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September 7, 1939 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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September 7, 1939 |
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September 7, 1939
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.! :
So}on ing the afternoon bingo and other, latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe A card from Corrine Robinson
games were played. I Brock• written from Ontario, Canada, tells
Anna Zeller Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Meyers of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Radditz of of the delightful vacation she has
two--s sight seeing Davenport, Mr. and Mrs. Edd Wall lCedar Rapids were Labor Day [been enjoying along shores of
and family and Mr. and Mrs. EddJguests of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon I Lake Superior and also at various
eastern states and Can- Reyhons and family of l,isbon vis- iBittner. I Wisconsin and Minnesota points.
~ama Krob, Miss Mary ited Mrs. Margaret Baltlett Sun- -- I Elmer Overfield spent the week
and Mr. and Mrs. My- day. Rr mkside end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
returned to their home. A picnic dinner was s.'rved Sat- _---...--. ---:"- i Sam Overfield
included Washington, D. urday at the home of M1. and Mrs. I Mrs. wm ttomnson I Mr. and Mrs. Leo Crock and
New York and the New j. W. Zenisek in honor (d Mr. and lgoHL RIGRV -- I daughter, Mary Rose, and Miss
[¢s Fair Niagara Falls ~ ............
Mrs. J. J. Kuncl and ~0n Joseph I Harlan Ri~bv son of Duane Ri~- }Mary Merritt spent Sunday evening
of St. Paul, Minn. These present lby formerly° of our neighborhood, Iat the Francis Crock home.
a Peters and her broth- vesiaes ear. ann ears. ~ unci ann I,, ~'~ m.,~i~,~ A,a),~* ~5~h in Cn,,n ] Miss Ella Kllne of Marion, who
Peters both of Chicago son ere Mr nd M s Frank ............... ~" ......... - ..... -
w a : ^~ ~..,~ ,^~.~ ~,.._,.... ~..i.~ ..~ I has been visiting relatives went
! during the holidays at • ~, ~,~ ~u ~,,,~ ~v=,~,, ~,,,,,, ,,~ ,
Kuncl of IowaCity" Mr and Mrs ~_ ~,.~ ,m. ....,. ....m ]to the Wm Kline Jr home and
J W Zenisek Mrs'Atom M Ku C~ua~ ~.~. ~,,= .=w .,v,,,= ,.... - , .,
ff their parents, Mr. and . . ' " ' -Ibe established in CoonRanids l will return to her Marion home.
Peters. cera CharlesFoote M"s. J. J .......... ~' ','1 Mr and Mrs Donald Robinson
Rman and Roy Eastwood ' u h rc 11 , wnere ear. rtlgvy m nlgn scnom • •
La Crosse, Wis., Sunday Dvorsky and da ~ ters Ma ~ a, i athletic coach [and daughters attended the Chris
Ly, and visited with Mr. Eileen, Betty and vomre:; Ann, ear.I " Kline family reunion held in Clin-
brother-in-law Mr. Joe ann lwrs. Joe /.roe anu cnnoren, I25TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY I ton, Sunday.
Mary and Junior and John and e home and Mr
' I Th ......of Mr ......s. Ray
' guests of Mrs. Anna Judith Chadek..~ ....... I Embree in Mechanicsville was the lLinn County Home Project
Des Morass where she ~vxll attend i Fri a venin At the invi Win Blue Ribbon at State Fair
~e~re Mrs. Louis May- rams .~amleen r~e~er ~as lei~ zOr/scene of a most delightful occa-I , : - ,
ar Rapids and Mrs. • }s on d y e g. -
....... I tahon of the two Embree daughters,
the East high school am l take tap •
uancmg lessons ~ne accompamea
and daughter Evelyn, . I who ,_nrenared= the meal, five couples I Linn couuty home project ex-
I Mrs. Alma Shellenberger and son [who will celebrate their silver wed- I hibit placed in the blue ribbon
uonala oI Des enemas wno were
• venty-five attended the i ......... I ding anniversaries this fall met I group at the State Fair, Mrs. A. D.
guests a~ me r~elter nome
~nual Krob reunion at , '. = I for a seven o'clock dinner served I Brennaman, of Marion, county
dUrn Sunday A delici- Visitors at the nome o~ ears il -corate- ~ ~le i ~he~ • ' , "
.......... ~: Ion a ga y ae o ~aD , n ~ Icnan'man reports.
Vas served at noon from ~aran l~onl ~unaay were ear. anO]center of which was a large angell Special recognition was also giv-
.baskets brought by ev- !~rs. ~aul riarms ancl :am~yk oi ] food cake tied with largewhite/an to I inn county for their excel-
I again at SUl~per. "Dur- lwlancnes~er, ealSS Mary ~on Ken bows ' " • • .....
who sta"en ~ ÷h'- home of Mrs I • I tent resut:s el pro3ect, s~rong or-
i.. _. ~ '~ '~ "'-~'h - e andI The guests all live within a few [ganization and high quality pu.b-
I r~oni, accompamea ~ em nom ~.,,~ ~v ~.-~. ^,~.~ Th~ fiv ..... '
armers Feeding ~wlll negro ~eacnmg scnool .... • .
Mrs Frances Ulch, Mr. and Mrs. couples, celebrating their hS(flver I The specml feature, showing gar-
~.~.....÷ ~t. .... ,~ ~ +,-~,~ ÷,~ I weaQl g annlve sa as, ann w o an- den vegetables high in vitamin con-
Should Feed [ e mDoa =Rock" Sun( ay"where joyed the evening to.gather are: /tent attracted a great deal of at-
i they were all day guests of Mr. I Mr~ and Mrs. Roy .SLmpsI~inr, M~ I tention as did the program nora-
Pig Meal -oko 's mother Mrs M F Baker I .................................. ,bar givlng information on Cold
.......... r M i
..... ' ...... IMrs. Otis S~ve Mr. and rs. Wll[stora-e I ockers
~erue ann .~nna~laiaano ~oms I ~" - _ ' ..... [ s ~ •
Ker growth, and : ' r oolnson ana ear. ann ears. tray,
Zeller accompamed them to Tama lw...~,,.~~ ,m.~ ~; ......~ .....i Mrs.A. D• Brennaman, of Mar-
ier p i g s ; more wherethey were all day guests of ~:"~".~=" . .... ~ ....Z-w.-~o .?'Y ion and Mrs. H. A. W. Koch of Can-
; at less cost. t !relatives. - - - pianmng ~o mee~ several umes mlS tral City had charge of the exhibit
] Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pavel and [ran. while Mrs. Arlo Stinger, Mt. Ver-
Prove to you tha [daughter Dorothy were dinner IKRUMROY REiN non, Mrs. Jim Garnant, Mrs. Jacob
[guests of Mr. Frank Pavelka at Ox- [ Ellig Park in C.odnr Ranidu wag IGerber and Mrs. Hal Donnan of Ce-
save money by i ford Junction Sunday. Dorothy ac- ]the "scen-e-of-a most- pleasant re: !dar Rapids, presented the program
! Riverside Pig companied her parents to her home I,mi~n ~,,n,~,, wh,,~ th,, retail:pC number.
"" t th .......... ~ ....................
after a three weeks visit a e Twenty foul ofthe t~entyfive
. I sons and daughters of the late Mr [ - " ....
) save you dollars. ]Pavelkalne uevn°me"J ~ ........ wlmnmeg earann land Mrs. Adam Krumroy met for home efficiencyarticles won
..... [ a dinner together Following the :awards. In the white ribbon group
Mrs Leo Zemsek and Mrs Nell
it Today! ]- : - " n- "~ernoo }bountiful dinner, the party enjoy-was an award to Gwen Smythe,
/.enlseK were ~u hay alt n
led a boat ride 'daughter of 'Harold Smythe for a
and supper guests of Mr and Mrs . " , •
factured and For [Joe Miltner of Iowa Cit'" Imelda[ Guests included: Mr. and Mrs. :part~tional drawer she made. Edith
~ale at i ........... ~" ~ ~ [Frank Krumroy and Miss Vida and lHagerman and Mildred Sloan of
' lyllller wno VlSl~eO ner granomom- .
I *~ ' ...... ek f r f w da I M~ss Valeen Krumroy Mrs. Ida Marion who represented.Lmn
lllN..v FeeU ~[0[es ermrs, men~.ems o a e ys ' •
I ..... m "- h home' I Kohl, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Van-county with then- demonstratmn,
accompameu me LO er .
................ [derbflt Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mmmh "Lindy Lou", placed in the blue
I~ of Feed, Flour, Hay ~.eo lVlll~ner oI wlaolson WlS., was . ' • • . . ' .
~1 ....uest [M:ss Gwendolym Mmzsh, M~. and mbbon group. They also received
and Straw ~ ~-~ ~n-~" ~ ~rucera Mr= Anna I Mrs" Kenneth Krumroy and family, pencil gifts for their excellent re-
Ore 119 14th Ave. S.E. Zel~er' Mi'ss Florence kucera Mr IMr" and Mrs. Bert Humber, Mrs. cord books. They were among the
-- _,_[. v ....... .~ ~, ..... ;~,~.:lLucille O'Leary and daughters special group entertained at dinner
~. 2, 222 1st St. N.E. ~du~p. ~u~vza ~uu ~u~u~ ~.~,
• ..~t~.~ ~, ÷he h .... ~ ~, ~a I Kathleen and Patty Ann, Mrs. Elmo Friday noon in Younkers, accord-
1-71:0 Cedar Hapids Mrs~loe" H'radek"'near~lVIarion"on Beck of Cedar Rapids; Mr. and ing to word received from :Miss Lu-
Will Deliver Free ¢, .~,, a~, ~,,~ ~ f~tt~ n,,, IMrs- Ira Hempy of White Oak; Mr. cille Gove home demonstration
~.~ .... ~. ¢ ....... ~...~ .... '.'~ ~7-:land Mrs. Fay Humber and son a-ant in ~inn count-.
nlson ann son lvlerlln oi wes~ ............. ' ~. ~* a.
lvLr ann ears ~.ertoy mumoert, ear
Branch were also visitors. " " •
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Slach of and Mrs• Ikeal Bean and daughter
Iowa City visited with John Slach Karen of Cedar Rapids. Mr. and Abbey Creek
i r0mpt Removal here Sunday. Mrs. Berdell Humbert of Illinois Mrs. Nathaniel Dean
uf all Mrs. James Barta was a Sunday were unable to be present.
S~#X,,-,,,- visitor at the home of her parents Mrs Kate Hines was aCedar Mrs. Dora Hoffman who took
'l'O~Jl4k Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lorence, Sr. Ra~ids caller last week very sick at the home of her sis-
h 1 onn 1 v ~ " . tar at Low Moor has been brought
xv .... Mr. and Mrs. C ar es C e ly Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Slyer were .......... '-- home "he
2 earest rnone and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. hosts on the 24th for sunuer corn- .to meo.eaerr~n rionman . ...
Collect Lloyd Kent and sons of Mountphmentmg" " Mr. and Mrs.~ Harry Is connnea. ~o ner yea at me. pres-
- xr"r'~n waro ~unda .... loiters of ......... lent hme. We all are hoping she
• --~ ,,v ~ ~ v - o . ~owers oI ~emany, r~eor., ann.
• xapms 4612 Mrs Mac Kent The Kent fam,ly Mrs. Jennie MeConaughy of Mar-Iw'.':_bt_ :t: t_s°rLt" ............
llar, o~ E40 ,.~___ ~ " . .......... land ¢'aullne were ~amraay nigh[
.,,~,~ O~z~ aurae. Mr.ann ears. /Mien ~iver visits(1 I__~ o. _~ ...... ,_^, "h^ "re'an
,~_ . ,~,~ Mrs. Charles Chanskyand Mr.a daylast week with Mr. and Mrs. !r~. hnrw~
L ..............
WOO([ ~UU and Mrs. Ralph Chansky and son~John Bodenhofer m Anamosa. I Mr ----~ Mrs Gol'~n Miller left
• a " tri ---' '~"" " "=
. ..... Jumor nd Billy made a p to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Benesh ]q.). .... ,~,, * ..... ~÷ o÷ ~,~],,,~h,,s
~. OI Agriculture • . ~,,,*o~**j *~- ,~ ,,o,~ **, vv,~,,..,,, ,
Muscatme, Davenport, and Rock and daughter spent Labor Day in [Ohio with their brotherand fam-
ense No• 1 Island, Sunday. I Cedar Rapids with Mrs.Benesh's lily Wit "and Mrs Londus Miller
r --¢ .....................
Mrs Margaret Bartlett Mrs Ted lPa ants I'=rom th r t- " .... ;
aNITARY • , , • " . ~ e e nay will go to wes~
_ Fiala and children, and Mrs. Jake Mr. and Mrs. Allen S~ver spent Virginia to attend the Miller re-
)ERING CO. Hertz and daughter Irene were re- Friday evening with their son }union They expect to return home
, . cent visitors at the home of Mrs. John and family, and Miss Myrtle thp l~t of tho woek Cecil Dun-
r~apies, iowa Sarah Kohl. Manly spent Saturday at the Slyer I ham-accompan-ied-them. ""
Mt w ...... a~aa Mr. and Mrs. Louis Roit of Au- home. I Mr. and Mrs. Than Dean return-
, --..~=~v.~ vvvv " ' " r ' "
rora, Ill., are ws~tmg here over the M . and Mrs. Art Slyer and chfl- I where they spent from Sunday
week end and Labor Day with the dren were in southern Iowa and [until Thursday at the Herman Wer-
~ northern Missouri. On the way ]ner home.
~ back, they visited relativesin[ Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Hoffman
~ Boone and Ames on Saturday.I were Sunday dinner guests at the
• '~l~ 0#] . ~.~ The community joins with thaiThan Dean home.
• ~'~/_~ ~ writer in extending very sincere [. Mrs. Hazel Hoffman spent Mon-
~'~ ~'~" " svm~athv to Mrs Ravmon Stearns i oay evening at me riuiaan ~lar~
.¢t~a~$, -~~ who mourns the loss of her be-,home
• u~s ~ ~ "~'L~:.~ ,~,,~,~ .....+~.^. ~ ,..~... ~,~.^~ /Thompson attended the supper in
kmn~°~ ~~ [ Mr and Mrs Wade Lentz of
P..-'~}~ ~ ~-- Miss Ella kline of Marion spent/~r~l~ w,,r~ g~ndav ~v~nin~ cnl
• C-. -V .... "'" ....................................... 1-
~- ) weanesaay in me nome o:ner/~.. ,+ 4~,,. r~÷h~ u-~.,,an W'mo
nephew Clarence Kline ~*° "" "'= ~" ...... V'r " ~" on
CLUSIVE DRY CLEANERS , • ~. [ Luther Plattenberge and s
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Russell and/Robert returned last Wednesday
209 3rd Ave SW Dial o 8131 1 I Io Fairlast
• -" son v's'ted the wa State " /from the World's Fair at New York
Cedar Rapids, Iowa week. /and places in the south..They re-
Mr. and Mrs.Ernest Smithand port a wonderful tr~p wmcn was
family and her daughter and ram- made without any misnaps. Tney
_ ily of Wyoming state visited with I traveled about 3500 muss. . .
/]]~T ]I~I~I~ CtDrI~T~AT ~l~)~[YT/-~l~ Mrs. Smith's sisters, Mrs Ass Rob- Mrs. Elkins and daughter eaaae-
.~a~ a.aLaxaua ~t.]X ll~j2-x]_a k~l=al~Vl~J''~ inson and family and will visit !line and Mary and Mr. and Mrs.
CHAMBERS-INSKEEP OPTICAL CO a short time with the Smith and Dwayne French were Wednesday
,~ .... ~ " Taylor relatives i visitors at me troy ~iKms home.
eallze--l al yes ~- ~-'~ ~- ~r°'l"n ~ker ~'~nt! Mrs. Nellie Richardson and child-
S E Cedar Ranids Iowa ......... ~'^- a#":n .... **,A ~,~,,, ran of Marion were vtmtors in th
• • v , ~,.~u~# ,,, ,.,=~ ...v, =o ,,~ ....... Letha Kaplan home from Monday:
fair. until Wednesday.
No. 51484
In the District Court of Iowa in
and for Linn County, September
Term, 1939
vs. PlaintlfL
HEREBY NOTIFIED that there is
now on file in the office of the
Clerk of the District Court of Iowa
in and for Linn County, in Cause
No. 51484, entitled Dairy Industries,
Inc., vs. Oernert Company, et al, the
petition of Mile J. Sedlacek, Trustee,
the above named cross-petitioner,
)raying that his title in and to the
hen you call by Long Distance, the operator connects
you with one pa ticula telephone out of the more than
5 7 million which can be connected throughout the world.
She reaches out hundreds or thousands of miles and gets
far you the person with whom you want to talk.
She takes a personal interest in seeing that your call
is handled satisfactorily to you. Like all telephone men
• : and women, she works to fit service to your individual
needs--to make it persona] and pleasing to you.
real estate situated in Linn County,
Iowa, known and described as:
The East Forty and One-Half
(40½) feet of Lot One (1), Block
Twenty-Eight (28), Original
Town. now City of Marion, Iowa,
and also to the cold storage locker
plant and personal property in con-
nection therewith situated upon said
real estate, may be quieted and
confirmed in him absolutely, and
alleging that you and each of you
make some claim or right, title and
interest in and to the same adverss
to him, but that you have no such
right, title or interest, either legal
or equitable. Said petition alleges
that you have no beneficial inter-
eat in the trust for which plaintiff
holds legal title tu said real estate
and personal property in connec-
tion therewith, and prays that you
be barred and estopped from mak-
Ing or asserting any claim, either
legal or equitable, to an interest in
said property, whether real or per-
sonal, and for general equitable re-
lief and costs.
FIED that unless you appear thereto
and defend on or before noon of
the second day of the next, Septem-
ber, 1939, Term of the District Court
of Iowa in and for Llnn County, to
be begun and held at the Court
House in Cedar Rapids, Llnn Coun-
ty, Iowa, on the 18th day of Sep-
tember, 1939, your default will be
taken and judgment and decree
rendered thereon against you as
prayed in said petition.
Attorney For Mile J. Sedlacek,
said Cross-Petitioner
WAKE uP, Bus Ess
Proceedings Of The
Board Of Supervisors
Linn Cuunt- ,Iowa, June
Session, 1939
State of Iowa, County of Linn, as.
Cedar Rapids. IQwa
August 22nd, 1939
The Buard of Supervisors met pur-
suant to adjournment, all members be-
ing present•
Supervisor Seevell moved that the
salaries of the following named em-
ployees of the Linn County Social Wel-
fare Board as proposed by the Linn
County Social Welfare Board be ap-
proved. The Chairman of the Board
declared the motion lost for want of a
second, r.
Joseph J. Roeder, Director, $17a.00 per
Edwin J. Hurley, Senior Investigator,
$110.00 per month
~loise E. Bittner, Senior Investigator,
$100.00 per month.
This being the adjourned date here-
tofore set for further consideration for
the purchase of 600 tons of six inch
lump coal for use of the Linn County
Heine and 1600 tons nf 6x3 coal for
heating" and cooking purposes for use
of the poor in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on
moti..n by Supervisor Beeson, seconded
by Supervisor Stlrm, all bids received
for the purchase of coal for the poor in
Cedar Rapids were rejected and that
new specifications be drawn up re-
i,~,ring b,dders to fork coal into trucks
prior to delivery. All members voting
"'Aye" thereon.
On motion by Supervisor Seevell, sec-
onded by Supervisor Beeson, that the of Linn County to file claims for
relief provided and/or care furnished
against the estate of Alfred Gage, de-
ceased, is hereby waived upon accept-
ance of the offer to compromise the
claim of Llnn County versus Emma
Gage. deceased, wife of said decedent,
dated August 15th, 1939. All members
voting "Aye" thereon.
On )notion by Supervisor Beeson, sec-
onded by Supervisor Seevell, the County
Auditor was authorized to draw war-
rants once each four weeks on the Wi-
dows' Pension Fund for the payment of
W'idows Pensions as provided in Sec-
tion 3641, 1935 Code of Iowa, in the
amount shown on the Superior Court
Order to Ruth Bain and Gladys Hayes,
as granted by Judge Thomas B. Pnwell.
All members voting "Aye" thereon.
On motion by Supervisor Stirm, sec-
onded by Supervisor Beeson, ten
o'clock A. M., September llth, 1939, was
the time and date set for receiving bids
for 3250 lineal feet of corrugated metal
culvert pipe and the County Auditor
was authorized and directed to publish
notice thereof. All lnembers voting
"Aye" thereon.
On motion by Supervisor Beeson, sec-
onded by Supervisor Stirm, 10:15 A.M.
September 11, 1939, was the time and
date set for receiving bids for the pur-
chase of 1600 tons of 6x3 coal with an
option of an additional 1600 tons if re-
quired for heating and cooking pur-
poses for use of the poor in Cedar Rap-
ids, and the County Auditor was auth-
orized and directed to publish notice
thereof. All members voting "Aye"
On motion by Supervisor Seevell, sec-
onded by Supervisor Beeson, the follow-
ing appointments and salaries were ap-
proved effective as of September 1st,
1939, all members voting "Aye" there-
°njane Anderson, Investigator, Relief
Department, $70.00 per month.
Elena Hartzell, Investigator, Relief
Department, $70.00 per month.
A Ave Groc, poor prey ........ $ 13.44
Arthurs Radio Co, Jail sup .... 1.74
Alburnett, Town of, road oiling.. 11.27
Baldwin Frank B, O'seer post-
age ........................ 58.40
Blue Valley Dairy, Jail prov .... 22.34
Blauls Sons Co, john, jail, prey 134.88
Benesh Dr F. B. poor, mad aid 3.00
Bigger, Dr L E, poor, mad aid .• 10.00I
Borschel, Mrs. Ed, poor. rent .. 13,001
Brown, Realty Co. poor rent .. 12.00
Baker Paper Co, sewing sup .. 17.34
Beatty Mortuary, poor burial .. 80.80
Butters Groc, sol rel prey ..... 24.22
Buehler Bros. Groc, sol rel prey 38.76
Biderman. Adolph, poor rent .. 12.00
Burgs, Anson, poor rent ...... 10.00
Block Co W G, poor fuel ...... 5.92
Bokorneys Serv, equip rprs .... 16.14
Bunting H I, re-surfacing .... 349.70
Barnes, Robert, equip rprs .... 22.19
C R (]as Co., Jail, gas serv ..... 7.88
Crescent Macaroni & Cracker
Co, jail prey ................ 23.24
Crofutt, Mrs. Lillian, poor nurs-
ing ......................... 7.40
Coover, Mrs. Anabelle, poor rent 12.00
Castle, E B, poor rent ......... 10•00
Cooper, Dairy, sol rel, prey .... 6.I2
Coreys Groc, sol tel, prey ..... 33.05
Cach Glass Co, M, Ct. Hs sup .. 13.01
C R Gas Co,, gas serv O'seer poor 2.33
Carpenter-Johnson Co, Co Home,
prov ........................ 79.00
City of Cedar Rapids, road oil-
ing ........................ 35.88
Duster Bros. jail, prey ......... 6.38
Drake Rec, J R, poor rent ..... 2.35
Dwyer, Mrs. J. F., poor rent .... 8.00
Dudek, Robt, sol rel, rent ..... 10.00
Douda, Joe, sol rel, rent ....... 15.00
Drahos, Joe, poor rent .......... 20.00
Darden, H. G., poor, rent ....... 10.00
Erusha. Edw C, pigs killed .... 18.66
Elcc Motors Co, O'seer ofc sup.. 20.00
Evang. Deaconess Heap, poor,
heap ........................ 24.65
Foughty, Mrs. Ona. poor rent .. 8.00
Felereisen, Mrs. H. L~ sol rel,
rent ....................... 10.50
First Ave Potato Mkt, sol rel,
r r.
p ov ....................... o7.02
Fragers Cafe, sol rel, meals .... 2.86
Fladiy Groc, sol rel, prey ..... 12.65
Family Shoe Store, poor, shoes 2.02
Fishe~: Drug Co, pris exp ....... 50
Faltis. Wm. land damages ..... 25.00
Gay Heap0 Virginia, poor hosp.. 20.00
Gallagher Groc, P H, poor, kero~
sane ........................ 1.26
Gearhart, Dr G W, poor rent .. 6.00
Grim. Dr H N, poor rent ....... 10.00
Goodyear Serv, O'seer, car rprs 2.00
Globe Groc, sol rel, prey ...... 24.88
Hach Bros, Co, jail sup ........ 9.18
Houser, Dr J D, poor mad aid.. I4.00
Harris, Laura E, poor nursing .. 15.00
Hines Mary, poor rent ........ 10.00
Heverly, O Jay, poor rent ...... 7.00
Hunte, Ralph, poor rent ....... 8.00
Hladky, Mary, poor rent ..... 9.00
Helmich. M. Daniel, poor rent . 12.00
Hedges Co, sol rel. rent ........ 10.00
Home Oil & Gas Co., sol rel,
kerosene .................... 70
Helman, Mrs. F L, sol rel, poor
rent ....................... 26.00
Hruska, Dr E E, poor mad aid.. 10.50
Holden-Kahler Co, ofc sup, stock 14.54
Hannahs, J B, grading ........ 5577.88
Higley Chemical Co, Ct Hs rprs 179.05
Ia Elec Light & Power Co, sol
rel, light serv .............. 5•05
Ives-Frana Coal Co, poor fuel.. 2.81
Ia Elec Light & Power, poor,
light serv .................. 4.08
Ia Elec Light & Power, shop,
light serv .................. 20.19
Ia Nat'I Farm Loan Assn, right of
way ....................... 12.50
Jones, Dempsy, recording ease-
ments ...................... 1.90
Jonas, Stanley, Prob car exp .. 1.50
Klinger Paint Co., Ct Hs sup .. J4.93
Kresge Co, jail sup ............ 6.12
King Invest Co., poor sewing
proJ ........................ II2.00
Kubias Hdwe Co., Ct Hs sup ..... 72
Kubias Hdwe Co, garden proj .. .36
Kopecky, F E, commr, sal, mile-
age ........................ 13.95
KreJci Bros, Groc, sol rel, prey.. 23•26
Karr. Herbert. poor rent ....... 10.00
Klmberling Mrs E L, poor. rent 10.00
Kinney Co, G R. poor shoes .... 4.04
Keech. Dr. R K, commr of In-
sanity ..................... 3.00
Kehrli, L E, drainage rprs ..... 6.46
Kacena Co, Co Home, rprs .... 4.86
Kennedy S M, poor rent ...... 5.00
LeGutre, Amos, sheep killed .... 13.32
Lefebure, Corp, shrf, ofc sup .. 86.70
Lagomarcino Grupe Co., Jail,
prey ........................ 18.57
Lake, Dr A B, poor mad aid .... 15.00
Lecher, J J Admr, poor rent .... 6.00
Lilyard, Mrs. Amy, poor nursing 25.00
Linwod Cemetery Co, sol tel,
burial ...................... 6•00
LInn Co-Op Oil Co., sol rel, kero-
sene ........................ 2.02
Geibsohn Groc, sol rel, prey ....14.89
Leidigh, Dr R E, poor reed aid 2.00
Linn Co Abstract Co, right of
way ........................ 8.00
Laurence Press Co, Eng ofc sup 3.50
Lows, G H, grading .......... 745.30
Linn Col Produce Co., Co Home,
grain and feed .............. 22.00
Marion Sentinel, Clerk D C
blanks ..................... 9.95
Metealf Printing Co., Clerk D C
books ...................... 30.00
Moravec. Dr E L, poor mad aid. 50.00
Mercy Heap. poor'heap ......... 63.75
MIkulas) Ilda D, poor rent ..... 10.00
Milo's Grocery, sol rel prey .... 47.74
~lller, C~as, sol rel, rent ...... 10.00
Mt Vernon Hawkeye - Record
pub proc ................... 63.57
Me Too Groc, sol rel, prey ..... 26.63
Mallk. Mrs. John. poor rent ... 8.00
McKes$O~n & Robbins, poor drugs 39.98
McCalley, Mary E, poor rent .. 5.13
M:eDonaid, C H. poor rent ..... 10.00
McGlll&n~ Gee, poor rent ....... 10.00
McDonald. Chas. sol rel rent .. 12•75
~McEnany, :V~argaret, poor nurs-
i Ing .... 12.00
; McPartlan. TO ...... ee g.. 16.20
Newhart, M R, chickens killed.. 9.32
N W Bell Tel Co, ehrf tel serv. 14.34
[N V¢ Bell Tel Co, O'seer, tel serv 34.70
Nat Tea Co, poor prov ........ ~.15
Neagle, Floyd, poor rent ...... 4.60}Davenport, Ellen, poor nursing• 8.121Cook, Marie
Novak James V. poor rent .... 10001Drew, George, poor rent ..... 10.00~ Cook, Nell .................... .................. 30.06
Nassif, Sam, sol rel, rent ...... 10.00 [Derby W H, poor rent ........ 10.001Coon, Millie ..... 20 00
Naibert, Dr A C. poor reed aid .. 3.OO IDicks Coal Yard, poor fuel .... 2.3o, Coonrod, Edith . ::::::::::::::. 20:00
N W Bell Tel Co., O'seer, tel serv ,12.38 ] Duster Bros, sol rel, prov ...... 3.67 I Craig, Betty .................... 10.00
Nassif, Sam, poor rent ........ 10.00[Dewees & Whitney, resurfacin~ 573.871Curttright, Mary ................ 10.00
Oakland Groc, poor prey ...... 6.38 [Davenport. Ellen. poor nursin~ 6.001Davi'~, Harriet ..................16.00
Pitlik, Dr C C, poor mad aid .... 2.50]Edwards, Joe, poor rent ....... 6.00[Donovan, Emma ............... 10.00
Phelps, Ed, poor, rent ......... 5.00 ~Etzel, Floyd, drainage rprs .... 09.80[Doonan, Flura ................. 20.00
Polivka Mary S. poor rent .... 8.00 [ Economy Lumber Co, ) mt and I Dorsey Golden .......... 10 00
Perp Says & Loan Assn sol rel [ sup 5 501Draner' Alice ....... ,n'aa
rent ........................ 10.00 /Fry Dairy, sol rel, prey ........ ~.69 IDvorak. Anna .................. 10.~0
Pusteoska, J W, poor rent .... 30.00[Fry, Gee ~,V, poor rent ........ 10.00[Emery, Virginia ................ 10.00
Pats D X Serv Station, equip |First Ave Potato Mkt, sol rel [Ferreter, Margaret ............. 10.01
rprs.. . .................... 113.24 ] prey . ~. ...................... 7.35 I Finn, Anetta ................... 40.00
Pries r~ay Kerosene ........... 10.30 , Flauiys (/roc sol rel, prey 12.65 I Fisher Julia M 10 00
Quaker Oats Co, Co Home, feed 86.001Guess Dr Vf H poor mad aid 5 00 Foley' Mary ................ ~na
Rock Island Motor Transit Co., [Grand Hotel po'or rent. " 2'501Freen~au Frances''B ............. 20"00
sewing proj ................. 11.44]Grunewald, W J, poor rent ::::. 10:001French, 'Olive ...... :::::::::::: 8:00
Red Arrow Stores poor prov .. 4.34 [ Griffin, P A, poor rent .. 10.00 [ Fuller Elaine ..... ~0 00
Reamer Mae, poor nursing .... 35.00 [ Gazette Co, pub proc ..... 78 60 ~ Fuller' Pbilena ........... ~a'oa
Rapid Blue Print Serv Eng ofc [Goodridge, Mrs Eva, poor rent 66 00 [ Gilmor I pulse ............... 10"00
supplies .............. 1.58 Hack Bros Co surplus commod 5'34 Green ' l~Iar~ret .............. ~n'0o
Stoneking, Clair, sheep killed .. 6.66 ] Hruska 1)r E E, poor mad aid .. 5:50 ]Grimu~, Marg=aret . : :: : : : : : : : : : : : : i6:80
Standard Bakery, ja)l, prov ... 17.~VlHall, Pete, poor rent ....... :.. 8.00[Groat. Marguerite ..............20.00
Stepaneks Hdwe Co. Ct Hs sup . 1.68}Hedges Co., poor rent ........ 6.00[Hanaha~• Vera ................. 40.0o
Sawyer Biscuit Co, Jail. prey .. 3.35[Hadsell, Mrs. Ada sol rel rent .. 10.00}Harden, Haael ................ 6.00
S & W 10th St Serv, O'seer, car [Holden-Kahler Co., ofc sup stock ,13.52 [ Harper, Hattie .................. 10.00
exp .......................... 50 [Hughes, Thehna. poor rent .... 12.00 ~Hatt, Elizabeth ................10.00
Schmidt Typewriter Exch, O'seer, [Hews, Mrs. Sarah, poor rent ... 4.00 }Hatter, Lucille ................ 30.00
roach rprs .................. 12.55 I Hedges Co., poor rent ......... 20.00 ~ Hayes. Clara ................. 20.00
Sanders, Jake, poor rent ...... 10•00 ~Hlll Oil Co, gasoline .......... 599.18 ]lIeddinger, Ceva ..............30.00
Stickle Port poor rent ..... 10 00[la Elec IAght & Power, sewing J IIorsky Pearl Mac . 10 0s
Sauers Groc sol rel prey 12 24 Iproj light 20 04 /Jeffrey ' Carmeli~a ............:tn'00
S V ......... --* ...................
Sterners Groe, ~ol rel pro .... 11.49 ~Interstate Transit Lines, sol rel. ~Hayes, Gladys ................. 12.86
Searles Dairy, sol rel, prey .... 29.10I trans ....................... 2.50|Jobnson, Emma .............. 20.00
Skelly Oil Co. sol rel, kerosene 1.33 ~ Illinois Powder Mfg Co., blasting |Jults, Lela .................. 2000
Simon Frank Sol rel commr. ~ sup ............. 3 57 | Kent, Olive ............. " " " 30"00
sal, mileage ................ 13.00 I Ia Elec Light & Power, shop, / Kimball. Mertle ...... : : ... : : : : : 30:00
Shupp, "Walter, Supt, visiting I light serv .........' ..........1.02 | Konlk, Frances ................. 10.00
schools .................... 48.80 ] Ia l~fg Co., equip rprs ......... 838.68 |Kotek, Minnie .................. 10.00
St. Lukes Heap. poor heap ..... 19.00]Jones Dempsy Co Rec, recording [I,ow, Al ee S ................. 16.00
Sac Lab, poor, drugs ........... 4.59 [ easements ................... 75 ]Luettjohann. Minnie ........... ~0.00
Shadle, Mrs. Alletta, poor rent.. 10.00 [ KreJci Bros. Groc, sol rel. prey. 3.67 [McEnany, Margaret .... 10.00
Sigmund, Stella, right of way .. 18.60 ] Kopecky, F E, co)nmr, sal mile- |Margretz, Pauline ..... 50.0@
Smith, James H, rat pris for [ age ......................... 14.30 |Martin, Angeline ..............31.07
: trial ........................ 306.09 |Kleppe. B., poor rent .......... 5.00 |Melendy, Juanita .............. 30.00
Sigmundi, Arthur, cutting weeds 14.40 [ Kerns, Jos, poor rent ........ 10.00 |Mendel. Joan ................... 10.00
State of lows, gas tax ........ 232.32[Karal, Emn)a. poor rent ....... 10.00|Miller, Della ................... 16.00
Skclly Oil Co, kerosene diesel [ Kriz Emma poor rent ........ 10 00 |Miller, Josephine .............24 00
oil ........................ 195.31[Laurance Press Co., Ct Hs fur- [Miller, Laura .................. :30:00
Severn, George, garage rental .. 9.00[ niture ...................... 99.45 |Minor Eva .................... 10.00
Swift & Co, Co Home, sup, prey 269.13[Lincoln Else Lines, Co Home, [Newkirk, Ruth ................ @0.6~
Standard Brands Inc, Co Home, [ light serv .................. 8.69 |Newlin, Wands ................ ~0.00
prey ....................... 31.49|Lake, Dr. A B. sol rat, mad aid 6.501Norris, Elizabeth .............. 2400
Smrha, Dr James A., poor mad |Leibsohn Groc, sol rel, kerosene .67[O'Brlen, Virginia ............... 1~.00
aid ........................ 3200.00|Lobenstein, I M, poor rent ...... 10.00]Olmstead. Alice ............ 1000
Trachta. Frank, poor rent ..... 8.00[Limback Lbr Co., lumber ...... 8.46 |Patton Edna ............... ~0:00
Tait & Wagner, poor rent ..... 12.00 |LaVelle. Mrs. Anna, poor rent .. 6,001 Pullet, Grace ..................40.00
Tehel, Frank, poor rent ....... 5.00|Mercy Hosp, poor heap ......... 8,001Pegump, Maxine .............. 20.00
Tribune Publishing Co, Clerk I) [Moravee, Dr. E, L. poor, mad aid 2.00~Ph)tz, Louise M ................ 11.43
.C, books ................... 62.22 [ Melrose Dairy. p-or prey ...... 1.29 [ Raftis, Hazel ............. 10.00
Taschner, Forrest, weed commr. 26.30 | Me Too Groc, sol rel prey ......38,351 Rabik, Frances ................20.00
Thompson Eat, E D, road sup . . 11.20/Melrose Dairy, sol rel, prey .... 4.34 I R.eed, Josepbine ...... 22 14
United States Bank, poor, rent.. 16.00[Mreeh Groc, Chas, sol rel rent.. 3.671Reed, Bertha ......:.~::..:~::, 16~00
Underwood, Mrs Llllie, poor rent 5.00 |Mltvalsky, Jos J., sol rel, rent ,. 12.85I Reilly. Beatrice ...............20.00
Vavra Bros. Groc, poor kerosene .72 |May, John, sol rel, rent ........ 10.00~ Boblnson, Lena ................ 10.00
Vlach, R J, criminal invest .... 4.16[Mt. Vernon Hawkeye - Record, I Ryan, Catherine D ............. 60.00
Van Alst, Earl, poor rent ..... 10.00 [ pub proc ................... 80,471Ryan, Frances ............... 28.00
Whiting Dairy, jail prey ...... 13,58 [ M~arion Sentinel. pub proc ...... 83.53 [ Schneider, Marian .............t0.00
Witwer Grocer Co, Jail, prey .... 39.44|Mickel, Jennie H. poor rent .... 10.00[Schultz, Irma ...................10.00
Waffle, O G, sol rel rent ...... 12.00|Miller, J P. poor rent .......... 6.001Shea, ~farian ................. 30n0
Walbrand, A H, commr, sal, mile- |Malloy, Mrs. J, poor rent ...... 12.00 ] Shearer, Bessie ................ 10.00
age ........................ 6.75|McKeeby, Dr B l-I, poor mad aid 42.00] Shelton, Bessie ................10.00
W C F & N Ry Co, frt chgs ..... 90|McMahon, Owen, sol rel, rent .. 10.00|Shonka, Hattie ............... 20.00
Witwer Grocer Co, Co Home, |MeCannnn, C E, poor rent ..... 12.00 Snyder, Mac ................... 20.00
prey ....................... 43.20 IMcPartland, Tom, cutting weeds17.20 [ Seminars Marie ............... 40.00
Western Union, O'seer, telegrams 6.27 | McNall Mash Sup Co., equip I Slemering. Enid ............. 40 00
Yarwood S L, Jail sup ........ 12.001 rental ...................... 550.00 [Smiley Bertha ........ 20.00
Yellow Cab Co, poor, trans ..... 1.60 i Newmans, sewing sup ........ 40.80 ] Stegall, Alma ................ 12 00
Work Rellef Payroll No, 91, 19~ ! Newcomb, Thos, bd and rm 35.00 t Switzer, Rena ................. 10.00
Atkins, Francis ............... 9.60 N W Bell Tel Co., shop, tel serv10.21 Titus, Gertrude ................20 00
Bammert, Charles ............ 9,60 O'Connor, Thelma. poor rent .. 10.00[Tompkins, Mary . ...............I0.00
Barrett, Arthur .............. 9.60 Red Arrow Stores, poor prov .• 3.34 / Vavra, Mary ...................I0.00
Bartholomew, Elmer .......... 9.60 Reginnitter, Joann, poor rent.. 6.00 [ Wells, Lula .................... $.00
Behrens, Harry .............. 9.60 Riley Agt, G R. poor rent ...... 8.00 [ Wenger, Blanche ..............20.00
Berry, George ................ 9.801 Pioneer Litho Co. Ct Hs sup ..23.05 | Wheeler, Pansy ................10.00
Booth, IIarvey ................ 9.60 Penney Co Inc, J C, poor, sewing ] Wheeler, Wlnona ................40.00
Brundidge, Fay .............. 6,401 sup ....................... 182.90[White, Julia .................. 24.00
Buchtella, Wm ............... 9.60 V'usateri. Frank, poor, rent .... 10.00[ Wllford. H~zel .................40.00
Burlingham, Chas ............ 9.60Penney Co Inc, J C, sol" tel cloth- I WHIkins, Georgemia ............ I0.00
Camp, J C .................... 9.60ing ......................... 31 Wlllits, Irene ..................~0.00
Chavez, Joe .................. 9.60Peoples Groc, sol rel prey ......30.09Wilson, Emma ................. 20.00
Ciha. George .................. 6.40Peoples Groc, sol rel. prey .... 9.90 Wood, Jessie .................. 10.00
Clark, Hobart 9.60Peoples Groe. sol tel, prey 4.08 Ou motion the Board of Supervisors
Cook, Wm A .................. 9.60Perp Says & Loan, poor rent .... 10.00adjourned to September 5th, 1939.
Corporon. Gus ............... 9.60Perp Savs & Loan, poor rent .... 5.00 Fred Stirm, Cha|rmnn
Cortez, Pete .................. 9.60Phillipson, F A, surfacing ..... 46.00 Board of Superv/sors,
Corum, Edward ............... 9.60Patterson, James E., atty fees, Linn County, Iowa
Decker, Freeman .............. 6.40 defending pris ............. 120.00Attest: Robt. M. Vesely.
I)unek, Louis .................. 9.60Smith James H. criminal invest. 23.30 ~mn ~ounty Auditor.
Dvorak, Frank ............... 6.40Star Printing Co, Aud ofc sup .. .72 ----
Ferguson, Everett ............ 6.40See. Lab, poor drugs .......... 11.22
Fitzpatrick, James ............ 9.60St. Lukes. poor heap ........... 62,00 ORIGINAL NOqPIC~"
Foarde, Joseph ................ 9.60Sac Ave Virginia. poor meals ....10.20 . th D ....... r%o. 51484
I~,,oh~ B W ~ gO~rnmek Josenhin,, noc~r ba ~. I In e lStrlC( Cnurt ot iowa tll
(~.~f~'~ Ph~qt~r ................. q'~ ............... 1 0 and for IAnn County September
S * "L erln 1~
Griswold. Leo . . . 9.60 . tauffer. Mary. poor rent • 8 00 1)AII~Y' INDUSTRIESC
Harford Lawrence 9 60 Shay F L poor rent 6 00[ S ,, IN ..
........................... 0 Plaintiff
Harger, Everett ............... 9.60 Shelton, J C, poor rent ......... 6.0 [
Hcslop John 9 60 ~todola Leo sol tel rent . 10 00 I NE vs.
"" ~ '~'- " ................. ~'" ........ 'Fran'k c~---~r salmile )(;E ~" ~ItT COM:PANY MARIE('~ER-
r~OOK, ~nas .................. ~.~V ~lIllO[l, , (t/Illl ) - . • !
~, ,~h,~ ~..h o ~n ~. 12 fl0 NEAT, EAttLE GERNERT, MILe
J'afne,~':Arno~l'(~"..':::::::::::::: 3:20Sovereig'n,'Louis,"poor'reni':::: 4:001 J. SE)%LAC~K; T RUSTF/'~2. MIL(.)
' * ' C ] 7 20 J. ~ IZ*IJJL~,~ J~ah ll~@131Vll~tJAhbI
Jayne, Arthur ................. 9.60SigmundL Arthur, ~eed .utting • I ............. ;: ............ '
Jeffords, Floyd ................ Squires Gilbert, right of way 000
Jensen Gee .... 6 40Spr )ston (; ~V road materials. 6 00 " "" - ' .; . ~=,
................. N ' r 34 57 De~enaants
Johnson Carl ........ 6 40Schuel~ r, J, equip prs ................... ) ......
.......... ~ 10 0 TO AI~L, uF TI-1E AB( Vp; ~NAM/~I)
Kanellls. James .............. 9.60Stocker. N (.. poor rent .......... 0 [ .), ....... ~,,,,~.
Kruse Orval 960 Travnicek Stanley sol rel rent1000I (~t~Ar~ ..... L~'
r . ,' n_ "% ............... ~'~^: T-t ~ " ~re" "~ ~L'_, extrL' hel~24"80~ Y ,~, EACtt OF YOU ARE
~aeuvlna, ~uwaru ............. S.bU r euel, r u ~,~, ~[l~t, ~ p . . . •
........ Forr^ "t weed commr 25 65 [ HFAtEB~NOTIF IED that there ~s
L~ee tSoIUmDUS • • 9 ~JU tascnner t~ , ,
-- ' ~- " ...............- ........ ~ -'" flsc ^x" 2 141 now on file in the office of the
J~ong ~zlato 3 6(}Tip[on o~a~e ~azia, I1 ~ p ...... ) ...... 7 ~. . ( ; .
=- ~ ' ...." ................ ~'-~ ~'*S "-~"l~ "r's "'- 8 50IClerK (I the l)lS[rlct L'our~)[ Iowa
~c(;alley. Uus ................ ti.4Uv L eK,~m ,, p ~. e~p ........... I i- and for " i-- C )"n'-- ""- -)eti"---
McDaniel Veto 9 60Vane Dr Robt poor mad aid 6 50 n .... ~:u~., u ty, t[~~ ~ )t~on
~")'~"~'~ .... ~" .............. ~'~'~ "'~'~'~" ................. 6 75n~n)ed plalnt)ff demanding Judg-
...a... --,.omas ..... u .,v ..~,~ " " n nt -' - ~
~11¢~,~'-,, r,, " .......... o'.. W),~t* ~[~ ~,~nr ~nt 10 00 ~e against tne aeIendant, Gernert
, oo l0 00Company for SIX THOUSAND
Miller, Chas ................. 9.60Wachs, Mrs. Fred, p r rent ..... I .......... " ........ ............
Miskimen. Chas .............. 9 60White, Charles, poor rent ..... 12.001~,~,~v,~~ ,,~=,~'~,~,.,,~,~,~
..............~.~,,n, A" .................... o~n Atki'ns'--Fra-'ncls ...... ............... ~ 9 60with accrued interest costs and at-
NNe~)~'e "Salny ................ Q'60Bammert Chass 6'40torney's fees. praying' that a certain
....................................... 9" deed from Mile J. Sedlacek. Trustee,
Norris, Norman C .............. 9.60Barrett .Arthur .................. 60 ............
M 11 mHe¢ a a ea Barth lon)ew E1 n~r 9 60 { tO ~notwell-L:arver Lo. inc. exeeu~-
Ct l~J~|l ~( ..... o'~a R~hron~ ~l~rrv 9 60 ed on January 26, 1939, conveying
.o*.mu~ .......... ------~ - ] r .......
~,', .... a ................. ~'~ Berr,, C:eo 9 60 rea p oper~y In IAnn County, towa.
ower's--~2~ert" ................. ~'60B)oth' "Harvey'" 5 20des~:ribed ~s: ..........
vappas" ' Harry*T " ............... ~""~u B~'unXid'~eu ~ Fay 9 60Jne East For[y anti une-rialf
.................... -~ Buchtella 'Wnl" " " 9 60 (40Vz) feet of Lot One (1) Block
l~eale'wJ- ~Iart'In .................. ~'I;Burllngham, Cha's "- " :: : 9 60 I T2~t~;:~gh~ y~.)' . Onrligtlnal
.................. m C 9 60 ' ' Ly [ ~larlo owa
Peters)n Morris . . 9 60Ca p J . . . , , ,
"" - • -' " " ........... ~'- .....' "o 8 40 ] and acertain Conditional Sales
I:'etsel ~eonaru 5 4U ~ t~a%ez, o e [
• ' ................ -^ "~'~ ~" ^r'" 9 60 Contractexecuted by Gernert Corn
Phelps Carl . 9 ou~.,a ~e ................ _ :._ :.. ~ " . "
1)hillin~T h ................. e'~n: ~)arl¢~ob~rt 9 60 I pany to SnotweLi-Carver Co. lnc
~ea21dsalL, ~n~m ................ ~te~" .................. 99.60 dnat~hde Jf~Uaor~ th26' Ble9c39rde~ndf ~:nnd
, o .................... v z. , ................... County Iowa on January 27 1939
Reasland Robt Jr 3 20Corum. Edward ............... 9.60 .. :. .. '. . • ,
D,~OO~+ .,a,p,,~ "~ ~" ............. a°'e"v ~.ecl~ ................ t~o, ~Po~,~, ~ 40 ., as Cnattel ~ortgage ,~o. 171301, cov-
~ ' ~ "~. - ...............^'-~T)L~- ' T,,,)o 9 60 t er)ng a cold storage locker plant
~nermernorn ~ua s bu ,,u,~ .....
Sills Cliff ............... 9 60' l;vo'~'l¢, a ~l~rank 9 60" and personal, property, in connection
~." .:~ ' ...... : ...................._'_ ......... L ,-.,.~_.~- ..... a 40 therewtth, situated upon the real
~n]l[n. Wllllam .............. ~J,40 ; r.~tl~DUl'I|) t,lit~ft~ .................
.... ~. ~ -^ I ~ .......... ~ ...... -* 9 00 estate above described, may be fore-
oplc~r ~xeorge s bU I pt~[~u~uz*, rav~v~t~
• ' ................... closed as a mortgage as against all
Spooner Eugene . . 9 60 ~ Fitzpatri(k, James 9 60 ............
, .............. ae[enuan~s ann ~na~ tne amoun~ oi
Stewart Luke ................. 9 60 I Floyd, Leo ................... 9.60 .
) ~= , ,'a, ~,,,.h~ ~ w q 60 i said Judgment may be decreed a
--eeple, raarl ................ u o~ ~ ....., ~" ................... )
....... • xr-1, . " "" ,'an ~-e '~er Chest"r 9 60 lien upon said real estate and per-
......... ' .......... '-'Leo 9 60 ] sonal property abo~e described (said
[of)In tJllle (5 ~U ~r~wu~u ................ arsenal r r" bei r
Tompkins Merle ................ 9'60Harford ' I~wrence . . 9.60 i D: • .p] ope }y_ ", ng .me e p~r-
"P ~1 '~r ............... o'en ~4"~-~r ' ]h2v@Pott 9 60 I tlCBlarly aescrlneu In salu Cona$-
re earry ...... , ....... ,
....................... o..,,, __ ~ - - 6 40Iti°nal Sales Contract) as of date of
Van Alst Alva 9 60Hesmop jonn .......... " "
• ~..., "~r.)*~.•~....,~. ",~''~ ........... -•="~ook 'Chas ...... 640]January 26 1939, in the amount de-
J'?~'lke~"~': ......... " ............~ i~u l~'es "RalZh ................ .~'60(crecd and found to be due and
~a e, ~nas ................. 6..4? , "~e ~tkrnol~ ................ 6"40 [special execution issue for the sale
watson ~ar! .... 6 4UJay ....
w~)*,,, ' a~hl,, ............. ,'anJavne'Ar+h-- 9 60 of said real estate and said personal
"~Verling, Claire ........ : ...... 6:~0Jeffords,'Flo-y'd ................6.40 ]~:°l~:rt~iant~'Tntt. e~ e~lndt ~t~rr~eog~i
Whitney Roy C 9 60Jansen Ge ~rge 6 40 .... q _ P ....
' ............... ' " ' 0 ' [O make [ne amoun[ o[ salu 3uog-
Wicher Henry .............. 9 60Johnson, Carl . 6.4 I
w,))omo ~ " " ~',,~k'~,~))m~ .T~n,.~ 9 60 merit interestcosts and attorney s
.......~...~, ~ames .......... o ~ ........... , ....................... , ' "
Wise, Chas .................. 3",n~¢,o~),,r o.- . 9.60, fees, and for general equitable re-
................... y ~." t~'" ':~ ................o'~a [1)istriet Court of Iowa in and for
On motton the Board of Supervisors Eentne(~A32TM ............... .~'~ I Llnn County, to be begun and held
adjourned to August 29th 1939
.... Lose~n ~4~rr~ ................. ~401at the Court House in Cedar Rapids,
........ ~ ................... O~
--'----" MoC'n)lov Otl~ 8 40iLinn County I "a, on the 18th day
August 29th 1939 Mol)anh~! "~'m ~ 4n, of ~epte)nber, 1939, your default will
The Board of Supervisors n)et pup M(~Quit'tv' G'uy ................ ~'~{~ [be taken and Judgment and decree
suant to adjournment all members be- M,~lik Tl~omas ................. 6"40 rendered thereon against you ~s
ink present ]~f~ll Guy ................ 3"20 prayed in said petition.
• " ......... " ..................... NE
On motion by Supervisor Stirm, sac- Miller Chas 9 60] R.S. M1L ,R,
ended by Supervisor Beeson, the fol- Miskin~en. Cl~as ..... : ' : " ' :: : .... 9160 ~ ....... Attorney For Plaintiff.
lowing appointments and salaries as Mitchell W ~ .......... 6 40 Aug.lY-z~-~l-~epL'#
set by the Llnn County Board of SO- M~)-dra(~e'k Joe .... ::: ":::::':" 5120 } --------------------
cial Welfare were approved, all mere- Murphy ~Ienry "'. ''... : ..... :. : 9 60 !~,v~ ~ a~ft~r~m,~q~ #'t~P
bers voting "AYe thereon Neal ~fenry -A " " " 9 60 *".~,~ v.- ~,~. ................
Helen Bray re-employed as a visitor Noble Sam ............... 9"60EX~uUTOR ~u 15311
in the Relief Department at $100.00 per Norris ~Norman" (? " '.'" : :: : : : :: : : 9:60 State of Iowa, Linn County, ss:
month effective as of August 28th, 1539. Null ('lifford " .. . . 9 60 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN
Virginia Sigmund Visitor in the Re- O'Neill~ Simon ............. 9.60 ........... '
ltef Department at $90.00 per month Osier 'Amos ................ .q 60 mat me unaermgnea nas ~een on
effective as of September 18th, 1939.Owens. Robert ................ 9.60this 30th day of August, 1939, duly
On motion by Supervisor Beeson, ace- Pappas. Harry ................ 6.40appointed and qualified as Execu-
ended by Supervisor Seevell, the Coon, Peal, .1 C .....................9.60
ty Auditor was authorized to assign the Perem. Martin ................ 6.40tor of the estate of John Auracher
following tax sale certificate for can- Perry, Grant .................. 9.60late of Linn County, Iowa, deceased.
cellation and in the amount of taxes due Paterson. Morris .............. 9.60All persons indebted to said estate
with interest and penalty thereon on Petzel, Leonard ............... 6.40are requested to make immediate
the date of assignment, all members Phelns. Carl .................. 9.60
voting "Aye" thereon: Phillips. Ish .................. 6.40payment thereof to the undersign-
On motion by Supervisor Beeson. sac- Randall Tom ................. 9 60 ed. Those having claims against
ended by Supervisor Seevell, the ap- Reals. Tom .................... 3.20 the
same will file them, duly au-
pointment of Ed Schuknecht as Deputy Robinson Harley . ............. 9.60
Sheriff without compensation to assistRoot, Ralph ................... 9.60 thenticated in the office of the
In the court of Justice W. A. Rail, was
approved. All members voting "Aye"
On motion by Supervisor Stirm, sec-
onded by Supervisor Beeson, the leas-
ing one one LaPlant-Choate Carrimor
Scraper, Number C-61-50 at a rental of
$250.00 per month payahle monthly
from August 14th, 1939, to January 1st,
1940. with option to purchase in the
total sum of $2325.00. is hereby auth-
orized. Supervisors Stirm and Beeson
voting "Aye" thereon. Supervisor See-
yell voting "Nay" thereon.
Andrews. Alvin, pig killed ....$ 13.33
Adams, Dr. F W, poor reed aid.. 2.00
A & P Groc, sol rel. prey ..... 23,66
Burns, Wlllard et al. unclaimed
fees ........................ 480.25
Boston Store. poor sewing room 227.29
Butterfield, Dr A R, poor mad aid 20.00
Blue Valley Dairy, poor i)rov .. .46
Bliss. F A, poor rent ........... 2.60
Butterfield. Ed, sol rel, rent .... 12.00
Broulik. Win, sol rel, rent ..... 10.00
Burkholder, Marvin L, sol rel
rent ........................ 5.00
Brtney, W J, poor, rent ........ 12.00
Beeeher. M~rs. Leo, poor rent .. 12.00
Bolton & Co, poor rent ........ 10.00
Blalock, Harold. poor rent ...... 1000
Birdsall, Charles, poor rent .... 10.00
Bee¢'her. Mrs. Viola, poor rent .. 12.00
Baldwin, Frank B.. sewing proj 0.37
Bye Arthur. L.. l) C Bep. sal .. 20~A)0
Builders Mat Inc., road sup .... 129,77
Bl,m) Ella M., .Jail. extra hell) . 15,00
C R I & P Ry Cu, poor trans .. 5,~8
Cubbage. Anna. poor rent ..... 12.00
Coreys Groc. sol rel. prey ..... 3~,49
City Fuel Co.. sol rel. fuel ..... 3.06
Cady. Mrs Gee. poor rent ....... 12.00
C R Gas Co, shop, gas serv .... 1.02
Concrete Materials & Const Co.,
surfacing .................... ~060.90
Schermerhorn. Bud ........... 8.40
Sinkey. Stanley ............... 7.60
.qm ith. William ................ 6.40
Sptcer, Gee .................... 6•40
Spooner. Eugene .............. 9 60
Stewart. Luke ................ 9.60
Rwore. Walter ................ 9.60
TeeDle, Earl .................. 9.60
"Pobin ellis .................. 6.40
Tompkin.~ Merle .............. 9,60
Treacle Harry ............... 9.60
Van Alst Alva ................ 6.40
Van Voltenburg, D F .. ........ 9 60
~alker. Cha,~ ................ 9.60
Watson, Earl .................. 6.40
Walton. Arbie ............... 9.60
Werllng. Claire ............... 9,60
Whitney. Roy C .............. 9.60
W!eher. Henry ................ 9.60
Williams. James .............. .5.20
Wise Chas .................... 6.40
VCood. Herbert ................ g.40
W~od Hubert ................ 9.60
Wrigley. Jack ................. 9.60
Younce. Gee .................. ~.40
~h)ke Cbas .................... 6.40
Churchill, Earl ................ 6.40
I~eri~d ending August 25, 1939
Adams. Margaret .............. $40.00
A!len (~ora .................... 30.00
Allen, Esma .................... 30.00
Anderson. Elizabeth ............ 10.~
Rnhbltt. Rerths ................ 10.00
r¢~ rrett Frances .............. 8.00
Bain Ruth M ................... 17.14
~e Mfller X'ellle ................ in en
Brague, Lela .................. ~6.00
Brown, Mildred ................ 10.0~
Rora'er. I~ona ................. 40.00
l~))rvow. Msrtha ............... In 0e
Carle, Mable ................... 10.00
Onv~ nau~'h Nellie .............. 20.00
~larke. Leona ................ l0 aa
Cole. Helen .................... :~0.00
: Cook, Lucille ................... ~0.60
Clerk of the Linn County, Iowa
District Court.
R. B. McConlogue, Attorney.
8:31; 9:7, 14
EX]b~UTRIX No. 15317
State of Iowa, IAnn County, sa:
that the undersigned has been on
this 29th day of August, 1989, duly
appointed and qualified as Exeeu~
trix of the estate of Guy H. John*
ston late of lAnn County, 1own, de-
ceased. All persons indebted to
said estate are requested to make
immediate payment thercof to the
undersigned. Those having clahns
against the same will file them.
duly authenticated in the office of
the Clerk of the Linn County, Iowa
District Court.
Pep. D. Sailor, Attorney.
Aug. ~1, Sept. 7-14