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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
September 16, 1898     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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September 16, 1898
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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--Mrs. W. H. Armstrong and Horace and Tuesday. Mrs. C. E. Putnam was ArmstrOng, son of F. H. Armstrong, at one time a resident of Mt. Vernon Esq of Ca[cage, were visitors lastSat- well known by our older citizens and urday at the W. E. Platner home. is a relative of Mr. Butterfield. +1 suoe~m~o# re m~* smetms --Morris Starbuck~ of the well known --Miss Rebecca Kempthorn was mar- It ~ atcago wholesale house, Heath and ried at the family, e,~' home i, ,o-'a ]~ ,alia' ]~ ~ursaay at the E' ]?. Cough home. La r~ert, a recent graduate of the illigan, was a ~uest Wednesday and Thursday S v~ember 15th to Dr./: red --Mr. and Mrs. ,A" J. A2brigh~ of medical school of the State University md Farm Maehha, ~e, are yigl~ 25 ~'~r l~glatives, at Iowa City. Mr and Mrs. Lambert gle f2i~il~ an~[ also their old will make their home at Alburnette. ~lds, Mr~ and Mrs. J. G. Graul. --The T.U. will give a 10 cent R, hall Saturday, ~ep- dsare Oht announc' to 7.Menu: Tea Miss Fredonia Lou 'ol ~s, brc C. Fackler at tSe ~s, jelly l0 cents. of their teaching during the winter in- stead, Miss Nettle at Chicago Univer- sity and Miss Edna at Cornell. The school board at Waterloo evidently valoed their services as they voluntari- iy offered to keep their positions open for next year, in case the Misses Kep- ]ers again desired to take up the work they have conducted so successfully for several seasons past. --Chas. D. Maybauer received the plans yesterday from Archtect C. A. Dteman of Cedar Rapids, for a hand- some and modern 8 room house, which he expects to have underway soon, the prelimenary work on the ground being already commenced. It will be giving note with approved security. Six per cent per annum discount for cash Bring along your wagons and get good hogs at your own price. G. W. LIOItT. N. U. Ballard. For Sale or Trade. Folding bed for sale. Wanted coal heating stove, would exchange bed for stove. Mns. M. A. SNow. Watch, clock and jewelry repairing guaranteed first class, at SteVenson's. When you wish a genuine bargin in the clothing line, come to us. located upon the lot on S Washington Rood &~ Young. ])IRES, LSt;, recently purchased by Mr. May- has had the since a couple d',i(i~'."~h~'hi~*d~ ~ a*,~" ~ .'~,~ ~a'~r o'rti~rf ~gt'g~&m .x m+,~ '+, r, Miss Anna sidence, both fro~terior and inter- boys and childrens' clothing during ior point of VieW~d will contain all our great clearance sale. Walton. me is in New ~ ork the modern conveniences. Mr. and Rood & Young, "state and who has a number of friend- Mrs. Maybauer will certainly be the re- Men's $10.00 suits go at $7.00 during ships among Mt. Ve:rnon people, term- eipients ot hearty congratulations from ed during eujoyable visits here in the all their friends when they take pea- our great clearance sale. Rood & Young Mrs. Rigby and Miss past. session of this most desirable new nome. kodak pictures, for sale cheap at the have returned from del~htful --Mrs, Lt, Waterman arrived from - uard board suitable for mounting ~n trips and visits, Indianapolis, Ind this morning and --Quite an excitement was caused in Hawk-Ev~ f)m~a qn.~ w H,nO ~oo%,~o~ ~ remains only today, the family havingthe neighborhood of the Hll l home on " decided to make thel home with the North Washington street (the John Call at Horton & Kyle's and look vent[on held at Cedar Rapids yesterday r~eut~n~,~ o~ ~ho abo ~ ~ ~.~ ~ ~ ,~ o,~ T ~ R-w~IL "~ ,m ~ v Reiger place) Tuesday night between, over theireargain counter. Oxfords ~.~,~-~ ~ov?:~.~-- ~ ,=--,~,- *:v- he will be stationed at least until the ten and clown o'clock, caused, it is l.~5 ~o ~t.~. ~on, tot xgongress, x~veryooay m in- h ~,~,o, ,Who t~ ~.~ u 9, Holidays, after w lch it is possible said, by an innocent farmer looking for ~ "" they will return here. . t ~ma~eur photographers will fins a blacksmith frign~ening Mrs. ~liu, ~ suitable mountin --Th~ week's shipping: By Goudy --Will Blanchar, a student in Cornell who was alone in the house at the time, [ choan at th~ g ~oara, cut to oraer, ~1~. ear no s llo tjllleago~ I car ~ l e e e u ~-- +- a ~ =a. ~ + xre ~+^ ^ co le~ has ace pt d a position m into the belief that a gen me burglar I "'~'~ ~ laawK-~ye omce ~e~m. ,~ ,p,~,o. ~,~ ~a~. v -+, ~wuv ~eid a havhar ShO~ whiph vgifh thr~ on plunder bent was attempting an en- [ ~.Co 2 ~ .~car ~tone, to Mechan, ~ c ville.~r? ~ By cn'a'r~l s an'u m"e Des~ OI appomtmen~s~ 7" trance This veritable "tempest in a [ Gasoline stoves, new or second hand JL) JL~ .DO Us I G~ U~b~ bU ~,'(~W .LU & ' ' Y will be able to serve all customers tea pot" once started seems to have[cheap at Chambers & Herrick's --Mr, Cheney of Swaledale, who it promptly and in the best of style. Mr. ] spread like traditional wild fire and ! - oo -,- -~t fter P-^ ~hote I If you ar~ in ahurry or do not wish . ~ was n~ed some time ago hadleased the Blanchar is experienced in the trade ] qme~ w omy r.~ ut~u ~ u~, to ~[ ~ ~F;~,[~ (~ Platner homestead, has arrival with and comes recommended as a firstclass ~ m ~ ~ ~,~ ~.~n awak~,~ed ~nd I watK away out to the uepot, remem tmr me ~elepnone at 2~en's hi~ family, consisting of several young ar st. our gallant night watch, Capt. Rowl.ey. [ , i~m THING OUT people WhO wiU attend Cornell college. --The ideal Concert and Cineograph I I The best line of New York shoes in a'm r . --The amount of macadam contract- company will give an exhibition at the I eand d]gmfied enough neighborhood," P ] thisK~,~.j~art of the globe, at Herren & ~,anmao~;urea ana edfor covering up the hill from the Lisbon Opera House Wednesday even- ~at;SedatbYd timid and overwrought ] " ~ . viaduct further than was anticipated, ing, Sept. 21. The company announces ] ]~ola Dy [ it is probable the work will be continu, a novel and high class entertainment of 1" g" ' [ ~[~r~ ~ ~ ~ A limited nnmber of '-- led to the alley east of tho Central[ merit in the concert line and Edison's ] ] v mH[,H persons to do writ- ~hlk~ U ~ A V~J][~][~ [House. [wonderful moving picture panaroma,[ Church Announcoments. I lng at their homes. [ Twenty-five cents paid tor every hun- PRESBYTERIAN w~, 11- ix k Jt i ix ] : I the Cineograph, which Includes many] ' [dred words. Promptness and[ good " " " " I --.tuV w**t: at,t,~vt:ut:t meu ~r~ ~p,~uu- I ~trikint~ -~nd real~ti~ nictnwQ ,~F th. I o " k ~ ~ e s b the astor A K Knox, work necossary Applica~ions must be ]mg a few days at h me thts wee,J.[ lato war [ Servi e y p ] N Kyle having come in last Saturday Mt. Vernon, Ia. Io=. ~ Inhnot,~n rp "a*, +~ .= } --Two new houses are to bebuiltonlbeth morning and evening. To~ies:]~ccompaniedby ten cents for parti- "The Beaut of Moral Qualities" culars Address. The Sioux City l ~ort -end business and encoura-in- I Nor ,h Jefferson street, on the lots be- I "The Dried-Up Springs of Life." Y. I Bussiness College, Sioux City, Ia. Every bed guaranteed to givel ~,~m~ uv ~ ~ tween Gee, Kleineck's and E. :E. Good- p.S.C.E, meets at 6:30 p, m. to which| ~atisfaetlon' or money refunded. I [ ~,~,~ ~,~u . . ] hue's opposite the Thos. Davis place, ] all young people are invited. I a'-o --mrs. ,c 4uown ann cniiaren, I Chas. Kleineck and Elmer Dauben- I METt][ODIST EP1 C [ s OrAL CHEAP HOMES ~.~ ~'= o~ V.~+-''3 .~* "+k'""+.~+ [left Monday evening for their home in,meyer will[ build new residences for,~m .~o~d,~~h ei) d/dBou; n OTt1 ~esr~a~e~d all cnOsoI mrmture at reasonanle [ Caldwell Kan after a pleasant visit ] their personal use. The work will be I prices. Drop me a postal card and [ with relatives and friends in this begun as soon as the carpenters can be I will call vromntlv and ~et your,vicinity. They were accompained as]had, some preliminary work have al- ] for prices. . r r . ~ ~ far as Cedar Rapids by A. AKyle. ready been commenced furmture and return the same when [ [ . ] T morning preaching, subject to the ap- I 'r R (:~ renah'~. [ --Chas. Brackett and family have[ --T A Gormly, Dentist, now has hisI reval of themembershtpof the church ] u,+ ". r----- [thlS" week moved into" their fine new I business" "l~arlors in" the Braekett build-] P +'-" +~'*" ~ [ residence on Jefferson street, and are [ Ing over Bair & Kyle s clothing store, ) and of the Executive Committee ,t:a,++,++ f the I [to be congratulated over theonjoyment [north end, The Doctor moved this I C lleg,e,~rZ?~.~Pl:s lar~ena't~e~'~ce I $200. Reward. + [ of so desirable and commodious a I week and is getting very comfortably I in+"+ ~"v +'+'~+'"~" "the College, and the limited seating I The undersigned association of pre- ~,~,~ ,~ ~,~ w v / home. The house is not yet entirely [ and couveaiently lpcated in his new ] capacity of the Church.~ Preaching [ mium payers hereby offer Sg00, reward finished m~mm~L ~/~ im| ~ . [ and pleasant quartets. Therooms va-]morning and evening by the paator.]tor thearrest and conviction of any m II|,m !| m m I [ The Central House office has ~ust [ cared in the Neff building are to be oc- ] l~l,~ .LU ~ ~ been newly and attractively palae~ed, [ cupied ,by eMstt?b.Gertrude Cowan's ]eveniSpecialng.Serm n tOHo~ERstuaentSc. STUNTz,in the ]1 incendlarYtowns. Propertyin anYowner, sOf theFirea~OciatingAssocia. ,giving Landlord Willard a more in. [ aressmamng e oLmnmen~. [ Pastor First M. E. Church. [ tion, Des Moines, Iowa. r viting "reception" room. The house [ A .T P-wer ha~ in his noss~o;~- - [ Know that we are mak owill also soon have city water and other [ num~er'of~'Snan~h'-silve~" and"~told [ ing Remarkably Low o g ?o yt"i hao f ' dd ateriaUYlcotnsrecoverea hythe u. s. gov:;.-IBooks, .Stationery and Artists' -- . M is I Y' . 'Prl ~es On Wall Paoer? " 'lment from the Spanish cruiser, Maria[ Unless you . SeverM new connections have been ] Teresa, sun.ko.ffSant ag.oCuba in;he Material, Town and Country grea naval n tie ot dUl nu. Tliey made for city water during the week [ ~ly } and itis ~-uite~o~r bable the dirt wilb~l a J were reoelvea mrougn .2~ ew x or~ bro- I ke t flying at a lively gait from now p kers and are accompanied hy a certi- laKca LOOK until freezin~, weather sets in The ]ficate test~fing that the m ney was act" / School Books. ow r ually taken from the war ship work upon t~ne t e r Is p oEesalng| { ~$~--- at our sto~k and et satisfactorily and rapidly nearing corn ho g . !. "[ --Hu~h Whittemore,w in corn- ] pmuon ourprices ' [pauy w|th his brother, Clair, left here]~"~lllll+ A ~ll'rl is tO furnish a first class Book Store, and n nle h |early last spring for thelat~r,~as f r west and --err[ Sta y, w o is serving with . " I hope we to merit and receive your --- .- - the Ambulance Co of the 52rid Iowa/having doubled back been # V~II ITTI|| ~M'I",~,O'~ Re,~ment with head-uarsers at An [traveling throughtheeast, New York/patr0nage. CO. IUH Will l dL" ders~on Ale is enjoying afurlough and [and Pennsylvaniain,arrived [ "--"+'"'d~er=W dnesda"ni'ht" " "+ " " " Hei tn me*ue~aaY " " "e " ~r nzeu tr m/I ~.~XNT r[~-O--Z |Tr lt*~ 1~" If en+o~inc, usual -cod health and sa-s[travehngand in good health but re-/ k[IL K,L I * h,/h~ ~' t,~ a v ~ . at~ [ports his brother Clair as having been ) 1.+ ][ . .= L s no~ ~x erlen=e an. =eriou - = v + aangerously Lli Wlr~n ~ypnolu lever order since joining the army force. . [ These Goods Must Go. --IIale Bros have ~ust dosed the --J. W. Hubbard, of the Lingo Sel~t your vattern ~o~:t ~.~ ~,~ ~,~.~e.t,~n ~ ,e Presbyterian church, the owner of the Price ranging* from ~ old Fresbyterian church building in this 2 1-2 to 2Bets per roll. AT THE City Pharmacy I)r. T. J. Baird, Propr. painting. Mr. Farmer, of Sioux Rap- ids, while here on business at the col- lege, was attracted by some of the Hale Bros.' work and as he was Luild- ing a fine new house was interested to the extent of doing a little investiga- ting with the result of awarding the contract for all the painting and oil finishing work upon Ins new residence. Under the circumstances this is highly creditable and complimentary to a couple of conscientious, skillful and hard working young mechanics, of which it is a pleasure for us to note be- cause we believe they fully deserve it. city, has begun the remodeling of the structure into a double apartment house, two stories, with attic and good cellars, six rooms, closets and neat front hall and stairway in each apartment. The new plans call for an east front, the monotony of the long roof being broken by a gable in the center over a porch and entrance way. This makes nice improvement and will no doubt prove the most desirable solution of the many plans suggested for the utiliza- tion of this building. Messrs. Keith and Nedrow are the contracting car. penters in charge of the work. R1 Customer of m!.ne when in need of any- thing tn the line of fine |ewelery or jewelery repairing. m ] "F'me~'Custom Mad~ Suits and Trouser~ for Fall and Winte |11 wuar Reliable suitings . See T?;:? t;itto;;i:emn:2 AL O :l/cUnd3 rN:j;geeFa/h i HrtsOsiery' penders, Neckwea In Our Own Shop by Our ;l CLOTHIERS ANO Full Lmes of. Fall ' Come m and See Them /~t We Will De Pleased to ShoW Yon ! te Good~+~ ful Wrappers in-Prints an, 1 Ftkt [elett~, C than Making. Carpets, RUg~ Portier$ ~nd La~ Curtatn~ ' I ALL DEPARTME ULL OF N1C,I~ RI~SH 01J ~.'i.~ HEINZ S PURE APPLE CIDER VINE IA| 4~ SWEET PlGKLES AND BAKED BE&N~L ~I~ M~SON FRUIT JARS, EXTRA CAPS ~.I.~ AND RUBBERS. "i AL`T BY, 'THI BARRI ] ~. ~.5~.~.~ ~--:-,---. ,Is the Dollar you spend with us becam : we give you the greatest value for your money. Quali v el Imp or ana . Oualtty Joined witla Low Prices is the Buyes-- Bonan~ ~$ We keep Quality, we sell it at Low Prices. o, ooo o.o o; m. o, Dollar Mighty. It Requires No Head to See the Bargains in Our Stock ot tl ii BUTTERICK PATTERNS