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September 16, 1898 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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September 16, 1898 |
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t t lOW A.
SE5'TEMBER 16, 1898.
p~O)|i~hit~hed in the ln-
I and vicinity by S. If.
Store and Publishers.
Using rates fern shed responsii)le
at)}flieation. Anonymolts com-
IN ADVA lgC]~.
r $1.50
nths 75
lthe ~ . " . ' 40
ale, or changes of ads must be
r before Tuesday noon of each
m7 00a ])ara.~'o8 00 p m,e p
7:~K. : . xee t
Open from 7:00 a m, to 9 :(~ p. m.
3:30 p. m.
11:19 p. m.
Cornell College Opening.
The fall opening of Cornell college
Tuesday was most gratifying to her
friends. The enrolhnent for the term
will be over 500 ' students, a large in-
crease over last year, and the public
opening exercises had the largest at-
tendance and interest of any yet held.
The devotional exercises were led by
Rev. Dr. Stuntz, the college pastor,
after which President King introduced
the new members of the faculty, Prof.
Freehoff, assistant in political economy;
Prof. C. 51. Adams, the new director of
the Conservatory of Music; Mrs.
Adams, teacher of piano and voice and
Miss G. Smith. teacher of piano and
pipe organ, and finally the speaker of
the hour, Rev. l)r. C. A. lhtrst of the
Centenary M. E. church of Chicago.
Dr. Hurst's oration was on "American
Patriotism" and argued that the his-
tory of human progress is but the pro-
gressive working of God in the uplift-
ing of the race, that the logic of events
is another phrase for divine govern-
ment, that wMle thescheming of wick-
ed men may prevail and prevert divine
purpose temporarily right principle
will finally triumph, that the Ameri-
can nation being the conservator of
free institutions, loyalty to her flag is
loyalty to her principles and purposes
of divine origin.
An Important Law Suit.
Charles DeWulf, an old German, of
ronage didn't amount to anything.
Cedar Rapids merchants tilled its col-
umns,-and Mt. Vernon merchants had
time to sit around on the "shady
side of shady street" all day long every
day in the week, but a change came
over the spirit of, their dreams. They
contracted for all the advertising space
in their borne paper and the trade of
"the city on the hill," has doubled and
thribbled since the sleepy old days of
which we write. You couldn't hire a
Mt. Vernon merchant to keep his "ad"
out of the Ilawkeye now. It is one of
the best trading points in 5eTa, and
the "new departure*' of its business
men is what has made it the busy,
prosperous place it is.
Business and Railroad Notices.
Omaha Exposition
For the Omaha Exposition take the
C, M. & St. l. R'y. They are sellin~
excursion tickets every day at greatly
reduced rates. Aoolv to agents (3. M.
& St. P for full particulars.
Jones County Odd Fellow's.
On account of the Jones Cou n, ty Odd
Fellow's, the C. M. & St. P. ICy. will
sell excursion tickets to Davenport
Tuesday, Sept 20th, at $1.50 for the
round trip from Paralta, Marteile and
Morley. Tickets good to return sam~
Point Comfort, Fortress Monroe. and
many other places of historic interest.
Details of the route east of CMcago
will be given later. Points in Ohio
l'ennsylvania, New York, Maryland
Virginia, and West Virginia can be
easily reached by this line. Sleeping
cars will start from Cedar Rapids and
other points. For hlrther inforlnation
and sleeping car reservations address
E. O. spume, G.A.I .I) Cedar Rat lds, Is.
ly hy the permit issued for such work and he shall
lnql(t~ lil) sllch exton~io;q or
addition not author-
ized by thepermit, and ev::ry service l:il, e must
be fl~rl~Jhh~d with a slop a.ld waste be w the ac-
th)n (,f frost, so constructed that thewater Call be
vonwmicntly shut off and drained from the pipe
to prev**nt 4"r~ezieg. All service pipe must De
lai~ at least 5ft. 6clew the surface.
SI(~tON 13.
Every person on taking Water, shall at all reas-
onable tinws~, permit the ~UPER1NTE NDENT
of tt~e WATER WORKS, or his agent, to enter
the I re rti~ s, ~ r I~uildiug~ to examine tl~e water
pipes and flxtares, and tile manner in which the
water i8 list, d.
S1~CT1ON 14.
lhc G01d Fields Foraviob, tionofti,eforegoingruh, s andfor
noll-lntynlent of [|~te of water, the TOWN of MT.
VEI~NON reserves tl~e right to shut off the water
without notice to ttle party~ or persons and
all nloltoy t ereto paid for the useof water shall
O mcrica 15. Vernon.
hereinbefore referred to, shall be elected hy the
it8 first regular meeting each and every year~ and
shall be 8ui)ject to removal hy said COUNCIl for
The Gold Fields in Nicraugua are any caase ~aid COUNCIL shall deem sufficient.
easily accessible, (being ouly twelve . SECTION 1~.
days journey from New Orleans,) and No person shall use or take water from any
are located in a healthrill and attract- puhlic or private hydrant or tap not on the pro-
ire climate where mining can beearn- perry occupied or own.d by him. For any viola-
tion of tills section tile person guilty of same
ed on the year around and food isgdun- may be fined not to exceed the sum of $10.00.
dant and cheap, yet they are not near- Said fine to Im recovered au in other violations of
ly so well known as those of Alaska, town ordinances.
althought it is thought development SZCTIO~ 17.
will prove them to equal and probably Parties not living on th~ pipe line shall he on-
exceed the true value of the famed A1- titled to a rebate on their water rents amounting
to the cost of' the pipe and laying thereof but said
askan discoveries, pipe shall not be less tilan 2in. in diameter. The
Tile few miners Who are already dig- eo.t of tapping and connections to be paid as in
gin~ out fortunes do not care to share a|l otller cases. At the expiration of the time
when rebates shall have amounted to cost of pipe
their brilliant prospects and are per- and laying thereof the same shall become the
fectly willing tlmt they should remain property of thetown. All pipes in the streets
unknown. This state of affa|r8 cannot shall he underabsoluts control of the town spun-
longer continue, and a neat descriptive cil.
circular giving full information has Consumers living on tim short side of the Street
been prepared, which will be mailedor the side that pipe mains run ou~ shall pay into
free to anyone who will send their ad- cttytreasury 15 cents per foot from the main
dress to the undersigned at Duhuque, tapped to thecenter of the street in addition to
the cost of layingpipes etc and consumers lie-
Iowa, J.F. MERItY~ ing on the long side of the street or opposite side
A. G. P.A. 5, ~. l{. R. of water main will he allow+~d 15 cents per foot
from centerof strcetto nlain, to b~ paid out of
We are bound to
Our Politics
The Best Stock of Dry Goods
Ever 5hewn in Mt. Vernon.
Our Arguments ,
Quality the Best
Prices t.e LoweSt
They will win every time
8:0"2 p, m. Store
C. Rapids, Is. 7:'29 p.m. Meehaniesville, brought suit in the the city treasury. OU
3:80 p. m.
~s mail is made up at Post District court, at Tipton, a few months
ago, against S. B. Dix, a clothing man Carnival at Cedar Rapids, "There's lots of ginger in 'Yankee SZCTU,~ ~9.
oretrain t me. Money order ~
) 7:oo p.m. in Cedar Rapids, W. D. Chrenshaw, his For the Carnival at Cedar Rapids Is. Doodle' when the band turns on it,"theN streetPerS nor liighwayopenShatlleave anYateXcavatiOnany time madewitimutt~ is, crowded full of goods, and
s~'SD~r, agent, and 15enry IIines, of Mechanics- the C. M. & St l'. R'y. will sell excurs- said the grim old Confederate vet. barricades and daring the night warning lights ~,
7:34a. m. frqm the east and ta ville, alleging that the detendants ion tickets from all points within 100 "You bet" exclaimed the equally nHtstbenlalntainedatsucti excavations, prices, to back up our arguments.
grim old vet of the north. "An(l that sscT[on ~ Come in and see us and we will
8Openfrom 12m to 1 p. m. Hines and Chrenshaw as agent of the miles at one fare for the round trip. there tune of 'l)ixte' ailus makes me The following annua| wator rates and
P.m. ' defendant, Dix, had confederated and Tickets on sale from Oct. 2nd to 7th, feel like a two-year o:d," hereto adopted and also the price of making taps; 4~
W. M.~[ooa~,P. M. conspired together to cheat him out of good to return Oct. 8th. Apply to l'hen they sat down and began to The price o~ making taps, ~ in. and iin,$~ ~* ~ - prove that we are right.
his farm of 160 acres in Nebraska, and agents C. M. & St. P. R'y. WATER RATES. ~
~E-s.- that in pursuance of said conspiracy, discuss the best way of taking tIavana =her Shop re, chair, "a-" oponu l-- loaders
they pretended to trade him a stock of --," for each additional chair $I (~3
goods then owned by defendant, S.B. National Peace Jubilee. --"' Bath tubs, public, S10.00 ' $~ A few
" Dress Goods
Dix, in Mechanicsville, Iowa, and that For the :National Peace Jubilee at Banks, $4.00
P. & A.M. they procured said goods to be mort- Chicago, the C. M. & ~t. P. R'y. willsell Bakeries, $6.00 ~
GE. NO. 112 holds regular gaged in the name of the plaintiff, excursion tickets at one fare for the Butcher Shop, S6.00
an Tneaday evenlngs on or Charles DeWulf, in order to raise round trip from all points within 250 Ordinance No. ~. BrickYard, special to he agreed upon Table. Linens,
Visiting brothers welcome. Book Bindery, special to he agreed upon,
~AY ]~OnINOON, W. ]~. money to pay off a mortgage that was miles. Tickets on sa, le Set. 17 and 18, Bunding purposes, for 1000 brick. ,10
on tile land in Nebraska, which was good to return Oct. 22nd. Apply to Aa0rdiaaaelt~tablishingWaterRates, Rules, Buildlngpurpoaea, per pereh of atone, ,05 ~lI~
deeded to the defendant, S. B. Dix. agents C. M. &. St. P. R'y. Regmatlonaual'analties for 11~ ~averament 92~ilding parposes, 100 square yard of plaster, i i
E)~ P~TH[AS. That the goods obtained in eonsidera- of water co:umera : =e Tows of Mr ~raon, Curtmns .
J~Ji~ LODGE No. 96. [ tion of the conveyance of said land to Iowa Day. Lisa County, Iowa. nlack-snliti~ Sholh each add~tmna~ fire, el.SO !
Dix by the plaintiff were not sufficient Board and ~odging houses, special Fur Coll trette,;
Churches, free.
l~s on ~he first in value to pay off the mortgage which For Iowa Day at the Omaha Exposi- Confectionaries, to be agreed upon
~ plaintiff had given to obtain money to tion, the C. M. & St. P. R'y. will sell ex- Be ITORDAINED, by the Town CO UNCIL Dwelling Imuses for frankly of siX, $5.00 each
~e PaY off the mortgage on his land, by cursion tickets at 80 per cent of the of rhoNe.N, LINbIINCOI~PORA'rEDcouNTY, IOwA:TOWN of MT. VER- additionali)yiug andP ra nscourtng,$'50 to be agreeo upon. ~ ~
CoL o~ about $260. The case was tried in standard one way fare. Tickets on SECTION 1. Elevator, special, to be agreed upon. Th Right Season for them
the District court the last of last week sale Sept. 20 and 21, good to return Fountain special, to i)o agreed upon. ~
That the rules, regulations and water rates Gas works, special, to be agreed upon,
0.0 and the first of this week and a judg- Sept. 24. Apply to agents C. M. & St. hereiuafter stated shall constitutes part of the ltalls, special to be agreedupon.
ment was obtained against S. B. Dix. P. R'y, contract with any and all persona supplied with Sprinknng lot ordinary yard or garden, ~)ft. I d~ A SPLENDID A5
William D. Chrenshaw and Henry water by tim water system of the town of Mr.
Vernon~ Linn otmty, tows, sad every pereou, or of hose (nozzle 1-8 in) foe the season fromft April [
let. to October lst limited to tWO hours per [ SELECT FROM, EVEYTHING
DI2EC~fOR . Hines to the amount of $1800, the Commorclal Travolors' Day, person compan~',partnersnipor orporatio~.s day. Sa:t~, for e.~h additional ~0 of~ ~
alleged value of the land. Omaha Exposition, Sept. mg water silall bo considered to aasent to and
have fall notice of all the terms and conditions hose up to 100 ft. $.5~', over 100 ft. special. ~.i.~ ELSE IN
Capt. Charles W. Kepler, of Mr. Ver- 24 ! 898. hereof, a~ he~*inafter stated. Hotels, $~'0.00, or meter rates at ,40 per 1000 gal-
non, had charge of the case for the lens.
~0~ m. plaintiff. It was a hotly contested On account of the above, Sept, 22-23, szcr~(,s 2, Lumber yard, special, to be agreed upon.
=" case, lasting three days. all agents of the Norti~-Western Line An persons desiring to take water~ must Mgn Laundry, $12.(~)
a writt~ n application at the office of the SL't'- Mauufacturies, special to be agreed upon.
will sell tickets to Omaha at reduced ER[NTENDIgNTofti~eWATERWORK'8, etat- Ofitee~,$3A~J
ing fully and t ~e~ for whieh, Photograph galleries, special, to be agreed
the water is to additional use
rates, good until Sept. 26. I I truthfully atl purposes
I=nlnK Ot our . to beuaed, and should ad upon . I
~fS, " - -- -- -- at any time be desired, the person requiring the Prin tlug emcee, with steam engines $10 00 I ~ I)
;' ' u t * t- -.~.~ ~.!; same shall give the 8UPERINTEND~.~'I' of said Printing offices, with gasoli~,4~, '~0a ~7.00 I
e~$ haT,said of nv==~==t~.~r=~ ~.^~o1~.o w=aI WATElt V; ORKtl due notice tttereof~ before said Restaurants, $5.(~) ~'~'~ ~ ~ I
ma~ ~ n@ thr~rsamt.* ~.~* M, ~I, ~t. P, R'y. [ additional use will he allowed 8tables, privat~Aone horset qi'~'~9~ffl~ Ing ]
~ . ~" a """- ~" u carrot-s $1~5 ~or each addition. "d~/2~$ 75 I
[ IA tIung Chang the great viceroy of On July 19, August 2 and 16, Sept. I . . ~ N o . . one%ow,~l. 50 For e~('h additional ~o/v$;'$.'75~,SP $11
Chiua, said: "Nowhere else in the 6 and 20, and Set. 4 and 18, the Chicago [ ,e~r~o~ea,"f. L~'.a~ra~.v!H~.~.e,2.aa~ e,~ .~.5 s~o r~r l,~y?ry .aunt .sa!? ?tab)?~, tnclu.dinfLyarriage |
. ) p ~ ~ ,ut*ta ~ttcz j.~ ;,at~ t.z~t~ a =*= .~ ,~ p ~,u waslllng, notre llDll~e(1 to l-~ln, nO~Zle~ ~l~i,laJ
. world are there such fast and luxurious Milwaukee & St.5 aul R y. will sell ] quarterly, in advan' ~ on the first da~" uf January, Steam boilers, meter rates
I trains as in America. round trip excursion tickets to pointsl " Y' . ~ $'. |
" April, Jul and o abet of eadh year W her tl e Business houses 4 O0
Marnllin ~f'anqsa[~t.n fi~lA msarlh~l r~ {n na l=hw~lt, and annth~rn ~tatea at,water ia u~ed for pug=Poor pl~poseS, SUCh water Stores with vegetable fountaln~ $1.00 per month I
.-'~ a-~-, u .~ ~ "~ ~ ~[ shall be paid fur, in adval}o,the first day of extra I ~
' tne Japanese empire, said: "The speed, rate st one fare plus two dollars ior tne I April and the first day of,luly~, Water closet~ public $4.00 |
roads, i~ a marvel to e. leerning sale of these t e et ca pen [ If water rent ia not paid wh th same shallWash 1)asia ~tatiouar- t~ dwellln~ ~re~ ]
~.~ ~ P=iue~ Hi]koi~l.~tperial.'mirttster bf[Mekegagentof theC M.&St. F. l{'y.|bec.omedue, th.evWater may be tarue~l off at the Warehouse; special. ~ " 8' ' ]
~,) optloor tap ~ow
~; railroads;: of.Russia, s~id: There is I or address Gee. H. Heafford G. t. & T. ] s~c*ms 5 water motor,apeciaJ = . |
~:~ :~ :~'. " " "- " ' water oy me barrel ~ cents per barrel
~ ~ In F Orope to com~ With ~k,Chieago Ill two ore d,
~::~~ ~ " ~ Yogr.ra~.lroaaa. I Ih,gsoccupiedby differentparttes tlrmsor fad,i- Spri, kling, for two b ocks $5 00 per month for[
~ ~.'$1 ~ir rienr- Truman Wood s,eeial I [ lies shall be supplied with water from the same the sea~on of six mouths Sa( 00
~ ~.~aa~ m: re r +'~ ~ ~ u + ' ~.~o:. [Another Heouction Ot Hates Iser~ic~atopbox ;;~= /
~=-~ '"if~d m v ~?~ ~' ~ " to Omaha ~ s=~o~ 0 ~ "
~n~ "r~: ment to the World s Fair in 1893, said I . -,d . 10o to )0 gal per day per M. - . 40 |
. ,~ ~:~p.m, . n Ill No consamer shall suppty water to other per- 500 " 1000- ~"~ " " * - - '80
,+~, ~, that nowhere, i Europe co d thereTourists tickets via the :North-West-
~ ~.~ 8on8 or fanll]ies exce t for ueeon premises for 10(}0 or over per gal, er day per M- 90
~,'~':~', ~ - be fouBdsuchh~uryintrave] and such lern Llne, the pioneer line west and / the purposes speeifi~ln the application ,orI Where water i. aeed~orpurpoees not specified|
~.~ i.m excellent aerv~ice as are given ou the,north-west of Chicago, will be sold,after water ie introduced into any building shall I lr~ ~he for(~gotng tariff, the rates shall be fixed by] ~r
~=: '~,~:~,' =" ""-=~'-='-'~tat"-" ~ ~ ~t + ~ +.~= /any person mage, or employ any i)hlmber, orltheSUPERINTENDENTofWATERWORKS / ~ ~ |
,m ra~w~?~2~ bllt~ u ul~ o v~, . ~urlng <,vp~v~uv~ ~ *.~.r .~.uw .a other person', to make any tap or eOnneciion with ] A l ordinances, and parts of ordinances in con~|
~ 8.1~r.'~,~ Jffal~ IJeI*oy D(~4~udlt~n~ one Ot ~nelAppf to agents Ior iUll particulars. ]the works upon his premises, or alteration or |flictwiihtheprovlsions of this ordinance, are]
~ ~'~'~.~ . wreateet economists of Europe, writes-| " |extentton, or attachment~ without the written ]hereby repealed. Adopted and passed on itaf
-m~ .; :'fi.l~. ,~, o~lnt{nalrlf, trif Eur-,~ h~ th~ hnnd~; I I permit of the SUPERINTENDENT of WATER third reading September 6, A. D. %8 /
today Pa~ ~n " .-~ t m, ,~" .~"~-~y**~ ~ "~a ",~'+ v . . WORKS, a ecifylngthe particular ehan e or al-
lards, g~aa~, i in which it !~ always ~eld vrlvate on- [ Half-Hate Excursion Tmkete I teration to~e made al~d ales the plum~er auth-I W.E. GAI~BLZ. T.A.GoR~[LY /
We~+ ~,~ i tervrise, haS been able to follow only J to Inter-State Grain Pamce [orized to make th~same. [ Clerk. Mayor. /
j ~/ o~.~=~- ~ / with a t~dY step the example of the I Exposition at Aberdeen I sz~o~ ~. I / WITH RBLIABLE QOODS, LOW PRICBS AND PROMPT ~BIR-
,~um a~t s ' " k i "' ~'-~ ='-'
" 1 United 8tats,whmh natron has realm I S. Da eta. I No hydrant except publ c drinking fonntains [ 1
-- railro a~,I I shall be placed within the limits of any street, un- I ~ I1 Vl~, ~ JLWFO~D ~U ~Dr~
~2:~. z~.Lni2~.~ ~a.a sys~e.~ ~mt~,%~=,I VtatheNorth-Western Line, willbe|iesasachhydrantiaeecuraly closed and prote .t u |UI=EI| T=
~e t~ard -= -". ~ ooBammm, r~plulty- emclency, aria a I nd fPin f'lof,ted against general use. and drtnkin fountains
,v[~ U~ ar so u at one rare ior uJe ruu v g
a~Id- ]~r~:m ket, while~Europe envolopedl :'=~.'.'.=.'~'[erectedforpub]icueeshen.otbeUaedaeaeer-JU U" nuulrn/ o=. o ~
' r'~"ti~lnistrati'~e' rmalism w"" "stin I 1 to 8' incmsive Hm"ea ' uc'" 'u" "l'e ' d ~'aUc e~PlY ! /'" THE 01C ST G00DS
~ll~m~-~.- - ]~[~'~ttai-'='~"--~- of*he--'~ ~--u2~^-'lApply to agents Chicago & North-] sz~r~o~ 8 I --- ffi --
"v~U Neigh ,'~J: ' I I through the neg lgence of any persons, by fixtures ] ~1 ~ ~~ J[. / ]I
" . I ah lout of order or sprinkling without apermit, I "~ "--" .--~--- v [
ta~ -;- =~Ii~1 W~*h~ ~ro~ is, ,tl.~ ~ I L/O tO tl~e um ~ I::.xposltlon, I or any violation ofthe water rules, ahan be eu~-,--. / ~ ~I ON 'rHl~ MARKI~T AbID THBY &RI~ ALWAYS ffd}[.D
m~Pa~'n~,t"" Io ~Viathe North-Western Line Excur./Cientcau~otostop the Supply to ench prmiees. IFinest and Best Kept Up/
uli pro~a ~l= D P,slon tickets will he on sale dally, with
I~ I eaMoines. Iowa, Soptember |0, 18~8 [i a I h~.+=.[ ~ e.o,herwl~perml,~ topoock, ehanbe[ RIzs In Town. ] ,m AT FBICSS "[HAT K55P THt~/~ GOING
~I~11~OSO~~:' I The past' week was unseasonablyi'm'~ P'uY'u"~-~'.'""~?"- ~r~t~-'~-v;~'|plac dinthe~rviceplpe ~t,h edg~ofsidewalkl "-" / "~
~[8:80 sojourn, according co ra~e. xnts J3X- near curb line and rotecu~anz~n irou box, by
. : p m [ C0ol. with less than the usual amount [ rest ~.t.---+--n and Bhould [ the style known as~ron extension shut off boX," [ Fourteen Passenger carryall for Ptc- / ~
P a'~tl p m of ' he " v ~l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = ~ ~" u ~ i " T0 SE~CT FRO~ J
~P'~'""'=~ ~ma~= o:~ p m| sunshine. T daily average tem-]h.~ +~ -+!'" ~vervnn'~v ~. - ~'"r further in [ wlthmetalcoverlng, socurolv fastened I ntc and Cross Country Trios . / ~= III
,DIVISION. ]p, f 5to 7 degress .below ]formation apply to agents Chicago &[ 8~c~o~ 10. 1 Passengersta~entothe oun-,: Ill ,]~-~-I1(-}~ t$~1~
Pa~ I Lne normal, l~lght frosts were oDserv-,x~,~+h v~'~t~rn D, [ All persons taking water er~all keep their ~er- ! /
,~ 2~ ~ s~-'" aaam/eainmanvlocalities h,t nn ,t~ma~e/-~u-~''' *:" /vicepipe, stop-cock and apparatua in good repair ~ ~ry aria surrotlnolflg 1 ill
/ :z ."" | a.d protected fro fros at, I * : k, A GOOb PLACE FOR THE FAR'R.
% Payee, get S a0---| re.u,~eu. --? %~uu~ oi ramxa wa~ I One N i~rht to Denver I and no claim shall be made against the town o [ ~ G00b, PLACE
r'ast Express ie'.~: 21 generany ample Ior present needs, ang I "~ ' [ Mt. Vernon Dy reason of the breaking of any main l - . i,FOR THE CITIZEN TO
"- r er art o "The Colorado S ecial " via Chics o pipe service p/pe~ or cock~ or for au other inter we Will 12iS r-maseu
YDIVISlON lintheia g p fthe statethe pas-[ 'P ' * " ~g [m ~ ftho " e Y . ,'l |
mettger ' s so I tures have been improved and the soil [& :North-Western Railway, leaves Chi-| i~'~'u~n chlno~l'P~Y~i r'ygr~ ~o* n fa~.e a~n~n~l. " trt " - "r ! I i!
~,'7:".: ::,p m] moist enough for fall plowing, Seed- |cage daily at 10.~)0 a. m Cedar Rapids / ded,ctlon will be made ~oPr an}' th~e~h~rt' p,lvate |,O rece|ve el ol~[er~ T :O113 new =US= / : =11 s~l~li~lli{"~l~'
"'~" ~.~.~:~p.liug~ffaiiwheatandryeisinDr~`ress~rat3:3~pmandarrivesat~maha1~3~waterw rksmaybefrnze"~ I r mers'wn mltwnlv~ u'en" [ E T GOUGH,
~r~s~'(~;.=:::::' " J with prospective increase in the "here- |P. m. the same day, and Denver 1~30| s~cr,o~ n. t deavor by pleasing to make ( III
e.~ v~. [ age of wheat |the next afternoon. Connections made,The TOWN of MT. VERNONreeervesthoright] ~ m ~m,~ .n ,~ ~l
-- .er es
g~D~TI'8;~'~.''''7:15am] The greater part of the corn crop is/in the Union Depot Denver with|ata~ny?n:~l{~lme)~rt ehUt r%the, water, in. the] " ""]" " [ Ill
-vx~ " " " in S i ~O P t urpu~v u~ p~tr~ng an(1 ClOan- tl
Pa~a- " / now sufficlently matured to withstand [trams to all po t n C lorado and the ] ing the same. and on acconnt of a ehortage of ] IAMBL[ BARH HORTB BF O0 OH $ ],1
,'1, 6 ~- -' 7:15am ]the frost, and a considerable portion is [West. UP-to-date equipment. Daylight/water supplY. I /,~t ~ ill
' All o~, 8|oux l~alls,being cut and shocked The ripenilw/ride through Illinois, Iowa and Cole- ] S~w~ IS /
a /"2 E J" J'H 0 U V I
Pds, Iow. et A~nt. I er in the nea tur ill soonC M & St P R " ' " -
~"" - ]tt~raef~eeLksattOorP~);eatoes need two or/ From now unt,!l Sept. 30th, lY898, the[ /
la ~ / P /C. M. & St. P. R'y. will sell excursion / /
.~. ~entra! R.R. I -- |tickets to Clear I~ake Iowa at one and,h,'2 . " --- /
~~*.~C~oa~a. [ The monthly reports of crop corres- lone third fare for the round trip, good,II /
a~,~p. sfor' re 0 UR
"- ~~ ~@.~[~"dm[pondent 8optembershow the fol-|to turn thirty days from date of| |[ ~ ~ /
~pea~m, 8~!~p ~/lowing average condition of unharvest- |sale II ~ ~Z~l /
~ -~'~'o+~,2 ~:.mP~ led erovs: Corn, 86 vereent, millet 91: This is one of the most attractive sum
~au welt + at Manchester
~L~-.~t. ''a'ch"r|buck~;heat, 89;pota,oes, 75;'appl~:58i/merresortsin the north-west ood[ II ~ ~ /
1~ !~-----------------------~ /pastures, $4. ]boating and oathing. For full par- I I| ~~ ~ I
--- ;~,~. |is34 bu. per acre. on an acreage of ]Agents of the C. M. & St. P. R'y. or,II re. /
. ;~'~'~' ,~,~.~, |8,895,000. The crop is variable, rang-/address Gee. tI. lIeafford, G. P. & T. A. / II ~. II~=~ l~ ~'~ ~'==~ ~ ~-II /
" -'~'~ ling from 25 to 45 bu. per acre in differ- [Chicago IlL,II /
:~-~, ~ ~ lent sections of the state. /,II ~~ : ~ ' -- I -- -- ---- |
nil" The avers eyield of winter wheat is
IT'S } /p,aeedatlS u, spring wheat, 16 bu.;/ Cheap xoo oo / II,u n /
II~ I/'TI~.~, '~|oats, 33 bu.; barley, 28bu.; rye, 17bu.;|ViaB C.R.&N. Ry on Jul~r 5 and| II /4 /! Ill I II II /
'~1~i. !/ II~W ~[ |timothy seed, 4.2 bu.; tame hay, 1.8116, Aug. 2and)6, Sept. 6 an a~ Oct.| I1 x a.~v~ ~ /
I~ - ~" "" ~ /tons an(1 wild hay, 1.4 tons. 14 and 18. On ~nese (lutes tie~e~ goo{i / II /
I1~ ~ 1"~i~' 0 ~ [ This is a preliminary report, and the ]21 days, will b~ sold at rate of One/ I/ That's what .rt tb|nk|rl, folks ale art to call |
tanz~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |final ~epo~t of the season may change[Fareplas $2.00 to all points on this| I/ arnanwhomekes ~, ~,~lno,~ago Ttso',o Che
I' ~ ]~/ngurea. |line lu Iowa. Minnesota aria 8oath| I| luck thOugh; tts steering oloa;,of oha.oe,h Refrigiat rs ap
L ? / IDakota, north of and including Shell/ I[ makes him avoid it. Henever takesohanoes /
]0~,l~l,^ - .~ / ~ount W~rnon [Rock and Abbott Crossing, and to |I] when he can avoid it When it comes to buylng |
~-~,~"qvt ~OR J~ / /Waverly Tmkets at this rate will |I/ a new suit he oes to Bait & Kyle where he
~.~a t .~aanon,- " hi g
:~ ~]~.~""' ~ [ also be sold by all agents oft s com-| |[ knows he ~ll, get honest va|ues an prompt ser- / Cream Freezers Cheap
e th~ ~'~r~JN x | ~rne ~lOU[l~vernon ttawz-r, yesays:|panv to large numbers of cities and[ II ~t~ You oan make no mtstake tn trading with,Ga
| -"" / Eum rs or Ouslness moves and new I~owns in Southern, Western and North- / II them, for they know how to dress men tastily |
e~ortsareintnealr and quite Uze~y r t s full ar~ soline Stoves Cheap
,b |+, .~+~.~.u~o ~, +h ,+ ~ ]e n own . For p culars call on / I/ and unexpensively, not too oheaply, but deltght. ]
|St Pleasur~ ~, ~ ]f~r as = ~-ow the, ore all des~-ahl~ ]agent B C. . & N. Ry. . dress,I| fully well, so their friends slap them on the (
-" ~es R J, M t~ON, G, I, & T back and say Lucky Dog.
~lern lowa[-~ Cs rt :~ |and hkely to prove of mutual advan-| ~=a~r~anids I~ ] I} ]
:l~mo~;;io.~a ~ [tage. Theooming season gives fair/ / I| it r'l~-~ .r~ P v-r r~w'. ~11"~x~t~-~ ~ |
Ie'a'~'E~'"2:Eha.~, |promise of being a healthy and ener-| ~ .~^,I1 AKI~ YUH UNC UE' 1Hl~/~( |
=sonaDI ~Ju i~,1'-~o/ /rlll ~ r~l l~ --" --
~ tl si m n A cons an
;l'~:;:a~le ~' |ge "cbu nessca paig. t t'/ " / II |
r :1 .ares. ~ /~n~nfroe~:l~gttraad~gMPt?~r~SonC. n~ng|Low Rates. Special Accom-| ]~ ~ ~ ]
~" ii X |ivity denotes healthfulness and attracts / . ! I/ 1 I~ ~ ~l U I I,/
I [attention, As nothing succeeds like/ October is the ideal month for travel-,I! ==1 P ~ / I"--1 1 I i ! t
i[NC. |success, activity constantly creates and ling, and parties who desire to visit,I/,a ~ ~ 1 ~ ' ',14
~e~"~LIIU[r~['FS ~arousesactivity." We are uot sur- |fr!euds in the east should avail .them:| I/ ~ r /
I~NT /prised at what the tIawk-Eye says, It |se~ves of tne extremely lOW races or ! ,! /
= jr .tl.Jll I lhas by far the best advertising patron-[fare for the Triennial Conclav~ of,|~ BAIF I,(YI E !
"~I~I~L~ /age of any weekly paper in Iowa. This/Knnights Templar to be held at I itts- / I/ /
~'~I'~"]t~ ~ ~ l.~ ~ ~ |proves that the merchants of Mt. Ver- [burg Oct. 10-14~ 1898. Tickets good 30 [ I~ |
I -~-','-'~ m. /non are up-to-date merchants. It didn't/days trom date of sale. The trip will ] ' ' " ' ]
~|used to be so. There was a time when linclude Washington D. C Baltimore, [ /
t the Hawk-Eye's home advertising pat- I Gettysburg, Norfolk Navy 3~ ard, Old /