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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
September 21, 1939     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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September 21, 1939
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THE MOUNT VERNON. IOWA• IIA~VKF'YE-RECORD AND THE LISBON ItERAL0 Thursday, September 21, 1939 Tl~th~ chool again: Others who ~'c|'e . ~,~ - II $ ....... ater and emitting yeO~ls '~" D01i Mr. and MraS,. Jwer~ ~iY?n~n~f O1~ ~bsent durin a rt ..... : ,ms tneme was .~e,ectoa oy ," ----'- the dexterity o~ ,-.,~ ~.1.~ v~* r L~ ~ Mis~ Bowie.',', English tcwuher, i ...... " ~ ,... ored a rake ml, to-- n ,.,aer P~o,~ ,an " ByCHARLES B. ROTH ,rson and Betty Jean Graft I as one of the three best themes braxn surge , ' -"d brought UP Mrs' I'~red B " ' " [" 1 " * * * * / Mr and Mrs. Charles Hoeft were .... ~ : r the anmaa~,~- ,-.~?**.'**:,,*.~,~ ~* ~~*-~°?°~*¢*~'*~$~e*~:* " • kGRICULTURE CLASS l r~'clv~l during the last school ! unde .. _half_exhausted 6~.,,~*¢~1,¢~.~*'~'*:~,~**~ ....~ ~ ............... / Sunday droner guests of Mr. and : I a dripping, a,rty, • ~^~an v-~: and'Mrs L A Davis spentl Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hughes andlMrs. W. E. Challis. ~ MONTAIGNI='~ 'GRIT REGI$II~R' The Agriculture class II planned }'ear. r ......... ei-hbor again v:~ ~-' - --'-" : ........ [*^"-i"" snent Sunday at the home] Rev C F Stratton attended the o~ tour to Gravers Dair Mends I sat morbidly .philosophizing. t rote. .wy ,.: = ,...+ T grabbea AI na melr IU~II lgl talll j ~/~. . " . . Monday at P ' lof Mrs. Hughes' sister, Mrs. OhverlPresbytery of Cedar Rapids in Wy- |F EVERYTHING else that gifted You save Ume and money because o test their knowledge ~ judginy Men are very fickle, I concluded, her maladl!tmns: ::ar; mingling • "~'r' and Mrs E F Vornholt were Myers at Independence. oming on Monday. i writer, Michael Equem de Men-you compare what one seller oller~ 'airy cattle but rain prevented ~nd not at all worthy of such my cat and, ~-- ..:_t~r, ran for ..*"_" ... ' .--A.-r, H Hum' Mr and Mrs Laurence Stabenow! Mrs. J. D. Graham of Cresto~ taigne, wrote were to disappear, the wlthwlmtlmotheroffers. You Judge their going, i things as the expense of new ,~,~th the (intern ~ ~ ~unctay visitors m tale ~. • "; " " A team is to be arr:tnged to '-:oi clothes or the torture of pernian- home. • dayS of de- reel home i and the Charles Busch family were was a guest Wednesday m the would still be indebted to him which is the better value. - -- '~ of Daven-'ort spent i Sunday dinner guests at the Tom and Mrs. Hugh Robinson home. for his ideas on what he called his Norman Angell, the EngUsh writ. :o the Dairy Cattle Congress to ' ~ -~ ....... It rc"uired aevera~ • _ _ :enls ~nzt~ women ensure tor ~nelrl 'q e plato to g • ., themVeretYweelt ~aat)inena the ho~e of his !Gunn home in Mechanicsville. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stinger of "~ re ister " er wished that someone had adver- uage aairy cattle there. A ban- ', . " " " ' ....... health durmt°~luchrest°rtmae he h~ea father Charles Stash. I Mrs. Elizabeth Moore of Win- Mount Vernon were Sunday droner Montaigne was a Frenchman who hsed more in England when he set tuet will be given later, reports In- sakes. At no other time woum J tunes c.~-~. . . . ~ , Mi~,s Adelaide Nemecek of Cedar l throp came Sunday to visit with guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Nosley. lived and wrote 400 years ago. Now out to buy a horse scraper for some .tructor Harlan.. t ha~emittedeVenthisthOught,revolutionaryleast wmefact ad-but mucla" "Getter'- g'han~ I did. Ne~er-, • Rapids was a Sunday supper guest cousins, Mrs. E.aEn.dHO~)l~:[ ra~ldtMr: Mrs. Howard -Blessing, Juanita, admired excessively by a few read- farming operations he had on hand. HOME ECONOMICS lI .... . ....... saved mY screen.Y, • "~ 1~ J Kolek home ~ taenry eowmr u " Paul and Bob of Cedar Rapids spent ers, he's almost forgotten by the He scanned the advertisements. The first week in the Home Eco- tonight I was feeling very dim,- [ tne,ess, x ~,~ felt amply reward- In me ." . • ~ • ~ , Mr and Mrs A E Walton of i Mr. and Mrs. Marlyn Edwards Wednesday in the J. S. Kohl home. world at large. But every time you No scrapers. He wrote a few manu. ~omies was spent discussing and lusioned about life and things. I yellow cat ~,u Anamosa were visitors Sunday with and•son of C h]Cags~oewnrO:a~eeto ~l~t Albert Reynolds submitted to a read an advertlsementh your sews- facturers he knew. No scrapers. ,:)lanning their objectives for the l It was the night of the swank ed. ~#- .~;-~ a#~- ~-~orae Bittle l remfives m ~ - tonsilectomy at Mercy hospit~ 1, Ce- paper, you do homage a his ~aem- Later he came to America and in .'urrent year spring prom, for which occasion it ~--~ sley ,,U.Mr~,~.,and ......... Mrs B F Yam-- " ox: Ja,a"" irs-/l .day on Mr. and Mrs. Willard Yeis- dar Rapids, on Monday mor~ rag." ory. Chicago discovered, through an ad- Our bjectives as tentatively.., star- is the• style_ to get new" formals and I. Mr and J-ljmmyF; _~.~e~nd • .~' "; " - .... ,~ ~- +helmY- Mrs W J Dallas and Miss Mar- For it was his ideahat I; .~ople, vertisement, of a horse scraper for d are; to develop the ability-- end curls--th~tt is, the girls. The Patsy, Mrs..M Y ~"-s Lester town were ~unaay ~u~ .,. ~ ~ -- - "" E D Holvenstot " " " " " ' ' ,~---' ....... ~ ..... ~ ...... s e~,~ ~#- ~--.~ ~-o E M Franks home | lvir.aug mrs .... tha Kruse of Mechanicsville visxt-who want to buy, need some place sale. He looked into the matter-- 1 To plan prepare and serve ~ ......... u,, ~,~,,~,~ ~,~ -xtrava~ant Wands Le~gn, aug x,~ - ThU ttraotive, nutritiouseconomical " . ...... of Mount Vernon P-'-,ow ~"~" ~"~" ....... - " - ...... vis|~ary and Kenneth. of Cedar Rap- ed last Frxday w~th Mrs. Guy John- where they can get and found it was made within 20 m ~1 • corsages aria TIO~t arouna au eve- ..~ ~,,^~, .... ' .~on-m-,- l~e Ot l~eo~xem - " " 2a. S~ro mana~.e time mone and ning looking very uncomfortable in ~V:u~hte;~r~and-Mrs. ph!lip Mrs. Lucy Str . . Z, __ t ids were Sunday guests of Mrs. Hoi- ston. information about miles of his English farm. • ~, , Y ~" " ton IlL Mrand Mrs VictorGutafson~aiYg~t~WMr~thih=re~a~re~%n~:~u~s' n Mrs Rl:e~St~r?w~;rer'MrsGHaEarlch andWarner Laurence Long of Oxford June the products which That you have a "great register" work so that the home work will tuxedos. I had even wheedled D~.d pisel near New Bos , / .... t. • Mr. ad Albert Reynolds submitted to a read an advertisement in your news- tonsileetomy at Mercy hospital Ce- paper, you do homage to his mere- Later he came to America and in ,'urrent year. dar Rapids, on Monday morning, ory. . Chin.ago dmcovered, through an ad- dOaUrr (rtbj%~teTe~:pthen:b~i=lY stat- Mrs W J Dallas and Miss Mar For it was his idea that peopte, vertmement, of a horse scraper for ; ' Y-- tha I~ruse of Mechanicsville visit- who want to buy need some place sale. He looked into the matter-- 1. ~ To plan, prepare aud serve - ' and found it was made within 20 ttra tive nutritious economical ed last Frxday with Mrs. Guy iohn l~[,where they can get ~ " " ~ r~man an~/ Mr ' "." StLurence Long of Oxforwd Ju~ac- ~thnf:r~r:~i°ntstowa!!~l! ~ cm~m~St°yf°uhiha?:lais'hg~::Tregister'' m~2~s~s: ~h:tatg:e th:~emx°°n:Y awnd in , tion spent the week e d " '~others • " g t you regularly, with the be more efficient: into getting me that d~trling formal, Bailey is remaining • . parents,Mr. and Mrs. Charleb In Montaigne's Ume day's best opportunities to buy the 3. To alter clothes so that they 'which because of the matter of a i weeks to care for lvirs;..~ • .. ~ ..... ---~-;~ home I am Y, • . . - ....... ~ong. the buyer had things you need. is one of the beat~- tre attractive and neat' dent in the fender of the car, ~ daughter . ._, ;., of Waterloo were Sunday vts~tors ¢ fl Mrs Madge Henderson, and ~ to ......... ............................. i:: • • ', Genevieve ~"" m me parental ~. v. ~v~e~, ......... I Mrs Blount of Central ~::~y ws]teo ~n~ o.~ ~rr~ r. C Moreland oi '^okfor the seller I~~-~ tudes of livin- in a___: .... - ~ ...... ' _,,,. ....... c~n+ a in a nosp]tax ,," ' ..... ~ --~ " ella Bittlel. V; .. ~ "'-- '~ FStrattor~,,, ............ ~. • ,v ' i~~!::~] ~ r~u~a~;~ a~u m ~. J o mlprove our personctt,ty, i1 had been previously Genies. x,~ ~,-~, .... J home. / for Sunday dinner Tues .... .............. owners o, mmg~ Charles R~th a world of tmet~! thhal~ from all --~ -To-u.n ..................... ,ix~ ....... ~' '~^: - rush and i~nor- : I f~ f"~ ~-~1~ ~ Doris, nd Miss Anna Zach of Ely L dis Sherk. Their son Paul, a ...... ~ b. p - ' - .. ~~ the pages of me newspaper, and, Io, - .~' --" - " ; .... [ college for the spring vacation, all ]! r?2_~ ,~.~|~ ~rllk~i visited~iandayin the R. L.Frinl~ frYeshman at Cornell joined them ,~nd Mrs. C. F. Stratton h ......m~ght see..laere me ~::::~ there right in front of you, you find :,._:" ..~orertect our personanty m ihe droo-s---ardon me--boys | l" I'~lllk~l~ II.~,*" _ .... ., ~.. _" ..... .~ .,,. ~ I mr. aug ~ars. ~am x~om, r,~,~ they wanted to seu ,~,,,~ m~ ~,~aa [ ........ ........... ~ ~s,~ ,v,~, [ '~-~ s ..... s ...... I 1 ill~J L~I~Ik~'~" Mrs car titaoenow anu *-,~o Mr anti mrs. ~t. ft. rtelu Wltt~ xvtJ " " " ........... th car " . . O~s _,_ ...... s""nt Tuesday| _ 27. ~ - °haler of Cedar[ and Betty, and John E. Kohl visit- would list them Here also those .- . . I e e of children; ing the rest of the girls who were I j.~a, j t~aurence ~mUe-~w P~ . .._.. /aria mrs. ~eorge ~ ..... led Sunday at the Sam Kohl home ..... " ........ ,:_..~.___ xne more you rely upon me I 9. To make good manners a p~rtlfuminz with ra~e !~ at~,QharlesB~Jt~eh home m wmte/Rapids visited points ox interest lr~/~.uth of town wno na~ neeus_woum .... .too .... great register" of modern life to[of us" I .... =...... -: ..... , ...... ou it ohoP Oak .... " ."" [the northern part of the state onI ..... . . ~. . neeas, t~uyer ana seuer woma mus hel-" "-ou in-our bu" in- the more t0' To kee ou selves an u ' u~mer tateae cttcu,, ............. • . , • '~ Mrs Glenn Speight ana son ram v ~ ~ .$ ~, • p "- d o r can understand nay reactions when Mr. andMrs. EarIArbmgastandlamotortrxpSunday. t ..... :'-t Branch had Sunda" dinner be brought together. . ..... you get from every permy you spend. [ equipment. Supp]|es and kitchen] . ............. r'l FALL IN ALL Mrs~ Maybe Dorcas vm~ted, SunaaYr The. Frank Gage family moved o~.,,,~w~m ~xrs. opc,~c--~:~ ..... ...... ,,v~,=,~- ,,.,oaa". ~ It was ........................ a gooo toes. It sun tn aThe best values the h.,,, .... h.., ............... I n-nt ,,a o~ .... I a perfect stranger, out roachedtne ann~me ~1 t~ RWl~ll~I~-"'~r~t° at tlae B. J. C ¢-[ Frld y ..... : i Anna Wetherell. :g ", ....... ' • dise, the best prices--they comprise [ II. To arouse interest ill the [ ' . ...... I D lark home near Ma a from the recently purchas , ood dea Every tlme indeed you to any girl s dream app EPA te~le~ | ed Tom Daws property a~ me east ......... look over me aas m your news- ,,. .... ,^-+~ ..# .u~. ..-^,.., :-.~: .... I care of the hnm-" I and inquired in the most ~nr][Hng | ~ _J 4a ~ah, and Kenneth Pratt of -nd of town iothe Rob S,ver place Mrsn XFr~ia~m~etatstSl~wen~k~atu:t~e paper you express your approvalo, s;~l~;m?d'e~nO;;r;?on':;~Vlon~a'i;P;t,'; 12. To be'~abl'e to know First- voice, "May I have this dance ?" The article you neeUo e Dav@rtpm~t were week end guests on North Washington street, i day a d :Yd Mrs John Clifton the idea sound idea - Aid for all emergencies" I about swooned. 'but arising to _ ard r._ ~u~yMcf;~dv]~i~irt~teU~n~e °i ! ~:~;eMaa~te~ere~I~nne:~°f:C~H~°e:~u~i :MnnMr;:~iT:pul~tt:;b:~g~l~e W¢:mea 'j:i:~:e~!i:ii~:i;{liT}~l!~e~'::!~:ne:y'fai:°m ~ s~i:eclt~!/ fjht~::2~ar{;!i~LgSei~ hay suns Mrg Cassie Sibcy in Tip- [,,n~ h,~ , ,~,~ araduate student in i of her brother Harvey Ell]son Mr. and Mrs. . . W" y ave as whic~ ~ ...... " . | "'I have," he said and away / - - -eel]on an :'~_" ............ / ...... .-__~-_'. ~'_ . • ! north of Mount Vernon. guests Mr. Wiley's son, D. L. Wiley, T ~rc~n#'~.r ~r T ~m~r'~,',* [ .. n ':it come unaer these ano| sailed !| our cress ~ - ,-ales can tu. I the University of Minnesota thls~ . . . x.,ica ,~.,~ =.. nan n¢ .qaeram..~. a ,m,~l |1~1 HI l.m'l'l~:~ i tne importance of the objectives ! " ~ ..-.!~ 4-t ana ,,. • ' ner .....a ........................ ua~.,u...., a~a°u~au~.~ • venln was a Ill, tie ~u ~ " lilly* ' nd Miss Stella ear ' Mrs. F. S. Armstrong has as . , . The rest of the e g autlt Mrs. Cassie S~bcy a Y • i - Cahf. and hm daughter Mrs. WII- HOME ECONO~iICS I[ owned be • ..¢ ,~,~,,~n were Monday evening [ .................... guests from Monday to Friday her. ,,,. ..... .a ~ .... ~÷~. ~o~. '................................................................. ] -~h~ ~.~., ........... t dream As we glided by, I smiled 1 be g _.~ affec|.lllg • .. --.vw.- -.... [ Mrs. Jonn rawcett ol x~uouque t~ !,__...t.^. ;.. • ...... .~ -ister Mr and zlam wltte ,~u u~s,,.,-- ~o~,=. I --.,.. ~,,.,o ,,..= Gee. s~uuymg _ ~,_ II p..~dm~lOIIs ~ltJtv . ,,l~. visitors in the Sherm McrienrY[spending the week with her daugh-l~v~r;"=;."~'~S~w~Uoff Plane " Mac of San Diego, Calif. They ar- STAFF color and designs. Now we are P~e?l::t~ ~ndlla:ha;l t;:gi;l::ehj tD~lC;7" we think ~es home." ,ter Mrs Glenn S Hartong On ..... t rived Tuesday to remain for the ~.~,÷... ;.~ r~h;.~, xlrn~.., r,...... / divided in groups Block printing I g Y / P .... .,hatdo "- Mrs. Margaret Burke and Mrs. ISunday Mrs. Hartong s brother and ! Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sulhvan at- Iweek. Assistant Editor L,,io ~..,.~_. [ yarn embroidery, and posters are I were turning vile shades of green ~ necessaruY ~.'.~ ~-~t All Bruce :McCullough visited Monaay ~ wife Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Faw- i tended a Spanish-American Vet- ~ .... ~,'..~+, ,¢ "~, Tvuist n,~h,~h-'-~-~,~""~" | being made [ with envy. As long as possible I | n'~ change "a, is err Walters xn Mount rookl n wsxted m the Rev eran Auxflmry pzcmc h ld Su a Y/ .............. he I d " • " ' .... '" " " n a Mr. and Mrs. ~,~ ~..~ ....... ----- ""- Oo ~ w~th Mrs. J y t cett of B y , " I • • . "- .~ . r~..~ ........~,~n,~ ....... r,i,,~ Renorters---Evelvn Mev r C re [ T posters are to be used for delayed the Inevitable question,| ,,,~ can do an -, ~-s- Vernon. Harton home !at the city park in ~owa ~ity. ~,,us ........... J ..... ~,,;, . ,- . . .e s, a. - the &dult evenin class s w 1 h "'~ lowest v~ • } g , t guests m the home of Mrs Kurtzs hue Kepler, Ehzabeth Frederick, [ .' . . g • e hi e t e [ but I could walt no longer so while ( o4--~ VOU the Mr and Mrs. Earl Fairley and h nkland n Mrs Char'es Lon and Peggy Frink Mar'erie Van de Ber other ma~erml will be on exhibttl~.,~ ,~n~,~h, ~* *h~ n~w moon | ":'.C -- -* ..... .... I Mr. and Mrs. Hubert S a Mr. a d • - g mother, Mrs. A. K. Runkle. They ... . ,. 3 . . g, . ~ o.... g v ................. • , . _ v Coralee spent ~unaay at the home !andson Lyle of Olin; and Miss ! Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Nosley and I came from Vinton, where they had ~azph Wflhams, Vwmn Harris, / Sauerkraut troy. 1' or risin~ sun I don't know which, | S~D e P ~l'~ur Graces of Mrs. Fairley's sister, mrs. ~vat 1 Mary Lou Denkman and James { children visted Sunday with the I taken their daughter Jane return- Mary Burrows, Ethel Mae Bigger | CAN" YOU FEATURE? ! r ..... ~,..'~,.~ ,,xxr~,,~ ~our | TheSe. r~ ...hT, esale. /* Clark at Olin. Gossman of Stanwood were Sun-i Robert McCoy family in Tipton. ir~g to the Iowa School 'for theMax]he Kirkpatrick, Katherine | During these first few days of .~. ~."~Y~"_: ............. / less than .w-,,-~..~, saCkS ~J~l~ ~l~d~l~ ~*~ T ...... ~r~a ]~" ~uests in the Harley Robert-I .......... l~lind Kruse Pauline Warner Phylli, | school some noticea,ble traits have l°wtnaay':'' | ,,,,rehase of a ~r,_, worce ~'~,-"~'~,~ "~',n-'~f~'Cedar'tt:a'l~'i~ds' son l~ome - ! lv, r. ana leers..hart ~owaer ar~. I~ ... " ............ Franta, Betty Jean Kohl, Ellen/come to my attention sO I p~tss [ When he replied, ",Metrch 5," my | ~{(mean a saVlllg, ~'~*= v~s~t~" ~nd~y"l~r"the Mrs ~I'arr;t - .... i~vea ~un,a.ay nlgn~ i~rOt~e ~:m~I win. ~lno~¢ o~ ~rmcemn is spena- Borrows, Harry Bigger. [then, on to you. heart started to ,break inside, anai~ """ ~'_" -ontinueS. z • i Bill Honenscun wno spent par~ l~eacn t~anL to v s~ ing cne wee~ wire nis sister ~ars / ~, ....... ,^ ,~ .. . m ........... ,~ '1 it war I-Iarllmn home. ]of the summer vacation with Mr. }of the former's moth".r, Mrs. H. J.]W. S. We]rick. Sunday visitors in ]EDrrORIAI# -- /tur~"' ~ ......... an xou l, ea-[~ Knew ~t was m.~..over. ~:scove| -- ,^. ¢ 120 Hu h returned~ r t W~L8 Die88e(1 wltn a noro ~, Our ~v Mrs, Wallace Mason of Chicago and Mrs. John E. Mc g , Bowde . the Weirick home were Charles Have you ever looked over the] The So~hl~,oo*o~ ,~ ........ ] _.. • ~ . =:_-| ,~n.:~e Cloud -- .~ oa and li~lff. J. B. Robinson of Mount Sunday to Omaha, Nebr., to r s I Mrs Alice Humor of Austin,~Bowker of LeC]mre, and son Chas. boys and gn-ls as they p~tss by on}looking up to the Freshies [ ....... ~xnd~ _., _a C ...65c ~li .,~ e ume " • ~ ......... " " " ' ~ ocnmr~ wnlcll SaYS I must marry a ill~ll ~¥ illb [ e~,~' Vernon visited Monday in the Mrs ~ his. medical, course at Cre~ghton : Mm" n.," and Mrs. John Smith of Tip- ,[ of Davenport Mr. and Mrs. Clar- their way. to school~. These h~tppv|. The J,,n',.,--~ ...... -v~,-s+'"'~ ~,,+" ~"",,,~*, ..... ~-.oot 'peru between, r~ovemDer ~n ver--| Dlamonu. '" ..~e _$1"4~ Mayme Dorcas home. Umverszty. ton visited Thursday with Mrs. ence Roger~ daughter Beverly and and fortunate young people should/the Friday after Sauerkraut Da,, ! 1)ecember 14, and It would e | SnowhRe ....... ¢1 49 Rev. Glenn S. Hartong left Tues- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sheber and !Earl Arbingast and Mrs. Mayme [w, rs. ±era rtogers o~ forGinG, h-a~:e nothing more important on[ Anyone capable of remembering I dote viomte my horoscope, o~. I [ I H Flour ...... ~-~ aCK ~ tnelr lnlncl tn~tll a cla~, s lessoll ( an ~ ~0 la~er when ne asKea me ~o~ ~ C ~ - da morning to attend the annual'family with Mr and Mrs J Dorcas Mrs U D. Runkle was in town .. ~ . "" " " : /all the Freshies names | "_. - _ 90 " _ U;~r Iowa Conference of the i Judd of Cedar Rapids spent Tues- Mr and Mrs Roy Plattenber~erlSunday calling on Lisbon friends. ,~'e possi~jy imagine these same/ Norton Litts as short as Chuck]the last dance, I replied, "You've[] p,as ury_ - ....... Methodist church The conference ~ day evening at the paremm ~rwn~ . • " " - • "~ Enroute from visiting relatives in:stuaents ma country where their/ Hummel" or vice versa had it," and walked nonchamnuY'.| ~_,~bl Medal ........ ,~ .... ws~ted from Saturday until Men • v .. . . , • u,,.u e ~* is being held at the First Method-iSpencer home near Mechanicsville, day evening with Mrs Plattenber-/Oh]°, she was returning to Spokane, i ::Y n~es b~ere constantly m dan-i John Argotsinger flirting. I out of his life. [| n-ices for balan.C, -ts i~t church in Clinton and will con as a surprise for Mr. Spencer in , " A Wash. where she lives with her j g • o amy you c~n not evenI Anyone usin~ the old hulldtn~ [ ] | IUI- . -.n ,~g~ ID~ " , . . gers parents Mr and Mrs C ............ o ---------- er it w~ .'~ene through Sunday. tobservance of his b~rthday. Johnson in 1Reynolds Ill " " /s°n Rollin Shuck. Mrs. Georgel'm:gine etoh?t mtuatmn for our[more than necessary. [ THAT °AT I! Septem __---- "" , " ' • ' ' ' |Runkle and Milo of Cedar Rapids l ' g P P • 1 The Junior vice '~resident onl-,| ~ {l .~ --..-~ "~ I Miss Janet Barnes of Cedar Rap- | were with her while calling in Lis- [ Let's keep war out of their minds[ t feet 9 inches tall ~ "[ BY GORDON l:t~kHN I | We Have ........ /ids was a guest last week in the/bon. [and fat" away from them and let| Bernard Gi~h ~,,~ +~- ...... I ------- | " _-.~r~ ~|T~2kJ~O ~l]lP ~ ~'~IU A • • ~//i~ |.Mrs. W. C. Stuckslagser a~d Ma(so| Mrs Lena Mohn and A~berta]the blessings of peace and prosper-1 ,rstosit withhim~ior'do'theyneed[ This theme was selected Y i| WE lJ .. $5.75 lVlV _ r._ • .r-1 akLLl /'GUY Johnston hems. Sh | ..... " .................. :~ .... !ity forever remain with them. |%sking Bernard~ ~ Miss Bowley, English teacher, '| "~°t 100 Its ........ -~'0 v v ~ i~ v ~ ,m ...... ~ ~visited Mrs. Gusts Minott in Mount| ;:~;~.=~ ~y~,"~ ."'~ w~ff,,~ a~.... 19TH Gr~art~" ~..... ¢ / ~.'~.a o,~.~ ~," .~ . / as ..... • .h.~ *l-tee best themes ;| ~"" ' . ^,~ ah~ ---~ q~ ~v..... 1 Willis lvlorm nome In t;eaar trap- I • ""'~--:" ""~" " 1 ..... ,~-~, ,~,-,~ ,s a ~enator. ! v... v.....~ . . I • /'~----~ /trip 1~" " .... ~lTC Lisbon, Iowa i vernon. . ids with Mrs. John Mohn staying . In General Science we have stu I Trying to study Latin when the ~ reeeivcd during me ]as~ schoo~ I| Ibs Sugar ..... . ~ ~ ,, -- ~ ~ ~ -- -- | I The Camp Fxre group met at 4:30] with her granddaughters Blanche d~cd Elements, matter and energy. [ thermometer is at 99 degrees and/ year ] | tlag ~u 1.11~F~- ~l[lfll~Pl~ ~lllrl~! K~Slll l~[~ll[e | Friday evening w,th Mrs. York|and Joan whileMr, andMrs. Mohn here xs also some trouble aboutlhttle change in temperature pre-| He was the most outst~ndlngl| t... ~1.00 ............ |[They made plans to sell cakes on[took thew son Wflhs Jr. to enter]at°ms- Nobody seems to know[dwted /,ua~ru, a *he cat f~tmil that I[~ ~nnlllff pearS, 1 . " . . ' ' --" " =e_ of. Y ~,..o. ,. .~ A • I Ir'r • fl IE. 14[ / [ Sauer Kraut day. A new guardmn| college in Philadelphia, Penna. [ what they are, but we aren't wor- I All seniors except Caroline and I ~ ] I_. ,__ t. ackers .... rive,m,, ,,iv~ ~ ,,~ r nd Mrs L A ried et Bern na~e ever seen |b ltg ,-,- "!" was cons]de ed a . • . y . ard electing Senior English " " ] 2 P " 0-oz, Mmses Amanda and Ethel Dmk It was one of a litter of six kit rs 1 /}Davis was asked to take this work/ ..... ! -I The report from the Algebra[ The Biology Class having" their] _ -'] .....r Cracke ' 10c |/ /ev were overmgnt guests ~a~ur-/ cl.--.~ ' ........ i, ..... ~ ~ tens belon~-in~- to our next door • ~L~U~-~ . ...... ~a r u : ~Iealgih:;~::rd2e~:dtLy Cd~sir/ S tatoeS, 2 sl.Z.~'Sc lence. My mail,y llUll- - : o~,~ ] [their absence the Ray KamerlinglD~ckey w~re dinner guests in the 10TH GRADE NEWS | This year we have in eighth| giving me my choice. With a | Av les, Dum, 95c ~__.L _~ ....... r..s --a^~ : " ] [family were on the place east of]Maurice Kohl home [ The Sophomore English clas~.| ;rude sixteen .pupils. | s~rutinizln~ eve I looked them over. | ~*~ _~ .............. ,~,, ur~u~ ui ~ucc,~tut ts~tt©~ 'town ha~e been Ivxn n On Thursday afternoon 1~ rom D~ limb ~ /, / ........ [ " g " g pa tomlnes a,l.. "~/ Five ".,'ere of varyin~ shades f | .... |!! 2 - Mr. aug ~nr~. merman t+utmanr~ of which ~, - ~mmons visited our r " "es rvl,,~- c have been and are my | Mr. andMrs. KennethFryofCe-/h~da~ues'sThur~dav Fridavand -- ,:e[e interesting, andI This ............ _Oom_ . ! gray to black. 'but the sixth wass° I Coo~I '~____l~,~|bsZ~ ' i " -- • - , . - ~ome, most amusing. However ,,~a t,~ ~rt ;3otn boys . . I felt cer- er J .........rexerenees myL" e.-* ~ i !dar Rapids, return ng from spend-| Saturday Mr and Mrs Dmk Car-I~ ......... wnlnery seemea ti~e most | "irls h .............. v ~,. urawmg pmtures I stmkingly d~fferent that and [ Oyst _ • " ~ |ling the summer in New York City.|n~nter, ~,ho had been married on/ad'e,-t .......... "./of flowers " l tain it would be satisfactory, i ~, ,~,,u ~ttve ~ very comlc~A ~Jt~-~ Iwmted last Thursday with Mrs A Wedne~da at Lone Tree Mr Car OlYl forts for the success o£ ~/'~l~ ...... =. ~i . . .| ~ Y " ' -/~haracterizationofanarden ...... / In health on Thursday Mr ]this one I chose. :| BRO ~a~ 69c ..... __,_ ~,_-, ,~,, aa= ~m~~~ / n~,~izelDent~r, a sa,lor, recent!y returned] ~an" They are looking forward'to/smyth gave us a short qu;z. t He--it is not known to this d~Y I 25e, 39c, 49c~2~' . ),our ~J~ ~t~a ~ ut~ u .~ , :r " on the U. ~, ~ t'arrott irom tsnma • The n~w u ' " " der was /~,~ ~~~~l~ ] I ah~*h l~.rrll .... rl A .T ~-, ^¢ w~ | .......... [ Enghsh next ,Monday when the- / p pil that entered our 1 If this m the proper gen ~ | ana • oaen ................... -I ~ ~ ~=- ~ne couple are in iowa I_:l[V, Url~ll. • " ~'rade this e r of • at "~ I date your sale. I never |Jots. /Saturdav wben they leave for San [wlll g~ve speeches on various sub = y a was R~tlph Light[a sickly yellow with splotches | -- . -oss ble ........ ~~~ /J ............... |Diego Calif [jects. itrom the Graver school. [white and brown a .frightful corn- I 15eSt P rice~c StOD working until me ~~~ |] Mr. ano zars. wmxs tteynoJas, son/ , • | All of those sighs nna .... ,,'~ I ~ I r,~.~.÷~...~ ,~,,+ . ..~...1.~=in~- to mY J " ---'~' .... ~ff~:~ |lLee, and Mr. and Mrs: Albert Rey-/ Mr. and Mrs. John Hack and[whmh you hear in the stud- hal' I FEAR [ ........................ xxr,,h much | R,vn BroOm sale m over. - " • ]lnolds and family attended thetMr. and Mrs. Orville Crawford and]are coming from the sophomores'l ...... "-~--~" [y...... , ...... ..... -:...... I v.-- .... ~tvle • ~"~ I ] t Workman Iamlly reumon ~unaay at IRobert D~an sr)ent the week end l In World History th~v ~ ...... ~- [ t~x r~13~y ]PRINK [ pomp ana ceremony ne was ,~,,~.,~-- • _ ~ • a "Z l£1t~ .~L" a Let me help you with - ~ /[th~ish°me ~edMr l~ndidsM.rSTU:r°lcd.}~V~+lhs th~):el~ioDnday [ ~,~ theme was selected by I:odJ:t°ot::rhh:::::o~dIi=lmght:edde I ~h:c~e°rc WeVo°fferb:r ra]; your advertisin r -- lie as]on was in honor of Mrs. Willis ] or Montana, wh~re fhev will make ]There were over slxtv tx, ..... ~a [ Miss Bowley, English teacher, ]in]tic.ted a~so ] dime is a r A -- ........... ~ |ll~eynolas' aunt, Mrs. ~eorge ..ttix]the!r home at Cut Bank, in the]riliion, which istoobigafigure~fo I as one of the three best themes I In spite of everything that cat | =n¢i delicious | i O~, /~ron, ~nlO, WhO ,~. spenaclng ]no~nwes~ern part of ~, slate.., t 8.ny sophomore. This class is prov: [ received during the last school did grow amazingly fast. His name | 7~" value. TrY ira" • -~ ~ | i o~.~.,~. .*~.~o .. ~...o *.~.,,.~. o*~ I Mr. ana Mrs. donn t.:onKlin mr. i in~. .^ ,.^ ~- ,. .... I v,m, I .... ~ ~-* | J-~" ---- ,**r ~fliah~ * .~.|¢ s ~, u~ qu~te lnteresung as aP "~" was merely Kitty until ne cnrm~ llle*J tit* Phone 130 Lisbon, Iowa attu ,everse the Call. |]came from Cedar Rapids today to land Mrs. Burde'te Conklin, Mrs. A.]the historical ......... "} OnS"- ..... I " .. " " , ...... - | advance . _ 'ntinue. • .... :!1 lk,~ ,,,!.,.I ~.~ ,~t .,a,, ~,,~rb~-~,d n~v I]visit until Sunday in the Reynolds lr Van Fos~en Ed and Dave Conk [, . . ~n ~rom the veryI e w~t,'m, revery summer day lenea nimself with a vase ot [~uw- | ...,~a|h]e to v~,,. ~n last,. _~__ • home. Ilin, and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Fer-] ..... up to thel year, I sat in an easy ehair]ers ~nd a volume of Platos Re- | l~ .... While 10~ to ,--'-- present tlnle are stualed elsurel rea WaS ValUe -" .~" -- ........... ~~-a..e-~.e.a~ ~[guson attendod the funeral of Wm.I " " I " y ding and thinking very i public . . . henceforth he ~ , " . ................ | , ~ • ~ IITH GRADI, NEWS solemn thou atur Olhy ,~ | ~ __]Conklin on Safurday morning. Ser-/ I -- " ~ ~ "~'' [ ghts. Suddenly I]known as Plato. AS Pl~to m " ~ ......... I ! n American l-llstory we think : heard a r n ~1 ' I~lvices were held at St. Patrick's[ ......... "~[, te rifying shriek followed}ed, I realized that I had an u - | ~ _..,=~t~ | |' ~]Catholic church in Anamosa. Bur-n ~ ~ooo pmce to mscuss present da: [ by the slammin~r of the screen ,~,,,,] usual ont wi,~t ~ ~emed to en- | ' glkll l I i ~ I ial was in the Lisbon Catholic ~ proolems and the war situation ~Ve I ~nd racin .... ~" ...... - .... • .... | . -" .~-= --'. ........ - -'~ces I ~1~~'~" | |, " I~-~l~emeterv [have taken up the first chant~- ~,~n I . s t=e~. vvl[n my neart [ JOy praying m precamous pt~ - | • ~ | ~il ~ • • T 7" 11"~ T ~ ~ ~ ]["% T~'}" ~" introduction which describesto"-'ulm my throat and a sinking feeling/These included the bird feeder on 1 T isbOn, IO---- ~ A ]1 /A I I K I I~ I I ~ I I ~'~ ~fd~l -- the settling of Americu. "~I~. my stomach, I crouched in my t to.p of the clothesltne post, aporch | .... ~.~~-~' /0" Z • l..M l_.M • ~k • • • U k.~ ~ 11. I~i LISBON CHURCH NOTES Miss Evans has told us we are to I ~hair and saw my mother race 'by ! railing or the like. Furthermore, ~~~'~~ I', ~1 begin experiments on Monday. We Ime" i he was a p~,thological problem al- ~.~-~'-~_ ~.~.~;.~:-I':"I i~[ - X]ST" $OHN'S CATHOLIC CHURCH i_ e studying out of two books and[ Raucous laughter sounded from [so, His endoctrine glands seem- I .~~~--" -..t~6 ~ J ~,1 ~ ~ T "~ T ~ T ~ -~r ~ ~[ ~'amer t~eor~e. Stemm, P.astor aavetaKen three chapters out of]the direction of the front porch l tngly functioned out of sequence aS i ~'~"~-°~ ~:~USj~VD~ ,.i OMI ALLY TO Regular Quar,erly Communmn esday Septembe, 12 th onvulsively and coul to& de !, AND ECON C " " : " " " " : ," " el' d only make'turpenttn"e and castor oil .phone ~ [ H', __ ~l~rv,co will be held Sunday morn-l~r':bon High fichool baseball teamI ~umbled responses to my queries gree .beyond even human endur- ~ IL lb. IF~?d Wirll~ i[ This prL:: oOffiNce hCasL)ZstMe :p ed plant In !l ' this part of the state, outside of the large cities, and is wo ,ook not at oi:] ee b,ock. I things whmh are seen but at thel Dann ss E Clark If Duncan or~trol of m faculh d re ' Real j~s~ for ~ ent ~i . . , , " ' • , cf, ," Y "es, and, trem-IbY streets for his splattere -' FarraS or I~ things whmh are not seen for the ~md Gish 3b Dale Wa aman fl )ling m ev ~ I sale till H, always ready to serve you. ~]: ...... !; - ba ...... ''- --- g rs'. [: " cry fiber, I began to,mains 'but not finding any such l l~:~2?fr~oi ~qrl'4~erlt~lilllll!llltlilll!!!ll ai "~eltnzngs wmcn are seen are temporal''~e.tan ana ,pltcner scored thtl ,ursue th~ ~- ......... .- :.' ..... ~,- f ~°~av'-JL----"~~ • m,n, but the thin-s whi~" ....... 'only home run ° .... ' • . | ~- ~t~tsLt~wtl.r{1 p$ Ovor evlaence, I searches zar~ner, r---° j OIIlce -S..._.I--~__~¢ ~ r~l S ~,z ~r~ HOL seen ~ur the lOCStls, which I had ust hbor'S [ • are eternal" 2 Cor 4'17-18 I,'I J traveled in a lally I daringly rang the netg [------~ ON !1 ~ Modern machinery, latest type faces, expert work- We extcnct to you an invitation #ThaGvReADaE N__E~¥s .. - [rather different manner a. few mo- [ doorbell to inquire The lady final- I-'~~~o'-~l~Ol~O~dl~*~" tk t , . . . ~ta per~ec~ attenaanee ments be " I bi~u . IF ~ • ~, #, ~ .. ,~, ~, ~. I~1[~o worship with us this Sunday. in our room durin ....... + +._|~ . fore. When I reachedlly answered my summons and wasI --- ~=Te'rs ill .... tLVl 1' v I ~ ~ ~" ,, ~ne aoor I s u n ~ - rl~t men ana a Jarge Jme o~ papers make it poss]Dle ~or tnls -- weeks of school. ~ ...... w i . , q ared my shoulders, ]quite angry with me for causi g l~ n*~VI-e~ori~" V 4 [ ,~. . ~ ~* ~ . ~ .... ~m~[ METHODIST CHURCH Jimmie Smith visited our re-m[ TUtped twice, and entered. As I!her washday to be so interrupted. ] cemetery~w~q . I' office to renaer a very nlga ype oI prlnl;lng service, Glenn S. Hartong, Pastor Thursday. -"'| ~eached the dining-room, my ~bro-IShe was about to give me her final I _~__---~-~ ~AI~O~,~'°-.._| ' [~] Next Sunday is Conference Sun- ~I,X)OND GRADE NEWS /tner greeted me as follows: ] advice when an unearthly reson~t- i GEOF~I~.~I ~_r~-*~[ Wil~ , _~lday for the Upper Iowa Confer- The second grade health class is/ "Hi, Pep! Where you been~ I'lng howl starting at ~ low vibra-*~ ~~blic, D e~'-" ~j .__ __ • a ~ • ** " tence. The pastor will be absentmaking "Health Posters"• il,u~u=~_'/ ,vent snake hunt]n= ~,,+ ..... , " T H .... a'~ ...... n~,~,, tn ~alnful I Notary ~-"~cex~es rner~ w~l. We i] | ],and no serwces of worship will be mg the ro er fo brought six h n eric , t O ~ ~1~ I~l~$1~l~ , P P ods for your] ome and I waved heights came from some point I ' " e in res d _ et St., tMarged • |~.¢ m"l.V~ll /~/ IIIl~llll.lkl~D| I held. The session of the church health /them at Mom w .......... ' ....... s ~~__g~d- ,~ . " ,ett x saw her slt- tne nouse rler conaemnlng ey~ . o azau school will convene as usual atTHIRD GRAn]C ~w,~ | ting on th ......... I " .. _ in.on |' reful al I~o"~n ~ r~ rPh,~ S,~+ nf *h,~ ,~n,¢,~ ~. . .~ ...... ~ /. = purcn, DUt I can't find turned to consternation as It rose ~ _ .~'lg ]~u*---_. | .... enee is"FirsS~lVIe~thodlst~'c~lurc'h'~at .-. -~ur,per~ectspellers for this week/ her now. Guess I'll ~have to let i again. We immediately began a ! DR, A~I~7~"~ $$tlrg6~d were xxouer~ t~urKiaart ~vet n B tnem o " • --- • C/inton A cordml mvztahon ~s ex- rows Glenn H ...... ''~ Y ~ur.-| g " ]frantic search to locate its origin. PilY$i©l~ll -~Ola "~- !|| • . • , ~[~uttg ~eorge HiLl I 1"1,~ II ........... [ tended to all to attend during any Philip :Sailor Don~,ff ...... :/ ~ , Very excited, we finally localized, it Uor,,~-~--*~ aua a~ Ul I • i ~1~ ~ ~P mm ~1~ r n r O ~ ~ part of this week and especially on Louise Smith' ' i O • and Mrs. C. E. Cogdal arid, in the cistern under the bacR .... fl I I T I -- • The Third Grade has |-- "- - . Y the po ch from which p + I I I I '. On account of Sauerkraut Day, ticing a verse-speaking cholr'w;th|rt~Ir~".~ue__Y ~ome near Coggon.,easily be distinguished as the dis- I |_, q [ cboir rehearsal will be held on the children's poems, "The Llttle/Wednes~avan-aa ~tun~le returned on[ tress yeowl of a cat---~ut whose I UJ~. s Mu: Friday evening at 7 o'clock. Turtle" and '~rhe Mysterlous Cat"|had s~" ~r.o.m ~roleaownere she !cat~ F,~r +hot her dear T~bbYl l' ys =91. fi=-"