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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
September 7, 1939     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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September 7, 1939
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1939 i~ "~, Y, September 7, 1939 , ,, , ,, , , ,,,, ,,,, ,, , , THE MOUNT VERNON, IO~VA, HAWKEYE-RECORD AND THE LISBON HERALD Page Five Elsie Bender of Kalamazoo, ! Mrs. Lee Reid, daughter Ruth,[ T |011'l/'tlkT lkTr||TO' .... ~ ...... ........... i t ~ ~ - .... Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Dugan visited ~ ~[~.~r ~J'h~l.¢*nJ- . Miss Esto Heath of Cedar Rapids i CHANCE O1~ A LIFETIME [home on Sunday--but you don't." and Miss Nita Peck and [ and son Ivan of Cedar Rapids had [ LI }I)VI't l~ with friends in Clinton on Wednes- [ ........... J ........... ' [was a Sunday guest of Miss Hazel i -- -- David said--"I was glad when they ~r of Wyoming were Tuesday!Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs.[ I~y[Run-kle fdr;a!s~VdO:da:yh nm, i~i!!i!i(ll!~i~!lti~b2~!il~!iilt "lit i!~!i!~!!( ii! ~t Tl;~rO5 h.))l:e t~(~fitll~e day. ' Glenn Kenderdine . . . .' . .~ ~: "'. :: [: ~ ~ :. ,. "[ said unto me, Let us go into lhe t j house of the Lord." ~gr ~isitors in the Mrs. H J i D F Wiley in honor of Mrs Wiley's .......U---. - .... Ovmeaftro i~e. i eighty-second birthday, w~:~sYi~V~c~alri lrSn~Pme2~2g l~ra: Lee McHenry commenced work',zzr..j ,._ ~_- ...... _, this week in the new store, The! ~TI2U lll l¥11~8OU]['l METHODI-~--CHURCH g ' ' City Market. ! -- . = -- ---- --~-~T --- -~ - -- -- L: ~-- --=- Anna Pavelka in Solon. ~, ..... I Announcement was made to-rely ~ Mrs. Roy Plattenberger return- t~'~'l us~ it tl ~ot ih~ P' "s" , . .~ Glenn S. Hartong, Pastor Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Greene of merry uverman spent several, , . . ~ .~v ~ " ~ a.'teur ~rcat-Church school at 9:30 a.m. Supt. .~.. ~* . ....~.. :~:*~-,~ . :*~..~..1~ ]of the marriage of Miss Mary Bell led Wednesday from a week s wsit mcnt Cedar Rapids were Sunday evening '~Y~ ,a~ w==~ v,~,~m~ w,m ,=,,~- ~, ....... ) ...... , J. Harvey Smyth. Church school tive ...... ~l~etnel'eu[ or t es NlOlneS IO .'~'11" 1 • I__ ]visitors of Miss Bertha Miller. s m ueffar ~apms. . I Glenn A. Kenderdine of Iowa City with relahves in Eldora. Whilc theantirabies serum was iboard will meet next week to make m R i Leo Bohren of Coggon is spend- A. H. Blckett went to Mmne-iand l)es Moiaes The event oc- Mrs. John Garner of San Pedro,being prepared, the attending phy-i final plans for Rally and Promo- • • ing several days this week with apohs, Minn., Friday to walt wlthicurred at St. ,loseph, Missouri on Calif., was a week end guest in the sician noticed that the patient was tion Day. Exact date to be an- ~ his sister, Mrs. Bob Beasmore. irmnos tor several weel~s. ISeptelnber first, where the service home of Mrs. A. K. Runkle. very busy ntaking out a long list ofn°unced on Sunday. -- ~ ' Th ! Morning worship at 10 30 The e Evangelical Missionaryso- Miss Eva Floyd returned Monday lwas read by the l(everend John B. Mrs. Henry Fowler is spending names, and he asked: from a two week's visit with friends I Bloom of the I,'irsl l~eformed the week with her daughter, Mrs. "Are those the names of the pro- theme, "The Modern Armageddon." ceity will meet with Mrs. Oscar in La Grange and Joliet, Ill, !Church of that city, an ohl college Will Herbst and family at Sutliff. pie you wish to be notified it' your i Young Peoples meeting will be at 7:00 o'clock p.m. All ihe young Sept.Staben°w12. on Tuesday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sargent of friend of the groom. Mrs Jeanne Hudson of Clear- condition shouhl become serious'."ipeople, of the church are invited Evanston, Ill., visited last Thursday[ Mrs. l,:cndcrdine is "~n alumna water, Fla., is a guest this week of "'No," said the victim. "This is to come. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Doyle of Chi- in the Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Duganiof Smith College, and of the Vni- her cousin Mrs Harold Batchelor :t list of peol~le I'm zoing to bite i~ cage were week end guests of the ..... The Ladies Aid will meet at the home. versit~ of Wisconsin IAbrary Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Peterson and • go man, ~church at 2:30 p.m. Thursday. Sept. former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mrs Myrtle Cunningham of Mar-I School. She is now and has been Ralph spent the week end holiday E. Doyle. • -- 7th. Mrs Delbert Johnston will ion was an overnight guest Thurs-r since 1925 Librarian and Profes- at the Harold Jameson home in LISBON CHURCH NOTES be hostess, with Mesdames I. V. Mr. and Mrs. John Hall and ram- day in the Mrs. Harry Harman [sot" of IAbrary Science at l)rake Morris, Ill. , ------ i Merriss, J. E. Johnston, S. E. At-- theily visitedhome of°n Mrs.SUndaYHall'seVeningbrotherat home. University. She is a past president Mrs Anna Svoboda left the Oscar STFJOeHrN~eoCrgAeTH?LIC CpHURgH bingast, and Harry Siggins, assist- Henry Peterson in Iowa City. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Wallick, Miss,of the Iowa Library Association, Stabenow home Saturday to spend , ~ , ' ., ing. Program leader. Mrs. G. K. Schedme eneetive tvtay 7m: Frink Blanche, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles ithe Des Moines IAbrary Club, Des a month with her daughter Mrs. Sunday Masses 7:00 and 9:00 a.m. " ~ ..... Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dill and Stork visited Monday with Mr. and lMoines Woman's Rotary and the Roy Gamble, near Mechanicsville. Catechism 10:00 a.m. - daughter Virginia of Cedar Rapids Mrs. Andrew Rieger in Dixon Ill. l l)es Moines Ahmmae of GammaMrs Sarah Crain enjoyed a tri'- were guests from Saturday until Stanley Arbingast returned Fri-i Ii~.hl ll~et'~( a!s° t~ mere,bet of the last week with her son~ Homer an~, " ..... i Uats Have Unusual Tastes FEDERATED CHURCH ~ Cats with peruliar tastes hart: Monday evening in the Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burge home. day to Duluth, Minn., following a I : " .. a ~ ~n.e J,,a.mern ,'star. ann grandson Edward Crain of Akron, Gaylard S. Hamilton, PastOr ', ~een listed by a man in I ondon He Of VIIIIOUS Unl~elSlt~ and lit(! tly visit of three weeks with his par-!' " " ": ' ' "" "~ " Ohio, stopping for her enroutei Sunday School 9"30 a m I " • • • ()~lnlzltlOtl~ Sh( ~lll (ontmue in Mrs. Bert Albaugh and son Cecil ents Mr. and Mrs. Earl Arbingast. "g~ '~ ' ". J ' "" ' ' " " north. They were at Bemidji Lake :, " " " i found one whh.h devours olives, an- of Elkton, S. D., and Miss Ella Con- ~ ......... 'her chair at Drake University un- Itascaand Duluth Minn and in W:~sh]p::;~:e:Ov3:e ~'mm ether whh.h is fond of cucumher xne ~merlcan l~eglon ~uxmary :der the name of Ma~v Bell Netht~ '' ' ' ~ .... P' " , s ~lns a~(I a third which eats brown her of Mechanicsville called Sat- will meet with Mrs Harlan Bri~s! • " ' " ". ~ ~'-Wisconsin visited Madison and the, ~vening servme ~ p.m. urday afternoon on Mrs. Guy John- on Tuesday evening, Sept. 12,~at~CU,t: ......... Wisconsin Dells. ! ~mm ...... ~tudy and P~a" yer serwc~" ~ bread .... ~till am)ther pussy, enJ)vs• . stun and other friends. ] ,~II 1~ t ncleI (lln( 1,'~ 1 I1 ~l~lVC 7:30. An interesting meeting is,. '" • ~ . ~o"~ : ~ Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Andreas and on Thursday at 8 p.m. cheese, while the cat no\-t door r,. lo~an a g~adu~.te or ~Jo~n~ll Col / Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Crelly are planned and a good attendance is i "' ' .... ~ ' " ~ - two children moved from Cedar l "'You can worship God in your: !use~ to tmwh u:tlnmn moving this week into the formern,o;,~ lege and the University of IowaRanids Frid=v to ~ho ~ p Andre=el Charles Runkle apartment. Mrs. Mr and Mrs Charles Engelking d~°ll]eg:' f°ofnLth*e i]it~~. ~¢hMo21ters home which they recently purchas- mm ~ ~m ~~i W. H. Runkle has rooms with Missaccompanied by Mr and Mrs Earl ~g" ~ • " ,, • ~ o~ed. R.P. Andreas and Lowell have Bertha Miller, movinginlast Sat ..... Hoover and Harold of Mechames-" il)rake where he was full-time Pr°-,, , . ., .......] apartment in Cedar Ra~,ids~ W'll Y N J urday, ville visited from Friday until!teaser m Law ,,,t,~-t~ anti t,). Next week Lowell will enter | OU eel Mr. and Mrs. Paul Martinek and Monday at the George Cole home!)urmg the World war he was ac- Wheaten College at Wheaten, Ill. son, andMr. Martinek'smother of • .in Chicago. j.~itive in the Red Cross Service at TheHarlanSoberfamilvnlov., . ~ on (rib Re,urn " Chicago; and Mr. and Mrs. John i~amp I iKe Arkansas and Ft. Sill Frida- from the Andreas home ÷o ~ • Miss Jean Sankot who spent the ' ,, ' ~ ') Franks and George Perrin of Clin- . . ' Okhthoma as associate l ~eht l)u'ec- Cedar Ranids summer m Chmago and Evanston • *" • ~ ton were Saturday evening supper Ii1., arrived home last Thursday ;o}.:-s He lp::~ttc~tdv l~v~hef:rhm;ny I Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wright of guests of Mrs. Margaret Burke. - ........................ i('P)%a ~ ...................... I Y ni,~h* *n, th,~ r~,~-inin- t,,,,~ week¢' ~" "- " ' ~' • .... Davenportwere week end holida. ....... ~t I t,atiuu~ civic poSltlt~tl~, ~e -uests in the home ov ~""- xx,-:-..,_ Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Herriek have vaeanon until returning to /°walt me to D "* i ........ is • x,~,,. ,,*~nL [PT ...... a es .v~o nes m i~aa as t,e- mother Mrs B E Rin_er On e. _ , , asguestsf°raweekMr'Herrick's State c°uege" -S- .... ' .... , ...... Th F 1? brother-in-law and sister Mr. and: Mrs John Haak returned Frida-Iput.y ~upt. or ~ e ~ecut:ines ~e-[day Mrs. Ringer and Harold, Mr. Mrs. George Park of Denver, Colo.I " Jlpartmen~ or iowa m ,.~4 was up- and Mrs Wright and Mr ann .... [S a :, from a week's visit in the home of l,~ointed Division Chief in the -~ . .~ .~ ~,, ,_ u ~,..~. They arrived Friday enroute from ~ ~ _~,~., ~ ~^.. ~_ :_ ~" ...... - ~ ~ lxlnger Jerry and Larry of her uau~.~er~v~rs. r~ ~n m ~ fieof " visiting witht relatives in Pennsyl- I e the Collector of Internal • ..... F~n~ ,~ r~,~ ~o~.n,,, Mount Vernon, attended the Ringer ......................... ~ Revenue fo, Io~,~ ............................ • With old corn on hand and a bumper vania..... t _ . ~ [ ,. ,~p~,~*t.~,~ nv iamuy reunion nelo a~ me home of orougm her home anu remalne~, • . . _ ~. i now occupies Mr Kende "dine tsMrs David Ringer in Cedar Rap Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Morningstar over Laver L~ay. " - Forenoon, Afternoon and Evening Programs It's A Big, Full, Jolly Day 12 SUPREME PROGRAMS Sinclair & O'Day The Three St. John Bros. Lew Hoffman & Joe Madden that are good enough to have RKO Stamp. Free programs on the street stage starting at 11 o'clock. Glorious Kraut a la Hot Dogs. Feasts at Noon and Evening 11:30 - 1:00 and 5:00 - 6:30 It's Lisbon's Juicy Treat mn Ball Game. Best teams in East- Iowa will cross ba s and do some fan- home runs and triple plays. A real tonic. big Legion Hall and Main Street Auditorium will be turned into gliding. Two orchestras, two smooth floors. One admission. big peppy band will be on the Kraut all day and evening. It will ac- those Kraut Shreds and Hot as they tickle your palate and time to Fall's Greatest Jubilee. is a great feature of Kraut Day-- 200 articles already listed to give delight and entertainment. The best department of fruit, vegetables, culinary art and needle work. is will use Kraut Day as the best to see friends and relatives. They rill be here and visit and enjoy Kraut all its beauty of sights and sounds. of variety so that everybody can entertainment and pleasure. of Tipton spent Wednesday and Thursday of last week with their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Morningstar. They called in the Clarence, Leon and Darrell Morn- ingstar homes. Mrs. D. W. Kohl and Miss Ruth returned Tuesday from a two week's visit with Mrs. Kohl's son Lloyd and family in Madison, Wis. They also made a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Kohl in Rockford, Ill. Mrs. Cliff Miller of Eagle Rock, Rev. and Mrs. Gaylard S. Ham- Calif., was a guest in the I. J. Nos- ilton returned Tuesday from a two ley home from Friday to Sunday. weeks vacation, visiting relatives Mrs. Miller enroute to visit friends in Illinois, Wisconsin and Michigan. in Washington, D. C., is stopping Enroute home they spent several ]with friends and relatives in Mar- hours with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew telle. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hammond, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whitman and! family, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hen- eks and Clarence Carbee were Sun- day guests in the Audis Bennett home near Amana. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Thoroson of Washington, D. C., and Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Bumstead and Miss Jean of Medford, Ontario, were guests of Dr. and Mrs. N. A. York several days this week. i widely known throughout the mid- idle west as ~ speaker and contri- butor to various publications on political and fraternal subjects. He has been active in 1)emoeracy since 1900 and the recipient of many nominations and recognitions from his party. In the University, he became a member of Sigma All)ha l~ipsilon and Acacia Social Fra- ternities and Phi I)elt~t Phi Law Fraternity. He is also a 33d de- gree Mason, Past President of the Iowa Fraternal Congress and mem- ber of many claim and fratcrnal or- ganizations. After Oeto'l)er 1, Mr. and Mrs. Kendel'dine will make their home at the Carson apartments 2901 Cottage Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gabbert of Muscatine were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maiden. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Blessing and Paul of Cedar Rapids spent Monday in the J. S. Kohl home. Floyd Leinbaugh of Champaign, Ill., spent the week end in the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Leinbaugh. Mrs. Mary Snyder of Cedar Rap- ids visited from Friday until Tues- day with her daughters, Mrs. Don Rieger near Dixon, Ill. Mrs. Harry Harman, Ruth and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller and Glenn and Mrs. John Smith and Mrs. Myrtle Cunningham of Mar- Mrs. G. J. Albright spent Tuesday ion attended the funeral of a rela- with friends in Oskaloosa. Mr. Miller goes to Champaign, Ill., Fri- tive, Andrew Neilson, in the Zion Lutheran church at Clinton on Fri- day, where he will spend the day afternoon. school year in research work at the University of Illinois. Mrs. S. E. Arbingast and Connie Johnson are spending the week Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fehman of with Miss Mary and Hugh Elliott Manly spent the week end holiday in Mechanicsville. Last week Mrs. with Mrs. Fehman's sisters, Mrs. Arbingast's cousin Charles Downing George McCall and Mrs. Irene An- and son Orvil of Ute were her dre. Following a week's visit in guests in the George Johnson Lisbon, Plrnest Zalesky returned home. with Fehmans on Monday. Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Mary Hahn and Philip Plattenber- ger were Mr. and Mrs. Luther Plattenberger, Mary Carol and Rob- ert, and Mrs. Emma Plattenberger Frink and Mrs. Fred Tonne. Announcements have been re-i Mr. and Mrs. Mason Stine of Ly- ceived of the birth of a son, Paul lens, Ill., visited in the home of Mrs. Alfred, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold lStine's father, Ray Kamerling, Stone of Washington, D. C., on I from Friday until Monday. Thursday, August 31. Mrs. Stone Ben Stahl of Davenport spent will be remembered in Lisbon as the week end and Labor Day with and Olive of Mount Vernon; and Miss Kathryn Myers before her his mother, Mrs. John Miller. Miss Mrs. Nellie Plattenberger and Roy. marriage. Ione Slater of Davenport was a ~:--~----~----~- --- -" • Mr. and Mrs. George Wetzel of Monday dinner guest in the Miller Cedar Rapids visited Sunday in the home. Mrs. Rosa Light home. On Sat-i Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Stanley spent t urday Mrs. Floyd Henderson and the week end with Ivan's mother, r au ,our children of Ryan spent the Mrs. Roy Lester at Montezuma. On day with Mrs. Henderson's mother Sunday they attended the Stanley pt. 2 Mrs. Jennie Kirkpatrickin the family reunion held on the lawn Light home. , of a nearby country school. Everett Staab of Davenportand Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stone and Time to trade in ~ack Barnes of Columbus June- two cnilaren ann ~onald Stone of tion spent the week end holiday San Diego, Calif., are guests this our stores is in the Charles Staab home. On week in the home of their parents, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mr. and Mrs. H... B. Stone. On every day Staab and Douglas and Charles [Monday the fam]hes spent the day Staab they were dinner guests of with reiafitves m wapello. ida. A party of friends enjoyed a pic- nic on Monday with Mrs. A. K. Runkle and Miss Hazel. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. M. Heath, Mr. and Mrs. Preston, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mellon and Mary Alice, Misses Maude and Mildred Krebs, Jack Krebs, Mrs. Daisy Sunberg,Miss Marjorie Walters and Miss Esto Heath, all of Cedar Rapidsand Mr. and Mrs. Frisbee of Louisville, Kentucky. Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord Hall and children of Sioux Rapids; Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Hall and two sons of Buffalo Center; Mr. and Mrs. Aus- tin Berkow and two daughters of Forest City; and Mr. and Mrs. Les- ter Darken of Mount Vernon corn- pleted a family group in the par- ental John Hall home with Mr. and crop of corn coming on, many local farmers will need more storage room. • Let us solve your storage problem with our economical plans. • Demand for corn cribs is strong. Many farmers are resealing. Check up now on your storage space. Having taken light housekeeping rooms, I will sell at Public Auction in the west room located in the Runkle building, Lisbon, Iowa, on COMMENCING AT 1:30 O'CLOCK Quarter sawed oak dining room table; quarter sawed oak China closet; walnut drop leaf gate leg table; antique walnut drop lea f table refinished and a beauty; 7-ft. Wick- er davenport and pad; 2 walnut cabinets; 9x15 Wilton velvet rug (a Shuttleworth) like new, also felt pad for same; Estate electric range, porcelain lined and fully insu- lated, this is a wonderful outfit; electric sewing machine (cabinet type) walnut; magazine racks; electric Mixmaster (complete with all attachments, meat grinder, cream freezer, etc.; wicker stand; a lot of upholstered rockers; sewing chairs; velour averstuffed davenport and chair; card tables; Universal electric washing machine, like new; mattresses (inner spring) ironir.g board; all kinds of wall brushes; all kinds of cooking utensils; dishes; fruit jars; pillows; curtains; a lot of hand made rugs of different sizes; solid oak dining room table with 6 leaves (square) this is a good one; bed springs; mirrors; bird bath; garden hose; 3 Foamite fire extinguishers, large size; never been used; Jack screws; die cutter JA to 1 inch with dies all complete; a lot of fly spray; 2 large size hot water radiators; large cold air register; 2 step ladders; folding chairs; pair of rubber boots; sack of salt; 50-1b drum of water softener; pipe fittings; 2 squares; pulleys; filing cabinets; electric fixtures; drop cords; platform scales; a lot of glue and glue pot; window shades; loose leaf binders, like new; 2 table model radios, both working fine; 2 battery set radios, these are all Philcos; and many miscellaneous articles not mentioned; a lot of very choice books; a full and complete history of Linn County; others b ooks; powder horn from Revolutionary war; aluminum griddles. Come to this sale, you may find just what you want. Everything is clean and of fine quality. Bath room scales; heavy rubber apron for car washing, (like new) kitchen stool; high chair; 2 canvas folding cots. D W. E. Challis, Auct., Phone 130, Lisbon, Ia. ner G. L. Hill, Clerk Having decided to dispose of my holdings and am leaving the state, I will sell my little farm containin 71 acres, more or less. The farm known as the John E. Wilson farm, located 1 miles south and 1 mile east of Springville, Iowa, on COMMENCING AT 2:00 O'CLOCK Sale to be held on the Premises. Description of the farm IMPROvEMENTS---There are all kinds of fruit, consisting of apples, pears, plums, and a nice peach orchard and a raspberry patch. The house burned down and temporary living quarters are quite comfortable. Other improvements are: barn 48x50 of shed type with ample corn crib room, oat g'ran:,ry, large hay mow, room for 6 horses, 8 cows, also a sgace 10x48 for hogs. 54 acres of this is fenced hog tight in nice size fields. There is a well and windmill with tank at the farm. Good never failing well at the house, 167 feet deep drilled in rock. As nice and shady a door yard as you could ask for. This can be made into a beautiful little bome for some one. SOIL--The soil is a rich black loam with clay subsoil, nearly every foot of this is till- able, laying with perfect drainage. 20 acr es is in blue grass pasture. Balance in crop. ROAD--The north Linn township road goes by the door. The farm is all in Linn township, out of the consolidated school district making taxes very cheap. REMARKS--If you looking for a nice little place either for a home or an invest- ment here is the place to light. In a fine neighborhood and wonderful location. Farms are almost impossible to rent. Interest rates are the lowest in years. Come and look this place over and be with us sale day. TERMS--The terms are very liberal, as foilows: to be paid sale day to show good faith, $2200 can remain in the place for 4 years at Balance to be paid when possession is given, which can be had on or before March 1st. Warranty deed and ab- stract showing merchantable title will be given. W. Challis, Auct., Phone 130, Lisbon, la. Dale Stentz, Clerk. " to Burlington to spend Labor Day guests were Mr. and Mrs. Harold LIKELY LAST CALL with relatives. Wilson of Davenport. for a good Cracker at 2 pounds 14c Santos Coffee, lb ........ 13c 3 pounds ................ 39c Good flavor, sweet drink Streamline coffee, lb ..19c Bleach, quart bottle 15c Cocoa, 2 pound can .... 17c Grape Fruit Juice, Plumbing, Heating and Electrical Vz gallon .................... 15e Contractors Syrup Peaches, No. 2 can ............ 15c Smoothie Salad, qt. 25e Your Business Solicited and I.O.A. Peanut Butter, quart .................... 25c Appreciated Oxydol, Giant size .... 59c Durkee's Shortening, 3 pound can .......... 50c Estimates of Cost Free Rich and fluffy --- You never used better Peaches, gallon can....39c W.L. Dahn George P. McCall Red Pitted Cherries, No. 2 can ................ 12c .. Red Pitted Cherries, Lisbon, Iowa . Gallon .................... 50c White Cloud Flour, '" "'-- - --- -=-- ....=-- - =--- =-- -- * 24 Vz pounds ............ 60c White Cloud Flour, VISIT THE 49 pounds .......... $1.10 Pillsbury Flour, 24Vz pounds .......... 89c ll I1 Pillsbury Flour, 49 pounds .......... $1.75 LISBON I. H. Flour, 49 lbs $1.49 GAS -- OIL AND EAT -STATION Price good this week if supply lasts. Formerly Cave's Place Big 4 Soap, 10 bars 20e Home Soap, 10 bars 15c Saturday, Sept. 9th Box and Bushel Peaches ONE QUART -- PARALAND --- MOTOR OIL Still on the Market With each purchase of 5 gallons gasoline at our Regular Pump Price Trans AMERICAN OIL CO. WEST-N- STATION Lisbon, Iowa Phone 30 Lisbon, Iowa Handy to buy school ac- Mrs. T. J. Bickett. Miss Hope Sherk who spent the cessories. Big table fill- Rev. and Mrs. Glenn S. Hartong, summer in her grandmother Mrs. ed with all needed arti- Glenn jr., Rev. and Mrs. M. L. Lydia Sherk's home returned on cles and the best. Hill, Mrs. H. J. Bowder and Mrs. Saturday to New York City. She Mary Ba~ley attended the annual~accompanied her brother-in-law Frocks direct from the Labor Day gathering of Methodist and sister, Mr. and Mrs. George Lee ministers and families of the Day- returning to the Canal Zone after best manufac t u r e r s. enport district in the Mount Ver- a short visit with Lisbon and Mt. They are built of quality non Methodist church. Vernon relatives. and all style. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Winegard and Mrs. George Krumpelman and son Leo, and granddaughter Jean son Kenneth of Denver, Colo., Mr. Special lot of cookies. Marie Schoers of Waterloo wereand Mrs. W. C. Hodgden of Oxford Just in--Fresh-- guests Thursday night and Friday Junction and Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Delicious in the home of Mrs. Winegard'sBurlingame, Wallace and Joan Kay brother-in-law and sister Mrs. D. of Cedar Rapids spent Friday in 2 pounds 25c H. Johnston. They were enroutethe W. S. Weirick home. Sunday Morphine's Name Morphlne gets Its name from Mor oheus, the Roman god hi' dreams. Mrs. Hall, Carolyn, Ruth, Sylvia, and John. Miss Carolyn, who was working in Forest City came home two weeks ago, and Friday took up duties as nurse at Oakdale. Miss Ruth left Wednesday for Chicago to enter Moody Bible Institute. Lumber, Building Material, and Coal Phone 2-45 Lisbon, Iowa SPECIAL 1200 Bushel Crib for $130.00 • See us at once for crib plans and esti- mates, on temporary or permanent storage.