National Sponsors
September 18, 1941 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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September 18, 1941 |
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I JxUJzte UL *Vile. i~exlz~ o~zxJ~. ~ ~,clx~ caxJ~ xz~x I.z~zxb~, ~VXX~. Wax- / XVX~ ~Ill.l XVXX~ X~LXlLI~ X~LV;LlZl~X eXllt~
atur~ ~ i Mrs. Flora Buck honored Mrs |f~WA ~N]~D~M~ I [" A: marriage of local interest oc-ter Hoppe and family. Ifamily of Dubuque; Mrs Josephine
-;' '~ "H 'r~z'm'"~ I Rut~ Baile- who is leavin~ soon l~ ~ ~]L ~IJl~l'Lll~Lll~qQl~ curred Se,~tember 5 when Miss Miss Lorraine Bickerstaff attend-iHelmer and Janet Bowers of Lis-
se ~e various div]szons of the W.S. i, - ~ z~* ~- urda- r~overs H~i K dick u~hter Mr ed a pzcnzc at OelweIn Sunday J bon were callers Frzday afternoon
E w'll~~ ~ u .~.~ ~,~ ~ .~,' en ee da of
~,~ Of the Methodmt chur h ] " "
" - " ' were laid for five |]~ |~Ii/~ ]~|,~ I !and Mrs I ee KeEdick of %VESt Mr and Mrs C. C Stephens of l at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
~ next week. Division r~o. I ' ~," '" "
~'ini~ ~eEt Friday September 26 The Birthday club willmeet at |l~ |~ a#~ r~'~Ltl~ I port, Conn and New York City, Forest callneed on f~tter.:nd Mrs. H. L !Alexander.
' ~-~ : - ' ~ -" --'" n- ' was married to John Benson An Smith Su day a t r on Mr and Mrs. H B Klersey of
le ~:~0 p m at the nome o~ .v~rs the home or .~]rs Aloer~ ~EoneKl g, ~ 1 ~ ' -
~t ,~ " ' ' ~. " " ' ~-.~ . o. " ~!'--1.1 g'~ ~ - ,4-~'~.~ g~l ~derson son of Mrs Percy Ander- Harold and Dorothy Windsor Cedar Rapids were callers Friday
,sa c~e~llon ~rlethnee:d~nerf~]eV'~;~ ns :ThUri: iZr~d~;eofthn' ho~e~s~'~ill be IIUIU UI-UII[-~,?IUII UII son, of Westport. The ceremony started via auto for York, Nebr evening at the home of Mr. and
. 2! * y ' . . " %r alhan Af, iwasperformed in the summer Sunday where they will attend col- Mrs Wilton Gunn.
~a~er~ber 24 at the following ce~E~rateo. J~ w ~ x.J~JLa~,~x~a~a~o ~=''~I i "' : - le~" ~Ierl~ ~"lver leave~ for York Howard Neal was a su'-'-er ~uest
e . . . ' i nome OT tne l~ee('llCK's at wc"~E- .t~:, /.~x z= x ta ;~,~ l~tJ
}e~. D]v]smn No. 2: ~lth Mrs. The I ,]sbon and Mount Vernon Oaen-Alr Service ] :port The Rev Richard T ElliottTuesday; Robert Hanna will attend at the Gunn home Friday evening,
eli~'r.Mitcnell's: Divzsion r~o. ~, Townsend club will meet in the r i former Corneil'ian "of the' Snugs: Iowa State college at Ames; and Mrs. Leitha Kaplan and son WiN
ze ~Mrs. D. U. Van Metre; Dl- Mount Vernon city hall on Friday !tuck ~Congregational church'offici- Gladys Seibels is attending bust- liam, and ~,~r and Mrs. John Lentz
211 4 ~-!th Mrs. GLE. Bartbolo-evening, September 19, at 7:30 :ated at the ceremony at 4"30 ness college at Cedar Rapids. motored to Osceola, Saturday and
tl~:n~ Mrs. He~en2~cnro;~erF~r~- o'clock All mere.hers are urge~ o'clock p m Robert I,ee Keedick Thais Ward a student nurse at returned Monday. They visited at
e r r~o. ~ wztn :wrs. a - to at~en~ ano vimtors are mways ~ ~- "; ) ~--* "~ - ' ~" '----:"-" -'- '~'~-- ~'--:~- the home of Mr and Mrs Waid
|e ~-tP~ 2)lv/slon 2~o. D, Wltll .NIts o. welcome.
~l%et: Division No. 7, with Mrs.
stln~d McCutcheon; Division No. 8,
Iter ~lMrs. J. B. Ringer; Division No.
~th Mrs. J. E. Beach. Division
]d 1~] will meet at 3 o'clock, di-
at~a No. 5, at 2:00 o'clock cud
.tlrsaj[remaining divisions meet at
t~f~ O'clock.
"- hunt Vernon Temple Pythian
lyeS ~ra will meet in regular session,
A.~nesday evening, Sept. 24.
t hO~e Emma Leigh Circle will be
,~rtained at the home of Mrs
~ BurR, Friday afternoon,
~,rlt ll~nber 19.
$, ,~r~. Jerry Walters entertained
ca~Tuesday afternoon card club
~leS~week. Bridge was played at
. ,~e tables. Refreshments were
*.f .~ed by the hostess.
|layq,y~iss Jean Thomassen entertain-
Miss Pauline Doubenmier enter-
tained at a party Tuesday evening
at the home of her parents, Mr.
Upper Iowa- Annual conference I
of the Methodist church was heldI
Sept. 9-14, in Iowa Falls. The 1
six-day conference program in- j
eluded open-Rir services Sunday
morning and afternoon in Estes
park About 3,000 attended the
morning services All superintend-
Assisting in receiving at the re- spent the week end with her folks Lentz.
eeption was another known to Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hunter and
Cornell and Mount Vernon, Miss]Muriel, Mr and Mrs. C. O. Hay,
Theodora Irvine, of New York]Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hay and Cel-
l leen, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bain-
bridge attended a birthday dinner
Sunday in honor of the birthday of
O. A. Hunter, at the Hunter home in
Oxford Mills. Other guests includ-
ed Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Hunter of
Stone City; The F. A. Hunter fam-
ily of Mount Vernon; and Howard
Hunter of Rock Island.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Boots of
Mechanicsville were Sunday supper
guests in the Rolly Duncan home.
Carl Mershon and son Gerald of
Martelle were Sunday afternoon
callers in the Lewis Dingman home.
Mr. and Mrs Loren Parker and
son Wayne moved their household
goods to Davenport where they will
make their home.
Callers Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Alexander were
Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Haessler and
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stoneking and
Homer David of Lisbon.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Thompson
were Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Kaplan.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pitlik enter-
tained at a weiner roast Sunday
evening the following: Mr and Mrs.
Jerry Walters, Mr. and Mrs. Jay
Milholin and Billy, Clair Milholin,
Leo Biderman, Fred Petskau, Mrs.
Josephine Ehle, Mr. and Mrs. Emil
Dolezal and Don, Mr. and Mrs.
Merle Long, and Mr. and Mrs. Emil
Biderman. The evening was spent
playing pinochle.
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Hoffman
were Sunday evening callers at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. George Wal-
~t a slumber party last Friday Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Gilmore at- lick
tug. Guests were: Betty Bab- . tended the Gilmore reunion at Ellis
,Esther Dvorak. Clara Mar- Monday evening at the Baker house, "Earning the Right to Preach."Verne Dacken, Mrs. Sailor Phelps, nrst provlem. ~ne aiszrloutect ~ul- son anu aaugnter-ln-law, lvlr. anti p~ .~,nr~v IO~,~,~ g'~,~,l,-
~, Mary Carol Plattenberger,which opened their club year. Ho~- Another epeaker, Dr. George More- Mrs. Russell Bair. Fourth row, Mrs. letins on the subject and demon- Mrs. Norman Current zn Clinton. M~ ~na Mr~ Wvl~ ~-t- ~,a .T~n U~UlI.L t.Jl~;~l~
,~1 Bernice Sipple esses :for the dinner were: ears. ~. lock of Chicago, excutive secretary Anna Belle Bittle, Mrs. Chas. Eagle- strated waxing food for preserv- She returned home Saturday. iee"'of-"Slide"l~k~ vi'ci'nit'y'"were Mrs. Forrest tluey
~|~, : r*~lnedE. Bartholomew Mrs. Irl Tubbs, of the board of icy activities spoke king, Mrs. W. D. Bostrom, Mrs. ance. Mr~ Fr~~-'~r,~ ~,~,~ Sunday dinner guests in the par- LINN HOME P-~-~CT ~.LUB~
~-.~. uusEa ~. [lnott ~Htu ~ e e es Mrs A R n 1 m ' a e we in
'J ~ din Mrs Charl s K y,o ay en's work at a round tableJohn Miller, Mrs. Jake Gerber, Mrs. The members nd gu sis re - ~ ~o,~,~a h,o 'r ,~ 'i ental J. N Parks home. MEET WITH M~S gTIWE
~ ,~z ueoar l~.apzcls guc.~t~ ~ - . '
~at her home on Wednesday. In-King and Mrs Helen Schroed::. discussion,Thursday afternoon Tom Davis, Mrs. George Cole, and vited to the tea table which was "'. Mrs. Ella Austin called on Mrs. . " "- ""
-~-,~ :^h ears. F. ~'. r~oersole presenzea a - N~:G~O B~.~O ON i ~OGIt~M Miss Margaret Stewart, H.D.A an - "'rs "ohn nzng from Chzcago, Ill where theyI Mrs. Claude Stme entertamed the
~11~ =u were: ~vxzSs ~uu~c ~x~; - . oeauzlZUlly arr gee. xvx. d vi i lea ealller a~ eaartelle ~un lay at-
----- ' r Home o~ect C ubs of Linn t wn-
~d ~o x-,~**~ Barnes Mrs view of "Land Below the Wad H~ghlighting the entertainment s ted for several days In the Mr~ Pr 1 o
Miller and Mrs.R. P.Inkp eslded~ a a ~ tt ~r ~,^ ^ I ternoon, later attending the districtI
~]le~'ett~'*~Veb~ber~ ~md Mrs' Rob: by Keith. program of the conference, was The Franklin Home Project nut- at the table. Mrs Anna Belle Bit- ~ 1Sunday school convention in theisnIp' ~as~ 'l;uesoay az~rnoon, ea~s
rtozenna me ann tJounty nuise
' ~-----~ Kenneth Spencer New York City umn tea was held Friday, Sept. 12, tle and Mrs. John Miller were re- ~r Marte]le Methodist church Others ave a ve interestin talk :on
" MOUNT VERNON LOCALS Negro basso who' will also appear in the parlors of the Methodist sponsible for the decorations The I vlorley I from town attending the convention l ga, . r y g
the tenth birthday of Martha I -------- in the college chapel here, Fri-/beautifully decorated with flowers f ~etung a tJnzia tteaQy zor ~cno
:1~ Osgood was celebrated Sun- ! B.A. Smith is spending this week ! day evening, church in Lisbon Tbe room was group sang the ollowing numbersl Mrs. Ella F. Austin I were Rev. and Mrs. C. L. Wind- I Owin" to the bad roads and ~ain
afternoon at a party given atat his farm near New Boston Ill. First Methodist church Water- I The most attractive of the deco- accompanied at the piano by Mrs -- / sor Margie Windsor and Nelda Pul-/, ~.
~a,=~o,~ "~,~i- ,~ o,o -qoil ~me ~ 16 ATTEND SEPT MEETING ' ~ me attenaance was small mrs.
'horn of her arents Mr and ~ ' ' ~ : ver er - - li i u " e hme "
'~. Ig .~e ~oodPfrom '4 00 until I r~o~ert'" wor[ey damzeson ~ornell ] leo will be ~.h st. to the conference rations was the artistic centerpiece Plough!ng Song," Home on, the OF SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES Rev. and Mrs. Hal Riggs o:f Me- ~une s yea me c o s rezr s nts.
: 1 "' in the I next year. z~ates for the meeting of fruit and vegetables, on the tea Range' "The Land of Heaven, and The Cornerstone and Gleaner ville and ~rr~ ~o~ Pe~ ~ ~r~, I .o- . -~--~
" ' E t COllege gracluate or 'a,IS ' . . "" ' ~ ~' ~'~ "" ""'s- I ear ana ears ~ m. l~lllOOn el ;san
) k p.m. Six glrl friends shar d r :: "" rt were set for Sept 9-14 the same I table. This was appropriate, as the "America the Beautiful." I ciasses of zne unites ~remren sley are guests in the J. I. K1ine- Pedro Calif arrived Saturday for
co --t----- iff~ Army LJOaSt Arullery, l, o .~. '
y ~''' ""' ' inl ins ~ms year. Host pastor will be year's study for the group will be i church met at the church Tuesday felter home until Wednesday when la visi't with" Mr Filloon's sister
leP ~ i Eustis vlrg a the R v "" " "
~lll City Rebekah lodge will I ~ "' "" ~" " " n ~lll attend a : e . ~enry ~. welss, on nutrition, xn~ n,~ .v~u, ~uuu .==us ~, ~=-=,t~'" ~,*~r ,+h~i-~,~ e--+~mb~,~= =, --~eet, t i ~ " '
~t - " "in- Tues ' James .~e~:utcneo " I Among those from Mount Ver- Mrs. Jake Gerber, county music the Body" will be nresented Oc- r " ney w!n go to muscat ne to attenoI Mrs. Claude Stine, and Mr. Stine.
/or a regular meec s. -!
. ~evenin~o, September -23' A pie" i associationL distr~ct meetmgat New f theHamptonIOWa Press l nOnon I ferenceWh were-attendpresid~ntlast week'sj B con-Ms chairman, presented the plans for tober 24"at the home of Mrs. T. I. 1]ng' wzm anoa~enaance,oz slx~een the Unites ~rethren conzerence. 1 Sunday dinner guests in addition
IH: au er fo.owin tne meetln~ the year. Mrs. Rook Emerson, Mitchell' mempers. a snor~ ousmess Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pulver, Merle Jto Mr. and Mrs. Filloon were Mr.
-i~l-~PP . g.- -- - *" Friday The meeting is one of a gee Dr. and Mrs W G Rowley " meeting an zmprompm program and Carol of Brookside vicinity land Mrs Gee Filloon of Central
, uoserve tne Aprl| May June i " I ,~ ~ was enjoyed, with everyone taking were Sunday dinner guests in the Jcity and'Mr and Mrs James Haule
llld~ ' ber -i "h'' series being held in different parts Dr. E T. Gough district superin-
,August anu ~ep~em o rt - " " " (" f 11 ]tendent Mr ' . part The crowd then adjourned parental 3 A Colton home ~ ' -- ~- ~ --
--dlh l - will ~of the state thisa s Roy Young lay dele- 1 o " r e e oz lv~ecnanlcsvlue; lv.r. ann ~v~rs.
m ~t tne memoers r aus," * ate "w n " ' Dr. Russell Cooper Reduce LandIn Oll t the basement whe eM sdam s Mr. and Mrs. Fred Austin Flor-] Goodyear of Marion were afternoon
,g,~ "y eth Yong E G Hunt
~lebe made for the annual Noodle I Richard T. Baker was a Mount. I t~ruce ~yestone rt A': vsassett:-: " "" ~r-" ' g~,n,-^-vin-~ g~ IFern Slyer and Grace Hempy serv- ence, Kenneth, Leland and Leonard l visitors
r to be held October 1 iVernon visitor Monday foilowzng Rus ll "~ 1 " :, . Addresses Lions ~ Dvx ~ I.~lup~ ed a delicious fried chicken sup- visited Sunday in the Ben Hinrich-] Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Stine, Mrs.
' o "the Iv erIowa se tbo el)r W G I~rooKs
~he birthdays of Mr and Mrs ithe meeting f "~ i~lpp H w e~tDr. and Mrs Frank Cole Dr and ~e-u'--~- m-xi--'m-~um e I per' sen home near Lisbon. ]Clair Stout Mrs. Marjorie Bohr and
~conrerence at ~owa r a s. e " ' " Dr. Russell Cooper was the "~ ~"'"s ~ ~'" "=~'~ "' ~" ~' ~ Mr and rs Ira sJa n ' "
"F f n- " i MR~" ~'~OT" I~" H 'STES M . ub, Kathry ,I Mrs Donald Kamerling were wrot-
h Johnston and John 'Steeh- ~ ~" ~ - will s eak at t Mrs. O. B Chassell,and Robert guest speaker at the regular 'rues-oou ~or ue e secamps gn, .~ I ~" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Lueille and ~r'~-'-'eth a--a a~, ~ a~ '
~Were celebrated Sunday at a'~t ~mcago wnere ne . P "'n Marshall n r w A E L ,a ors on "lnursoay zn ~eaar rtapzas.
|gg~er ~ ~- and Mrs Stechcon an interaenommationa~ meet~ g Dr "'' - " " iay evening meeting of the Lionsadmi Istrato s ithin the past two lTO SOCI L CIRCL C I[JB /
rtugn'Stuntz son of the late mrs. ~. xaL,man, ~es~er anu z~uaa~r Mrs e orrest ~uey ann ~tooer~
" ~ and return here ~or a snort visit " ' weeks have revised the previously l Mrs. Ruth Boots was hostess to we,~ ~, na ~ ,I v ~]. :
e in Cedar Rapids. Others I Mends Bishop Stuntz, former pastor of theclub at baker House.
:kent to enjoy the occasion were: ["Y" Mount Vernon church, became a His talk concerned hts work as announced ~942 program for Iowa the ladies of the Methodist Social ~m'i~h ~home' 2~?:::o:'~ :'~:. "" ~" VlSi~ea Tnursaay in ~e .~tewart
,~ and Janet, twin daughters of James McCutcheon was an hen- member of the Upper Iowa confer- a representative of the North Cen- and Linn County to comply with Circle and several guests, Thurs- "~ ~" ~,",~ :~'~"~'= ~ ~'~,~=~,~. ~,nanx norn e in L;e~ar l<~aplaS. .
tral Assoeia;ion of Schools and Col- farmers' recommendations, J. F. day afternoon at her home in Me- ~,:::,'~' ~::~,~;,~'~';~' ~:,~^~* '~'~=,'~- ear ana lv~s~. ~. l~,erslalee ann
,~ :~' and Mrs. Johnston, Mr andorary pallbearer at the funeral of enEe by special appointment as ' . ' ~. . e~ z~rown a~ vIom. ca ~he ollo~n~ to,- ~inner 1~o-
! ~'~. Burt Neal, Lawrence John- Carlton Richards, late editor of the professor in Scarritt college, Nash- leges during the past year, investi- Wager county AAA chairman an- i chaniesville At the close of the ~v~.~ ~ ~ ,- ?;, ~ ,u ~,- mrs. Leonara ~aumeyer en~ertam:
Iii, and Miss Luella Burke, of Toledo Chronicle, which was heldville, Tenn. Dr. Stuntz was until gating curricula and teaching nounEedund this weel .w I nn ~ business, session ears. ~oots serv- Mr and ~r,~ s ~"larenc"~ ~ =~r~: ~,u-' ~unoay'L" ". "'ear"" ano ~" " "'mrs'~ ~naries-" 7~"
methods of various schools in the t far= the ne'i plan A . Coun-led a .dainty lunch:, Those present Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Bickerstaff will Brown "and Mrs Foster Safely and
~ar Rapids i from the United Brethern church recently director of youth work of association Realizing the import- y e . pa t clpatlng in the, zo enloy ears. ~oots gracious nos- ~ ~xr^.~ ^~.~^. *^- ~,: ~,z '
~ ~-.-- .~, ~.^ v^ !in Toledo on Sunday morning. Revthe Methodist church of Eastern ance of proper training of high a~rrieultural conservation ~ro~rram!nltalltv w~r~" Mts~d~mo.~ C',ladv~ ,=av~ ,=u,~u,y ~v, ~L~ ~,o,u.~ oaoy OZ lv~ecnanicsvllle; ears. ~nas.
I~ -welve me,u=r~,~,~~u,y h church ~ "- i "
~rke -- ~,"~- n~^ d ~,~ a vnicnic at F. C. Scott pastor of t e,South Amerlca A list of other spe- school teachers, one purpose of the wlll devote at least 20 per cent of i "3urgensen, Ruth Smzth, Loma Hart- the,ake' nearwill McGregor,~ Mmn ~. ^- ^ :where Ehresman and Mrs. Mason. Stine
t ^ ~,~.~^~ ,~, ,m. ~ conducted the service. . cial appomtments appears on page
.at th~ ~. o study is to improve the effective- their cropland to soil conserving lleY, Orpah Leaf. Bessie Duncan, ~ho~,~,o v=''u --~=~" ="J"~"'~ ann son o~ ~zsoon. in me evenmg
~, lvtrs ~anmeyer ann son accom
~etter day could not have been Mrs. L.B. Watt of Storm Lake ne. ness of training future high school crops instead of the25 per cent Ella Austin, Dorothy Guthrie, ~ ~ ~" ---------- : "
s eeified earlier ~ r r pamed Mr and Mrs Howard
rt for the weather was idealaccompanied her daughter, Eliza- ~.~ -'~ ~.~"------'---A - teachers. Dr. Cooper emphasized ~p . . Blanche Free and Lau a Switze,~T - .------
tt bountiful dinner enjoyed, beth to Mount Vernon last Thurs-t;olorea ~eenes,Of the importance of education re- Background for this revision and the Misses Lily Tallman and l ~es~ Abbey Rhoads to Stanwood, where they
dinner the indies enjoyed aday, returning home on Friday. ceived in high school by pointingtraces to the meetings of 20 repre- FlorenceMillerand Patty Ann Mrs Wilton Gunn visited in the home of Mrs. Augusta
and a social time. The next Miss Elizabeth enrolled in the Colorado Are Shown out that only about 10 per cent of sentative farmers held in nearly Free. Kettler.
will be at the home of lCornell freshman class. Mr. WattAt Rotary Meeting the students continue their educa- every U. S. county in April. These I HOPE TO HAVE R.E.A, Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Reyhons, on Thursday I is publisher of the Storm Lake farmers drafted their recommends- ! Mrs. R. H. Bickerstaff aecompan- "JUICE BY OCTOBER FIRST Glenn Kamerling were Mr. and Mrs.
tions on the 1942 AAA and "Food ted Mr. and Mrs. O. I. Russell and Dame Rumor has it that we will Gifford Hansen and children of
September 25. Register. Colored slides and kodachrome for Defense" programs and for- Rita Mac of Walnut Grove vicinityhave the electricity by October 1st, Morley, Mrs. A. P. Kamerling, Mar-
i i slides taken in the Denver Moun- warded them to their state officers to Mount Union, Sunday, where and the "Hill Billies" are all hop- guerite Brown and Betty Kamerling
tain park and Rocky Mountain Na-
tional park area of Colorado, in I Cornell is one of 28 schools se- In June three farmers from each they visited with their sister and supervisor, was on an inspection of Mechanicsville; Bob Stout and
,~1~ 'I{ June by Prof. Fred McGaw werellected from the association for con-state attended a national confer-family, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Mur-tour of the line last Thursday. Bob Longerbeam.
shown at the Rotary club meeting ducting experiments with a view to ence in Washington where the rec- rin and Marlys Kay. ing so. Mr. Palmer, the R.E.A. Rita Randall of Sutliff visited
in the Goudy Tea Room on Tues- improving methods of teaching ommendations were discussed and l Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hefflefinger -- Gwendolyn Kamerling last Satur-
WHEN SHOPPING IN CEDAR RAPIDS, PARK YOUR day even'ing. Prof. McGaw took [ Dr. Cooper will be in charge of this analyzed. Out of this conference and Linda Rae will move Friday Mrs. Frank Seickman of Ohiowa
these pictures while attending the work here, and will also co-ordi- came five different plans for the from the Horner residence to an Nebr. ,who spent several days with dal~r, and Mrs. Kenneth Butler
hate similar work in the other 1942 program Last week farmer- apartment on Fifth Avenue at Mar- her friend, Mrs. Ed Pitlik, return- visited in the C. A. Johnston home
CAR SAFELY at thenew convention of Rotary International lcolleges selected, administrators from every state in ion. ed to her home Tuesday. Mrs. an Sunday.
in Denver A number of guests ~-
the union decided to operate in Mr and Mrs. Everett Koppen-
S ]H[ ][, ][, Sup vzce $ a lon" program.Were presentFrankfOr Kueblerthe dlnnerof andi~os Julia Liu, China, ,94~ under the Area B classifica- haver of Martelle and Mr. and Mrs.
tion, believing it would be most Fred Austin were dinner guests on
Angeles, Calif being an out f Enrolls In Cornell effective in the "Food for Defense" Monday in the Joe Hera home.
at "A" Avenue and Second S*treet, one block north of town guest program Miss Janette Slyer was an over-
Roosevelt hotel. If we wash, luhricate, or change oil, Methodi~ ~ a-~ Coming from the greatest dis- "This new program,' Mr. Wagor~ night guest Friday in the Donald CEDAR RAPIDS
Your parking free. Officers To Meet tance to attend Cornell colle:re this ~aid, "is designed to encourage :Heffleflnger home.
fall, is Julia Liu, of Peking. China. farmers to produce abundantly the I Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Shankland
~! All members of the .Board of Although Julia has beo~ in th,~ foods needed in the defense pro-i Jimmy and Judith, Mr. and Mrs. $125 Type Irregulars 0t
JOHN HOGAN, Greasemaster Education and all officers and country only since July 29, when ":ram--hogs, eggs, milk, and chick- Clyde Johnson, Faye and Irma, Mr.
teachers in the Methodist Sunday she arrived in San Francisco, with iens." ~and Mrs. Glen Phflughaupt and *
School will meet this evening in forty other Chinese students on theDuring October and November, Roger and Mr. and Mrs. M. E.
~C!i ~ SON the small parlor. Leaders for thePresident Pierce, she converses I township committeemen In Linn Switzer, Betty, Dickle and Jackie
year will be chosen and plans for quite well in our language, county will call upon all farmers in enjoyed a picnic at Davenport on
Proprietors the year's work will be arranged,"I had no chance for English the annual program sign-up, he Sunday.
Anyone interested is invited to at- conversation." explained Julia. In added. This usually is done in the : Miss Audrey Barrett of Olin spent
tend. the school she attended the study spring, but is being conducted the week end with her sister, Mrs.
of English was confined to one or I earlier this year so every farmer W. B.
two re~ders.
I~.cligious education, home eco-
~L--' a ,ras'es" notates, voice and English are the
SS courses ~f study Julia has chosen
One other member of the Liu
Rapids, Iowa r'row'ng t"-ore family is in the United States. She
is Julia's aunt who is in New York. ] ently listed for Toddville in last
I'i Hsin Liu, 'Julia's father, has ] week'S, Le ion haHnSt rY'iwill be held at the
visited the United States three ! g Coggon. We are
n ative in softy about this error
times as the represe t i " '
~l~ ~' ' I " " North China to the Conference of
ucln~ Method,st Youth in Southern Call-l Examine Shelled Corn
f Iti~as Miss Ortha Iane Cornell Reports from th--------e corn sealers
" "" ~ ':"" " [r in C'nlna~wh have been inspecting sealed
JR11 adu tte o e r uu mg ~ne past wee~,
who advised Julia Liu to enroll in
ti ;taze " graouateanummslonay shelle on~. r
he friendl-]indicate that in some cases the
Corneu Juna nKes t y
'' " " "" "udent and has even~driving rains have penetrated the
mm I ( spirit ot the st s .
:"- w- m she can~st rage bins and the resulting
found someone Wlttl no
" " na'iv ton-ue /moisture has caused heating and
converse in net t e ~ " l m l-i " "" " "
i " a" a freshman o d ng ot tne corn R B Booth
Muriel Hibbaro |so,' " " '
was corn in Talan, ~n n~tung, ~ f~rmers havin
, ~[ "1[ r 1 -- * China" - and" recei--v"ed mo"~ast of-" h--*c rner loan superviSOrg shelledstateScorn storAll-
,'~ aslla urta ins eaucatlon"" :' tnere.'-. " ~vtu riel was oha-p" teaMr. on~Jooth tne,rto rarmScarefullyareinspectUrged thebY
plly surprises wnen sne t una ~ bin a
li " " k Chinese' s n~ in case oI carnage to taKe
someone wno amo spea s .
' " " " l" " "n Pekin I steps to keep the loss at a mini-
---- i ten years, Muriel left there with the wet?:;rm:l~e acaT:gme IS.might
" war refugees In January. [ j . . y . ay oe re-
m~veabUt In case a large pro-
zes to fit by length and width When asKea scout corresponu '
"am'l inChina portmn of tne corn is wet it may
ence with her t z y be nece~s r "
a}l eauty and economy join hands in this great offering Julia Liu said she has receivedonly bin and ai? :~th:r~ V:astehetarent~re
l~ two letters since her arrival here holdin . . s
" " " n" d g sealea corn should consult
The mail boats are lntreque t an ~i'h
'~ ~v~r tsootn In regard to han-
censorship is mgorous, dling the corn
0f graduated curtains Dust resistant, not affected by
iei heat or dampness. Let us help you solve your curtain ~ ~i MOUNT~LOCALS Mr and~rk a ri
g p t ck,
~-~~ -- on "'r Lillian and Ardis called Sunday
-J"S~I l)roblems. ~~~ Mrs Bessie Foust and s eaa-i
" azternoon in me ester Goodale
lyn ana ears. ~. ~reaerlcK oz j
' ~ nome near TIpzon
i:: heyll M k A y:: Springville were Sunday afternoon '
visitors in the home o:f Mrs Foustsi Mrs Cha
aul received word
brother-in-lawana sisterear.ana, = . .
' ' a e n oom ' Xrom Mrsl~icnolas Knight on Wed
Mrs A I=~aococK ~ . - "
Y H M " " " i nesoay saying they would arrive in
Mr and Mrs Dick Busenbark Mount ~'e-n~n
. j v r u trum c,y~van ~eacn
ern expect~omove ~aturaay tome N Y where the
in our o e re . I y have spent th~
Fackler estate property meyre- m,rnrnm- ,~n ,~,-~f wo,~,o~ao~,
:! B fl ~ cently purchased, and Mr. and Mrs ~
Arvel Doubenmier and Pauline will ~
eautl u,i ,v ~s .rma ane, mlsszonary on
move to the Mmnick tenant house
I xu~lougn, anu IVlISS JUlia J.Atl, ~or-
vaeazea oy me ~usenoar~s. ~nell freshman from China, were
i Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Clark left lastl callers Friday afternoon in the
Friday for Boston, Mass whereI home of Rev. and Mrs. G. C. Lusted.
"1 Tailored Marquisettes Ruffled Curtains Mrs Clark will attend the National
i Postmasters convention They ex- Miss Bessie Owen. of Santa Bar-
44x54-in pair $1.49 38x54-in. pair $1.79 pected to join Mr. and Mrs. John barn, Calif was an overnight guest
'- McHugh in Chicago. They plan Monday in the home of Mr. and
e~ . ~ . to return home Tuesday. Mrs. Ottis Ellison. Miss Owen is
44x63-m, par $1.79 38x63-1n. pair $1.98 Mr and Mrs. Glenn McArtor and the author of the book, "Aerial
family of Norway, Mr. and Mrs. Vagabond," which was published
i 44x72-in. pair $1.98 45x72-in. pair $2.69 Everette Jordan were dinner and this spring. She obtained material
supper guests Sunday in the home for her book in many of the Euro-
of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jordan. In penn countries in '36 and '37 when
$2.19 52x81-in. D. air $2.98 the afternoon callers were: Mr. and she traveled by airplane. She is
Mrs. Joe Plotz and son Alvin; Ben-ia friend of Myron and Doris Elli-
I Draperies.--Third Floor 52x90-in. pair $3.19 nie Uthoff, Mrs. Howard Rose o:flson, and was flying a plane from
Norway and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Detroit, Mich to San Bernadino,
Lubber, and Mr. andMrs Irvin Calif, She landed at the Cedar
~- ---- - - ~ =---- ----- =- :'-- - of Hubbard. ~ Rapids airport.
Mrs. Harold Jeffery of Oxford
Mills was a Friday dinner guest of
Mrs. Ella Austin and Harold.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Brink mov-
ed Monday from the F. A. Hunter
cottage to an acreage near Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Heffleflnger,
Mary Evelyn, Darrell and Dale,
were Sunday dinner guests in the
Donald Heffleflnger home.
Miss Lois Southard was an over- On sale tomorrow these irregulars of
night guest in the Chas. Gray home our famous Inside-Out hose high
in the Forest vicinity and attended
the Gray picnic at Oelwein, Sun- twist crepe . . . harder to snag . . .
day. longer wearing buy these in your
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lane andI
Robert and Rev. and Mrs. Peck, all l choice of five colors tomorrow . . .
of Blairstown and a brother, Ern-t just 89e
est Peck of England, called on Mr.~
and Mrs. J. R. Bickerstaff, Sunday
afternoon, and also on Mr. and Mrs. i
H. L. Smith, who are grandparents
of Mrs. Lane t
Mrs. Audrey Walker of Chicago t ~ MAIN
Wel Teachers
~Vhet er you are a newscomer or returning to Mount i
~~ ~ Vernon, we know you will find Mount Vernon a
pleasant, friendly place. ~Ve invite you to ~nake
Goudy's your eating headquarters while here.
,Good Foods
. . Is one thing that teachers demand. Clean ap-
petizing, meals are essential to you, and GOUDY'S
.~,~~." is hereto scrve you.
j)~.~~~ ~ Efficient Service
. . is the mark ot a good care. We give you quick,
~ ~ . ,ea.~.nt ~rv,~e.t a, t ~.~ lOW Price, !
,are nlain~til|Cd for our customers. ~Ve have ~,
"Meet Me At wide price range, and sugwest that you buy a meal
G O U D Y' S ' ' ticket.