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September 4, 1941 |
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September 4, 1941
Page Eleven
The structure of the home often
gets less attention than the ex-
ternals: the fiinish, decoration,
equipment, and planting, because
care applied to the building of the
inner structure is not as immed-
iately evident as the niceties of ]
the exterior. That's only too hu-
man, like buying a ear beeause of
its upholstery instead of its motor,
or bettin~ on a horse because the
jockey has pretty brown eyes.
However, neglect of the basic
structure of a house bounces hack
within a few years in high repair
costs as well as general deteriora-
W'hen furniture acquires white
paint spots from being knocked
against white walls or woodwork,
the white spots may be removed
by scraping them away very care-
fully with a razor blade. This will
leave a dulled spot on the surface,
but a polishing with powdered rot-
tenstone and oil will conceal such
lion of the exterior. Houses that
modern office building ~vas erected in 1931 by Charles E. are soundly built from the inside
to honse offices of the Hedges Lumber and Coal Company fol- [ out not only cost less to maintain,
the fire which destroyed the offices and elevator, Much nf the but look better longer.
1 in l'felffer Hall addition was 1)urchased fx~)m the tledges firm. It is much mm-e expensive to re-
pair any part of the inner struc-
T I ture, if it is unsatisfactory, than the
e Can Raise Your Rent agencies arc willing, if not anxious exterior, because it is covered both
YOU Own Your Home Ire lend money on new homes . . . inside and out. Any bad per-
I and building costs are still lowerformance of the structure always
~g is easy and satisfactory I than they wereduring the firstdamages the outside and inside fin-
ere are plenty of houses on lW rld War and for many years ish, and often even the furnish-
ket. ~hrhen houses begin to i after, tags.
during "good" times you .~ ."Z-.-'-"----'U:'--. - Careful selection of materials
gut 8Ol(llers, sailors, ana ma-
te receive a notice fromt and thorough workmanship will
rmes neeu planes, SillpS, tanks, am-
that "beginning next ! . . .
imunltlon, uniforms, and food. You
~hur rent will be increased." lean help to supply them by buy-
e last World W'ar a nous-
. . [ ing Defense Savings Bonds and
forces rents up at ! Stamps.
rate of speed. Today
be heading into another Defense Savings Bonds arc now
shortage, but fortunately t available at more than 16,000 post
costs are low and plenty!offices and 9.000 banks throughout
I[ available at a fair the United States.
lean beat the game if you To "Keep 'em Flying" you must
lea per cent to pay down on"Keep on Buying" Defense Say-
home of own. Lending ings Bonds and Stamps regularly.
pay dividends in a satisfactory
home that will last as long as sue-
cessive generations of owners
choose to maintain it.
Defense Savings Bonds may he
registered in the name of one
individual, or of two individuals as
co-owners, or one individual and
one other individual as beneficiary.
Turn to page 7 for the Classified
Ad SecUon.
Tremendous changes have taken place since early coal min-
ing days. Mining methods and mining machinery have become
far safer and better. Much now happens to coal before it leaves
the mine that was never imagined even ten years ago.
Witness the modern coal refinery pictured above. It houses
a seven-step process which raises the quality of a naturally high
grade coal. It reduces the ash content to a predetermined per-
centage, steps up heat value and burning efficiency. It washes
and dustproofs the coal to a new cleanliness; sizes it with me-
chanical precision to suit each type of heating plant.
Such coal is strictly modern fuel, highly efficient.
been the choice of Cornell College for years.
i factors will determine its value.
I No one wants to troy a house
which says all over the outside.
"I ant out of date." Buihling and
arcflilcetural styles change in
]about five-year cycles. The prac-
!tires in vogue when it was built
"date" every house. If the age
of the house iv not apparent on the
exterior, the inside equipment will
let tim cat out of the bag. The