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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
September 9, 1898     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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September 9, 1898
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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MOUNT VERNON HAWK-EYE. , Iow, m . . plication, nor building, 8/tall SEPTEMBER 9, 1898, A letter received this week hy the growing interest on the part of rain- any person ~make, or employ any plumher, or otller person to make any tap or connection with ~~" family from Rob Bair, with the 49th I isters' wives in the annual gatherings the works upon hi~ premises, or alteration, or pnblishish~d in the i~- regiment at Jacksonville Fie. does ] in which their husbands are supposed extention, or attachment, without the written and vicinity by S. U. not give a very encouraging report of ' to be most interested, tend to make the permit of the SUPERINTENDENT of WATER WORKS~ specifyingthe particular change or al- tile conditions at (;amp Cuba Libre. attendance of supernumeraries and teration tobemade, andalsothe plumber auth- "Bob" says the list in the hospital is ministers' wives the largest ever known, orized to make thesame. SECTION 7. AU~. A BAU~AN. increasing and that all the Mt. Vernon The Methodists of Marion are just Mishet s. boys prefer coming home to going to completing one of the finest parsonages No hydrant, except public drinking fonntains Cuba. Undoubtedly the present is a in the state, which will be occupied by shall be placed within the limits of any street, un- less such hydrant is securely closed and p$otec- - -- very critical time in camp, just as it is the pastor and family before the ineet- ted against general use, an(] drinking foutltains ates furnished responsible here in town, there being considerable ing of the conference, and Mrs. Luce, erected for public use shall not be used as a ser- Anonymous corn- sickness of a malarial character, inci- the pastor's wife, will tender an ihfor- vice of domestic supply. dent always to changing seasons. Be- mal reception to the ministers' wives s~cT~os 8, sides this the boys naturally are long- in attendance at the conference Friday All willful and unnecessary waste of water . . through the negligence of any persons, by fixtures OF SUBSCRIPTION. ing to return home again after an ex- afternoon from 3.30 to 5.30. out of order or sprinkling without a permit zN ADV^~C~. tended absence. While man y friends or any vie atlon of the water rules, shall be mllti- SECTiON 5, ~ON HAwK-EYE. ~qo :wostores, dwelltngholtsesor other blli]d- ] ings occupied by different partie~, flrm~ or fami- ] lies shall be supplied with water from the same Ndditiona[ Loml [ service stop box. [ SaCTION ~, [ No c'onsamer shall supply water to other per- ] SOILS, or families, except for use on prenli~sfor ' the purposes specified in tile applic~ after water is letrodnced into any Qt$ Black and Colors, lain and Fanc 7:~) a. m. to 8:00 p. m, except PRESBYTERIAN. little frock, water works may be frozen. p penfrom7:00a, m. tog:00p, m. :Next Sabbath the quarterly com- Each andall, speaking of a life so SEeTmsn. MALLS. reunion will be, observed, preps story sweet, The TOWN of MT. VERNON reserves the right msPA~cn~v~AsT, service at2:00oclock Saturday ffter. That h~ l)een blotted out from at any and all times to ebut off the water in tim s:~o p.m. Earth s fair retreat, main pipe for thedPurpoae of repairing and clean- 11:19 p.m.noon. Topics for Sabbath day: ' Nhat ing the same. an on account of a shortage of the Cross has Done for ChristendomThough not dead; as it now may sadl~ water supply. Iowa. and for Civilization," and "The Lowest seem. SEe~X,N 12. mSrATCH~D WZST. Kind of Service.'" Simply changed; as it were, as by a In extending the service pipe.or makin~ addi- tion thereto, the plumber shall be governe~l strict- Is. S:0"27:29 p. p' m.m. summer's gleam. ]y hy the permit issued for such work and he shall make no such extension or addition not author- 3:30p. m. Adams-Knott. Yesl another pure, white, soul hasizedbythepsrmit, and every servtcs pipe mast spead away, be furnishedwith a stop and waste below the as- mail is bade up at Post tetra ~ time Moneyorder Miss Annie Grace Adams, Cornell, To the realms of light, and of perfect tlon of frost, so constructed that the water can be convenientb: shut off and drained frofn the pipe n.to7:~Op, m. ' 9l, and Mr. James Edward Knott of day. to prevost freezin~g. AI service pipe must be suably. New York, were married at 9 oclock Yetl another soul has joined the lai~atleaathft, betow the surface. 7:~la. m from the east and is Tuesday morning, Aug. 30ill, at theangelic throng, s~r ~- i~. ceopenfrom~p.m. 12m to 1 p. m, Training Scbool for IIome and For- In that bright and happy land ofEvery personontaklngwater, shall atall reas- W. M. Moon~, P.M. Missions, 4949 Indiana Ave Chi- sacred song. enaifle tnnes, permit the ~UPEI INTENDENT of the WATERWORKS, or his agenl~ to enter the Rev. Dr. Phillips of Joliet I11, Yes! another gentle soul has early the premises, or building, to examilae the water 'ocIETIES~ flown, pil, ee and .~t,~es, and tile manner tn which ths $1.~ here would be delighted to have their Obitura~'y. cleat cause to stop the supply to such. premises. 75 ~ECTtl)N 9. . 4o wishes gratified and topersonally - -greet them again, all arecontident "our Died August 21st,1898, Wilfred Unless otherwise permitted stop-cocks shall be ~COND CLASSMAIL MATTER boys" think first of loyalty to the coun- Lewis, only child of Mr. and Mrs. placed in the service pipe oo the edge of sidewalk near curb line and protected by an iron box, by --=-- try and the cause in which they have so James Gebhert, aged 3yg8. 6 months the style knows as"lron extension shut off-box," ,Is, or cha of ads most be nobly enlisted their services, and 6 days. with metalcovering, securely fastened. before T 8m:VmN 1O. bncatton noon of each For ages, the same sad sad story has Church Announcements. of't been told, All persons takingwater shall keep their ser- vice pipe, stop-cock and apparatus In good repair Of a vacant chair, which a priceless and protectedfrom fro~t, at their own exp~nse, D! RECTORY METtIODIST. Treasurer once did hold; and no claim 8han be made against the town of Mt. Vernon by reason of tile breaking of any main Services at the Methodist church as Of a little shoe, and an empty little pipe, service pipe. or cock, or for any other inter- wz~ n,r. usual, preaching both morning tlnd sock, " ruptlon of the mq)pty, or by reason of the break- evening b~ Dr. Stuntz. Of the many toys, and the dainty ing of machieery, or stoppage forrspairs, and no dedactiou will be made tor any time that private Knott left the same afternoon for a lake trip and will make To that mysterious land to us, un- water is used. their home in New York City, where kn,~wn. SE(:~,On 14. For a violation of the foregoing rules and for M. Mr. Knott is assistant general secre- Yes! Wilfred has gone to Itim,in non-payment of use of Water, the ToWN of MT. tary of the Student Volunteer Move- whom we trust, VEitNON reserves theright to abut off th~ water NO. 112 holds regular without notice to the party, or l~rsons, and Tuesday evenings on or ment. Mrs. Knott occupied the chair While the little head is here pillowed all money theretO paid for the use of water shall Vlsltlngbrotb~rs Welcome. of Church llistory for several years at in the dilst, be deemed forfeited to the town of Mr. Vernon. z~Y aonmeo~,W.M, the Training School and last year was Tenderly was" shown a treasure, a S~(T,o~ 1~. 'OF PYTHIAS~ We are opening the Fall Campaign with an elegant line of the newest Weaves, Materials and Colors in Dress (ioods. A HANDSOME LINE OF THE NEW WEAVES In Blacks, Plain and Fancy Mohairs, Sollels, Whip Cords, Eudoras, Henriettas, serges and the most popular ~eaves of the season, Crepons. in Stylish Patterns from a $1.00 yd Up. Colored Dress Goods tn Fancy Wool Mixtures for 25 cts yd. Beautiful novelties for 45 to 50 cts. Serges from 28 cts up. Whip Cords, Vigeraux, Granit Cloths, Soliels" Empress Cloths, Henriettas" Broad Cloths etc. A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF PATTERN SUITS In Fancy Mixtures and Plain Cloths, no two alike. Our line covers a wide range of stylish goods from 10 ts yd up. The qualities are the best for the price, end the styles and prices will suit all tastes and purses. WE CARRY'THE MOST CO/'IPLETE LINE Of Ltnetngs and Finding in this part of the country. A very essential matter tn the fit and wear of a dress" AN ELE(iANT LINE OF NEW TRIMMINflS The Correct Thing to Complete a Dress. No Lady should Buy a Dress without seeing Our Line. We are Headquarters for These Goods. N We handle the Celebrated Duck Brand, there Superintendantof the Deaconess Home g,~lden little lock: TheSUPERINTENDENTofWAT~RWOIfK8 are no better. A splendid double texture iu New York City. A memento? no! we would not for hereinbefore refer?ed to, shall he elected by the ] the world forget. TOW.~ COUNO1E, of MT. VERNON, IOWA, at ] garment for 3.5o such as you usually pay Its first regular meeting each and every year, and I Front off that precious, fair haired any cause said~COUNCIL shall deem':ufltcle~l't. } ~.OO for, better goods up to 7.50 in the Blalno-Knapp. little head, ~hall be 8abject to removal by saldcOUNCI[ for It is known today that a very pretty That today sweetly sleeps in its low- S~cTm~ m, late styles and colors. wedding scoured in the neighboring ly little bed. No person shall ussor take water from any yllliag~ o,f Bertram, Wednes(lay even- public or privat~hydrant or tap not o~ the pro- party occupied or owned by him. For any viola- lager 8 o clock. The contracting par- Weeping mother dearI think not of lion of this section tl~e person guilty of same ties were Mr.James &.Blaine, a promi- " him as one dead, may be fined not to exceed the sum of $10.00. , nest farmer and business man who be-But as a lamb, by the heavenly shop- Said fine to be recovered as tn otherviolations of Not Drossed to Ell, DUCK BP4 D a dl, ttngaim,d m,k v, am