National Sponsors
August 28, 1941 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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August 28, 1941 |
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I~r the following special sreondary
~l~Struetion projects:
[i~t: Three Year Road Prngram B-1.
ll~.hgth: 2 593 miles.
~l~riPtton: Commencing ~t a huletion
II~L' Oladary Road No. 156 on appro'.*-
~tv|he South 141m of Section li-86-6
II|:mg thence Southerly and Easterly
lion 14 and on the line b~tween
22 and 23 and terminntlng at a
With Secondary Road No. 114
half of abo e Sections. All
When plans were made for this
was required at the curve
SE corner of Sect%n 14. This
Was taken fr.m the read to ihe
~hieh is at present a spur leading
: house The total mileage of 2,593
approximately a quarter mile of
,tlr. rl~,lis spur "lot indiested en
and Truckers
Gill Lulu, poor rent 12.{}0
Gaffey James, poor bd & room 12.0"0i
Gazette Co, pub notiee 22.201 OFIPICIAL NOTICE
Greenawalt Dr R A, poor med aid 7.00i BEFORE TH~ IOWA STATE
19 20
Gabbert (Tharles, weed cutting " i COMMERCE COMMISSION
Goodyear Service, End car exp &76 50 TO THE CITIZENS OF LINN
road maint
Hanus Jerry J, D C Bailiff salary 8:001 COUNTY:
Ha~us Jerry J, shrf extra help 9~.40! Notice is hereby given that a
2o O0
Healy Madeline, co nurse salary " I petition for a franchlse to erect, nse
Meat'. Merritt K. C R Assessor 15 00] and maintain poles, wires, guy
Hendrickson Virginia. aud extra " !wires,
towers, cables, conduits and
help 12.001other fixtures and appliances for
Finch Br~ ~. Ct Hse supplies 14.38 the purpose of conducting electricity
Healy Madeline. ce nurse mileage 21.96 for lighting, power and heating pur-
Holub Charles, ~d. Soc Welfare
meeting 14.701 poses has been filed by the Em~tern
Herring Don. dependent children 12.00 Iowa IAght and Power Cooperative,
;H.;e ~;roeery. poor prov 5.00 i Davenport' Iowa, in the office of
Huttons Grocery, poor prov 26.93 the Iowa State Commerce Commis-
Hruska Br E E. poor reed aid 2.00
~Ho. set Dr J D, poor maid aid 22.00[sion; that said petition asks the
Homolka Mrs Ann. poor rent 7.00 right to construct, operate and
,Hermanek Frank, poor rent 10.00)
maintain said electric transmission
:lIolden-Kahler Co, 0'seer ofe su~ "8 3o! line over, along and across the
i plies 18:~0ifollowing described public lands,
!Hi/l James D, sol relic/ rent
Heath Merritt, C R Assessor mile. i highways, streams and private
age 14 75 ! lands
'House of" the "Good Shepherd. ~e- ! (7200 volts, single phase, wye con-
j pendent children
Helebrant Frank, poor rent 10.00 nected, neutral wire multiground-
Harris Mrs Lura E . poer nurs- ied.)
I ing 15.00 Beginning where the highway in-
Hess John, weed eutti. ; 19"20itersects the east line near the south-
Hubhard Ice & Fuel C~. road
maint 10.20 cast corner of Section Twelve (12),
Igram & Kal~ll, }nor pr v 18.85 Township Eighty-two (82), North,
~ill scrap car bodies, farm
fiery, fencing,
l~'Ully equipped tO handle
Y condition.
Mrs. Velma Meeks of Mount Ver-
:non was a week end guest of her
grandmother, Mrs. C. B. Angus.
Geo. Williams of Kenosha, Wis YO
who has been repairing one of the U'VE seen the pleased look that cornea
106 2nd Avenue West Anamosa fire trucks, was a recent over the face of picn/ckers -- espedally
guest of his former neighbors, Mr.
Phone 7183 and Mrs. F. L. Shankland. the male cont/ngent -- when someone un-
CEDAR RAPIDS, IA. Althea Yeater is a patient in an
Iowa City hospital for eye treat- cover~ a hot dish of --- say)
pork and bean
@--~=--- -- := ~ - -j ment. or fried chicken! Here's how you do /t. Cook )
U ll III II a complete meal /r~ a West/nghou~ Electric
Roaster-Oven before you leave home ---
then pack the Roaster-Oven right into your
car -- it's light and portable. Foods stay hot
=::::until served. And you enjoy one of the most
del/c/ous p/cnic~ ever! Try" it the next time
Tipton, Iowa an imposer outi i. m order.
The beautiful new Westinghouse Roaster.
9 Ovens are a marvel of efficiency and economy.
Great Display of live stock and agricultural products. They bake, cook, fry or bro/1 with equal
Over 100 Baby Beeves expertness. They can be plugged into any
~ Paying Top Price~s ~or Ia Electric ;Light & Power Co, i Range Five (5) ~,Vcst of the 5th Harness Races Wednesday and Thursday. conven/ nceoutlet. Forcooler, eas/ rsummer
i O0
food stamp aeet ! I .M Linn County, Iowa, thence Jallopy Races Friday t cooking, merely pop a complete meal in your
{ ~raD Iron, Metal, Ira,s and la Electric Light & Power Co, (i0 northwest on the highway across
Sacks Ct Hse light & power '24,). i
Ia Electric Light & Power Ce.said Section Twelve (12), one- Society Horse Show Wednesday and Thursday evenings. Roaster-Oven, dial the true-temp heat con-
( ohn & Sons, Inc. roa,' mamt 5.80 fourth mile. Amateur Boxing Contests Friday Evening. ,s.00 trol --- and forget it unt/1 meah/me.
i}iowa Electric Welding Co, road The Iowa State Commerce Corn- today's price over
2 5O'
II maint : mismon fixed the ninth (9th) day Hear Governor Wilson on Wednesday. last year' Now
Ave. and 3rd St. S%V I]Judge W Elli,tt. ofc supplies only $19.9~' c:om-
Rapids Phone 7181 I[ stoek 39 78 of September, 1941, ten (I 0) o'clock See and Enjoy the New Grand Stand. r,ete wi~h ~eat-
'" iA.M in its office at Des Moines, prc~fdiahaet.~n- /
.l'Kintzingersalary John W, D o Hep.: 58.00 Iowaastime and place for hearing ADMISSION--Day Fair: Adults 35c, children 25c; ~ie.t ~e~m.
Kaplan Arlmld, bangs disease ua- 40 O0said petition. Night Show: Adults 25c, Children 15c.
Kaeena Co, poor med supplies 44 SS : Any objections to the granting of
Katzoff Dr M B. poer mcd aid 13"()0 such franchise must bc in writinff Automobiles Free at All Gates
Kali}.ans Grocery. poor prov 25.50 and filed tn triplieate with this . . .
Kelly Mary. p(i.r rent 1300 "-~"~mb'~ion at least five ~5~ da-s Don Smith, President C.S. Miller, Secretary
"n~0C~a*. o= / a
Kriz Emma. poor rent ~'00before (late of hearing. The lowa
,oo, .o, iflWa II UTt n I]nWCI:] i'.HM[I/I N
Keller Co Walton A, Prl)b ore State Commerce Commission sug- ~ I
SIIpDII(~S 5,00 ' gests that the objector be represent- @; :--- ~ ~ ~-- - -----: - --=~-- - ----- - ------ ~-~J --~
Ko!lecky F E, S R Comm'r salary ed at the hearing by someone who j I 0 M HPALXTF~ S f.yPKTR eIEC pAE !~TSIEyLVI 0CE/ Itl~,|/,It-''" II II ||lldl I~dl lh$1,/ UII~,I~,","'~|| ' '|'|
& mileag ;iii ~~!ti!~ii~i~:~flr~'t Au =:30~i~
K ly llome o.I cutting ,;i . . ~, ', . C .
Kelly Dr J f[, poor reed aid i!
Kll~tpp Rnbert. weed eutting
K]or>p Lloyll. weed comm'r : Mount Vernon Offic n Office Phone 202
K'OPPK%.b. HL re~" EngweedexrtaCUttingsalarY ~(,'76 "r," Secretary' II 221 3rd St. S.E. Cedar Rapids, Iowa |
K & M Pharmacy, Eug ore sup- .40 Filo E-p035 Aug.21,21 I@ -"-='-----~---- - - -- -:---- -- ~--~-- -- -- -- ~ --J i