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August 30, 1951 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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August 30, 1951 |
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ii!ii I
M~L |,Dr and Mrs. Paul Beckhe]m and' Dr. and Mrs. C, L. Nelson of Jew- ! Miss Maude Singer is spending]Aj &LAJ: & C --.J--.o Ritchie qeek Nur,*;,d- ~ i~rs. Dan Davies spent the week ]Mt. Vernom la Hawkeye-Reeord
r, vernon LOCalS daughters are vacationing at Two ell were Saturday night guests in 10 days with the Rev. and Mrs. l|Tl~lllld,~li~l ~Wl|lAl~i~ "" ~ I~''~'~ lend with her mother. Mrs. J. K. land The Lislmn Herald
Mr i Lak~ Camp Grand Rapids Minn. !',he home of Mr and Mrs Jack Harold Singer in ,Baraboo, Wis.]~ /,~'~ -- ~ Miss Carol Ritchie dau-'hter of!Frym yer of Wilton Junction Mr I Thur~, August 30, 1951 Page 3
~. ixerwm Lilattly an~ cnlictvel~. : ' ' " ' g D'vi ~ " " . i
S,~en " . .'.-! n Morgan Mrs R T Pence returned from]~noo| Kesumes Mr and Mrs Charles Ritchi- of a e~. ~ho ~s spending his vaca-I
.v L xuesaay. .ana weanesaay. VISIt- ' Mr anu lvlr~ uana . WilCOX. a~'l~,' " " " " " - . 3 cf I~
m? relat,ves ,n Fa,rbank. Ca~t~n:gSp~ntS, U~cday~LMnf:n~'cell anh~rE)a[ndi~e~/uarCnke tM~rgna~ayDe~fE Mcom;eaap:liSbyM':;parS:nt~s~d~IY.:Cdl Several departmen,s of the Mt. P~/~g~.'DMoiCh~l bec~esotheobri~re. ~,rtnh~r~ozbr ~on~tehersih. me andI Mrs. Orio Haight, Dickie and
d^L~trs. F. A. Bauman returned Sun- ' . . : " ~pending a week in Bloomfield Ia Mrs. C. F. Wilharm, who will makeJVernon Methodist Sunday church and Mrs. James Seeks of Pico. Calif Mrs. Estella Burd and Virginia } Mrs. B. E. McCulloch mother of
d~ zrom a 10 nays' visit at Blairs- : 5~r. ann ~wrs. ~aipn neas~y spent ~,~ ~, ~,~,i M~' an extended visit in the nome ozlscnooi will enter upon their zall in a mid-mornin~ ceremony Satur- of Lisbon were Sunday dinner Mrs. Haight. spent the week end in
~.wn with her sisters. Mrs. H. C. Tuesday in Minneapolis, Minn at- "'~.'~ "~" ~:" "'~" . '.Mr. and Mrs. Pence. ]schedule next Sunday according to urday Aug 18 ~It was pe'rformed guests at the Amanas of"Mr and lHinsdale I]1. Mrs. McCulloch re-
tithe an " mas lvlr ann ~vlrs ~eorge wanlcK at-
Y d Mrs J R Chne and Mr tendln the Walgreen Chris - Miron A Morrill su t t "
Cli,~o " " " " g ~.~.~,~ ~h~ f, meral of Mrs Wallick's Mr. and Mrs. R B. Wolfe andJ,P in the Castle Air Force Chapel /Virs. Earl M. Davis and Robert Earl j urned to her home m Eagle Grove.
i~no ~---*~ ~,~ ~ x,~,~ Stoner in Dorothy left Thursday evenzng onJ The children s groups from the Merced, Cahf. by Chaplain Marwn
~ ~:ortta~'-Li~er~v Fri'dav ' the Hiawatha for Chicago returningjnursery department through the in- Gardner, Cpt. USAF. S/Sgt. Seeks
II . -- II Sunday evening on the City of Jtermediate departmentwill begin i is the grandson of the C. W. Neffs. i J
II R~tLPH ~'~v~ IJn~xD~c~d answer i Dr. and Mrs. Harold Ennis and Portland Dougie remained at home|Sunday at 9:45 a.m. I The bride wore embroidered white]
-- v r, .~ vv, v! r ~ ~ . . . il
8 ~~'.!'~'"' "''*~ E!Dav~d left Friday for Two Lake i w~thhzs grandmother, Mrs WeIs-[ The junior delmrtment w I ,organdy over taffeta and a small ~
I in ~eoQ~e rlncl~" cll ex~ol'~ o~ I:camp Grand Rapids. Minn. They man. J begin an annual series of mis- lace hat bordered with jewels andJ ~ ~.
II ~k -, .~. ~ ~," . . ',' ' Iliplan to return Sept. 2nd. ~ M~ ~n~ Mr~ C.~r~o Walliek as-Jsion studies under the leadership a tiny veil Her bouquet was a ] ~ .~ C~'5~ ~-x
I me United 5tares is money " I .~ T~ ~ sisted the Robert Wensorras and[ of Mrs. Jay Fordyce, assisted by nosegay of Shasta daxsies. She was ~-~~% ~.~'&t
I -- " I Bli~n~s re~urYedhom"e~Mon'day af~ter'family move from near SpringvilleJ L~Irs" John.Duckwall, Mrs. ~mos i attended by the bridegroom's sister, !J ~w x~'-- ~! l
~erry ann mtrs t*eorge tenn.'Miss Julana Seeks who wore yellow
I q 'M '~ '~l ~! IPPl I1:~1 I spending five weeks at the Timber-to the}r new residence on an acre-I Mrs. W. C. Te~ney is junior !voile navy picture hat and navy ac- ~~"'--~
~| I~I-- ~.]~ ~| t-lZ-~ line Ranch at Dubois, wyo. iagea~ west ~rancn weanesaay.I su-erintendent '' "" "" ' w ~. il . ~ '"--~'~,2~
-- : ~MrsWalliek and Mrs Wensorra arel v cessorles . her Zlowers ere ome ~ ~, ~
1, ' ' ~ I1: Mary Bowman returned Sunday sisters ",The first meeting of the Metho-:daisies Best man was S/Sgt. Dan I ~
l" t ZIPPER ,morning from Aberdeen, S. D. " idist Youth Fellowship probably will Street of Glendale I ~. Z~~
where she spent ten days visiting! ~v~r an~ ~v~rs. t:; ~.m~Orton analbe held the evening of Sunday, Sep [ k*^~t wa~ serven] 1~t~w~)
l GET SET FOR I Note Book Covers II ,-,~ ~r,- ~,~,~ ~/r,-. Tnhn Rvo~tnn,~ aaugnter .aroara, mzt znursuay zorJt~rnhor 2" i "~ weu--U"~ ~Y~ ~a~ ~ ~I '~~
i . ""." ""-~." ~ a trip to Washington D.C and New el it at the Tioga no~eL azter wmcn i ~ "' ~h I
SgliOOLSgli I 98c98c . I Don gmmck will leave SundayI. York Enroute home t,~a~" u, ~ ] . The Wesley Class will ~ d Sithe couple left for a short honey-il 'J
~1~ I rqo excise rex . n an assistant professor in the English in~ about the 8thlSeptemner ~' - . . co They will be at home at 40 E [ ~t/LIl~kl t&ll~ CAV CI=DIII~C
i for Fayette ~vlo where he will be l~ r.~.; ~**~ n ~ ~ ]first meeting at a.m. ~unuay, moon at Montere and San Francis-
~jii~=~ J II ,~ *,~on~ a* Central colleae there :~-'~'~'~, o I /a numoer el cnanges in teacning i~;h ~ ~,~ ~9 Merced Calif l i vvv,=l~ vv E ,~ti o.=,~vl~ = . . .
II ~~~ I ~rnve~Jlm II -.~e "- ~- . -':~ . -ioz ~eptemoer. land superintending personnel havei ]j
n ,~.-~-~-~,-] ~[ ~,~ ~ ~, Mr. aria J wan~z ozI Mrs. Lewis E. Mitchell returnedlbeen worked out during August. i ~ i in' e.e-nxeef, r- ,m t
n " ~~//aff [ ~0c - 20c - 30 IOaK. rare: In anaw r~r~ee~een~n~!Fridayeveningfromaweek,smotorJThey will be announced soon, Dr.i~m~,/~ lA~ss~, II t~nisler we mean at:~ v~,c, wnevner IT IS
wx.~ll~t |,- ~wenmer ozt~mcago e e e !trin to Denver and other pointslMorrill stated i!1%~111~11 o =-~ ~ !i ~:e "A,-*: .~ ~.4" ~-~.o^i: ~k.~ii V l~ft AA $,-
---7 ~- mn ~ " --- "- -'- "~^ '- f Mr and Mrs ~ z j " l ;I /~! #=%~,/IV%.4/~ %~,~|1||~1 ",~llgll ~,"1~$~ IVl~.#/~t.~/
,[] ! Lead Pencils II~o~SC~o'wm';n iin Colorado. She accompanied Dr.I ~ ,~ . n "Jt " -. '1
nn ~i(~~'~ i ! Leaa renc.s nu y . !and Mrs. Karl M Keyes of Monti-I'l~'t A . ~ J --x--J orates rosillon iJ Oil, Kendall Oil, Kerosene or Fuel Oil.
,~ ~ [2-5c - 3-10c - 5cea. II Miss Martha L~man w,~nt to:eeno and the latter's niece, MissJlZ ~re ~rauum~ut I
II ~1~ I~ ~ ["-"~"- "-'" IIFranklin Grove. IlL. Saturaay zorlCarol Cook of Miles. Ira- P,~e ~ i Since the League of Women'i ~ r~-,~,~ - n ,-*.~,~.~,-~, .
~, m ~on ~ur O~KVIL~ lUS ~UK/U~T COSTS nolning
t;etoa~ ~ 4m~4 ~ I ~e-n';,~ a few days' visit with her aunts I~-~tI:na ut /erm ~Voters is a non partisan erda "zat" J p
. j Mr. ann Mrs. aamuel ~aston, : -
J ~- l/ tL ~--- ~ ] SCRIPTO IIMrs. Elizabeth Durkes and M~ss :San~, and r~;ct~;e t~e r~;cU wi J !--active in 43 states and is devoted J mnr~ It'c n,~ we, u n4: enu;nn wa liba *~ ela
m t Mechanical Pencils IIClara Lahman. 'and Mark and Mrs Lydia Rittler [ Twelve persons were graduated to developing Informed and active J . . ! I
YOU ~ ,- ~'~ Mics Miriam Knoer from Evans- mother of Mrs Gaston from Way-lfrom Cornell college Wednesday, citizens, the following statement onJ business with YOU.
II ~~--~-' 'lion Ill arrived 3aturday to spend land went to "Waterloo Sunday tolAug. 22, at the close of the second,the Mutual Security Program should J
n nllLi ~ l a week'with her mother Mrs. Sam-see the new swimming pool whichlsummer session Eleven received be of interest to members of thisI
Fountain" Pens uel Knoer bet re assuming her!~Mr. Gaston had designed. [the degree, of bachelor of arts and community. th At~!l
I ~~gllll~ ~ I ~F u. nta.i %Pense, Iteaching duties thIs year" Miss Bernadine Burge is attendin.lone received the degree of musm, 1. The support of the Nor-il
l n| I 2?cop to ~lb.0U Ili Miss Nama Lathe left Monday to t- ~,~ *he last of thi wee~jeducati n" ilantic Treaty is based on the con-J Open from 6:30 a.m. to 9-00 p.m. doily and Sunday.
t.s n," " ~ ~ ,~ ~ ~,~ ~o~ ~ how i ? .*'"?o: ~E ", ~ - I The g~aduates are as follows: ~ viction that collective security users I
l| I[5c-5c - 10c-10c - 25c25c :ll:their thirteenth anniversary, ias mathematics instructor in theLhealthandphysiealeducati n; Jessie sary expedient and supplementary lJno !/ I [U II dnlgll dglVll. ,JlUllUI!
s I ni Miss Susan Weston of Milwaukee ;'unior hi-at McKinley IKohl Martelle art" William Nardini Ito the United Nations, but by .
m .s,- nli m I ~DIDAI ~1 " 'i] grt " JChieago. socioiogy~ John Sandbach: means a substitute. .~ ij Dial 5212 Corner $1h Ave and First St. N.
n ~i~i i oru~m~ II i w]s-, oaugn~er oz ~v~r. aria.zwrs ~L~eu] Mr. and Mrs. rtussen ,iarea anulMt Vernon iournalism and English" 2. The endorsement of the ~uro- /
,Weston ann granauaugnter or Mrs ~ Mr and Mrs ~ I"
I Note Books li ' 71Carrell of Morley, . . JDon Sauerman, Elmhurst, Ill, eco-,pean Recovery Program--after pro-
/ ~ ~ ~ ] . v-- . i:: ~,mxan wnnams, Will oe a gues~, Gaylen Eldred and children and Mr.lnomics !longed discussion in 1948, has proved '.
of Mr arid Mrs W H Hoover thin h r
I "~an,~ ~ ! 10C & 15c I~,and Mrs. Albert Pollock and S i leyJ Robert Sendek, Mt. Vernon, see- the hopes of the program have been i
II ~t~ u ~ II 'wee~ . of Springville were Sunday dinnerJonda education" James Smith Hol- realized beyond most expectations t
~,0- '1 CI- Mr. and Mrs Harold Plank and lguests guests of Mr. and Mrs. FredJyoke Mass economics business ad-FThe organization of European Eco-I .-It /~K/
~~. ~ [ rvuu~.ul ,~unu, I~nsv,= II children spent Saturday night with lBear honoring the birthday of Mr.Jministration and soeioioav" Bernard !nomie Cooperation the Strasbourgl ~ /a~F~lff~ ~ ~
,I $1.39 & $2.00 II Mr. and Mrs. Glattly, leawng Sun-iBear. " JDouda Lonsdale Minn. chemistry" Assembly, the Schuman Plan, the I ;~P" ~.~" ~'~ ~~]~~
I OY~ J[{N J .~ *r I i day morning for their new residence] Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Merritt and|Gerald Lamale, Ada Ohio, history; i European Payments Union and pro-I ~ ~ w---~ ~~~'~~a ~
II " llNmm,~ II~m DenIson, where Mr. Plank will!Allene spent Sunday with their sonJJames Christensen, Davenport his-!posals for a European Army repre-I ~ ~
J nln [ uu mnar|e$ Ilibe principal of the h~gh school !and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs.ltory and political science and Ray sent significant advances towara a! i. La ~wdl"~
I llin I $1.19 Ii Mrs. Herbert Hendriks and Herbie, i Robert Merritt at Clinton. CharlesiFoy, Chicago, economics IEurope capable of .supporting and ~ ~ I ]J ~
n u -"" " m;who spent the last month with Mr. I Thomas of Grinnell a nephew of J The graduates and their wives:defending itself. W~thout conzinuea ~ "- ~ ~N~m
".~7" ~.~ ~" ~JlJJ~ ] i Hendriks at Camp Norton, Wyo i the Merritts arrived Monday toJwere entertained at dinner at the U.S. help European nauons wom.a i ~n .m~l ~o~ ~ ~ ~ -~. 1
v ~-~.~ boaras i joined her parents at Rawlins Wyo ~spend the remainder of the week Palisades Lodge Tuesday evening seriously jeopardize the economml
n ' ~,111 i ~lip 2earns I last week end and will accompany with them. JTheir major professors and their i strength brought about by theiri ~,~ ~K ~1 "~ g 1 ! W~k Q 1
tdi001$tvl~s S20o BduD "-~-,~ ~ ~t~C them on a trip to interest spots inl ~r,~* ~,-~,~ik~ accomnanied by[wives President Cole and Dean and!labor in the last few years TheI ~,1 ~'~e7~ :~Lnll~l "
I " ~ I . ;i Colorado before returning to Mt.!,~;::'~-=~.rneliians ~'John ~ad-ham.IMrs. Jay B. MacGregor were also i League therefore urges congress to -- - ~m
q~) ; .u~ ~u ~,~" ' r "a i n
,Mec hanic l n Vernon iGeneHinman Douglas Stewart andlguests, icontmue adequate approprl~.o s:
" '~-; ' " ' r ~ Ior economlcaiu~Owestern~ur~-
n ! Dmwinq Sets i ~ o Wendell WearL arrxved m Mt. Ve n-I owl^`" of Ham"'on i ~ ~; n.I. O,1.I I
m --- ,~ -=!~ ii^ ~,~ao, ~,m w,*.mlna Thel ~*~" "" '-" "~ ~ w i pean nations. : ~ ~ I vlnv I~lil~lllUl~ |
n 1 $6 00 ! i ~ ~ I! :roup"s;ent f~rom" Juiy30"t'h'~o Aug |was a Monday overnight guest of 1 3. Believing that poverty--not ~ ~ . ~, ,- n
~ -r l iI ,- ~, / #r~(~. I; ~ ~ ,;o~n e a~lMr" and Mrs. F. A. Hunter. ~Communism---is the basic threat tot ~::.~/ m In prim wnnI
,i I The Rev S V Williams home daughter mariene oz ~pringvine ~ p ~ - :::::::~:~i [ LLI L2-L
m RALPH HEASTY -Your Druaaist |iJ 1~ ~J S~ Jh~" a~ vi:-itors ;n Sunda" Mrsjm ved into the Zache apartment]tention to the acute problems of ~/t ~ [ ~Ji~ai~'; I
~-~-~--- I I" / .~ .~-'- I ou ~ ~ o a "lMonday,underdeveloped countries, and there '~ ~: ~!:;] / / r, nUKILUI II |
L~Lg iEdwara ~utz zrom t~oston mass I' o amen themember ' ~::i:: ~ ~::::::~ . .~
,FRIENDLY COURTEOUS SERVICE ] "/ "~--'~'~v'~C~-eb-'-'~ J ' --~J d ~rs Fred Sadler return-,~smuchsupp rt g " ~ii~| ~ Ft2[~i:~?~a~:~ ~ -'~~ |
I daughter Arline from Clinton Theseled Sunday after spending a week sh~pf ,rtech~ieC~as~'TanCetr ot~hre~r~ ~]/ ~~ii~il] ~ - r|I~uLInS I
I / - ~two ladies were the Shadduck girls with their son and family the Ver- ~ I '::i*~:~ ~ *:'~::~i~iiii 1 (
~TOLTZ CLEANERS -- STOLTZ aEANERS -- STOLTZ CLEANE I . ~,~,o~1.o. Sadlers a' Aurora ' tis as urgent as the defense pro- ~/ ~ i~ Cmp~m0.I I
N' ~,'" I: ~/~1 J ) ~.u = u~.a u~ = .~j o. " "'-'"w s]""" " ' } gram and these long range ob'ec] -: ~1|:~!~:;:. ,
,~ehureh when Roy. W,lliams a Victor Rahn was returned to the~tives should not be lost si-ht of in
If I,* P= L Z~'l I ~&,~ ~ ~A~i~lIipast r there", IParentalDr-q rd n.Rahg . me n the defense crises. It agre~ strong-I ~/ ~i~ I~I~ I~V lit ~.~. i.
m .IN, Iml~r~,~, /r%r~M'lnrl r-r~n. ,we ~ ,! ~r, -~k~ ~ /,/u !I~ Mr and Mrs L G Puiver return-JFriday after oeing nospimiizeu in fly with' the view exnressed in the ~;~.~/ ~;~Fz--bd~ ~.~. I1~1 IW ~ |! *~, "~'E ~
~' ~ ~ ~ ~ "Iv" Jq[N.~ J ed to the home of Mrs. Pulver snCedar Rapzds w,th encephahtls. He Rockefeller Revert. ' Partners m ~1/ I IHI I|~| [~ |i r e a l Ad .
U '~ ~ " J father John Gaston, Sunday Mrs.Jis recovering nicely IPro~ress" that-the US can no ~]|~i ~~- ~i~:~ ~:! ~anced De-: vanced De-
in snlt~ nf the warm weather Brin~ your,Pulver had been. visitingher bro-| Linda Lamprecht, who has beenilonger assure its own se~'larity with ~']J ~~ I~l ~l'gnatLowes~
" n .r- v.v " . ~ I - ~-![ ~ J ther, Seville Gaston in ~aperwllelliving with the Rex Dean's for thelmeans found here at home. I ~| ~'~~i~ ][~[ ~.~ J[7 price ever[
Cl ~ where Mr ~uiver me~ ner after a~ I of Wom I ~il
I othes here reaularly for dry cleaning and r~ I J - . . -~;past six months, returned to the In summary--the League ' -~ ::::~:'."~| - --- ~ ~ ~ ~ |IHI ~ J
,v . . "" ~ J i tendin summer SChOOl in lvnnnea-~ ' i = :::!~!:-J ~
~- ~ . g . theme of her mother m Cedar Rap- en Voters is supporting military a d ~I .~:~;~ :~,
pressin . u~ IT COSTS SO LITTLE pohs Mary Gaston eccompanied~ ~ I ~ NewNew DoubieDoubie
g I " . id last week and will attend ;to implement the North Atlantic; ~~| I
R,I[ i lthem here and will return norn e Ischo01 there i Treaty continuance of the European / ~:ii~:i;~| I II~1 1~1 II iu,m, T
] It really is amazing now I with the Pulvers to uic~ inson, ~. ! ~. - -" I~cover~ Program and assistance to! ii!::!i i ~ii~ ilHI t|~ It r -P
Ell J he week p Dr ano Mrs isaac ~ t~orn their tpian --~ s ~, . ~m,~:t/ ~~:"
~o little it costs ou t be com I D. the latter part of t " ~ - underdeveloped countries It xs em- i ~:~
~i NO PICK UP OR DELIVERY DURING AUGUST ~. y o - ,to move from Paxton Ill to ~~
-- ' lvlr ann ~vlrs. ~auren Tonne, son~ . ' "' pnasizing me IUll use oI umtea ~:~ --- . :~ ~
ua l[,qetelv -rotected a,~ainst-er-I ," ar ronne re- Ires~dence here, the former Lloydl tl~ n~ s~
[~ I I ~" ~ r- u r- i:mcnara ann lvirs, m y . . ] Onkl~nd hnu~ nn T,~ .~t } Nanons agencies wnerever possime, r ~*%i!~,~~ ~,~ I~lh ~!1 J,
Z noJ damn sult In fact i turned Saturday from a twelve ctays'! .- ~'. ---------------~-- i !~ ~" ~ ~ ' '
~ 'r ~ I I" =IF ,-II SO ge S. !! ~ ~ Vt .h~r~. t b~.v visited''th' They will be accompamed by Mr and Mrs. Clyde Miller of Mc-', !~1/ ~'/~ ~ ~ ~ 4~ E U~e. a, ~ep, rete
w --~ ' ' ' ""~' ' "" " - ~ their son John Dr Corn has been ' " ~ ~: ~ "" ~ .# ' food trays or
~ ~ V ~m ~ mE==,i[ you really can t afford to deny i', Mrs Sadie Jackson mother of Mrs I - Allen Texas were overnight guest~ ::~;,~:]itl| ~ ~ ~.~J~ ~ ~ i food Lray~ or
m ~ i i I ! :.^ ~ t"~,+~ 'Pn ~: nf in i appointed professor of religion and ! Tu~. d~v of ~Ir and Mrs Ed White i ii!~{i:~ ~ ~ "~ ------ "~" I~ ~ ~] D'
I ourselt the roTe~Tion Tur ~ ~
$ p I m,n mm d- ~ n~ P "l:terestwasatrinto"Mont"real, Cana- director of religious activities at -~;~o ~ n'~'onni- and Mrs Or:' i~ii!!it ~-'--"~-~ ~-~ "~ - ~k ~'] ~ ~
L L I~ Jl& I1~ E I1~ .il ~ }lnlshed you when you areJ:da' Niagara Fa"lls, N.Y and theirlC rnell" vill"e' 'R'enn]e-w~il?'entertain" ~! ~ii~ ~ I,~g I
I ~ U m n ullm u u~xn, qlqr Q I[ in .r~rl Kt,~n hv t~n nnd J lvisit to the world's largest quarries, Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Gillin have re- ~u*~ts at dinner at the Rennie home ~i ~1 kX~ J
~" '''~'~" v'~r" "I ! . : ~ ,-o -" a~ mea~ s[or~ge
~" ~ l J J! of Rock of Ages In Barre turned to Madison, Wls. after a VlSlt on Thursday evening. ~=" "~" ~ ~ J eras meatvegecameStorage
-- STOLTZ CLEANERS -- STOLTZ CLEANERS -- STOLTZtlueT us ne,pyou, i', Karl Weber, son-in-law of Rev. since last Wednesday in the Mr.and ~|1 I@~ Jll~L.~ ;isp:rege~ame
~ ~ I i, S V Williams is si'-ed ~Mrs. J. W. Mctbutcneon home. zars. ~ ~ ~ ~ *- i! ~t
/ ~ H,I I,iintl zv~x~ . " ' ~'~ ' P-i11~ t *he week end in Denver Aldl| " % - m i I~I''
[,to maze a aocumentary mowe t)e-i~--:---o~ro:. - ast ~- F ~F n ne,~ ~ m~ ~"
I UOIO,VlSlTlng her niece raullne ~ i . r,", ,-
ginning Sept 5thIt will be on lo*,~ " Self-Closing Door
EY ts encer and returned here Wed KIF [~LI: Kl:i ~L/,I
TELEVISION I AL MORRISS lication in Boston and Portsmouth P . . - n~ ~ d!~. '- "
~x weeks L nesday morningDr GflIIn spent D " Latch
Guaranleed Sal. It Se,lce ] ,SU~ANC, i and require from three to s' . . : ". . . l!lYY:
' ~tne week eno wltn relauves a~ wa- t I i l~d o Ju r Po
Dnal" 6921 Mt Vernon De Roehemont, who dzrects ~t made I yt~ " I~ wet
BLAKE & MULLEN i[ " J l ' " rv m h 'raised,terlOO and Cedar Falls returning IER rlC[ ~ Jr " ' v
i. . 'The River, a ve uc p S stem
Spartan and Hailicrafter TV Mt. Vernon 2362 '1 / ! documentary film, and many others. Ihere Monaay. --
! ' Mrs. Weber and three children, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Burge, accom- ~f~l I:: ~ A~ ~ 5-Yem Warranty
Lynn, Christopher, and Mark, will!panied by Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Woods~v, o.r.v~. vv, ~,e~ Payments as low as $2.50 per week
be at Martha's Vineyard, in corn-land daughter of Cedar Rapids, left
Help Yourself To Soft Water
It's as close as your nearest hot water faucet
Diol 5201
Mt. Vernon, Iowa
For a meat that is good
to eat, cut up, boxed and
ready for the frying pan,
Dial 4841
511 5th Avenue S.
Mt. Vernon, la.
We also have pedigreed
breeding stock.
When Labor Day was first celebrated (by the
Knights of Labor in New York City in 1882)
who eould have visualized a time when more
than 60 million workers in the United States
would be gainfully employed! Not only is this
current figure close to an all-time high, but the
average pay is at record levels.
The role of the worker in the nation, his skill,
his productive capacity, and his influence have
never been more important than at present.
be trar
by this bank on Labor Day.
I I 1TIll II
muting distance for Karl. When iSaturday morning for Minneapolis,
they are not shooting the picture I Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Burge will
he will be able to be with them l visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
there. The Vineyard is very lovely Owen Belk, brother of Mrs. Burge,
in September, with lots of flowers before they continue their trip on
blooming and they are particularly I the North Shore Drive into Canada.
vivid in color that time of the year. I They plan to return in two weeks.
Mr. & Mrs. D. O. Prlngle
Dial 4291 Mt. Vornon
and get an.
wires needed
Enjoy AUTOMATIC heat at no extra cost . You
lust set it . and forget it!
Dial 4821
Mt. Vernon, Iowa
Model 158
Features !
Convenience I
NEW 1951
a Fast Freezing on all 5 Interior Surfaces.
a Dri-Wall Cablnet--no
on exterior.
. a Silent-Sealed Operatlon--no fan.
a Tight-Wad Refrigerating Unlt--with 5 year
warranty attached to cabinet.
4 i-lnch Glass Fiber sealed insulation.
~'~'": '~i:::~ Self-Balanclng Lid--automatlc light.
Y;a::-I. k ~csket--keeps lid
Zero-Larm--warns ;f temperature rises.
Bonderlzed two-coat baked enamel finish.
Welded, seamless cablnot--long life.
Fitted with wlre baskets, dividers.
FREEzing FREES your time, saves you money ! Freez-
ing puts foods away ready to make you "meals in
Your favorite seasonal foods are ready and wait-
ing to delight your family any time.*
See these amazing new International Harvester
Freezers now--with all their exclusive features[
Three sizes starting with 7 cu. ft. Kitchen-Size
Model 70 that holds 245 lbs. at ~
Mount Vernon, Iowa