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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
September 14, 1939     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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September 14, 1939
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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September 14, 1939 Turkish. Union 'm ade and Cellophane Time, "#,,~Pj~ SAVE N.B.C.R,dNe ork 3¢ TO 5¢ A PACK Your AVALONS From the Following healers. They Always Have A Fresh Supply and Appreciate Your Patronage IOSTY DRUG STORE C. W. Iosty VERNON INN Floyd Butler GREEN WILLOW H. B. Williams NORTHSIDE TAVERN Ed Pitlik LADAGE PHARMACY Ed Ladage HEDGE CAFE O. C. Hodge THE GRILL Roy Low to Avalon Time Saturday, 6:30 P.M. WHO-WOW Lisbon, Iowa AUCTIONEER ! am older in years, am older in exper- My many hun- of successful sales been and are my references. My ef- for the success of Sale start the da) Your sale. I never Working until the Over. he help you with OUr advertising. Phone 130 Lisbon, Iowa ana everse the Call. I will be glad to meet you Sauerkraut Day. Vites you to eat with us on Sauer Kraut Day. LUnches, Cigarettes, Cigars, Fountain Service. Ice Cream and Soft Drinks Tom Challis, Prop. Lisbon, Iowa WELCOME TO LISBON'S SAUERKRAUT DAY Stop At The East End Station GIFTS on Sauerkraut Day with each gasoline purchase. YOUR CAR WITH US ON SAUERKRAUT DAY, AND STOP AT THE Gas Station new management and in full oueration all day evening. Lunches, Home Made Pies, Cookies, Soft Drinks and Cigars MR. AND MRS. W. F. HOLTZ, Prop. 30 Lisbon, Iowa THE MOUNT VERNON, IOWA, HAWKEYE-RECORD AND THE LISBON HERALD [ [` - ,~M~ ~[T~.]r]}~|~| ~|l| "he Band Parents organization The Emma Leigh Circle will be ILl[ .... ~|T.~.'~ rl~.n,~ ~,llI|-V~.s~|~|~ ~L|I-~LI will meet for the first regular meet-!entertained at the home of Mrs ] XXILPI||I:;II|~I,I~I:~I ~ ILI~IG~ .................. ing of the school year this evening, IFlora Buck, on Friday afternoon: r Will Be Held Soon ,~nrx-r~av au~,~-~ ~,~a ('['hursday) in the Ward school at Septem~ber 15. The ladies will spend ! [~VAS I)EI,IGHTI:UI~ AI~FAII{ S.00 o clock, the afternoon sewing. The home project work for the l ------ I ~ 'l~adies of the l,inn county Farm S - ~ . • I Mount Vernon Temple Pythian] Tie \Vest End Klan will meet ~ .......... ;u h~,~; F "l'ne , unoay afternoon tea given Sist , ....... .... ".a~.v... -~:s,nsoon with the • ," crs wet wednesday evening fez wltn M~ cud M~s Mutton Kepler • Im Armstrong Hall by l)r. and Mrs .......... [..~ _ ~ . • . 'usual teas wlnch will be hehl some- 'Frank Cole and Dr. and Mrs. Jay'~r:e:l'rSstur;~u'a" m:ta~mg s, nce ~ne ,weflnesaay c~.~e,nmg ficpt. 20. Eve- time this month plans fo" which ,~¢ . e " 'a lon ~nrougn lyn l~.lrKpalrlCKWill nave charge B..McGregor as co-hosts in honor of l)r. and Mrs. J. B. Mcgee, son John and daughters Joscphiue, Peggy and Eloise and Dr. and ~Mrs. iRusscll Cole, Betty and Nancy and Mrs. V. L. Hinkle of Detroit, Mich. was a very delightful occasion. Garden flowers were used profuse- ly for decorations. Assisting the hosts and hostesses were: 5'liss Alice Betts, Mrs. Lloyd Gustafson, Mrs. 11". F. F3bersole, and Miss Ruby Wade, Mrs. H. C. Lane, Mrs. D. U. Van Metre and the Misses Elsie Barrett and Leila Huebsch l~resid- ed at the tea table. WESLEYAN SERVICE GUILD MET TUESDAY rMrs, Lloyd Gustafson was hos- tess for the meeting of the Vv'es- leyan Service Guild of the Method- ist church on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Franklin Littell of New York City was a guest and told of her exper- iences as a delegate to the National Youth's conference in Amsterdam, this summer. Another interesting guest, who spoke, was Mrs. LMerle English of New York City, national secretary of the organization, who ,was a guest Tuesday in the home of Bishop and {Mrs. Thomas Nichol- son. The devotional hour was led by Mrs. Gustafson. Assisting hos- tesses for the meeting were: Mrs. Charles Hartung, Mrs. Edna Mes- senger and Mrs. Glenn Rogers. AUXILIARY MEETS The American l.egion Auxiliary met on Monday evening at the home of }Mrs. Mae T. Mitchell and Miss Maxine Turner. The month of September is designated as music month in the organization and in observance a musical program was presented and included: Flute solo, Patricia 'Mitchell; Margaret .Smith read an article taken from the Na- tional News in regard to music week and the writing of the nation- al anthem, ":['he Star Spangled Banner." A prize winning essay on "Queen Marie of Roumania, ambassador to Good Will", was read by ,Mrs. Flor- ence Siggins. All the members joined in the singing o,f old time sougs. During the business meet- ing Miss Margaret Smith was elect- ed historian of the Auxiliary to fill the vacancy left when Mrs. Ella Hahn, historian, moved to Des Moines to reside. There was a very good attendance and delicious re- freshments were served ,by the hos- tesses. On Monday evening a picnic din- ner and .business session featured the first meeting of Entre Nous for the club year, with Mrs. James Macaulay as hostess. ~VIrs, Harry Stedronsky, a guest in the C. F. Beaker home, was a guest of the club. Mrs. Julian Johnston was hostess for the regular meeting of the Jun- ior Industrial society of the Pres- byterian church, on Monday eve- ning. A good attendance was present and after the business meeting Mrs. Johnston served de- licious refreshments. rMount Vernon chapter of the American Association of University Women will open the year with a dinner, at the Baker house, next Wednesday evening, September 20, at 6:30 o'clock. All members are urged to be present. The Womans Home Missionary society of Che 'Methodist church will mcct for a guest day meeting on Wednesday afternoon, September 20, at 2:45 o'clock in the church parlors. The ,program will be in charge of Mrs. S. J. McLaughlin and special music will be provided. Mrs. Julian Johnston was hostess to her afternoon card club on Tues- day afternoon. Bridge was played at three tables. Delicious refresh- manta were served ,by the hostess. The Ingleside club will meet for a dinner meeting, Monday evening, September 18, at the Jordan house at 6:15 o'clock. Hostesses will be Mrs. E. C. Prall, Mrs. James Mc- Cutcheon, Mrs. S. J. McLaughlin, Miss Nama Lathe and Mrs. Russell Cooper. Following the dinner the group will adjourn to the home of @ Mrs. Prall for the program which will !be in charge of ,Mrs. E. R. Ristine. Dr. and ~Mrs. Frank Cole are en- tertaining at a family dinner this evening ,before the departure of their daughter Mrs. V. L. I-Iinkle for her home in Detroit, Mich., the last of the week. Other guests will be Dr. and Mrs. Russell Cole and ,family. Mrs. W. B. Crumbaugh will be hostess for the meeting of the Jolly Seven club this evening, when Mrs. Ella Hahn of Des Moines will be a special guest. The Franklin Township Farm Bureau will meet at the Russell Bait home Tuesday evening, Sept. 19. An interesting program is planned. Bring cookies or dough- nuts and your coffee cups. Prof. and 'Mrs. C. C. Tull enter- tained at a dinner for eighteen at the Palisades Lodge on Monday evening. Anne Harris, two year old daugh- ter of .Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Harris, was honored at a birthday dinner last Sunday at the home of her ~randparents, Mr. and :Mrs. J. W. Carbee. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Harris and family and Bar- bara Jean Clements, daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. L. Clements. The Lydia class of the Presby- terian church was entertained for their regular meeting and picnic supper at Che home of Mrs. Frank b Frick on Monday evening. A good .attendance was present and a very enjoyable program in charge of Mrs. Hugh Mason and ~Mrs. Dale Johnson was presented after the supper. 'Mrs. John Wickham, a member who has been ill for sev- eral months was able to be at the meeting for the first time during the year. Mrs. Mark Hutchinson, who with Prof. Hutchinson and their son, Haines, loft Monday for Las Cruces, N.M. to spend the school year, was honored by the Friday afternoon contract bridge club at a luncheon on ,Saturday at the Palisades. Cov- ers were laid for eight. July and August. Mrs. Ruth Avery, representative to ti~e Grand Tem- ple, held recently in Cedar Rapids, presented a very fine report to the local Temple. A picnic supper preceded the business meeting. Sorosis clu, b held its first meet- ing of the new year, ~Ionday eve- ning, with a dinner at the Baker Mr. and :Mrs. Harry Stewart en- tertained at supper Wednesday evening of last week in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Holcomb of South Pasadena, Cali,f. Other guests were: ,Mr. and Mrs. Guy Martin of Central City and Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Garrett. Mrs. Leo Henik will entertain the regular meeting of the Friend- ship club, next Wednesday, Sept. 20. The last meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Kim- ball, with Mrs. ken Siver and Mrs. George Lake assisting hostesses. Hostesses for the dinner Monday evening at the Carbee house, for the opening of the club year for the Altruria club were: Mrs. Nellie arc not complete. At the teas of the entertainment. Mrs. Chas. Miss Lucille Gove, home demon- Ma:~bauer and Mrs. Arthur l.indsey stration agent, will present an il- will assist the hostess with the 1)i,'- lustrated talk, "Color, the Magic nic supper which will be served at \\~and," featuring inexpensive home 6:30. All metal)era arc requested furnishings, and tousle from 1939- to be present. 40 study. "Gems from Ohl World The Good Luck Social clu,b will meet at the home of Mrs. Ella Cook, Friday afternoon, Scptcm- After the usual sunlnler l'eCess Vernon cllapter O.E.S. will meat for a regular meeting Tuesday eve- ning, September 1.% tit 8:00 o'alock A good attendance is desired. Simmons 3-piece bed room out- fit, $16.95. See Hartman's adver- tisement on page nine. 214-216 First Ave. E., Cedar Rapids. 46-p FyIND out for how little ou can heat with Oil. Stearns, Mrs. Lucille Merritt, Mrs. • O-Matte. Free heating • Martha Rogers, Mrs. J. S. Buser, s estimate of your home • Miss Alice Chamberlin and Miss • • Efl~de o on request, Mary Stash. Twenty-six members enjoyed the dinner and program. FRANK'S SERVICE- The program was presented by Mrs. Lou West and Mrs. Jane West to Frank E. IVoohh'idg'e, Prop. the members in the living room at Telephoues the Carbee home. They gave a very Lisbon 90 Mr. Vernon 4000 interesting review of the history of Altruria. Plumbing, Heating and Electrical Contractors Your Business Solicited and Appreciated Estimates of Cost Free George P. McCall Lisbon, Iowa W. L. Dahn WILSON---GRAHAM Phone 93 Lisbon, Iowa Treasure Chest." Samples of haud looms and wov- en articles, which will be a part of the craft course to /)e studied this :cur, will bc on disphty. This adult education program iv open to all rural women and is sponsored by the Iowa Extension service and the IAnn county Farm Bureau, ac- cording to Mrs. A. [). Brennaman county chairman. Mrs. Arlo Sii-nger W-ill Take Part In Discussion At Dairy Cattle Congress Linn county women have enter- ed the Women's County-Wide Home Project Contest to be held at the Dairy Cattle Congress in Water- loo. Sept. 25 to Oct. 1, according to Lucille Gove, Cedar Rapids, home demonstration agent. Through the week Mrs. A. D. Brenneman, of Marion, will be in charge of a booth dealing with th, women's studies in fifth year foods and nutrition. Participating in a discussion of cold storage lockers will be Mrs. Arlo Stinger, Mount Vernon; Mrs. Jacob Gerber, Route 1, Cedar Rap- ids; Mrs. Hal Donnan, Route l, Ce- dar Rapids, and Mrs. J. P. ( rrant, Route 2, Cedar Rapids. The Woman's Missionary society of the Presbyterian church met at the home of Mrs. Fred Sadler, Wednesday afternoon, with Mrs Charles Ford as assisting hostess. Miss Alice Chamberlin led the de- votional hour. Mrs. Charles Ford presented the subject on China and the new book on missions wasre- - viewed by Mrs. J. B. Robinson. The group all joined in singing several songs. Refreshments were served by the hostesses. There were four- teen members present. Mrs. Earl Simpson and Mrs. Rae Travis were co-hostesses Wednes- day at a bridge luncheon at the Palisades Lodge. The luncheon tables were prettily decorated with bouquets of white and purple asters. Bridge was played at four tables following the luncheon. Mrs. C. E. Hedges was awarded the high score prize, Mrs. Arthur Rogers, the second high prize and Mrs. Harry Hartung received the traveling prize. ,Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Eyre have invited the High School Leaguers of the Methodist church as their guests Sunday evening. The I,eague hour is 6:15. CARD OF THANKS Our heart felt thanks to all who extended comforting sympathy and help in our recent sorrow. For the beautiful floral offerings and other kindnesses, also the soloist, we are deeply grateful. Mr. John Mathes, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Stearns and family. Mrs. Rose Hickman attended the Bunting family reunion at Thomas Park, Marion, on Sunday. There were about forty members of the family present. LISBON FRESH COOKIES, pound .................................... 15c 2 pounds 25c GINGHAM GIRL FLOUR, 24½ pound bag ........79c SWANSDOWN BREAD FLOUR, 24½ lbs ........ 94c 49 pounds $1.76 OUR FAMILY FLOUR, 49 pounds .................... $1.49 GOLDEN VALLEY PANCAKE FLOUR, 3 lbs 25c FRESH MEATS OF ALL KINDS ,S OUTINGS AND PRINTS Still ........................ 10c yd. 2-LB. COTTON BATS ............................................ 39c 3 LB. COTTON BATS ............................................ 65c KUMFORT FLEECE 72x90, 2½ lbs ................ $1.50 100% PURE WOOL FLEECE, 72x90, 1 lb ........ $1.65 2 pounds ........ $3.00 9 Builders Estimates promptly make upon application with no obligation to buy. Bring in your Builders )Bill for our estimate of cost today. Our Prices Are Right Paints, Oils, and Painters Supplies Kitchen Ranges, Room Heaters Phone 20 Lisbon, Iowa USE D-X Motor Fuel 760 Motor Oil Diamond Kerosene MID-CONTINENT BULK STATION JOHN L. PETERSON, Manager Phone 123 Lisbon, Iowa Weddings GASKILL-MOORE A clipping from the Lewisburg, Ohio, paper to Mrs. Mayme Rieger from her brother-in-law J. E. Moore, will be of interest to Mr. Moore's Lisbon friends. J. E. Moore of Lewisburg, secretary of the Preble County Automobile Club, and Mrs. Bessie Gaskill of Verona were married last Thurs- day morning at 9:30 o'clock in the United Brethren parsonage at Eat- on, with Rev. W. T. Frank perform- ing the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Smalley of Verona were wit- nesses. Following the wedding, Mr. and Mrs. Moore left for a trip to Toledo, Sandusky and other points, returing Tuesday. They will reside in Mrs. Moore's home in Verona, Mr. Moore having rented his residence. Mr. and Mrs. Moore are both widely known. Max Stahl Returns ]From Western Trip Max Stahl returned Monday with Gerald Bohr of Cedar Rapids from a two weeks motor trip through the western states. Mrs. John Burge, an aunt who accompanied them, was in California only three hours when called home to Cedar Rapids by a message, telling that her daughter, Miss Zoe, would un- dergo an appendectomy. A son-in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Dietz, she was visiting in Compton, returned with the boys. The trip out was made by via Salt Lake City. In California they of course took in the fair, visited Long Beach, Los Angeles, and in Hollywood were guests of Wes Lehr an uncle of Max. They returned via Flagstaff, Ari- zona, on the Will Rogers highway, and in Flagstaff visited relatives. They enjoyed a round-up in Ari- zona. On the desert between Ari- zona and New Mexico they were delayed one-half daY due to a wash-out. They saw one small bridge entirely washed away. There was an unusual occurrence on the desert--three days of rain. The boys traveled through twelve states and covered 5300 miles. LISBO-N ~ NOTES ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Father George Stemm, Pastor Schedule effective May 7th: Sunday Masses 7:00 and 9:00 a.m. Catechism 10:00 a.m. FEDERATED CHURCH Gaylard S. Hamilton, Pastor Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Worship service 10:30 a.m. Young Peoples service 7 p.m. Evening service 8 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer service on Thursday at 8 p.m. Becoming a Christian--We say it is by faith. Phillips Brooks' oft- quoted definition of faith has been most helpful to many. He said "F-a-i-t-h means Forsaking All I Take Him." Is not this the essence of faith? Not an intellectual grasp of what the Bible says about Jesus $ but a receiving and resting upon Page Seven I -- ar ..... Him, a daring abandonment to Him lplete reports let us not waver in that permits him to save and guide i our evaluation of the lasting fruits and rule us. In the words of Christ of time. Great things, like disrup- in John 1:12 "But as many as re-itions. Our theme for this last Sun- ceived him, to them he gave the day of the year is "The Power of power to become the sons of God i a Friendship that carries us on'. even to them that believe in Hisi Church school at 9:30 a.m name " • __ Morning worship at 10:30 a.m. Young Peoples meeting at 7:00. METHODIST CHURCH , The pastor's records and reports Glenn S. Hartong, Pastor for Annual Conference must be Time is so persistent. It brings closed by 4 o'clock on Monday, us again to the close of another Sept. 18. He is obliged to depart for :ear. In the haste and turmoil of lthe seat of conference, Clinton. assembling the ragged ends to com- i Iowa, early Tuesday morning. ay For a Good Glass Of Special Lagered To Produce That Good Old Fashioned TASTE Cigars, Cigarettes and Confectionery Lisbon Iowa Having been forced from my present location in the barber shop, will reopen my beauty shop in my home on West Main Street, Lisbon. (one block west of D-X oil station), where I will be pleased to serve my old and new patrons. Open Friday morning. Will Appreciate Your Patronage CALL 31 FOR APPOINTMENTS Lisbon, Iowa ALL KINDS OF FOOTWEAR Reasonably Priced Shoe Repairing Is Our Specialty A Full Line of Men's Work Clothes All kinds of School Supplies Thank you for your patronage FRANK W. STRITT Lisbon, Iowa HAVE, YOU sufficient room to store the corn which you will harvest this year? DO YOUR buildings need new roofs, repairs or paint? WILL YOU need a new chicken house or machine shed? OR WILL the family home ire your first consideration this fall? We handle everything in the building line. Come in and talk over your needs with us. We will be glad to help you plan your new buildings or estimate repairs. Phone 2-45 Lisbon, Iowa