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September 20, 1951 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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September 20, 1951 |
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Me. Vernon Is ilawkeye-Reeord " held for Clinton athletes Helene I,IAm~r IhlA~ C$ IAn,~ I were John O. Kirkpatrick, Gwyneth Negro girls in the country, an in- ,~ George Heath jr. of Gloucester. Vir ]detailDaVids nfromC llege'suites completeof roomsinforeVerYthet the] churChchurchWhO buildingSh wed themand thrOU#pari~
mad ~ Llslmn Herald R ~ relates tales 6f year's teaching in ~x k - .e ^ .~^~ '~ hie and Richard Nelson. At the i Church is justifiably proud, at Washington, D.C. staff which "Scotty" heads, to thor- l house erected at the cost of $800,000.
l'hurs Sel~ Y.~, 1951 l~ge ~ Treischman visits Alice Botts and .uvHv ~=. ~.v~,n~ Davies, Bruce Etcher Richard Ren-'stitution of which the Presbyterian and stopped over for a few hours
Korea . . . Elmer Miller on school '~o~'*i"" ~, ,~ ~,+ ~.~ +ha tP c bo "e a t a Jo nms,] En route Dr. and Mrs. Bean visit- While in North Carolina they apeutic equipment for the players, t Betty heads the Primary Depart'
staff at Huntington, W. Vs. ~ar]or~""o~"~le~ ~l'r;t""~et'l~o~}s~iJoan Lyford and Paula Prall. ed the Lincoln memorials at the visited Mr. and Mrs. Paul Scott locker rooms, large playing floors, I ment of the church school, and her
The Sawkeye-Record ---- ~h h . h ~ ~,d,~t~ :'] Mrs. Orville Rennie had charge ofrest red village of New Salem and and Richard in their home at David-!and podwer rooms for the girls who husband teaches a class of junior
and The Lisbon Herald FORTY, FlY,rE YEARS AGO Corn"ell.' 1ae"affairwas~eld"b;"tl~e!the kitchen. Assisting her were Mrs. a~s~tPrinM~:eldB:all.' Returning.they son, an attractive house situated on come over for the dances, boys.
104 2nd Ave. North, Mount Vernon Iowa ~ept. 1~, l~i W S C S About 75 guests re~s- i Ruth Current Mrs. Dan Davies Mrs. ' e,a s. n s ece and the i the edge of lovely woods. They Scotty introduced them to the The Scotts sent their best regardJ
Official Newspaper Mount Vernon and C.J. Young does carpentry and I+ :.~.~ "~::'.h a.~. ~ ~or ~,~ +~ ~ C F. Littell 'I~rs Roy Young' Mrs latter's husband, Mr. and Mrs. visited the excellent gymnasium of pastor of the local Presbyterian ' to Mount Vernon friends
Ltnn County Harry Wobbles the plumbing work I~h~jonf~ ~nft f~nrnp11 nnnpr f.ln~-~George Penn and Mrs. John ayford.
The Mount Vernon H~Wkeye i ti Wm
m remooemng ~ gan c men were welcome. The rest of the I General chairman was Mrs. Miron .
Founded in 1869 by $. H, Bauman Dennis, pres welcomes Epworth group were members of the student lA. Morrill, student work secretary
The Mount Vernon Remarker Leaguers at reception. There used body residing in Mt. Vernon, their of the Ical W.S.C.S. Many members
Founded in 1893 by Minard Lozler to be many sleigh rides, bob par- parents, and officers of the Woman's assisted by supplying items of re-
The Lisbon Herald ties and oyster stews after winter society who acted as hosts and lfreshment.
Founded in 189t bx If. F. Slam sessions of League: hostesses. NOW is the TIME
James W. McCutcheon waC~a?r B:rrdme:r b~k~eS 74oA~retJ:h~ Among those assisting were: in ~& i=,
Editor and Publisher Frank Dvorak -'lace on the Cedar" the reception line, Roy. and Mrs. a~lldllll rlgll| ~
Published at Mount Vernon and Lbbon ~ 1"; Merton B. Green, Rev. and Mrs. ffi = -* m m l
In Linn C unt*" I w" every Thur~laY' uv raK ~u acres s um t me a Glenn Hart n~' Mrs Paul O""~ I~nl~ltll~lqllPl' l~l*alttlrll'l I I
Entered as second class mail matter at the Kent mill . . . Walt Hayes stops on- ~^ .~ :.~ff-, ^, ',~. ~,^ .~'^- ',- ~'"'~
po~t office of Mount Y~m, Iowa,and rnutp homo aftor he and Kreigh ~aa[u. pz~z~ezit ut tiz~ vvuu~, a
Lisbon, Iowa. ~."'7~'Y "'-:"- =-'=-, "-: -a'is :--b-1~-- society and Mr. Ostergaard. Dr and Mrs J W Bean returned
t~omns pmce zna in term s aouv es . . " "
Subscr,ptlon Ra#e in Cincinnati tournev Receiwng were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thursday from a trip to Concord,
ONE. YE~IR in Linn a~d ad~oln maquotetans exmtea'" as cruse" o~'" Bowman and their nephew Ronald N C. where they attended a staff ~,II
the eounttes $2.50 "ushes from farm s'~rin~"PostMeehan. Glenn Hartong, ~r and meeting of the Board of National
joinlna counties but ~within the [ '~ ~- -~="-~ ~ guests and affixed name tags. Par- in the U.S.A. of which Dr. Bean
state ~. . . : $2.75 i againsttne vmems~t'o~am,~o:, ~n)- ents of resident students and church is a member: This meeting was
ONE~EAR, outsidetheaate. $].00 ca~t~eaVe~r~lsl:gtee~ t~2~eoatm~re members also greeted the students, held on the campus and in the
s"uds in ~ bin of sawdust minus Mrs. John Kirkpatrick had charge buildings of Barber-Scotia College, ~(
I ~ ~" b of the dining room Her assistants the only fully accredited college for I~, *-
"1''| " " ' vines r f liage---than c u a e"-----~ ~ ~ 0 i~ ~ ~
LOOKS ~KO Donalor grown on an acre of ground. Fore OFFER
r~ . --I--- It, n J HeJ- [runner of "chemical gardening" ? ? : ,*
I~P~U~ Iq~l~ Wl~tVU~b I,~ I ~ .
Last week's incident in the U.S. Hear Mrs. Brooks i //'E[.P !
Senate when Senator Paul Douglas .a- /'#'' - ~,- ~ ~,~, . ~:5/F |~ i With dull days and longer nights
. ahead, you'll want to get ready for
gave a shocked outcry at nasty criti-}At WSCS uest lea : "/7 X - : YOU Buy 61 e BUU |OU ue| winter the "bright" way. Maybe a
new lamp that will show your new
0]~t~ II~ i''l i drapes to better advantage or a
iZ m mm n larger bulb to bring out the best ia
what ou're reading All this adds
WA. um, l y .
up to eddy lxi ,owatt's prcaictioa
of a "light winter' ahead. Get ready
now take advantage of this money
ill, i1| saving offer by your power company.
A O"E' E~'|'E' O~T~'E' '~w ''~| q
,: nus Bulb Coup,
With the purchase of six 60 watt (or larger)
V~|l| ]~ size bulbs please present a Reddy Kilowatt
w n I V I sight-saving bulb (I 50 watt) with the cam- ,~
N o w available pliments of the Iowa Electric Light andt-x~J~
~s :vLT::meerWho?Power Company
Cutting a billion dollar defense!the world today, the Iowa Elec-
pid tric Light and
bill is a delicate matter according "! would define a refugee as Cedar Ra s
to Senator Douglas. Generally he one who had ha~l something and Power Co. TO:
feels there is some waste in man- now has nothing," she said. "So (Please sign)
power and supplies. Many legis- long as eondltlon~ like tlmt exist
lators are reluctant to tamper with we caJa expect Communism. 1 TO THE DEALER: Moll or bring coupons to your nearest Iowa Electric Light &
a national defense bill. After the Communism has nothing that Power Co. offize. We will pay you the cost of each bulb given away. C.ouport~
dealtreatment acc rded him bY the neWlstalwart O'Mahoney, it is easy! perhapsehristisnity d-- lint have bUtthe Communists have The of thrifty IL"x f mu~t ~e ::.~,e.~ on~ returnecl to LL. & p. Co. by November i, 1951. I
to understand why. worked h~rder at their task." L J
Senator Douglas has been Women in the world must be 'JJ"J J i J J ~JJJJ J J J J J JJ J J J J J J
w~glng one of the most con- reached. In Germany two-thirds of .~
slstent and Intelligent campaigns i the voting population are women.
of ~ny senator In trying to stop There are seven and a half million
some of the unnecessary and more women than men in that
foolish wastein government country. Seven million of these
spending. ]will because of the lack of men. Jl ill I i[ HI]
In such work he deserves the!sh uld marry but probably never
support of people of all parties asi The church situation in the Scan-
the matter of government waste idinavian countries is not a happy
should be above party lines.
It is very discouraging to see such ! one, she commented. Ministers'
an outstanding senator receive such [salaries are very low. Seventy-five
~.dollars a month is considered good,
rough treatment from a member of
ban actin, in whatTM the ave.rage is only $40--1ess
his own party ::-~.: ~,of~than that paid a street sweeper. In
he believes is me pest mteres~s ~
i places people belong to two church-
the nation, es since they must affiliate with
Might Me tie the state church if they hope to se-
n n
* cure a job.
Bs" Florence Holdahl Mrs. Brooks also observed that in we are sincerely interested in serving well
Denmark half of all the taxes go to and economically.
This column is omitted this week ihospitals and to old peoples' homes.
while Mrs. Hoidahl is on vacation, while in the United States money
pours into armaments and alcohol Johnston & Morgan's Funeral Home T| M E I PROVE D
W A Y B A C K W H E N industries
"In crises such as these," she con-
ONE YEAR AGO eluded, "for Methodist women there
Sept. 21, 1950 is no time for trivialities. People
Ralph Bachman buys interest of of the world fall into three cote- AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION
his father, Charles Bachman and gories--the Communists. the Chris-
assumes sole ownership . . . Mrs. L. tians and the amiable nonentities!" Eyes Examined GJ~sses Fined
E. Bigger home from her European A social hour concluded the Wed-
jaunt Three Philadelphia youths nesday's activities with Mrs. A, M.
admit stealing Pelisek's car . Hull presiding at the tea table and
Don Woods, son of the Perry Woods, Circle 1 was in charge. Mrs. John
writes he is about to push off for O. Smith is chairman of the circle, il
Korea . . . Mrs, Rose McCann cole- TWO CIRCLES WIN AWARDS
brates 88th birthday . . . 85 Lisbon The award of $5 offered to the
property owners get "invites" to fix circle with the largest percentage "FOR BETTER VISION"
their sidewalks, or else final of attendance at the meeting was
rites for Mrs, Clarence Sueppel and won by two circles each of which Modern Styles Prompt Service
Charlie Litts . . . 265 Cornell Frosh had more than 60 percent of their
don white caps Roy Bowman in membership present. Because the 22} 3rd. St. S.E. Cedar Rapids, Ph. 2-872-~,
lraction at Cedar Rapids hospital'standing was so close each circle
fm old ~n ury
" " J * ]received $5. Chairmen of the win-
~*z~ x~ a.~ .~ [ning circles are Mrs. John Smith Z.u =nun= = =~ um ~ mm ~ o n[-m-mmnm-n-nLu-m-mnmmnnmm-mmuU-II-l-m~inomml'#LOmmmmmmmJ- ~ how different driving, can be.o. how easy, smooth and
. . ,~ land Mrs. Harold 'u ~.
% enjoyable and you II never want to drive any other way
of Cornell Frosh Talent Show, as he
"'s '~ wd by baiancin, on hisi Midland Farm :Management Co. nI " ~ ~'-~ CE-MAR ACRES Powerglide is first finest and only fully proved automatic
chin a ladder, five chairs, a bench, i! 612 Merchants Bank Bldg t ,~L'~'. ~~'~ "1 transmission in the low-price field. Gives you simplest, smoothest,
a Iawnmower and two standards ~ -~ ~'~" " -" on Marion Boulevard m
which nearly reach chapel roof. He ~"~x ~ ~ " = "~ safest no-shift driving at lowest cost. No clutch pedal-no gearshift-
had just won the Annual Amateur i,| n -- ---t CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA I leg-not even a hint of gear changes in forward driving! And--
B ,l nco s' c o n t t vanston. ! m - - -- =
Bob's 13th win. I fin outstanding as it is-Powerglide is only one member of Chcvrolet's
While squirrel h u n t i n g Andy " ~'- x nI automatic power team. Come in and let as demonstrate.
Bobst injured as rifle accidentally t
d~scharges soft-nosed bullet into hisi STOCK CAR RACES -', Chevrolet alone offers
hand . . . Remodel Heasty drugi Cedar Rapids, Iowa m
store . . . MeHugh to Boston forI ~-- i] " mp
Nat'l. Postmasters' confab. EVERY SUNDAY AFTERNOON == th s co lete Power Team.#
TWZNTr--YE-ArS A60 " mira Automatic transmission*
Personals:THIRTY-~EA~Scharles BurgeAGOto teach I PR01GLE REALTY ,~, ,RIALS 1:00 P.M. RACES 2:lS P.M. ~dm-Powedul 10$-h.p. V, Ive-in-Head l=ng,ne
at Ames . Charles Stegall serving l[ DI/I#=C EconoMiser Rear Axle
as street commissioner in Mt. V j[ ~]I[::J~V I~1~ IBm Admission: $1.04 plus 21c tax II
Dan Wolfe hospitalized at Mercy . . . l ~ *Combination o! Powevglide Automatic Transmission and I05-h.t~.
Gertrude Browning in Seattle ~nl I~:,- A,~ ~-- il~ Children under 12 Free nlB, Take Your "DISCOVERY DRIVE"
Valve-in-Head Engine optional on De Luxe model~ at extra coat.
teaching at University oz wa ni g'll " " iii ~t
ton Lucia Fordyce off to Battle j o u ~ u. 'I~. For the most thrilling races and the most spectacular~1
Creek Mich for coursein dietetics ]rn~=#l'~E Dial0 2512" ! Mounts G I i
George Penn home from sum- ] 689 I I~ upsets always attend Co-Mar Acres Races sanctioned by II.[
mer employment at large dairy inl[ ~ The Championship Stock Car Ra in. Association. I~I ~1 "'
Amboy, Minn Bert Hogle in j $~4~r K AAr I~ t~ Pr;ne~l~
charge of football training camp at ~l'v ~1~~~~~~1~
Beaver Island in the Mississippi,[