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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
September 18, 1941     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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September 18, 1941
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1941 1 a~d women ana one man or the ~ota['~ I The annual' reumon o~ the t elgh] 'a~d"to the f the t:olleglateMO instituteERNONwhichECORDwas younVOI~Amemca IJfull of lee The VERNON HA%VKEYE VOI,U,ME I,XXI NUMBER 47 THURSDAY, SEPT]E,~M[BER 18, 1941 UNT V ~ " R UME X V, NUMBER 4 ------- ------- ----- -------- -- 7. ) : : ::--=--: Andy Bobst Shot In I Kohl Sale About Set : .::;==--: 01NT Dlt Reappointed Here - *- -- - - REGISTER 231 IEV BOSTROM IS Returns To Lisbon t ERFEC I W THE .{ I LeIt uana AuG wrist i Record In Lisbon " . , EY AS PASTOR o ,o,u, NEW STUDENTS REAPPOINTED TO . OPENS LISBON S llwVn/ ll ]injury to his left hand and wrist ,~v ~*~l~lvrlW Kohl estate held by John E. and ! Wg~ll~g~llr ~llWVrli~lll ~': ~:~!*i~ :i lilvmvlvli wrlel lilrmm~mlw, l/l/ /HI I KI H i ~[l~s~~~ ]when a 22 calibre rifle was ac- I1~i I'lll~NIk I / Samuel P. Kohl, on Tuesday, was ill I%KIIRI I HIII~i-H /ll~iNIl~l/K Ktt III lIAr ql./-rlla qi,/llltJli~ll,l eidentallydischarged Tuesday 111 ~~,/qIJFIl]Ll, one of the best sales ever held in, i,iKl~i3qJl~l ~/Sll,/ll.lIJJ[l IK]Ll, lllIJ~id II]LIi~l./ g/ri ~~~ morning Because it was a rainy ~ IAsbon Herman Pieper bought ~ I r i d~ R,nner At ~~~ im rning and he could not paint, "i" .~ ~.o~IG[ 1(I/I rrgt the resl lence for $2250 and the Canfannml Calohra I l{rnntl?~aaf~ral,ma *~ ~ ~' ~' " . i ~~~ I he and Mrs. Bobst went to the Jim lVWet t.~;ta~a !second lot for $100. There were ,~ -ffi~-~f~'~f ~-~'~---~" i :: I ~ ~ ~. t lie M O r I e v] ~~~ tPetriek timber near the Palisades Camnu tates e on house to hon Marked Year I Uu As Pauer es e - * - 14 S . . Go !" = t~t --~ ~~" j park, where Mrs. Bobst looked for ~ r j ~ $2.000 and three to $2,150. No T a ~'~ ~ i : ; 1 r~ ~r~ Local unange nuts hunte s.u rrets. Representea undo," w re aeeepte . ! JUS UIOSe(1 :: / tO tress ! ~~:~:. -' AS he reached up to pick a nut ~ Mary I~ee bought the 24x28 foot -------- W. Glenn Rowley was re-I~~ from a tree the rifle which he The state with the largest rep- frame barn for $130. At the annual meeting of the i Old King Sol looked on krnnt tted as pastor of the Mount ~~: I was carrying over his left arm resentation in Cornell's class of '45 Household goods sold for $750. Upper Iowa conference held at i : i town congenially at 5 43 He Methodist church for his ':'; .~. slipped. The gun was cocked and is Iowa with 104. ]llinois is see- i Buyers were present from all over Iowa Falls last week Rev, Win. promises to smile on the big jubilee l year at the annual meetingI ' :: ]as he tried to catch it the jolt dis- ond, wi'th 93, and Wisconsin and i to bid on the antiques. Someone D. Bostrom was returned to the [until 6:05 when he will turn the Upper Iowa conference of I '<" ,/ I charged the soft nosed bullet into Minnesota are both well represent- I had clipped a copy of the sale adv, i Lisbon charge for a third year. .~::i~~" ] guardianship over to the stars. Rhodist church in Iowa Falls I ~ ] the palm of his hand and out thru ed. Other states sending students II in the Hawkeye and sent it to an I Rev. and Mrs. Bostrom have be- ~ Kraut day never opened more adjourned on Sunday after- ~~:: the wrist. Blood spurted from theto the Mount Vernon campus are l antique dealer from Galena, /]l !come well known figures in the ~ auspiciously. The bahniest of I~~ Iw und. A handkerchief was tied Colorado, California, Ne~v York, lwho came with his truck. Most of]L|sbon community as a result of ~ ~ /breezes just stirs the atmosphere reception in honor of Dr. I~~~ /around it and he drove the car to Kansas, Pennsylvania, North Dako-Ithe prices were too high for a deal-itheir two years of labor in this ~I'I~W ~ i sufficiently for comfort. Not a 4rs. Rowley which was to ! ~i~lll~~ i the doctor's office, where the ta, South Dakota" Ohio, Oregon and i er to pay. I field. ~~1~ ~ i cloud floats the sky and the tern- )Sen held this evening in the I '~.> ',~ I was dressed and he was given anti- Nebraska. Julia Liu. Peking, Chi- I A drop leaf extension table sold Highlights in the work of the : ~ perature is comfortable. Those dlst church parlors has been I ~~ Itetanus inoculation, ha, is the only foreign represents-i for $21, a walnut high boy with Ipast year have included a number ~: ~lwho want warmth need but to step *aed until next Thursday l~ Mr Bobst tv still suffering a tire 1mirror for $26, a 9x12 foot Anglo I of features in connection with the ~lout into the sunlight and those g, Sept. 25th. DR. ~V. GLENN RO~VLEY I great' deal but had a much better (~'n Tuesday, the opening day of Persian rug for $40 and a 3x5 ft. celebration of Lisbon Methodist's ~ ~ who prefer cool, can bask in the CHANGES MADE ~ rest last night than the night be- classes, James Macaulay, director Anglo-Persian for $10. Feather centennial. Among these were a ~l~:~lshade. So, for weather, the day is raaD ,~,mh~. ,~f chan~,es is l fore. of admissions announce l that 231 beds sold for $7.00 and goose feath- Christmas pageant recounting the ~ii~,~ ideal. And for kraut and enter- this year in "the .t~)~,-"~oint- Ill ~[7 |][ {1 lll~ I ~-. new students have enrolled for this]er. I pillows for $3 50 to $5 50 a pair ]Christmases past as the Lisbon - i tainment Lisbon is matching the o f the ehar esll LV.ll. . ]]r~. iyear's work. Of that number 1071A 1920 Kolster radio brought $201church has observed them. Ahis- ~) /veeather. This combination Is 'han'~'-~ However there re I I JL~J[. J~J~tC~; xv.xua~x Jars freshmen women- 110 fresh-/and a Westinghouse refrigerator tory of the church was published /unbeatable and means a glorious i~ten eharzas vet to be sup- Ashes Are Interred [men men', 12, transfer men', and ]$49 A walnut bed brought $28 /bYT Rev,F Bostrom during the year. ~ ,idaYr w f ientertainment and a record ,~ith .~astors SEASON v, FRIDAY . ~. . 10 transfer women, and asmall drop leaf table $11. he ~aster observance was made ~r~ r . T~-t l eo'd s anticipated. ~01nt,~:.~+o ,~'~4~ + nd I I In L;aniornla I Thirty-six members of the class ] A crowd estimated at 1,000 at- ] memorable by the presentation of ~). 1% Wilson l l es i Mid forenoon finds the reserved ~'ns'are"~ I i"sbon ~Vv'-D-Bos--I The Mount Vern----%n high school[ ------- l are ministers' children, i tended the sale. Somecme eounted t~L Cantata arranged and directed ~[]l[r~|l D^ TLI"AI 1 13~ %~1-- streets nicely populated with a t;~l,n ~-.'~ ~,u~ted"M~chan I will 0hen the 1941 football season I Mrs. Lloyd MeCuteheon received 1622 NOW ENROll,LED I ] 50 cars parked on the streets near / by Mrs. G. L. Hill. In this lll l.)l~ l-ll~llL! l' l'ltli:l y t moving crowd and groups of old o.:'-" ~'~'~" ~ ~x' (~ ~ ^~'. [,- ~ ~.~ + ~ m when *h-~ ~lav ] a letter this week from Mrs. I-Ior- I " . .", . : the sale. Walt Challis was the presentation three choirs Joined ------- t friends are forming knots for con- ,~.wvuu, ~ ~,~.~ ~, "~ "~ ~ ~" - ~ ~ . i-resent total enrollment ls bZZ. . 1 V Orlando P Wilson born May v rs tip ~lle Morle-" Claude E Run the DeWitt high school on the local ]ace A Miller of Altadena Calif. I l auetmneer and G. L. Hill and Har- the r Glees The Thankoffering " ' I e a n and hand shakes and ,~, - ~ne a]s~muuuon m as io~mws: z~, ] ~5 1862 in Poweshiek county ~am~ ff K Delahooke field This will be the first game in which she said that on Septem- . ry Sizer of the Lisbon Bank & service of the W.S.C.S. recounted . ]already some have taken to the ~enf ~'~=~-~ I~lnr] ~l-o~.lclif.~- th~ |~o.1 h c]or *h I ber 8 a few relatives accompanied[Iff~snmen' ]u~ ~ornen, ~v me~: ]Trust Co. the clerks. /the history of that organization Iowa, passed away at his home in ]settees that line the midway and -- ~ - ~ SOphomores u0 women ~t~l I isbon at 2"40 am Wuesda after' ~, Benn~et~:~l~o't)er~'~Iarsl~all Ivision of the ne~" athletic coach her to the cemetery and interred men ~00 'unio'rs 51 women, 49' ~ land was well received. The new i Y i wlll be a retreat all the day and I J Methodi t an illness of several months evenin ~0 ' ' '] the ashes of Dr Miller in the Al- ; ' ' s hymnals were purchas- ' ' ' . g. Llth and Baldwin" Harold Lloyd Goettel. " sen ors women 40 Thirty Attended ~i~witt -~" is takln~" "ost The ~robable starting- line up I brook family lot Dr Snudden ' '---' ' ~ ' . ,-~ J-~ ~r . led and dedicated at an inspiring He ~as' united in marirage to All concession spae.e has been ~te ~',--~'~';'P-orrett Seminary aceordin~ to Coach Goettel "'will assistant pastor of the church Mrs: imen'. ]v nere are ~ stuaents no~ I I~eunlon uI Lelsrn / service of music early in the ]Florence A. Durbin, Dec. 19 1889 sold and occupied. The rides are L v ~, I ~",~ ~ compJe~e]v regmterea WhO arenot / -~" ) s rin~. ' I at I Isbon The first years of their in (ommission and the children r qlS ~ be" R E John Wonne" a W Har 2shier attenas peers(1 a prayer ~ " ' i ~, ~," a e ~ro: dl G~?ndodI ~nd;CIS:uadellan Barrett R G Rol~ert" Gaines: l~:hlchconcluded the service It included in this distribution.FiveI School On Sunday / During June a Memorial service ]married life were spent at Gibbon happy Carnival hats move about ,; . " i speem~ stuaents are enrolLea routt ' Nebr where Mr Wilson tau ht tn~ . ~ ~]~ ~nd Mn ~v I Howard Fisher' L (3 Dave I m planned to hold a memorial ser-, ' -----7 I was held during which tribute was ] ~, : " " g I the boulevard and beneath them e rl C ~r a r Bi'inks' L W Ra mond "Lake" L E vice for Dr Miller in the church * " /P " aithful founders and g -' g i~. ppointment.s for the Up- = y ~ .~ ' ~" "' I h~n ~ho ~:t.r .~. r~ enrollment 317 are women and school two miles north of Mount work rs of h later moved to York Nebr and bo s and irls are assemblin ne r ,~t conference In the maven i war(] r~emenway' u2 ~ oonn w ~ -~- .~n~ ~ mort [ e t e church in long time Y g - g a. ~strict are as' follows" " - ' Wolfe" R r~" L~aumrd~" :'" " ~eraneK "~ . I turns. ~ I vernon was ncm on ~unaay. About [ past. The window, depictin~ Christ II became York college, where he l the vaudeville stand, ready for the I~u,h Superintendent. Mr. 'Vernon L H Btll Milholin; F. B Har- The many letters with beautiful [FRESHMEN ARE TAI~EN'rED ~ohui~tYt::ired~rese?t ff[eth:h:~l:c- knocking at the door was re-dedi- ~a:yght :h: t::tiYe:rl~'us?nfteerW::d sports races. At ten o'clock the ~ett~-* ~ .:.:~,r^ k. ~ ]old Herring Others who will see land fine tributes received from l Saturday evening's Freshman l ~. . . . "leated at this service after under-I g g,-I band of fifty-two pieces sent har- L" "lservice in the game are: DonlMount Vernon friends and kind Talent show indicated that this gTrn~ne:d :Psoecn~:?eafta?::2~ PTn going considerable repair, ll?ege~s whf[er hd~s toasTghto/trithl~fee monies on the air and will beon ~a~-j. K. Delahooke. I I uetttoh~nn Hubert Dvorak Dell,wishes for her had helped greatly ] );ear's freshman class has a wide ] . ]CENTENNIAL PAGEANT i Y p g n s, r. I the program off and on, until the r',-~ou*a~' (P.O, Maqu~keta)--D.u.thel Rochester C. naroldPerry' II rowers ~-" /- ~'~)am: ~raws ~eo r*mer-~'~ ~[ she said. She wishes she could. ~[ v,~H~-tyL--';^~" u.^~' L,~,~,t*--'~"+ and ---U~llal abll- ,] the aosence of the president, Art i The climax of the year's observo l and Mrs. Wilson returned to Iowa, ] final concert at 9 o'clock. " -- Iman aria" Jumor- " r~ocn'" :' answer, each one and be able to l ~ty m severa~ Hel(18 o~ e~ltcr'-tn~a . ]u'am, w-no was II! anu uname to arises came on June 22rid, when a'where ne taught in some of theI It's 11.50. and the. kraut feasters . I attend the meeting was presided rou of sore district schools later engaging in are linin u for the free feed The ~ra (p. O. Mr. Vernn)--J. B. Eye- Barrett is captain of the team tell her friends how much their merit. The program including v r g P e seventy-five people, . g P ' ' expressionsof sym ath had * v rom a - " ' in ct to ~ e uy ~. 11. ~owman wee prem- Iold and young perforined admir I ~armmg near ~moon ana then Ilines are stretching up the avenue Creek Ryan (P O Hopkinton)-- I and a letterman. Other lettermen I P Y I e erytnmg ~ Damns g a t dent ' I ' - ' ~ . " '" " " " ' ' '~bl~ in ~,~+~- ,-~-~n+ an t+~o~ came to town retlrlng snout twelve a DIOOK and a half and LIl rrow. I in the lineup Friday will be Fish- I meant to net. A grand niecetrom I harp solo follows: I w i ~'~ ' " - 1 . will need ~r~?~a~ M~euwnttt(P.O. Mount Ver-]er, Blinks, Beranek, and ]rIerring I SPokane, Wash will live with I Phyllis Stevenson--organ pre- grins ~a:'plesnngte~n t~?ael~?~)y Pi ss "Forward Through the Ages." This ~e~lthag on aceoun or famng an hour and a half for service. ~- p.~ wo,~ ~.~.t u uo~ I HOME GA~IES I Mrs. Millerthisfalland attend ! lude" Douglas Anderson--imitation I ~ ' . ~. : t pageant and the Christmas pageant I - I Lisbon is going into its biggest " -- ll ' ~ .~ary r~eaty, ~mn county nurse, were both wrl He is survived hy his wife one kraut da L, f Other home games will be with IcO ege. I of Democratic convention: May l t tten by Rev. Bostrom. I ' . I Y' ~l City-Coggon-wauoeeR--M C ~ I ~ . ~. ,~. v ^ i ttHu ~%ouerL oonnson, [ormer teach- The efforts of this '~ast -,ear will ~ orotner, ~*ran~ J. WilsOn or l-lUnl~- I STRE~ SPORT~ ]I~.E~IT|,~,~ ~, " " I wes~ r~ranen uct. 1' university ~ ~ orL--vur~ ~u~u, u~ ,~ov~y,er in +h~ ~h~l ~ +~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ I, ~ ~ * -- ~-- ~ - ----~ -- ~ ' ' l,~ ~ ~ ~ t,~ --,~o s,-~n be Ion rem lllgtOll t-arK L;allr three starers ,hce---A B Chamberlin ] High Oct 17th" and Anamosa on ~l~l~Tl'll ~l~ Night"" Mavis Crouse--acrobatic t g embered and the I .~ -~- - ' . - " . ' I The races are over Gouchee took .~ ' on war ana Its EEect on the Church i r mrs. ~'ran~ A Norton of Dells A. G~y.?. tOrt. 31. II,IIKNEI.I. ,~|~|:11~.11~!dancing, accompanied by Ivan]Home, bvDr W G Rowle ;:" . .s icher for ,having had]Plaine Mr- ~.]nh r'h + ~ ,~ ]the Boys' 50 yard race. Marie ~:~T~,: ,Y'~'~'~. ~ev'~ ~ i v~. "~'iMadcr and Bob Woolson" Fresh-] '.~- " .' " :~- fl'~-ttne ]nsp]r)ng ]eaaersmp of tne~rl~ ? .v iBoxa was first in the ~'irls race ~ ~: o~. *~v~H~ o--~c~0 ~ ,z.y .~.~ . : ' tUl"O[ tile 1OUllt vernon ~v~etnoo- resen t;eaar l~.aplds and Mrs Joe A ~ " A W Gable N man chorus--directed by Dorothy p ~ ~ t minister. ' ' " Millicent Ho ard 2nd Busts Har- o School Monda istchurch and one on "Rural I Powell of Dewey Okla also see- " gg ~.Ch, hCharlotte---Paul V. Clemente. ' Y HOLD PLEDGE WEEK Beach I Many have expressed their hap- ' ", ' G Fort ~ :~ ' . ! Schools in Former Years " by Rev ~ +~.^ ~,~ ~. . ] erM nieces and nephews ris 3rd. Free for all, Lee McHenry .~Stanford Strasahl. ] The Mount Vernon grade and ! I .~van Maser ana 14oo woomon-- i Jame~ Ballz Donna' eisle .qa~," ]~ :.~oo ~ ~j,= .~.**y aenon In I Funeral ~ervie~ ~.~'dno*~n h I first Jim Cook 2nd Don Frink I~on--(To be supplied). I ht~h sehant x, fll h~ a,~,~oa ,~. i ,~ -- ]piano duet" Mariorv Hetland--vo-: ~ ~,' ~ ~" ~" !returning the r~ostroms to IASDOnt "" a l City--E E Voigt .:." "'" .-- t uampus social groups are not- ,Z,c + { ea ~wo pronG numoers. [ Methodism for thor v~n. ~ t~ev. w~m. D. Bostrom, will be held ~th~d ~. ~- cal solo The Th]of,auG ~Ci~, D'. Bost " [:Monday =no tne~. teachers can. at-i tug pledge week this week. Fol-I:uar:~t ' Bett" Si~v~r~/~: ~'"'~ill [ The new officesr elected were: I = ]at the home at two o'clock Friday I, ~acl<~,qo.arace~ .arney ~ l~easmore~ ~'~r.~D. D. Whitmore i tend the Tri-~ounty uemonstration lowing iv a list of each group's ~ ~,~" -~ ::~ ' "- *":~. ".~ ~ Roy Bowman, president" Miss Sara I TT * I-~. l afternoon Burial will be in the I ugene ~ova i~an~-tJamancne--~. ~ masdn. I center which will be held in Aria I ~rOOKS, tSOD w n][man, ~tnd (;narles $ ' ~l~l]rn~lltlrt~ar ~l~ ". ~oo ~*. ' 13rd ~eta-Iron Hill--H D Green i . Y " " I pledges: [ Row]e-' P-*-;e'~ "~-" I l~lrKpatrleK, vIce president; Miss i ~t~aaa~aaa~a~al~ Vl~ ~ LmDon cemetery. I ' most on tlaat day This meetin ~H ~ ~o~my, ouurH~; ' khee Chamberl Three legged race Beaamore and E.~Irotr?u;---cWlaudHeenke." Runner. ]win be for town and rural scho~lR2te:e ~nI~leBA:h::f?rd'EaB:~ lharp solo; Barbara Leiberknecht--- treasurer and ~nss sD;e~:r~.e~2hd, Chooses Lessons .^ -. w,l~ m !, ,~ Dahn 1st Kaliban and Petersen ~rca'aicsville-Stanwood--R. H. Supples. teach r 1 vocal solo "Indian Love Call"' - ' ' [lll]KNll:y ]2nd Go n v e s from Cedar Jones and assmt nt i uchee a d Bo a 3rd l~rest0n (Federated)--E. J Starr. ' I Dows, Bob Menkemeller Jim Eyre Bil ,~ a secretary and treasurer. I ~ " [ll~ Baldwin (P 0 Mt Vernon) Llnn counties. It is being sponsor ' ly and Betty Lane--piano solo; The p,o~ram committee for n-v, The first meeting of the Lisbon I--v~li~''lll'lA FINALS t Shoe scramble Dan Farey 1st ~ ~.u *)uu Dy~ Merx~in risman ~ ""~ ' ' ~'t~i~'ao~h;alnln W McMichael led by the. State Department of I A. X. E.---Diek B]akinger Std I Ted SehwCrtz vi~ltnFr:on?: horn.[ year is: Mrs. Ruth Yeisley, IrwinI AdoUldtaH nle~takntng class ~'~ts held t I~]L~|~ t-l~[],l~l~]l[~Tflt Merl.e I~epler 2rid and Kenneth ~-r~'~ ~' . / t-u~)[ie Instruction m cooperation,~-~-~ ~ ~ - I -- * " i Coppoek Mrs Rhea Davis Chair- : Y g the n~gn school IIil11.1 I~ ll~|~ll[|~lll~ ~]ggms ~ra. ~"~ ~ncecil R. Miller. Iwith the county superintendents of l Ralnh ~ev ~r Ana w~l t'~RO~V INC[ATDI~ *~ ,~KIT [and table committee" John Cord^~ i auditorium. At this time the I ~ idllaAli~tl~l [ P g g Y Y Y g Vern Cook and Harold Hoffman Randall 1 tl 1/ I' (substitute is'Don Eberle. "' Thallialt---Jessie Mae Hannum ~' 11 New k ' w " will be ab " ' National Convention ~ii " ' From 12'40 to 1'00 -m Richard " ' " " - were the team members from Lis 0 1 0 ly marked and eared for p ana ~)orm 5aason in To n Ha Yor sters ill enjoy You le ! Church [Lbublic is invited to attend / Rioh*~r ~'-~ ~,~' ~ ~'a I " { Spencer made hisdebut in Holly- I to fill your every need from Crae-, bon They eomneted with 48 boys l Stodola 1 0 1 / . . en ~ ~- o.~r.e Am ri v 1 1 ~ .~trs ~l.artan ~rtggs went to Mil iv t which will be held in I '~.:' ~a'~'~."~ 7 1 ~ Iwood Bowl, appeared In the e - j~ner's ast stocks. You'l a so I from the other~ Vocational A~-ri ] "" """ I " . " [~reh.A reader will explain i is Shake-"e~r ~" 1Lester Coleman ls Working i can opera "Gettysburg, sang Joe [ find values that will appeal to you [ culture schools in this ",art of the I r/|~,~ ~ ,~ a,~A I~ |IA.~ [ on gaturday to be I~tu ~ ~1~ ~ ~ ~UU~IALUL~ Dlll ' r ,- ~.auH,~.~ ua~; ~ua pre~ent at committee meetings and Iq re as it Is flashed on the I Lod-e -" T--r ' ~ I On Doctorate At S U I I in "Showboat " and played the I as much as the clothes will to your ] country This was a "ractice ~ud- 1 t s at m u ~ve vrom ~ ~, - J m r attend t L Ito 4'00 nm Iaverne'Colltn~ ~,t' t I " "" [leading role inDunsany's opera]children. Craemer's cordially in- ]lng meet to help get the boysread;li~ ease .~nu wash house I . . he. National American Le- 'UPlete program for the cen- " Lester Coleman has resigned his "The Unknown Warrier " He Is a vit~ you to this opening this week for the Dalr Cattle Con re ~ ------- I g]on-Auxmary convention in ses- ~'e ]Ave, Arthur Foster, Second Ave I " [ " ~. .I :~ [ y g SS at[ A grease and wash house is be-[siGn from Mcmday through Thurs ~eoratlon Willappear m e rch m w I h graouate ot the ~astman ~cnoo[ ena ]be' ] Dean Lusted is Foster's substitute' ] position as a res a che ist ' t ] ~ ] " t Waterloo, Sept. 30. [ lug butlt On the west side of the t day " eK~ r~awKeye M nl Cor at Laurel or Mumc aug has mace two trans |" ' " ]John Becker Third Ave. Francis]the ~ asp te p ,] ":. : . "[~t~ ~w-~-o [ ~ IZimmer Garage building In Lts-t Mrs Briggs is chairman of the Ho m ' Miss and he and Mrs Coleman conunenta[ tours, l 11r~, l~.~l[tll[yll bOWl20~l, ll$ * ' ' L "~--~'~-'---- / od aker. substitute. I 1 I I State Veterinarian To Sveak {bon. Dimensions are 15 feet by {Iowa delegation National resolu- Don't Burn Leaves/ ---------- [have moved to Iowa City whereI ~ecause or the ~lne support g~v- IWllI ~e Tuesuay, ept. ]A. ;photo ~J|,~k~ o L ~ ~ 136 feet giving- room for ~reasin~- ~-- ' ~ ': . - I~--~(" ~ -~ 0 ~ ~- ~ ,~- - I Lester has enrolled~ at the Universl-, ~ ~ I en the lecture and .entertainment, I --------- I ~ffi~ ~.~,~.a, ~a~a~t o~nOOl ~vlon. i and ~ashi--~ ~'u crauons ~'at the" v t ~,u[~ ~;*~ttirx[l~n, an(] was appomtea [ CK Top raving t neastv urug ,~t.r~ Is I ^-~-,- +~ I cours~ last venr h. t(~v.~ n~o [ Mrs Kathrvn Lows will hold a[ "------ ] ~ P ]to nominate Mrs. T. A. King for ~l~g to--'---'--the townspeople of Remodeled and M odernlzed [(~ ,~/o-UehemTstr~. ? He :~7 an ass!st- ?hdr:lx~e::e:e~onfitu;r:utd~ngCltr~ [ oClnOsithg, ~:b:alsola:n -~ h;:ekre:otd(~?ce iyeTrrinaKrl2VofS ou? taEX eo el n ~aeTe ttn]sma~ledAnh?hist nhe7 ;:r~.ady wN~toiOna:ntVitce sZeth?n;~ra the:nS~,~.~ rue [Vernon not to start burning The Ralph Heastv Walgreen ant at the vmversity nosp~ta~ :. v *~'l . ." will be the main speaker at the( A new 1942 Studebaker Cham- Tuesday and attend ,~tn-""" bbish "-, o I laboratory Their new address is / and the committee voteo to give i mile vgesI: O[ ~UI:I1E I mnes south { ~ ~. ~ - ~ -,-- ~- ~- a,~,~ + ,~, I ~ (i other ru on the I drug store has just finished a eom- I :,~ " ! this remarkable number as a ' of I tsbon on Tuesday Sept 23 I ,Asuun ~,gnt ~enooL ;w ~, ~epL p,uu * ~ u*~ ~,o~,~z ur I conventmn recluses Mr and Mrs ~tck top paving is now in plete remodeling and modernizing .-z ~as~ a,rc ov, a ~,ty. bonus Ne~.+ia;i ='~ comm'encin~ at 11 o'clock A'list' 122 at 8 o'clock. / ~ I A. Davis, Harlan Briggs Harold ett~ soon the eyes will r ~ll~ " " I p ogram. A new asphalt tile ~ ~ talent for the rest of the course is ling and complete description of ])r. Stouder will take up. orob- [ Mr. and Mrs. McHugh Attend ]Davis, Mr. and Mrs B. C. W'almer, ~"~llando:ggfi[esn?'ill Tbe if!oor, was ]a!d and new f!oqreseent 1A.A.A. Electrons Friday ]under way and will be announced ]the snle offering will be found In /lem:en~?:ling S:imth :(imV:Stw il1 loss I Postmasters Convention ]Miss Clara Bittle, Ed. Reyhons and ~,- " ugntmg oqu~pment instahed in the / -- ~,~ " / nn ~dv ~ w ~ ~h~]~ t p ' . also i ] Roy E. Kohl ~tOp surfacing will not stand [store and show cases, . The lateht~,A meeting to elect township ] I~,~" ;7",'1 o ""n wH";?~-~" "'" be spent on present, management, Mr. and Mrs.-----"-John E. MeHugh -----------------' ~t ~ s o ~ oe the auctioneer I { ~t of fires and all bonfires Walgreen type booths and display I committeemen from Franklin] I~nd O E Marl('" -' "- ~'-1"-'~ .~ methods for reducing loss in fall left Friday for Boston Mass I No School MoRdav [ I its, ,~ ~ v ~ ~be built somewhere other ,fixtures~ have beon installed" which [township to administer the A.A.A. Joseph tiUSKey I.~10Sln~E t~t:tc,~ ' ~" ~ ' ]pigs, thereby helping the farmer i where they are attending the ha'-' ] -- ~lthe streets even the burn- ,I makes, an excellent, arran~.oement i program in 1942 will be held Fri- i Out Sale To Be Sep.t 25,--------~-------- do his share to increase, food pro- tmnal" Postmaster's convention this~ I The~ e, ~ ill be no school in I,is- ~leaves in the conerete gut-l for displaying of merchandise The[day evening, Sept. 19, at 8:00 p.m. ------- i L inda Ra' v~-- I17~!1 Ilia i duetion for defense, week They traveled by train to]b n on Monday Sept. 22 The ~l i Jose h Husks w '~" ~*; ""~*""'*" J"~ ~,tlangerous as it might soft- i remodeling program makes' the in the Mount Vernon city hall. Linn,: P y ill hold a corn- I " ,~,~, [ ~ [Chicago where they boarded a sue- Iteachers will attend the Tri-Coun- ~t~e black top near the edge. !store one of the most modern in township wtll meet at the s~tme i piete closing out sale at his rest- ] ~0111 2k 2kUetlon ept. ]Eloise Notbohm Will Sell traln for 'Detroit From l:)e- ity Demonstration Center, in Aria- baying tn front of each lot!the county, time -~t Mount Zion church, Ber- deuce a mile west of Paralta, 3I An executor's--~ale of St 215 ae-^/I'Io"s~ N~ ~.-.~,A,~, ~ard 9~'!troit to Buffalo the journey was by lm sa" This meeting is under the |qDeeial interest of those lie- ~ tr,~m township will meet in the miles southwest of Springvllle,9 I ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~.^^~. ~ / u ~ v~t ~o~,atu~,~ .J~.~ ~. i boat Enroute home they will tra joint auspices of Jane McCormick ~l~the premises, as Its cost. has i Than Dean ,~llu F~lrm And hall. ~ ^: ,h .o: Mt;, Vernon, on a iesville will be held by the Lucin- ] Elolse Notbohm will sell at pub- /vel up the Hudson river by 'boat IcOunty superintendent in Cedar ~li.~ stne tt:rrSo?fi:?e? ie. !Buys Kenneth Litts House Orffanlze Gran .e Hall ~':h~ur:;day",au4eP(~x as' a~:~ct~ :Sci g daoRa~e;~ta2t~ :t l~.'~t0urd?my af~Teilat;teauct l ?;:latLi;b he nseSma~?rd~y t alAlbTnhYeyaen:pes~ po ra:achNtig~rna : pnr~nten~lit o~ Mot;y. ~oOUtty~ r interest e~er one should I,~ at 11 o CLOCK sharp The offering ~ rn b n w land Walter Shupp county su erin t~re" n ~, " "Y } ~ Ed Be "be. of ~orth of MartAelle, Parents Association real estate and household goods to ]e u g.alo style house a block ion Tuesday of next week. ]tenden, = ~ -'-- "-: -- -P --- m~ ~a~y pt~auLiul,~ tu [ has purcl~.2seo the Than l)ean -- be sold are fully described In an south ana a nail blocg west of the ~ I ~tHn county aria the :lar own paving area in first-I of 5~ acres, two miles west The Grange Ha advertisement on page 6. Wilbur D-X service statton. The property I Mr. and Mrs. Raphael Gardner t Io);P~:tment of Pubhc Instructior, ~:1 ,rds as that mentioned [ given after January first Mr Dean Sept. for the [ Harry Glbeaut is executor ] nags ] . W .E. Challis will be Illinois, Wednesday where they I " " " ditton, especiallyfrom of Mount Vernon, possession to be "iatm~"was orgar Colby will be the auctioneer and is fullYfo~ rdescribed In an adv. on ~ and Mrs. J. R. Gardner went to I beam's ~'~o a mRegistratmn will ] t~"q -,rchased the Kenneth Lltts erntln~ with th( ~ " f the auctioneer and W. M. Bennett]will remain until Monday visitingI Mr anthill ~ ,* Town Council brick house at the corner of First s~hool A bake Mrs. Fred Hines of Mechanics- t the clerk, l at Lansing with the S. S. Dunn l sons 'George and "Torero-. w~re ~vonuo nnd Fmlrth ~treot sn th ~ the l I ts Gro.orv vllle and her dau ht famll ~i * |, ~--------'---'--- i '" " g ~r, Mrs. Hazel] -------- ] y, th friends In Chicago, 1Sunday dinner guests of the G ~" ~, Meineke Is the new man- t ~'nunt Vernon whlP~ ~ ten-ted hv nine, ~rom whic ~Vare of Rockford Ill spent Sat Chicken Dinner St Peter & and Saturday spend the da~. with . r ' "' " ' ' ' " I ~ i rrlnK family In Tam&. ,he Viaduct Service Sta- I Max Selvers Mr Beebe Isthe amour to $6 8 rdav in the home of Mr and Mrs [ Paul's Church Sunday Sept 21 Marvin Henderson at Great Lakes West of Mount Vernon. father of Mrs Kenneth L ltts school equipment. Will" Z earing. " "1 Tickets at City 'Meat Market. 46-2tpl Naval Training Station. I Additional IAsbo'-'-"-'~ new--~on pa~8