National Sponsors
September 20, 1951 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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September 20, 1951 |
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M& l l #b I [ Mrs, Richard Kocher and baby :I --: n A xili .
I, vernon :racial son Bobby were guests of honor at S.=~au V i UW]r
!a baby shower held at the Mrs. I Reveals Projects
~trs. Sam Gaston will entertain IRichard Winsor home. Guests pres-I
a er bridge club Thursday evening. It ent were from the graduating class I The Mt. Vernon American Legion
,ere will be two tables, of Mrs. Kocher and their children. Auxiliary met last Tuesday evening
. The Townsend club will meet Norma Jean Reyhons was hostess ]Sept. l lth, for their regular, month-
[~ Mrs. Ethern Meakin on Friday to seven girls for a pot luck supper ] ly meeting. During the ousiness
~-emng, Sept. 21st at 7:30 p.m. Friday evening. Afterwards they meeting a bake sale was planned
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blinks of
Lisbon accompanied Mr. and Mrs.
James Gunn and Johnny to May-
wood. They left Sunday morning
and returned late Tuesday evening.
Johnny Gunn stayed at the parental
Gordons of Cedar Rapids, Frank Mr. Vernon, l~ ]~w]keye-B~ol'Q
Gordons and son of Tipton, H. F and The Lisbon Hex~,ld
Gordon of Martelle, and Franklin Thurs Sept. 20, 1951 Page 5
Meinekes of Stockton, Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark BoRon from The John Turners have returned
Sheley home, while the two couples Omaha, Nebr were guests of the to Ames after a week's vacation
with friends around Mt. Vernon and Merrillseveral Hoffmanball gameS.and Mrs. V.til Monday.B" Boyles from Wednesday un- Cedar Rapids. John will be a sen~
Wilton Gunn attended the R.E.A. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Viktor and Jos-
QUeen Esther circle will meet went to the first football game of for Saturday, Sept. 22, with Mrs. meeting Thursday afternoon. The'ephi attended a dinner Sunday eve- l i r student at Iowa State college
With Mrs. H E Hendriks Thursday the season, the dance held at the Lester Caraway and Mrs. Lester The Joe Zinkulas and the Quen-
evening Sept 27 at 8"00 o'clock : Youth center and returned to the Buresh in charge. It is hoped that one hour program of music put on ning at the home of the Tom Hart- i this fall.
by the "Songfellows" and Bill ADs- ! leys in Western in honor of Mr. and ! tin Robinsons of Mechanicsville re-
" ' n ov rni ht the organization can sponsor square
Twe .Re:~hons home for a e g .
L% 'lve Club will meet Friday, dances in the hall during the winter tin of WHO was really wonderful. I Mrs. Clyde Eltzenheffer of Free-!turned Thursday from an 8 day
13i?/Jmon, ~epL Zl, wim ivlrs. Mac Iv lr. ana Iv~rs . James ivlc~utcneon months They are planning on having them iburg, III who were guests in the ltrip to Denver, Colo where they
thimb ,~me. Please brin's needles and ~ ann Ann, entemaineo, xor mrs me- ~ un~ ~ept.'~' lvm me zonowmg mem- next j"ear and more v"eonle~- should Hartley home. The three men were visited Ray Zmkula" who has been
los. ,Cutcheon s cousin Burdette Wilson, ~ r
bers attended the Second district plan to attend to hear them i a my buddies, stationed at Fltzs,mmons General
~r and Mr P last week at omner at me t-ansaaes Th
~oL " s.J.D, eet and Hul- ;z n.~ r-,oo, ~z. ~.~n ~r,~ convention in the Little Theatre at Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kaplan had as i e Don Brutsmans of Ely called / Hospital.
~,re guests of the Clarence the Y M C A Cedar Rapids" Mmes - . ,~. . their guests Saturday evenmg the!On the Joe Vlktors Sunday after-1 Mr and Mrs Howard Meal to,~k
"Y~rnans and the Lafe Hudacheks : ~urnette wilson ana aaugmer, ~.~ ~:~.', .~ -,^ " ii a A n~N,'.~ agreea Janlce Levsen ueYt), ~,omryn ~ T * ~ I~r.~ ~.1,4 A~. ~-~ ~---; ! noon - -. " "
- .-e ~'alisades Lodge Sunday !~'. ~." U.-"- :" .;;:: "': er Emerson Emil Reyhons Ross ona nwory ~nn KOSS, ~rlgnt) as they aamlrea the new Knltteo suit Darrell Laings I Dinner guests of the Charles where he enrolled at Iowa State
~r Mr. and ~vtrs.~ Jerome wilson Ollt . ' ~'rme UaVld ~arol ann ~xoger were weeks in California" were en-[ill
ter. and Mrs. Paul Beckhelm en-Sioux City, Mrs. Etta Smith and Clark Charles Klein, Roy. NIartin which Kathryn will wear to classes at the Stale University of Iowa Mr and. Mrs. Austin Armstrong. Fords Sunday were Mr. and. Mrs colleg.e
wi:.tamed the Cornell music faculty, Miss Hollis Wilson of Stanwood and Dick Berthot. Convention notes this foil and family were callers Friday eve- Park Albaugh and Mrs. Mildred[ Mr. and Mrs. Burt Neal and Major
. u~ their wives and husbands at : "- were given by several of the dele- Visitin- in Jan and ga'"- d-rmit ~" i ning at the James Gunn home ] ~nraaer of West Branch. land Mrs Bill Thomas were guests
gard . ' : w.~.~.b, clrcle meeungs for wea- v ), u ), rvvm ~v,w~r~ v.p~wn~," The Cnarles Ford "
en supper Sunday evening [ ~o~ ~ ~ ~**. ~o hal,~ ~ th gates ~ The Wilton Gunns were Frlday1 . . s spent Thurs-!of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Neal for dln-
I]~^ - " [ ~, ~,~w Last Sunda- members of the Le operaTions, mey mscussea orlemonon acnvmes ono mooe plans evenin~ callers at the Adol h Bid- aay afternoon with Mrs Ford s n he Palisades Lad e Thursda
W ~ ~vlyron Ellisons, the Stephen i following places (1~ Mrs. Dave . < " " P brother Flo d F " " er at t g y
ests and th" *~ a m^ o ~.^~ ~.'. glon and Auxiliary started cleaning for classes, erman home y ulwlder of Tipton. evening.
~ ~--~ :,~---~-~ -=*V-l west z:~u ~zt ~v~rs. rau, uupnan~ Alice Vislisel was "
Julian ~ ~ ~ T ~ ~*^ . .' . ' ~ z. ' the hall in preparation for painting Kothrvn and Jonlce of Cedar Ramds. will both be freshmen The Wilton and James Gunns at-] an overnight[ Mr and Mrs. Ben Neal were
a~ ~- ~v~ uv~u~ ~ pot LUCK luncheon at x pn ~o~ ,~,--~ - uest of Leona Re
lebrate tho;- ~,;-** ~ ~*. .~ I ' -- - Ithe walls and ceiling. The ~ob Is -, ,~ -: : ,L: M.~ A .~ L z . .~ tended the funeral of Mrs. J. T.t g yhons Sunday lguests of Mr. and Mrs. Marley Clark
eV ,-,~ ~ ~.~.a.~o ~.~o~=.~. 2~lOlOn r~lng Z';~U" t~) mrs l~alpn u, ,~, v,v=,~,X ,> ),=~, uuv~,=, u, ,v. u.u ,~r~ The Don Dolezal
enin~ ~ ~o v ;.h i . ~. ' ". '. . ". [ half complete and the organizations " Gunn at Mechamcsvllle Friday af- I s called on the tat the Pahsades Lodge Sunday for
an" ~ ~.s--,uo= I* macnman, rouucz luncheon, i p.m.; ~ = a~-,-su;~'" .v. v ~u,u.~==.~h'~'+ tu* a~o*~;"+ LOUIS KOSS, U~Z. vernon, IS o soonomore ~ ~ *o~"""" I Joe Zinkulas Sunday. evenin-~, . droner.
Y newcomer in town who' (5) Mrs Gaynor Stonebraker pot { n "---
0ttld - . . ] ' in the work If you can come some Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Hc~ffma
be Interested m attendmg the ~luck luncheon at 1 p.m.; (6) Mrs. . ' " " t ]
t . . ,evening or on a Sunday afternoon i were callers ,n Cedar Rapids Sa-
Womens club meetingwhich'Harry Dec,aDs potluck luncheon 1 contact Mrs ,m w . aa . -- . = . I
ul be held ~---* ~ x.~:' ~ ^^~,I : ir-l- M'- HerbI . ~narles r~leln, ulai nemn Jean mosner ~na Nit u-',rn~ |^r~l~ uraay evening. II l
o~,t. ~-, ~.u ~ ~, p.m. ~u~e. r~t.~- ~ ~ ~' ~" 5372 Those helping' Sunday were ~- - .-. --.~ .v=. --v,~=~
. C. J Kramer 5581 beforeiHendriks Thursday evening 8 p m I.~ " I: D I:I. A.-- tA/ J,Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Collins o.fil GOOD JOB FOR STENOGRAPHER
oI~dav ' ' * ' " ' I ne namer mersons ano nlene /Iq,~ll~n~l~ [IIlIIN~ ~ntl~ ll~lMI ! Ceoar lxa~ios accom-anied Mr aug, n
"" I " ' w" m t . ' i Ivlrs isle uee ira llp~on spent v v . i
~r~ ~ Hill CRy Rebekah lodge 111 .ee [Don Hunters, Charles Klems, Ar- '~" Mrs Kenneth Ka-lan on a motor ll [
n ~ nanley entertained Tuesda ~e t 25 at 7 30 m ~o~e ~amroay With ~vnss ~er~na ~alo v
"" [ Y, P-,: P- I nold Brawners, Emil Reyhons', Mrs. All Saints church in Cedar Rap-i . " tri-" Sunda-" to Rose Park zoo at [j We have an immediate opportunity for a competent [
aonor of Mrs. John Benson Wed- change of time. Members having Darwin Cook and Jean Cookes and ids was the setting Saturday morn- win. ~.v o a,~p~,;,~. W;~ a + ~ [J L o L :: . [
-oqa --.=* ~. ~ ~**u u~,~*ll :)wt=lnu~:llulJIS~U. Jvu urr~rs ~xceulenT sTar[in SOlO ono OO
~e ~evenmg. Eight members of !birthdays m July. Aug~ and Sept. [Mrs. Edward Petrick. mg Sept. 15th at 10 o clock for the ] Joseph Bridges, a reserve in the noints of interest Gary Kanlan [I : . g ~ I [
,~riage club to which Mrs. Ben- iwill be honorea, m~rs. ~ranx ~age, ~ marriage of Miss Helen Jean Mash- Navy has been notified to report ~n~nt Siaturdav night and Sun'clay I security tar right person. Pleasant working conditions and [
,~ nged when she was a resl-]Mrs. Ren Slver, Carrie Klye, ' I Annn,nnr-~ J:nne~n-~m-~n) er, daughter of Mrs. George Tlede, for service Nov. 29. with hio-randmother Ka-lan I I ; ,; n ; I
"~ here, were guests I Jane Koza who are in cnarge o~I ~"O of Fairmont Minn and D A Mash- I ~ ~" ~" " l I "~; I"'~'~"~'"~" i
~ M " i freshments' ask that the memb [ er of Tam-" "' --~ ~'r-- i Mr and Mrs Wilbur Harris of Mr and Mrs Wilton Gunn attend-II - !
a~ron s ~lrcle or U ~ ~ WIll ' ~,~ rio. allu r an~*:~ 1%. i " ~ ' ' A
LYe a o ~,t- .~ + ~, .~ ~ [ brine a sack lunch. The commit ~ IMr. and Mrs. Glen Gaffney an- p;,~;t~ ~' ~ 'T ~ W;~;p~ ~ ~ Madison, Wls. were week end guests ed a family reunion at the Prairie } [ pply Af Onco [
~n at th:~,~.~'~ ~.-~~ ~u ~ ~.~-!in charge of the Odd Fellow- [nounce the approaching marriage of ~"~r:~ '~ of Mr and Mrs. John Duckwall. Creek church west of Urbana on [[ [
~rd on m, ~.~. ~ + o~+~. m ~ bekah picnic at the Palisades ~ I their daughter Miss Frances Ann ,~.^ o^ r. ~ r~ ~ .~ ~ Sunday Sunday evening they vls,t-[[ --- . m ~.~ ~ I
.-~ will furnish rolls and coffee [Sept. 16th were the George Cost, . ;H,ggms, to Dr. Robert B Tuberty, er nastor at Lisbon nerformed the a district meetin~ of the Du~ ed former nenghbors at Center I ~dP~|~'idm&lqtd~qN| ~r~J~PqN~'~ ~LF'~NIqPqt~np'l~tm [
~erabers are urged to attenc~ Vernon Barretts and Milo Machu,i sonar Mr. and Mrs. James Tuberty double ring service'before an altar i dental society Monday in Dubuque[ Point. ]l 1~41 |VI I~1 Vq~S~ ~Vl,n~l| I~ I
"4 t ol ~%ioert l,ea rcnnn, t ne couple ~ ' " ---- H A '
] o bring a covered d,sh and: I " banked with baskets of lavenderl Mrs J E ~ ][ 1515 VENUE N.E. [
'~ Picnic re uir-~ments i K~:AD "l'Iti~: w.~'Jt eku~ I Will excnange vows uctooer zv, in ~ ^ .~.a= a ~; ~^,~. ~ . . ~ot~on nas oeen con- ~ J ~ J ~ .J t
I ~ I St. John s church of Independence. ed asters with a back-round of -at ' fined to her home this past week range Mall [ P [
I s ~;'';"s:sa --aduateof ~: ~';-'i with a severe cold and complica- Mrs. Mllton Koch [ [
I ~,**~ .x,ss, ~. tea terns.A SOLOISttram me I ":^--~
CO -. ' g' " g Y i Needlecraft Club wi 1 meet n, == ==
~mry ~o ao somemmg rot ram. [[ILhnols College of Optometry. A herfather, wore a gown of white! Mr and Mrs Pear"~ W~IP~'- -^ Friday afternoon at the home of[]] ]]
member of Phi Theta U sllon inter ~ ~ a ~ ~ .
" P' ' - slipper satin with a fitted bodicet ::~ 1,~4~ IIT:',~--~AI " Mrs Lloyd Neal }n Solon Firemen s Annual n
-- ,I national optometric fraternity he is . . . ~u~.~ .~,~u,~,~ --u ~.~ ~-
WARFARIN ],overlaid withrosepomt lace and c r~ wher~ ,~.~. ~.a~ ~.^ Floyd Paul spent the past week
n~u~.u= now practtclng optometry In Mt,~w, o ~ = =~ ~p= ~
[[ " buttoned in both front and baek. Iv^^;. :: ~' end in the home of his sister, Mrs. []] m
Ka! ~.nuuer ! 33 & S9 I I Vernon They will reside at 719 5th Her veil cascaded from a heart- I James Wiggins and his mother, Mrs. m m
-~ I pound - 98c,I I Ave. north, shaped crown of lace and she ear- ! Miss Hazel Livingston returned Minnie Paul. Floyd and his wife [ A eT A r*
: " [I ---~--~- ried a bouquet of tube roses and lhome Friday after submitting to recently moved from New York toll
65c I Old Spice l i feathered carnations centered by surgery several weeks ago. She is New Jersey. He was on a business
I SHAVING CREAM I[ ummmlv~ im~ulml~llm~ an orchid I much improved trip into Wisconsin. ll ]]
nKUNtU - ~[~LId[.PK I ! n tL^r }[ Miss Marjorie Brown maid all ~. ~ ~ P.~, ~ no;~t~ ~ Mrs. Lizzie Russell of Bronson,
Cold Tablets I DENTAL CREAM " ward Pitlik bridesmaids wore "g " p " " [] n
~ . -,~ I qv. ova ~*~o II gauon mclualng lormer Japanese identical gowns of ~reen ' taffeta i son of Madison, Wis spent the Mr. and Mrs. Raymon Stearns andtm Tnn= AV nT q = 1
o7~ ~ .~ I ~ - ~. - w~ I lpremier' Baron Shidehara. with matchin~ mitts and pink flow- I week end with Mr. Higbie's mother, Pvt. John Dean Stearns spent Man- f~ UV'n~,PW,~n/ ~dpm.un, L~dP []
FRESH I Gibson's [ Chester L. Ric--"h-~and a number of er tiaras. All three carried bou- Mrs. Dorothy Higbie. day eve inthe MiltonKochhome. [i] u
WHITMAN'S GREETING CARDS & ihis faculty colleagues will run the quets afros.oh.and carnations. Walter Meeker and his brother- a oaL[ go/he I m
l LETTER-ETTES lmental course this year. The theme P -! ids left Friday for a two weeks' ^ w~-^ ar~ ~w~-, wiull
rw~r~n AT C senior colloquium, Cornell's experi- ~owara ~ltllK serveoas oes~ man i, H E. Divine of Cedar Rap- ""R~.or~ vo-~r-news to the -a-erl1 " -- =
,- 4- ! t ana ~'aul ~'os lsel ana nowara ua v ~ v v ~n 3u TOr a mg ~J ono on ~eennng or run
I! will be "Freedom and Authority." vls. were groomsmen with JackI fishing trip in Canada. ;e ~ookln~";o;~the'home news, also [I i
" d v ~riages anQ ~nll wlnsor as ushers ~' :
;The course will meet Tues ay e e-~ " Pl~,r]~ mh,~rn. ,~n ,ndor ~nf m~the hnv.~ in the service are inter- ]] 1
h ~ R .m. ~.w~ ~,m m~ * . I nings in the president's room at lne nrloe's mo~ner was attlrea in I t- - --'7 ."='- rn --o . - . ' 1
. a r n it wit black jor surgery at Mercy hospital Ced- eszea in wna~ goes on at nome. .
K/~LI'I'! I'll=~b/T Tour uruclqlSlr l Merner hail g ee su h accessories] . "" " Mr and Mrs Milton Koch s*'entll Auditorium -.- Solon, Io. |
~v s -1 M,-~ l:);fl;lr w~-a ~ hl~ntr ~,;t,ar *~ap~u~, ~u~uay morning, r*e is . v r[] []
FRIENDLY COURTEOUS SERVICE Lieut Wallace Schneider of the with gray accessories Both had gettmg along very nicely. ~unaay In me ~orman necnau name I I I
I " ' i near Olin Other guests were Lo-
U S air force was a recent campus yellow rose corsages. Mrs 0 L Meeker of Cedar Rap- ::~- ~ ~*.~ ;^~ ;n ~ II : II
~ visitor. Wally was at one t me A wedding breakfast for 32 guests ids, visited last week in the home ~ ~ ~r~ ~ro~l,~ ~,h,~ .no family
,student manager of KRNL Cornell's was held in the Florentine room at of her son and daughter in law "%%- ":~ "I
,' . ] " ' O i-'aIo
'wired wireless." After a year in the Roosevelt hotel. A four-t~ered Mr and Mrs Walter Meeker. " ~-
"psychological warfare" at George- wedding cake centered the serving] " " "" " P t " ~, ~,mn [N I [
[ town university, Washington D. C, table flanked by white gladiolas and! .Miss .rlulaan eel. WhO is .em: :)COIFS ~lll ] 1
1 t thre nths I OLo~ea m uanas ~exas arriveo Mrs Gerald Scott t
I"VPI'I~TI/'~IklAI %/AIIIP~ ~lkl I he has spent the as e mo a miniature bride and groom. A - ~ v nin to's end a week in iI I~%/CDV I~AV CDI::P|A|C I
I~A~I~r|IVI~I/~L V~P*qkm-~m=~ ~l~l [ in New York city producing and an- reception for 100 was held duringl Fmaay e e. =g ~ o---n of ~1 L'VmL--I%~/ Nl~m~| ~[nl"~|~n~m~
n o u n c i n g English-language pro- the afternoon the parental J. u. t-ee~ name. ~v~r. ann tvzrs. A~treo u ~o II
~rams for the Voice of America For the weddin~ trioto the'~~x. ~.n ~.~ ~, ~ p~t. ~nd ~r~ Waterloo, who had spent several[] - if.
WIN - - and
THE FOLLO -- ---------- . Ozarks, the bride wore a dark blue and Mrs Charles Sackler Ruth and .~, ,~ ~ ~I Mr ~nd Mr~ Fredll,[
Richard Wherry, son o~ ~IlZ- suit and accessories and a corsage i Carl of Indianola spent S'unday and ~ ~ .v.:;%f.;~ ~--- ~.-~ :.--. ~-~--t I I ,- I .- t
abeth C. Wherry, neaa reslaent at ,~f orchids The, will make theirI~----a--- -* +~-o ~,~o Pl~l~ hnr~a DrlSDIII Ut ~ ~[vv=, *v~ %~,~l| a~W K ~=rl~l~ l! ~.olgate I
[ Pfeiffer hallLwas back on home at 1573 First avenue S.E. ini~"A~baaHall returned to-"H;rlan the week end with the ~icnar~ll mo - $?c I D~NTAL CR~J~I [
" this week aiter nearly a year wltn id I "-'~'~'"'
P I 1 dP~ lm ~n~ t th~ U S arm- in Korea He now Cedar R ap~.~s : Wednesday after VLS]tmg with hzs Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buckley of I I Ige, - 47c 1
%, n n I~ 1,N ~ [ ,~.~ ". "u~,*~=~n*,~ oommission in- mrs. r'I~U.K, is a graaua~e o~ ~ne i daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Cedar Rapids were callers Sunday [[ i |
u ,- v m n% u ~, n ~p thearmy'. ~a;iedr:eBn~nneSCn~ ;le;:a s~eeaa; M:si~ W,lham Haggard, for over a ev~m%eOofrthe BGoer::d fS:o~;, are [ AtKA SELTZER ! TINTo~.J~
In his ope~-----~g addrem to the emp~yed ashead nay. roll clerk at! Mr" and Mrs John Neff and enjoying television. A set vqs in-!l Large Size,TOUCH-UP [
~ne ~!uaKer ua~s plan~ lvlr ~I~I1K atur a
i f~culty President Cole an- - i 1 - --i :,- iMrs "Mae Blaine'attended the rural stalled in their home on S d Y-i[ $4c,| 29 -lus tax |
was graauatea zrom tvlt vernon nter lned ~" t*
n~n PL I . m l nounced that Jacques Jolas ' . i earrier's association meeting at Joe Mrs. Richard Brisbin e ta" I~," |
I ~,F~r~il~YrUl~l rUll~l mgn SChOOl in l~o ana is also em " '
20 httle zrls from fourth rade in
professor of piaao, has been Dlo ed at Quaker Oats He willKremaneks in Ely Saturday even- g g {[,[
] granted sabbatical leave for the . Y " . . ing. Mt. Vernon Saturday afternoon in I[ KOTEX,/vt~t% [
eave r~ov zzcn for acuve outy in h ,r n
1949 W O JeeD Station Wagon [ second semester of the current~ ~ TT {~ Nay'" i John Franta and Andy Little of her home in observance of the Dir~ "I| - -, --,D~XTR! MALTO~
" -- aca~lemic year to stuay m ~ v.o. --$" --- - !~-rin~ville Mr and Mrs Richard day ol .her oaugnzer, tieatner, l| ]25,;$~C,"-L "= l
France ~uests at me weaomg were tram I .Y2" %. .' ~' ~ --" Movie ann games were enjoyea. ~e- [|,I lb. /4c |
1947 Crosley Station Wagon : ~ Clearwater and Tampa, Fla Fair-"' " "-' home freshments were served, i l ],l
~guests in tne ~ranK erama
} Letter~ received from Prof and mont Minn Davenoort LaVerne i
~ " ' " " ' ' Sunday ":'---""~ l[ VASELINE ] [
]OAO Chevrolet 9 tnn [Mrs. Chester Quimby report that Central City, Ely, Cedar Rapids, i ~ |nnn t rnve [I . . .UM,~.~.K,~
they have established their home Lisbon, Solon and Mt. Vernon. '~Earl Heeren was nnect ~tuu anc~ tLargeJ r~4[
1947 Studebaker ton FOR :! t i~O~%R
1946 Chevrolet 2 ton i ligi n- SURETY FIRE INS.URANCE .COMPANY I$60 f the fine was suspended - Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kirkpatrick [I HALO,V|ck's
~-- ~ocated at .New xor~ in the S~ate oz ~ew I lne many triencts oz Mrs. .tom entertained at a family dinner :~un- iN n,~,~ ~iz= tl VAm~ onnn
- -- I IHAPPY BLUEBIRD~ York ~'~tron" will be interested to ~ ~-~,~ ~ .~v- v~
: ,~-,-~~ oa In honor OI ~nyllS an~ J~elL[1
1 18 members of the Whereas the above named company haul Y . I e~ ] --
1946 Dodge Y2 ton I I On Sept 13 filed in the Insurance Devartment vf I,~wa. [Learn that sue is improving very Phvhs leaves on Wednesday for her ~!l ~' ~ ~ [
I [tiappy tslue~lras ~.~n cmu ~ ~ u~ i a sworn statement showin~ its condP.ion i satisfactorily but will have to have second year at Cedar Falls. Keith i -,'. ," [
3 the Bertram t'laLL ann the election oI I on the th;rty first day of December 1950 " ~ r st for some time :1' ]" ['
1939 Chevrolet ton . . - . - -, complete e - leaves on xnursday ~or ues lvloinesl '
d for the comln m aecordsn~e w~th the nrov~suon~ of Chap-q - Palm Beach
offlcerSears ~,ewWaS- he lu,~,~.~ ~ ~ "~.~T~"~gl ter .~1"~" Title. .XX' of the Code of lo~a' Mrs. Elmer Berg ann spent the where he wall" be inducted" m the.I -- - il St o [:~t t~ Sp r~ I
Y . . remdn~ zo Ln ~uranee Companies: and i~eek end in Chicago Ill Dorothy army. Present were the Roy I STICK COLOGN~ ~ DEODORANI" [
CO'E nN SE[ THE I, i i;ii I $100 plus t=x 59c P'u' tox J
Osteraaard Motor Sales I, ~~ bylaw, until theoflr~tdavofAePmribI 19~-,employed by the Butch Construc-Mrs Claude Klaver called in thei MI:DI: ITU flonlP, i
IRCLE MEETI~I~i~ [ t zurrner eerc][v cna~ once er
1E~VO C ws ' !tion Co. on the 261 graoing this "
~h~. ~,~ ~, vo ^, i~ II VWf'~ Ph'Pl=~ ,0~ill m~t ~ent 26 i1~, the statement ~ho -- ) lafternoon. II iUl-l~Lll~l/1 1 II~l~UV I
''~11~ I~,/IL #'w,s. v~Hmv ,-,* II =L " d'llst Total Admitted Asset~ $4 207 421.141summer. [ ~ !| I
t-- iI Martha circle will meet with Mrs. ~ IN' TESTIMONyr WHEREOF ' I" ha',e' at Wapello. "' " ' [ at 7"30. followed by a social time ~.
v l IFred Sadler, Mrs. Ralph Stanton] hereunto set my haud and affixed l [ I A free wzll offering will be taken l,[
hisl~thdu of n. Lt~ tlelCK anQ ~.vlrs l:)e[-tl~a n I
. u u M K ~ L L. n[and Mrs Avery Steele, asst hostess- t ~f office at De~ Moine~ t " - y . ~ " - - [ to help on their new class rooms ,
' " " "1 ha e Jul ]~1 ,t-to oI ~lpton were ~unuay ore-I,= -
- I} es Mrs. Ruth Barley wl 1 v de- ~ Y~ " ' I ~ ~ [ Don t forget th~ annual freed I [
~allina all vouths out to this service Sunday, Sept. 23 at llvotions and Mrs. Elmer Bergmann] ,~ea=, Chas R Fischer iner guests .in ~n.e ~.eorge wanlC~Ichicken dinner on Sept. 27. The l [
-,nome LaDle tielCK lS a oromer o r
7.4~ j, lithe program. Lois circle will meetI Co miss'loner of I ~n:~.Sl!." ; R~bert~dinner will be served country style. L[ AKll~II%/CDCADV CAll:: [
= ~y~ L Ivlrs WaltlCK Mr ana J.vlrs u
" I[with Mrs. Marley Clark, Mrs. Don i f" W ~ Br -ch werelPlans are being made to increase I ~'~|111| V .L~t~l~/ ~il~ -IL |
-- v~ :, ~ : ; [[Thomson, asst. hostess. Mrs. Anna1 . ~'~ j iwensoTa,o,~ cst an [seating room. ii |
u"'~. I[Gormly will have devotions and[ business ,aras ~ 1"" [ ~ --t colle-'e I / [
There will be o 30minute him ShOWn [[Mrs John Henderson the program. :: ~ Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Neff ana mr.; Ann ~cnurlr~z W'ILI aoL~IILI ~-~ ~ [ W~l'~l~'~l~l [ "~ '~1~' -~%li~l~' l-life
Everyone bring your music instrument II P.W.O. members please plan to at-[ VL~. ~. ~me~ri~,-= ;and Mrs. John Neff spent Monday]at Cedar Fa!~, Crelgn*on ~sarner I " "' " ' ' [
n-t-~r,4,minotion eve-'one is invited I t~nd the fall Presbyterial on Oct. I .".~' .~ n in Davenport. t=, w. ~etz at~en~eairemrns m ~Ju,~ u~ ~ I [
III ~ %1%.~ 17 11 " " . I uIIice ,Ja~cnelor Z~l(ig. x~xc. vc~[,u i - ,;P~n~ rofr~hor eol]rse held} Mr aria Ivlrs r~ennem ~lrKpa r.uK [ i [
' in . ' ' a mor~ - "
At American Leg=on Hall j j2 at w yom g. I Dial 6731 Office Hours 9 to 6 at the Blackhawk hotel. A banquet lJoyce Phylis and Keith were sup-,I [
Admission Free I! WA-DA-TA-KA CA/M[P FIRE Evenings b~! ~t i,vas served in the evening followed ~lerndUestS:ettihg Roy Stewart home [ r ~ &l r ; C 104 -- 3 Avo. S. E.
Rev. Ralph Nosh [I We had our first meeting Sept. MRS. l~. JOAN. :. ' {by aprogram. I -- Y s Marvin Johnston '~] L ~J l~ r ~ Cedar Ra'-ids Iowa
"~ I 1 ~ ~+~. wo ,~l,~Pt~dour officers" [ .~t~orney at L~W .~ n. 1 ~ v ~.~ ~f +he tvtr. aria ~v~[- . . ' I ~ V J m 1 ~F I",;
. " I ~" - "" t" n" [ ~,~*o work ,] t-qC ~lCnaru ~. ~. ~,~,~ v t Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewar~ were II
pres Janet He s, vice pres. tie e [~~on ~';~ ^-^ ~r r~;o~ ~o Marines left Monday morning for ^ ~ ~; ~,~ ~t th V Hoffman I [
i Beckman sec Joyce Llnse treas,Lakes Ill where he wdl be,
~- L .-"" "~ w' leadert Mt. Vernon. Towa iGreat . .' "' . ~ ~ /home in honor of the birthdays of ;I l
t~aroara t~rlages, uur [x~ [,- =-- -~ ~;-~o~. ~- r~;a~ 7969 stationed tie was transterrea zromI -n~ And-" ~ P - ~@~O/ ~m@*~Am m=~P ~-
' ; nt Scribe ~Ltzuv- ~ ~ ----~.~. - - " . . lvLarvln a u y.
zS Miss Hortense H~ " E1 Taro Cahf and had spent 111 ~.~ ]Vl'~rril| arr will oend i ~x~ra |UTo UiD~U~| ~rom [
~ Cedar Rapids, Iowa, . "' G ett s
Sandra Cunnmgham. ] ~ days leave wzth his parents Mr. and ; Wednesday with relatives a n d ~ ~ i n~ ALto ~,~ [
~ i RAYMOND L McCONLOGUE Mrs Frank Franta frloDd~ in Des Moines I necla trices [
NNUAL CERTlY|UAI~ --~-- I~ " W ! " i " - ~ I |-- *
TION At#a* hey At La rs R H Da returned r and Mr~ Kenneth Klrkpat~zcK
PUBLICA . : . i Mr. and M . . . Y ~ M . ~. ' ~,
A oc ate ord o*tom w ere ovor I S"RIN CO "S ,'. sur,'s I
~JJ~i~ii[J ' TTME IN.SURANCE CO MPAsNYe of IDa.a! 2-~149 510 Guaranty Bldg. a-~tende~cl the 34th Division reunion Mr and~ Mrs John Sherk of Idai~ Ai---- '11" e~ ~ll= i--.~. ~'~0/ [
|lmm~m~:~l Lo,~ateJ at MilwauKee ]n ~ne " " I Cedar Rapids ' "~-- *^ .~ da,s "~-:.- ^ ,r~.'~d brought their s~n' [ ^,~ /gp~i~l~ ~ ]PoY,lP UJ,I L~= ~ v /~ |
Whereas the a>ove named company ha~ [axatlon ~rooa~e v,51Vll t'racuce ~ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hall of Daws ,o~tn the University ,o~|,-- --- --
~L~ii!i:l flied ntheI ance'Departm'ent cfI '~a:t Dial 4362i ~L~ eon~ - 420 W" First St"! accomnanied them'.- Mrs. Hall is thel The Merrill' Garretts and Edwm[' ' ~,~,cm [
|lk~~~!:i I a ~orn statement snow n~ <~ t ~Vtt. vernon i ~,- I-- ' -~ ^---~ -'i~ite-~ the smallest t na mu wm~%~n=--u [ l [ ]~/~ ~ [ ~ W~ ~~ [
on the thirty-" first day of December, 19.~v, [ ~~ Qaugn~er oI ~wrs. ~ay. [ harms ailu Z'xlt~t v ~ u . Vq~i~ I1 iil/~Jl% ~v4~qk/~ ~'l~l~b
I -- ~!!i ! i d th the prov, s~on~ of Chap-I R B WOLFE ------------------ church in the world near Festlna, 1 I
ter 515, Title XX, of the ~oae o* *owa " ~e at L W i i the Bdy Clocks at Spillvllie and YOUR WHILE
r~atin~ to Insurance Companies; and A tto y a New Cars L censed -- " " ' i ~ [
~~/.i::!:I id In e Company has, coi~-I Notary Public,[Niagara Cave at Harn~ony, Mmn. ~ "
nl'ed with the laws of this State re:at g[ Probate --- Tax -- Civil Practice I W R Clippinger. Mechanicsville,'lSunday Mr. and Airs. Al~rect tuurth ~ u,;~ '] ~O/ .'~$$ lP~mr (;~|~- PFHce$"
~, i !~'*'-o 682| R~sid~nee 314] ;D,--,~-,':,~, land son of Calmar ~oined them for i~ [
-- . M dl~ A Ilk, ;Charles R. Fischer, CommiSS~a~er a?f ~nn C~RL IF. I~l~t;l~lt I ~ i cllnner at .ecurau. ~ |
ylur~sLw~herVe ~? lanUget? !i!ii~iii R ~f~2~V~ The ~~kc~u met FRANZ~a~I~ad~Z:ERE 1 Tali gMs ZBl O ad C' 'h' t
Buy c rvice' GOOD Sb '
A new shipment lust arrived. ,~, t~- -t02.~4~s41'i " " P " at[ Frida" evening Mr and Mrs I| Cover#s; Sheens, i
l~ 'iota Admitted Asse ",'," I ~.-^^ ~9 Wnm~----W2~12/ on unursoay aI~ernoon ~ept. Lo, i a " " ~ 1
~. . ~ o " 12d. Tara l Lmbfl,tms, Excep ~ ~"=.~ I the home of Mrs Clarence Mat-] George Melneke entertained at a ~ [
ISar aln I-'rlces caplta~ . ~0,~-~i m~ss ~warle pipp~ I . . i - o I'
the~ w~th Mrs. Kafer as assistant dinner m honor o~ their house
g Capital, Pa d UPail- LiabH- 1, 1 Dental Hygienist ]~:~t~ The at tin~ will t uests Mr and Mrs Franklin i~ $22 95 all the way to $49.50 [
~-~ v ver " ,~ n c ober mee ~. g -, .
230 143 86
I~i~'" ~ ~ "" a~r-ear(t~--Policy ' " [ BRYANT AND HAIGH~ t be at the home of Mrs Merrill] Meineke of Stockton. Calif. Guests [ [
~urpms g " . i ~eterinari~ ~ ~ ~ a Mrs Kenneth Kan- ~ were the P~ui Meinekes from Ana- ~l[ ' |
TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have Office Phone 2761 Mt. Vernon Ia ] ~ ~s assistant hostess mosa the Donovan Deltrlchs o ~ !
Don s Rad,o and Telev,sion Dr. ]3ryant remdenee phone 2763 1 ~ . ,VanHorneandtheLelandMemekel| FUR COATS JOIN !0 o UI"