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September 18, 1941 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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September 18, 1941 |
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0, 1941
= - Southeast Franklin
~k- 1- t'~jl~ rll~l for redemption from said sale evidenced Central City News Letter, pub I Lyt'e Mrs G1adys Door rent 17.00! supplies 6.12i ~]A=~ Kansas.
~e r ceealngs ui lne by said. certificate has been duly ~rved .proci .: : : ~ y:::e.~3421[ Mercy Hospital, poor hosp 25(, 50~Strerts Grocery, poor prod 35.70 k.~lLIIllUlll. Doris, Clarice, and Ruth Border
n in 1 ~ t~ . as provided by law, and more than mntey 191tIer~ ~g aonn ~t, s eeD ~ui a 13.66] Messner W C, poor rent 10.0o Sebetka Mrs Anna. poor rent 10.00 Mrs Anna Zeller Mrs. ~Villard Light
" .aflnrrl r~t ,' llnervIsors days f.rom the completed service thereo~ Dahms E J, poor rent 12.00bMil!er Mrs GOD, ~)oor rent 6.00 [Stauffer Mary, Door rent 7.00 " of Mechanicsville visited at the
I!q : w~,~ ~. ~-~r----- -- have expired and it is now desired that Dennis L J & Sou, poor prod 714[M,~lchert Mrs. O~ear, poor nuts- !Security Laboratories, poor meal ~=.~ ~. ~,~ ~-~'~1~ ~NNA -- Clarence Border home from Friday
3,neOUl$ --~O.N 1941 a tax deed be taken as provided by See- Dillon Transfer Co, sewing proi 1,501 ing ~I9.'25sl pplics 30a Sv.J**.~ r~,'. ~'-.*~ ~ -*, ~- Mary Jean Noble has been spend- night until Sunday.
JUNE SI~SIO tion 7284 1935 Code of Iowa, Dixon Mrs Claud, poor rent 10.001Moore Mrs Dan, poor rent 2.401Seventh St Fo~l"S'hop:"~i"rel'ief " PAVEL HELD SATURDAY ing the past week with her grand- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Light and fam-
~- - - w NOW THEREFORE Be it resolved b, Dixie Cream Donut Co. lail prod
Cedar Rapids loa ' " fly, Mr .and Mrs. George Light,
38.40 damages ~'4.00lSweitz~r LeMie E, sol relief cash . ~ 1 i ~,+, a,~, ,f~ernoonat
~0 unt of Linn ss ' the Board of Supervisors of Linn County Duncan Fred, weed cutting 4.50]Mt Mercy College, bangs disease I 1~rov 3.{]7 The funeral of Mrs. Anna Pavel parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Unruh.
f Iowa, CoY " : "1 Iowa in regular adjourned seas on thatDvorak Grocery M M, sol relief I Masha Grocvry poor nr,J~, 7 !I5 allow 2.00was ,e,(~ ,~r,~ %,~ .~ -] Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Border and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Light
Augmst 26 1~'* . '
" a t tneCounty Auditor is hereby authorizeu prod 5.~lIMays Drug Co, poor prod 2.3t~ Simon Frank. S :FI, Comm'r aMary 2 o'clock from the I,'. A. ~srosn were Cedar Rapids shoppers last and children called on Sunday eve-
Board of Supervisors met pnrsu n I and directed to return said certificate of Electric Machinery Ca road maint 4.64 T .Morav:e Dr E L, 0GOt me,l a,4 : t i~0 i & mileage 13.00 funeral home in charge of Theo- Thursday. They took Mrs. Max ning at the hnton Novak home.
~t0tlrnment, all members being present[purchase abo~e referred to now held by Eastburn Allie poor rent - 33.20Mueller Frank, sewing prol 4.25 Sanb Dora poor rent 12.00,~,~,~ T=t ~k:[luhtoak of Cedar Ranids
m u ervisor Petty second ! l ~er Waln and Jeanette to the bus in Mr. and Mrs, Win. Bohr, Harold
8 t ne wbYrSseevell p the minutes" ' oflLinn, County Iowa, to the County Treas Fetherkile Clarence, poor rent 1.66Mll:c:~ell T',anmy et a. go0 [,~anda W T assessors ore supplies 13.01 's
1~ f up.r "so,i urer and take tax deed for said property to Fladiy Grocery. poor prod 1041I 5o~ ~ty 11~.~0 : ~eh]e~ Howard ~nelaimed feels 6130 ]~urial was nlatlc tn the ~oger. Cedar Rapids, after a stay of Hey-Sohr and two sons were dinner
~ting of August21, 1941 wereat> Linn County Iowa to be held by saidFlask Mrs Anna poor rent 10.00 Mt, Verno.' Hawkeye Record, pub i~ove~l~u L~ui~nonr rent 4.60Grove cemetery.
as read All membersvoting " ' ctiou e t " C" ub" . ~ M~'. and Mrs. Glenn Stoneking home.
I~ ~. " " county under the provismns of Se Gaz t e ~o. p pros 59691 oroc 2249 St Lukes Meth Hosp. poor hosD 400 Tho deceased wa.~ born in Czech-eral days with her parents, guests on Sunday at the John Light
I~itmh:~eo~ by .Supervisor S~ellollose~:ttOo60"Gl'tilo935yC sdep fi::W~eevell. see-/~r~r~eM:Sp'ooE'r:n~ : r?t ft.00 Mi,ler Stuber Motor road ma,nt 14.1 Standar(t Oil Co road maint 393 a ~
10.001Marion Sentinel. pob pro~ 24.22]Super Service Oil Co road maint 5'209 kosmva~m Apru z~, ~o~ .u moved this week from the John
"-'- ~ by. Su~wrwss ~d~eS~n'at members loaded by Supervisor Beeson, the County[Soldstein K, poor prod 2~24 .Xt er John H weed cutting 28.43 St l:ul~:s Me'th HoOp poor bosp 109 f17 came to this country 60 years ago, Thuerauf farm to a place north of[MorseMr" theJ eRoyKasperLight fhomenear
n~mn ~' " ]Engineer having submitted plans for con- Guess Dr W, poor reed aid 8.50 i Miller John H road maint 15.15],~te~ ~V" E. weed comm'r 6.35settlingin Ely. Her husband, Alburnett.
0ling "Aye" thereon. /~truction of the following described bridg. {Green Mrs John, soI relief rent 6 O0 Morrison Russell L weed cutting" 17.80iSehuler N J weed enttfn~" S 33~ ~. ~.~ ~0~ ~. ao.~tb ~n on Sunday afternoon.
RESOLt~rION h Board oflea' the plans were approved and ordered1 Gabbert Oharlcs, weed cutting 16.00 Morso Alfred. weed cutting 17.601.~mith AuguSt, Weed cutting 17.60 ~osep pr ~.7.~ :-* .~ Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Leigh and faro- Several from this neighborhood
~viIsoTrsRoE~O~VEDc~b~Ynt~ Iowa that placed on tile and the work authorized tolOranerhotz Louis. weed cutting 19.20 Malik Mrs John, poor rent 3.001Torch Pre~s And ere snD~lies 30~ 1933, when sne move(~ sere and fly were Sunday dinner guests of attended the talk at the adult night
' " ro be done by said County Crew.All mere. Goodridge Mrs Eva. poor rent 22.00 Mikulas Dr Geo, poor rent 10.00!Trembino Bros. sol relief nrov11:94died at her home Thursday morn- Elda Leigh in Mount Vernon. In school meeting last Monday eve-
or~ered n~tice.t~ depart:has l~a~ibers voting "Aye" thereon. Grunewald W J, poor rent 1000 Marshall L B ret prisoners and 2 Tewa t Pear e, s~ relief rent 13.00 tn,~ at 2"50 after a week of illness the
evening they visited at the La- ning.
by Chapter ~9.4 oI ~ e 'a Bridge No. 2333, located in Section Hruska Dr W. poor reed aid . . 450 er minal invest . . 6.6 Trombino Br~s poor prod 643 '~
2settlement in this countY, be serve, aft 84-7 Mariun Township Houser Dr Blanche poor reed aid ." ''" ~ ' A son Joseph l'avc~ and Iour Verne Simmons home.
3,200.00 McKesson & P,obbms. poor drugs 43.4~5~Tro~' Lanndry Co, Ct Hse s!lnplles 3.38,"
each ofthefol owin*" nbn,ed per-""-" : ^ " loG '
[IoWtl~ o w~t ~ ~mdge No. 1~37,located in Sect Hasek Dr A M, poor reed aid 18.00M~Euany Mrs Margaret, poor !Taschner Fattest, weed eomm'r 37,20grandchildren all of here survive. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fischer spent The first Iowa newspaper was
o ant~N "-: 34916th St ?4srion 20-86-5, Boulder Township. Hedges ~o, poor rent 2~0.00 ~ur.wing 19.00 Van Volt~nbnrg D F, poor rent 23.00 ----~- the past week with relatives in established at Dubum~e in 1R.qC~
,James, On motion by Supervisor Beeson, see- Hadsell Add, sol relief rent 10.00 McShane Mrs. Nora. poor rent 10.00 Wiekham Ray, poor rent 5.00 ~V S C S 3IE|L'~]PS AT ELY
}L Iowa (Benton Co~mty) ~ ~ ~ onded by Supervisor Seevell the purchase
IPS. William. 600-Gin X~. ~: .~" of two caterpillar searifiers to fit No. 12!
,v'll ~t I~anat~oaPhr~vent the acquiring Motor Graders in the total sum of $652.00
Flt~ I~ ( for the Martin-Roasa Tractor & Equip-
llargaret ment Coanpany, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. was
,4[ ~:Mrley ~ hereby authorized all members present
~ ~ ~AN Florence 1424 -1st Ave, x~. "" votin~ "A~'e" thereon
't Dax enport ) ~ "
r ~l~ i ", -- see For Homestead tax credit allowed refer-
motionby Supervisor vetty ."
,~ ~ - ~ondI ence is made to No, 14883. also on file
~r~ by Supervxsor Seev~LettnewaOrdedl,n the Homastead Tax Credit register un-
,~/~- -! H Lows lor co "" ~ or<] [der this date
l" ~llqm 21. 1941 was approve'a ann -r
t~ ~Bi~l~laced on file All membersvoting ~Ia~IM8 AI",I,OWEq9
~O~'--T thereon " Alibey A. W Tress ofe supplies$ 12.50
Begill~ motion "by Supervisor SeeveB, ace- AbodeelYnceE~erPOOrcrentoor-.~ran.~ ~'000
then~c~ by Supervisor Petty. the bond of Amour; P rent ~ '
line ~ Bros for contract awarded August Amspoher Martha. poor
,II--'," ~l~tl "for furnishing coal to the Li.n Arno!ds Grocery. poor prod 1fl.5,2
2)tlOtY~y home during the season of 1941 Archibald Mrs Ors. o.~
~e (3)i1942 was approved and ordered plae- A & P Grocery. sot re~ei prod ~.~
~i]~ all membersvoting"Aye' Ayers Mns Grace. sol renei prod ~.~
~n Ambulance Service Co poor trans4.00
'motion by Supervisor Seevell, sec-AdamsM~.Eimer, ~OeOarsrente~iai 10.00
by Supervisor Beeson, the County ~ates rr nK ~ ' P 405
tt0r was authorized to assign the taxes
~ing Tax Sale certificate and in theBends Bros, bangs d~sease dam-20 50
~t of taxes due with interest andages ""'S"
~Y thereon on dateof asmgnment Butters Store, pt~or prey x~
~embers voting "Aye" thereon: Benesh Dr F. poor med aid 3.00
~tifieate No 65 PBTax Sale of ~oston Store, poor sewing proJ 76.48
~ary 1 1939 assign 'to C S Woo@Bluski Mrs Wm poor rent 1~.00
' ' " " Beach Mrs Ethel, poor rent 10.00
I motion by Suuervisor SeeveU see. Beau Clifford, wee:l cutting 19.20
Snr r isor'Petty. the following aro ey Wm:.weed cutting LS.S0
etion was asopted, all members vet Carsens ~' l~, poor rent ~.~
~Aye" thereon: Capadueas St~ve. poor rent xx.uu
RF~SOLUTION City Water Works. poor water
~IEREAS, Llnn County, Iowa now service 0.95
,certificate of purchase acquired at Community Grocery, poor prod lo.23
Sal~ ho~a ,~n February rid 1940 C R Gas Co poor gas service ~.~
~ ' ' 1400
~nder the provisions of Section 7~55 Coggon Creamery, poor rent
Code of Iowa. for the following de- Choteorsky James poor rent 10.00
premises to-wit" Cross Betsey. sol relief rent 10.00
Hubbard Ice & Fuet Co, Ct HaG McGillan Geo. poor rent 10.00 Witwer Weaver, bangs disease ,~,~ xxr,~m,~n'o ~,~,~i,~t~, of Chris t ~
ice ~ervice 16.59 Nimmer AIbort, Door rent rent 16.002.00 dmnages Comm'r 8.00 tlan" Service were entertained byllll~
Heaton Cortis, weed cutting 17.001Netolieky Mrs Charles. "poor i Walbrand A dill. a .'~e R [1[ ~ ~I~IPIN~'ll~I~' OO~ll~lt'~llNt I~ Ir~[N~ ~l[4flk~1[
Hess John. weed cutting 16.001N W Bell Telephone Co, ] said y & m e g fl.75 the Dorcas Society at Ely. There ]l g~/~W~ ||/l~|~|~|| ~|| ~|~.|,|||~
Holub Joseph, weed cutting 6.40 O'seer tel service 10.10 i Wooff Win, weed trotting 19.20 were thirty-nine ladies from here I1 ItKl'~ |~ ~|~ ~lJ~/'llAJl~|g IK4~ a-]Ll~ ~J~tJJ, A~Fk~
faHLmesElectricEugene'Lightweed& PowerCUttingCo, 17001Nroad hint 37.581 Wells Jas ad maint 1000 who attended the analr. A pro- 1 1
W mBell Telephone Co, Wells P E. road maint 10.O0 ; " -- ' l1 1
poor light service ;:~ v.0, tN W Bell ""Teie'I~'t~'on'e'"'"Co: oh' c^ ~ ~ouei"*,~n'-''35 ~'r-~m w.~s nresented and ~ames Ill umy l c rer word rer insertion; Lag Minimum unarms. I
Ia Electric L~ght & Power ~, I O'scer tel service
sewing Droj 28.07 Nassif R. poor rent "
la C~ulvert & Pipe Co. br!dge .~,~a o~ : O'Brien Mrs Margaret. poor rent ]
rDrs ~' "= i O'Meara F G, poor clothing
la Culvert & P~pe Co. bridge t O'Brien Mrs Jack poor rent ~ '
coast 15544 ' i
~'' " Owen Merlin D. unela reed fees
Johnson Mrs Joe, poor rent 12.00 i Phelan Leo. Door rent
Jones Dempsy Co Roe. reeordlna" ~ ! Peshek Dr F S, poor meal aid '
easement ,ln#XiPringles Store, sewing proj i i
Kramer Mrs Catherine. pout rent *~'~ Powers Mrs W A, poor rent i
greiei Bros Grocery, poor prov u ~t,~ o
Palo Savings Bank po r rent
Klinsky Grocery, poor prod 7 b0--
t'eoples Grocery, sol relie~ prov
Kula Raymo,td, gopher bounty ? 30 I Peoples Grocery. sol relief prod
Krall Shoe Co sol relief cloth- ~a lt~IP well Rex. poor rent "
in~ .~.~ Peterson Oscar. poor rent
KoDceky F E. R Commr salary . i Platuer Charlos r~aA maint
& mileage I~ qo Petrasek Lester. weed cutting
Kriz Emma. poor rent 8.00 i Priee Ervin weed cutting
t o, ~ .
KudrnaW J. eriminal Invest 9 liphHlips Mrs. Meeie, poor rent
Klinger Paint Co, Ct Hse su')- !Pratt Frank. poor rent ~ w~e,yt n~/orn'":::::::::::::::::::::: ~:3i Chr:iSt~1 G:h~nrog MAlnsn. ~eck~ ~o~tthd. MEmHeW:a~te. A47p
plies =t'~ Rogers James, poor rent :~ i~e hA a ~ r. 407 1st
Elopp Lloyd, weed eomm'r Rickard Rebecca poor rent 1 ~x~ b
Knapp Robert, weed cutting 192o:~ : Run~o Funeral" Home poor burial 65.651Leo Bake ::::::::::::::::::.::" 35.4] ~*~hle '~"s IL,~.~ ~)v,~=~.~" x~.: WANTED: Work by post grad- ~Z '-~' "~ " P
Klopp Loren. weed cutting 3 . 401Rose" D D, fo~ bounty 00 '
1. ,Wesley Bartosh 3008 r room
" oo~-- "Ib~ ~ss Mr- P-~n-~- ~^n~^- uate college student, fo . REPAIRS for all makes of ~l-
Kendall Hdwe Co. w~ed eottinz tl.','.~3'iRnde Auto Co, prob ore ear exp o.o, ,l~owar~l Joroan zn.oo ~ ct [xu ~. t,x ~ o~: ~t~tt,
Kriz Emma. poorrent 10.00[ Rohn Ernest, weed cutting 1760 Howard Ieckwood 3008 Mr~ l~'lrn,~P I o,t~,~w X ~ n 'P l,eavename at Hawkeye-Record eyeles--Hall Bicycle Co. 109 See-
~ 47
Leverieh Clarence, poor rent 6.0,) i Rc~i~trars of Vital Statistics [JamesMoubry 35.41.~he~herd ~ ~e~* te ~, ~r x~.~ office, p Gad Ave. S.E Cedar Rapi t .
i Lefebure Corp, Just Ct dockets '-I~ 8~' r ' " ' r. I
I Leidigh Dr R. noor reed all 26-.0~ egistrars ~0.7.~,Emmett Murphy 26.5t :. -- ~ Iowa 44-4tn
:' ',Stewart Eva G Gdn, unclaimed ]I L Sword 35.4l,Mgtry t-aimer NlrS. P~. J. lllttner ~ ~
Layton Dr C L, poor reed aid 14.50i feed 24.93 ~: E Graw~r"i~iii:ii::i::i~i:~iiiiii:i ~ 15.33Mrs. End F/ala, Lotus Randall, l~t~D D~qP DEAD ANIMALS REMOV1-'D
Linn County Food Stamp OI:ica [Schley Hoard. uncIaimed fees .61,39 lester Caraway 26.5~and Doris Looney. t'~.~a~tt~2~t l~ree. Call nearest phone b.v ?"',
sol relief prod 170.00 St Lukes Meth Hos0. poor hospxva.uo i Lloyd Davis 5o.~ --
Lot 7 and 8. Block 64, Original C R Gas Co, poor gas service 0.70Lehr Frank, unclaimed fec~ 1.44 :Scott Clyde C, bangs disease 1Arthur Holub 53,11 collect, Mr. Vernon, .~07; 'Marion 77;
Marion City, Certificate :No. Concrete Materials &Const Co. Leidigh Dr R E, poor reed aid 600! (lama~es 8.00iEavl Lehr 2'2.13 .-~Iiss Lahoma Dawson returned FOR RENT: 83 acre farm near Anamosa, 74F21, for clean fast
PB. road mai~t 30.86 Linn County Food Stamp Office, Stark Mary, l~oor reni 6.00 I Glenn Pf]u~,haupt 11.07 to her home at Oklahoma City, Mt. Vernon. Gravel road. Else- courteous service. Francis Payton,
notice of expiration of time Cedar Rapids City of, road rprs 85.5O poor prod 1,08250:Schmidt Typewriter Exch, office R M Cla~-k 61.32 Okla. after a visit with Mr. and tricity. For information dial 6561, Agent, Anamosa. Iowa, for Farm-
Glenn Bassett S'8 *'Mrs. Joe Unash and Mrs. Anna L. Mt. Vernon. 47p ers Rendering Works. State Li-
John Casaatt 36.41
Geo (;lark 4.4:~ Stahle. cease No. 7, Tows O~ty. Ta. 17-tf.
I i I[ - T-- W.'n $'onrad 8.85 Mrs. J. W. Conrow and children
--"- C W Frederick 30.98 of Chanutc, Kans were guests FOR SALE
Earl Helbig 30.98
Wm ttotz 12.S0 of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pen-
T L Kassler 13.2S ningroth. FOR SALE: Farm Seeds. High- MISCELLANEOUS
George Kessler 25.60 i Miss Christine Gehring of Wash- cat quality. Prices will be higher.
Jack Lengerbeam 16.00 burn, N. Dak Is visiting for ~ev- Buy now- and save. Pay next spring. ARE YOIT ONE OF THESE?
l.M~'ar Lyons 16.09
C M Meroshek S.85 cral weeks with her sister and Chas. Paul. Dial 6341. 47p Through Green Colonial engineer-
i Jack Norris 17.7o brother-in-taw Mr. and Mrs. E. R.
Simon O'NeU 1 .2o lug department, it is established
85c bushel. Leave orders at that the average family spends
M L Miles 53:iii The chicken dinner at St. Peter 6672. 47p from $15.00 to $65.00 more than
Eley Elgio
Everett Elliott 22.13land Paul's church will be served
l~-~k Fe~ ~2~2tSunday, Sept. 21 instead of Sept. ~ ~ necessary each winter because of
Ray Falller
It W Hartsell 53.11 28 as previously announced, apiece. Wes Crofter, Mt. Vernon, yourinefficlentheatingheatingproblemsplantS'over Talkwith
Frank Hendryx ,53.11I Mrs. Edd Panzer was the first Iowa. 47pDale F. Johnson, local dealer. Your
J D ills 3840 656 prize lnncr in euchre at the Al
~b e
W B Holub 53~II itar Society cary party held at the heater.Used one season. Dial home comfort can be increased.
Wilbur 01iphant
Having sold the farm and am quitting the farm, Iwill hold a complete closing out sale at my residence, located Howard Ramsey 53.11 auditorium Thursday afternoon. 4622. 47c Green Colonial Furnace Co Des
1 mile west of Paralta, 3 miles southwest of Springville, 12 miles from Cedar Rapids, and 9 miles north of Mount ohn Soukup 32.00 Mrs. Louis Kohout won sec- FOR SALE: Remodeled fur Moines. 47
Forest 'Punks 53.11, ond. ~n pinochle, Mrs. James Sul- jackets and long fur coats,nicely "--~S FOR EVERYONE. -- I'N
Vernon, right on good gravel road from all directions, on see Road Construction Pay Roll No. 15 l livan of Iowa City was awarded lined.Reasonably priced. See Mrs.
,Clarence Anderson $ ,35.41
iRiehard E Bnrlingham 35.4~ iflrst and Mrs. J. J. Dvorsky second. George Miller at C. M. C-ish home, every bag of Sargent Feed you will
Thursday, Sept ]nb, r 25, ] 35.411The winners in bridge were Mrs. iAsbon" 46-2t find a freeare good for anygift ofC up n'dozens of TheSeval-
'Walter Hurt 37"62iM. F. Neuzil of Iowa City and Mrs.~ uable gifts. Start saving now! Get
~ V C Young 33.19 Anna Beranek second.
W L Morgan ~'6.59
~# I i Virgil Longerbeam 24.34 Mr. and Mrs. Joe T. Krob and brood sows Will take some oats a gift list and full particulars from
Lords Voorhies 48.341grandson Patrick Nally were recent in trade.Burgstahler & Wroblew- F. J. Peterson, local representative,
Henneth Anderson 26"651guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyo Castle. ski. 44-4tp Sargent &Co Des Moines. 47
Leo Bakor 17.70 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Heady and
Howard Jordan 26.55 ~ family of Mount Vernon were used one year, five room capacity, FARMERS! Let us do your dirty
---~ Howard Lockwood 22.13 Sunday dinner and supper guestsgood condition. Mrs. Sam Gain- work. Trade your soap fats, tallow,
James Moubry 17.70 ble, Dial 3832. 47p etc. for granulated soap products.
Emmett Murphy 26.55 of Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Ulch.
I L Sword 17,70: Mr. and Mrs. Leo Noska enter:- ~~ Over 1000 customers in 29 count-
lies have traded for more than a
2 mares, 1 black and a bay, weight 1500 each, smooth mouthed and as honest as they come, one of them is an K 'E Graver 43.90 tained at supper Saturday Mr. and door sedan, in good condition. In- half million pounds of soap. Send
outstanding garden horse. She can do anything but read and write and cypher. ester Caraway 26.
Hobart F Fowler 16.00 Mrs. Win. Breza, Mr. and Mrs. quire at D-X station, Lisbon. 47p postal card stating amount you have
2 Francis Gaines 53.11 George Breza and Mr. and Mrs. FOR SALE: High test lime- to trade Jaynes Soap Works, Mr.
E E Graver 33.111Ehman of Creston, and Mr. and stone, building rock, sand, gravel, i Vernon, Iowa. 43-tf~
J L Heady 53.11
i George Kessler 16.00 Mrs. Paul Meyers of Iowa City. Highest prices for wool, hides, furs
Ear~ Lehr 30.BS'~ Miss Martha Vislisel and Arthur and junk. Will also buy thin sows ~G-', us~
[Jack Longerbeam 25.69 ~. Vislisel visited Mrs. Edd Vislisel and pig's of all kinds. D. Burgess $2.50; cane seating and chair wrap
Glenn Pflughaupt 42.04~l l~it~; ~O t~" ~:f2~227 h t~
B C Walmer 53.11 at Oakdale Sunday. & Son. Dial 5341, Mount. Vernon, . 319 T i
~:lbert H Whito 16.00. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pavel and ~,~wa 40if. t r .
Glenn Ba~sett 44.26 daughter Dorothy and Mr. and
John Cassatt 17.70 Mrs. Cecil Goodlovc visited with
Geo Clark 2 *.13
8 extra choice milch cows, 3 of these are almost purebred milking Shorthorn nice roans and they are choice in-
dividuals, sound as money and quiet as kittens; Shorthorn heifer, 2 years old, to have her first calf in October,
a nice prospect; 4 young cows that have had their 2nd calves, 2 of these were fresh in August and are milking fine
now. Black Holstein cow just had one calf, an extra heavy milker and giving lots of milk now, due to freshen
Dec. 18. Black Angus cow with bull calf at side, this cow is an extra good breeding cow. Her bull calf is good
enough for a herd bull. Shorthorn.Guernsey cow just had one calf, milking now, here is one you will like, almost wm Conrad 44.26 Mr. F'rank Pavclka at Oxford June-
Perfect every way. The above cows are bred to a choice Angus bull to calf from October to March 1st. You will c w Frederick 22.13 tion Sunday afternoon and with
Earl Helbig 23.79 I.~mil Smykil at Anamosa,
find these an outstanding set of cows everyone is sound and right. Shorthorn heifer, 1 year old, bred the last week Hotz 23 o
or so to Angus bull, this heifer is fat. 2 Shorthorn yearling steers weighing 80 lbs each and fat as bears; 6 spring w L Kasele I 39.$3t Mr. and Mrs. John Krob have
A1 LeClere gone to Des Moines for a few days
calves (Shorthorns) bucket fed and a good kind; 2 veal calves 7 weeks old, sucking the cow, these are choice. Lyons 2.40 visit with Mr, and Mrs. Roscoe
c' M Mereshek 41 20
2 BLACK ANGUS BULLS r,~k Norris :,5.41 ~Amish. They expect to arrive home
,~men O'Neil 12.[0 Vednesday.
~f L MiMs 7.0@, A picnic dinner and supper was
Black Angus bull calf calved April 1st, this calf is an outstanding individual, he will make some one a real bull or
Fverett Elliott 30 98
he would be a sure winner for some calf club boy. He is as square as a block and built right on the ground. Frank Fee 30~98 served Sunday at the home of Mr.
J D Hills 28.56 and Mrs. John Kessler. Those ~O
Black Angus bull, 2 years old, out of the C. F. Butler herd, all registered and recorded papers ready for the new ehn S u uD 6.40 present were Mr. and Mrs. Fred
owner, nice and quiet, and a sure breeder. Widow. Pe o P o. .di.g Worreil and son Alfred and daughMORE POWER BETTER ECONOMY
Adams Margaret $ 30.00
B dP 1 dChi ) AmentLena 0.00ters Geneva and Maxine, Mr'and
65 (Pure re o an na ~ain Rnth M ~0.OO Mrs. George Worreil and Ronald,
~arne~ Ro~ Mary 10.00 Richard, Arlene and ])arlene, Gtl-
65 head of choice spring shoats. These are straight bred Polands. There will be 25 choice zuilts penned off in BeMi ler Neni IO.O0 bert WorrcU and son Donald, Mr.
f~ickai Carrie I0.00
separate pens to be sold in lots to suit. Balance are choice feeding shoats. These are a nice healthy set. Pure bred urger Leona 30.00 John Worrcll, st Mr. John Slach
Burrows Martha 10.00 and ,-~{r. and Mrs. Kessler.
yearling Poland boar a good one. Cavanaugh Nellie 30.09 Mra. Anna M. Kucera, Mrs. Anna
Cole Helen 20.00
15 SHEEP cook Lnellle 20.00Zeller and Miss Florence Kucera
Cook Nell ~O.00were visitors Sunday with Mr. Paul
Coon Millte 10.00V ltte and Mr. and Mrs. Charles
9 ewes, cross bred Shropshires, there isn't an old one in this flock and every one raised lambs this spring. 6 ewe craig Petty 16.00
lambs that were lambed extra early. There has been no buck with these all summer. They sheared an average Curttri -ht Mar,] 10.00 Dittman at Muscatine.
Davis Harriet 6.00 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slofcr en-
of 12 lbs. per head. Doonsn PIora I0.00 tertained Mr. and Mrs. James Bar-
MACHINERY ETC Drafabl Hazo, 60.GO ta and Mr. and Mrs. j. ,W~. Hart.
a Drahos Amalie 40.00
lainn Anctta 20.(10 man Sunday evening.
John Deers 999 corn planter with 80 rods of wire; ll-ft, broadcast seeder with grass seeder; 6 shovel straddle Foley Mary 10.091 Sunday afternoon guests of Mr.
Freeman Franeos B 20"01) and Mrs. James W. Cerny were Mr.
seat corn plow; 3 sec. steel lever harrow; 14-inch walking plow; Case 6-ft mower; Emerson manure spreader; Fre,eh O,vo 10.00
wagon and nearly new 26-inch box: 2 steel wheel truck wagons; basket hay rack; scoop board; single hole Fuller Elsfne 30.00 and Mrs. Charles Cerny of Iowa
Fuller Phllena 10.00 City, Mrs. Anna Briekncr and Mrs.
corn sheller; oil burning tank heater; good roller bearing grind stone; pump jack; 5 ton hydraulic jack; tank wagon Groat Mar- uerite 20.00 Josephine Cerney.
Hansha~ Vera 40.00 1
suction pump; woven wire stretcher; a lot of hog troughs of all sizes; 1 wire corn crib; 2 70-gal. kerosene oil
H'att Elizabeth 10.00 I
heating hog fountains, both are double waterers; large size bench vise, a lot of good slop pails, and feed barrels; Hayes Cl.ra 2oo0 Paralta ALL THE ORIGINAL Now stepI~d up tO full ~-plow powero
Heddinger Ceva 30.00 l
garden plow and tools. ~o~,tog Ooorgie 26.00] ~Irs. Ra.v Bolton PROVER FEATURES ,~o new Mmm.y-Harr~ "101" ltmlOlt
HARNESS, COLLARS, ETC. Horsk,H gan ttiep 1000'10"00---- =O
2 sets of field harness, one set is nearly new. 2 nearly new leather collars, 21 and 23 inch size. Xo,ik Frances 10.00'. Mrs. Mabel Bennett assisted by er efticiencyl Yet It sel the t, mme low
]Aneweavrr Daisy 00.00 Lena Mann, entertained the Paralta price lncludlnq ct Soil st~rte~'o rubber tires,
l.uetthohann Minnie 25.71 Embroidery club Friday afternoon. A BI66ER, fende~ bolt pulley. Mauey.Harr~ Twin
A lot of rough white pine 12-inch boards, 16 feet length; a lot of fir 2x4 and 2x6 pieces various lengths; 1 pile of MeMurrin Luara 10.o0 There were eighteen members pres-
Maokey Rose 32.00 ent, and two guests. Mrs. Bernice POWERFUL, Power---p|m; a laeWo mo~ pov~rfu~ hlqh
native lumber (oak) in 8-ft lengths, full inch stuff; a lot of used lumber 2x4, 2x6, 2x8 and a lot of inch stuff; MartinMarlrretZAngelinePaUl'ine'":::::::::::::::::::::::: 50.0020.00 Carnahan and baby and Mrs. Brew- ECONOMICAL compreuion enqhe, to s~.~ It today.
about 200 split Red Cedar posts; 20 Cedar corner posts, big ones, and extra long. A lot of good steel fence ele,dy Juanita 30.00 er were guests. After the business
braces; 2 80-rod svools of barbed wire, never been used; 40 rods of 32-inch all No. 9 woven wire, never been Mendel Joan 10.00 meeting and a social afternoon, de- NJ:W The price will help you d lde
- Miller Delia 8.00
licious refreshments were served.
unrolled; 100 lbs of new brace wire; a lot of different lengths of cable some pieces are 200 ft long; 150 nice clean Miller Laur 30.O0
hard bricks; McCollough mineral feeder, manufactured by Mc-Deering. Loading chute. Moore Rosa Lee 393;
Mullin Leon& 30.00 ~ Mr. and Mrs. Marion McShane
Nckvinda Blanche 10.00 and children of Joy, II1 spent Sun-
CHICKEN SUPPLIES Newkirk Ruth 50.00 day evening at Howard McShane's.
Newlin Wand& 20.00
1 10-gal. chicken fountain with lamp; 1 5-gal. fountain; a lot of feeders and troughs; 1 full roll of fine chicken Nofal Eugeni 30.0~}' Mr. and Mrs. Chris Jepsen of near
mesh fence (new). o'~ i~n Virginia 12.00 Toddville spent Sunday with Jens
Patton Edna 30.00 JepseD's. Frank L. Kilberger, Prop. Dial 5812
Pe~rump Maxine 20.00
MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES Porew Gladys 10.00 Glenn Clark and Ray Scott of
Plot~ Louise 20.09 Omaha, Nebr spent Thursday with Mount Vernon, Iowa
Pollet Grace 30.00 Ray Bolton's.
Scoops; spades; round pointed shovels; log chain, 16-ft. long; shop tools of all kinds; forks of all kinds; and many abik Eran s 10.Go Mr. and Mrs. Howard McShane
other articles too numerous to mention; Iowa cream separator, 750 lb. capacity. Raftis Hazel 10.00
Reed Bertha 16.00 and Marilyn spent Sunday with
Reilly Beatrice 10,0o Mr. and Mrs. Harley Davis at Mar-
CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED, BALED STRAW Rogers Elizabeth I0,00 tells.
~yan Catherine D 50,00
Some clover seed, certified Idaho; some timothy seed; 130 bales of nice bright oats straw, never had a drop of She rer Bessie lO.O0 Mr. and Mrs. Homer McShane and
Shonka Hattie 11.07 family and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Neil-
rain on. Siemering Enid 40.00
Sommers Marie 30.00 sen and sons attended the Gibson
HOUSEHOLD GOODS Stoggal, Alma e.00 reunion at Bever Park, Sunday.
Thoma~ Vivian 10.00'. Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Patten and
Library table (quarter sawed oak)" Victor playing machine (with oak cabinet) this is in A-1 condition and T tns ertrude 10.0u girls, Mrs. Georgia Murray and
,Tompkins Mary I0.00
there are 50 or 60 high uriced records goes with it, some cost as much as $5.00 per record; 2 rockers, one is a vsvra M ry lO.0O Mrs. Serena Neilsen motored to
- Vredenburg Celest|a 20.07 Bettendorf, Sunday, where they met House of a Million Auto Parts
sewing chair; quarter sawed oak dining room set including 6 leather seat chairs; dining table, 40x54 with 2 Wainwright Amie lO.OO Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Aiken and
extra leaves; buffet 54-inches long. This is a Queen Ann style, this is a wonderful set. 4 odd chairs; a lot of Ward mnnte 2O.OO
Webh Jennie 10.0U children of Rutliff and enjoyed a
jars of different sizes; a lot of jugs; large size McCray ice box, 100 lb. cap.acity (side icer) this is a good one. wel s Lula S.00 picnic dinner. Mrs. Neilsen and West End 16th Ave. Bridge
All kinds of milking utensils; laundry stove (box style) for wood. Porch swing, some wall pictures; oak pedestal. We,ger manehe 2o.o(, Mrs. Murray returned home with
Wheeler Mary Ann 20.00 Mr. Aiken where they will spend Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Wheeler Wioona 30.00
Glenn Plattenberger will have Lunch Wagon. White Julia 30.0t, a week. Mrs. Neilsen is Mrs. Aik-
wilford Hazel 30.00 en's mother and Mrs. Murray, her Open Evenings to 8 p.m. Open Sunday to 1 p. m.
Wilktns Georgcnia ]0.00sister.
DOG--Pure bred English Shepherd dog, 13 months old, and working fine. She is a high bred dog and will make wluits Irene 20.0
a wonderful worker, w~ison Emma ~0.00 Nits Cook is spend this week with
On motion the Board of Supervisors
Ray Bolton.
adjourned to C. L. BEESON. Chairman, it
September 2, 1941.
Board of Supervisors. Llnn Always open the garage door be-
County. lowa. fore starting the motor. Other- C. CHAMBERS-INsKEEP OPTICAL CO. |
~ ATTEST: Robt M. Veseiy', wise, there is great danger of as- Realize--Real Eyes
W. E. Challis, Auct Phone 130, Lisbon, Iowa. O.J. Emmons of Exchange Bank, Springville, Clerk connty Auditor. phyxiation with carbon monoxide 1
Don't wait for a tenant--find !gas. This gas is colorless, odorless 221 3rd St. S.E. Cedar Rapids. Iowa
' ~i him thru a want ad. land tasteless. @~----~ -- - -- - - ---- -- ~------ - -- ,----- - 4'