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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
September 23, 1898     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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September 23, 1898
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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MOUNT VERNON HAWK-EYE. WHEAT AFTER CORIT. Good Rotation Where ProDer Paln~ Are Taken in the Preparation of the Ground. Whcn a regular system of rotation is carricd out with the different crops GOOD FINANCIERING. ttLs'rILITIES AVERTED. (~redltnble V ork of the Adntini tra- But It Took the United Efforts of the lion Shown in the 'I'rean- Whole Crowd to Prevent 8 ur Department. Hot Engagement. Not the least remarkable of the "One of the liveLiest brushes I have wit- achievements of the present national nessed since the opening of hostilities," said one of the representatives at the re- it may be necessary to have wheat tel- government at Washington is found cent meeting of the credit men, "took place low corn. This is a very good plan in its skillful and accurate adjns'tment in a quiet New Engiand village of my state. AND RACK. where proper pains are taken ill prepa- of the nation's revenues to the na- Both participants had passed their three ration of the soil. tion'sexpenses. The success with score years and ten, but were still vigorous --- in mind and body, and especially vigoruos in Structure--Is Large The corn should be cut. off as soon which this has been done, both in language, for both had been followers of the ,eeommodate from as a sufficient nmturity has been peace and war, stands oat in striking sea. ?5 Animals. reached. If the weather is dry and the contrast with the failure of the dem- "One of these old fellows espoused the cause of Spain, declaring that she had not less than 20 by B0 fodder is put np iu reasonably small ocratic government of the preceding been jumpcd on because she was little, and hitch shocks it can be cut as soon as the years. An examination of the official [ that this country was playing the part of b This height is than would be needed graiu begins to barden well, orapart figures for the last year shows a re-.a great big bully. After they had ex- teed for the number o of the shoci~eau be cat and put up and markable accuracy in making the roy- changed hot shots for a few minutes, ttle t an extra two or tbre~ allowed to dry, partly at least, before ennes meet the disbursements of the tochampi ngoing his f way.the governmentby shoutingg tthatthlngSthe ,'osts very little and I t)uttiug up a full shock. One a(han- treasury through the Dingley tariff other fellow came honestly by his principles ast majority of barns tags in putting uI) in small shocks is and allied sources, and an examination and was bred a traitor. ha~e never known one that the corn will dry out quicker and of the figures for the month of August " 'What do you mean, you old shrimp?' go. can be shocked and crii)bed earlier shows the same thing with regard to from the advocate of Spain. " 'During the war with Great Britain the Jir~d to frame a barn than if in large shocks. Llut when the the war revenues. British entered the harbor and burned the )e no greater thau for land is to be sowu to .wheat, it is gen- For purposes of clearer comparison town of New London, didn't they?' No pur]ine plates will erally best to put up the corn iu good- it will be helpful to separate thepro- "'Coursetheyd'id. Whatofit?' " 'Why, somebody piloted them there and ut one interior bent. sized shocks in order to save room. visions for peace times and those for when be'come home his vockets was full of d of square timber for With a good corn harvester it is not war expenses and to reduce each to British gold, paid for his c~irty work, and his le cost for this will be so much work to put up the corn in daily averages. As the postal service neighbors, hearin' of what he had done, got one-half For he good-slzed shocks as wheu it is done' is almost exactly self-supporting, it ropeSscuddedandby madethe backhimdooran andeVenin'neverCall'stoppedHe by 8-inch sticks, using by hand. It is always an itcmto cuti may be left out of the calculatiou, till he got to Bermuda, and he never had the same dimensions forthe corn reasonably close to theI Exclusive of this, the government ex- cheek to come back.' ground, as the corn in the shocks is penditures have for several :years aver- " 'What you tryin' to git at?' And it took a dozen bystanders to keep the Slip the ends of the l~ss liable to be injured. Then the aged a little less than $1,00(),000 a day, " 'That there pilot was your grandpap.' the two pieces talk stubs ,'ill not'interfere so much so tilat a revenue ef that amount suf- two old sea dogs from clinching."--Detroit thus you have a mor- with the work of prepariug the soil as riced to meet peace expenses at the Free Press. o when the stalks are cut off high. ~tart and provide a slight surplus as HERO HA-D-HIS TROUBLES. When thorough cultivation has been the population increased. The act of given the corn daring growtb,so that; 1897 was intended to yield about $190,- the weeds have been kept down and 000,000 in customs, averaging $520,000 Woman' Care and Klndne Makes the soil is in good tilth, one of the best daily', $157,000,000 .Internal re'venue oo Him Think of Cuba with ways of prelmring the soil for wheat averaging $430,000 daffy; and abou~:f.~,- Longl.~ng. is t'o go over it carefully xvi~,h disk hat- 000,0()0 miscellaneous receipts, aver- "War is pretty bad, of course," remarked row, cutting about four inches deep; ag,ing about $6(},000 daily--a total of a blue-coated man with a band'age under his then fine and level the sur;acc with a $I,010,000 daily. When war broke out coat, "but I declare, in some ways, women good smoothing harrow. Iu most it was jndffed"lhat at least $13S,000,000 are as bad as Spaniards--only they kill y~u eases this is all the work necessary and should l)e added l o t lie ,'earN" revenues, withhome kindneSSfrom Santiagoinsteadwith f bullets.this little IwoundCame ~.~. the soil is readv for thcdrill, lor $37S,(}00 dailv, these being the fig- in my hip, and, really, I can't tell you how One of the objections to sowing ; ures given bv Chairman Dingley in his l've suffered since, from the women of my de' :" wheat after corn is that the plowing estlmah, of 'wha,t the war tax would familY.would beItaiSdenall ofright'wild fbeastsC urSe;withoutthis worldthe vithout auger or must be done late and the soil is left )told" This was expected to raise the love and sympathy of woman-but the dear 9 by S sticks for p]ates t, ooloose and mellow, too deep and tbo $ total intcrnalrevenue t.o $808,000 daily, creatures--especially those nearest to us-- ,as in makinga V- wbeat plants freeze on( badly. I and the total income of the govern- generally overdo it. They didn't believe my When the drill is used on ,'t loose, I meat to $1,388,000 daily, message' that I was only; slightly wounded, so on my arrival I was met by my wife, her short braces, such as ]oamv soil, in many eases a thorough . Ho(v closely the actual receipts have mother, two maiden aunts ancl a girl cousin, ased iu heavy timber harro,vin~ that ,ilel fine and level the :approximated these calculations is all rallied from the four quarters of Michi- le plate braces extend surface, leaving thder soil nndis- ' now shown in the official returns fox" gan and adjoining states to nurse me. I ~]on't need an,y nur~ng worth mentioning, the posts and spike to turbcd, is all that. is necessary to fit Au~ust, the second month after the .f , but, behove me, 1. I ve drawn a long breath r.t. This strengthens the ground for the seed. " t new act went into force. The follow- in two weeks wlttmut those five women are strncture. Use In all cases it will pay. however, to (ng table exp]alns itself: jumping up and rushing at me. I will eat Amounts expected. Actual. my army blanket. If I wink my:wife says: b~- 8 at each bent for harrow, and if necessary roll and drag Daily.31 days. receipts. "What is it, dear?--if I move oneleg, my girl Cost(m]a $ $520,000 $16,120,000 $t6,249,~9.~ cousin springs at me with another pillow ~spike one to the ground tbrce or four inches Internal 80~,000 25fl4s,000 24,015,934 in her hand; during the ~ight my two aunts ~ nailiugof the surface is thorou~dfly prepared, hai~cellaneoos 60,000 1,$60,000 1,517,07~ wake me up to see if I wan~ anything; and )be With ,-heat as with all olher ernps, Totals ~0-~ $43,-028,~ ~ my mother-in-law--well, thedearsoulhasn't sat down or been to bed' ~ince I came--to my the thorough preparation of the soil be- The internal revenue and miscel- km)wledge. Mywound.isnearlyhealed, and are fore seeding is essential to ~'ood ger- mination and a good start to grow. laneous receipts are naturally small- that's a ])lessing, for if I don"t get back to er in August than in July or in other Cuba pretty soon I'll be a ruin~l man. I bet ne~ By catting the corn early as soon as months Which inchlde quarterly pay- can't stand such coddling--it will make a ;ondif.ions It is sufficiently matured the better-- bloated tyrant out of me. so it will. A man opportunity is ~,iven for preparinq the ments. The internal revenue for July needs war once in awhile to get him away land in,good tilth and of sowin~" the was $2(3,171.000, making the average from woman--dear, loving woman--she $25,093,000 monthly. Thc miscellaneons would make a spineless out of him in seed in good season.--St. Loula Re- receipts for July also bring the month- uo time."--Detroit Free Press. public. 1 [ ly average in that department up toTHE RUSH FOR GOLD. SLOP ~ ~-~-E--PIGS. $2,012,000, so that in each branch the calculations are surprisingly sus- Fro:fthe :lass, Bluffs, IlL to PreDare It tained by the actual results Customs The rush gel seekers to the Klondike Improvement in Flying Machine . Inventors are plenty who can make a ma- chine tha~ will r~se and float in air, but the one improvement which none has succeeded in making is an apparatus that will guide the machiac through the many treactmrous cur- rents of air. In this respect humanity is fortunate in having Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, which act as a safe gaide by cur- ing treacherous stomach, liver and blood diseases, giving a good appetite, a strong con- stitution and nerves ~ike steel. True Greatne s. "Now," said the interviewer, "as to your method ,of working?" Well, replied the great author, "I take a writing pad--" "~'es.'" "And a pencil--" "Yes " , Seek out a quiet spot--grasp the pad firmly in one hand and the pencil in the other hand--and--" "Yes. And--" "And write."--Philadelphia North Amer- ican. StarvlnE for Breath. Several hundred thousand people in the United States and Canada are hterally starv- ing for breath because of chronic Asthma, w~en if they would consult Dr. P. Harold Hayes, of Buffalo, N. Y by letter, he would inform them how to be cured of this most distressing and treacherous disease, and cured to stay cured. Dr. Hayes makes no charge for examination by mail and his opinion as to the curability of any case. Why He Wa Troubled, Jack--Come, old man, cheer up What if she did break the engagement; she s not the only fish in the swim. Tom--Oh, I don't care about her break- ing the engagement, but you see I ve got to go right on paying installments on the ring for the next six months That's where the icy breeze comes in.--Chicago Evening News. Free Home In ~Ve teen Florida. There are about 1,000,000 acres of Gov- ernment land in Northwest Florida, subject to homestead entry, and about haft as much again of railroad lands for sale at very low rates. These lands are on or near the line of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad, and Mr. R. J. Wemyss, General Land Commis- sioner, Pensacola, will be glad to write you all about them. If you wish .to go down and look at them, 0he Louisville & Nash. ville Railroad provides the way and the opportunity on the first and third Tues- day of each month, with excursions at only $2 over one fare, for round-trip tickets. Write Mr. C. P. Atmore, General Passen- ger Agent, Imuisville, Ky jor particulars. Should Have a Commission, Patient--What, doctor, do you mean to say you charge me two dollars a visit? Doctor--Certainly; just the same as I charge anyone else. "Oh, b~t you ought to make a reduction for me. Wh'y, I introduced typhoid into the neighborhood ! "--Illust rated ZXmerican. Illusions. "My illusions," said she, "are all gone.'~ "Wh-" he asked, with that brutahty only manifested by a man who has promised to ]eve and cherish, "don't ~ou go to the drug store and get some more. --Is&snap- alia Journal. ller Platform. Mr. Willikins--Do you believe in annex- ation ? ILRS. PINKHAM'S WARNING TO WOMEN. Neglect is the Forerunner of Misery and Suffering--A Grateful Hu~ band Writes of His Wife's Recovery. Nearly feminine organs. all (be ill health of women is traceable to some derangement of the These derangements do not cure themselves, and neglect o| the sensations resulting from them is only putting off trouble. Pathetic stories are constantly coming to Mrs. Pinkham of women whose neglect has resulted in serious heart trouble and a whole train of woes. Here is the story of a woman who was helped by Mrs. Pinkham after other treatment failed: DEAR MRS. PI~KHA~:--It affords me very great pleasure to be able to state that I believe my wife owes her health to your medicine and good advice. For three years her health failed rapidly; she had heart trou- ble, often falling down in dizzy an4 fainting spells, shortness of breath, and smothering spells, bloat- ing of the stomach, a dry cough, dys- peptic symptoms, menses irreg- ular, scanty, and of an un- natural color. ,She had beeu treated by physicians with but little benefit. She has taken your treatment according to your directions, and is better in every way. I am well pleased with the result of your treatment, and give you nse my lettee for the benefit of others.-- CHAS. H. and Mrs. MAy BUTCHER, Fort Meyer, Va. The healing and strengthening power of Lydia E. Ptnkham's Vegetable Compound for all fe- male ills is so well established that it needs no argument. For over twenty years it has been used by women with results that are truly wonderful. Mrs. Pinkham invites all women who are puzzled about their health to write to her at Lynn, Mass for advice. All such correspondence is seen by women only, and no charge is made. A Million Women Have Been Benefited by Mrs. Plnkbam'sAu lce anti M llclne Miss Bidsley--Oh, Arthur, this is so sud- den. But if you can gain papa's consent I will try to learn to love you.:--Chicago Even- ing News. She ~Vante-----dHea----lt--hy Ham. ~/ Mrs. Murry--Give me tin cints wart' av ham, Grocer--Sugar-cured, madam? "No! I want some that has hirer bin de. Pro~e~ ! receipts naturally fell off a little dur- brings thrilling memories to the "forty- sazed.'--Judge. the war, but August, the first niners" still aliw;, of the time when they "- month of peaceful commerce, shows girdled the continent or faced the terrors of To cure a Cold in One Day Feed for winter pigs should be t~,the receipts slightly in excess of the eal- the reat American desert on the journey to '. the ~nd of gold. These pioaeers tell some Take Laxative Bromo QuinineTa'blets All druggists refund money if it fai, ls to cure. 25e. --~ ~ form of slop. tIouse slops are excel- ruin(ions. Taking all branches to- experiences which shouldbe heeded by gold lent The best preparation for slop getber, the" income and outgo have seekers of to-day. Constant exposure and Enough. ~Oof and the kind from the ordinary feed is a. mixture of maintained a steady and reassuring faulty diet killed large numbers, while Author--What excuse'have you for abus. " ~'~ nearly all the survivors were sfflicted with ground corn, oats and lit.seed meal. balance alike in peace and war, thus ~ ~,~V~) disease~ ingmvbook? -, doorways at eithcr Grind two bushelao~f corn with one of ~.~=~' S -~ce in hauling~ out oats ~ndaldd~20poundsoflinseedmea1 laying a solid foundation for the re- ~r"'~ ~ @. m~any of Crit~ic--Ireadit'--Upt Date" for: ounds of the mix~ture f~ tt~rn of confidence and for a firm be- Ill ~ V~t~'ed~ . ~/z ~hem with Piso's Cure is a wonderful Cough medi- '* - 1 0 the R(~I:~ ~" Heflnthepraetiealbusinessabilityof' "-~.~~J'l lrheuma-eine.--Mrs. W. Pickert, Van Siclen, and / ~~ i~ d~t~ ,dN?'-~ tism. SuchBlake Aves Brooklyn, N. Y Oct. 26, 94. ble W ; [~ Soai~ th~ ~i~t~re~ s the republican party. ~'", ~.~.~ a sufferer ~pflh~} ~ e~ hdlf;soaked: ~ ed, with the receipts from the popular )t~)] ~ .~'~ '~:'~t~'Vangundy, Some people wear suehgoodelothe~allthe ~:~ ~--~?'t ,[#1 "~ Who nowre-time that they can't have a good time.-- ~,eklt~i ~mit aking feed is to mMte bondssold by(he treasury, caused the "~,[~,c.~ ,-- sides at Atchison Globe. ~tti,A rain it. more pala, a.ble and digestible, rece,pts to exceed the expenditures ~.'~,~ ~: Bluffs, ,1, Fortify Foehlo L ,s Again.t Winter PI U Grinding the fe~tl' is an imitation of during the month. The cost of run- ~t k/:'.~R~t~--~--.~ -4, where he ~ ~'f~--~ has been with Hales Honey o~ Horehound and Tar. [rly ~f[l~ ~[ l~'b~h the masticati~)n, therefore,e the fner it Is ning the government and the war in ~/-~ ~. justice ofPike's ToothaeheDrops, Cure in one minute. ~lt %he ground the better t.h. imitation, and August was $56,260,717, yet $22,358,025,~ ~/ /v/ x~'~[~ ~ the peace : ,halso, king the feed is an Imitation of di-wa, added to the cash in the treasury. '" firstand was thepresi, toS me people areso hopeful that itamotmt laziness. Atchison Globe. h ~ : arks geatlon. The soaked feed should not A part of this was necessarily with- --, ~ ~.~ ,~ -"- dent of the -- to=. i~f t|.e toor should it be th{n enough to be watery, drawn from circulation by the buy- A Forty.n~r." board of It a wme man that follows the races--at ers of bond~, but the large deposits in trustees. In a recent'interview he said: a safe dmtance.--Chicago Daily ~Tew~. have a trapI~ should not be se watery that water the national banks fully offset this, "I had been a sufferer of rheumatism for ------- ] wdll gather en the top of a pailful and the $17,101,799 decrease in circula- verya number Ofintense.yearsI triedand theall painthe atproprietarytimeswas - -T}~EM~-T~. -- 0t~ h after standing awhile; nor so thick as (ion during the month was not felt--- medicines I knew of but received no relief. to "sta~d up" when thr >wn in thefor the good and sufficient reason that "l fianlly placed my case with several New York, Sept. 20. ~aS~ had so troughd It is a neat job tomake a nice th~ money still in the hands of the physicians and doetored with thcm for some LIVESTOCK--Steers $490 @540 barr~t~of slop from grounc~'i'eed; and people was $1.792,096,545, or $23.96 per time, but they failed to do me any good. Hogs 4 15 @ 4 SO Finally, with'my hopes of relief nearly ex- Sheep 3 50 @ 4 75 [ m~Of the success in its use depends capita. After this month there wll hausted I read an arti~cle regarding'Dr. Wil- WtiEAT--NO. 2 Red 72~(@72.~ | ~on its proper preparation. Cleanbe no more payments to make on the liams' Pink Pills for Pale People~which in- ~eptember . 70 ~)~1~ | CORN--No 2 35~@ ~5t I ~ughs, regularity in feeding and war bonds, ancl the treasury reserve, duced me to try tbem. I was anxmus to get Sel)tem[~el":::::::::::;::::: 33' @33~1 rid of the terrible disease and bought two OATS--No. 2 White 25 (~28 | ~lenty of trough room are things very wtHch has been piMng up unnecessar- boxes of the pills. 1 began using them about September 24~/~25,~ I e~sential to successful pig feeding. We ily high, will probably be pulled down March, 1897. After I had taken ,two boxes :BLTTER--Creamery""" 15~O)az- 21"- I have been able to produce 17.4 pounds a']ittie by continued war expenses. In I was completely oared, and the pain has ! Factory 11~@ 14%| of growth for every equivalent, of a the end the expenditures wl]l come re- never returned 1 think it is the best merit- "~GGS 16V~@17 cine I have ever taken, and am willing at CHICAGO. bushel of corn, by following the above markably close to balancing the re- sny time to sign my name to any testimony CATTl~E--Shippiag Steers $4 90 (~ 5 20 ] ~ methods. This, of Course, cannot he qelpts. "It is no mean triumph of t setting forth its good merits." Texas Steers 3 8.5 @ 4 75 [ :~ FIe. & . done with the runty pig.--D. A. Kent, states~nanship to go through a war [ ~Sigued). - ADAM V.ANGUNDY: . ~'t ckers,u s . ~3 ~o25 @~, ~4 ~ in Prairie Farmer. without a hitch or jar in the nation's"~unscrlbed aud sworn to netore me, tnm r~uus~" ~ z- 40-- - 4 7"~ I 29th day of Se (ember A D 1897 I' "VI~L': . . ~,~ ~ I o' throughthe rackWhiChbelow.hayi AMON-- TRY. finances.--Chieagc* Tribune. ~r.~'FRA ~-'NKLI~Cangundy .~ FUNK, NotarYstatemen.t." " ~" oughtPUbhC" to " be SH'"G EEpI,Wht~ -- Mlxed~'~"~ ~"~ "~6~''; ~:~" "~'~ -I ~4 "J~0z'~0 II of the rack I nse, a . . MURALO WATER OOLOR PAINTS t6St ideal, In the Pounded oyster shells are good for I 0PI IONSOF-I'H- -PRESS. regarded asacrlteriongfthegoo [merits.of I L'l'rER -- Creamery 14 @ 20 , [ these pills, and what better Drool could a I~ ~" L~iry 11~,~(w ]7 I w ab ve f~ ~ 12 O) 14 erson ant than the o acta I P " POTATOES--Nc~v"('uer bu.): 40 a 44 I For DEC0RITIN6 WAtLS and 0EH ,|NDS ~ MURALO walk in them when hens. [ ~=~'If t,le democrats make an issue ~-.-----~ PORK -- I)ecember - 8 ]21~,(~ 8 }t7~1 ] fromyotlrgroeerorpai~tdealnra~d doyo~rown, ~eo~tlng. ' ~atel Ala IH[A]~D ]~[N- Co~ me xt and k~tch : " en scraps make I n. This is donewitha good feed for ducks. I of the sick soldier there will be'a very Blue .~lOOd. LARD -- December 4 42i~@ 4 80 I |S~tobeappliedwtthAb~shandbeco~net~a~ h~ ula~t,'ement. Mille4 !,twentv-fo~r tilat~ and so (tint all the sheep decided increase in the number of First Mosquito--And you actually landed r ]BS .-: October z 5 20 ~ 5 25 I wo ~equally asweUwltheold orhotwa~er, t~rs ~mafOel~iAl~JPLl~. 'OLOl[g CA]gD~and way of obtaining it. THE MURALO OOMPANY, NEW BRIGHTON, ~, I NEW yORK. r~; once. Grain,Store away a good supply of roadI sick democrats next fall.---Chicago In- ~ ^- *~-~ fo-*~ ~,*,-an~ ~t~A~--v~neat. t~eptemoer. ~ga~ SS'/~ IItyoue~nnotpore~thl, m~termttromyonrloeaideal,r~,etus~no~ dwewl,tpn~-O~lnthe I " ~ ~' " ' " a Corn, Sept ~mber 29~r~ ~ a ,~, ~odder and hay dust to use this winter. " ter Ocean. l SeeondMosqmto--C~.r~. You&dnt)m g~Oats SeDtemh~r ~v. ~~1 ine I'd been eating huck~berry pie, alia you: Rye 'Cas'h ~' ~ ~;ru ~ms rack without It is always best to darken the place ] ~rProsperity qannot always be as- j --Boston Journal Barle~','Cho'lc'e::::::::::.':: ~ @ i{" ' .~.~.~.~.~.~ - - - - - =- - v~ getting any of the where the nests arc arrange(]. I sured, bat it ,'ill depart never to re- t MILWAUKI~E. The faster the turkey,s are made(o,turn so long as there is any doubt 30,000 Aeres More GRAIN--Wheat, September. $ 60%@61~ ~i| WMI~ ,~I, mrE~.A~MI~WA%'~r'ERUI~ ~'U'S~-~ ~ Shows an end view ofgrow the mot9 profitable they may be [ about the continuance of a dollar I Ofville,Ferti/ecolomdoFarmcounty. TexasLands for sale atwrite forChester" ~.a.e ,No, 12 WhlteNO~s l~nd 2 Northern ~61 ~-,q/) 2~68 I the Crossboa made. I worth a dollar in ('be markets of the full particulars about cheap excursions and ~ri'ey No"2 ]2 ~ ;4"~ f r the sheep td~l:ft" SAPil3LIO ;how the way the The profit, and rapid development of ] w rhl'-'h'dianal) lis Journal. receive FREE, Illustrated book entitled' A ' chickens depends largely on the start[ ~Tl~e typographer who made his I Home in Texas." Southern Texas Coloniza- -'" W'-~x~m.~ ~x. " " 1 s GRAIz~-- neat, No.z ~prtng $ 80 ~) 61 , tiou Co No. 110 Rmlto B dg Chicago, Ill . No. 2 Hard 62 @ 63~h ~""'~'~els positiOnelosed, theYuse they get. [paper spea'k of the 'sliver plank in Corn No. 2"~iixeO :: 22~@ 28 the bottoms of Unless being fattened for market, [ the democratic platform ,as not so t Suspicious.--Nephew (to rich uncle, WhO Oats. No. 2 Whtto ~ @ 2,~ fowls that fatten easily should have lfar out of the way. The democratic has fallen down stairs)--"I.hope you arenot Rye, No. 2 47 @ 47~ - - ~he One ioining plenty of exercise. ' I ~ilver plank is full of slivers.--Troy hurt." Uncle--"Oh, you do, do you? You ST. LOUIS. ~Or t~ ae Wings. Use know,veLy well that I must be either hurt or CATTLE--Shipping Steers. $4 60 ~ 5 65 a;e:tdes, raaking the Do not be tempted to keep ,oo many I Thnes, fowls together. Small fie(ks carefully t ~=TPractical work to help a sick sol- dead. --Cincinnati Enquirer. Texas Steers [[ S10 ~ 4 05 -~-- HOGS -- I ackers 3 80 @ 3 90 ~ , es"-P'Make bottom tended will gire the best results.above footof osts [ dier is a great deal better than try- Hall' Catarr~ CUre. St-I B~hers' "E 1,90@)4003 75 @ 4 25 ~~~ll i ~2 oa~,~.~ P ~ " Reduce the ,'inter sleek of poultryllag to use him as an argument for the Is aConshtutionalCure. Price75c. O.~AHA. [or~a Ugh to fill the ---~--- CATTLE--Native Steers $4 30 @ 5 36 )r tl~,~n, in this case as much as possible to layers. They ] election in November of an army-hat- bargains than is spent for whisky.---~Vash- Western ~teers 5 ~5 @ 4 4o ts :~engthofrack will pay their way and leave aprofit. [|ng, copperhead congress. The der- There is more money squandered in foe| Cows and Heifcrs 300 @3~ ~ ""~ IED ~l~lAehe~,prtat~diaeolor~ vishes of the democratic press howl ex. ington (Ia.) Democrat. HOGS 370 N l rnl l ' azglmOUAtedoaaroll ,wUl -~-'~,*w qneh s~uare The earliest maturing fowl of the[ clusively for democratic effect.---St, -- f~.~r- ~".~t ~ ~III Immmttoaar~dd/~mOnl~mdl~t ouga for - - ' -large breeds is the Langshan, which/ ~t~ q~ ~rlt'.~ ~'~ I~o~ll~nt~tA~to~torP~kl~natram~ I ~ pOS~s, aug 'the rthe arms of the- begins to laywhensevenmonthsold. I Louis Gl~be-Demoerat. tc'"" toga n with ]Min reas' legh 'ns and black pan" [ The republieau party under wh se {i :av~n r~a ke ~ust two- ish are the three breeds that axe pre-I l,oncies and administration prosperity WS will give s~a~l i~- g o . One trough emincntly valuable for egg proeue-] bns beeu restored aud a foreign war li~~.'/~'"~ ~ [~Kfl DCW|DIII.=o ~' feg,~u,tuber for barn: tiou.--St. Louis Republic IrightSUCC~SfullYto be fnrthere ndueted'intrustedhaS earnedwith thethe ~ ' .~. ~7 :~.="~~/-S/]"["~r, --s.t ~[~, I[ ~tJUsn at. I~ta,[H'~'~R~Ut~ ~,~,rt~,I ~,t ,~~human Im~lr, ]2 .~ ng, 34 2 by 8- There Is Profit In I'lg~. [ task of soh-ing the territorial, colonial ~/~ q~,'.x~'.',-~x'~'~, ~ ~'*~! ~ [ It ,t~- t~ ~l. et ~.m.a~ ~na m~ls:* .u4 ' ~ ov 4-inch 17 feet ;h: 20 feet, 122by 4- Pigs breed, euormous}y faster than,sn'l commercial problcms that have re- ,i# ~'~,~ ~e ".S~A'~Wd~' A, .ee fe T heU~n| ~ st,tn t~ n ~ ~--U S. ~. do either cows or ewes. They are less ~ sulted from the war.--IowaRepublican I : ',~ / ~m~ ~t W ,~. - Y -inch. :14 mow.feet" ]1i1~ '~ ?~, a.UpP sing that a liable to injury from accident or dis-I Platform. l~0r ~Jlfant~ all(]. 0 " In M,~+~,~ ~ ~ I I--ml ~'cs ~h,m~sw~u f- ~Under hay ease, writes W. A. Roberts in. the Mar- ] ~'Mr. liarvey--better knoWu as ~m~de z ~ !i ,ar~.~he doors a,(d cut ket Basket. The)" ean digest and turn, "Coin"--is lecturing ou free sih'er in Boars -- - . -'" "" ~-'-" r:i~:;rv of doors in into fiesh a larger proportion of food Colorado. While this looks n, uch like . "Se Children [ " ::! than any other rnminant. For in- "'carrying coals to Newcastle," it whore0~lreurlntdress~forhoma ~[ --'---C-~mand Home. stance, {00 pounds of dry food given wouhl probably be more just to regard Tho For O equ op! 1 ~ ' Warnl~ l~loof,to them will produce an increase in it as evidence that n,iasionary work is win not fade nOr hav~ thn cheap, ~,I al~fordin~ryprlnts . ~ I,-- OF * I moved.W.?ter till pith live ,-eight in cattle of 9 pounds, in needed to keep tbe free sih-er party Signatu Years w, ~mp~on'$" Prints. (4" I DI~SlRING TO BUY ANTTHINO I ng the~ais sheep I1 pounds and in pigs 23.8 from going to pieces in the champion ~=~ ~ ~'-I --4~".l.?.l$.?:l.l? ?;? H.~:~.2ITk'Vlm~zvva"wU'~u" ill on~nY ~Y of the .~.~,~ ~x,oz~u ,m ~x~ ,~u~t~mz~a ':!~!ii b r ~ore easil pounds. In, otherword.s, pigs ~et twice free silver state,--Chicago Tribune.Of Then~ em W't111A~Slmpson&8ons [.Inl! . y a pin . y wals Bought o:, A~:,~';f .;aiT4 .rid a~ l iS"O~.I~I~'~ON".~,N~ i 7, usin~ fl,^ 'ern~erapmg as mnch nourishment out of fond~ as ~VThe responsibility for the greater . . xa~t,~nisla'ana.Thews~she l rSperfectly,are &baolute~ ~1~4 ][ I! AIA~"61DWH*T TIIEY~I~@~. ()*Ri~tr ~ aEv~ra~r~I.~I.p~A ~iO ~8, il [!~l dish, rub W' ery pa- d<) sheep, an4 nearly three: times as part of the siekuess and mortality? It v.tct~v o ~ ~ ~*~ wvo~ae,v~. rests upon all who favored the war, I ~m~ ~1~ Th bea Or Home I/I'--:::" . " ,! linsee( uzt^'" dipDed'th elothinmuch as do oxen. Ass resu]t, thepig end it Is a pretty widely distributed I.n,n cnD ' I rn II w.o.s, .o ; umng wit's the'hand, increases i~ weight much more speed- ,moreeasilyhand,led ily than either sheep or ox, While burden. The nevspaperswlloarenow ~L-U ~Ul~-u.a "~Jtt~l.~. ]~ ~.~.~:]~N~ on BsAWrn~t,t;t ] " A.M K.-- ~': - 1797 " ~i~ the value of pork during the last 20 waxing wrath and eensorlous oyez ,~.nea'.Ule~e ] l~l~JA~WR'or a~,~O, ,e~-~"lO c. dt t to, ThO Best BOOK t WAR bou:adandsump, [ the world for Chronic ][Jlee4e~, Isoae ][Yl.~er~, I ~ ~h. Bunt on lnterettangeabZe plan. tuouslylllnstrsted (priestS), f~to anybod~sendlna | Uck fastened with ~ years has not depreciated, the coat of stories of privat|ons and sufferings Ser~nflo,~ 1Uleerl, V~rleo~e 1Ulee~, whRel --~T" l~l~.~t f .b~tmater!~d. lSadelntoteot ~e horn and held i~ all kinds of artificial food has been will have to bent a portion of the SWelllmlb Fe~erll~re~, and ell Old Saree. It I ~S. Bo~erefor we can make theprie~, twosnnualsnb~erlpttenaat|le~ehtotheOverl~ nd I neverfA!l~. DrawsoutaUpol~on. SsvcsexpenseAna i ~l t,a~ ~ehlpmentuwel~ht~0 P ,und~ Motltbly. SAN FILRNCI~CO ~ampleOverlAnd&~ I Y be polished in th, lowered, so that if pigkeeping ever blante. And it is not their fault that, n Cnres.srmenent. se,tsatveforMo" I ~t = ,e.oro.nru*,o ",- ~-V-~I~-i~--~~I Cal-bunelee, Piles, ~ttlt lghenm~ ]l~arns%q3utt,imm. JIz ~n tM.~En gine~, t t .~0. h- r-se.p wer" :neat match s~ was profitable it must be mere thanthe horrors of war did not begin soon. And all Fre*h Wolse~ ~y~mAll~d~L~F~e~l~l~[~ [ ~wml~l~Ww~i~o~l~#a~ta~o~u~ ~l qutekrel|ef and e~are, wor~ i ever so nowada~-~, st.--Detroit Free Press (Des.). 0~,eac" Paul, attam ~" Jr" ~-~aeltt by Dru6~letlk J| "---''lt~l~L~tO,eeelL~tt/4tUt~lk~ Lt* tr book~t~Ot~Lte~ttmonla|,u, e~tgSl S0S~ttlam~'~le,aaa 10 da]r~ ]l