of
(~uests were: Mrs. Rob-
of Tipton; Raymond
; C N Warren
Ill., Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Fred jr.
IMustr~al society of the
church will meet in
Parlors, Wednesday,
at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs.
division will be hos-
Mrs. Murton Kepler and
Miss Laurene Kepler
Wednesday evening of
at a picnic supper at
West of Mount Vernon.
'Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Me-
Mich., Mr. and
Hiekman of Cedar
and Mrs. James Ms-
and Mrs. E. C. Berg-
M.B. Wain of
Kepler entertained a
at dinner Sunday
the Baker house.
rainy day. Thirty-Iive were pres-
ent for the picnic.
Dr. and Mrs. A. R. King enter-
tained at dinner at their home on
Monday evening. Their guests
were Cornell friends who are leav-
ing soon, and included Mr. and
Mrs. Phillip ttenderson who leave
Saturday for New York City, and
Miss Abbie Probasco who leaves
Saturday for 1)elaware, Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D: Peet observed
their thirty-eighth wedding anni-
versary with a dinner at their home
last Sunday. Those present were
Mrs. Pest's mother, Mrs. May, Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Felsman, Mr.
and Mrs. Nicholas Peet and Jeanne,
Junior Peet, Miss Helen Peet, How-
ard Smith and Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
May of near Anamosa.
Mrs. Mary Caraway entertained
at luncheon last Saturday noon in
------ honor of her sister-in-law and
dinner guests of Miss niece, Mrs. R. L. Newbold and
Young were Miss Lois daughter Mary of Morgan Hill,
~IOunt Vernon and Ockrel
Calif. Mrs. Newbold, who was
Forest Anderson of Miss Alma Spry before her mar-
riage and a former resident of Mt.
Vernon had not visited here for 30
Mrs. ffohn Lows enter-lyears.
illner at their home onI
mests were: Mr. and I Mrs. Merrill Burge was hostess to
cl Huey and family of lher afternoon foursome in contract
rs. Laura Huey, and Or-
bridge Tuesday afternoon• Refresh.
of Lisbon. ments were served by the hostess.
For Friday and Saturday
Kraftu VELVEETA. 2 pound box ........ 48c
cry Medium 4 Bars ........................................ 23c
tlills Bros., 2 pound tins ............................ 53c
Extra large, 1 poun l pkg, 2 for 23c
Baby Stuart, Fits Mason Jars, dozen .... 19c
tIES, Sweet Pitted, 2 tins ................ 39c
Rich Sweet pitted, No. 2 tin .... 30c
Rich, Extra Special, 2 tins ........ 35c
'BERRIES The Giant New Berry No. 2 tin 23c
Hills Dale Broken Slice, 2 tins ........ 38c
Stuart, Bartlett Halves, 2 tins ........ 45c
B. Stuart, Natural Segments, 2 tins 23c
• Baby Stuart, quart jar ............ 28c
WHEAT or RICE, Baby Stuart, 3 oz pkg 5e
CLEANER, Baby Stuart, 8-oz bottle .... 10c
Cocoa Flavor, tin ................................ 33c
JUICE Richelieu Concord Grape, Qt. Bottle 32c
New 1939 Crop Clover, Comb .................. 17c
Wilson's Corn King, cello Sliced pound .... 25c
beliver Mount Vernon, Iowa Phone 132
Mr. and Mrs.'Homer Emerson en-
tertained at dinner on Sunday eve-
ning. Guests were Mr. and Mrs.
Boyd Horton, and Robert Current,
and Miss Gwen Nolan of Cedar
Miss Patricia Mitchell was host-
ess at an afternoon tea on Wednes-
day when the girls of the Junior
and Senior classes of the Mount
Vernon high school in 1939 were
guests• Presiding at the tea table
were: Mrs. Mae Mitchell, mother of
the hostess, and Miss Geraldine
The Takonte group of Camp Fire
girs, were entertained for a regu-
lar meeting and election of offi-
cers Tuesday evening at the home
of Miss Letitia Beranek. The fol-
lowing officers were elected for th(
year of 1940: Alice Vodicka, presi-
dent; Helen Culbertson, vice-presi-
dent; Kay Current, secretary; Peg-
gy Herring, treasurer.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fisher en-
tertained at supper on Sunday•
Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Nevin
Nichols of Cedar Rapids and Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Fordyce of Mount
The annual picnic of the Home
Social club will be held at Bever
Park, Cedar Rapids, Sunday, Aug.
27. All members please bring pic-
her afternoon card club on Tuesday
afternoon. Bridge was played at
three tables. Mrs. Harlan Levy re-
ceived the highest score, Mrs. E1-
~don DeCamp second, and Miss Car-
rie Kyle received the low score.
Guests other than the regular club
members were: Mrs. Roy Heady,
Mrs. James Lodge, and Miss Carrie
Kyle. Refreshments were served
by Mrs. Jones.
The chapel of St. Pauls Method-
ist church in Cedar Rapids was the
setting for the marriage of Miss
Margaret Fussell, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Morriss Fussell of Ce-
nic baskets and own drink. The graduates of Cornell college, Mr.
next meeting of the Home Social Olberg in 1937 and Mrs. Olberg in
club will be held at the home of 1936. She was a member of Phi Beta
Mrs. Glenn Bachman, Thursday af- Kappa and the Delphi social group.
ternoon, August 30.
A bridge dinner was given by
Mrs. F. A. Bauman and Mrs. Robert
Bauman Tuesday evening in the
home of the former• Bridge was
played at six tables, after the din-
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Thompson,
who were recently married, were
guests of honor at a miscellaneous
shower party following the regular
meeting of the Hill City Rebekah
lodge on Tuesday evening. To the
strains of Mendelssohn's wedding
march played by Mrs. Odette Slyer
the bride and groom entered the
room where hearty congraulations
and good wishes were presented
them by their friends. Many lovely
gifts received by the couple were
displayed on a table where every-
one could view them. Refreshments
were served by divisions No. 1 and
2 of the lodge and were in charge
of Mrs. J. P. Haines and Miss Car-
rie Kyle. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson
were charivaried by their friends
after which the bride and groom
passed out treats of candy bars for
Since 1890 210 Third Ave., Oedar Rapidc
Annual Au
Phone 2-9852
Every New Style for 1939-40 Is Here!
$Choen's U n c o n ditionally
GUarantees that any coat you
I Urchase in the August Sale
Will be definitely lower in
Price than the same coat pur-
chased later in the season!
presents real "Triumphs"
value! Sophisticated new
that will be the fashion lead-
the season to come! Allur-
ng models that you'll
in a great 'big way! See
r ow !
%qVenlent Layaway Phm aa d
k ~ • You may al~ use our
~lget plan if you desil~e it!
man and Howard Bennett were
ushers at the wedding and Miss
Elizabeth Bryant assisted at the
tea table at the reception in the
church parlors following the cere-
Mr. and Mrs. Olberg are both
Don't discard your old l~w
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
We can re-desi,~ it into one
the New Styles at a low cost dur-
this Sale!
Avenue Southeast
She was a teacher in the schools
of Hartwick and for the last year
was a teacher of American history
in the schools of Algona. Mr. el-
berg was a member of the A. X. E.
social group at Cornell and is now
a research chemist for the Univer-
sal Oil Products company in Chica-
go, Ill.
The couple will be at home after
September 15, at 1404 Gilbert Ave-
nue, Downer's Grove, Ill.
Mount Vernon friends attending
the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Baird, Dr. and Mrs. C. F. Littell,
Dr. and :Mrs. Russell Cooper, Dr.
and Mrs. J. B. Culbertson, Mrs.
Mary Tracy, Miss Alice Nauman,
Miss Geraldine Bryant, Miss Fran-
ces Keeler, Miss Margaret Hedges, ]
Miss Florence Leighr and Donald
Joey for points in Michigan for
'several days visit with Mrs. Charlie
Russell and family. Mrs. Russell
is a sister of Mrs. Leigh and Roy
Gamble• Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Leigh are staying with Dorris Jane
while her parents are away.
Virgil Stoner and Harold Horn
left the last of the week for Sioux
City for an over Sunday visit in
the home of Virgils sister and hus-
band, Mr. and Mrs. Royal Parks.
They expected to go on from there
to the Black Hills and possible
other points of interest.
Mrs. Dora Kolberg Eggelston and
sons, John, Robert, and Eddie and
her sister Elinor of Hollywood,
Chicago, were week end callers in
the home of Mrs. Mary Reid and
Mount Vernon Locals
Mr. and MrS. Ray Corliss and
family were visitors Sunday eve-
ning in the Mr. and Mrs. Lyall
Bryant home.
Miss Ethel McCullough returned
Tuesday from Delafield, Wisconsin,
where she spent nine weeks in St. i
John's summer camp. She spent
the week end visiting in the home
of Mrs. B. G. Fout in Chicago, Ill.
Rev. R. A. Badger was a din-
ner guest last Thursday in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sadler. Rev.
Badger, who was pastor of the
Presbyterian church in Springville
moved on Monday to Jesup where
he will be pastor of the Presbyter-
ian church.
Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Bryant had as
dinner guests on Tuesday Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Brackney of Lincoln,
Ill., and Mrs. James Bryant of Mt.
Vernon. Mr. and Mrs. Brackney
and Mrs. Bryant were dinner guests
Wednesday in the Mr. and Mrs.
Lyall Bryant home.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Christensen
of Marion and A. H. Card of Nash-
ville, Mich., were dinner guests
Sunday in the Mr. and Mrs. R. G.
Hart home. Mr. and Mrs. C. H.
Kennedy and Arthur Dunn of Ce-
dar Rapids were evening callers in
the Hart home.
Mrs. Fannie Gill, and daughter
Miss Bernice Gill of Cedar Rapids,
left Saturday morning in company
with Mrs, Ruth Whittier and son
Kenneth of Marion for an extended
trip thru the west including a visit
to the exposition in San Francisco
Joseph W. Gray, Jr., Pa~tor
9:30 Sunday School.
10:45 Common worship. Sermon,
"The Fruitless Tree."
2:30 Ladies Industrial Society.
7:30 Union Young Peoples group
Treasure Hunt and campfire pro-
Lloyd A Gustafson, Minister
Sunday School 9:45
Morning worship 10:45.
Dr. W. G. Rowley, superintendent
of the Davenport district of the Up-
per Iowa Conference will speak
at the morning service.
"Christ Jesus" will be the subject
of the LessonSermon in all
Churches of Christ, Scientist, on
Sunday. August 27.
The Golden Text is from John
1:14. "'The Word was made flesh.
and dwelt among us, (and we he.
held his glory, the glory as of the
only begotten of the Father.) full
of grace and truth."
The Lesson Sermon comprises
quotations from the Bible and from
ths Christian Science textbook.
"Science and Health with Key to
the Scriptures" by Mary Baker
One of the Bible citations reads:
"And he was teaching in one of the
synagogues on the sabbath. And.
behold, there was a woman which
bad a spirit of infirmity eighteen
years, and was bowed together, and
as dinner guests on Sunday Mr. and
Mrs. Abe Hanson and family of
Vinton and Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Whitenack and Mrs. Edythe White-
nack of Center Point and Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Techau and Jeanne
and Keith.
Friends of the families will be
interested to learn of the marriage i
of Elizabeth, oldest daughter of Mr. :
and Mrs. Art Houver of near
Springville to Ralph Kuntz of near
Lisbon; also Elinor, oldest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. George Dvorsky,
to a young man near Marion, and
George Marak, son of Mrs. Agnes
Marak of near Marion, to Florence
Finn, which occurred on Wednes-
day morning. We extend con-
gratulations to these young couples.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Mallie and
Lloyd and their guest Robert Spros-
ton, Mrs. Mallie's nephew of Mar-
ion and Mrs. Joe Pospisil of Mount
Vernon drove to Muscatine on
Thursday to make the acquaint-
ance of the new daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Marvin Mallie, born on
Monday, August 14.She has been
named Ann Marie.
Mrs. Milton Koch and June Ann
were supper guests in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Street north
of Springville Tuesday in honor
of their third wedding anniversary•
Rev. and Mrs. C. F. Hartzell had
as their guest last week Miss Bessie
Howland, who formerly worked
with the Hartzells when they were
in Chile, South America. Other
guests in the Hartzell home on
Tuesday evening were Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Lacock of Jefferson. They
also called in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Horn.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Mallie and
Lloyd attended a family picnic at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don
Meeks near Martelle on Sunday•
Those attending were Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Sproston of Springville; Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Flockhart and family
of Marion; Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Sproston and family of New Bos-
ton, Ill.; Mr.and Mrs. Ernest
Sproston and daughters of Mar-
telle; Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Achen-
bach and family of Tip(on; Mr. and
ed by Mrs. Norman Techau at the
home of her mother, Mrs. Milton
Koch, on Friday afternoon. There
was a good attendance. Mrs. Fran-
cis Conner and children, Jean and
Ruth Minish and Carolyn Neal
were guests• The next meeting will
be in two weeks with Mrs. Wm.
Ruth Ann Ruble visited a few
days last week in the home of her
friend Clara Marovek in Mount
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Minish and
family visited near Dysart with a
group of Archie's relatives in hon-
or of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Minish
of Kansas City, who are visiting
relatives here.
Mrs. Minnie Neal was an over
Sunday visitor in the home of her
sister-in-law Mrs. Mary Reid.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kearns and
family were visitors on Sunday in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. George
Mallie and family near Solon. Mrs.
Mallie and Mrs. Kearns are sisters.
Mrs. Edythe Whitenack return-
ed to the home of her son, Don, in i
Center Point, on Wednesday after i
several days visit in the home of
her sister Mrs. Milton Koch and
family• Mrs. Koch accompanied
her as far as Cedar-Rapids.
The Independent Threshing ma-
chine is still trying to finish at the
Roy Bowman farm between rains.
Roy had oats, barley, flax and tim-
othy. The hard rains have made
the threshing very difficult as well
as damaging the grain and straw•
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Coppock and
family were visitors Sunday in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Baldridge in Vinton.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Koch, June
Ann and Junior were Sunday eve-
ning callers in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Hoffman.
Ardis Stinger was a visitor sev-
eral days the first of the week with
her aunt Miss Goldie Van Tassel
in Clinton.
Doris and Shirley Stinger play-
ed Saturday afternoon with June
Ann Koch.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Mallie re-
ceived word Monday that a little
daughter arrived in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Mallie at their
home near New Boston, Ill. i
Ruth Minish is spending a few
days with relatives near Dysart
could in no wtse lift up bersel[ and Cedar Falls.
And when Jesus saw her. he calle(II Visitors on Wednesday in the
her to him, and said unto her. i home of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Con-
Woman, thou art loosed from thine nor were Mr. and Mrs. JobsConner
Infirmity And he laid his bands and Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Conner
on her: and immediately she was and Patricia of Lisbon, and Mrs.
made straight, and glorified God"
(Luke 13:10 13)
Among the selections from the
Christian Science textbook is the
"The physical healing of Chris.
tlan Science results now, as in
Jesus' time, from the operation of
divine Principle, before which sin
and disease lose their reality In
human consciousness and disappear
as naturally and as necessarily as
darkness gives place to light and
sin to reformation" (Pref. xl).
311 Frst Avenue North.
Norman Techau and children,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bowdish and
family of Cedar Rapids were Sun-
day evening callers in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Coppock and
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Koch called
Tuesday evening.
ttere's a different kind of snake
story. When I,'rank Boot, 1)ella
farmer, found a big bullsnake while
threshing last week, hc caught it
and took it home. Released in the
Boot corn-crib, the three-foot rep-
tile will now devote the rest of its
life to keeping out the rats and
nxice. And Mrs. Boot. no douht.
In case you're worried about
lifting themortgage on the old
homestead, you may find consola-
tion in the sad case of the Northern
Natural Gas Co., wltich has just
filed a mortgage for $50,000,(100.00
(ftfty million to you) In a num-
ber, of Iowa counties. The mortg-
age, in favor of the Harris Trust
Co., of Chicago. is filed In every
county through which the com-
pany's pipe-line passes, from Texas
to Minnesota. Filing fee for the
4i)0-paga docunxent Is $14S.
Anglers have long praised the
:shrewdness of the trout. Just to
show that this confidence is not
recovered the typewriter which a,
visiting check-artist "borrowed"
for a trial--and failed to return.
ICirst, however, Mr. Morrison had
to pay $18.70 to "})ail out" the ma-
chine from an Omaha pawn shop.
The typewriter was recovered duo
to a Nebraska law which requires
txawu shops to report to the police
every thing on ~.:ich they loan
"Grub Sale--This stuff ain't so
hot but we have it and we'rc get-
ting tired of looking at It. You
Itrobably won't bc "title to eat any
of it })tit We sure will express our
appreciation if you will buy some
of thin junk and make yourself a
penny rich er."--(t ronx a grocery
advertisement 111 the l)ows, Iowa,
Mrs. Anna Sqnlres, of Clnrinda,
wont wadinK in the l'a.-afic ocean
recently while visiting In Oregon.
A fish happened to swim by so she
~rabbed its tail and pulled it up on
the beach, l,ocal e×perts l~entifiod
the fish as a barracuda, fiercest
fish that swims. Five :xnd a half
feet long, and with teeth that would
do credit to a Jungle leopard, the
fish might easily have torn off a
The ordinary farni tractor has :
proved to be one of Death's lethal'
weal)ons this season. Another vie-i
tic was clahned re'enlly when
Speros Athlnaslou, of near Beck
b'alls, was hurt by a tractor which
ul)set as he was cutting weeds, pin-
toning his left shoulder. The trac-
tor" went up in flames but ACt-
Inasiou tnanage(l to crawl away,
but died a few hours later in a
Mason City hospital.
Joe Crossctt. of \Velhnan, a for-
mer rural mail carrier, has just
patented a new rural mail box.
Among its features are a coin-con-
tainer which will enable the post-
:nan to get the coins easily, even
with his mittens on; an automatic
in 1892. l,ater Mr. lOroilich help-
ed organize the Waterloo Traction
company which later became the
John l)eere Tractor Company.
An eighteen-man threshing crew
turned out 4.626 bushels of oats
in one day . . . in (?alhoun eounty
Iowa's 1940 license plates, with
blue numerals on an orange hack-
ground, are now being shipped out
to county treasurers,
Irvin IAnquist of McGregor is the
leading candidate for Iowa tall
corn honors, reports the Iowa I)ress
Association• He .produced a 14
foot, 7 inch stalk last week. Any
other claimants for the title"~
If you mention the word "well"
"well" to Joe Havcl, of neat' Des
Moines, get rcady to duck. Mr.
Havel spent considerable timc re-
cently digging a well. He dug and
dug and (lug, struck no water, fin-
ally gave it up as a bad job and
started to fill it in. But his trnu-
bles were not yet over. One of his
horses got too neat' the edge of the
well, hmged around and finally fell
down the shaft. The other horse.
caught in the harness, made a game
fight but fin-ally he too was dragged
over the edge into the deep pit. Mr.
Havel tried to ,save his scraper but
tt followed the horses. Both
mimals were killed, and even Mr.
Havel is not feeling roy "well."
(1()O]) YIELD
Arnold Larson, Postville, farm-
er, threshed 11 bushels of timothy
,~eed off a six-acre tract.
When a customer won three
blankets consecutively, Harry
Seroggins, operater of a "game of
chance" concession at a Wayne
county old Settler's i)icnic, com-
olained that no one could win like
!that from his machine boncstly, so
i he pulled up stakes and quit,
White Oak
The annual reunion of the Abra-
ham Grimm descendants will be
held Sunday, Aug. 27 in Bever
Park povilion in Cedar Rapids•
Bring requirements for a picnic
The Manly reunion was held Aug.
20 at Byrnes Park in Waterloo.
The following from this vicinity at-
tended: Mr. and Mrs. Glen Siver
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Otis
Siver and son Floyd, Mr. and Mrs.
John Slyer and daughters Velm5
and Janette, Miss Myrtle Manly,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Slyer and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Siver.
Tkere were 46 present.
Miss Dona Busch and Geraldine
Gunn were Monday visittors in the
Tom Gunn home at Mechanicsville.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymon Stearns
were called to Cedar Rapids Mon-
day on account of the serious ill-
ness of the latter's mother, Mrs.
Miss Verda Belle Miller of Clar-
ence was a guest of Lurine Rus-
sell from Wednesday until Friday•
Lurine accompanied Miss Miller to
her home for the week end.
Mrs. Emma Stearns came Tues-
day to spend a few days with her
grandchildren, while Mr. and Mrs.
R. A. Stearns were in Cedar Rap-
John Mathes of Marion who is in[ COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS
St. Lukes hospital, where she un- Mount Vernon, Iowa.
August 7, 1939
derwent a serious operation a week The Council of the Town of Mount
, Vern )n. Io%va, nlet tn regular session
tat the City Hall.
Jimmie Gunn, from Mechanics- Members present
ville, Miss Geraldine Gunn and ~ )
R(y A. Nels()n, Mayor.
George Gunn of Missouri Gene and! Councihnen: Lh)vd" Snvder, A. E.
John Stearns Dorothy and Shirley! Kudart, C. L. Ri('h, E, t. Prall and
• ,* ,~÷o . l.lohn B Bryant.
.~fo rn~ ~ r~ ax7 e;,rl~i_t~ea_~u,sc~e.h~am~e.Mnn.:~t su~.s~.~ in The t~inutes of the ....... tings held t)n
clay night. I the 3rd and 10th days of .luly were road
Mrs. Ira Kohl spent Tuesday in,and a])l)roved.
The followin-" bills were )rt st n ( d
the Raymon Stearns home. . ~ - '-"' :~
• I [OF pavtnent:
Verlon Baker threshed timothy i lqld )n "I)eCaml), sewer-lal),)r ... $ l 1.40
for Lewis Kohl last Wednesday. J. \v. Bloont, office SUpl)lies .... 1,74
Perry Russell was a Cedar Rap- J. B. (?ull)ertson, Mi k a xa ys s.. (;.75
ids caller last Saturday. Hillside Press, Ellveh)lxes ~ ..... 2.81
b]. M. (Jill. marshall, etc . ....... 101.3t
Wm. Simonds, PUmt)ing . ....... 75.00
Jay l~urge, sewer, lah()r ........ 4.80
Jay t~urge, water, lahor ....... 2a.40
(~. F. Sutliff, labor in (?ity Hall . 1:,.3')
Joe f;lentxett, Itads ............... 21
Smith (larage, gas etc . ........a.72
('. W.h)sty, sl)ray . ............ 1.2"~
t;. A.Beranek, fittings .........99
Eldon l)e('antp, cemetery, labor (;8.6(}
Millard (]oodlove, cemetery labor72.00
J. F'. Snyd~,r, street work ...... 53.60
I)ale lo. J~hnson, fittings ...... 3.89
l)ale ]e. Johnson, Tank, city hall ,~.42
Miss Lueille Yount and friend tt. B. Current, street work .... 91.50
John Hitler of Monticello dined ~ Claudv "rh~ mpson gas ......... 4.40
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. e ry [tawkeye-Becord, printing .... 36.98
P r !A. R. Gaines H.ock ............ 9. L6
Russell and family. , P, 1.M'tehell, wattq sup( ...... 50.00
Floyd Siver went to Montieoll~ iT" ["Mitchell, ('lerk, salary .... 40.(10
....... I ~ " s "
Tue w r ~ wlll" enter / ".I. =llt('hell,,~ewer tnkr . ..... 10.00
_._sday ,:~he..e h~ some I Bell Telel)hone C(,. tolls ........ 1.28
ualry catl;le in tne County Fair. la I.eaidue of Municipalities, dues 25.00
Floyd is a member of the boys 4-H la l,Hectrie Light & Power Co.,
club and will attend the fair all
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Russell and
daughters Rhelda and Lurine were
in Iowa City Monday to make ar-
rangements for their daughter Lur-
ins to enter college there in Sep-
Miss Dorothy Stearns was a sup-
per guest Friday night of Davidee
Gilmore of Morley•
Southeast Franklin
Current for Ixumping . ....... 165.93
Ia Electri(! [.ight & Power (?o..
Street lights, et(' . ........... 181.25
('handh,r C,)., pipe . ........... 51.27
.h)hn 1.:lime, band salaries ..... 176.97
A. J. Bol)st, 1)ainting, city hall 48.00
I']. Thorington, sewer labor .... ;I.20
Moved by (_'()uncihnan Prall, Serond-
ed by b:udart, that the hills I)e alh)w-
(!(1 and w;/rrants dl'aX~tl for sallle wh0n
ttrol)erly t)K'd.
2d oti,)n carried.
Moved by Councihnan l{ich, seconded
/).'," b:udart, that there I) no oix-
jectiun made, the Budget for 1940 be
approved as I)ublished and the same
terrified to the (?ounty Andit,)r.
M" )ties carried.
OI{I)INAN('E No. 133
Mrs. Wilton Gunn ~ The folh)wing Ordinance was offered
. [iy ('curie 1 lltn Kudart, the saule was
seconded hy Snyder. That the UNITP]I)
q~h,~ ~;~+~, ...... ~~-, ......... :.._ ] MIIA( ORI)INAN('E I)e Itassed on its
Wi,,,:, ~,,~y aLttL~a.t ,,2run~L~euxl~.onlthird and final reading, The Yea ,,r
S nelcl at the home o1: Mr. and]Nay vote resulted as folh)ws.
Mrs. Chas. Busch, south of MartelleI Ycas---Snyder, Kudart, Rich and
on Sunday August 20th Although Pr~l~, . . .
'* ) .... • i ;'i vs--N()IIC: AI),;ent---,]onn B. l~ry-
l~ was a rainy (:lay, za were pres-]ant.
ent. A short business meeting was The Maw)r declared the (!v
held and the old officers were re-
elected as follows: president, Mrs.
Hazel Guns; vice president, Mrs.
Zella Busch; secretary and treas-
urer, Harry Gunn, Walker. It was
decided to hold the next reunion
the third Sunday in August at the
home of Mrs. Ella Gunn in Urbana.
Those present besides the host
and hostess and family were: Mr.
and Mrs. Taylor Guns, George and
Geraldine, of Kansas City, Me.:
Mr. and Mrs. C,~ude Ridge and
Wayne of Sumner; Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Gunn, Donald and Shirley
of Walker; Mrs. Ella Gunn of Ur-
bana; Win. Muck, of Clear Lake;
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gunn and Mr.
and Mrs. Nell Guns of Mechanics-
ville; Mr. and Mrs. Wi~on Gunn
and Jimmy of Lisbon.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stork were
guests Tuesday evening of Mrs.
Ruth Stork and Billy.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Light, Dale
and Doris, Mr. and Mrs. John
Light and family and Theodore
Light were Wednesday visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. George
Light. The occasion was hay mak-
Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Gunn and
Jimmy and Mr. and Mrs. Than
Dean attended the All Iowa Fair
at Cedar Rapids Friday•
Mrs. Lulu G. Read of Coggon,
who had spent ten days visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilton
Gunn, went to Cedar Rapids on
Friday to visit friends.
Doris and Clarice Border of Me-
chanicsville were visitors of their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Border, Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Light were
hosts for the annual Light reunion
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Kettering
and John Clark were Sunday din-
ner guests a[ the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John Kettering in Lisbon.
Jimmy Gunn spent from Sunday
until Tuesday at the Chas. Busch
home. Arthur Busch came Tues-
day to spend a few days visiting at
the Gunn home.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Gunn had
as dinner guests Tuesday: Mrs•
Taylor Gunn, George and Gerald-
ine of Kansas City, Me.; Mr. and
Mrs. J. T. Gunn of Mechanicsville;
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Busch, Carl,
Dona and Arthur.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Kettering
and John Clark were callers Tues-
day evening at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wilton Gunn. The group lis-
tened to the Armstrong-Ambers
fight, and then enjoyed ice cream
and a birthday cake, in honor of
John Clark, whose birthday was
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kettering of
Pella were callers at the home of
drily passed and adopted, and ordered
the i)ul)lieation held up t() a later date.
The F~)llowing Ordinance was ()fret'-
t'(l I)y (*t)Hncilnlan Prall, who IXluVed its
adol)tion, the sanle ~.V4[tS ; eeonded hy
()I~.I)INAN('b~ No. 1,'14
"I'O~,VN AND ,'qTATIN(; THb2 t'()NI)I-
Section 1. That all that part of all
alley lying Northerly of the Northerly
~!de of S)uth 14*ollrth Street, West and
"Westerly ,~f the \Vesterly line of 1~)ts
Three and Four, I:;loek Eleven Hall's
~econd Addition. extended Westerly
:lcr()ss said alley and further describ-
-d as that portion of an alley adjoining
.rid easterly ofthe Easterly line of
I.,ts Five and -Six Block eleven, in
H:~ll's set'end Addition to wholly with-
in the To~,vIx of Mount Vernon. htwa.
I;e, and the same horehy is vacated.
I{eserving atall times unto the said
To%vn of .\fount Vernon. Iowa, the USe
hcre()f for the l)lacing of necessury
IAght or Tclel)hone I)oles, and for Sewer
Dtlrl)()ses, illeaniilg therelxy the right
t() reDair or roplat!e l)oles, and gi} in on
"lltd hi)on the sante for the I)Url)ose of
Dla('hxtd". nlaintainin.~" and rel)airlng be-
neath ti~e surface (}f vacated alley,
;cxveF hi,tines• laterals, stern( sewer sad
,utlets, and for the l)Url)OSt, (}f I)lacing
,r rel)airing electric light or teh,1)hont"
F, ee. 2. All Ordinall('es ~)r l)arts of
()rdinances in (,on flict h('rewith are
!lere/)y repealed.
Set. 3. This (~rdinance shall 1)e lit
fult'Ct! and vffe('t upl)n its lUXSsage
"~nd adoption and puhlication as hy
law required.
Passed and adopted this 7th day of
AUgUSt, 193D.
'l'ttl'] Tt)XVN (~',"
Ih)y A. Nelson. Mayor
T. I. Mitchell Clerk
The yea or nay vote hcing calh,d on
the att~)ve Ordinance. Resulted as f(d-
Yeas---Snyder, Kudart, I{i('h,f'rall
and Bryant.
Nays ---None. AI)se nt---N()n(,.
The Mayor declared the ordinance
passed .n its first reading.
Moved by Snyder, seconded by Ku-
dart.that the rule requiring an ordin-
ance to he read on three separated
(lays1)(> suspended and the ()rdinance
passed to its second reading.
Vote resulted as follows:
Yeas- Bryant, Pralt, I{ich, l