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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
September 13, 1951     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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September 13, 1951
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ML Vernon. h H~wkeye-Reeord Claytoy. Nosley entered Mercy Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Kynett visited ; THE 225 POUND HOG and The Lisbon Herald 'hospital last Friday for observation Sunday with their son Lawrence i "An exceptionally large crop of' Thurs~ Sept. 13, 1951 Page 4 and treatment. ]and family in Clinton. i ! 1spring pigs is about ready to start Tom Maguire and mother-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. W. F Holtz had as'to market. The bulk of these will Mrs. Bessie Korando of Chicago, ~their guest on Sunday her aunt, ! Lisbon I visited during the week end in the i Mrs. Lucy Van Horn of Walton. Mr. and Mrs Milo Kaiiban home. Miss Essie Whisler of Unionville Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mason and Mrs. C. T. Wells of Los Angeles, is a guest this week in the home of Mardell, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nos- Calif arrived Saturday to spend Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Brooke. lay Of Cedar Rapids were Sunday several months with her sister, Mrs. Glenn Hall returned Monday from dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leon- Louis Graver, and brother, George a week in St. Luke's hospital for ard Koppenhaver of Anamosa. I Neesley. [treatment of a virus infection. Donald Kolek of Cedar Rapids spent Sunday in the parental Mr. WILLIAMS and Mrs. Frank Kolek home. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hutchinson of Marion were Sunday guests of her sister, Mrs. R. J. Lind, and fam- e ily. The Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Yates spent Tuesday with their daughter, Mrs. Glenn Andreas, and family at Phone 68 Lisbon, In. Palls. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Prink were Sunday guests in the home of her FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIALS sister. Mrs. Ed Tlusty in Cedar Ra- pids. ~ . 25C Mrs. G. B. Young, who underwent Large LETTUCE, 2 for major surgery the latter part of August at St. Luke's hospital, has LIVER, Ib 29c returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Richert, Lois Libby's CORNED BEEF, 12 oz. can 39c and Donna called Monday on Bert Baker of Mechanicsville, a patient MILK, 2 tall cans 19c in st. Luke's hospital. Mr. and Mrs. George Harris and BLENDED JUICE, 3-46 oz. cans 65c Mrs. Lucil]e Kucera of Monticello were Sunday guests in the Mr. and QUAKER FLOUR, 10 Ibs 85c Mrs. Graver Miehe home Mrs. G. J. Albright, Mrs. Anna PORK & BEANS, 2 No. 2 cans 27c Wetherell and Mrs. Rachel Miller and children visited Sunday with Real LEMON JUICL 12 oz . 23c Mrs. Amos Zalesky in West Branch. Mr. and Mrs. H. Walmer joined a TOILET PAPER, Softer, Firmer, White, ~roup of friends from Anamosa and WIKATA NEWS Center Junction to spend Sunday Wednesday, Aug. 22, the Wikata 4 tO|Is 35C at Frank Graver's in Cedar Rapids. Camp Fire group, with leader Mrs. Donald Kaliban, son of the Milo Stuart Franks and sponsors Mrs. Kalibans, has received his call for Leon Morningstar and Mrs. Buell BIRDS-EYE FRO~ FOODS induction into service. He leaves Ca- Miller had an all-day outing in Iowa dar Rapids Sept. 20 for Des Moines City. The morning was spent at the Mrs. G. R. Andre was hostess to Museum, old State Capitol and the her Four Square bridge club Wed- new Fine Arts building. After a nesday afternoon. Mrs. Don Min- picnic lunch Plum Grove was visit- art. Mrs. J. E. Crelly and Mrs. ed, the home of Iowa's first Gover- Charles Campbell were guests, nor, Robert Lucas. The day ended SPECIAL ,-.-AT ~o~o~ato~ Aid society meets in with aswiminthe newpark pool, the church Thursday, Sept. 20, for Girls on the trip: Lorraine Morning- picnic dinner at 12:30 followed with star, Sarah Franks, Carol Gunther, the regular meeting. Mrs. F. E. Nancy Clark, Jane Miller, Patricia Barteaux, Janet Morningstar, Jean- Fuller will have the Bible Study. ette Long and Anita Hensen. Reg- A message to the Chris Petersens ular meeting was held Monday after announced the birth" of a son, Ricky school at the home of Mrs. Franks. Hayes. to Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Mc- New officers were elected: pres Lisbon, Iowa Gee in Honolulu, Thursday, Sept. 6. Jeanette Long; vice pres Anita Mrs. Petersen is the grandmother. Hensen; sac Janet Morningstar; In an article last week the names treas. Carol Gunther and scribe, Sept 5 to Sept. 30 of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Davis and Jane Miller. We scribe.did handworkjane Miller.f r . 1 Robert Earl of Mount Vernon were service hours. omitted from the list of visitors in d the Ed Richert home on Sunday HORIZON NEWS ALL $10.00 an Better Permanents evening Lisbon Horizon club met Sept. 8 Lisbon Chapter O.E.S. will meet with Janet Bowers. Officers were Less this Thursday evening for the rag- elected as follows: pres Joyce ular meeting. Remember the special Hotz; vice.-pres Arlene Krummel; collection to be taken for canned sac Charlotte Blake; treas Bayer- Indudes hair shaping, shompoo and set. goods sent to the Eastern Star home ly Schoff; reporter, Doris Light. in Boone. Games were played and refresh- Mr. and Mrs Joe Smeykal, Santa manta served. Phone 154 Lisbon Ann, Calif Mr. and Mrs. LouisPlans were made for an over- If but of town, call collect. Smeykal. Los Angeles, Calif and night at the Palisades on Friday Mr. and Mrs. Harold Huey of Cog- evening, Sept. 21. The October gon were Friday dinner guests of meeting on Oct. 6 will be with Two operators to serve you. the Herbert Walmers. Anita Smith. Entertainment cam- Sunday dinner guests of the Or- mittee for that month: Janet Bow- Night appointments, if desired, villa Crawford family were Mr. and ers, Shirley Schoff and Doris Light. Mrs. Forrest Woodland of North- town, Penn Mrs. Ida Crawford of HAPPY BLUE BIRDS Ardis Morningstar Mechanicsville, Mr. and Mrs. John Happy Blue Birds met at the Janet Williams Haak and Perry Greiner. ' Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stabenow and Claire returned Friday from a visit with Mrs. Stabenow's sisters Mrs. Clarence Card in Denver, Colo. and Mrs. Carl Ringer in Hardtner Kansas; also her brother, Lloyd Spangler at Falrview, Kan. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Petersen and Mrs. Glen Benesh of Mt. Vernon re- turned Sunday from a 12 day trip. I They visited Mrs. Petersen's sister, i Mrs. E. E. Kaufman in Mt. Pleasant, Pa and the John Hayes' and Karen in Norfolk, Va. John Hayes, S.H.2; The Boy Scouts and Camp Fire Girls is Mrs. Petersen's son and Mrs. were given permission to patrol the school Hayes is a daughter of Mrs. Benesh. stop signs at no expense to the town. The above motion way made by Long and sac- The E. E. Hotz's, Miss Janice and onded hy Morningstar and motion carried. Joyce, the W. F. Carstens', Miss MayJr Plattenberger repcrted that a let- Marilyn and Gary. also the Don tar had been sent to Fred White. chief state engineer at Ame~ regarding the eon- Ruhl family and Mr, and Mrs. Seth dition of the paved atreet~ in Lisbon and RUM of Anamosa and Robert To- Mt. Vernon and asking that the state re- mash of North Liberty had a dinner pair them at the same time they are re- party at the Amanas Sunday to has- )airing the concrete paving. It was signed by mayors of both towns. A SHOT IN THE ARM FOR YOUR MOTOR ,or Mrs. Seth Ruhl on her birthday. The following hills were allowed. She is the mother of Don Ruhl and Jo.~eph Zban.~k. salary $225.00 Mrs. Hotz and Mrs. Carstens. I George Kohl. sal 145.00 1. Clean carburetor and adjust fuel level. Freeman Mason. sal 100.00 Mrs Frank Shaw and son. Ed- { Is. State Tel. Ca Tolls a.32 2. Clean fuel pump. ward Van Meter, visited her sister, it. w. Hake, Ext. mars'l 1~J2 3, Clean battery terminals. Mrs. Rowena Stuckslager, three l M. Parrott So~, C Elect. sup. 7.~ 4. Check Compression. days last week They stopped on In. El. Lt. & Pr. Co Street & blvd. lightu 98.00 5. Check distributor and replace or adjust points, their way to Mrs Shaw's home in Wra. L. Peiper, salary ~0.00 Oberlin, Ohio, coming from Ari-'Dean Clark Gas 15.61 [ Crawford Heating, Batteries 2.86 6, Adjust vacuum advance, zona, where she spent the summer, Hooker Supply Co Gaskets 5.78 7. Re-time ignition, with Edward, who was in charge of George Koh|, Salary 55.(~1 8. Clean and adjust spark plug electrodes, a small boys' camp in the mountains iIs. ill. Lt. &.P=. co Power Purap'g 3~.~ n F E W r ' i j. is. utow ~ ~ons, reaucer ear lagstaff, d a d w111 soon re- ~---s" Hanks Re"r Meters etc 71 89 turn to resume teaching at Tucson, Chas Long, Meters labor 15.00 Ariz. a, M. Carbee, frt ~ 1.71 Here is the place to get your Goodyear and Firestone { d'.'ie~T further bum the meeting aajourn- tires. All standard sizes. ----- HONOR MRS. BROKEL ~ Glenn plattenberger, Mayor Mrs. Richard Brokel, a recent J.M. Carbee, Clerk. bride, was honored with a miscel- laneous shower in the G. C. Nosley Studebaker Sales and Service home last Wednesday evening. Hostesses were Misses Marlene Nos- Phone 150 Lisbon, Iowa Icy, Mary Ann Rhoads. Jean Kohl i and Dorothy Sheber. Twenty guests ',shared the cou,'tesy. Miss Shirley I Filter of Anamosa was an out-of- town guest. Mechanicsviile Ely Telephone Mi. L.eile L Lines Repaired be shipped at around 225 pounds, Ways .and Means. Society will and this is a highly desirable pro-meet Fmday p.m. m the church ELY--A crew of men have been cedure. As hogs get above 225:parlors. Hostesses will be Mrs. For- repairing telephone lines for the very rapidly est Rhoads, Mrs. Ralph Inks, Mrs. Ely Telephone Co-op. A new cable pounds they put on fat of -the-gain '~ Baxter Freese Mrs. Flora Wilson line has replaced the old type line. --in fact, a good deal is lard. The American people to-~and Mrs. Ira Hempy. When cable has been used on the day are using less lard than form-~ The Youth Fellowship groups of entire line it will eliminate noise erly and the hog that will con- I the Methodist and Presbyterian and cross talk so the lines can give tinue to command attention is the!churches met for a pot luck supper the most efficient service possible, 1. relatively lean type of shoat," How- i m the Methodist church Sunday according to Joe Holets. manager. ard J. Gramlich, C. & N.W. ag. evening. Work will continue this week. agent. Priscilla class met last Wednesday Brush, trees and weeds were cut ',with Mrs. Will Moffit; Mrs. Ira last week to clear space for new THE AMAZING SOY BEAN I Hempy and Mrs. Agnes Gleason as- poles. I slating The class voted $25 toward "Tne soy nean was vlr~uany un-i h :' r.h, -h +sh1,~e i "t re a r neara oz m ~merzcan agr cu! u,RETURNS FROM HOSPITAL Sally and Katy Hatcher were zew years ago ye~ zoaay ~t has oe- i- ~ to th 4 H ~'lu- Satur- Larry Stone, son of Jess Stone, come a major crop throughout the hostesses . .e .- c: o - . uay returned from a C. R. hospital Sun- "" n Bol" and second onl to cornlaIzern n" ~urmg me ousmess i . he g eat state of Illi is The i v eting r por,were given on day after treatment for a serious oil " " frarn the ratr projects r, mcuon was as Ioi- hip disease. He will be inactive whmh is extracted " J r for about a year or more. bean is used in the production of!l ws:~pres-' Nancy o Cutm~ v.-p many items. In 1950 half of the an .~ ~.: secL'treas:, ~auy na~cn- PUTNAM PRIDE'S ELECT oil used in producing shortening er; msmrmn, ~auy Anrens; report- came from soy beans. Ironically, er, Janice Robinson. Nargi Jo Raymon was elected the farmer who raises both soy Mrs. Ira Miller was hostess to the president of the Putnam Pride's beans and hogs is producing two Pinochle club on Thurs. Mr. and Wednesday evening at Coleen Dol- highly competitive items-i.e.-lard Mrs. Glen Miller of St. Louis were ezal's. Irene Klouda was elected and shortening." Howard J. Gram- guests. Mrs. A. M Kohl and Mrs. vice-president, Karen Clark, sec. licht, C. & N.W. ag. agent. ,Asa Robinson were awarded the and Florence Klinsky, treas Mary 'prizes. Carson. historian, and Jean Tess- GMNG BLUE BIRDS Mr. a nd Mrs. Harry Hackett of man, reporter. Mrs. clarence Tess- Stanwood were Sat. evening callers man will again be the leader. New Giving Blue Birds held their first of the Lee Taylors. project for the year will be clothing. meeting Monday, Sept. 10, at theAlex Crock accompanied his The Ely Fellows' enjoyed a picnic Howard Mason home. They drew names for the following officers: brother John Crock and daughter Sunday at the Legion Hall. About pres Donna Carbee; vice pres Verna of Iowa City to Ohio last 150 people were present. There were Eileen Zahorik; sec Miekey Tar- Wednesday. musical numbers, visiting and card rance; treas Kate Franks. Plans Mr. and Mrs. William Hass left playing. were made for the month. Next Tuesday morning for Foley, Ala to meeting will be Sept. 17th. visit Mrs. Will Soesbe and family. The Forest Cooks and Glen Svo- bodas of Stanwood left Thursday for Backus, Minn for a week's fishing. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis of Durant were Thursday callers of Mrs. Annie Scott. Mrs. Win. LaFranz submittedto an operation at St. Luke's hospital Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Clark of Ce- dar Rapids were Wednesday eve- ning supper guests of Lee Taylors. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Klinger con- cluded their visit with the John Fry and Ralph Inks families and left for their home in St. Peters- burg, Florida. last week. Donald Nicoll left Tipton Mon- day to join the armed forces. Mrs. Nicoll will go to the home of her I parents in Marshalltown. Robert Horner, who has been with the armed forces, is expected to land in U. S. the first part of this week. Paul Horner, John Nie and Hugh ~LaMont left Sat. afternoon for Nestor Falls, Canada, on a fishing trip. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Trump of Lis- bon spent Sun. with Jo Trump. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sebe~ta of Brainard, Minn are spending a few days in the Walter Sebesta home. During the week end they all visited relatives in Burlington. ANNUAL PICNIC DINNER Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Houle and About 50 patrons of the Ely school Barbara of Washington, D. C were and families enjoyed a nicnic Fri- Sat. dinner and supper guests of day night in the lunch room. Fol- J. C. Houles. lowing dinner the first P.T.A. meet- Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kline of Daven- ing of year was conducted by Mrs. port spent Sun. with Mrs. FronaVernon Beckman, president, The I Kline. new teacher was introduced. Bills were allowed for textbooks GOOD CHEER MJELON FEAST which are being furnished free to Good Cheer club met on Friday pupils for the first time. A report evening, Sept. 7th, at the home of was made on canning days held at school house Monday. Officers elec- Mr. and Mrs. Van Valkenberg, for the school. Mrs. Beth Schultz was ted by drawing names were: Karen their annual melon feast. The pro- introduced as the cook for the Zearing, pres.; Malonie Torrance, gram. in charge of Willard Light, school lunch program. v.-p.; Jackie Baril, sac,; Marcia consisted of slides and movies of Yoke, treas.; Barbara Crawford, their recent western trip. The ORGAN RECITAL HELD scribe. Next Monday the girls will group also enjoyed listening and Another organ recital was held meet for a wiener roast with Mar- ilyn Morningstar at the home of her I seeing the Japanese Peace Treaty Sunday afternoon at the new Luth- negotiations on television. Some- eran church to show the congrega- parents. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Morn- i thing to remember was hearing tion the difference between the two ingstar. --Barbara Crawford, scibe. Gromyko's speech and his walk out electric organs which have been in ~" and return. The October meeting the church for several weeks, the Councd Proceedings ~will be at the Vernon Burge home Baldwin and the Hammond. both with Mrs. John Light in charge of from Cedar Rapids firms. LISBON COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEM- the program. BEll ~TH, 1951 Mrs. Joe Kremenak and Mrs. Har- ry Upmier were guests at a shower Lisbon Business Directory at the Emil Upmier home Thursday i honoring Miss Agnes Zubred who GARDNER AND ANDRE ~,will be the bride of Paul Upmier Phones: Office 2-91 Residence 3-91 later this month. Physlc~ and S~rgeom The Joe Kremenaks called on -- J. M. CARBEE ~ Mrs. Mary Miner Friday. Mrs. John Clark and Miss LaVina Neitderhisar ; Notary PubLic I called at the Miner home Sunday. Insurance 4% Farm Loans i Mrs. Miner has been ill the past Phone I~ Lisbon, Iowa week. i Harry Robeson of the Linn Coun- i ATTEND CONFERENCE i The fall conference of the second GLENN PLATTENBERGER district of the American Legion Auxiliary was held Monday in the Auctioneer i Little Theatre of the Y.M Cedar {Rapids. Attending the morning and Have mailing list for bills for aRernoon sessions were Mrs. Don special sales. Minert. Mrs. E. W. Resewehr, Mrs. Household, real estate and L. M. Gish and Mrs. George Kohl, farm sales. i the delegates and alternates, also i Mrs. L. A. Davis and Mrs. V. L. Big- Satisfaction guaranteed ,Icy. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Briggs at- Phone 175 Lisbon, Iowa tended the evening banquet at You can make it easy on yourself by star- iMontrose hotel. ing our ear corn, shelled corn, baled hay, or !' "' -'---- ----- small grain with a John Deere Portable Eleva- i tar. The John Deere has a lightweight rocker- i type dump that's easy to transport and set up, i Humor without heavy lifting. And, with the John Deere Dump, you're not bothered with a heavy carriage frame -- the lifting cradle doubles as a skid. Two new trucks are available -- one, for ~Gentlemen: You ask about results from your want- elevators 34 to 50 feet, and the other for eleva- ads. Welt, the housekeeper I got from my ad turned tars 26 to 32 feet. Each has a winding device out to be a widow with seven children and I adopted to speed lifting, them aft. How's that for results?" Let us show you how easy it is to set up the John Deere Portable Elevator without heavy Dial2431 lifting. Stop here the next time you're in town. I YOUR JOHN DEERE DEALER Phone 32 or 214 Mt. Vernon Hawkeye-Recard and The Lisbon Herald Lisbon, Iowa J@HNSTON AND MORGAN FUNERAL HOME C. B. Johnston Jack P. Morgan Licensed Morticians Mt. Vernon Phone -- Dial 5012 Lisbon Phones 165 and 50 W. M. BENNEI~ Office Phone -- 146 Farms for Sa!e Real Estate and Insurance Houses for Sale or Rent No nec~l to crowd a huge fvre~ce into yo tr bsmement wkcn L~=is new L~nnox "Lo Boy" will give you the finest forced air oil heat- ing while saving you space, in- stalled in a corner or against a wall. Its famous Lennox features include exclusive MeLlow-Warmth centrals Micr~-Mix burner handsome baked-enamel finish "'v,~.ap-around" radii.tar for added eco~c my and blower "floated" on rubber for super-quiet opera- tion. You get all this plus det~endable Lennox qmxli~y . . . STADLER-DUSIL Miss Virginia Stadler, daughter of the George Stadlers, was married to LeRoy Dusii, son of the William Dusils of Fairfax, Tuesday mornng at the parsonage of St. Patrick church at Fairfax. The bride chose to wear a street- length dress of grey crepe with blue accessories. She wore a shell pink carnation corsage. Miss Georgia Stadler, the bride's sister, served as the maid of honor and wore a taupe dress and a yellow carna- tion corsage. The best man was Gerald Pollock of Cedar Rapids. A reception was held from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Fairfax Legion Hall. !The groom was host to 20 guestsI rat dinner at the Amanas Tuesday l night After a two-weeks wedding trap! 'in the west the couple will make! their home at Ely. Mr. Dusil is', employed at the Pollock and Chris- , ty elevator at Walford. HONOR MISS STADLER Miss Virginia Stadler was hon- ored at a miscellaneous gift shower Thursday night at the Mrs. Robert Malatak home. Co-hostess was Miss Georgia Stadler. Thirty guests were present. Refreshments were served following opening of gifts. i ty schools' office visited the Ely : schcol last Friday. '~ The Maurice Garants and daugh- ter and the Raymond Garnants and son surprised their aunt, Miss I Georgia Fuhrmeister. on her birth- day Friday evening with refresh- i ments. i A group of women of the W.C.C.C. ~of Iowa City and families met with i the Joseph Kadlecs Sunday. About 40 brought picnic baskets in spite of the rain. The Jerry Chaloupnek family re- turned Tuesday to California after snendin~ several weeks in the Charles Sladek home, Mrs. Chaloup- nek's parents. Relatives of Mrs. Mamie Harting- er of Minneapolis received word of: her death Thursday evening. The funeral was held Saturday at Iowa Falls. She was the daughter of the late Henry Fehrmeister of Ely. i Legion Auxihary met Monday night. Plans were made for a dis-i ~trict meeting here Sept. 28. TheI :i fall conference will include a din- i ner served by a caterer and an eve- ning meeting. i A birthday party was given by ]Miss Linda Trpkosh a week ago ,Friday. The party included swim- ruing and outing at Ellis park in Cedar Rapids and a slumber party. Lisbon Church Notes THE METHODIST CHURCH Rev. M. C. Melcher, Mlnlster Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Worship Service 9:50 a.m. The Youth Fellowship will have a pot luck supper at th~ Willard Liglu home on Thursday evening. Sept. 13. FEDERATED CHURCH Robert S. McBirnie, Pastor P:3') Bible School. 19:?O ?,I:r:'.:.P.g V,' ~rship. Se"m~n { b:. tt~e pastor. 7:00 You:,~g People's meeting. ~.:?0 Ever.i::; se:'v:ce. Sermon by" the pastor. T~-Ltrsday, Mid-%Veek ser- 3:03 wi~h every compact "Lo-~4oy." { . ~ec them TODAY! i v::e WILBUR .COLBY m i i W61~Lg'S IIRGE$I MANUF~CT}{RB,'{ AND EHGiNEEIS O; W,~{g AIR HF~IING SYSTEMS Crawford Heating & Electric O. L. Crawford, Owner Phone 205 Lisbon, la. Audioneer AUCTION SALES OF ALL KINDS Farm and Stock Sales A Specialty Phone 53 Mechanicsville Palisades Mrs. Don Dolezal I The Ben Neal~ :~J HoWard Neals attended "",i',ne:" i "r Master Farmers '" ,~Yav in the Oak Room at the -~.[~'.uo"ial Union at Ames. Mr. :,nJ :,I"s. John Turner of Ames ~,rrived Samrday to spend a week ,iAting the Jack Turners and the Geor~oe Bachelde,'s of Cedar Rapids. Johnny Turner came the previous Sunday to spend a week with the Jack Turners. The Happy Bluebird 4-H club spent the week end at the Sleepy Ho!low cabin on the Cedar. Sun- day the parents joined them for a picnic dinner. Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Don Dol ezal spent the evening with the William Hickmans in Cedar RapidS, parents of Mrs. Dolezal. It was i~ celebration of Mr. Hickman's birth- day. George Vislisel attended a meet- ing of 4-H leaders Monday even- ing in Cedar Rapids in the Federal building The John Turners were dinne~ guests in the Don Dolezal home Monday evening. I Grocery and Super Market Lisbon Phone 105 SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Mother's Best FLOUR, 5 Ibs 39c MARSHMALLOWS, 10 oz. pkg 15c PEANUT BUTTER, 2 lb. jar 59c Libby's CATSUP, case $5.75 Nabisco Honey GRAHAM CRACKERS, 1 Ib 27c SANKA COFFEE, lb 90c Spanish SALTED PEANUTS, I Ib 32c REGULAR KOTEX, box . 29c KLEENEX Large size, 300 count 21c Small size, 200 count 15c VEL with Coupon 17c SODA FOUNTAIN SERVICE We reserve the right to limit. American Standard-Sanitary Plumbing and Heating Products Kelvinator Home Appliances Phone 110 or 213 Lisbon, Iowa CABINET CUSTOM MAOE-- Kitchen Cabinets Wardrobes Book Cases Corner Cupboards Cornices And Anything In Cabinet Line See Us For Estimates South Washington St. LISBON, IOWA PHONE 71 We're in the lumber business to make it our business to make FRIENDS! Just the other day a fellow was in here asking us about our 9-point Home Planning Package (A right helpful program if we do say so regardless of whether you are building or dreaming). This fellow wound up his visit by saying, "The thing that amazes me about you people is that no one tried to high-pressure me into buying a thing. YouVve been genuinely friendly and helpful. And you've been most considerate." We want to sell you as little or as much lumber and building materials as you want (and it will be first-rate quality with accurate delivery count), but we also like to earn your confidence by providing you later with coal, some paint, a box of nails or only a neighborly smile. Over 46 Years of Making Satisfied Customers Lisbon