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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
September 13, 1951     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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September 13, 1951
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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m. ver n, h mwkeye-R ora I r, ,s Howard Fisher Kitty 1"16 U-- George Zinkulas Enjoy IMld ~ Lialb@l~ ]l~l~r&l, ll1 D------ D~Jane Ellen Off Arn~ are visi~in8 in lille llI'lllilJII ~Z~ Se,t i3-I951 ru qw O/the parental H D Winsor home,Auto Trip To Denver * i~largaret Keye~ will leave Sun- ~. ! r ~ ~ ~ Nancy Cole, daughter of Dr. and ~ y ~. ' " IMrs. Rassell D. Cole, will leave ,day ~cr. ~o~a ~l~y .wnere sne wni Mr. and Mrs. George Zinkula, ac- Mr. a,d Mrs. ArchleBrannaman r-a for "e" w r "hi w- r be an mstructor th~s year on the companied by Mar,ha and Vic Vis- a ~aru ~ y u la a e, u o ne e, . . tc~k their baby son, Mark Alan, ~ ,m ~,~ ,~,~^11~,~ i, nh;',~ w,~ ~Universlty staff, lisel, returned Sept. 5th from Den- to. Me.roy hospital Sunday for ob- ]eyan Dr. H. J Burgstahler is! George Cox expects to return ver, Colo where they had gone servanon, eh'~ncellor of lhe institution, home next week following major Aug. 30th to visit their son Ray. III I I III . Golden Brown Fried Chicken That's Chicken At Its Best A tempting dish for the whole family. your family a treat this week. Serve Gordon's Fancy Dressed, Delicious Flavored ing Chicken. Phone and have us put several in your cker for you, & , Lisbon and Mt, Vernan Phone 3912 i surgery performed two weeks' ago Ray has been a medic in Fitz- at ~t. LuKes hospital, Cedar Rapids. simmons hospital in Denver since May 18. He will be sent to Hous- The George Ulches, the Mile Trp-ton, Texas, to school for eight kcshes el Ely and the Harry Clarks weeks, which will complete hm o~ Cedar Rapids were Saturday training for work in an army hos- d~hffer guests in the EdPitlik home. Mr. and Mrs. Durward Sadler were Sunday dinner guests in the parental Fred Sadler home. Bobby, wad had been visiting with his g~andparents over the week end, .returned home with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Hartzell of Pancra were Sunday visitors in the Roy. C. F. Hartzell home. After- noon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Jennmgs, Larry and Sheila oz Springville. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilcox re- turneci Saturday evening I r o m pital: The group enjoyed having Ray with them over the Labor day week end, and h.~j~ many interesting things to teI 5~ sights they saw. Included iff'Ofe thigh spots are the Royal Gorge suspension bridge, Red Rock theatre, Immaculate Concep- tin cathedral; old Central City, Mother Cabria~ shrine, Elichs' Gar- dens park, Seye/l Falls, the air force fields and theAll Vets club. White Oak Mrs. R~mon Stearns Boone where they were called early Mr. at:td .l~li's:~ Harry Nest and Tuesday morning by the serious i.ll- chnoren were ~unaay guests in the hess oz Mr. Wilcox's father, C. W. Ernest GolQsmith home in Monti- Wilcox. His condition is lmprov- cello. ing. Mr. and Mrs Ira Hempy were Mrs. Mary Jean Alexander left supper gueSt~riaay evening in the last Friday morning for New YorkMerle Clitton home. 'lhe occasion City. She went by way of Owosso,was in ho~or oI Verla Clifton, who l~lich,where she visited Mrs. J. C entered school at Minneapolis. Sproatt over the week end and Susan Robinson, small daughter State Center, Penn where she will of the Na~d~r;Robmsons, had the visit the Richard Barker family, mislortune to:io~e the end of her little finger Monday. The accident Mr. and, John H. Day, is, jr oceurre~ during play when an older recently enjoyed a week end in Chi- cago where they viewed South Pac- ~ sister unintentionally slammed the -house door on the child's hand. eric. Mr. Davis returned home fol- lowing the week end while Mrs.I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Siebeis and Davis remained over for several Jerry were Sunday evening callers days with Miss Barbara Kiser, a col- I in the Wiley Parks home. lege friend. The Kenneth Peepers returned , ]Monday evening Irom their honey- Mrs. Charles Keyes, Miss Margar- moon trip. et Keyes, Mrs. Philip L. Miller ell Lonnie Barber returned home m Friday & Saturday Specials at -- DIG-~'S -- WITH YOUR COUPON Scott's Mill Mrs Gerald Scott . 2! for . . . J ,~ s "i r SH Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Huston ef Cedar Rapids and Mrs. Jean Moore and sons were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs Harry Stoneking. Gilbert Caldwell and Mr. and Mrs. Wm Bys attended the Farm Bureau resolutions meeting in Ce- dar Rapids on Tuesday evening. Kenneth Moore has been at Cur- tis, Nebr in training in the Uni- versity of Nebraska varsity training camp since August. Kenneth is the son of Mrs. Jean Moore. Bertram McGregor area. Of .special inter- Alberta Svoboda and Patty Clif- will report on the Methodist Lay-, ' e~t to ~nem was ~.nelr ws~t to me ton of Mechanicsville spent Sunday men's Retreat held at Clear Lake ~mgy tv~ounas ~.auonm monumem evening at Ira Henpy's. last week end. The pastor, May- I~cated four mfle~ north of. May, Mrs. Henry Nest entertained Wed. nard Beal, will bring a message on i.~regor on ~ne o~uAj.s ,0z ~pe .~a~ts.~:s]~:honoring her daughter Marylu on "Stewardship" which will be of in- lpp], slnce Inls project was one oz r ,her 9th birthday. Guests were terest to all. the great interests of the late Dr. 'Alice Kuntz Margaret reels Chicken dinner Thurs Sept. 20. j!Charles Keyes. iMarylu Har~ung, ~eorgia Kost: TOO LA-~-~ C-LASSIFY Mrs. F. M. McGaw leaves Thurs- Virginia Janice ~ost. day for Chicago where she will beMr. and MrsJ-Verne Phillips re- a guest in the Mason Sherrill home. turned Saturday evening I r o m CAItD OF THANKS On Saturday she will attend the Pennsylvania alter a two weeks' I wish to thank my many friends wedding of Shirley Sherrill of Chi-visit with relatives, for the cards, letters and flowers cage and Harry Mann of Philadel- Sgt. Clair Kohl was a supperwhich made my stay in the hospital phm. Mr. Mann is a nephew of theguest in the Leo Youngblut home more pleasant. late Dr. Fred McGaw. Mrs. Me-]Saturday evening. Glenn Hall BERTRAM METHODIST CHURCH Sunday school at I0 o'clock. There is a complete staff of fine teachers for classes in which the whole family may enter into. ~New York City and Mrs. Lewis 1Tuesday from Mercy hospital, de- Morning Worship at I1 o'clock )I~litchell spent Thursday m . tae;:dar Rapids. Leonzo Berry and Frank Anderson ~. . . de Imm Mrs. Grace Hempy attended the WANTED---Secretary ~,~ -receptionist : I 'Gaw will leave Chicago the lTth ' by plane for Worcester,Mass Priscilla class party at the home of for physician's office. Dial 3311. ~t CAMPBELL'S where she will visit a couple of Mrs. Moffit in Meehaniesville. Mt. Vernon. 47c TOMATO weeks with her sister, Mrs. Fred Mr. and Mrs. John Siver were ~R--SA~,~:ig~o-~ey~-~-o~-~~ SOUP . .' I C. Hall, and a brother-in-law, Sunday callers at the Donald Her-in goodshape. DonJohn~on, phonel I-larry A. Harlow. Mrs. Mary Keve felfinger home in Cedar Rapids 3321, Mt. Vernon. 47p1 ' ' iwill be in the home during Mrs. Don jr. is suffering from a case of W--~D---Home -for ho-uffe-~-ok--I !SMALL'CANS ($ oz.) CRUSHED McGaw's absence, mumps, en kitten. Dial 4402. Ivlt. Vernon. lARGE SIZE a LISBON FRESH RAISINS, 21bs U. 5. NO. 1 WHITE m | SPUDS, 10 Ibs , --DICK'S--- Always The Best For Less (Formerly Bowies) Phone 3212 Mr. Vernon " " 19c 4% --A N i~ U A L -Bertram MethOdist' church chicken dinner, Thurs Sept. 20, $1 plate, children 50c. ~ 470 --FOR SALE: Four door Olclsmo- bile. In good condition. Call 61 Lisbon or see C. Y. Spangler. 47p L()ST: Tuesday p.m. betweer~ Lower Palisades or Robert Henik farm and Mt. Vernon, lower dent- ure. Fmder call 6342. 47p --FOR SALE: 1936 Ford four door, new brakes, good motor, very clean Ed Petrick, dial 4862, Mr. Vernon. 47e CHEESE, Long PET MILK - 19c UNITED FIRE & CASUALTY COMPANY 810 First Avenme N.E. Cedar Rapid~, Iowa is seeking typists and steno- graphers ,experienced and in- experienced) for its Cedar Rapids office. 40-hour week (no Saturdays), pleasant working conditions, good sal- ary. Phone collect (3-2644L or write Miss Mildred Hoadley at the above address. gtt H FRU g AI ID VEGL ABLES " 1I GOLD MEDAL With The FCR SAI E--z~, fcet Frigidaire.t FOR SALE: SPECIAL allowance excellent condition. $45. Charles tIor your old watch in trade cn at Swaney 45c ,B~ l;,a ~, ' i " " . e only have a FEW left. rort bAL,~: "lwo ~xlz rug paos;! , G.E. automatic iron; student desk;tV/ H. Hoover, Mr. Vernon. 46-49c kitchen cabinet base; occasional I I I table. Mrs. Glenn Hartong, dial[ 4842, Mt. Vernon. 47ci - FOR SALE:- Purebred--Poland I CLOVER FARM iiChln~ Boars. Best Herd prospects I will go first so come early. Free de- ! livery within 25 miles radius. J.D. Greig & Son, 1 mile east, 1 mile ]north, mile east of Clarence. 47 -48c BAKE SALE: By Lisbon Boy Scouts, Saturday, Sept. 15 at Craw- i fords Electric Shop 47p I JUST FI-NISI~ED-Ni~-ia~-m-~-,S.E. Mr. Vernon. Large living room, kitchen, bath, utility room, attached garage, 2 bedrooms upstairs Good construction. Immediate possession. i Ask about this. Terms. Smith i Agency, Realtors, 428 Guaranty Bldg Cedar Rapids, Evening 4491, i Mt. Vernon. 47e FOR SALE: Extra heavy steel hot water tank, with Like new, $15 Boy's scooter; congoleum. C.J. Kramer, dial: Mr. Vernon. MONARCH COFFEE, Drip or Reg, CLOVER FARM, Melting, Sweet PEAS, 2 No. 303 cans ARM & HAMMER SODA, per tin, 86c 39c " Now Open Every Night 2 Showings Sat. and Sun. THURS. - FRI. - SAT. The year's most wonderful musical show in technicolor DANNY KAYE The Top Entertainer In Show Busines~ with Gene Tierney and Corinne Calvert SUNDAY - MONDAY Sunday Shows 6 and B One Show Man 7:30 Another Fine Billy Wilder Production (Recently retitled The Big Carnival) KIRK DOUGLAS JAN STERLING Kirk Douglas, as the headline- hungry reporter in the great- est huma~ interest story of our time: A BIG SHOW! TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY One Showing 7:30 In Technimlor HALF ANGEL LORETTA YOUNG JOSEPH COTTEN It's the gayest comedy of ma~y a day--or nigkt! ! KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES, 2 12oz. CLOVER FARM SALAD DRESSING, CLOVER FARM CAKE FLOUR, 44 oz. PITTED DATES, 7 oz. S ,2 pkgs. JOHNNY, with Philip Morriswill be in our store in person, Tuesday Morning, Sept. 18 at 9:00 o'clock. Come in and hear him. Deliveries Tuesday & Friday Dial 4012 will appear here Tuesday, Sept. 18 Come in and "CALL PHILIP Leonard Jelinek, Prop. a ;t Minut II .J III III Ba:: -:o-Cam[ us Straw lmmmm m mm TUNA/Loretta Grated On With A New a ! E'i r i i' , Dial 2441 Mt. Vernon, Iowa FoJger,s Coffee, lb. - : 84c Pineapp!e Chunks, No. 2 : : 29c Del Mont Apricots; No. 2 i 38c Apple Sauce i i. 16c De, Monte Juices, 46 ozi : L .:. 25c Red Kidney Beans 3 for 29c Betty C rocker Cake Mixes :.: L 33c My-T-Fine Dessert Special, 3for= :. L 21c: Northern Tissue, 3 rolls : :.:: .:.L :.25c Sugar, 10 lbs. Ball Zinc Caps, doz Kerr Mason Lids, doz 13c Jar Rubbers, doz : 7c Parowax: lb. : : : 19c Dreft Soap Powder : : ' L.: 29c Candy, Orange Slices, Spice Dreps, Ib 19c Bananas, 2 Ibs. 29c Lisbon Butter, Ib : J 68c Week Day Special, Salad Dressing, pt. ! . !~ i i,i i i H I Come on in and see "JOHNNY"' He will be TIDE, Giant - - That Famous MEAT TENDERIZER FRESH OYSTERS-Price ys Se Fresh Cranberries Fresh Dates Blue Berries Avocados Honey Dew Melons Choice Apples Muskmelon Watermelon Limes Bananas Grape Fruit Peaches Grapes g New and Dumpling Dinr, er Broadcasl: September 29, 1951 1 lb. meat,* cut ~or 2 ~blespoons finely slew CUt onion 2 2 tablespoons ~ougI ,~ cups hot weteg ',~t teaspoon salt1 can condensed 1,8 teaspoon peppee vegetable soup 2 tablcspoon~ 1 I~ ealp$ biscuit mi~ shocten~g ~ cup Pet l~lilk Roll meat in mixture of flour, salt and pepper. Brown slowly on all sides in hot shortening. Add onion; cook until light brown. Stir in 1~/~ cups water. Cover and cook over low heat 1 hour, or until meat is almes: tender. Add soup and ~,/~ cup water; heat to boil- ing. Put biscuit mix into bowl. Stir in milk. Drop by tablespoons on hot mix- ture, making 8 dumplings. Cover; cook slowly 20 rain. without lifting cover. Makes 4 servings. 'RUse beef, veal, lamb or lean pork. You Will Need: Pet M[-Ik, Meat, Biscuit M x; Vegetable Seup, On- $10 :::i The STETSON Playboy ) ;T!II:/ ~!ET!!:i:!:" :IT::'::':" / -: .: aT!":: ": : For the fellow who's apt to give his friends-and his hat-a whirhng time, we suggest the Playboy. A bold-looking, soft-handling, lightweight fur felt with p:n-point perforations at the sides. Frankly designed for the man who gets around. If this is your number, call for it at Plenty of colors to select from . . . Sizes to 73A . . . Regulars and Long-Ovals . . . Shirts $3.95 up -- Sports Shirts $3.95 up -- Ties $1.50 ug Handkerchiefs 35c up -- Shorts $1.00 up - T-Shirts 1.00 uP If you've bccn puttir: off 3,cur ~ack. tc school ~: . .:-ing, don't worry, yc, u'H find everything you need for camFus wear--right here. College-favorite Arrow shizts in your choice of collar styles . . . Arrow Ecs, colorful, wrinkle-shedding. Gabardine ions. and plaid sports shirts. Comfortable Arrow under- Produce Special Oranges 176 size 49c doze $12.50 $t wear'Wehavewhaty uwant'''st ibyt ~aY! SEE JOHNNY IN OUR STORE TUESDAY k k ' ', "'.mORNING. THE 18TH { weAe sruso .ArS ANY O . , CALL FOR PHILIP MORRIS" MORE eEOe E Open Wednesday & Saturday Nites