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September 16, 1898 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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September 16, 1898 |
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First-class accommodations an~
, . prompt service. Bus meets all train~
~!}i. and passengers and baggage trans.
~ ferred +to any part of the city. Of.
+ '~:' rice at Central House. "
East Mal n Street
next tO Publlo
r 8ohool~,
.i~.~:~ pA~S, ENeERa TAEE2f .TO
Dr. T. I. Mntcheli
need a university in every congression-
The Neighborhood. al district, nor a college in every county
A Linn county institution that has in every one of our forty-four states.
attrac, ted a.great deal .9f attention at We hail every indication of right unt-
umana anG tne ~xposl~lon Ot late Was
the Mentzers Drill Corps This infor- flcation and each hmt that we are to
mal military company of Marion has save our cnurcn euucattonaI zrancnme
always created enthusiasm with its before the whole mass of undigested
marchin.~ exh!bitions and a.ppearance material fritters itself away. Method-
aria evlaentally given Marlon more o~as a so,~ ~ ,~,]
lave l a vert lsm exceeumgty a, -",
rab e d ising than any feature . "
of the kind in the county. Marion al- lege, university and post graduate euu-
.so has a Military band that is making cational Moses."
ner neighbors envious. ,
The Cherry Sisters--another Marion BUSINESS LOCAL.
enterprise--appear to be passing. They ,
were recently billed to appear for an . .
entertainment but not a person turned Good Enough to 1 aKe.
out. It is quite evident the people are
ready to let them pass, never to return 'l'ne nnes~ quall~y oz loaf sugar IS
. usea in tne manulacmre oI unamner-
* * ~
laln's Cough Remedy and the roots
A. R. Bixler has recently put into his used in its preparation give it a itavor
field three car loads of cattle, which he similar to that of maple syrup, making
bought at Bertram, Mr. Vernon and it very pleasant to take. As amedmine
Mechanicsville.--Clarence Sun. for the cure of coughs, colds la grippe,
croupe and hooping cough it is un-
Th~ u'-+ro+^- n Pres~ -l-- ~'<~+o ~ [ equaled by any other. It always cures,
. ~.~''~YW",~,% :. ~"~?.~ I and cures quickly. For sale by Haesei-
pa~en~ meulclne aus.' lz l~ uraws me I . e+ r ~+.h o.a *ho ~;*. t)ho.~.~
~1 ~ J~s u ~a~ ~*~ vavj .~ u ~LU j
exch h l e al n ha n 1 5
ange "st in o g t t co d'tionI,"
it would not have many papers to read, [ ]:he pain of a burn or a scald is at-
mores the pity. [ most instantly relieved by applying
* * * J Chamberlain s Pain Balm. It also
The HAWK-EYE desires to extend I heals the injured parts more quickly
congratulations to the Lisbon Sun'over I than any other treatment; and without
the ~mnrovements to its workin~,nlant I the t)urn is very severe noes not cave
"e ~w~ hav~ a r adv ~.i~n~d' ] a scar For sale by IIaeseler ,~ Leigh
whLh l e,men " --. D-
Our old neighbor and oldest competitor J ana the o~ty t narmacy,
has had a number of administrations ] A ~ood 14-inch lawn mower for onl"
during the time the two papers have I ~2 50Sa* t~hamh~-~ ,~ ~+~ i ~'.
been~in more or less common fields, I
but we have alwa~(s worked together [ tie,ton & Kyle's for all kinds of
under the mos~ cordial ira~ernal rela- [ shoes and rubber goods
tions. The Sun has always been a[
characteristic paper and if it has [ Don't fail to see the new Pendulum
enemies that hate, as may naturally be [ Washer at Chambers & tIerrlck's.
IIalf Jersey. ANDERS ANDER8ON. Depot telephone at Neff's.
THE Pictures and Rhyme, by
,& ' + IV| E,R C
has been selected as the Official Route from Iowa to the 27th
Triennial Conclave Knights Templar, to be held at Pittsburg, Pa
Oct. 10~h and 14th. This company will run a ---- IN---
Special Train of Pullman Sleepers, Coaches, etc
Through to Pittsburg. icat :0 Intc]
The Special will leave Cedar Rapids Saturday evening, Oct. 8, after
arrival of all evening trains and will reach Pittshurg via B. &
O. R'y, Monday, Oct. 10, at 7.~O,a. m.
Tickets on sale from all points Oct. 8 to "12, good until
Oct. 31 at rate of
Special Train Excursion from Pittsburg t0 Washington 5~nda~ Inter Ocean, Beginning
Round Trip only $8.00.
Tickets will be sold at Ptttshurg to Baltimore, Old Point Comfort Woehl Inter Ocean, Beginning
and to all poira/s within 260 miles at Ptttsburg, located in
Central Pagsenger Assooiation territory at Rate of
One Fare For the Round Trip. Address the
undersigned for pamphlet giving full
information, or callon B ~. R.
& N. agents for rates, etc.
J. / IOR];ON, G. P. &. T A Order from newsdealers or by mail
Cedar Rapids, Iowa. THE INTER OCEAN,