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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
September 4, 1941     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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September 4, 1941
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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September 4, 1941 Vernon Social The Home Social club will be S A U E R K R A U T D A Y E X H I B I T S l'cck Sno,v Apples Second, E.E. Hoover 75c i Single Crust Apple Second, 12oyd Petersen 75e entertained next Thursday after-: Peck Isberwoods First. Clara Bittle $1.00 [I)oul)le Crust Apple First, N. A. Yorl.: $1,00 Corner club will meet noon, Sept. ll, at the home of Mrs. September 18th, 1941 Peck Ishcrwoods Second, 1)acken Ins. Agency" 75c !])ouble Crust Apple Second,Burdette Conklin 75e of Mrs. Ella Uthoff, on J" E. Selma. I OTHEIt ERUITS i~our Cream First, D. P. Frink $1.00 afternoon, Sept. 11. Entre Nous will have their first! PETERSEN IMPLEMENT COMPANY GARAGE Peck Pears First, Charles Burd $1.00 Jour Cream Second,]'hnil Reyhons 75e meeting on Monday evening, Sept. Rules Peck Pears Sccomt,Paul" ])raeh 75c Gooseberry First,G. I~. Hill $1.00 ind Mrs. C. E. Gillette en- - at dinner at their home 8. A picnic supper will be enjoy-1. Cempctition for prizes limited to non-professionals. Variety of Fruits, peck First,]~ouis Albauffh $1.00Gooscherry . Second. J. B. ]{yan 75C Co-ors ,-ere laid forcd at the home of Miss Edna Keg- 2. Any article having" received a prize at any former SAVFAIKIIAVTVariety of Fruits, peck Second, Severin Sorenscn 75e Mince . First,C. V. Carbee $1.00 "~ "" ley. i ~v~=rlT~,q, "u "~ ~ eli ible for a -~ize but m~, lm exhibited Peek Minor I'lums First Posen "W Peterson Ins $1 00Mince Second. E. 1 Osgood ~5e n,a ~r~nl~l~n C',~rn club] The regular meeting of Hill Clty~ : 1 urple Grapes, 10 lbs l,'irst, Brokel & Son $1.00 COOI~IES "~'"~ ""'~ ' "3 All ~XUlDIIS InllS[De In Deiore iu a nl All prize artlete~ un(ler T.FIe ~ ) ~. ~. at the home of Mr. and Rebekah ~dge will beheld in .the! .- "" " '' ~- ' " "-" 1" - /- t ]'ech: Honle Grown 1 caches, l,u'st. L. L. Slmlnous $1.00 lrilled Cookies, dozen First, Mrs. C. L. Hoeft 75e 1 (3 u ~ nail iuesoay evening i hea(l or grams truits vegctames aria cu mary ~3ccome tne proper y FIJOXVFRS I'ql" d r~ '~l : " a ~ a ~ ~, sl* ~ 1 ~0 6. September 9. Eight oc ock is th ! of the person offering the pmze for the same. All other exhibits Prettiest Bouquet First Anamosa Poultry & Egg Co. $1 50 Oa~mcal (~eokics, dozen First,L. A. Davis 75e . . opening hour. - o,)~ treat dinner will open i Mrs Re Youn- was hostess at at revert to their omginal owners. Those winning the AMERICAN I)ahhas First, Vm. D. tlostrorn $1 00 qt neal Cookies, dozen Second, I q alt Hybrid 50e for Sorosis club at the i~ ; ~ Y. ~ g i LEGION prizes for canned goods retain their exhibits. Gladiolus First, D. H. Mueller Real Estate $1.00Sugar Cookies. dozen First, H. V. Sizer . 75e Mr~ C'lv,-1,~ l~nkor rerondnv oreaKiast in her nome xasLoat- . VEG]ETABIJ~2S I Sugar t.OOkles, dozen Second. ] arl De( amp 500 'el : . .4 e: 2::SsoPt~e:th3 th:'t adro~.~ =tSh~: :: b?;;t 7:;I~ lEa;'ll~ Ohii o It :;::::e?~, Se ;~tl: ~'~:aIl IIl~Yh nn.S. ~l :la~: off Hem; Made Clark .; ~1.0 'Ydia class of the Presbyter-[r r, G' " ' " ' " ' ' "" P(~0k /rish Cobblers i Pirst, ])ael(ens Dairy $1125t ;,e S co d, tL Gardne" . 1.~0 arch will meet for their O.D. XU~t~t. ~ . ~ ! 5 All exhibits MUST remain on exhibition until 8 PLEASE NOTEPeek irish Cobblers Second Herman Piep ~r 2 1.00!Plate of Home Made Third,Fdith's Beauty Shop 75c . . ~ Mrs. Aley tmrsons entertalneo a: ' ) ' N ",BREAD l~lCnlC supper and meeting, :e ~ a,~,n ,e Friond from ~t~-r 6. All exhibits not winning prizes must be removed from exhibit hall t-eck any other 1 otatoes F~rst,It. Vernon Ice Co $1.25I evening Sept 8 at the i b'" *he ^,ncr -PLEASE NOTI" Hubb'trd Squash First Harlan Briggs $1.00 I argest I oaf Y~ye Bread First Harlan Briggs $1 00 ' ~. ' ',ion at luncneon at ner nome las(, nO~ l[ILt?r LIILLII ;5 j).IIl. ~' L U ' ~ ~" ' ' ,- i J',~ c wg~rs.Flora ~UCK. i" ' Friday Today she is entertaining,7 All exhibits other than the needle work class ,'inning prizes must Hubbard ~:auash 7" Seeo.nd,D:h~ltbonHybrid ;-17.50}ILvc ~read. loaf X First,T. O Moravec 75c roans lVllSSlonary soc elY ~ ^,u n a~ ;.- " '' ' Bermu(la onions, peel< lq st, ,~ ~,Byei~rea~, loaf second E. E. Stahl 50e i ,~,ot.=. ~ ~N--uv u, s ~ ~ . . x "" n Iat h 0' Ul " n r " ' ' P be removed f~om the e hib~t hall ot er t an 30 p t)y do o Johu I Arch h r resbyterlan church wlll lf~i~ a ~f l~r~ohonn [ Bermuda Onions, peck Second, ~ ug 75ciV~hite Bread,loaf First, Petcrson Produce Co 75e } the home of Mrs. Lutheri"~'=~ ~'~l~,'~,-=nn'i,ers~rV o~ Mr of prizes. Vhite Onion, peck First, V. L. Boyd $1.00 [ Vhite Bread loaf Second, DeKalb Hybrid 50c er er Wednesday after t xh ee 00 m ~,Vh~te Onions Second V C ( onkhn 75c .~IINC1P LIAN10UN ,g ' -and Mrs A G Walton and the 8.All prizc moncy can be obtained in hee ibithallbetw n3: P. " ' -'- .~ :-. 2.~ i " ~ 'J ~ g " ept 10 at 2 30 o'clock ~ 'l ' m xh 1 h 1 B.ed Onions peck Firstt Lewis Ainrignt $1 uo ~ Kolae s z r" - I r- '- ' " ] birthday of Mrs Walton were cele- i and 5 p.m from exhi)~t corn tttee at e Ib tal . . ; ' " . 2: -' r. he~, 1 do.on I ~rst, Kaylene Kapper $1.01 egular meeung ot lv~t. Per-, .~ : Bcu t)mons, peck ~econ(l,v lCl(l s 15eauty Nnop 'lee I Kolaches 1 dozen S~cona Vernvn Be'tslnore 75c ~,1~ ~ +~.~ ~o ~ u~ ~, orateo at a olnner ~unoay m ~ne 9. Identification number of exhibit must be presented at time of re-xxr + ~,~ tgir~t] ustcr Sheen Co -~1 50 -- ' : ~'. - .'"': .'~ "~' t ~'= ~:,o "' ~' ."-" "'~, home of their' son-in-law and xh'bi all,~ ,'~, '~ " l)OughnuIs untroste(lsweet the Km~hts of Pythias hall, moval of exhibit from e ~ t h . Watermelons Second ~V. M. Bennett $1 00 I .~ ~, T~I ~.4. T ~,~, O al~. i~1 t~a ~" . oaugnter, Ivlr, anti lvlrs. ~uan ~ : . ~ ,u,~,~ v ~a~ ~t=-, ~, ~-,y ~ ednesdayevemng Sept. 10 m. ~,r ~o+~ Tll I IMPORTANT Vatermelons Thn'd Plat s Transfer 5e Butter '~ hounds r~ir-t T o Mnvnve, ~ 9~ }c supperwill precede theOthers enjoyin~ the dinner with Exhihitors are asked to exhibit freely, as your exhibit, whether !Muskmelons, 3 I Irst, J 13. Gardner S1L {) }Butter, 2 Pounds Second, F. V. Stritt $].00 ~ All. members are urged the hosts and i~r. and Mrs. Waltonbringing a prize or not ,ill add to the success of the day. 13IusM.nelons, o3 Se~:o.n(], ~er~ ~ej:y .;~. ~(~2e ],'ggs. White, dozen First, Anamosa Poultry & Egg Co 75c vteSeng xxr~r~a l~avmnnH ~na Willard Wal .~ . ~r~ ~ ~ ] k;an[,'llOUpS ,$ t ~rm, ** v I Eggs, ",Vhitedozen Second Anaino@a Poultry & Egg Co -50c nd Mrs. J B Ringer had as,tieneral INXlllon;s ( antaloupe 3 Second L L I e~pcr 75e j~.~ ~l,-nlvn dn~on l'i''~t *"a a PO"'~+''' o x~,~, o ,~,~ guests Tuesday evening'. t~.'. -~ ~r "~ 1 Elh~: hu ~Needk~ and 1,'ahoy Work Fxhibit --- Owners ~tain Their Work .('ucumbers pk lcss th,tn 2 in First ~,VE. Ch'tllis $1 50 I'm-s Brown dozen S~,e ~ A ~,~,~,~ ~""~*-",u,uy OZ - ~"~'g~, 0, ~n, [ .kVl~. ctIIU L & o. Xlot ctll O,W " t~' a,co ~ *.v *, ~ .~ ~ o~ ealter Cole Mr and Mrs I ~ ' ch~ ;k o 0 o ( 00 Cu(umbcis pk 5 inches 1 lrstGto 1) S;ulor $] 00 I ) ' ' ' ~wererecentb, married were hen Q'UI IF. ]-at ,'o" . 1st prize $ 0 : .n 1 prize $1.t ' ~ "' " ' . 2 " CANNED GOOi S EXHIBIT --- Cyclops I ost Spe~,ial Whitaker of Washin ton I ~ ' "1 . ~,Cucumbe s pk 5 ineh(~ Second ~. L. Frink 75ci " -- g ' l oredSundaV at a dinner at the Apphque 1st prize $ 00; .nd pmze $1.00] ' . ," ", .' " : .~ Exhibitors retain exhibit Exhibit limited to 25 unlike items ,airs. Clara Brink and Mrs. !h~m~af M~ ~ni~nn'~ n~ron*~ Mr Embroidery ]st prize $2.00: 2nd prize $ .0 ) Dill IhcKms, gauon ~,irst, .~. ~. ~a.nn $1.ooI .- ~-. lessing of Cedar Rapids, and an~'~lV~rs ""'Ot~s"~'l~'is~n]~"~'Oti~er Old Quilt or Tapestry 50 yrs. or more ]st prize $2.00 2nd prize $1.00 Dill Pickles, gallon Second, Mason Stine 75c ! v ~rs~ ~'rlzc ~.uu becona t-raze ~" uu vniiu ~i~ze ~t.ou ~1 Mrs Harold Ringer of " " - " ~- ' CROCHETING~Anv I)esi~n 1st nrize ~1 00" 2nd nrize 50 Che "ry Olives quart First /)inner Den Cafe $1 00 i Any kind of home canned food products. guests ag me omner were. lvlyro ~. r' Pe rs ~- ~ - ~ -- TATTING An D 1 ] 0 " C]bt>a e White head 1 irst te on I ~oduee Co 7ae t Ellison of Hollywood, Calif.; Miss . ,~ y es gn st pmze $1.0 ; .nd pmze .501 '. ~, "''' (leo i) ;tile i Industrial society of their,1 w,11i C'llnen~ Mi~EMBIIOIDERY-Linen, white 1st prize $1.00; 2nd prize .50]l-'ie Iumpkins, 3 l~irst, . . S, r 75cI ~~~~~ ~~ erian church met on Wed-17-: ~ ~ . "~: " ~:~ ""'~'I inch onlnrocl 1,~f n~t~. m, nn. o.a n.i~,~ ~a Pie Punapkins 3 Second,MIle Kaliban 50e l.)orls 151uson,OI lVllles; ~o~ar~ "~ ' " ' ' - " Anamosa Poultr ' I" o 1 (10 1 after of last week n 00 o l~ed Tomatoes 10 Ibs ] irst Y & gg C $ noon . : Cotto white 1st prize $1 nd prize 50 ',~' - '~ , G~ddeonson of Peorm, Ill.; Kenneth 7 Ge ) ' I ~'ere made for theannuallc t~,~,~o. ~,~ rw,~,~ ~, ~, ~, Cotton. colored Ist prize $1.00; 2nd prize .50 Ycltow lomatocs, 10 lbs l,rst, ~o. I. Sailor $1.00 Here s What We Mean When We Say an i ill e J "~'~"~'- N INC " ~ Fgg Plant 3 Fi~t C S Beasmore $1 00/ d bazaar wh ch w b ~, r i ''' ~r ,na a~,o ~iloK. ITr ~ .---Any artmle 1st prize $1.00; .nd prize .50 ' the church, Thursday, Dec. lur~,~, ~ a ~,~p, ~,n a RI G,q----BraIded 1st prize $1.00: 2nd prize .50 t Egg I lant, 3 Second, 1, edTonne 50c! J~a l~i~l~,~r'e tt{xr]e{nn x~r~rr~ ,u~a*~ a~u *a,~, ~j, ~-~.~u~,~ a*,u H,~,~I ~(1 ~t n~i~,n ~1 DD' 9rid nr~, ~a Sweet Potatoes peck F "st Year Subscription Hawkeye-Record I Arlo Ellison of Mount Vernon. C, e e s 0 o 0 S~eet" Potatoes" peek Second IreneAndre- 75c 'orb t (1 l t prlze $1. 0; ~nd prize .5 ~ " I party for Mrs. W. H. i mother, Mrs. Anna Gar- ADDITIONAL LISBON Miss Julia Crew was en- John Mauch went to Boone Sun- Thursday evening at the lday to remain for an indefinite Bair time with his daughter, Mrs. C. R. 0f Mr. and Mrs. S.E. i Echternach and family and Mrs. Hobart Bair The guests moved to Cedar Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Zimmer and Tuesday to reside, i her sister, Mrs. Robert Hanna and .who get together twiceMr. Hanna of Tama, left Sunday enjoyed a picnic supper last i to be gone for two weeks on a west- evening at the home of ern trip. L. LeGrand. Those present]a] Mrs. Carl Davis of Cairo, Ill was Jeana Beadle, Clarence; guest, Saturday in the Don Frink A. Blaine, Mrs. Merrill home, and Monday, Mr, and Mrs. Mrs. Mac T. Mitchell, Mrs. ] Davis spent the afternoon and eve- Mrs. Michael Novak, }ning with the Frink family Sylvia Turner. i Mr. and Mrs Carl Kruse came meeting of the W. S. ~ Saturday to move their household goods, stored in the parental Kruse the Methodist church will!home, to Humboldt, where Carl is in the Methodist church, afternoon, Sept. 10, atempl yed by the Anderson corn- Mrs. J. B. Ringer willipany" Week end holiday guests in the of the program and Frank Wooldridge home were Mr. Magee will lead the de-}and Mrs. Roswell Camp of Cedar An important meet- i Rapids, and additional Monday executive board will pre- guests, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Woold- meeting at 2:00 o'clock, ridge of Marion Mrs. F. A. Blaine enter- Mr. and Mrs. John Meyers and at dinner at their home on ldaughters, Eleanor and Evelyn, left Their guests were: Dr. Sunday morning for Bay City, Mich. Laurance Schaefferle andi where Miss Eleanor remained to ~f Richland, Me.; Mr. andI take up work as Girl Reserve secre- Schaefferle, Mr. and tary in the Y. W Deal of Jewell; Vic Mr. and Mrs. I. D. W.eirick of o:f Kansas City, Me.; Mr. I Lake City spent from Friday to Leonard Kleineck and lMonday in the home of Mrs. W. S. and Miss Janet Goodjohn of{Weirick" They were enroute to Vernon. Florida for their annual winter's club will open the new stay in St. Augustine. Mr. and a dinner Monday eve-iMrs. D. T. Wilson of Davenport 8th, at the Goudy Tea~were/ other week end guests. for the dinner i Callers on Monday in the W. M. ! the 1941-42 officers and will i Oberton home were Mrs. F. E. Mrs. Aley Parsons, Mrs. isomers of Conde, S. D Mrs. E. A. Kafer, Mrs. Nellie Stearns, I Morris, Mrs. H. C. Fields and Mrs. Chamberlin, Mrs. Car- i Nelle Ericson of Cedar Rapids; Miss CUSHIONS or PILLO~VS 1st prize $1.00; 2nd prize .50 GIIAIN--3lnst Be From the Crop of 1941 Exhibits winning prizes become the property of giver or prize CORN---Open Pollenated. 10 ears yellow corn First, 10 ears yellow corn Second, 10 ears white corn First, 10 ears white corn Second, 10 ears other than yellow or white First, 10 ears other than yellow or white Second, Best 10 ears Hybrid Corn, any variety First, HYBIIID CORN EXHIBIT Each hybrid seed corn company will have a booth in exhibit hall with representatives present. Exhibitor may enter as many samples as he has different numbers of each producer's corn. 10 ears Funk Bros. Hybrid First, corn 10 ears Funk Bros Hybrid, Second, corn 10 ears Funk Bros Hybrtd, Third, corn 10 ears DeKalb Hybrid First, corn 10 ears DeKalb Hybrid Second, corn I0 ears DeKalb Hybrid Third, corn 10 ears Pfister Hybrid First, corn 10 ears Pfister Hybrid Second, corn '10 ears Pfister Hybrid Third, corn i 10 ears Pioneer Hybrid First, corn 10 ears Pioneer Hybrid Second, corn ' 10 ears Pioneer Hybrid Third, corn , 10 ears Farmers Hybrid First, corn 10 ears Farmers Hybrid Second, corn 10 ears Farmers Hybrid Third, corn , POPCORN----On Cob 10 pounds Japanese Hulless, First,Margle Capper $1.50 10 pounds Japanese Hulless, Sec Johnstons $1.00 10 pound~ Tom Thumb First, Carbee Insurance $1.50 10 pounds Tom Thumb Second, J. Buell Miller $1.00 10 pounds other than above, First, Win. Zearing $1.50 10 pounds other than above, Sec Milo Kaliban $1.00 APPLES Peek Grimes Golden First, Carbee Insurance $1.00 Peck Grimes Golden Second, J. E. McClelland 75c John Miller $1.50 John Miller $1.00 Honeymead Co $1.50' Honeymead Co $1.00 Honeymead Co $1.50 Honeymead Co $1.00 Lisbon Bank & Trust Co $2.50 bu. Funk Bros Hybrid seed 1 pk. Funk Bros Hybrid seed 1 pk. Funk Bros. Hybrid seed bu. 1)eKalb Hybrid seed 1 pk DeKalb Hybrid seed 1 pk. DeKaib Hybrid seed bu. Pfister Hybrid seed 1 pk. Pfister Hybrid seed 1 pk. Pfister Hybrid seed bu. Pioneer Hybrid seed 1 pk Pioneer Hybrid seed 1 pk. Pioneer Hybrid seed bu. Farmers Hybrid seed 1 pk. Farmres Hybrid seed 1 pk. Farmres Hybrid seed Peck Golden Delicious First, West-N-Lunch $1.00 Mrs. Mary Buser, Mrs. Pearl Kohl of Chicago, Miss Hattie Peck Golden Delicious Second, Johnstons 75c and Mrs. Cleo Houst- Ireland of Muscatine; Mrs. Margaret Peck Aliens Choice First, Dean Clark $~.00 will be served at iGabbert and Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. i Kohl. :er new up-to-date circulating heater.--Supplements of regular kitchen range. PORTABLE OIL HEATERS the Cool of the Evening. You know the kind-- Perfection. NOW ON THE FLOOR Famous Dutch Oven, wood or coal or wood, coal electricity combination. In white enamel. Hardware PLUMBING HEATING Peck Allens Choice Second, J. E. MeClelland 75c Peck Red Delicious First, C. L. Hoeft $1.00 Peck Red Delicious Second, F. C. Poling 75c Peck Roman Stem First, N. A. York $1.00 i Peck Roman Stem Second, Johnstons 75c i Peck Jonathan First,Year Subscription Hawkeye-Record i Peck Jonathan Second, D. A. Bennett 75c i Peck Wealthy First, Gee. P. McCall $1.00 'Peck Wealthy Second, Peck Apples First, Snow Mrs. John Lynch of Mechanics- i ville spent last Friday afternoon H. A. Stonektng 75c John E. McHugh $1.00 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Boxa and daughters Bonnie and Darlene at- with Miss Eva Floyd. Mrs. Anson Burge of Mount Ver- non visited with Mrs. I. J. Nosley on Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Plattenberger visited over the week end holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson at Reynolds, Ill. The Evangelical Missionary soci-] cry will meet in the Federated] the Garnet Mills home in Lisbon tended the State Fair at Des Moines on Thursday and Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. George McCall, Mrs. Irene Andre and Miss Daisy Zalesky spent the week end holiday with their sisters, Mrs. Earl Fehman and Mrs. Tillie Peshak at Manly Dinner guests on Labor Day at church parlors on Tuesday after-[were: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Randall, noon, Sept. 9. i Mr. and Mrs. Joe Boxa, daughters Federated Ladies Aid will meet Wilma, R~tha, Bonnie and Darlene, fin the church parlors on Wednes-:and son George; Dorothy Longer- i day, Sept. 10th, for a one o'clock lbeam and Mearl Reynolds picnic luncheon and business meet- Dr. and Mrs. N. A. York joined ing. All ladies of the church are a picnic dinner party at Lake Mac- invited i Bride Sunday. Others attending Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kellogg and were the H. E. Kensinger family daughter Barbara of Earlville, Ill i f Cedar Rapids; Mrs. Winnie were guests from Saturday to Men-.iEdgingt n of Laramie, Wyo.; 1~ L. day in the John Carpenter and Ar-iY rk and sOn Lauren of Grinnell, thur Schott homes. Mrs. Schottland park custodian, Roy Reed and returned with them to spend a week ,Mrs. Reed. The Yorks from Grin- 1 with relatives in Ilhno~s. i nell visited in the parental Dr. York home over Labor day. Miss Irene Vandeberg returned] Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hoover with Monday to Chicago after a ten-day'~ Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hoover and Har- vacation in the home of her parents, fold of Mechanicsville returned Sat- Mr and Mrs S P Vandeberg also u " ' - ; '~ i rday from a week's vacation on in the home oz her Sls~ers Mrs ,'iAndrusia Lake near Cass, Minn. Melvin Oldorf at Stanwood and v 1 e ' i Theyis't d Itasca Park, where the] Mrs L J Hazlett at Tlpton M1 1 1 "ssiss'pp', only a few feet wide: i at this place, flows through Itasca i Lake. One day was spent on a drive to Kenora, Canada. Enroute home they stopped at Fort Snell- ing, Minn. A picnic dinner group with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cave and family, Sunday, included Mr. and Mrs Fred Boyer of Minnesota; Mr. and Mrs. R. Houstman, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Houstman, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Houstman, Robert and Elna Jane of Olin; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cop- pess of Onslow; Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cave, Fanny Lou Sankot, Jacquel- ine Brokel and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ehresman. The occasion celebrated the birthdays of Mesdames L. H. Mount Vernon, Iowa WE HAVE TAKEN THE AGENCY FOR and expect a carload containing the "81," "101-Jr," and "101 Super" with six cylinders, to arrive today. They will be on display as soon as they arrive. (2ome in and let us show you o ne of the leading lines of power farm machinery. Retter order early if you need machinery to avoid the pos- sibility of a shortage later. Cave, Ehresman, and Coppess, Elnai Jane Houstman and Geneva Cave. l Mount Vernon, Iowa Frank L. Kilberger, Prop. LISBON CHURCH NOTES FEDERATED CHURCH Rev. G. S. Hamilton, Pastor S. S. Teachers Prayer Meeting at 9:15 a.m. Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Young Peoples Service 7 p.m. Evening Service 8 p.m. Thursday Prayer and Bible Study Service at 8 p.m. METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Wm. D. Bostrom, Minister Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. Classes for all ages. Worship and Preaching at 10:30. Annual Conference at Iowa Falls, September 9th. ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Sunday Masses 7:00 and 9:00. Week day Mass: 7:00. bial 5812 CAKES i Best Decorated Cake First, Iowa Elec. Light & Power Co. $5 00 ! Decorated Cake Second, Butter Cake First, Butter Cake Second, Butter Cake Third, Angel Food, Frosted First, Angel Food, Frosted Second, Angel Food, Frosted Third Angol Food, lrnfrosted First, Angel Food, Unfrosted Second, Hickory Nut First, Hickory Nut Second, Hickory Nut Third Walnut Cake First, Valnut Cake Second, Marble Cake First, Marble Cake Second, Chocolate Cake First, Chocolate Cake Second, Chocolate Cake Third, Sunshine Cake First, Sunshine Cake Second, Coconut Cake Ftrst, Coconut Cake Second, Coconut Cake Third, Burnt Sugar Cake First, Burnt Sugar Cake Second, Lady Baltimore Cake First, Lady Baltimore Cake Second, H'trlan Brigffs $2.50i I,ishon Co-Op. Creamery $3.00': Lyle C. Capper . $2.00] Zimmer Garage $1.00! S. G. Fouse $1.50 E. E. Hoover $1.00 Mason Stine $1.00 Bob's Food Store $1.50 Petersen Implement $1.00 Geo. Graver $2.00 Dr. N. P. Bigger. $/.50 C. W. Carbee $1.25 Lisbon Bank & Trust Co $2.00 Frank's Service $I.50 L. H. Cave $1.50 VValter Kohl $1.25 O. L. Crawford $1.50 Lelia J. Bittle $1.25 Lloyd Petersen $1.00 Year Subscription Hawkeye-Record Ed Reyhons $1.25 Luster Sheen Co $1 50 Ray Frederick $] 25 Plat's Transfer $1.00 Chas. Sankot $1.50 I~.oy Kohl $1.25 E. E. Stahl $1.50 Gutmann Service Station $1.25 Lady Baltimore Cake Third, Norman Nesley $1.00 PIES Butterscotch First, Earl DeCamp $1.00 Butterscotch Second, Butterscotch Third, Chocolate First, Chocolate Second, Coconut First, Coconut Second, Lemon First, Lemon Second, Single Crust Apple l,'irst, Dick Carbee 75c Merle Kepler 50o Stuart Franks $1.00 1)eKalb Hybrid 75c Ed Franks $1.00 Lisbon Grocery 75e Den's Barber Shop $1.00 Mason Stlne 75e Fouse Dry Goods Shop $1.00 The Picture Of Perfect Service Quick as a Wink Whether a Gallon or a Tankful! When you drive in here for gas, our service is fast and friendy no mat- ter how little you buy. It must be "good busi- ness," because we're winning new friends every d y. Try D-X Motor Fuel for More Mileage Quicker Starting Higher Anti-knock More Power Do not hesitate to have your tank filled as we now use a safety fill nozzle which eliminates spill- ing gas on the drive. You pay only for what goes in the car. Dean Clark, Prop. Phone 760 Lisbon, Iowa I Ill III In order to close the estate of Fred Kohl (deceased) we will sell at public auction at the late residence, located 3 blocks south of the Bank on South Washington Street, right on the paving, Lisbon, Iowa, on COMMENCING AT 1 O'CLOCK SHARP 9 DESCRIPTION OF THE HOME--This strictly modern home consisting of 8 rooms, is one of the nice homes in Lisbon, there is a nice living room, dining room, kitchen and pantry with a reception hall from the front porch. A wonderful open stairway leads to the upstairs which has 3 nice bed rooms and a large bath room with fine storage room adjoining it. The bath room has fine Linoleum covered floor. The entire down stairs has heavy oak floors and the whole house is in A-1 shape. There are 2 nice porches in front and rear. BASEMENT---There is a basement under the entire house nicely cemented, with cement shelves for the fruit, and the house is heated with a fine rim fire Timken oil burner very recently installed and in A-1 shape, with large sized storage tank for fuel. ! The home is modern throughout and will be a wonderfulbuy for some one. There is a large cistern, also a fine drilled well besides the city water which furnishes ample water supply. There is lots of fruit and some nice shade trees and a good garden spot. The lot is 60x120 feet. There is also a nice wood or tool house. BARN AND LOT BEING SOLD SEPARATELY Across the alley there is a fine lot 60x200 with lots of fruit and a very productive soil. There is a nice barn 24x28 that will be sold separate. The barn first then the lot. DESCRIPTION OF THE HOUSEHOLD GOODS Mahogany living room suite; Edison player phonograph with a lot of records; mahogany center table; full length bevel plate French mirror, a beauty; 9x12 Anglo Persian rug, one of the finest in Lisbon; Anglo Persian rug 36x36, a Chinese antique pattern, these are both high pr iced rugs and should be seen to be appreciated. 9x12 Kar- nak Wilton very pretty pattern, very choice; 9x13t/z rug, nice clean pattern, the above rugs are far above the average. Leather bed davenport in A-1 shape; several rockers; Kolster console radio, a nice one; quarter sawed oak library table; hat rack; full length mirror with nice clear glass; several nice throw rugs; quarter sawed oak dining table and 6 chairs to match; quarter sawed oak buffet with fine bevel plate mirror; Simmons metal day bed with mattress; Domestic sewing machine; several wall pictures; electric fan; some odd chairs; 2 antique drop leaf extension tables with 5 or 6 extra boards, these are beauties, not warped a particle; Westinghouse electric range, a fine outfit; 6 hole faultless malleable steel range, a fine baker, dec. 2 burner plate; Westinghouse 6 cu. ft. electric refrigerator, porcelain cabinet, this works like new, come and have a look. 2 kitchen stools; kitchen sink; several kitchen chairs; 8 day clock; antique walnut dresser, 100 years old with swinging mirror, this is a rare one, with walnut handles; low headed antique wal-nut bedstead, very old and full width, with springs and mattress; 2 large feather beds, 9x12 body Brussels rug; Bissels carpet sweeper; metal bed, springs and mat- tress; nice dresser with oval mirror; commode; oak stand; bowl and pitcher; linen stand; 9x10 bed room rug, red and tan pattern (Wilton velvet); hall tree; 3x5 throw rug; 2 antique center tables, very old; antique drop leaf bed room table with drawer; any one would like this one. Vernis Martin bedstead with coil springs and good cotton felt mattress; 9x12 Axminister rug; large bird's eye maple dresser, with a dandy bevel plate mirror; walnut cane seat rocket, very old; walnut desk, old as the hills; antique walnut combination desk and chest of drawers, you have never seen one like it. Large clotheschest for storing bedding; clothes drier; zA size antique walnut bedstead, low head style; 2 or 3 pairs of goose feather pillows; a lot of dishes of all kinds; some antiques of rare value, all kinds of kitchenware ; 6 antique cane seat dining room chairs; a lot of fine china dishes and a fine lot of pots, pans etc. This is the accumulation of a lifetime; 3 room circulating heater, a nice one. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES -- 6 quart lard press and sausage stuffer, like new; sausage grinder; folding table; Gain-A-Day electric washing machine, copper tub; hand power washer: wash tubs; wash boiler; 25-1b. family scales; dish pans; kraut cutter; 3 burner Perfection oil stove; a lot of canned fruit of all kinds; all kinds of garden tools; 2 wood boxes; garden plow; 20-foot ladder; 6-foot step ladder; rubber tired (Yard Man) lawn mower, like new; a lot of carpenter tools; saw bucks; buck saws; Forks; shovels; spades; screen door; lawn rake; porch swing; two 1-man power harrows; 2 galv. chicken coops; good wheel barrow; and many other articles too numerous to mention. Be on hand sale day, this will be one of the biggest and best household goods sale of the season. TERMS AND POSSESSION -- 20% of the purchase price to be paid sale day to show good faith, 30% when the buyer takes possession, balance when deed and abstract is delivered, showing good and merchantable title. Pos- session can be had at once by complying with the above terms. All personal property will be cash. The barn to be cash before being moved. The lot will be cash when sold, warranty deed to be given. Anyone interested in looking over the property before sale day can do so by seeing the auctioneer or the undersigned. This is a big sale. We will start on time. Executors under the Will of Fred Kohl, deceased. W. E. Challis, Auctioneer, Phone 130, Lisbon Lisbon Bank & Trust Co Clerk