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August 26, 1898 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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August 26, 1898 |
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ts to o~e
MilllonS sumea by far the tar est quantit of calico i m ~~lwmm 11~Im
: e t oil le P " " "" '," "
.~ortll Atlantic sq, tl " " " ' t,"
t)t tn and ever~ bell e~er " bane ,]olr, eu in honor real,shed ano a portion of the second 9,
a v.~. n res shrieked time it asses tne oatterv on its way ~'ranK~m .n. w seers, ~omervme ~viasa . " - -,
for the 'asm fo I way to anchors -e off Tompkms- o - . . and shoestore ,25c. Trmt package ~'trEl~. Clovers, etc with l~arm Se d Catalogue for
),Jew at ~ ~f the naval heroes with their I ville ~. I oceup~eo 3us: ~wo hours sue old. ~ ~, ~-~ ~as~ ~-,-- ,~
-] -stabll~. . I -r " " A woman su'-'-osed to be Mrs. Watson of [ -,~ .'~7"."."."." ~ . t:u I~ t~rosse, win. a neae tqaques re 41o mclles in trrut~erenret |ire tree m amy suggestion at
Itrrea stops. [so m~nu~es- . . . Wosterly R ~" ' [ In a~mt~eS~levery, thing ~n hfe a httlernore a . advertlslagwhatever, and will ornammat the most elegant apartment, No
i $hl ~%'eleoJne~ Home * ' " " or a nL L*~s ~alt ann e er womu i~- Made Them All Wor~.
en B g Ds l~ Line birsC I-I. Briscoe Revere, Mass. "P " r'n "
-- " I Detroit Mich Au,~ 2" With honors .' " . ' I prove the flavor.--L A l~ ~ulletm v " maoufactu i g on era ever before pve way ouch valuable presents to its
n the morning, the seven big ~ "" "" ~" *'-- . The two trains wnlcn were in ~ne I ~tr. ~uxoe---xaen you non ~ vane rotor.
X~ew v~-~. -- I befitting' them Detroit citizens on ~un - - elgn servants? cu|tumers, lney are not lot sale at coy price, ud can be obt~lfled only ut
: -.~,a, iowa, incnana, -~--- --~ ~ ~ ~he Michigan collie]on ~ere usuau3 ~omulneo~nto] THEMARKETS Mr Tariff--1Vith a wife and three grown themanaers,ecifled -rheauU~,t,r
user,s, Oregon and * u one long t~am, but as tne tralnc ~un-[ daughters~ Not I I behevem encouraging " "
in New naval reserves wno serveo ~nruug,~ . . - . "
'Y . " York bay just off - -- ' "" " - Yose day was so heavy ,t was divided t.he ] New York Aug ,3 home mdustry.--Brooklyn Life. Areal"[carl Wild Ducks, AmerJcsfl Pheasant,
svihl, S I T~ :a~ i ~ne war on Ine auxtdary crmser - ~ ~ ',"
asuu,~, " ". . . nrstsection running as a local ac-
firm Sam - ~ mite A special trai~ carmeo a party
peon that l~ew York," " Toledo in commodatmn while the second which
for a rousing recap of relatives and frienos ~o ' '
the morning where the men
LIVE STOCK--Steers $5 20 rt 5 r~
Hogs 4 ~) ~): 4 5'5 Fits 8topped free and permanently cured.
Sheep 3 0 ~: 4 75No fits after nrst day's use of Dr. Kline'.
started from Mansfield 15 minutes FI~OUR--Mlnnesota Bakers' 5 10 @ 5 30 Great Nerve Restorer. Free $2 trisl bottle &
as brought shortly were later l han the first, ran as an express Winter Patents 6 10 (~ 6 20treatise Dr. Kline. 933 Arch st Phila Pa.
VfHEAT--No. 2 ~i,d 7~ 79~
given their first welcome. On alight The local train, due at Sharon at 7:02, Set)tember 69 (q. 70~,b " ~ --
i tng from the train at the depot in De- was 13 minutes late. It left Mansfield CORN--No. 2 36%qi 38% Cause and I$~eet.
troit the reserves were met by one Septemher 35b~(~' 36%
on time, making two stops, and had OATS--No. 2 "White 3"2 ~" ~/~ Niekelby--All last week Ernest was shak.
of the largest crowds ever seen in' test ]3 minutes between Mansfield and S,ptember 23 (025~ ing for the drinks.
IHYT'FER--Creamery 14~ 19 Squeers--All this week he has been drink-
Detroit. The revenue cutter Fessen Sharon. It was due in Canton Junc- Factory. ll :u' 14 ingfortheshakes.--N~ Y. Journal.
den fired a salute of welcome, all the tion, the next station beyond Sharon, EGGS 13z.~z~i 141~
steamers on the river and lhe lees-two minutes ahead of ~the express CHICAGO. ~ot Wholly Itateful.--"Did you reeom.
CATTLE--~hippIng Steers $5 0) @ 5 40 mend to Marie that countryplace where you
motive whistles chiming in with shrill train, which should have passed it Texas Steers 410(~460 were last summer? No ; I was tempted to
blasts. Amid the cheers of thousands there. Sharon is situated on a curve, Stoekers 3 ~@4 ~ but I didn't "--Detroit Free Press.
Feeders 4 4o @ 4 ~0
the reserves and a milttary escort and both the outward and inward Bulls 2 5) @ 4 2.5 .--------4.-------
which was waiting to do them honor tracks are protected by electric block flOGS--Light 3 ~) @ 3 95 G.A.R. Encampment Sept. 5-10. $5.00
Mixed 3 S0 ~ 3 9O Queen & Crescent Route, Cincinnati, Chat-
ItParadedwas athr UghveritablethetriumphalPrincipal streetS.proces 6ignals. Sit EEP--Texas 3 75 ~ 4 40 tanooga and return. W.C. Rineerson, Gen'l
'~ There was no warning given by the I]I:T'rER--Creamery 13 @ 17 Pass'r Agt Cin'ti, O.
men. Windows were filled and roofs Dair) 12 ~ 15
English Quell, English Snllm.
The birds are handsomely embossed and stand out natural as life. Each
Plaque is bordered with a band of gold. .-- ----.
[fl0w To 00t Them:
has been the standard |o ~$ years, i All purehas.ers of throe I0 e~Dat or
TW~L,~ ~s,A u ~ I six 5cent passages of Elastic 8t~tren
~i~s-~ rvu ~r~tL.LtUr~ l (FlstlronBraad),are~tltledtore-
ka e ceivefrom fir ~er one of t ese
pac g s of this brand were sold,beautiral ~o Plaq~s try. ~bs
iast year. That's how good it is. l ]~laquas will .not be. sept by mail.
I Ahoy oaA DO ourdtlnou Only item ~oar
to show you the plaques and tell,Every Gr0cer Keeps Elastic Starv, h.
-- " e t Do not delay. This offer
you about Elastic Stu~ Ace pi is for a short time only.
no substitute. [
crowded, ell waiting to cheer the first
ot Michigan's returned heroes. The
men presented a fine appearance, be-
ing bronzed and burned nntil they
looked almost like the Spaniards they
had been fighting. After being re-
viewed by a party of officials and
ii~~i'~--!:~!fi~ friends the men were dismissed and
went to the homes they had not seen
in four months. To-day the reserves
will be mustered out of Une]e Sam's
service and become civilians again.
? s fgh.ting ships, looming D011BT-IS-R-EMOVED.
,'v ~ne picturesque confusion
r craft which had come downCity' of Manila Had Fallen Before
glimpse of the ships were
movement. Strung out along Notice OfcolSign i ngArrived.Of Proto-
.ks in long regular lines were
"uniformed jackies, wlthhere Washington. Aug. 22.--Afier receipt
conductor of the Mansfield local tob:GGS 12 @ ~
show the approaching train that thePOTATOES--New (per bu.) 30 @
PORK---September 8 92t.~zCff; 9
track was not clear at the station, and l,ARD--September 5 00 @ 5 ~q~i
it wa~ not until he was withln 400 feet RIBl~--September 5 0o @,5 12~
GRAIN--Wheat, September 62%@ 2%693%
st the station that the engineer of the ~y~! ~:t~m:!,!: ::::: ii ii~
express train ~oticed anytMngwrong, rr.': : :
He immediately set all brakes and Bafiey ::: : : SS ~ ~:"
~histled the warning but it was too M.ILV,'AUKNE.
late to stop the express" It crashed 31rAIN--Wheat, September. $ 63 @ 8~
NO. 2 Northern 63~@
into tile rear ear, splitting it asunder Oats, New 21 @
and completely demolishing it, with Rye. No. 1 42 @ 4~
the exception of the roof. Its speed KANSAS C1TY.
(iRAIN-~Wheat, Spring $63 @ 66
was not slackened until the engine hadCorn, No.~ White 28 @ 28%
penetrated fully five feet in the rear Oats, No. 2 White 23~@
of the second car. The escaping steamR) e, No. 2 4 @
entered the ear and badly scalded a CATTLE Native$toers $4 ~ @ 52~
~umber of the occupants. The roof of 'texas Steers 3 ~5 @ 4
the last ear was forced on top of the liOO~,--Packers' . 3 85 @ 3
Butchers' .q 90 @ 4
engine of the express and remained SHEEP 3 ~ ~ 4 ~5
there as the only portion of the car in- OMAHA.
A, big necktie may cover a multitude of I . r'. s s s ~
blotches on a shirt front as well as charity I ~ Fairly Jumpea Into 3UCCeSS
covers a multitude of sins. -- Washington ] ~-~r-F----,--~
(Is.) Democrat. ~ - ITH'S '
druggists refund money i~ it fails tocure." 25c. [I~M
right from the very start, notwithstanding all the oth-
A man who is alw; - . . ] C-fl H er starches on the market. Now, why was it ? Why
ys reaoy ~o ~uspee~
others is generally not an too safe himself IS It that mllhons of packages of KEITH S EN
Y . v
. -----' I since this starch was invented Justdovour ironing
x nave zonna z-?.o s ware zor ~nsumpglon I ~m, w w~u-~ ~ ~r~4~ .~ uP~i-~u,~ ' ~rau~- ' ~-~r~,~t
Scott St Covington, Ky Oct. 1, 1894. [ and you will see. It makes ironing so easy; it puts
Men are like river~ the deeper they are ] I ~ ~~Ofl that beautiful enamel finish that it puts it at the
the less noise they make.--Chieago Daily I ~ ~~~lr head of every known aid for ironing. Manufactured
~ eW~ b
llall'a Cata, = c a y KEITfl $ gHfi gk 8TfiRGfl GO Ghgao0, ill
Is a Constitutional Cure. Price 75c.
re a blnecoated officer, all of a cablegram from Gen. Merritt by
contrasted against the sore- the war department Saturday after-
"Colored armor of the ships, noon the president authorized Adjt
'r]ke Start. (;en. Corbin to make public the an-
the hour for the s~art came it ' nouncement that the official dis-
if it wm]Id be impossible for ] patches from Washington addressed
to make their way through to Rear Ad~l~hgw-ey and Oen. Mer-
ritt containing/the;news of the sign-
et jam of river ci'aft Vessels
~er)ptmns" ' . frrOematthe smallest ink of the protocol and the pr~ci~m~
ocean liner, tion deelaring a cessatlon nf hos~tliOes
~tl(h to the g
aked around the squadron, were received by them on the a6th,
md shouts of welcome rose ~ our days after" the agreement had
'ery deck and the boats' been made with Spain aim three days
all 3otned in the shouts of after the fall of the city of Manila.
Suddenly there was a move-
the fla~ ship New York as the
marted forward with a slow,
~lid-e. She W'as immediately
by the other six vessels in
wing order: Iowa, Indiana.
l, Massachusetts, Oregon, Tex-
time before the ships
into review formation, but
line the New York's prow
Governor's 'elan d the
ps had for~aed in a regular
~eeut Guam noom.
trt woe accompanied by tre-
~heering, screeching volce~
cannon. ]From Castle
the first #alute. It was
,ash of bright red, which
smothered in a sheet
any detonation was
the rOar across the
the ships headed Hght in
on the way
to Gem Grant's
There is one thing that the dispatch
makes certain, and that .is that the
fall of Manila occurred withnut the
slightest knowledge on the part of
Dewey and Merritt that a peace proto-
col had been signed by Spain and the
United States, so that the contention
cf Premier Sagasta,that the snrrender
of the city, coming after the signing
~f the protocol, is null and void, ie the
sheerest nonsense.
Gem Merritt's cablegram gives the
termS, of capitulation. It tthowa that
the Spanish, by expres~ terms, surren-
dered ibe elty and d,efenses of Manila
and its subnrb~, together with the
Spanish forces stationed Lhereln. The
Spanish are permitted to retire with
the honors of war.
Unofficial advices ~rom Manila re-
ef/veal previous to the arrival of the
text of the terms indicated that the
capitulation of abe city included the
surrender of the Philippines and that
8punish sovereignty over the entire
archipelago was, temporarily, at least,
at an end. This view is not sustained
by the conditions of the surrender as
cabled by Gem Merritt and. it may be
~Md, it is not the view taken by the
best informed officials of the admin-
It can be said authoritatively thai
the president is quite satisfied with
the terms as made by Gen. Merritt and
Admiral Dewey. Their instructions
afforded them considerable latitude
for Individuality of action, the presi-
dent feeling confident that they Would
Secure the best possible terms in the
circumstances. That they have dbne
so he ~s certaim
Volunteer Resimen~ ~Vstut to ire-
main In Service and No! J~e
Mustered Out,
Engineer Getchell and Fireman
ITolmcs, of the express, both jumped
when they saw that a collision was
unavoidable. Getchell was cut and
bruised about the head He stated
after the aecident that he left Mann-
field promptly on time, and there was
'~ Incident until he was within 400 'of-th~,Man~eld, lrain, Then, he
saw the rear lights of that train end
slut off all steam. Meanwhile he had
~histled for brakes and used every ef-
fort to stop his train.
Every one of the killed and injured
was on the M~nsfleld train, and the
nly explanation of the fact that ihe
number of fat~tlitiea is ~ot larger'in
that the passengers were all in the for-
~ard end of the car, tn the act of
alighting at the etation. There were
about 30 people ia the last ear. and
most of them at tlie time of the noel-
dent ,'ere either npon the front plat-
form or standing by the door.
Mary Fitzpatrick, ten years old, wes
taken from the wreck, but unuon-
scions, and dted 3ust a~ the special
train bearing the injured started for
Boston. Twenty-two of the injured
were taken on this train, and four oth-
ers, whose names they refuse to dis-
close remained in Sharon.
Dls/ressing Aoeident ~t u MiehiEam
Suuda~" ~ehool Picnic-- Two
C hildren Drowued.
Detroit, Mich, Aug. 22.---A special
to the Tribune from Gaylord. Mich
says: A sailboat containing eight peo-
ple, three men and five women, was
caught in a squall Sunday afternoon,
capsized, and two people were.
drowned. The dead are: TeeterCres.
ka. aged 18, and Allie Stott, aged 15. A
sudden puff of wind struck the boat
and this was followed by a sharp
squall. A pan|c ensued, and before
the sails could be let down the boat
turned over. The Gaylord Bapttst Sun.
day school picnic was being held at
Otscgo lake, and the sailboat party
was composed of members.
Fouad ~OO,OOO In Treasury.
London, Aug. 22.--The Manila corre-
spondent of the Daily Telegraph, in a
dispatch dated Sunday, says: Gem
:Merritt has proclaimed a government
;'ATTLE--Native Steers $4 ~) ~ ~ 40
Cows and Heifers 4 25 ~ '/5
Western Steers 4 00 70
ItOGS : 3 60 75
"~HEEP ; $ 25 4
No pocket is well lined that has no money
in it.--L. A. W. Bulletin.
G. A. R. ~C00 rate Sept. 8, 9 and 10.
cinnati to Chiekamauga~ Q. & C. Route.
All-Important Fact.
You Can Talk Freely toMrs.
un Pinkham, But Revolting
O#r Tldrty Yore
lhg dYuhtt lmlshu0! tO Any Man.
In addressing Mrs. Pinkham you are confiding your privatt
to a woman--a woman whose experience in treating woman's
diseases is greater than that of any living physician--male or female.
You can talk freely to a woman when it is revoking
relafe your private troubles to a man---besides, a man
does not understand--simply because he
is a man.
Many women suffer in silence and dri
along from bad to worse, knowing full weR
that they ought to have immedi-
ate assistance, but a natural mod-
esty impels them to shrink
from exposing themselves to
the questions and probably ex-
aminations of even their fam-
ily phFsician. It is unneces-
sary. Without money or price
you can consult a woman,
whose knowledge from actual
experience is greater than any"
local physician. The follow-
ing invitation is freely offered;
accept it in the same spirit:
he line, on piers, on sheds,
P~ssible point of van-
ere packed. The river
~ tl~e warships close.
'vlll~ Passen era Sln
' v- - g," king
. ^" esseJs almost to their
~.~ one side, girls th~
*' ~t even,g "
~,the shlps them-
:d nn u~.cOnscious salute to
. heroes. The width
'a=~t irn~ge ~awas a struggling.
. aes of color, eon-
:;i::T v2 'he grim look
v . u up the river the
:came aenser, and the en-
Was more marked At air-
ire, wlth its steep rass
:as lik0 vast
,~s of thousands ~f er-
r:l~e green slopes, anp a.
t ~o~b
|n c;~'w~f the slope an obger-
ad lazily alon kee
vltn the .~, - g, P-
"~IDS above this the
. . 'hieh was to mark
mlng oz the
1 return of the
where a anti- . . .
-- -~ .onal salute O[
~ afl:~*a;o;fehd tomb, st anding - "~*ar above the
the rivet, lOOked to be built
tdation of facza. For the
the parade the battleships
the elimax.
to Dead Hero.
m the sides and turrets
)s there was a vivid
tMa a tremendous
tke first gun ot tke
cf military occultation. The news of
Washington, Aug. 22.--The secretary tile armistice arrived on the 16th, It Women suffering from anF form of
of war has received a number of tele- Is feared that the Amerieans may re- ,~,~'~
grams from the governors of various store the Philippines to Spain and thus female weakness are invited to promptly communicate with Mrs.
states in regard to the proposed re- reinaugurate a fresh period of tryan- Pinkham at Lynn, Mass. All letters are received, opened, read and
duetion of the army. In the majority ny, extortion and rebellion. The Span- ~VCPybody surrenders to answered by women only. A woman can freely talk of her private
of cases the governors suggest regi- ish guarantees for freedom of the
ments of their states which may be press and religion and for just ad- Tb. r "is no greater hardship than to be de- illnesstoawoman; thus has been established the eternal confidence
between Mrs. Pinkham and the women of America which has never
mustered out among the fir,t, but ministration are use]esa unless nnder [~ of your
there are several cases where the gov- foreign supervision. The Amerieans been broken. Out of the vast volume of experience which she haa
ern rs say that ceptains f thetr state f und $800'000 in the Spaniah treasury" " to draw from, it is more than possible that she has gained the very
troops are exceedingly desirousofre- Va~~tone~. J knowledge that will help your case. She asks nothing in return ex-
maining in the military service and Topeka, Kan Aug. 22.--State Bank
taking part in any I~ur~her campaigns, Commissioner Bretdenthal says his of- J cept your good-will, and her advice has relieved thousands. SurelF
The seere~ary o.f war i,s preparing II list flee is flooded with/etters from Kansas I any woman, rich or poor, is very foolish if she does not take adva
of regiments which shall be mu~tercd hankers complaining that their vaulta
out first under the present p;an of are full of money and that there is no an~ any one who has once chewed Batth Ax ] tage of this generous off& of assistance.--Lydia E. Pinkham Med/-
reducing the army b,y 75.000 or 100,i~0 cpportunity for loaning it. He is ad- will gtv up most any thing to get it. 10 . buys ]
ine Co
m,n. It is probable this list will be visingthepeoplewhohawebtgdeposits ~~ ! ~s~e '
made puhlic this ~,~ek. by which iime notesln theofbankeasterntO bUYinvestors,farm mortgageS,and thus a0 u-ger piece of Battle than of any other [ Whlppl0 S Puncturlner= Inn nllCW aLUmAt PILLt
P|n hot*s. T&oS holes, Thorn boles, Porou* tires
aria UUl UgOII @ we uarse
it is hoped to hav'e the matter ill, ally get the money into circulation, k~d of
high grade quality.
I S tee to rJ~llgll=
det ermined.
J Ioaky &lve~tem~are &thor n theeyell~t,s flesh but ] Fever a~d A~a I h ~, ~ ~ .~* ~*~-
,n 4S ou rl~
they tever leAS where wa)l~r~s P~s~slss l*l tlaelt, O
,r H F vet r I~ ri malle t~r rice
The First Ohi, o infantry, at t ached to O --" I ~emem be ,-. I ~ ~.~ =.-,- - - I- - -- -. . ~, =~ . o~,~-~ ~
the Fourth army corps at Fernandina, Washington, Aug'. 22 --~faj. Gem r sam o oo .o o
has been ordered to Jaeksonviile and Merritt has notified the w'er depart-
I CHICAOOSELLIN(] AGE/eTa: Beekley. Ralston &CO I --
attached to the Se,enth army co~ps when7~'-"~-7~"'"a~t'" im ''~"'" "**' "'"* :"'"" ~ '"~"'* '*~" "" " ' " =* """~
under Maj. 0er~. Lee. This as,ion is mcnt that the cable from B'ong-I(ong Ik ." Cue.el n! t t
I ~" sl g~t~.~ .qg t~ w. F~ ~" ~r~t~.e a,~ I -,w ugot uvun the vv ~FJ ~ou~and,um~,
~W Adams~t 'f' b' y tts r~ ed(prt~eshr~ toanybod sendi~
taken at the requ,e~t of the regimen~ to Manila is agatn in operation. [ . -- M d Yl ~ ] twoannualsubsoriptiousatl~l~ehtothe~erlatl~
army to be sent to ~avana in the fall, San Francisco, Aug. 22. The steam- J ~ NltWDiSCA)VSI~V;Ovu
The'other re~Iraents of the Fourth er Glenfarg arrived froa-n the orient I n~n qn~r q ~'tln~---I DROPSY ~ o,~ o.
via ttonohllu Saturdayaf~ernoon, and ~ ~ [| ~'~'~"~" * ~ #I,L~-' %J'~J, tt-t.~ I[eues. Senaforbookofte~ttmontalsandlOdaF#
army corps at Fer~-andtna haw been brings the intelligence ~at the stars ] Alleles lffl~erlae|lal~l~Js---- the only SUr~ ours-JSin ] Itr~ntmea ~re~ Ik IL ti~aal~lrleoslk4tl~M~,~l~
ordered to Hurrt~r~iql, e, Ala. The See*,FORBID A FOOL A THING AND ,t ,o. ca o v -. B ." x --==--
and regiment of i~antry has request- and stripe~ were raised in l~w,aii Au- t
ed that it be astdg~l to duty with the gust 12. The Glenfarg sailed the day THAT HE WlLt- DO. i.eewrrat~l aw~ntaa,*~ ~e. uaans~v, exj~a, es,~Om~,~. Its/ mm i
army of oectvp~ti~n fn (~uba. before th, ce~e,mon3L The next ~ I ~ ~treri~. Cur~tPtmrm~nent, l~stmtlveror~t~l~/ ' - -
steamer to arrlv~ from ENmol-ulu will DON'T I Vaetmielee, a'|l aa|tilmamoBarae, Cet /
I an4 all ~eh Wounds. Br mall. stmslL3~; 1~,~0~ /
"i'rafe~olsvllie. be the Belgie. which is (~ Tuesday. I {1~, ~k~. a, IP. ALL]~W MZntcsxtr/ l~ ~--.'k'/r~'~' "~u-'~-- ~TM ,~-i
I ~"="' "'" " b, I -~ ~ '7" =5-=
Louisville, NT Aug. 22.--John Peace CO1~ m~ I ~!1 ~r~-~N~I~Ig"l~ ell~
Waecker shot amd kfil~d his house- London, Ausr. 2~--A dispatch from [ ~/ r~'~". ~? ~ ~,:
would not m~y him. He then 8enors Caatil|o, Moret and M~n-ry del ~r~llll~ Wlrrlmo ~ atlDvll~mlmm
lurned hl~ weaDoo ul~n hin~ell withVal and Admiral Cervera ~ be mere. I s~H~,-meno~o~m~man~an.~ ~ w ~mt ~m ~ ~ Aav~l~m.
fatal ~ffeet. t. {~r~md toy II|ue~ted o~t4dos~e free al@at |a ~t~e I~
bera of the Paris l~ea~ oummis~Ollt,