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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
September 14, 1939     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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September 14, 1939
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/a r,, and VERNON HA~VKEYE, VOLUME LX1X, N'UMBER 46 THURSDAY, SEPTE~Ii~ER 14, 1939 MOUNT VERNON REOOItD, VOLU.~IE XLIII, NUMBER 3 '9 ARRIVAL ACTIVITY CAMPUS For Fresh- Week Begins Evening activity on the Cornell Thursday with the of all memLbers of the class for Freshman new students arrived day and registered at dormitories. To- Will all ,be presented to administration at the with activities al- Mace in Bowman and IOrning one of the series tests will be given Class while in the after- Will all travel to the Freshman Pal Day. ~aturday Freshmen tests together with regis- "Fresh Mixer" during at the Gymnasium. is the annual Fresh- dinncr at 13owman th ~ A'_l-Fresh:nan will be given in the Will find the "Vespers" at Home Night" the on the new student's l~y IMonday all old stu- have returned to the re~ristration will be Tuesday will be the classes on the Hilltop. thirty-four new expected of which Will be men and 109 of the men will out in town. ~___. Pharmacy Opening eek End of the Ladagc Phar- Agency Drug announced in an adver- ~h Page eight of this is- .all details of a One Cent le renminder of the week. n/erchandise re~)re- af the Walgreen contpany is spending this week in the arrangement and placing of ad- the drug store .Mr. Ladage has relnodeled the room, re- repainted both the fixtures, and has added and a new soda foun- has resulted in a rood- StOre. B. Ringer President Aid Ringer was chosen Ladies Aid society church at the Vaeeting in the church afternoon. elected were : Mrs. vice-president; Mrs. Secretary; Mrs. Charles J. Burgstahler was the and ~II-s. Baird were re-elected offices. Refresh- Served after the 'bust- Dates For Plays has been made by high school dra- of two forth- 25 tile Junior class "A Murder Has Been , by Emlyn Williams, 'Night Must Fall." This produced by the of Cedar Rap- Curtain Dramatic So- give "Kind Lady," an- Theatre hit of on December 13. Buys Edaburn Garage former mechan- garage in Mt. Ver- the Attic Edaburn Week end and has tak- Mr. Edaburn is be B. A. 'Smith in the second door east of Place of business. Install New crater refrigerator for last week in the grocery. It replac- smaller one which had ~mall for their neces- SUPPly. Young People will • skating party in Cedar their September 21st eet at 7:30. rSday evening, the Ana- laeoples group were en- the local group. After and games at the par- group went to a Ash Park where Mr. Littell gave in- Group singing was DRIVE drive and work will Anyone desiring talk with Mrs. Bau- Miss Colton or ======================== MARRIED 56 YEARS l~le Browning Lusted lesson in voice and 84I~W, 418 S 4th 46 FAMILY REUNION i lS HELD ON 56TH ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stockton Honored On Sunday Tuesday, September 12, was the fifty-sixth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stockton, and Sunday, September 10, was the sev- enty-seventh birthday of ,Mr. Stock- ton. Tuesday was also the wed- ding anniversary for two of their daughters and husbands. It was the twenty-eighth wedding anni- vcrsary of I)r. and Mrs. Robert Lott, of Carroll, and the eleventh anniversary of Mr. and 'Mrs. Harry t lMaurer of Cleveland, Ohio. { A delicious family dinner cele- ibrated the four occasions on Sun- I day with all the Stockton family i at home. Hawkeye-Reeord Photo I Mr. and ,Mrs. Stockton are na- j tives of Ohio. Mr. ,Stockton was MR. ANI) ~tRS. J. (L STOCKTON born in Meadville, Ohio, and Mrs. __ ~ Stockton's birth place was Cleve- I land. Both came to I~adora, Iowa, Charles Hokonson whcn small children, and for a'bout "~r ~ .-~ r~. ~, ,-~ [twenty-five years have resided on ~amea on ~ml~ uI [their "present farm at the north- Admissions Office CHARLES HOKO N .%ON The appointment of Charles Hokonson of Geneva, Ill., as a member of the admissions office staff to fill the position left vacant by the resignation of George Bar- bout, who will take graduate work at Boston University, has 'been an- nounced by James Macaulay, director of admissions. He will start his new dutieson October first. Mr. Hokonson was graduated front Corncll hlst Junc with a B.A. degree. He tnajorelt in history. He was an all confer(nee center for two years and was captain of the football teanl htst year. ])uring the last school year hc very success- fully taught a class of young ,boys in the Methodist Sunday School. The past summer he was assistant to Ralph Carl, director of the Mount Vernon playground project. Rotary Club Will Meet At Grill On Tuesday Evening Ttle Rotary club '`'`-ill meet at The Grill on next Tuesday evening for its regular dinner and program. The last meeting for the sumnler at the Palisades Lodge was held on 'Tuesday evening and was devoted to a business session. CONFERENCE WILL OPEN AT CLINTON 6N WEDNESDAY Bishop J. R. Magee Of Des Moines Will Preside The eighty-fourth annual session ofthe Upper Iowa Conference of the Methodist Church will open next \Vednesday nlorning at 9 o'clock in the First Methodist Church of Clinton, Iowa, with hey. J. B. Ark- man as host pastor and Bishop J. Ralph Mcgee as presiding bishop. Under its new organization this will be the iirst timc that Iowa has had its own resident bishop. The guest speaker each evening of the week is to be Rcv. Clovis Chappell of Nashville. Tenncsscc, .who has been one of the great pas- tor's of the Methodist Church South. Sunday evening's program will be a concert of massed choirs from northeastern Iowa. Saturday all of the pastors will act as hosts to the youth of thc Upper Iowa Conference whcn the latter will be asked to sit in as guests. In the forenoon they will 'be addrcssed by Bishop Mcgee. Saturday evening will tie held the annual Col'nell banquet with several from the collcge attending. This '`'`-ill also bc 1 resident Magec's first appearance at this annual oc- curence. Appointnlcnts of pastors '`'`'ill be read at the close of confcrence. This year's appointntents will in- clude replacements for two out- going district superintendents: Rcv. A. \V. Henkc of the Cedar l{apids District and hey. V¢. G. Rowley of the Davenport District. An outgrowth of the recent Unit- ins Conference held in Kansas (?it)' is the fact that this session of the conference will close as the Metho- dist Church of America rather than the Methodist Episcopal Church, North. west edge of Mount Vernon. I Before moving to their present location, Mr. and Mrs. Stockton op- !crated a successful dairy ou the !farm now owned by Mrs. Elizabeth Kimball on the Palisades road. VChen they purchased their present 'fai-m the large dairy barn on it }was lluilt for the Stockton dairy 'herd. It contains two silos. 'Many Mount Vernon people took milk of i thenl then. The dairy 'business was idiseontinued a number of years ago and for the last several years the Stocktons have been retired, ti~e farm land kbeing rented to their neighbors. ~Members of the family at home for the occasion Sunday were: Dr, and Mrs. Robert Lott of Carroll; Mr. and Mrs. Harry ,Maurer of 22leveland, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs, Honler Stockton and family of Davenport, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray ¢irkpatrick and family of Mount Vernon. Virginia Russell Is Secretary In Admissions Office Miss Virginia Russell, who for the last year has been employed in tl]e office of the General Motors Acceptance Corporation in Des Moines, on Monday began her new duties as secretary to the director of admissions at Cornell, James Macaulay. She will fill the posi- tion formerly held by Miss Helen l)aeschner, who has been made director of publicity, iMiss Russell was a men(her of the class of 1939 and was employed as an assistant iu thc admissions office while a student here. Where Teachers Will Reside Here The out-of-town teachers on the Mount Vernon public school facul- ty are located at the following homes this year: Miss Bernice Reynolds at the J. W. Hill home. 'Miss Marie Yaryan and Miss Janet Goodjohn, at the A. J. Baird home. Miss Maude Singer at the Mrs. M. B. Waln home. Miss Maxine Davis at the J. W. Carbee home. Miss Helen Walker at the Mrs. Grace kisser home; Miss Florence Walker at the Dana Wilcox home. James Hawker at the Harold Fisher home. Ashes of Charles Lozier Were Interred Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Minard Lozier of Pittsburgh, Pc., brought the ashes of M r. Loizier's brother, Charles l,ozier, to Mount Vernon for inter- mcnt last Sunday. A short service in charge of Rev. H. C. Bassett was held at the grave, in the Mount Vernon cemetery on Sunday eve- ning. Mr. and Mrs. Lozier were over-night guests in the Mrs. Wat- son Kepler home and loft Monday for their home. L. R. Blackledge To Hold Farm Sale On Sept. 20th L. R. Blackledge will hold a .pub- lic auction sale at the Walter Paul farm, 7 miles north of Mount Ver- non and 3~ miles south and a half mile east of Sprlngville, on Wednesday, Sept. 20, commencing at one o'clock. The sale is ad- vertised on page seven in this issue. Lessen & Mitchell will ,be the auc- tioneers and D. H. Mueller, the clerk. Linn Township Bureau To Meet At George Uthoff Home 1Ann Township Farm Bureau will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George IYthoff, Wednesday evening, September 20. A sound movie, "Iowa Comes of Age", and a talk on "Outlook", will be pre- sented by County Agent Rex Conn. ~Iembers are requested to bring cake or canned fruit suitable for making mixed fruit, their own sauce dish, cups, and spoons. Mentbers of Balliet chapter D. A. R. enjoyed a picnic supper at i the home of ,Mrs. M. S. Hughes on Wednesday evening. The meeting !had originally been planned to be held at the home of LMrs. R. P. Ink : but because of illness it was chang- but because of her illness was changed to the Hughes home. After a delicious supper the program was nresented by Mrs. Pauline Young, who read reveral poems. mile lis on Thursday, September 21 Sauer Kraut Day 5:46---Sunrise. 6:00---Kraut Kitchen Open. 7:00--Kraut Aroma Floats. 8:00---Concession Open. 9:30--Street Sports. 10:00--Band Concert. 11:00--R. K. O. Vaudeville. 11:30---Kraut Feast. 12:00--Concert. 12:30---Kraut Feast. 1:00--R. K. 0. Vaudeville. 1:30--Ball March. 2:00---Ball Game--Lisbon v. Martelle. 4:00--Vaudeville. 5:00---Evening Kraut. 6:00--Sun Sets. 6:30--Vaudeville. 8:00--Band Concert. 9:00--Grand Dance. 10:00--Street Jubilee. 11:00--Kraut Promanade. 12:00--Moon Rises. Cornell Opens Its 87th Year Under New President ~, ~/, ~". /~44;GE~ Eighth I~resi(lcnt of the College Several Hundred See Farmalls At Work Between 200 and 300 interested farmers attended the Farmall trac- tor demonstration held by Gilbert Beranek at the Bert Ink farm north of Mount Vernon on Tues- day. The field in which the plow- ing demonstration was held is farmed by Lyall Bryant. Many of the farmers were sur- prised at the power of the new small Model A which pulled two 2 inch bottom plows in third speed. The medium sized tractor, Model H, pulled two 14-inch bot- toms and the large size, Model M, pulled three 16 inch bottoms. This model has a top road speed of close to 20 miles an hour. I lowing was done under slightly difficu,t conditions because of the dryness of the field which was .redan grass pastured this season. Numerous farmers plowed a round with the tractors. Regular Meeting of School Board Held Tuesday Evening The Mount Vernon school board met Tuesday evening in the high school for a short business session. A few minor bills were allowed. This was the first meeting since the opening of school last week. "Pygmalion", Strand, Tues.-XVed. TOWNSHIP WILL HOLD ELECTION 'ON FIRE TAX LEVY Date Has Been Set By Trustees F o r Sept. 26th The b'ranklin Township Trustees, voted on Tuesday evening to hold mother election on the levying of a tax of up to one mill for purchas- ing, owning, renting or maintaining fire apparatus or equipment. Tues- day, Sept. 26th was the date set for the election. Although this sante measure re- ?cived 83 yes votes to 11 no votes tt an election on August 15th, it 'acked eight votes of carrying' bc- 'ause under the peculiar provi- Mons of the law the nleasure must carry by 60 pet" cent of the vet, east in the last preceeding general election. The Trustees have made a careful cheek of the poll books ~t the last general election and be- lieve that there must i)e 91 yes votes to carry the proposition. Discussion among ~armers sinc( the election has brought out the fact that not all of those interest- ed in having fire protection had realized the importance of voting and of Lbringing their wife to vote as in most cases both husband and wife voted in the general election. The proposition to be voted on merely authorizes the Trustees to levy a tax up to one mill for the purchase or rental of fire apparatus and equipment. What equipment is rented or purchased, if the tax is authorized, will be up to the Trustees. The maxinlunl tax ~or any one year iander this levy would be ten cents for each $100 of assessed val- uation. The polls will be opened at eight o'clock in the City Hall at ,Mount Vernon and will remain open until eight o'clock in the evening. The Trustees and township clerk wil act as judges and clerks of the election. Mr. and Mr~ E. B. Cook of Riv- erside, Calif., arrived Wednesday afternoon for a visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elson Needles, and with other relatives in Cedar Rap- ids and vicinity. Mrs. Cook and :Mrs. Needles are sisters. S. la. Emerson marketed at Cedar Rapids, sixty-one head of Vitamo Feed Hogs, averaging two hundred and seven pounds at six months !old--and was paid a premium of fifteen cents above the market. See !L. H. Cave for Vitamo Feed. Phone :118. 46-p RUDOLF VODICKA TO OPEN PALACE MARKET IN LISBON Will Operate It In Connection W i t h Mt. Vernon Store Rudolf Vodicka, proprietor of the City Meat Market in Mount Ver- non, is making arrangentents to open the Palace Meat Market in Lisbon on Saturday and to oper- ate it as wcll as to continue to op- erate tile Mount Vernon Market, "Phe 1Asbon Market has been clos- ed for two weeks. Mr. Vodicka has been proprietor of the Mount Vernon Market for 16 years attd is well known in tl~c Lisbon vicinity as an exilerienced and successful retail meat dealer. Prices in the Palace Meat Mar- ket advertisement on page four, will be good also at the City Meat Market for Saturday. Federated Church Elects Officers At Annual Meeting A con(party of seventy attended the annual fellowship supper and business meeting of the Federated congregation in the church parlors on Wednesday evening. :Mrs. Nellie Plattenberger and I. J. Nosley were elected nlembers of the board for a tcrm of three years. Other members are J. F. Bowers, J. B. Meyers, E. R. Calkins, E. E. Hoov- er and Miss Ethel Dickey. Treas- arm" is Orville Crawford. At the afternoon meeting of the Aid Society election of officers for the year resulted in Mrs. Lewis Graver, re-elected president; Mrs. Nellis Plattenberger, elected first vice president; re-elected W[iss Amanda Dickey, second vice presi- dent; Mrs. Earl Warner, secretary and Mrs. C. W. Carbee, treasurer. I Leigh School Had Ideal Weather For Reunion On Sunday The annual reunion of the Leigh school was held on Sunday. The weather was ideal and attracted about thirty-five former pupils, teachers and thc present pupils and their teachers Miss Ethel Johnson for the delicious picnic dinner at noon. New officers for the following year were elected and are as fol- lows: Mrs. Rhea Davis, president; Mrs. Ethel Neal Laeoek, vice presi- dent; Clarence Neal secretary and treasurer. G,iiccrs last year were: John Cordes, president and Ken- neth Yeisley, secretary and treasur- er. In tile afternoon the group ,,'.'as entertained .by the following pro- grant: piano solo, Donna Yeisley; greetings from the present teacher, Miss Ethel Johnson; song and tap dance, Marilyn Yeisley; song and recitation, Art Crain; poems, Rho- da Boxwell: travel talk t)y John Cordes. Those present included: Mr. and Mrs. Barney Peddycoart, Mrs..Min- nie Neal, Mr. and Mrs. h'win Cop- pock, Myron, Melvin and :Marilyn; John Col'des; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Leigh, and l)orris Jane; Mrs. Mat'- garet Haeseler and Louise; Mrs. Susan Yeisley; Mr. and Mrs. Rhea Davis; Mr. and Mrs. John Laeock and Doris; Mr. and Mrs. Kemleth Yeisley, Donna, 2Marilyn and hen- aid; holland Bowman all of ,Mount Vernon. Miss Rh(~la Boxwell, Martelle; Robert Johnson, Mechan- icsviile, Miss Ethel Johnson, IAs- ben; Mr. and Mrs. Art Crain, Springville; Mr. and Mrs. Wes Den- his, Marion. 80 Attend Father And Son Banquet At Linn Grove Church A father an,d son banquet was held last Thursday. Sept. 7. at the Linn Grove Church with eighty fathers and sons present Mrs. Roy I,acock, president of the aid society prented the toast- master of the evening, 'Merle Goudy. In turn Mr. Goudy intro- duced the following numbers on the program: Mr. Kenneth Kirk- patri