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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
August 30, 1951     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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August 30, 1951
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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a u . Mt. V thy . )red . . - >t. 3. u . . . l itio . - on. . pringt . . er at ?. s. MOUNT VERNON HAWKEYE, VOLUME LXXXl, NUMBER 45 MOUNT VERNON, IOWA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, I95I MOUNT VERNON RECORD, VOLUME LVlll, NUMBER 2 Pb .Sh| FOUrNeWMemberSO| HeOrtA taCK rWenty-NineRePO MOlherlD#Ughter. Begjn Erectjng FormerMorley Resident IN. M b . ' ` " ' W#rd School F#culty . . ForMust#n S u#d B#nquet Pl#nned,Seri lyl j d '"e em e" ou n ure |OPenS|95|-52 Qlms,e g q sp o t Qnl clen Brokaw', who was eriou - #CU ty TTvTenty-nine answered Coach D.on,The Mary Magdalene circle will ! |]y injllred in the auto ragedy | YTd FK Hipple's call to gridirDn practice last serve a Mother and Daughter ban-,l,hich took the lives of his wi e, eQr ues Qy ' r#n oore week at Mt. Vernon high schDol and quet at the Metho ist churc,Mar- Or c Qr y tty Brokaw, 39, and her father, ere re ew lowo, ' football equipment was issued to telle, on Sept. 14 at 6:3 p.m. Pauline . Fred B. sieworth of Anamosa, , Full St#,Will, Funeral serv'ic ed by railroad reight la5t week. It 'h'ee groups, two by Bill Neal andlat Clarence. Sixth erade, ormerly ! 'Lyford, Bill Macaulay, Jlm Neu- d"' op ,van Lee HD,G o, ,he s,Two nephews o, Mrs Wa,son 2121 K St. b th f 'eda' Rap`d'. will be placed underground near .-4 . "e by Mn. Gordon. ltaught by Ms. Torkelson, ll be bauer, John Pence, Jerry Ringer,' Bl . | itts will drive No. l; August inrtrurted by Byron Reburn ot Iowa iLarry Ringer, David Ross, Marvin Louis areal and the Rev. Dr. wilb d Davis David,and ,ay j4 50ns o, ,iwgg"e' i' 'ep "ed '^ have ' - the boiler room. A dragline will B es No. 2; Boyd Horton No. 3 re- ,City, 1851 g duate at SUI. .: . IStastny, Jud Strickland, Larry TrP-'F.Howard BirminghamtEngl M ,o a d Mrs,s vanweri Hamp bon a 'he we" e"d ' 'he `"- do the excavating and will set the .- . o .4 er Emenon; Rae Ir visi Returning teachers include Mrs.| . . ?% h. . ! : : :: kosh, Roger Trpkos Gerald Walter, 'are the two presidents o the M - ,M . . . -,ement before he tDpped. steel chimney ror the new boilers 49 8 ai to l e' " ' a"d ' 'emai" 'rt'e."a'ey principaL and specia ! : . :. . iDave Van Metre and Ed White. lodist Ecwenical Council whichl,i, ave ?ai ed ' e "w "d" ?e' 'd IWagner received a cu' " hi` 'e" in place at the same time. Drk- st year. educatlon; Jea. Bone, first; Maude ; . : : ,:.:; ::::. : : . 1951 SCHEDULE,plans the con erences. D plgs' whlch are on d splay larm. He was taken lo lercy hos- men are working on the flew heat- B DERGA TErV,ger, second; Elsie Phillips, third; . .: . : : :: : Sept. 14 - New London, here s o review our tradition in wor- 'a' 'he ' a. "a'e. 'ai' 'hi' week; 'pital, Cedar Rapidst by ambu'a"'e ing plant. ere ll b t o s ctlo s o,ha Lahma" ' urth.op the Mt. . .: . .:.!::: :. :: : : :. ! t 21 - West Liberty, there in evange sm, in education, in M". Dav" `' a ""e' ? .'he 'ad ' Melvin Crocker pulled the ag- Remodeling o the room to b6 ` a r&ar 4 o e m the irst of the t. loczte in ffe! t t . -n . int and third n juni ' b "' 'i" De#n Brown ls Giv8n w ght was rl7l.l pounds f r an av- L sbon c#| lt8ms r. and MrLc. Donald momson, .%,? hea], the ame as ,as, year St,Po n,jn o Wo,er Tower mg nEc 2 lgog m ,TIoo e was on senior spring gilt. and ?lrst an,6e of 42.86 pound ished ano,her Mr and Mrs Ches,er V,ck and vid hnd PaLlla Mount Vernon ,deots are sked to bring mo ey g |,ried t A a Rundall o Walke'l 'hi'd " ju"i ' 'p""g g""io Des ' mb#' p' m 'i re he 'i"e' estab . and Mrs. Robert Bittner, 8ar- :`'. m`'days to purchase their lunch 'I5 About Com leted and to them were orn t uin da gh-,Dale Larson toDk the hogs on ord at 98 days when it was more n dauph,er e,sy Pugh op Wau ' a hnd Mary JD oP MariDn; E ner 'lckets or the follov ng week p .ter,Ida an Ann,olh of uthom MDines. The Wolrabs retwneg ,h ,he ,h ,n,an,ry Division than a ton. This is Me shDrtest time ha, Wis are guests in th eri e'i'hl mr. and Mrs. Ray Fred- `r Ms. Mary Alice Campbell, home Painting of the lt Vernon waler survi .e. l! . Moore d ed Nov. 25, h me MDnday night. The h gs wer iin orea Rolland D BrD,un son o ?cr rec rded f r a t n litter: At Charles Hoeft home this week. ; Phoe d. L'D" p". 'e "ederick o . e` nomics teacher, will be in charg ower as s,opped n Tucsday be 1910 ollDu. ng t e b r o the lwi s. ,br ught h me n wednesda ir a, Mr and rs Cli Biown of'L bon 've m "'h' ' '6' day' `he ""e' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rahm o vllle, Pa. . 'the program. Mrs. Ruth Curren .ca se o, ,oo much wind,had Mr. Moorel i ter, MrLc. rlora Buck At the MiNouri State rs owed'waj recen,y.awarded a comba, pro welBhed 3,&8 pounds. rrankfort, Ill are visiting several ,RETU N FROM IP TO . . d. rs. Grace Barker uill again not been tarted a6ain on. Wednes came to li 'e with them an take ''eda'ial M .l 'a" eek Mi' o, ,hree motion to Sergeant. When 168 days old the litter ha ys ,his w,eek wi,h rela,iveL, in ,he COLORADO, SOUTH DAROTA .: `n charge of the kitchen. It l day wher the Ha,vkeye went to 'charSe o the home. With her was 'he g'a"d 'hamp' " pe as we,j A squad leader in the 7th Divi- pa .'ed 'he 'w ' " ma'k wi'h ' 'a i '. a"d M". Ray "ede'i'k h me. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tonne, Mrg. . very likely ,ha, a ,hird helper wil pre s Abou, one ,i,h o, ,he ,ank ,hEr o n dauehleT Odetle. She r is- barr ws. ve? a`' b'ee hire c,aw, on's 31th "Polar Bear" Inta e'gh` '.4"` p '"d'. Based hIr . E. H. Zimmer was hostess to Ernest TDMe and Mrs. LuPlla War- be hiTed or part t ne wor . a ns to be painted. It is the 'ed the girls alonP v. ' th her o 'n 'a' 'he ""? '" 'he Be mpions andi, giment,Brown earned the pro -, te o galn the two-ton mark wa her Four Square bridge c]ub Wed-,ner gnd son Douglas, oP Preston, 8CB00L WM'N ts have," m pa" under the cat walk. It ldaugh cr.a, W ,hcr ,e,red ,he nd won slx grand ch ' . n during the regiment's recent'pa'sed " Aug. 4'h' ' a' '6' da". nesday a ternoon. Guests were Mrs.IMr. Tonne's mother and sister, re- ,Noticeable lmprovem bu,d,ng w,ou,d probab,y have been complet ' Uhile r . l tint iand champiDns were boar drive gcross the 38th Parallel into, rBB R#j ,oQd Crews IL. E. Crelly and Mrs. Lyle Gri -lturned Sunday morning kom an `:. been ade at both Warhe su mer ed by Wednesday evening i work I r,Zge He h'd 'ee" a mem,'h and reserve grand cham N '`h K 'egraduate of Llsbon hlgh h ' ' lthss5 S,e,a Bova re,urned Tu s auto trlp to Denver Colo, Rocky . : . We high school during t 'had not been stopped on Tue.cLday. u f r.45 e r5. F< r o .er 2 year,erand champ sow gran lsc rown, a . . . A W hing H&re dMi. . e - Mountain national ark nd the . '` onths. e vv'as secretary o the ocal lodg cha, p pen o, ,hree B rkshire ool, entered the servlce ln No- re Or Prom a two weeks' trlp through Black Hills. Ran ers in Rocky .'. os elcome e IIP tmt,Mr. and Ms. Chester N ble and'For 25 yea's ' "e he had gniand juniDr champion gilt. ' vember, 1950. Three Chicago & North Western olorado. She went with thTee girls IRlountain park said the vegetation 'bc tre ewape pro ect at wara 'Jean returned MondaP rom a 10 secre ary of the ModErn woogr o lr i,o and his ,a,her Frank Wo c 00 Bon Wj # e 'railroad crews are working in the om Sioux Rapids, Charter Oak in the park whs the most beauti ul ?c` 's noR complete. Doo bet een days' lrip to Amhent, Ohio, where of America. He u.hs n e' n,he,s, c, to Sedalia n Monday S h,d II h Mt. Vernon area this week. and Tama. jit had been for 10 yean because ` m on tbe R st slae ol the they visited Mn. H. D. Lee andithe E bS.terian church an o, i ' eek in a plane from the Hun-ITrjp To St#te Foir r s ridge crew is building a new Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Cook, Mr.| the ample rain all. Corn flear b llaln&bgve beenl t lled and ramily. Mrs. Lee is a 'i"e' ' M'. ye r ag he wa" e""a'M, Ver iter airFort The plane made a ic o .ng for the new location o 'and Mrs Gene BTecht and Gerald the Badlands looked short but small , < on or rlnlsbed. Studenk ' Noble. ' E] ret. A tcr c ni g tgn,h o, ced a ding when gaso,ine,As a reward ,or ,he 5eries o, sum highway 261 just east o the old ICave vis ted tor a week with theiT'grain looked good and there was : b e eR" ' m b g og ! non he T S uFerir.IE hoo, ,or a co ,d no, be ,rans,erred ,rom onelmer band concer,s ,he M, Verno sing Six by six creoso,ed ,im paren,s ,he c w Caves at Lara-'lots o grass or the cattle. ' ot tb re r or th ,b ,Mrs. Browner Writ8s Presbyterian Sunday tanh to nother. Another landing schoo, band wi, a,end t e Iow ia ,o r being placed on the ties a !mie, yo. K nn th Cave. who .Mrs. T nne observed her 8th 'be up ' mp"e' bp b For PorenV Moga ine |" Moore came to Mt Vernon in wa made at Kirksville, M be- State Fair on rriday Aug 31,The g tion for the ctossing. spent the summer with Cooks, re- ' 'hday while crossing South Da- 'bDol tlo maae arllg,ng p,as Ms Arno,d Brgwner ,s ,be au e, o, ,g,B ,o work.on ,he M, ,cause o, bad wea,her The group group o, 4D w, ,eav ,ro, ,h ,s,de ,rai gl crew whose cars arF turned to Laramie,ta. They visited Mn. Warner's 8 k rir marsba n s and Mr ,hor o, an ar,c,e en,ed,Had je rnDn Record ,Dr L,opd McCu,ch. s,a,ed ,here a, nigh be,ore pr ernon high .cchoo, bui,ding a, u,d,ng,a, M Vernon are re l Mr and Mrs Ear, Eas,ack and on, Wallace, who is working in `. c. Miller has d ed i e s,de- My B by A, Home, h, h ppegr- .an ,g, when ,he Hawkey iceeding to Seda a They return m in a chartered bus The retu ,r ,e, aph,Tailr ad phone and Dick.o wgshiri&Dn, D.C were in ,h a'"e sh P at Estes Park during repa in th been scrub ed ed ,n ,he ,un ,ssue,Paren,s 'rra k ,v ord were conso,ida,ed,hDme Frid b ,ak E d,eren, p,g5,p. wi, s,ar, ,ro,n ,he rid,A scar,ie s in this vicinity. town ue day and ca ed on riends co, umm '. He will return to Coe Pson has g . - . . -,s utorking Dn The Hawk-| Mr. ,r . The onej w,nn,ng.a, s, unds a ter ,he even ng g nes ,ng over e rew completed go- They were gues,s op Mrs Josephin re,uge thls all. They planned to R . Floors d ' magazine She has sold an article 'eye to eac ,n s.were d,Pere ,rom lw, d show is ended Chape rup,g,ween ,he A llast on the tracks Ke,erinR and Mary Por. dinner a,iin,o a g rday eveninB but ran 8ealed and wa,rogram o, Khoo,n ,he ark, which wi, appear in H.e con,inued cn ,he Hawkeye Des Mw ,ch won a, jedaV sa,e ,s,e .d Mr. and Mrs. ax Nort rtram and thge? "eek b'idge a` n n and the Kenneth Graver lam- s,opped a, 'ain at Hampton and a replacem g n ,his year and h,ure issue'o the m gazine. sta?f or over 25 yea." u"'i' 'a" 'h 'ee W Lrab boar and gii . n rs. Rex D an. IMt. Vernon on 'u"e. we'? ? lly r r evenin8 dinner. averly overnight. desks was b . . . ' ' - DuDils in both sect,ons ot lrst gra g Mrs Brawner has orked on the Ja uary whcn he reIlred under the 'h esday mormng ,o he Eugene Stepgneks ot Owa lwnL JUDGE AT FAI& and in the sixth grade ll fi Power Coun,y Press a newspaper Socia, Sec ri,y ac, He con,inued,scheduled or Monday evenin,#n ,O, onc,e,B orh e crew began ust east o 2&1 an,na, Minn visited the irst of the,Grover Miehe, vocational aR n- b`aod new desks awaiting t American Fall Id' ho her orm- ,o w.ork par, , contormance Oct. 8, at the arm south o tow . S d C W ' .ll work east or a hal mil . ,h,ek with her parents Mr. afld'structor at Lisbofl, will judge dairy b are or tbe laQt des oh me. She ha ' take ' a short'with Social Securit regulatio !W Mee, ,h ornell Comes From lv#nho& The scarifier outfit loose o ,h o, V arr, rritz. Mr . Pearl Herwig cal res ht the p Four Pair at Post- ora ooa flnlsb,me r in writing at Albion Stateland helped out Zuring the ru II W C rock ba]last and replaces it st nion. ister o Mr. Fritz ville on Saturday. r' 2ba cbalr jolned one m ab,e l school at Albion, Idaho. 'hcurs on the Hawkeye. He had Freshman F,om Chjc#go ,Meyer Sand and Gravel plant at ' e 'ai age i' imp' ve ere ,h lreturn d to her home Wednesd 57, icoLLEcT CLOTWrVG ml , ct tha thep &ogspgc e jworked a u'hile on Tuesday and' hoe is supplying the sand or, orklng ln the low spot? .aftEr k three week vi5it. ' g "' 'g,y u a for ! . V?ednEsday this weeh- going home Several members o he Corne, the Wil nan Co. who have contracts ldrainage is not good. Mr. and Mrs. Chhr]es Hoeft r nations op used clothin or Btoa seg equa nd actlvltlw ncreose n e rly Wedne%day afternoon when i ta f wi attend a Thursday lunch or repair work on u.s. 30 between Ray on R&unjon - B i lrnert Mon ay from a two wee ,o te Koreans are to be brought desk t map be tiltea i . ,t e la5t run v 'e t to pretLs. eGn in the Veranda room o Mar- '?a'am ' ' d 'eda' Rapid?' i"" - A, u s Ra ons :o B,cation in Wisconsin. The Ja,Creek Ladies Aid members eB ctly Me rlght a &le to ccom- one ote ! H respon ibility included sel- shall rield'stea room, Chicago, held lng wldemng of the seedllng m . h,e ts of Portland ccompanie i, a,xt meeting mursday, Sept. tbe seat occuP t. ne Lhe advel.t sements vhich hP- fDr the ne v students who will en- Ab u` 'l ' "' ' 'a d wi" r Mr and MrsyMi,o Ka,iban Don,m to n ilwaukee and ,o au F, renc home o the hortess Mrs. hrnishi:6 'a"ge pr ject extends to,e r n the, paper, ca ting the mats ter Cornell this all rom the Chi- 'ab' ' be u ed by 'he "me 'he sand and ob a,en ed ,he annua, Rey ', g h fDr an annual picnic oa u lmond wi, tout. Ms. Philip Ham- ard g "ew 'ea" ' r all roomsi s nnounce cf i lustrat ons and ome timeslcaSu hrea. Attending rom Mt. .ls completed. The Ivanhoe hons reunion Sunday gt the Loui Gje' ter that week they went t Mrs Fores,be the a?sistant hoateM. . ' eeding pre s. ' ernon vvill be J. M. Macaulay, di- ,meets all state tests. 'Reyhons home on the Pa isadeLc ish d City to visit relatives and lo, d vo,ions uey wlll have charge 'R L 'HA G' choolis An increa e in month] ch>rRes ' ".a' a ve!' 'zi'h'`" ' 'ke' '%'` ' ' admi"i "" Dea" ?v?' Carl Bonstaod5 Purch#te road All but one oP the ]o chil-| Lake Amery. will be leade d M". Marvln And?e the s,glg news atthe hlg gh,ng, ,oca, ,e,ephone ervi,e in M could always e de ended on. Fl he and Charles Jacot, admlsslo D,ob,erti f solving. t ire r V rnor,as hnnour ced iod y b he ,vas not quite tlvough making ;counselor. Dono Wilcox Re5 dence i 'e" ' 'he late Mr. nd Mrs. . ' FAREWELL PICrVIC `gi"a]IS inst he bu?'d' h structur iJ. T. o]eplad, manager or the ' s al quitting tirne he would stay . . Ch i " hM and Mrs Car, A Bons,ead ph Re'h "' w'ere present a, sume Or A farevvell picnic dinner honor- ba'` proved l di t to carry the North T e tern Bell TelephL,ne c,n complete the job rather than Shows Junlor p o, ous purchase he Da a W,cox,rg ' !he g' "d'h'`d'e" a"d the S . . g Mr. and Mrs. D. B. rilloon and resent day ,oad ' A,hough allwir 'The ne,v ra,es are ellec,i, e i, .' n of the meta] rot and have tg Wam Sow At St F . h on north SecDnd S,ree, .pos : 'h"d'e" 'here were 62 a wg ` uld not b.e replaced at once bills dated Sepl. 10 or rter. 'fini " up w.he" he '`me back s p 'session to be given wi,hin ,O'day Ce ". 'he' 'a e " m centeri trlngln h . and Mn. A. o. Beflnett, who aU ol the ,hird ,oor and par, o,The ne,v rh,es and pre en, r ,es bTo . ny an % 7ertiser who nk One o, c w Smi,h a Son Hamgr ,Mr Bons,ead ,s a s,uden, a, Corne,j. ;non glon, Montlcello, Iow'a Cit, 'e en visiting in this commun- se` nd has bEen re vired and a "e"' arE. ` Fra'fl ' a "'e ma' . ' ". 'hthe shi` e i"' w' " 'i"' i" 'he 'e ior Th Bonsteadj have two preschooi nd ids, Gladbrook, Mt. Ve - . ' thei he pa" 'eek" "d wh left fnr oSgon ay omes ln CallfDrnia on Mon- s ltch and ,we box ins,a,e,x e dencc en,ice Q,d e, papE or the d pettlng lnto .! . lne ',as held at the hDme of Mr. p]ans are to add flouresce . . - -P r ' Li e . . .S3.CO 3. rra k v7 s of a vtery e 'en lemper ""s. "? "a" a"d wa' ' 'u a'e i'hi'd'e"'.'u'a" a" R be".into the 'H8" W "d T e crew o Trans E,ec,ric Co,g, ". '`aude Stine on Sunday. h`?s as soon as adequate funds rd'e 2-Party Line - '.' . ' an nEv7e SLlt exc ted. ror more p' ` ! ". a` `h .' wa ,ere ,o e Wllcoxes wlll move, . - present beside the honored avallabl%me econDm,cs rDoms hcve - s line . 2.00 "',t d 2S .ea E h c 7e ee the F E e h" "eek 'xh'b'` ' ka, In- he cg M". A"' " Bu?ge h u'e a`i B '" ' M'. "d M". ' "y Hinz b'i din the ]1.5,000 voll R.E:A. hi- guests 'ere the Iim Houles, Mrs. rne pa,n,ed as h ,e ,he s,adi ,m auo io .-. .-.- . . 1.00 '. make-uF of The Corne,;h he ,irna " m. I ? 'a, Nebra ner of north ThIrd Ave. and ,a baby glrl, Prl cill Ruth, weigh- line rom near Bertram to Wyo- Roen Filloon nd Mrs. V M. Ben- bee` nd both girls nd boys show,P r Serrice ICornell col] c t ent n s aper tu ned g '`'" ". M' . 'mi'h ? Seventh St. inC T lbs. on ALlg. 16 at Cente, 'n.ine, resumed work north op Mor nett oP Mechanicsville; George Fi]- seats . e on Tuesday evem - Pnint. The rh dpareflts are Mr. |]e?' on Monday. lloons and Mi s Cayrie McLeod o er room Floors have a`' bee r' i : :::::: 2`' " S'. ' Thc tu er,ts o much of the actual ll w ing the sw.ine show. He pla #, Trphosh Find and Mrs. Louis Reyhons m Buck,orh-,as stopped for a week un ICentral City, thc Ir 'in Stines, Au- s"ubbed. sealed and waxcd. ' s Re SerT ce .-.- 1.25 '.' ,mal e-up u.Grk on t e paper in 'to hou at the National BarrG, $lr O ln Ced#r R#pid nBorn to Mr. and Mrs. . - .t uas determined betwecn Lheldis Bennett, Wayne and Richard, b`t n t least the board has e - ,- %'e OO lorder to g in p 2clical experieF-ce. 'show at Austin, Minn un Sept. t, a o on AL R. 26 at Mercy hos R.E.A. and the Reynolds Metal Co ,W. M. Bennetts and D. A. Bennetts thased ,rhrdrobe storag cabi o 'e rktes o oi ir ciude id ' His pa ience .ith the students ' '9. pital, Cedar Rapids. ' .hEt er or nnt the conductor wir of Lisbon. ' r the band uniforms. era] c Sta e Taxl nev'er ran out. 'Iany former Cor- ',Larry Trpkosh, young on o the Born tD Mr. knd Mrs. Gale N u- ' as kll right to use. The .orkmen L,&RARY FEES DUE Mt. Ver on B#nd Will n C n ` IEi ri ng cr, of pL flel?ian ?taff members v 'ho have re- Need Copy E#rly ,Milo ??pkDshes, foun an cnve' p' en .hnder. at t. Luke's h ital, lbuil np the line had trouble sag- The fces of 5 cents per year oP P, .! S T' CZ rn he nc?Elh c nFc-,%3 "e '" "e".`'pa'e? `. p`b'i'h The X ,vke, E,ill be issued at "'a'"'"g S'. ' e d " d 'he'k' 'eda' R'p` ' ""da" `%. '6. gi"g 'he 'i" .ded ,ha, ,hc wire ,vag : r l borrou rs l.Dm the Lisbon |OY Qt Horse Show e!r S " r. S lePlh rt. "p n- . l h grE.atly a preLlate the cha c . . d cash Saturda hlle ln 'ed ',a daughter, Chrls Rae, 'el hln P T It 'hs de se bu, ,ha, ,ewer ,pan,ubl;c library are now due. ,ci al itET s alf ctine c cts are ' a"d""g "'pe ".hi'h 'h". had ih' 'e'`'!a !"'e "e we k `" '.p'`e R p d'. 'h' 'he'k' !`.e' e " A" ' 'b . 6 '. G"`"dpar nts re the Levi,all ripht to `% ."It. Verncn chool band h s . c=, h! nd I te?ia !." ,u le! hl . c e. Cornell college ' `he. ""a"y h " ay 'p p "'b'e. Rad' D '7 'D he `e'"'"ed . 'h NEuer"" anders and the Rhlph .ill s gged t one time. It vill .HORIZON CL TB PICNIC be`.` l ited tn play duiing th qlso, rates for on.e ilems of .n c- l "a`i m "'a' "? ha`.e "s' `" ". ' "'`? a' "'u' a"d "ew' m u"' ' 'he "'"e' " h d`d^ ' Hea tyLc. ,t he longer tD Co this. Sa ginS of,Don.t forget the Horizon Club "a"w` Z Hor e Sho v on Labor ce lanc l e ui rnent and pri 'kte ' ' `' ' e ed 'h" ap `.e" `' ","py '.p " b'e D" "'da? and Sat- know they were lost. Larl.y was re-,the is tested by .ibrating t f miLy picnic Thursday eveninB at a" `ep' 3. The b nd Till march ' '!ch c?:th n E sEr 'ice a e bf y,"? '^e 'L' ' ."' h ' 'h:' pp .- ` ` 'k' ' ".e. a'e ' . ma'"ta'" the arded with a record player, rec- FBBdjng Con,es, d timinp the vibrations ith a 6:G0 o.cloch. p ease noti y Mrs. Paul ' " `:' p.m. and v.ill play o e-,c klILeed. n t? . |'e ]ar ubl]cation tlme. ,ords and $IO in ca h top .2t h. 8nNrers if you do not pl'dn to at- `me bE w.een then an 4:30 .rn . "'hEe i "ea e' i"'e '94' h ` e . ' '% u""e" '`'.'-' ' 'ha' h Mount Vernon LOCOIS,Mondo,jVM and Ike, tu7o pigs rom the Abo,t 30 mcn are,o, kin oni,en Th< next l e ular meetin is `nder the irec,ion o, Max Nor,h raised v aSe costs in Io .a mor `' b' ve" '`ea"' m` ed hm" s Tne Rev a d,s n,er,on B h,os, o, ,he Ws, V rnDn s,ores gady toBu'ge 'a'm' a'e ge"i"R thP. c )n .t l ct on cre v. They should ' Sept: 8, vvith the leadcr. . `he numbers u ill be IHi 'than SI2 milliDn. v hich is do,blc l cDlle gue t Th Hau'ke . r. . . ntury atwage 'he ba'`'e ' ?he c " plYte the line by bout Sept " r IUarch'l by Fillmore S ,inp the rate increa es thich total v.cll as by The Cornellian ta . Green returned Tuesda . ,i, be c,oced Monday Labor day, o see whic a'hma" ' ed 'e'v`'e l,if not dela 'et by l d v 'eathcr. ' Sgt. Clair Kohl, who is at the Vet- ` w Svv'eet Cha iot," i'th Bo g6. Q. Ir. Solfgla ai . su li Tine arE n'Ir. n oore's daugh- ,r r h hree weekst vacation . ,udinS ,e rocer, ,ores an,urine ,he ne an utgaln the other etl` ns' hospital, Des Moines, with pe"%, Fla .ing the trcr b ne s ]u T xes IIav'e increa ed until they 'e' 7 " '. D a'd. Ha" a' ?'b ."a Clear Lake. e t market. The po tLoffice will The pips wil `h?ee m "' .l pen DROVE TO NOR CAROLINA malhria. wtrites tn Geor e Kohl that a'-d .`he orld Is 'aiting for the 2 n t t ne rI ' SIO. 5 a te]ephone and MT . Lloyd H s o Belolt, Wl .; Irvin Lacock is improving from,b,e ve ,he ho,iday and ,here wi, a, Bachmans wibe ln a s eclrd d,s . r. and Mrs. Mearl ReS.nolds and he is IEcling m lch bett,a and home. o WAY TO J.4p.AN d 90 days Tom now on Sat. in World War II. They also 7iiited' Supt. Georre Brooke returned p `a d Ch na orld, i attenti ' ' '"e!. 'e`eph'"e' '""a"ed ? ',m ;y j El ,T .I called on ' D. V. Van letre rEturned to hi i . ; r,ec. l, 1851, when a weighing out,a friend, Mr . Bur e on at Tul]a- Ia t Uedne y Prom University 'he ""'a Sthte FEiT and Minneso a ' ' " mu'h m 'e !h.a^ 'h 'e e ' 'ic .dc in ,n v i ,y n Monday horne Tu,sday from St Lukels os |, `' ' " ' `hh !.` " ' e wa' ' party wil] be held with prizes g ven 'homa, Tenn. They enjoyed the Great hDspilh], Io Ci y, ollowing a si- S `e Fairs this week He will a o e 'ed 'D ' a" 8g . "gu'e ' or i g T ey ere enrou,e ,o'pi,a, where he had un.dergone iur p, m' ha' 'e"'. h" "'` add'e' t th se presnet who gueN the c3os-| I rnmoth Caves at Cave City, Ky nus uperatiGn n Monday. He went ?`q`' Sculh .Da cta b c e !e : eac 'ea" " S"' '" p'a ' .e[ i!| 2 ' lr, ir i lt[ n l',]o, cr gery. His riends will be glad to PrD hh'. '. """ `' " 9'`"' e" ' what Mike and Ike wRigh. Lookc t Mountains in Chatta ooga, bhck S turday 10 hhE'e .the stitches "g hcn.e Satur c y r Sun V &152 i h "e added as c F . L, . . Co. S.E. 1647, APO 613, c/o For hrther detgils see Meir ad on T nd we t through the Gr at rerrl