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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
September 4, 1941     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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September 4, 1941
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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September 4, 1941 THE MOUNT VERNON, IOWA, HA~VKEYE-ItECORD AND THE LISBON HERALD Page Three VERNON LOCAL AND PERSONAL and Mrs. A. F. Van Pelt, of visited friends in Mount on Sunday. Gwenyth Young went to on Sunday where she will rt in the schools. and Mrs. Joe Linden of Chi- lli spent the week end visit- the home of Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Lawrence Hunter to Sioux City Saturday, for flays visit in the home of Mr. Robert Hunter. They re- ]home Monday evening. Fred D. Merritt returned from Fayette, where she In the home of her brother- and sister, Mr. and Mrs. )enter. Edith Hunter Hockspeire Vista was a recent visitor home of her father, G. A. Mr. Hunter, who has been improving. Lloyd McCutcheon and Mrs. Mary Jean Alexan- York City, returned last evening from a visit of a With relatives tn Madison, E)aniels, Cornell "41, who his home with Mrs. S. L. while attending Cornell for Sheffield, Ill he will teach in the high and Mrs. Ralph Byrnes, of Calif who are visit- the home of Mrs. Byrnes Mrs. Fred D. Merritt are this week at Walcott and at 9 a.m. out at 5 p.m. [Finishing 25c 3C Rolls, Size 35c Size Reprints 5c Fresh Film, All Sizes. Professional and Photography 6412 Mt. Vernon Fred Taylor of Marion called Tuesday in the home of Miss Elda Leigh. Lawrence Tracts of Chicago, Ill was a visitor over I~bor day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tracts. Mrs. Mae Toland of Alhambra, Calif was a guest last week tn the Mrs. Mae Foster and Russell Bair family of Cairo, Ill are visiting in the home of Mr. Davis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rhae Davis, south of Mount Vernon. :Mrs. Roy Young went to Des Moines today to attend a two day session of the Des Moines area of Methodist Education. The meet- ings will be held in the First Meth- odist church. Mrs. Roy Young and son Elwood Young returned home Wednesday evening from a summer spent at I~akeside, Ohio. Mr. Young who has also been in Lakeside arrived home Wednesday of this week. Mount Vernon friends will be sorry to learn of the serious illness of Mrs. Frank Holeomb, of Mar- telle, former resident of Mount Vernon. She is being cared for by Mrs. Mary Newhardt of Spring- ville. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Selma and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Felsman motored to Chicago, Ill and spent Labor dry week end. Miss Evelyn Selma, who was a visitor in Mount Vernon, last week returned home with them. Mrs. Roy Young and son Elwood were in Iowa City Tuesday to call on George Edwards of St. Paul. Mr. Edwards and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Edwards were in an auto accident at Iowa City Tues- day and the parents were killed in- stantly. They were very good friends of the Young family. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Gardner entertained as dinner guests on Sunday at their home west of Mount Vernon, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Linden of Chicago, Ill Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Newman of Cedar Rapids, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Thomp- son and twin daughters, Karen and Sharon, of Center Point; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Winchip and daughter Mary Alice; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gardner and son Ronald, of Mount Vernon. [E THESE Mercury, two door with radio and heater. In excellent condition and carries a new car guarantee. Chevrolet deluxe two door with heater and radio. 1936 V-8 Two door. 1935 V-8 Four door. 1935 Plymouth Two door. 1934 Chevrolet Two door. 1931 Chevrolet Two door. Your Ford Dealer 6912 Mount Vernon, Iowa WISHING OUR TEACHERS We hope you are returning with health and enthusiasm to your classes this Fall, prepared to de- vote your beet efforts to your important task of educating our youth. Please accept the best wishes of this bank for a success. Iul school ycar. If we can co- operate with you at any time in financial matters, it will be a pleasure to serve you. MIMISlS O$ 1gS FIDSIAt DSPOSIT INSURANCS Mrs. Corn Hemenway, and Miss [ Mrs. R. A. Scroggie spent several Elva Hemenway of Calamus were days last week visiting relatives in ! Onslow. callers Monday in the Miss Elda Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Bergmann Leigh home. Mrs. Charles Maybauer visited in ;spent the holiday weekend in CA[- the Mrs. Mary Kreisher home at ]cage, Ill. Solon last week and with relatives il Miss ttelen P, isser went to Stan- in North Liberty. Mrs. John Carbee and Miss Ber- tha Kyle attended the Grimm fam- ily reunion at Sever Parle, Cedar Rapids, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Volney Bair of Burlington, ~,Vis were Sunday eve- ning visitors in the home of Mr. Bair's sister, Mrs. Mac Foster. of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Jones, in Cedar Rapids. Mrs. Frank Seickmas, of Owy- hee, Nebr is a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pitlik for a few days. She is a former resi- dent of Mount Vernon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter :goAl and family, and Mrs. James Rogers ex- pect to move from the Gearhart apartments to the Charles Litts house on First street east, soon. The Misses Janet Goodjohn, Marie Yaryan and Maude Singer. teachers in the Ward school, are Mr. and Mrs. William Dunn and daughter, Carol, arrived on Sunday from Madison, Wis and are locat- ed in the apartment in the Misses Bertha and Carrie Kyle home. Mr. Dunn will assist in the chemistry department at Cornell, Mr. and Mrs. Don Steele and family of Moscow Mills, Me spent several days last week in the home of Mrs. Steele's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Harris. Mr. Steele is employed by the Concrete Mater- ials company of Cedar Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. James McKay, son- in-law and daughter of Mrs. Clyde Baker, have gone to Wallace, Ida where Mr. McKay has accepted a position with the Hickla Mining company. They spent a month in Mount Vernon before going to their new home. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gillette had as their guests over the week end, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Palmer of Mt. Morris, Ill. They were accompan- ied home Monday by Mr. and Mrs, Roger Gillette who had been vis- itors in the Gillette home for sev- eral weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Torrance went to Tipton Saturday where they spent the week end in the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lange. Additional guests on Sun- day were: Mr. and Mrs. ~Villiam Kerehill, Mr. and Mrs. Brown Mon- tague and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beldin. Mrs. C. E. Kegley, :Mrs. Airy Par- sons, :Mrs. Alice Baker, and the Misses Grace, Alice and Edna Keg- Icy motored to Epworth on Men- wood, Friday to begin her year of teaching in the Stanwood schools. Mrs. Merle Kafer spent last week ',end visiting in the home of Mr. land Mrs. Ray Goodyear In Iowa City. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Scott motored to Corning Sunday to take Mrs. Scott's mother, Mrs. Campbell, to her home. Miss Helen Turner of Fairfield, spent the week end at the home of her sisters, Mrs. Mac T. Mitchell and Miss Sylvia Turner. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hunter and family and Mrs. L. J. Tenley at- tended the Booster Day celebra- tion at Morley Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ringer and sons Jerry and Larry attended the annual Kurtz reunion held at Beret Park, Cedar Rapids on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Sipple of Williamsburg spent the week end in the home of Mr. Sipple's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E, Sipple. Miss Ruth Pinkerton, who has spent the summer vacation in Pasadena, Calif is expected to ar- rive in Mount Vernon on Monday. Miss Pestle Carlson of James- town, N. Dak was a guest from Wednesday of last week until Mon- day'at the home of Miss Mae Fair- banks. Miss Inez Roley, of Reedsburg, "Wis and Patrick Doyle of Platte- ville, Wis were visitors in the J. F. Cooper home on Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Rose Hiekman spent sev- eral days the last of the week in the Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Hick- man home in Cedar Rapids and with relatives in Marion. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Frank, son Donald, and Miss Waunita Long of Aurora, lll were week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Cooper, returning to their home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Mitchell and family of Chicago, Ill were guests over the week end in the home of their relatives, Mrs. Lewis Mitchell, and Mr. and Mrs. T. I. Mitchell and Mrs. Mac T. Mitchell. Miss Doroth~ Scroggle left on Sunday to resume her position as teacher in the schools at Naper- Prof. Harold Ballz is spending several days this week in Chicago, Ill. Delores Williams of Tipton, spent last week visiting with Shire ley Minnick. Mrs. John DeTar spent several days last week visitingrelatives and friends in Eddyville. Mrs. Dan Tracts and Mrs. L. B. Steinbrenner attended the Old Set- tlers reunion in Marion last Thurs- day. Mrs. C. S. Henderson, of Osceo- la, is a guest this week in the home of her brother-in-law an dsister, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Eyre. Mrs. Carrie Pates and daughter, Miss Suzanne Pates, of Chicago, lll spent the week end visiting relatives in Mount Vernon. Prof. and Mrs. Eugene Dever- eanx, who have spent several weeks in Rhinebeck, N.Y are expected to arrive home on Sunday. Mrs. Huldah Revell of Central City was a week end visitor in the home of her brother-in-law and :at the Edwin Harris home, Thurs- day evening. Mrs. Dutcher, Mrs. Merrill Gar- rett, and Mrs. Jennie Calkins at- tended Old Settlers day at Marion on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Martin and family visited at the Jerry Curt- tright home at Atalissa. Morley ~:Irs. Ella F. Austin cided success. The weather was all that could be asked for. Main street was filled with concessions and the crowds came early and I stayed late and all reported a good home in Central City on Thursday. Harold Johnson of Downers Grove, Ill was a guest from Thursday until Sunday in the home of his mother, Mrs. John Caraway. Jean Ann Trego returned to the home of her uncle and aunt, Prof. and Mrs. R. A. Nelson, last week after spending a month with rela- tives in Joy, Illinois. Mrs. A. A. Bauman, Mrs. 5. E. Luckey and Robert Luckey, who were guests in the Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Strickland home, left Monday morning for their home in Exeter, N. H. Mrs. Thomas Rogers and daugh- ter Miss Dorothy Rogers arrived home Monday from Mlssoula, Mont where they spent the sum- mer with Mr. and Mrs. Bayliss SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES ENJOY WEINER ROAST The Cornerstone and Gleaner classes of the United Brethren Sun- day school enjoyed their annual weiner roast at the Siver timber, Tuesday evening. A large crowd was present and weiners were roasted around a huge bonfire. An impromptu program consisting of group singing, story telling, and a talk by Rev. C. L. Windsor about a trip through the Ozarks, conclud- ed a well spent evening. Those present included Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hempy, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hempy, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Siver, Myrtle Manly, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Siver, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hartley, Thomas and Helen, Mr. and Mrs. half months. ville, IlL after spending the sum- Dr. and Mrs. Laurance Sehaef-Ithe Methodist church Thursday af- mer vacation in the home of her ferle and children, Karen and ]ternoon. A program sponsored by mother, Mrs. R. A. Scroggie. Mark, of Richland, Me spent the i Mrs. Hewitt and Blanche Free, Harlan Nelson, who returned last week end in the home of Mrs. i proved very enjoyable. Sandwiches Thursday from a month's geology iSchaefferle's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ]and tea were served. Mrs. Orpah j trip to DuBois Wyo in company F. A. Blaine. They returned to t Leaf presided at the tea table and with Dr N A'Miner' and a re their home on Monday. Mrs Ruth Boots and Mrs Laura of students, ~'ent to Joy, Ill, uP ~ Switzer at the sandwich table. Tuesday for a few days visit with MT. VERNON CHURCH NOTES !. .~---'~- r~l.q ^~ [ ] mr. ana Mrs. ~. m. tleam el o~ v~. ~ k ) ] PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH iDa eta City, Minn were Sunday ~.vtr. ana Airs. J. bet~oy rxeady, I Rev. Joseph W. Gray, Jr Pastor I and Monday guests of Mrs. Heath's an~ son J eroy ann Mr r~eaays ' " t Sunday-- I brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and mother, Mrs. Marie Heady of! 9"45 Church School I Mrs. J. R. Bickerstaff. Springy[lie, expect to leave tomor-I 10'45 Common worship The l Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bickerstaff ~ow:o:f ~ WSiatndf ~r2Mk Hn:;e IChildren's Sermon will be resumed, land Mrs. Houstman of Chicago were - ~: " : Y' ]The regular sermon will be about Monday evening callers in the J R "tl: ulney IU Peter The Chosen." Bmkerstaff home. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Cole who Wednesday--- Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hoppe and have spent the mummer at their 2:30 Missionary Society meeting Jimmy of Cedar Rapids, and Dial snmmer home at Blackberry, fat the home of Mrs. Luther Platten-!Behnke of Viola were Monday 'guests of Mr and Mrs Walter Minn arrived here on Monday to l Hoppe. Dr. K. O. Smith of East Orange, spend two weeks after which they will return to Blackberry for a few weeks longer. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Beranek, and son Gaillard returned home last Thursday evening from Louis- ville. Ky where they visited in the berger. Thursday-- 6:30 Guild Hamburger fry. i METHODIST CHURCH I Rev. W. G. Rowley, Pastor Sunday School in this church at 9:45. iN. J will arrive this afternoon for a visit with his parents, Mr. and ]Mrs. H. L. Smith, and other rela- tives. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lane and day where they attended a reunion home of Mrs. Beranek's brother, of students, teachers and friends iErnest Gaillard and family and of Epworth Seminary. Miss Grace other relatives. Kegley remained in Dubuque where she is a teacher in the city Miss Edna Moynihan returned schools, i home last Thursday from a visit !of three weeks with relatives in Mrs. Jennie Kirkpatrick enter- ! Detroit, Mich. She also visited rained in honor of her sister-in-iplaces of interest in Canada and law from Fillmore. Calif n!enjoyed a boat trip from Buffalo, Thursday. Dinner guests were the iN" y. to Detroit. Mimes Lillian, Bonnybel and Ar-i dis Kirkpatrick. On Friday guests I Mrs. Robert Plattenberger, Luth- for dinner were Miss Gertrude Co- er Plattcnberger, and their guests, wan; Mrs. ]Crank Blinks and her Mr. and Mrs. Wilford DuBois of granddaughter, Joan Blinks, Mrs. Long Beach, Calif spent the week Gee. Kirkpatrick and daughter At- end visiting Mrs. Plattenberger's dis. :,sisters the Misses Margaret and The many friends of Mr. and Ella Wetzcl in Cbicago, Ill. Mrs. Harold Fisher will be inter-! Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston ested to learn they have gone to!are enjoying a motor trip through Minnesota, this week. They also Pontiac, Mich where Mr. Fisher last week accepted the position ms teacher of drawing in the Indus- trial arts department of the East Junior high school. The Fisher's left Mount Vernon two weeks ago for Avers where the former had accepted a position in the schools and from which he resigned last Friday to accept the new position at a substantial increase in salary. i plan to visit in the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alford Johnston in Chicago, :Ill. before they returr~ home. i Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rumble and daughter Elaine of Cincinnati, I Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Rum- ble were guests last Friday in the l home of Mrs. Grace Risser. They fall spent the day together Satur- i day at the C. H. Rumble home. Miss Genevieve Paul, who at- ]tended Columbia University, New l York City, this summer, left for i Gary, Ind to resume her position on the faculty of the city schools. Miss Paul spent last week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,Charles Paul. Mr. and Mrs. Harohl Erickson, of Cedar Rapids visited Monday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles i Paul. Mr. Erickson who was a i teacher in the Cedar Rapids schools resigned to accept a de- fense work job in Boston, Mass. They left for Boston on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bidernmn had as their guest last week. Mrs. :Biderman's sister, Mrs. Anna Jed- lieka, of San Diego, Calif. They all visited in lhe l,'rank Biderman homo and in the home of Mrs. Mary I,awrenee at Prairieburg. She left Tuesday for a visit in Cedar Rapids. The morning worship in the au- ditorium of the church at 10:45. Miss Eleanor Gough will have charge of the music. The subject of the sermon by the pastor will be, "God's Man." This will be the first worship service in the newly decorated and improved auditorium. The public is invited. Monday of next week the pastor of this church goes to Iowa Falls to attend the session of the Upper i Iowa Conference. Bishop J. Ralph I Magee will preside. The pastor will be here to preach the 14th, which is the first Sunday of the college year. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH "Man" will be the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, Sep- tember 7. The Golden Text is from I John 3:1, "Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God." The Lesson-Sermon comprises quotations from the Bible and from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. One of the Bible citations reads: "All scripture is given by inspira- tion of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be per- fect, throughly furnished unto all good works" (II Tim. 3:16, 17). Among the selections from the Christian Science textbook is the following: "The Science of being reveals man as perfect, even as the Father is perfect, because the Soul, or Mind, of the spiritual man is God, the divine Principle of all being, and because this real man is gov- erned by Soul instead of sense, by the law of Spirit, not by the so- called laws of matter" (p. 302). 311 First Avenue North Linn Grove .Mrs. I':(hvin Harris Miss Fdna Moynihan was elect- he I HAVE REUNION AT ed i)resident of t l,inn County Teachers As~mci ~lion at a mec~tin~ [WILL CLARK HOME he!d in Cedar Rapids last Saturday. A family reunion was held at Miss Moynihan teaches in the the Will Clark home over the week :,lael