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September 7, 1939 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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September 7, 1939 |
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Thm'sday, ~eptember 7, 1959
, ' ---- v ....,. ...... T11" ~'~ ~.dl(~edar Ranids shoppers Saturday. C|oth From Asbf'to°'mweral
t ...... lu.m vrr ntlatll NPII MJDTI~! i I~ MiTW Morley E~,n~"oi ]~as/on-"/i~) an'd Mr~'andl"Mr. and" Mrs. L. D. Greenawald Although asbest°~h'an~ will no¢
THE HAWKEYE-REC_.ORD/Mrs. Ida wrzgn , t~ll. VI~U~ L~ahL~i l~la~l~/LLl~ ~]L~VVL~ Mrs. Ella F. Austin ~Irs."Roy Riendl an'el Jack, Straw- ! entertained Mr:and ~S~inEa:l Phi~ mined from ::ed~in;;grate" it n=~
THE LISBON HEB2AI, u * * l ~t~,, ~,mn Wain -~- berry Point tips ana Lura Lee o~ ~ burn. rusl .... ieh|l]g u, ."
..d ....... L Dins In Los Angeles i _ T----- ...... ........... HAVE FAREWELL PARTY ...... a ~x~o Fred Pulver Merle I o'clock dinner Wednesday. be woven into elou~ -~ ~--d
104 ~ Ave.. North, .¥?un_? ~ -~ ~ . . I Edwin Goo_ayear o~ lo..wa _~lty !,.~,~nva~ --~-~-~_~ AT U B CHURCH TUESDAY !~..'.~o~'~'~ ~'~* ~,,,~a~, i,~' ~h~ J I Fred Cook is home again after a .... nund to the s~uare .v~,~-__.._
Olfleia! ~ew~a~er a~o~- ..... | In a communication from An- ] was a visitor las~ week in me nome i m~, ...... ":. "'."~Y'~.. ^ (~.~'~ ......... • ~;~,,,~o a-d I"'u '~ ..... v ..... ."'":"J ::: --.'Y "~ i ,~ ........ ,-¢ vn~tion ,,,~ v--
Lmu t.~un,.r ~ ""~ .... '--~-* ^- ,~ ~n-' o i. _~ ~,.. a,,~,]~ ~r~e~r. { Sunday senoot lu:uu a.m. .~ ,,~ ~v,,va-j ,~ *-.~-,~o .., I A. Colton home. Merle will a~ena]u~[cc w==~. ......... .,_o
............. proprietor /n°la 1,!orence. wr~-~,::,.¢~,~ ~, o~ mr. an~f ..... .~"f."~ :',"'~, _ ! Worship sevice 11:00 a.m. neighbors gathered at the Umted [college at York Nebr the ensuing I Mrs Bud Martin of Eldora was ,, ~ , ~ •1.7, -,~ [romC-~laS"
b~oyd Me~uv, cneon ~-~-~ Editor geles, Ca~i~., ~o tne x~a.... ,~---~- Born to mr anti mrs. Jonn ~rum-i ~ ..... ,~ , ...... ~.~n ,~ Brethren church Tuesday night to~ _ -. ' "' , " . ...... : .... ~.o ~a~ H~ SU,V-
Jnm~ W. M¢C,.tc n' and Lisbon [ ord advises of the death of her a sonJohn Leroy Satur-}~-, ~. ..... ~. v ..... Mrs scnool year. . a recen~ gues~ o~n~r~=- ~,~-o. l
p, " hod at Mount Verno --~. c . . . bough . : . "rh 1 on will be m charge of honor as a farewell courtesy• ~ ~na ~w ~ r nk Berhn~ham • unter ~ ]~l --
__bh$ ~ . , , ' . . • ~ _.GO ess .......... r~.F a W H .
in Linn County, Iowa, every rnur Y mother M~s 1de Wright on .}u~y day at Umvers~ty hospital iowa ~__._ "~wman Evah Bennett and children and °": ....... ash ~Dar -" " _ ~ m,
........ : . ' ....... An~,eles_. {~eau ~c . [ .......... ~o~ cass ana zranK ana w • "/ Miss Lucille Gray of SpringdaleIFor quick • ~ ~,
THS MOU.NT.o~V~E~..NON~Wa~2L~ ',2f: at ~.i+er n°un~e..2d after having city. . ........... I ............. ~,, [Mr: ana ~vtrs. ~. u. ~,reenawamJrow of Atlantic were recent visit-]cellod in the Katie Sunday and W. Ir,.lief from ~
Founn~ In ................. i ....... -~.'" ".~:'-~: ..... : ..... ~,-h Miss marina ~anman wv.,~ .t~]SWaLLVM-.~lC.~',V~ ... _lane jail.eL ,~ program consisting]ors m the Colton home. ]B° Guthrie homes Sunday after-lcolds.~nptOms I I~]
::~u~t~rr'~A~:~:~l~a'~o~$1 a0 !Wi!:!tep~drehydei~!2::2~hi!)t°21~ii~t~li C~iss Patricia Mitchell has begun ] ~Pi:~.ak~mthel~h:°g/°°m iCe:arl ~IARNEDDMARS'sC~ELRHAY IMM: jandeMK~ig~t Hof K bghtendI "COLLEGE MISS" ]
count" ', " "$1.7~ ' • ...~ " i work as o~,~rator in the Mount Ver- I• | ................. | week end guests of their son and ~ . ~ ,d~ ~Y ~d~Kdg~
per year ...... :"':':: ......... $2 001colored serpentine paper. Tne or-, ~. ~'~ - ....,,--,~-,-~-^ I ~ ~ ~ne many zrmnas or ~v~r. ann ~v~r~.5 ~^,, . v^.. ~^~.~ ~.~;.~,~,~n~ r ~ ~ ~]~~
side toe state ......... r~iceOI tne Joell l~l~pllUll~" . uuuShG J.~Cv. lza~.vl~, lxl~/~x~ a~u'
One year, out. --[*~,' -~ were lar e and small traysnon o t Ralph Thomas returned home, Cecil Hay, recent newlyweds gath-| ~.~ ~, ~ ~~ ~- I.-
. ~.cle.- g • . .' . .~
Notices for en~rtainmee~.°ri°th~d~a?~[and bowls, which she marketed company. . -.. nt[fromDesMomes on Sunday after ered in the local school aud~tormm|"~une Hartly has gone to Tipton / ~'U~.~ V --
~ntag:p~t~2~ki,ma~n~irm:U~:~ioharffeo~reepee~ [ h?dt~:~c~ theee l?o:aA~:;e~:s b~.:x., suMn~ayndM~nArt~I~ir~.aa~nbSP:n,s iV~sSi~mgea week m the Paul Thorn Wed;eSdgYc:V;~:nwgit~ndo:dhOwWe~eedI ~h:::mSheh:ill :tn~iy a~e3ejuD?ole I ~1~ ~ ~_ ~r ~ T O B S !
~ar¢, o~,,~ a line minimum charge $1.09] ~ ..... ~. .... *h,.r never ceased mother Mrs. Grant Peck near ~en- Mrs. A. L. Hoffman went to Dav- and numerous and beautiful gifts.] .. ~ '~" a,~ ~- L~ ~,~ ~ 6-- --e
Pi~pl~ya'dvgt?inl~onrsaib~e faUdrv~l~t'~edr°n aP'! to'lov~th~nei'ghVborliness of Mount tral City. enport on Saturday to spend sev- The Morley School orchestra play-] c°~ef:res Ehresman of Ti--ton via ..... ~,e ~f~Db|
p|iestton . ~ ~ ......... d her interest in her Mr and Mrs. John Baird of oral days. ed throughout the evening; read- .+..~ ~ .............. ~ ~,,n ~,: ~'~k.~'~-~-~ ~J.~a~-~&~
Member Iowa prima As~eiatto • --~--r'i$- "-'.... ~¢ .~t tile colle,~e never lagged. Rochester Minn. were dinner Mrs. Volvo Darsee called in the rags were given by Lorls and Lor-~. ........
itortal Association ~ormgn ~uv~ o ~r,c,,u "" ' '"" - "'r i ai bo Mon 1 clarence riartty las~ week
Ed' ~ - -. "~.----~ NewspAper...... ,~" .... ember of the Corneli ~uests Monday of bar. ana ~v~ s. Earl Farley home n s n - na Bray of Anamosa, Mrs. Ra eigh ~. ,...~ ~,~ ur u ~',~ ~
Ine 405 Sh~g~ Bldg. Des MomeS, Io • Academy class of '86 Harvey Elhson. day morning. . Shoop and Mrs. Glen Slyer. Co. ~.~. a,,~,;~ ~r~ w~]n~ ~,.~or
• -- "' ~--~ Miss Wright is organist anl Mr and Mrs Robert Ellison of Mrs. Dick James and Donald a~- Treasurer Donald Ruhl then pro- U;" ¢::,o~:.,,~:..._~, .......,,..._.....~7.~:,
F~atert~l ~ o~O~du~la~ernmao~ ~o~:era:(l director of music ix, the First Uni- Cedar Rapids were supper guests tended the funeral serv,ces of the,r sented the gifts, wh,ch were duly ~rs. a~n~e~d~:rrYngrS~Ir~OXSLat'Urta
the peat onice ' ' " n eles " and Mrs uncle at Washington Iowa on Sat- acknowledged by Mr and Mrs Hay. . ' "
18boo Iowa x~salistchurch m Los A g Monday evening of Mr
L , • " ~ "." • ' ". ........ Swltzer attended funeral services
where she has been for more than Harvey Ellison. urday.
ten years. She said she has served Miss Lorraine Frick went to Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Darsee spent PIEFFER REUNION WAS at Forest Chapel for John Taft,
two churches for twenty-one con- Iowa City last week where she is Labor Day with relatives in To- HELD HERE ON S~NDAY aged 70 years, Saturday, who pass-
A[~'l seeutive years, in New York anda member of the faculty of the Uni- ledo. The annual Pieffer reunion was ed away Thursday at his home
Miss Jessie Boxwell and Virtis held Sunday in the United Broth- north of town.
California versity high school. Boxwell were dinner guests in the ren church basement dining room. Mrs. Edith Miller is at Marion
Mr. and Mrs. Orval Daubenmier Harold Corn home on Sunday. A basket dinner was enjoyed by helping care for her aged mother, !
had as guests Sunday evening, Mr. Mrs. Jens Pedersen wentto the twenty-nine members present. Mrs. W. A. Ladd, who fell last!
'WAY BACK WHEN and Than Dean and Mr. and Lansing, Mich., last Thursday to The afternoon was spent in social Thursday and fractured her hip
visit in the Albert Pedersen home. chatter and all too soonpassed bone.
ilEI~IEVE BITLEI~ INSANE Items of Interest In Mount Vernon Mrs. Merrill Hoffman.
And Lisbon 10, 20, 30 Years Ago Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ross and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Blood and away to be recalled only as a Mrs. Arthur Free and Allen and
pleasing memory. Those present Miss Eleanor Gordon spent Satur-
Moines were Sunday guests of Mr. Dragoo home Monday afternoon, included: Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Rod- day at Troy Mills where Miss Gor-
The reports of the English and ~*'~'~'~'~ ~ daughter Connie of West Des daughter called at the " Howard
French ambassadors to their gov- TEN YEAR~ AGO and Mrs. Harvey Ellison. Mrs. Zoo Plummer called in Mar- crick, Belle Plaine; Margaret, Ger- don will act as Home Economics
ernments, after conversing with September 12, 1929Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Nation and iOnMr.MOndaYand Mrs.m°rning'Bert Hartford and trude,Mary DareMildred'and Mr.~°derick'and Mrs.MrS'C. supervisor this year.
Hitler during the crisis in Europe Work began on family were supper guests Friday Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Gilmore were 0V~ ~5 l~EW S~S
morning of improving and length- evening in the home of Mr. and June of Marion spent Sunday in IC. Roderick of Waterloo; Mr. and
last week, offer about the only ex- cuing the C & N W side'tracks a~Mrs. Elmer Smith in Ely. the Philip Bobst home. Mrs. C. C. Stephens, Forest; Mr..:.~:**:o:~.=**:.,:*-:.0:*@*:~:**:.*~
Miss Ruth Gotsch left for Los and Mrs. Frank Lane and Bobby of ~v~,~vu.q~ ~ a r~.n
planation for Germany's course. Lisbon, and east of IAsbon. O.C. Banta and daughter, Angeles, Calif., last Tuesday eve- Blairstown; Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus ~|]~IN~'~ I'~l|~
According to the Washington Glenn C. Haynes of Des Moines. Lois Irene Hutson of Des Moines ning after spending the summer Lamb, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Smith, LI~k$|JL~J~ ~I'~]LKATt~
Merry-Go-Round, the French am- was elected commander of the Iowa were visitors last week in the home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Smith and Rich- ...... , o, . . o
Department of the American l.e- of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Novak ................ .~:~**:.*:*~.~,.*~.~,~:.@*:'@*:~. :~:~:*':'*:**:"
bassador, after listening to Hitler :gion at Marshalltown recently. C. Gotsch. aru, mr. ana mrs. r~. r'. ~mltn, ~u- " .........
rant and rave and pace the floor Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Matthews left Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Rogers of Dillon Holcomb left Monday for one and Darlene, Mr. and Mrs. J. F.F. EBERSOLE, M.D. ~
until he became so abnsive he was thetrip firstto Cincinnati,°f the weekOhio.for a motor BurlingtOnin the homeareof visitingMrs. Roger'sthis weekpar_ schoolLen°x' thisI°Wa'year.Where he will teach BickerstaffR' Bickerstaff,andMr.Lorraine,and MrS.allR. H.of .......... First door east of Methodist church ~1v,_,99
Elllson'sbaby beefents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Frick.Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hurt of Cedar Morley; and Dr. and Mrs. K.O. o. T~pff~ ~-
mount vernon, Iowa
Paris that in his opinion Hit- topped the sale of baby beeves at Mr. and Mrs. Carl Crumbaugh of Rapids were dinner guests in the Smith of Kingston, N.J. ~sm~;
edlertOwas mad and war was inevit- the Wapst Valley fair in Cenfral Clinton were visitors over Labor Wilmer Larson home Sunday. Bar .... Here ~te your s
City last Friday. It brought $16.75. day in the home of the former's bare Jo Hurt returned home with Miss Helen Koppenhaver of New-W.G. KRUCKENBERG, M.D.
able immediately. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Frick left parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Crum- her parents after spending a week port spent several days last week Physician and Surgeon CAMPUS and SPOK "
Hitler told the British ambassa- today to make their home in Ames. bough, in the Larson home. Mrs.With Joeher Hora.Uncle and aunt, Mr. and Office Gearhart ResidenCeiowa Oxfords with crepe~ ttadaet
dor how he wanted to become a Tt~e Ladies Aid society of theMiss Clara Wain, recently ol Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stabenow and Mount Vernon, or rubbcr soles. S~noings~
great painter in oils and that he Methodist church elected officcr~ Dayton, Ohio, has accepted a post- children of Chillicothe, Ill., visited Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Shankland
wanted to take up painting as soon ,Wednesday. They are: Mrs. J. F. lion in the Luther hospital, at Eau several days in the Glenn Stabenow and Jimmy spent the week end Office Phone 63-R2 Res. 63-R3 at oaly
as he had carried out his program ' Barrett, president; Mrs. 1). E. Claire, Wis., where she is now lo- and Harvey Barber homes, with Grandma Wohl at San Jose, Calls Answered Promptly tenors and priced
Hedges, vice president: Mrs. coted. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Holcomb of Illinois. Day or Night
fox" Germany. "I feel that I have Blanche Howe, secretary; Mrs. J.B. Miss Helen Turner of Council Pasadena, Calif., came Monday Miss Betty Angus was an over-' .... Hosiery and Purses To Match
night for a weeks visit in the El- night guest Saturday in the R.H. E.C. PRALL, Dentist
it in my soul to become one of the Robinson, treasurer; Mrs. Ida For- Bluffs was a visitor last week in mer James home. Domer home near Stanwood. On
great artists of the age, and that dyce, housekeeper, the home of her sisters, the Mrs. Elton Turner and family of Sunday she accompanied the Dora- Phones
future historians will remember me Joe Brokel was taken to a Cedar Mrs. Mac T. Mitchell and Miss Syl- Larchwood, Iowa, were visitors in er family on a trip to Davenport.
Rapids hospital Saturday morning via Turner. the Trevor Baskerville home Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Willard -- 242 Home -- 204W
not for what I have done for Get- He is suffering with typhoid fever. Mr. and Mrs. Bolton Wilson day and Monday. Miriam and Keith of Clarence were
many, but for my art." Leoral Evans and Rachel A1- were over Labor day guests in the Mrs. Collie Newman, Mr. and Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. R.
Result of the interview, accord- bright are recovering from the, Jr home of their son and daughter-in- Mrs. Clayton Murfield and Doris, H. Russell.
ing to the Merry-Go-Round, was injuries received in an auto acci- law, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Wilson and C. J. Murfield and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. L. (~. Hunter, Mur-
dent on September 2. in Manchester. O.W. McBride and Betty of Mar- tel and Arline, . . Hay and Mrs.
that Henderson cabled his govern- George Zinkula had a new corn- Ed Pitlik, Kenneth Edaburn and ion were entertained in the Merle~ Hallie Shumaker were Sunday eve-
Mount Vernon, Iowa
~o ~t~OND ~ltE~~T BE. NEXT TO
ment, that Hitler was insane and bine set up at his farm last ~'cek. Laurence Johnston returned home Murfield home Sunday. ning callers in the F. A. Hunter
that war could be expectedira-It is the first one to be set up in Saturday night from a vacation Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thomas of home at Mount Vernon. Office 40-R2 Residence 40-R3
tb s community, fishing trip to Bachus, Minn. They Des Moines called at the Allen Miss Eleanor Gordon of Grand
mediately." T~VENT~---'~-~ARS AGO report the fishing excellent. Mitchell home and at the Herbert Forks, N. D., spent the week end Mount Vernon, Iowa
------- -- ~ September 10, 1919 Roy. E. C. Moorhead, former pas- Thomas home Sunday afternoon, with Mrs. Ella Austin and Her- G.M. WILSON S EYES
DES ~IOINES STORES Corp. Warren M.cKune reached tor of the Mount Vernon Presby- Miss Juanita Jane Moore was a old. Attorney.At-Law
itESUME ADVERTISING New York City, September 3. He terian church, called on friends re- dinner guest in the A. C. Loepp Sam Ladd of Chicago, and Mrs. YIOUR CHILDREN' f
was stationed in Germany ever cently. He is pastor of the Pros-in°me in Cedar Rapids Sunday eve- B. J. Schroeder of Des Moines, call- Praeti :e in state and federal courts /L~ure ~rhen~ o
The Des M'oines stores have not since armistice was signed, doing byterian church in Lincoln, Ill. ning. ed on their sister, Mrs. Edith Miller Counselor-at-Law and Notary Pub-
Mrs. Allen Mitchell attended the Friday. lie. Office over DeLuxe Coffee Pla.v an Important Part in Their studies • --"_
chiefly guard duty. Miss Helen Walker of Lancaster, funeral services of Mrs. Mathes at Mrs. Ella Grassfield, Thais Ward Shop, Mount Vernon, Iowa. Perfect Grades %Vith perfect ~yv~. ~e~"
,been advertising in the Des Molnes Glenn Kepler has purchased a Wis., new teacher in the Ward Marion Friday afternoon, and Eloise Seeger were Sunday din- Phones: Office 129 Home 43 "Nothing Le~s Than the Best. is Good Eno~gh For ~otUr -
newspapers since the strike of a seventy-four acre farm in Pennsyl- school, arrived last week end to Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kuhn of Mar- nor guests in the Henry Zoruba
few building service employees at vania and will take possession of~ begin her new duties and is located ion spent Sunday in the Albert home at Olin. i JOHNSTON BROS.
Younkers began. The strike is it early in the spring, in the Mrs. Grace Risser home. Bobst home. The Roderick sisters of Waterloo Funoral Directors
j. Landenberger
The Most Oepe.dable
.5aver i.
over whether Younkers Bros. will Mrs. Jewel Bothwell Tull has Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Schaefferle Miss Juanita Jane Moore return- returned home Monday afternoon C. B. Johnston, Licensed Embalmer
just received a check for her new and Martin Jr., of Jewell and Mrs. ed to school in Davenport Tuesday after spending the Labor Day week
compel their building service era- story' "Sylvia of the Stubbles," Raymond Jurgensen of Garwin morning after spending the week end with the Smith and Biekerstaft H. R. Johnston, Licensed Embalmer
ployees to join a union and either Tom a Chicago pu,bltsher, were guests last Friday afternoon end at home. families. Lady Assistant When Wanted
pay dues to the union, or have their Taxes in Mount Vernon will be in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mr. and Mrs. Claude Poet and Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Peters enter- Mount Vernon and Lisbon
dues deducted from their pay check me-half mill higher next year. Blaine. Murle called at the Mrs.Evelyn rained at a six o'clock dinner Mon-
The Watson house narrowly es- Mr. and Mrs. Leoral Evans are Brown home Sunday. day. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. W.
by the store and turned over to the caped destruction by fire Friday expected home today from a motor Mrs. Helen Newell and son of B. Guthrie, Don Southard and Lois,
union. The individual employee forenoon, trip to Duncan, Okla., where they Grundy Center spent several days Margaret Brouilett, Frances Ellen-
would have no choice in the mat- George Wood purchased the tract visited in the home of Mrs. Evans' last week in the Clayton Murfield berger, Lucille McMullen, Rite
ter. Younkers take the stand that known as Cornellton Saturday. sister, Mrs. Fred Hargrove and Mr. home. Gibbs and Katie Sunday.
Woods bought fifteen and one-half Hargrove. Miss Maxine Larson is working Mrs. Louis Burger and Kay and
the employee can join a union if acres and Al:bert Davidson of Stan- in the Gillen Hotel in Anamosa this Mrs. J, R. Bickerstaff were business
i~e wants to ~but they will not corn- wood bought the remaining sixty- Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Solma and week. callers in Anamosa Friday after-
pel him to do so. four and a half acres. This neons daughter Barbara of Cedar Rapids Mrs. H. C. Moore and daughter noon.
An interesting phase of the mat- that the Mount Vernon country spent from Saturday evening until Juanita Jane were shoppers in Co- Miss Lucille Reed of Cedar Rap-
club will have to seek new quarters. Monday afternoon in the home of dar Rapids Saturday afternoon, ida was a week end guest in the
ter is that business has gotten so Sgt. Fred Young got back Sun- Mrs. Solma's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Einar Madsen of Eldora via- Russell Reed home. Miss Reed is
Lester Caraway.
poor that the stores have finally day, a free man to go and come as ited in the Chris Pedersen and Jens opening a beauty shop in Iowa City
decided to resume advertising, he pleases. He is no longer under Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Kruekenberg Pedersen homes from Wednesday soon.
Newspaper advertising is essential bondage to any higher officers' had as their guests over the week until Sunday. W.D. Hart called at Mechanics-
Juanita Jane and Gone Moore ville Monday forenoon.
commands, end, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nelson visited friends in Anamosa Satur- Dr. and Mrs. K. O. Smith of
to a successfully operated store in Earl Gilmore has had nearly and Miss Betty Nelson of Chicago, day morning. Kingston, N. J., who have been
this day and age. 30,000 feet of native lumber sawed Ill. Mrs. Nelson and Mrs. Krucken- Loren Parker family from Doyen- visiting in the parental H. L. Smith
up on his farm north of town. berg are sisters, were callers in town Sunday. home, and with other relatives in
Melissa Heneks and daughter Alva
of near Mechanicsville were Wed-
nesday afternoon callers at the
Harvey Ellison home.
HERE AND THERE THIRTY YEARS AGO Mrs. Harry West of Pittsfield, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stabenow and this vicinity, the past week return-
Mass.; and Miss Mary Elliott, Mrs. of Chillicothe, Ill., and Mr. ed to their new home Tuesday.
September 7, 1909 and Mrs. Alva Barber and son of Mr. and Mrs, Arche Hay of For-
Anamosa called at the Mrs. Mar- eat are moving into the Hunter Es-
the Barber home Monday after-tote cottage.
Dr. Gearhart purchased the Ter-
Lee Aldrich, who has been in ry blacksmith shop last week and
charge of the Walker News since will operate it in connection with
April and who has been the ownerhis veterinary hospital.
for the last year and a half, has J.D. rouse was solicited this Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Nation had
week by the Cedar Ra.pids must- as guests on Labor Day, Mr. and
sold it to Alan B. Abramson of Be- clans to direct the chorus which Mrs. Leonard Bredfeldt, Julius
loft, Kansas who has taken pos- will dedicate the Billie Sunday Bredfeldt, Beulah and Lee Bred-
session. Mr. and .Mrs. Aldrich will Tabernacle. feldt of Traer, Mr. and Mrs. H. S.
return to their home in California J.B. Fulwider and family moved McClintoek of Cedar, Minn.
to 'Mount Vernon this week to give Mr. and Mrs. T.R. Chambers
~nd I. A. Boecher, who has been their children the advantage of spent last week in Chicago, Ill.,
associated with Mr. Aldrich will Cornell. visiting at the home of their niece
move to Cedar Rapids. Under Mrs. Frank Hann left yesterday Mrs. M. A. Stunt. Mrs. Chambers
Messra Aldric, h and Beecher, Walk- for Muskegon, Mich., where her also visited her daughter Miss Flor-
husband teaches in the high once Chambers in Clinton.
er has enjoyed a fine newspaper, school.
We bid them good-bye and wel- Mrs. J. F. Barrett and daughte Mrs. J. B. Eyestone went to Man-
.come the new publisher to Linn Elsie have returned from their chester last Saturday afternoon
western trip. and presented the annual Thank
county. Miss Margaret Eyestone and Rol- Offering address in the Methodist
land Bowman were married Wed- church on Sunday morning. She
There is one detail about the nesday evening, Septenrber 1. returned home Sunday afternoon.
time of Thanksgiving Day which Miss Edna Fox left for Quincy, Mrs. C. E. Kegley accompanied
Ill, Friday night. She will be a her daughter, Miss Grace Kegley,
has apparently been over looked in teacher in the high school, to Dubuque last week end and will
the recent discussion. It is a reside there during the school year
wonder that the weekly newspapers Attend Hybrid Short Course with her daughter who is instructor
have not started a cam,paign to of art in the Dubuque schools.
change the holiday from Thursday Thomas Armstrong and A. J. Lloyd Ellison, Mrs. Art Lindsey
Baird attended a three day short and Arlene, and Joe Lindsey of
to Saturday or Monday. Holidays course in Hybrid seed corn produe- North English left for Milltown,
in the middle of the week, and es- tion sponsored by the DeKalh Agri Wis., Friday to visit friends and
.pectally Thursday, are a first rate cultural association, at DeKalb relatives over Labor Day and also
nuisance around a weekly news- Ill., last week. Mr. Armstrong and take in some fishing trips while
Mr. Baird were two of more than there.
.paper. If the President will change' 1000 invited to attend this meet- Mr. and Mrs. Kellogg Hunt left
Thanksgiving from Thursday to hmg, which they report as very the last of the week for Chicago,
Saturday or Monday we won't interesting and instructive. W~hile Ill., where they expected to spend
Mr. Armstrong was a mere- a few days before going to their
.squawk any. ber of a group who were interview- home in Toledo, Ohio. Mr. Hunt
ed over a radio boadcast from Tus- is a member of the faculty at the
'[~t[E ACID TE,WI~ GIVEN rule, III. University of Toledo.
You can never tell what a man's Mr. and Mrs. Waid Lentz of Os- Roy. and Mrs. J. B. Eyestone re-
disposition or vocabulary Is until ceola joined a group of friends at turned home last Thursday evening
he mashes his thumb with a ham- the Palisades on Saturday night from a visit in the Dr. Martha
met or bumps his head on a closet and Sunday. On Monday they and Longstreet home in Saginaw, Mich.
shelf----Osk~loosa Herald. Mrs. Lentz' mother, Mrs. S. H. Mrs. Eyestone had spent three
Fishel were dinner guests in the weeks in the home of her sister.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Yeisley Dr. Longstreet and Roy. Eyestonel
A lawyer died. Like many law- home. Mr. and Mrs. Lentz return- was a visitor the last week. En-
yers, he died broke, but he left an ed to their home Monday evening, route home they visited in Marion
accident insurance policy on which Ind., and in Peoria, Ill.
Mrs. Bert Avery represented the
Mount Vernon Temple Pythian
Sisters at the meeting of the Iowa
Grand Temple, held at the Mont-
rose, in Cedar Rapids, on Wednes-
day and Thursday of last week.
Other Pythian Sisters attending the
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. B1ayney spent
Sunday with relatives in Anar~osa.
Mrs. Millie Hurt went to Ana-
mosa Sunday to spend several days
in the Nell Norton home.
R. N. Rathbun of Olin called at
the J. C. Blayney and Bert Mocks
homes Thursday.
Mrs. Dick James and Don spent
Wednesday in Marion.
Mrs. J. G. Thede spent Wednes-
day in Cedar Rapids.
Mrs. Virgil Miller and children
are staying in the Ernest Corwin
home in Anamosa. Mrs. Corwin
submitted to an operation last
The Christian Aid society met
last Thursday afternoon. Hostess-
es were Mrs. Jennie McConaughy
and Mrs. Mac Siver.
The M. E. Ladies will meet on
Thursday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Will Frantz. The following
are the hostesses: Mrs. Volvo Dec-
see, Mrs. Rose Dumont, Mrs. Nellie
Peterson, and Mrs. Mildred Mocks.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Darsee and
David moved from La Salle, Ill.
last Friday into the L. R. Bobst
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dragoo
moved into Mrs. Zoo Plummer's
house on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Thomas mov-
ed September 1st to the Mrs.
Amelia Larsen farm west of
Springville. Floyd clerked in the
Darsee store for seven years and
will be greatly missed by the com-
munity. He always had a pleasant
greeting for everyone.
Mr. and Mrs. David Myers and
Patty moved in with Mr. and Mrs.
F. S. Myers last week.
Herbert Thomas family moved
Friday into rooms at the Mrs. Callie
Newman home, which were vacated
by David Myers.
his widow tried to collect.
The insurance company .~aid "No,
you cannot collect on this insur-
ance policy. Death is not an acci-
dent--it is a visitation of God."
kqo the widow went to court, and
the judge found in her favor, say-
ing: "any visitation of God to a
lawyer is an aecident."--Sibley Ga-
Prof. and Mrs. F. M. McGaw, who
have spent the summer vacation
in New York, are expected to ar-
rive home this week. Mrs. Frances
Bickle, who has been staying with
Mrs. Elizabeth McGaw, mother of
Prof. McGaw, during their absence,
plans to spend several days this
week end in Cedar Rapids visiting
in the home of Mrs. Effie Owen.
Read The Ads
Arthur Boots of Wyoming, who
has had charge of the blacksmith
shop during the vacation of Fred
Cook, has completed his work and
returned home.
The Ugoa-Igoa club enjoyed a
picnic at the Wapsipinicon State
Park Sunday.
Mrs. F. A. Hunter of Mount Ver-
non called on Mrs. Pat Filter Sat-
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hay of For-
est were Sunday dinner guests in
the parental L. E. Hunter home.
J. R. Bickerstaff and C. E. Mc-
Cleary were business callers in
Anamosa Tuesday forenoon.
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Greenawald
and Janet and their guest Mrs. Geo.
Graves of Blairstown were enter-
rained at dinner Thursday in the
Reul McCohn home near Forest and
Friday evening were dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Free.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Guthrie and
sons have moved from the Kline-
felter residence to the Murfield
house vacated by the L. D. Greene-
weld family.
Mrs. J. N. Parks spent Monday
with her daughter, Mrs. Harlan
Tallman, east of Center Chapel.
Mrs. Ella Austin called on Mrs.
W. W. Bixler and Miss Lily Tall-
:man near Center Chapel Friday.
Mrs. Forest Easterly and Robert
spent the week end with relatives
at Cedar Rapids.
Don Southard and Lois, Betty
Switzer, Lucille McMullen and
Katie Sunday were shoppers in
Anamosa Saturday evening.
Week end guests in the D. W. Gil-
more home were Mr. and Mrs. P.
I nl i I I
Housewives who watch expenses.., housewives who
have to keep their budgets low, all tell you that their
Electric Refrigerator more than pays for itself...
especially when it's a Westinghouse ! Westinghouse
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home tests by unbiased housewives . . . that's why
it's called the "Kitchen Proved" refrigerator,
in the average home, the 1939 Westinghouse Re-
frigerator uses current only two out of every twelve
hours to keep your food at healthful temperature.
Combine this efficiency with today's low electric
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economical refrigerator!
See the many Westinghouse convenience and food-
saving features for yourself.., compare it and you Shown above is the. clea~
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too will say, It s Westinghouse for me. some, eaSY : to ;tk:ddS
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REDDY KII~OWATT SAY:S: ty as well as ec in si~
"The easiest way to .buy your callable
kitchen. ..A .. every faf~
Westinghouse.. Electric ..Re- and models to sU~ .,.~ store
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$6.00 down and $3.67 month- today and let uS give
ly...Have your beautiful 1939 details.
Westinghouse installed to-
day and then watch your food
bills go down!"
IOWA OWNED Mount verttOJt
Phone -65
sessions on Wednesday were: Mrs.
Flora Buck, Mrs. A. J. Bobst, Mrs.
D. C. Davis and Mrs. T. I. Mitchell.