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September 6, 1951 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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September 6, 1951 |
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Mr. Vernon, In Hawkeye-Record ecstasies over the uses of a par-i~ Ill tA#*l| [
and The Lisbon Herald m-- - "11ticiple -- that she might even likelL.t~rnt:~Jl WIll I
Thurs Se t.n 6, 1951 ruyu ~ to dance, date. and dream -- and. [
that before the year was over they[~ I I ~#% ]
. .'~ . I might still be calling her ':Hatchet-i~j~r~er~ Mer vv j Four generations of the Jerry
Tried |n Western States ]replaced dear Miss Blank; but there Freshman week activities will lnever belonged to the Nazi party nor
[was a new grade babe the Woo- begin at l0 a.m. Tuesday, Sept ll. Lcontributed to it. He entered the
Here in Iowa, where rainfall lWoo one!) The new school regula- Student chairmen are two seniors, IU.S under a permanent quota and
has been beyond normal, we rtionst were positively worse than Jim Wasta of Cedar Rapids and l expects to take out naturalization
may not realize the importance ~ Russian rule, one would have to Ruth Temple of Cedar Falls Dean]papers when he is eligible. His wife
of artificial rain-making in the dry Ibe a genius to get an assignment MacGregor has been working close- tltook out her first papers last
western states This seems to be i done in the time the old man al- ly with them A large student cam-i January.
the new thing in agriculture in the i lows, what are they trying to do mittee will be on hand Tuesday to i. ~ ~ ~
west this year ~to kids these days -- kill 'era with act as guides and welcoming agents ~.~.o ~*uuar.u .a,t~.
News stories observed in western]homework?! for the incoming freshman class, se2este~;pan;h~ ~as co~aple~ea.nve
e a sc OL a~ ~am
newspapers during a recent trip tot -------- Patricia Scherf this year edited
the west coast tell of experimental l At the faculty tables that same the Freshman Handbook, Cornell
rain-making which is usually done i night~ Well, some observations Bound, which all freshmen by now
by seeding clouds with silver iodideim{ght "be made as to the kind of have received in the mail.
Dormitories will be open for the
first time this year Tuesday morning,
Sept. 11. The first meal will be
The Mobridge, S. D Tribune said,
"The Grand River Valley Weather
Improvement association has grant-
ed a $73,000 contract to the Water
Resources Development Corpora-
tion of Denver to conduct a pro-
gram of artificial nucleation and
cloud modification.
"Mobile 'smoke' generators
which dispense small silver io-
dine l~rtlcles into the a~os-
phere will be u~d. No &Jr-
"The particles enter a cloud in
the 'infected' area and in the freez-
ing temperatures of the atmos-
phere ice crystals form on them.
The crystals become snow flakes
that fall into the warm air, where
they melt and become rain.
"South Dakota State college and
North Dakota State college will
aid in evaluating the results of the
rain-making tests.
home Junior probably comes from
and some suggestions as to what
Susie May's parents might well do
with their brat!
Fortunately every cloud has a
silver lining, there's always a to-
morrow, things are never as bad as
they seem at first, and, as Ralph
Sez: There's always aspirin!
Sept, 7. 1950
Watson Davis sworn in as a new
"City Dad" on the local Council
. . Many out-of-staters have been
camping at the Pal, some from New
York, Baltimore and Ohio . . . Four
members of Clear Creek Saddle club
Tuesday's luncheon
Additions to the Cornell staff re-
cently announced by President R.
D. Cole include two new people and
one transfer.
comes from Oakdale, Pa and has
done a year of graduate work at the
University of Iowa. He has also
to make 70 mile trek Sunday . . had teaching experience in that in-
Carl Sailor of Lisbon reporting his stitution and others.
cotton now 4 ft. high . . . Final
rites for Mrs. J. F. Barrett and
J. M. Vislisel . . Officers close |n The Service
"The area involved covers 800,- some games at the Legion sponsored
000 acres, 100 miles by 120 miles, !carnival . . . Ruth Drips wins hun- VISIT DEAN EMERSON
in Carson, Dewey, Ziebach, Per- ors at Stanwood horse show . . Miss Lucille Emerson and Mrs.
kins and Harding counties of South Cornell receives $50.000 toward new Clarence Achenbach returned Tues-
Dakota and Adams, Sioux and Gym from Clarence Pauley . . . day from a week end visit with
berg university In another semes-
ter or two he would have completed
the course However he dropped
the studies when he knew that he
was coming to the U.S. German
law is based on the old Latin law.
while that in this country is based
largely on English law which is not
always the same. Since giving up
his studies he has sold insurance.
ing for Mrs. Stepanek and baby who
D IJ ~ .* I NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF lhav:n~ c'.a~m~ a:ain~t th* sa:v,e wHI fi!e|
re e eves /ArglCleS ADMINISTRATOR :hem, duly authen=i:a:ed ~n tbe office Of[
/ --"- ---- State of Iowa, Llnn County, ss. the /:fork of Linn County. iowa, Distrlcl |
A l~ * a NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. the' ~he Court.
l~re rrlntea In undo,si~,ed h this 2)tb day of The G ty Ban'x & Trust Compa,
li i . August. l~5'. .: :: a:,;~ i::'~,t and qualified of Cedar Rapids, Iowa and william
III IIITI-~L IP~,m|e. jl.l {:is Admin: " ~:.- f :he e-:,te of RudofS. E;.e.soe. Executors
11 ] Illl~ I~1~11111111~1~| Vodicka .e ,f ",:m C',u~::.'. L)wa, de- Holme~ & Holmes. Attorneys
l I ~ceased. .':: '.~ ~ ,n, !:~Ie::et "~ said es- Aug. 23. ~). Sept. 6, 1951
m l m ~ rate a:. y~2:!:I '.: : " ,Un-. !nl:nediate pay-
II i xhe August Issue of lhe Pa-ment :!;e'e-f :~ "/:e un,',c.i~n~,t. Th,~e NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT oF
l] limpsest," publication of the Stateha~n,: ,'l:-'::r, z:~ n-'~ :h ' same will fi?e EXECUTORS
i ~1i n.;o-~1 ~:~,~;,~*. ,~4' r,~ -,~ ;o ,4.~ ~ hem. duly auc::en,i ": t," 1 n :he office of No. 21833
II . .~ ' . t::e ( 'e'~ of i. :l ,:is:,;. Iowa, District State of Iowa, Lmn County, ss.
III votes to a tmoute to Dr t.narlesCmrt " NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that th-"
Ill JR. Keyes by William J. Petersen }?.UDO!.I- H E VODICKA, u~,l~r~igned ha,e been on this !~ith daYcf
III editor and six articlo~ on "p.--' Administrator August. 1!151, duly appointed and qualifi~
III it.i . : . ~. " ~ . "" " :" R. B. Wolfe, Attorney. as Executors of the estate of Jeannette
II n storlc ln~lans oi iowa written ~ I.ov, ell Ebersole late of Linn County IoWl~
II [by Dr. Keyes. who died at his home NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF : deceased. All persons indcbted to said e~
I I there on July 23. EXECVTO~S tare are requested to make immediate paY:
II I . . -- . ~. ' .~o. zt~ ment thereof to the undersigned. Th~
l| ] In a llie sketch oi 19g. Keyes, Dr. State of Iowa, Linn County, as having claims against the same will file
$[ [Petersen says "But it was for his NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN'. that the :hem. duly authenticated in the office o!
~ /*hor,--~, et ,~ ~, -~h;o+ -; undersigned have been on this l~th day of the Clerk of Linn County, Iowa. Distri:~
~| ~ v,~, o~,~ ~ ~,x t~,~*,o~vt*~. ***a*, August. 1951, duly appo nted and qualified Court.
II in Iowa that Dr. Keyes achieved as Executors of the estate of Francis F The Guaranty Bank & Trust Companl,
II [signal distinction. At the time of Ebersole late of Linn Count)', Iowa. de of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. and William
I I ~{o ,4,~.+~, ~,~ ,~ : ^A ceased. All persons indebted to said es- S Eberso e, Executors ,
II l,:o ~o~. a~ ~.~.~t~uu a~ uttu tale are requested to make immediate pay- Holmes & Holmes, Attorneys
II oz one foremost men in me country mentthereof to the undersigned. Those Aug. 23, 30. Sept. 6, I~
,ll in the field of archaeology." l Ill Ill l "-
I I ] He continues: "The present issue
s u is a revision of an article in The
l] Palimpsest in June 1927 and repre- RALPH b~'Z: Just think at it: steaks only 2Oc a pound,
I[ sents the late~ findings based on eggs 1So o dozen, mi~k 5c o quart. Where? Oh! Nowhere
I I a quarter cemury o[ work Oy Ur. . . o .
I[ Keyes. Immediately after submit- --DU* lust thnnK of it.
~.-. ~ -~ o ~ ting this article to the present edi-
Mr. auu ~v*l~ ~Jerola o~cpunc~attu .~ . .
for. ur. ~eyes sel tO work on a
son Guenther in the yard at the l oun" " yen" o
'Jerry Walter home. c ~y in ~ory i nls COLte llon St. "" '
which he was able to complete some J~eph
of wood. "My father got 500 pounds [ months before his death and which CHILDREN S ASPIRIN LISTERINE
of coalJtust before I left," Mr. 'will be published as a separate by bottle of 50 - 39c 79c
Stepaneksaid the Society a little later on
] "
Only the kitchen andsometimes "Meanwhile. a start was made on a . ,
one other room is heated in the volume for the Society which was to 8.5c Large ~.o,gates
winter Heat from cooking is used represent the latest findings of Dr. NOXZEMA DENTAL CREAM
to warm the house as much as Keyes in the field of Iowa archae- 5~c 47c
posible. When the house cools ology. Unhappily this work was -
off after the evening meal in the never completed, but the Society ~ B V-I '
winter the family goes to bed. fortunately owns all the notes and $1 89 Value ig a ue
Packages mailed from this materials which Dr. Keyes carefully Ever-Ready
country to relatives in Germany} catalogued and identified, so that INSECT BOMB
are usually received and are a this final volume can ultimately be $1.19
produced. 98
big help, Mr. Stepanek said. He ~ ~ . .
asked this newspaper to thanki "When it is done it is hoped
the people from Mt. Veron, Lis- that a representative part of the col-
ban and surrounding country,
who have contributed used
clothing which has been sent
by Mr. Walter to Germany. Mr.
Walter mailed several more box-
es last week. Sometimes oleo
is sent along with the clothing.
Tkey are still glad to send cloth-
lection can be placed on public dis-
play on University campus in Iowa
City. The bulk of the collection
must of necessity remain catalogued
and available to scientific archae-
ologists for future research.
"In publishing the findings of
Charles R. Keyes the State Historcial
Society is discharging one of its
The Marshall plan assistance has'primary functions and at the same
been a big aid to recovery in Ger- time in allowing Iowans to share
many. Conditions are better there in his production research." Wil-
now than shortly after the war. liam J. Petersen
The stores are pretty well stocked Titles of the articles written by
but it is difficult for the people to Dr. Keyes are: "Who and Whence",
earn enough money to buy the "Tribes, Stocks and Cultures", "In
goods Quest of Facts", "Ancient Sites"
Mr. Stepanek was asked if the i"Archaeological Patterns", and
people make good use of the Ameri- i "Iowa Prehistoric Cultures".
can Information Centers He re-!
plied that they were popular places,} NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL
especially among the young people,No. 21864
as the German librarieswere des- State of Iowa, Linn County, ~.
In the Diatriet Court
troyed during the war. The Ger- To all whom it may concern:
mans like to read the American Notice is hereby given that on the [0th
newspapers, magazines and books, day of September A.D 1951 at 9 o'elcck
A.M an instrument purporting to be
English is taught in the German
last Will and Testament of Frank ~e.
$1.00 size bottle - 50c
Big Six
Ass't. Combs - 23c
If you do you should take
Containing Liver, Iron, Vitamin B12 and
other Vitamins and Minerals.
RALPH - Your Druggist
Grant counties of North Dakota " Carolyn Gish and Vernon Paul mar- Dean Emerson at SheppardAir schools to students from the age of
Base Wichita Fails Texas ~-'- "^ ""-~" ~'~- *"'il'" 10 to 18
The tests are financed by pay-ried in Lisbon. ' . '. . ~: . ] H~ .~=~ ~u~v t, ,-,~a~= ,~ ,~, ~ "
uean nas recelve ~ nis nrs~ pro
ments of 10 cents an acre for farm [lover a year later, in July 1947, at In the Russian zone the Russian
land and 3 cents an acre for p s- mouon anu is n.ow.a przva~e nrs~]Kemmern through the aid of the language is taught, beginning with
. . ~ ~ept. 3, 1941
~ure tanu N w class ,~ergraouatlng ~rom basiC[international Red Cross. His father children at the age of six.
-- " " ' of rain mak e school year starts with 291 ~rammg on ~ep~. a, ne wtu.oe.sen~jwas also working with the Red Students coming from the Russian
An in,cresting t'e~ut~ --
. u~ .: ton pUpilS enrolled in the Mt Vernon
m~ is me experience ,a=m-~ ublic s haul . ~.o N,orcnwes~ern ~tace ~oi{, i Cross trying to locate him. During zone report conditions there are bad.
o~ *'-'te ~ne ary rand" wheat farm- p ~. c s and 197 at Lisbon t~atcmtocKes, ~.Omslana. a clvm.anlthe time after he was released from In order to get a job they have to
'" " t to make it " " howard Fisher gets two teeth . . ]the P.W. camp he worked on farms ~oin t e Ge C " p y.
college to necome a clerk typist h rman ommumst art
er~n.n~ rann :~iP~e cherries andk?2::ehd ~::ls ai~dto o:h;;s ::petned He entered the Air Forces July [as the ration cards at that time did They can't say anything critical of
damaged other soft fruit crops The a 5, 1951 His ~mends will be pleased I not provide enough food to exist on. Russia in the eastern zone while in
t ~" val a uavenport titling station co near ne ls oomg very wen. IMPRESSIONS the American zone there is freedom
xruit growers in me lrrlga ea "Jose-hine Ma-ee an " ""
ri -suit P g u Jonn uavely
leys nearby threatenea ~o o ng Imar#=,~ ;- ~,~,=t + ~'~**" STATIONED IN---M~YLAND [ Mr. Stepanek is impressed by of speech.
if artificial rain damaged their odtst'c~urc~"-~'~ ~'.'~ ~ ~?'" " Cl-~ir-Whltm-a-n .q-~--~n-~-n-~ M.~ !American friendliness and courtesy. "I hope the Eisenhower plan
r n . . . svmson ~Itne o1 ek i H
crops. -~---n to ir ]Lisbon buys the Harry Holcomb Mabl Wh~fmnn hu~ h~an ~t~*i~.oa[In Germany if someone happens to works," Mr Ste~an sa d. e
' " v h erma
mere are some aura ~ag~ "~farm north of Mt Vernon C"il- since May at the Pat,~ont Rivov[bump mto you he doesnt bother to added that he belle es t e G n
rigation in that the moisture can ,~ : - "'.'.r".
~uw~ Deraneas return Irom vis,~ az Md Naval Air Station where he apologize, he sald. people vat ld fight In case of an
be controlled. Farmers don't have ~,uuzsvnle n.y. ~verytnmg snap- is a' typist The station is located[ There are as many autos here as invasion. However, he is. afra!d
to worry about rains in putting ur ' - ~ L
,1.S "~ ~ ,* ~n~'Up ~auer~rauz not far from Washington, D. C. so bicycles in Germany. About their,nero are many commums~s In
alfalfa either Da
y "n Lisbon . . . Dr. and Mrs. O. he has been there to see the many only people who have autos in Ger: trance.
. IB. Chassell honored on their 50th places of interest, He reports the jmany aye business men, aoecors ana iHEARS VOICE
Walt Ravin, West Branch anniversary . . . Harold Fishers country is beautiful around the ltaxi drivers. Tnere are many too-i The Voice of America broadcasts
-. t leave ~or t-antler, Mich where he
Editor, Receives Honor will be industrial arts instructor in station. Clair took his boot train- ~orcyctes, nowever. 'are heard regularly. It is difficult
ing at Great Lakes Naval Station Jobs are hard to find, there. A for the Germans in the Russian zone
Ithe public school, last winter I worker earns about 40 marks a week to listen to them as they may be
Congratulations to Walt Navin, jr l
editor and publisher of the West TWENTY YEARS AGO ------------------,or $10 in American money When caught doing it and get into trouble.
OFFICIAL NOTICE I vou consider that a 2 round loaf of There are many secret police men in
Branch Times, who has been pro-j Sept. 3, 193I TOonAllseptemberWhOm It 25thMay 1951Concern:a hearing will "black bread costs 18 ~cents and a~ the Russian" zone.
sented with the Mission Gold Seal! Fire started from spontaneous
of Progress award for outstanding!combustion at the Earl Mathison be held in the office' of the Board of Su-Ipound of beef 50 cents in American i About three weeks before he left
achievement as editor since 1949. !shoe store Harry Jordan is ex- ~rv~t~ ?' rlo'at~npgi't~o~t~d C urttbeH w~t" 4~[m ney yOU realize that it is hard Mr Stepanek talked to a Russian
,to support a family on the amount arm officer who d d t
The award was made by T, M. I hibiting his mystery steer at differ- feet of the read known as the Paralta, " y ' ha eserted he
Melden president of the Mission, ent county fairs. The calf's heart .Rpa.d. commen.cin~" at the.We2t end. of a earned by the. average laborer. Russian army and had come into the
Texas, 'Chamber of Commerce for is located in its throat . . . Mrs. tl~ntoawYnt~a~n~m~,a nit~nebe~ne~~ a"n~i ~ There is no wnke areas, western zone. Desertion is common
"'distinguished and meritorious ser- Dana Stearns and Opal narrowly 152 feet North and 395 feet West of ~he COA1L ~II~[IT~D he said.
vice to West Branch." The award escape serious accident when dual S~ut~a~. corner,of the Northeast .quarteri It will take a long time to rebuild ! Mr. Stepanek's father teaches two
goes to "an outstanding citizen h tire from t[t~ck swerves in front .of ~o~n~ehi~ ~n~a~r~tcu~r~e~e ~'W~e~:'~en~lthe railroads and great factories all classes of boys in the Kemmerm
has contributed generously Wn~ them . . . Lisbon kiddies start fire West to the West line of the Northeest[Germany destroyed during the war. i school
whole heartedly to the growth and in back of Miller & Hansen's ex- quarter of the Northeast quarter Section I~1 ~nd ~teel aro need,~d fn~ thi~I 1Vfr ~t~n~n~lv hnn,~ ~n ~h~i~
' $ Township 83 North Range 5 West e- ~-
progress of his community." .~ tingulshed before too much damage crossing the East track of the "Y" of the!rebuilding. France and England al- ~ job soon and then decide on h~
The Mission Cnam~er o~ ~om
" - " THIRTYYE-ARS AGO C.M,~St. P. Railway at a point 744 feet I SO want coal. Each German family future plans. He still would like
merce, s onsors of the aware pro . West 9f the East line section 5 Town- ;~, 1;~-~; ,~A *~. nnn ,~ ~o~1 t,~ f~b~
~ ]~W on,r~ h~.~ ;f nl~,=
sent it annually to one city p r ' "~" '1~ '~ Cram --;d J for the winter and about two cords ~ for it can be worked out.
l~nlet~ur~,e acre-is"" .nono---~.~ ~ ~c~ ~ ~ .
state 1~ includes an nonorary ~ ~" ~'"o. - . ' "'-: ~~---------
i " hne and str~kmgthe West hne of the]
membership in the Mission Cham- head dmtlclan at .hasp tal m Arrow- Northeast quarter of the Northeast quar-i lml,llm~ml ~mmmll,~,l~ ijlmlm~Im~~ llml~.
h~r nf ('?nmmor~e [neaa ~prlngs UallI vera I~ueD- ter of section 5. Township 83 North. Range m.m m m m m 1 I IIS 1 I li1 I1 m lU I 1 I m mm I m 1 I,
-%;-"-= "~:'"''-- " - *----~ler weds Elmer D Burke Silo5 West at a point 134~ feet West of said I ~l EEu
wal~ wno was grauuate~ ~rum Ea ' tio 5 :towns ~ 83 N
Cornell in 1947 was editor for one I flllm.g is the program for all farmers Ra~t:i~eweSest, ~naid'road behni; 60 f~e~rthn }glll ~ $1~lh~ t~1~ ~lAO A~OI~C ~l
year and business manager for an- m mls community .: : Z~llS.S ~eral- width. All objections or claims for.dam: [~ " Z ~~'~ ~l[:==|Vlbll~ll~ ~q&~l~l~l[=:~t "-I1
^ ^ ~.^ o . "; ;~ well {Qlne hughes quits JOD Wltn l~e(l- ages thereto must be filed in the office OI mum ,~11 ~ "-- ~
u~uer u u,c u = ~- " path Vawter Chautauqua and comes i the County Auditor, Cedar Rapids, Linnthe}> k~~" J~ ~ . "-~
known here ICounty Iowa on or before noon of ~~ on Marion Boulevard
Dark ~o learning In Mt. vernon j25th day of September 1951, or such road tin1 -'" -
AL CAPONE WAS A [ Bill Knox returns from Maine[will be vacated without reference thereto, l== ~-" - eEOAR DAD|~t I~WA
TWO-BIT OPERATOR! with tales of pulling two-foot fish [ Name of owners of land affected by said I ml ~ ~ .v -1
tout of icy waters . . . Clarice Nissley va~:at~on." . Wc-~ li mm
. l%lcnaru d ouS I
Compared to the lush rackets, in Its working on the Chicago Journal[ Gladys M. Woods [gt-~ Ill
Washington, where it seems pontlcallin the windy city and Elizabeth Dated at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, this 25th "'ram ~ n
favors, of almOStoanYonkihn:i:s~eb~[Spear is with the New York Eve-idaY of AuguSto~jF HANZLIK iI~ STOCK CAO VACg ",
~ougnt 1ram pe s s ~ ning Telegram . . . Harlan Botts I Linn CoUnty Auditor I t ~r"~ll II~kde"~im~d/
the Truman administration, A1 Ca-]nicely located in Los Angeles Calif. lAug ~ Sept. 6, 13 ~. 1951 ]=u1 m~
pone was strictly a two-bit operator. ------ " ~--'~-'----" I I' mm
We now have "government by FORTY-FIVE YEARS AGO e~ / ./ lAW . ~/ [ I~%ll~l~V ~ll|&m=~u~ .~==~,=a ,q. II~
crony" and Constitution avenue in Sept. . . ]Keaa the want asl' EVgK| 3UNU.~kT Nl~Pll ui
Washington gives forth the tamiltar} uee ~ee~icx goes ~o ~ew xorK1 II II
stench of Main street in Kansas City to take speech under Mrs. Elizabeth I - ~ Ill
during the days of Old Man Ponder- Beecher . . . Prof. L. T. Newton has i ' * :~ ':' "* ~' ~'" '" ~ll I
gast It must give Harry Truman been appointed principal of the Mt I' : : : :i::" I TIME TRIALS 7 00 P M B A~ee ~ ,~ .
a n" t~'"ic feelinm Vernon school Other teachers will ~ ~ ,
--Waverly Democrat be Misses Llllian Smedley, Susan M~'/# F~//#i -/~W~/t n m
[O~,~,*- T~--ni,~ B,~t~le Olar~ Bli-k* i. ~-,-, ::ev- a ~ : -Io. AJ e, ^. I .~. . Ill
- / ' '~ ,a *', : ::::. r L. ,~uml$$1on: .p, ,vq, p,u~ xlC mx
&&;--LA &It A: -- FMary Kepler Jessie Wilcox and l
ff|i~Hl /Vl~llilUITI a e[Florella Gaudy . . E. B. Willix : ~ ,::~11t~!i::iiii :[mtm Children under 12 Free -1
--B~ Flor*nee Hoidahi will have two voting machines built : fS ,i!i~#" I C
~in time for the November election ; . - - - ----
':::::::~:::::::~ ::::::~::::::: : :::~::~::: ::. I ror me most thrlulng races and the most spectacular
Trust that by nov," all parents director of the conservatory : !:::: .I ~11 %
have recovered from the "first day i-------'---~'~ ' !iiiiiiii!iiiill "ILL. upsets always attend Ce-Mar Acres Races sanctioned byEll
o~ scnoo~ --- . :::': : : : "I h i " a i m
Na!~ tovide! the: idealI[ T Champ onshlp Stock Car R c ng Assoclat on .
In the innocence of my teaching ~ : worthY:: ;|n ; ea ~ : fall to :!IY ~--
days I believed that only faculty ! ~ : Scotts " il--I-- --I,- --I--l--I~l--II-~l~l--II-.I--l--I--I--I~l~l-I~l--II--I
n h 0 . m m m m m u n u n m m m m II m m Ig II
members adva ced to t e front lines ~[ -"- " : ::'*-::::::: ::: It I
on this day of battle! I spent Labor lk ~[ i no~e: ]ne m~Kmg~ . . . S : ,~
day shuddering as I visualized 40 j cost- "I| I!
wiggling hunks of humanity before,: feed~thTudBuilder and :lJ eyes =xom,ned Glosses Fitted J[
me, daring me t oe 'inspiring," ! :[I ~ ~,~ ~ I
SOW ~c $ ~e
testing my temper and my author- ~ : : J ~ t ~ ---~-- -- ~--~ ]
No khaki-clad ~OmPo~nY ~hargmg Y . .fl % I
e,a, ~. ,ree~ ;: ::i:;; :::: : ~: Z~ . [
sown zrom the p ll can ~ ' ":::::f:~a "I! %w w " I- ~ ~K "" "-- war I1
be more nerve shattering than a ~ " [:~*~]~i'1 -" J "~ I ~K / [
Duncn Ol s~uaenc~ a va cI g n a ~L %, "::: ~ :ll~TV"%Nt~l "' ! A 9 -- - -.---, i
classroom! Shoves, raucous laugh- "~ : i:iit~'g~(,~l "i| I'~K BI=I I I:K WI~IUN ]
! ~, ! *I [
ter giggles slam of books When
" . 1~ " ~ ~ .t| ~odern Styles Prompt Serv,ce J i
quiet is established (one can't call 1~ ~L ~ " ,~f~'~ ~.~s"e ~~ :} J It
It descends not the first day) ~ 22] 3rd St S E Cedar Rapids, Ph 2 B721 tt
and one can" look over the room : /'-~~~ :/ " " " " [
of faces--freckled, pug-nosed, pimp- VlTA-SKIM he, -ore h.=l~ : ~' ~ : ~
ly peaches and cream smirking be--t:'- "~n'"r - ~sr " "[ ~ II II L
' " . ' ' ~ r. OHU " tltBe DI||tJ~EJ~ "~ ~ I| II I II1[
tense -- all one can honestly say whole m lkJ su~r ou w~ ' ~ =
is "Anyhow they've been taken into " ' " Th;s specific grossfood restores lawn :[ ~[I ]]~n ~ .~ & ~1 ~ i .m m ,m I
camp,' d o,or d ,o ib. . I I T I
. . O1 : 50X50 ft-$2.50 ]00 ib $7.85 " L IJ/I
Little aoes a teacner aream ~ ~ - : a'~~
that great first day that before the A~lll "~h, i *~"~ .~ED " [ ~ ]
yearis over she'll love those freck- ~ 't ~. g P DVI( ~
~ . Its perenn;a! grasses are tops rot '
led mugs. that the smirks will turn " o.I a '
' W,fall planting. You need y .
to smiles and that shell be el- " s mu-h- -ou-et o better '
VlT - ~ ~mm I~b I~m~'~
coming each individual with a Ord~r Iow- mt A-SKIM . . . :[ ~ ~ V [
~ r Kiwn tO#" less
at 1 at f O~ Out racer o .
cheer] 'Hi[, as ahe w "Is dai y Y ~ "~ :[ ~.~-'d~ ]
the door ' ' " ~ ~ ~= = ms,~
I 21 for home del
,o, . . " " " :1
Might mentio~t there are a I~ : .I To our clients we offer personal, sympa-! [
few of the forty draped in the ~ I : IlllP ~P~ql~I~IN I I,~ 'J thetic service. ' ]
chairs and chewing fingernails over ? :L t ~: ~ . Idt m ~ l l&l I II ~:l
the desks who could never be con- Jl~ r,~,~ml~ : [llll-lqk~l I IW|l q#~ .[ [
vinced on th:a.t fi~t day Of toque, i ll l - Mt " :l Johnston & Morgan's Funeral Home ]
that the am oatue-axe up front r : . N :l [
was a human being -- that she : "" I
could laugh -- that she re~ly un- fARM DAII ItF$ : [
derstood that boys can't go into
Moore late of said county, deceased, will
come on for hearing before the said District
Court at the Court House in Cedar Rapids.
Iowa, for the proof and admission of same
to probate.
Dated Cedar Rapids Iowa, August 30,
19AilTHUR=~ AXMEAR, Clerk District Court
r Jl
Ellwood & Neff, Attorneys Sept. 6, 1951
Watch a~d
Midland Farm Management Co. JewelrY"
612~Btdg Re~a~~
216 Third St $.E.
cedar P pi . Cedar Rapids, Iowa
For carefree performance through the years