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September 27, 1951 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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September 27, 1951 |
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Cross Country Mustangs Lose To McCarthy Plant "
or Upset !Emil Stepanek Loses I h
Thumb In Accident !Coac Is Named Comets, 14 To iStarts Operations
' i I
! Emil Stepanek, who is employed L George Vander Weyden, jr in- A huge crowd braved the cold The McCarthy Improvement Co.
at Klinger Paint Co Cedar Rapids,
i lost his left thumb on last Thurs- structor in classics and head of the and rain Friday night at West Lib- !~A& Jim ~& ~ i plant at Lisbon began operations on
day evening. It was injured late !classics department at Cornell, has/erty to watch the two top-rated i~| r~Jp[ ~|e J-~]} Monday and operated for part of
Thursday afternoon when it was been appointed coach in cross coun- l teams in the Eastern Hawkeye i i the day. Six trucks hauled 36 tons
A .~ . ~, -- caught in a steel roller. He re- i ,r ~,~,~ ~n,~, ~irrl~ w~r, i try to take over duties left uncared league battle it out on the grid- The Cornell-Mornin~side centen- of asphaltic concrete to 218 south of a~ n~,~,
laen? u curred turned home from St. Luke's hos-!~o~oa o,n ~i a h~, ,h AA^ for by the death of Walton S. Koch. [iron Mt. Vernon's Mustangs went niL1 ~; m ~ ~ ~h,~Cedar Rapids. The plant was op- ~rs. maage oung
%'"~.:~".~::." 2. %" ."; : "~ ! This announcement was made by i down fighting 14-6 before the power t Mt Vor a v;~* ,~,~;,~, +h~ crated on Tuesday until 2:30 p,m. ~/:ll Q I, pL
DA^ J Ag4~ ~,AR pital on Tuesday evening. It will aeam oz wal~on ~. ~ocn, pupumr] . i ' 5 ~ ~ - wvnuu ~ uuu ~,uu~m
o-,~.~y ~t =H~v~ probably be three or four weeks o ~ ~. . ~.;~. ~++~^ ~ President Russell D. Cole and M~ke and hard-dnwng of the West Lib- lweek of Sunday nct 28 accordina ~ By th~s hme enough material had
Fr,before he can return to work. The,~.~ ~ ~ '~;a'~;-~* ~ --- --~---~m~ ,~o, .- -~r"o,~'~ .~.-~ Miller, d~rector of athletics, ferry Comets. . to a decision r-a~h,~d~ ~ ~ by, th,~ local been. prepared to complete the. lev- .
! ~ ank Stinger, who lives on the injury is mending, and he goes ! ~ ~ " ~ . . i Vander Weyden had a successful ! The Blue and White boys started ; ;, ~.~ a~^ ~ ; ~ I elhng course on the road m cer- zn response ~o a request on ~ne
me ~eatn was a suacen near~ m-r,~ ~ ,~,~;, ~;~ i ~ . .L ~ ~,~== v,~,a~ ,s-~. .; ~.~ +o part of Lisbon women Mrs Otis
~ zarm west of Grange Hall, suf- daily to Cedar Rapids to have it tack which occurred at his home~,career as a track % ~ i a powernouse.~eam mat avc.~.cui Charles E. Hedges is chairman ~,~"' " ov . ~/'oung, Lisbon High home econom
! red fractures of most of his ribs dressed. ~h + a ~ ~ ~ unaergraauate Lays a~ Lawrence l~a pounds wnn zour men ripping for Mt Vernon and Di~k r'arboe is : ~ was expectea ma~ 1~ ~rUCKS -
ms teacher has consented to con
:-" i college Appleton Wis. His special the scales past the 200 mark. Spur-, chairman for Li. bon Th~ eh~ir would start hauhng to the Johnson,"
~the left side about 3 p.m. Men- The Stepaneks live with Mrs. : *" ' ' ' ~ " "
At the time of the illness Mr. ' - ~ -- " duct a series of adult night school
~Y when a tractor he was operat- ! Stepanek's father, John Steffy at ~,~h h,~];o,~ ; ,~ o h,:,~ t ~t~ k 1 events were nzgn ana low nurmes ! re~ on Dy tne~r ~z-o aelea~ oz win- i men and other committee members : coumy nne weanesaay mormng
.'.'~ upset and he was pinnea unaer 1 703 First Ave N Mt Vernon : :'."*'" ~"'."-"".:~ : %'"7: 7,:' " I javelin and the mile relay. In 1946 i field the previous week the Corn- ; mm wlth Dr F.~rl~ A R~le~r xri~ but an early shower stopped op- meenngs zor the mines.
l~lrs, i~.ocn caneo a a c~ I '
~e wheel with the tire against his o or wno
~,~o.~ h,~ ~,~,~ ~oa~ he won the 220 yard low hurdles at ~ eta were determined to avenge the nresident of Cornell and President eratmns. They hoped to get start- It m tentahvely planned to hold
~est ='~.',~'~ "~."~"~oc~"~vas-~ken"~olthe Midwest conference meet at! Mustangs for the 32-0 drubbing ad- i Russell D Cole in 'the latter's of- led later if it cleared off. the meetings on the same evenings
,wor ou* Youth Center Has ~,~apmsT,~.~,~,v,~o~,~,o~ r, oa~ ~,~;as Ripen college, placed third in the~ministered at Mt. Vernon last year.[lice " i There are two courses of the sur- as the men, Mondays at 8 p.m.
t~ about five minutes by moving ~l L / L ~ "~. .~ "'~?v -~-~F ~"':.:' ' high iumn and was a member of I The Comet victory plzces . ~o~,~ am~,~;,~,~ h~ ,~ ~ eh,~ I facing. First is the binder and the i However the Council is meeting on
With the wheel as he worked it [ne mew LOOK [~OW:wnere a neart specmnst was wm~- o -. r' i ~
;.-- -~ him and sta~,ed with himthe wmmng Lawrence relay team! them at the head of the con- !committee took steps toward per-second m the surface course. The lWednesday afternoon to set the
around. He walked to the house " '"~ '~." ":- ~ " in the mile event. ] terence with a 1.000 percentage *^-*i--- th~ o-m'-~i-n --r"~n;z~ti^'~ machine that puts the material on ~ time for the first meeting and to
~SCHEDULE ] in two ~-ames nlaved Univer ;~ ~.~ ~. ~. the h~ hway covers half of the select the projects for the year but
an.d dropped. He was in intenseAs the Youth Center opened for unto ne mea I ~ ~ ~,~ vo ~,s i
About seven years ago he spent~ . . I - .- o l]n ~v~. vernon- v-: . g " i "
Pare and it was difficult to breath the first after-game dance this falltwo wee~s m ueu a~ a pr~c~uuu,-:-- The hrst event m the. Cornell, sity High ranks second with a ~,~roachv w'fll be . ~,~m ~,; ~, -,--~'~ :w~dth of the pavement Thus ~t~ a report of the sessmn was not
or talk. it had taken on a fresh, new look ~, ,~,o ,h~n h, h~,~ thm~ cross country schedule will be a run perfect record but only one ~ nroach rather than one simnlv must make four trips to cover a ! ready when the paper went to press.
Mrs. Stinger called a doctor. A Through the efforts of the American ".~ .":~"~ ~."".~' ~"C, ":-~. k'-~'f with Ripen in Mt. Vernon, Oct. 6.~ game played that a ZS-0 win ;t~hrou~h the Methodist churches'section of the pavement, two in;Since Lisbon school dropped the
.~Pringville ambulance took him to Home department of the local Worn- : wnm me ~ocmr tnuugn~ m~gnt u~ a " ' ' ' - " h ind r course '
h~-e~ ntt~elv A e~rdingr~nh made Then come engagements w~th Law- i over Wapello. ML Yemens per- There will be Cornell sueakers in each lane one for t e b e Smith-Hughes set-up in home
~ercy h o s p i t a 1, Cedar Rapids, an's club, under leadership of Mrs. --'- ~ ' - ~ " ' "
~ that tim~ did not .~how anvthin~ rence at Appleton, Oct. 13, Coeat eentage stands at .5@@, which the nulnits of the two communities ~ and again for the surface course. : economms hotdmg of an adult
Where x-rays were taken. C.W. Smith and Mrs. Don Henik t~ ~h~,~v ,hu~ both Mt. Vernon Oct. 20, a trmngular they hope to raise thin Friday on Sunday Oct 28 Paul T~mko of the rngn Y : mght school xs optional.
On her return from the hosuital a project of rejuvenation has been ""Ue'' ~','~ -.~7"~=,;,~' ,;: " 'L~, a~'alwith Drake and Bradley at Des night when they host Colum- i 'Commission office in Cedar Rap-
~o+~ ~t~ ~,',~ ~.a ~. ~r as !Moines, Oct. 27 and a run w~th Grin- bus Junction at ~:45 on the i I .ids, is inspector for the work on l; ~nn ~enHf~ ~A/;n ~l,~,-
: late Tuesday, Mrs. Stinger saitl he practically completed~, .~ . erea w]m burs]us +wr. ~ocn n + .
breathe'Was mOremoreCOmfortableeasilv sheandthou~ht' caredC Uld' The forMt" theVern nplasterI Wnrepmr'~: unCUworK toh.1~ ~i~chtOra~?Ulkd !ellhhiuSr?;::tc[maS i ne~t~tthG::nn;llnN Vco3rnell enters h~me Mile.stir]tangs won the toss-up Let 218. : R'ibb-on At C m;oree"
he was getting along as well-as and needed windows and furnished ' " ~ the conference Thanksgiving meet Friday night and elected to receive, ', ~ Ni,ht Sehaol Wdl
taking the ball on their own 30 and ~]tr --" ~"" -- -- ! The Fall Boy Scout Camporee at
' my ~ *
advancing to the 20. West L~berty iRat Demonstration Waubeek on' Sept. 21. 22, and 23
" r aniza as a complete surprise
COUld be exoected More x-rays paint for redecorating. O g - ~. v^^ ~ ~,~,~ ~. na~hnl m Chicago Nov. 22, ~s still to be de-
Were tn h~ t~ken Wednesday ;hens in the community contr U d ~.~. ~ ~n w~ ,== ar*d clded, Vander Weyden says.
;Of New Hiline
F to the Youth Center fund so that ----- --~ took over when Mt. Vernon lost the was a resounding success in spite
rank naa oeen repmrmg fence : nt work uated from high scnoot m Le~vmrs
omer repmr ano replaceme . ' Lisbon Adult night school will of rain and cold weather. Lisbon
~'le was coming in with the tractor om-~lis~,~a ~urnishin~s Iowa, and entered Western Union ~"~Vr~,|i ~i~|~ ball on downs. With steady drive,
When a root which extended along ~'~^~ ~.~.~ ~.~'~' ~'n.~ a new ChOW Westmar) college in that city. ~VII l~ll d'--~,lll~tl~I sparked by Yotter's 32 yard run, the i i open on Monday, Oct. 1, at 8 p.m. Scouts suffered only two casualties:
th ~u ~,~ v~-~,~, ~ - Comets marched down the field forI Construction of a new 34,500 volt:rat and mouse baiting methods at violent nightmare, woke to find his
e fence row m some grass caused dnv~nnnrt ~nd chair hou~ht for the : He was graduated from We~tmar m ~ with a demonstration of modern Ralph Zahorik, working through a
fie tractor to upset. Only damage r~,~ ,r 1924 and ~mmedmtely joined the l|~t||r~ [ .~||r~ their first touchdown, followed by transmission line for the Iowa Elec- the Vernon Burge farm according legs projecting out into the night
~o the machine was a broken steer-i'~"~^-~ ^^~ n ;+o~ coaching staff of that school. --~,~vm~ ~vv,~ a sound drop kick for the extra tric Light & Power Co. from Cedar ito Grocer Miehe, voc. ag instructor, and the heavy rain. The tent of
o~,~u~ ~,~,~.~ ,~ ~,~, ~ point.
~gwheel and a bent seat" Neither were carried ~t in the wall andi Oct "2 1 As play resumed the Mustangs Rapids t Mt" Vernon and westjlBranch is scheduled to be started "With new c ntr l meth ds it is B b Caraway had a h le the size
~asoline or battery acid were ceiling painting. Present drapes J picked up 15 yards on Bridges' pass Oct. 10 and be completed within i possible to reduce rat and mouse of a saucer burned into it by a stray
!damage tremendously," Mr. Miehe fire ember,
~flled. were cleaned and fitted for all win- ~ to Brown, but failed to gain suffic- 120 days. The contract for this !said. "However, it is an area prob- Scoutmaster Nick Williams re-
tent yardage ana tried to punt out work has been let to the L. E. Myers ilem as well as an individual one.
~C;~::~:~y Idows and the booth tops reg]ued. !i~!~~;~ ~ehnrseli;!~i~ i~r~Cm~ ~ll~f!trg'P't~eatayhnatnb~:~~k~:a~i F:i~'evrae~vnu:i~::l~!Y:f~:g:C i: ~i!
~~;~;2:~~~d " ," " - i.'' ".C! " ,''i." .
. The Mt. Vernon fire company has [ep - . Memorial chapel at 8:15 p.m Even a Y P Y i of the company, which usually from rats Come out to this demon- ben S i ," g .e! s --.
Lad twn ~on i. *he last week Last ! spring, mfrs. ~m~m, men enanr- ! Chabay a native of Hungary, has SlOp me onstaugnt as west ~merty comes i n the w e ek before :^ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ; win, place, ana snow reopens, rney
Thursdav~-m~orni*n- an alarm was i man, had charge of the fund cot- i sung and'taught at the Aspen, Colo advanced through the line for gains! Christmas. ~:~:~n ~.~: ~,=;:~,~=~ ~,~,~, received a blue ribbon for being
turned i~ from the Hawkeve Grill ~ lection and purchase, of new ! I summer music festival for the last of 13 yards 18 yards and so on up The line to Mt Vernon will start .w- v= -=-,-,-,~ :-s .v,~- the best campers
" - -- - - ~ . . ." mg brat the constructmn of s~mple
Some wooden boards in a basement furmture. Mrs. Henm, present : two seasons. He has also sung at to the 8 yard mark. A costly rum- at the Prmrm City generating plant ~. ~, ~.^~; ~ ~-~ ,n~ ,~,~n~t Guided by Nick Williams and
flc~r under two fuel oil barrels were chai.rmam directed the young i Carnegie hall, as well as making ble for the Comets was recovered and follow private right-of-way to ~ ~ :~ 'c~trol. Junior Assistant Scoutmaster Roger
0R - peopte ot me ~mor ana semor s oncert tours by the Mustangs as the quarter the old interurban ri ht of way It ,
fire.The boards were ripped : numerou c . - i g - - Williams, the followin~ Lisbon Boy
u mgn SChOOl m me pamung ana
ul~ and thrown out the back door. Among the roles Chabay has sung closed, will follow the old Interurban route :. ~,w *, * Scouts attended the Camnoree" Bud
the firemen did not use the hcse. cteaning, wnicn worK.wasdon.e i fare those of David in Wagner's In the second period of play to a point west of Mt. Vernon. In |ne ~ervlee Stanley David Andre i~eter "Radl
It was very fortunate that the fire during the.sununer. ~o.n ~emK i"Die Meistersinger" Mime in Wag- the ball shuttled bsek a~dforth : The new line will connect with u~w~ ~ wt~Rt,t~.w Bob caraway, Herb Hertzler, Gary
~as d~s:o::~eodgb~fs~retithad much wW~:;e~sp~nbt:efpaz:h~em~re;:i~ i ~i ~se~ sin ~aeg~msedst-a~dhnth: pEaVs~}ng~' be:7~e?l t~n~Jje;ri~e],{~}~ .~henpr: set~t. h:~n~n~ b~:tt!~t~n~" " i~cS:gtteJ han~eW~Fha~:y weatht~r S:nrg:ntclaJ ?%B~r]nlo2flalYdB~rllph
The fire comuanv was called to,m.~ : ~o ~,~ ~h, : ~ :~A recording of "St John's Passion, ' either outfit. Jack M - vernon ana "sb . g . . .:. : Zahorik
the Mr~ T~h~ :Wh{tlatch residence -,y ~ ~ v~ v ---:-- ~ %~-~- J~: which he made with the Robert s~tional run of 58 yards was the station will be located there, parentm uaipn w~mams nome. tie
,~ ~ ea oi meir time anti ezlorz number ~ *- "~ -~-~-'~-- ~- '- hi--~-li--ht and a few ' A new transmission line will be has been out of me Slams more ! . t ~ t
"- ~ w min ~ : hi-law cnoral society, wlu ~nu~ u~ ~u,v ~ ~, ~,~
outh Fourth St:W.a fe ~ . zn the ffftms, working m shifts, } ~ !~^, ,~ ~, ~PA Vi~tnr nlav~ later Moore toted the ball built from the Sutliff sub-station to than two years, serwng on several btart winter ~ neaule,
~es belore u p m lvlonaay, over- in ularl ~ ~ < ~ .=,=ao~ ~j r .- . . . .
some of course appear g reg y and west of West ~ lands H~s recent stahon was Ok]
l~a " : ~ ' ~ : Chaba has resided in the United across the goal line The at a point north - "
d electric x~rlng ha I ] lanned,13 Hours Devotion Sun.
de d tarred . - : > Y " " ' ~ '
a ~ : . ~ :f~ ~.~+ :others at specml call. t s p ~ States for the vast six years He tempt at conversion failed Lenz Branch A switching station will nax~a. At the end of his furlough:
ue In xne oasemem ~mc. ~,~ nter zor oances Litert ::: ~ - " ' -
m. ~.^ ~. ~,~ to use the Ce ~ ~ : he ~s Metrooolitan record for was injured before the close of also be located there, Thin line he will report for duty at Scott ! ]R~innin~ ~,ndav Sent. 3 the
r?f~}e un mr~u~ ~ ~.~ r~.~.^ = ,==- all home games tins season K cnap- ~ tht~laSr:ahteest number of performanc- the period which ended with will extend east to the present Field, Ill. ; masse~'"'at~ t'h-e-'Lisbon~ C~t'holic
-~vrs near me ~qlrlil~%,J~.tla, ull li- nd v [ --- --
r crones can be fou ~ heel leadin b one hHme near Sprmgdale A leg will
ed. The fire burned the telephone : r- ;~, ~.~ ~,~1. ~ th~ IVALT KOCH e~ for three comecutive ~easons. the host se g Y : :.: . n - ;HOME ON FU~GH i church will be at 8:00 and 10:00
%,~ ~v,~ ~,~.--~ j De DUllt Irom tne wes~ J~rancn " . .
~res so that Mrs, V/h~tlatchs ,~ ~ ~h~ ~l,~win~ listed Paul Beckhelm, d~rector of the point ' Pfc Eddie Short is snendin~ a o clock every Sunday until next
i~r~er! ~i~ ugh!er'~BnY~ I~n.~i~i?Irs' Roy Martmee l~di~l~sdin~nil ~uOTi~n~!jh~i~mr~r~Anli~nU] 1;T{~5pc uld ~ ~ ' .-Entre~r~. !i "~iIn 1~5 ~lrnanli)dm~!9~iVwne~ld~rhlyashfag~Kcch became athletic Co"nell~!~r~.~l:i:e~ri~i{!i:~conservatory stated that ~ii!~!i~i;~Pei~oh!he!iThe second half was umarKea~t912Pi~u,~enn! ~ii!ii~it iar~il! ie~r~n~r'~:~Aa~m h~i y swkcmng s~anon wes~m.e ~ormvme. ifwMsU~ti~ig~:~r~ai~t~hrhitl~aH~!~ r nts Is ring'{~y i:~iat H~o~li P~D:v~tmn ~n
number she got a busy "g ~ In~,leside- 10 Le~ion Auxiliary $5 he ale coached for a time at the through " "~ ' ' ton Calif on Oct 7. ~ "
so Someone else had turned in the ~^ '~ ~:.~ ~:~;~ ~ ~. ~ M%~ s' Mt Ve~ncn high school Lecture certes committee became Jehle carried nine time in succes- bamraay, mos~m tn~ w~/~, ~u~ Communion followed by a club
alarm just before that. Yeanu '~c;egi~ ~(oU~/klJ~;~$5 "~l~it: Mr. Koch was married June 10 interested in bringing Chabay to sion, gaining yardage each brae,fie-~ ~ ana s~ me narlaw~'~ ~'~'~i Pc. William Zearing figures he breakfast in the parlsh hall. The
Dale Cook extinguished a cu~- Vernon Woman's Club $50 ' New 1925 in Chicago to era Marie Ken- Cornell. spite outstanding lvmsmng aelen-~ .'~ v .--% :-'might get more mail if his address closing services ~unaay evening wiu
- r ~wo or mree cars el poles are m of he
tail ~o ~o ~, ~, ~h~ Mr~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~m'a ~ ned'- ----. sive work. In the kick-off afte anpeared in the Hawkeye Pvt. begin, at 7 30 with priests t
~ ~ .~ -,~=,~,~ ~, ~.~.v. ~, -~, -. . - i transit Aoou~ ~uu pores are re- ~ . . . "
Ice Comstock residence which was Pre-school Mothers Club $15, a total: Mr. Koch is survived by Mrs. Finishina Of No. 261 the conver.]on Lenz was again m-!ouired. for the entire job Zearmg is attending Tank L.eader s neighboring parishes a.sslstmg the
CaUsed hv children~laving with~ ~o~ Koch and their four sonsJohn a ~*. . . jurefl. -" .~, -, ,~ - .a.~: scnool. Aooress: l--vt William Li. pastor. ~amer 2%1 wnl~e oi ~euar
-- ---- "- "~ . ' i ",nd xne ,zne wt. pruvtu~ ~t~a ~t~u*- ! " ' ' eliver the evenin
~atches The window ~ill was So far the committee in charge medmal student at SUI, James JS Proceeding Slowly I would say. that Jack~ Moorea.n ~'~ ,;,=0 o of wer sunnlv Zearmg.U.S. 55094512, 8th Co. Stu- ,Rapids willd g
~Ur s 1 scmnce teacher and athlehc coach Ball Kamernng a,a an ou~stana~ g dent Rgt T A S Fort Knox Ky sermon
: ned. Ellis Loan, who was pas -report that expenses have tota ed: o - . ame ,i into the Mt Vernon Stanwood, ! " " i '
mg th~ ~,~ i,~,~nce drove to the city ~h,~,~ -~133 The remainder of the at iowa Falls hign scnoo~ ttichard ~inisnin~ oz me Z~l graving has jo~ on ~elense m rrmay ~ g ' i ,~ w,~, ~.;~,~,-t~ ~ n d ---- "--------=---'~--
hall when the children said the fund will be used on the floor re- a student at SUI, and Denms 10, m been advancing slowly w~th a sa~d Coach H,pple: We were up West Branch area " !Hlhne Contractors Are Eqmpment Delays Use
'-'~U~e ~a.~ on fire Dale Cook took finishin~ and further necessities for the fifth grade of Mt Vernon maintainer oulldozer ana scraper against a team w~tn Dom speea ana! ^, ,~ ,^ ~ ~'~ m ~. n,~,~e a, ~,n ~ .n
-- " ~ ' " " " ina ~uuu~ .u cu z~ ~ w o~,' II
a~ extinguisher to the house The the Center schools working on the road. H~ghway s~ze and that ~s a tough comb ":---, which ha~ About Through Mere ur ~ew :)cnool no ers
Iire ~h'en-wa~ not ~ounded " A committee is establishing a O~her membersofthe immediate Commission officials are hopeful tion. I think the boys did a good ~a~,~.~L~'~='~"'~ ~,~ ,he-h-alance' -- i
code of care for those groups family are: Walt's mother, Mrs. Ma- that the work can be completed in job in holding them to 14 points, ~:'~,~'"'~:~'~"" ~')~'~,~,~,~'~ m,~ The Trans Electric Co who have LaCK OI all me eqmpmem Ior me
e}~e, ChZffo~alte~5 h2 ~vas~c~llausing the Center, in order that :tHda Koch. LeMars; three brothers, a week to 10 days of good weather. "Our passing game was much ~m-Gerur~an~ne~.~ built a 115,000 volt transm~ssmn new boiler lnstallatmn at the L,s-
I~re "~n~e~cush'mns" of ~he -Ca."] the fine, clean appearance can Sumner of LeMars; Kenath Dent- R. B. Burch has been trying to get proved. We will have to spend ~]me~ "'The aluminum wire used on the: line for the R.E.A from ~eaar loon scnom nouse nas aemyea, c om :
Travi'~ ~;~ ~(~ p~rk~d O'I~- be maintained and that the son; Omar of San Diego, Calif, two some more patrol graders to help this week in perzecting our ~elen- i new line will have a -reater carr :lxapids to wyoming, nave compmt- I pmtion oz me WORK. ~ ~S nope~
l~0si~-~ ~:'~- i~ :'--- am-youth of the community may sister~, Mrs. R. M. Angell of Long with the finishing but they have sive end play." in~ ca,~acit~' than th~ nresent ~i- ied the line and are doing clean up that the new boilers can be made
o~sc ,-er ume* e,v ~theoP Ste- ff~ce"irRaYhK; he: have a desirable center in which Beach ~nd Mrs. LeRoy Barber of been delayed on other work by the Karl Klinsky is manager of the line v ~ = work this week. Their crew expects ready for use this weeK.
! a ~ n ~ andchfld ~eather B A Andelson will put Muetang grid ~quad th~s year and to hmeh th~s work by the end of The condensate pump armved on
ca-~e home from work. Mr. Tractsto meet social y. . Ce ~ar Rapid~. and c e ~r " ' ' " " " - " i -" ." . ! The new hiline to Mt. Vernon ~ . .
the, - . .- All organizations who contmbut-the son of Mr. and Mrs. James therock surfacingon the road doing a good ~ob. D~ck Moore and ,; h eh~ ,~resent hiline rqus the' lhe week ]f not delayed by bad Monday. Lacking now are some
Ught he had the fire out prev~ v ,- r
c~a,~. ~ ~," ed to the fund are extended the lKoch, when it is completed. The rock is Bill Lenz co-captained Friday's en-automatic switchin~ e~uiu m e n t lweather and will move to anothe parts for the electric control panel
Ca~ ~ ~ unknox~n ~
"" ' -" ~ " thanks and deep appreciation of the Walt was a member of the Meth-stock piled at the XYhitman quarry:counter. Officials were Jesse Day, here should f, ive t~e Mt Vernon job. board. It will probably take two
------~--~ committee and the young people, odist church of Mr. Vernon and of ~ready to be used. . D. D. Mesecher and Forrest Craw- Lisbon Solon and farm lines leading i ---- ---------7 . !days to complete the installation
u inbauah Build Coal Thanks also to the Council for their the Hahn-Howard post of the ~ i ford of Davenport. out from here a very dependable Lisbon Hello World latter these parts arrive.
~* ---'--~-m- ---- P- =- w donation of materials, and lo the American Legion. :Will Attend Nebraska ! The Hawkeye would like to thank supply of power, i . I ~.
olOraqe lonq :)pur/racK following for use of ladders ana Funeral services were held in the Noel Neuenswanaer wno is has,sung : ~ Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jonn ~a-Sauara Dance At Lisbon
v ,w -- " " ~ ~ "--"11
. planks: John Colon ~r Ahce Com-Turner mortuary chapel. Cedar Texas Chrlstlan ame bringing ,n .ports mformahon . o! horik of Lisbon, a son. Sept. 23, at ,-
~L.E. Leinbaugh and Son have pur- i stock, Hugh Croft, Leo Kaliban, l~apids, Salurday at 3:30 p.m. The . on the Mustang games this fall. ~r|aae ~a~er|a| i st. Luke's hospital, Cedar Rapids. [,~ Wednesday~ ~ To
~-a ~ of h Mt ~vlrs Jean ivl~)ore ana sons LPlCK st an s ~ ~ ~ nk
t~ sed 3 ~ acres of land northHoward Kamberling and t e - Rex'. Merton B. Green,pastor of . ." " " ** i The ever-fighting M u g !The bab~ ha~ been named Fra -.
~e m I CSl ana JaCK Mrs .vloore s parems ivtr ,
Mrs. Margaret WiIlia s " "-:Vernon public school, the Mr. Vernon church,read the . - " . will be looking for a victory ~d~d'11n ~ J~r~iv|ni~ i --.----=7 . i They'll be whooping it up again
-~e~,ee on North First Avenue of ----- ~,~enin~ crinture nasea~es and led ana wrs. tlar:'y ~toneKmg, plan to Friday night against Columbus. !~v~ ~ i Born to Mr. ana mrs. nar la to the callin~ of Bob Lee on next
~,~rs. ~ruu, ~ ~ . ,~,~ wm ~nour con- .Mrs, Rc~e~ Hickman went to Mar- :'~ ~^'.~a ~. " ~ " leave, early. ~aturday morning, for. .~'~-~ ~ ~;-;-~*;~--,- .~.~ *o~--, .~ ~,-~- a bad i ~Locke of Lisbon, a daughter Sept, w~a,~,~ ~v ~.~ ~,~ ~ ~v~nln,*7 - " a Oct. 3, at the
e m p :~ ~ The contractor ior the new
ret ~ lat mn Tueeda to s end a couple days Lincoln Nebr to ee the Umvermty eat 19 at St Luke s hospital Cedar Le mn hall Lzsbon
. e soon for a coal ~torage p - " " ~ Y P ' P-esidentRussellD. Cole deliv- . . ' . "" . ~ m " W a l 1 opin g 33-0 from W ~ ~ *~-~ r'~dar river on the ' - ' ',square dance at g","
~.r~, 40 by 200 feet. The platform : before her sister, Mrs. L. A. Le- ~ e,-ed a warm and thoughtful tribute o~ ~eDrasKa play r exas ~nr.:suan Branch on their opener, but ,~ ~a~,~'~ ~; ,~,~t~n~ to Rapids. Everyone's invited. It's a sure cure
~ill be located along the spur track Vasseur of Pasadena, CaiiI leaves to Walton Koch He epoke of his ~nat alternoon. ~ennemo lv~oore, held the aggregation from Win- ~.~L'~-~ ~.~' ~.~*.=.". :.~;:';~'~,~'~,~,;~ = -----~~ i for rusty joints--it keeps the old
~o the lant and ~ar fo~ home . " . ~ . - Mrs lVlOOre s olaes~ son a iresnman, ~ ue a~c-,o,~,S ,a~=**,~. ~,~ ~,~,--v" i ~m,I " " " mn' chill"
~.lgn~ ~ogas p ~ - " ' ]on~ record In coacmng oI rll rill- =. . ' ." llelG gO a l-l gle las~ wee~ ~,~w,~ ~+~1 I~ nillnrf la~: : I~JlZ[l~lla~ IiqidP~i IlIVla~ DIOO~I clrcula~:lng oi1 au~u s
~ge ill = cur ~ ~ . ' . - .at l~eorasKa :$ oelng useo at fie- ! . ment. ,~v o ~ ~ ~. - -~ I . .
Fourth Street East w b~ - - militv in victory and his pahence m ,~.: ~ ~, ~ ~,~ ~ ~ . One might expect the Colum- ~ ~,~i,a "rhi~ will h~ u~d f f |V|~[[N~,|~|||~O mghts--~t s deflmtely informal .---ka. nd
d f om F~rst Avenue to the coal of funNever sa die
~,~ r ~#~V~,~'~ ~r~l defeat, of his friendly and construc- 'braska s-uad Lad barrin~ an inlur- bus boys to be a httle on the ferdams durin~ construction of the, -- ~- ]ts a heap . Y ---
-~age. /~1~! I1~ I~'~' tire contact withgenerationsof: . ~," ~.~ .~, ~ +~ ~;.~f * heavy side, since they out- ,~ .~;:.~ " ,rh~ ~,~ will be J~ ~! |~' ~L]~~'~ i say swing your partner!
me, " tentative m :,expects m oe u~, v=~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ . : ~,~.=~ ~.~ ~,~
3d Lembaugh has ~ wet hed the West Branch Bears r%lk~V~U m~m I i~tnl~,O
~lans to build a residence on this IAI.'|| f'% ~. oungllP n e oC nl geeopthle eSme that game. ! 30 ~u.dsto a man in their flrst ia conhnuous I beam type with 11i ia.EV~Tbody ou~--next Wednesday
I~d near First Avenue next sum- VV||| ~U| ~|| rothercommunities~w~ereWaltliv, lr ~**bDk,~ ~l,l~ ~|~f ! game. . sp~3nying fthe right fwayhas BV A J- C~nk .
~ - ed and worked uu~n,~. ~,~,~,~ ""1 "~" rne marcnmg Dana, unaer m- ~ carted west of the river ; --1 .~ n;~b K#et~#e~n ~IA/;ll ~-~ "
---- ---- bth ' " " Plan To Build"H r " " 1 in ' """" ~" " I ~ -,-,~ ,--,*,----, --,----
wa m the Cedar echon of Max Northrup wfl aga or
. : Interment s i ouse i ' Some land has been turned in f i
The Service October IMemorial cemetery give the fans a treat with a lighted The U S Civil Service Commis-Buried Here On Thursd~v
" ' -' i ~ conaemnanon ; m
half time ]smn ~s mveshgahn the char es
v. . Honorary pallbearers were mere- ] Mrand 1~}Irs Frank Rhoads of : formation, of the field at ". : Final plans for the highway are I ; g g . !
~t~vt Raymond .ZmKma .~s now :i ,Parents DaY at ~oornen wm oe hers of Walt's athletic squads--- Mechanicsville have recently bought i A concess~onstand will be operatea r not yet complete. It has been an- 'ma~. ,~ivm f--~OOK, of the ,~eaeral i Dick Stanton,a former resident
~, uOnea in tort ham houston, ooservea bamruay, uc~ o, accoru- Ro~er Whitcomb Bud Dresser ~,^.~,~ ~o, ~ ~ ~n y~m hv 9A5 f~t mrougnou~ me game. i ;-;,~o ~d that a contract for the ~.~up ~.~uvm~ce ~orp, ~atKeta In oI Lisbon wiIl De Duriea in tne
Xas, to attend medical field ~er- mg to J. M. Macaulay, d~rector of, Ted Hahn J~m Hersey Don Gruen- : ,~+ ^, ~o ~ ~, t ,~* -~ ~,~ pro, : ------ ~ ,~on" = could be let some hme this ~ favor of the candidacy of A1 Love- i Stanton lot at the L~sbon cemetery
vie t~a~t . j 1,~In~
. e school for eight weeks. Hislpublic relations and chairman Oftwald and'Lloyd Olmstead i ~^:t: :~ Dr. Youna Is Author the nlans are completed in]land f r theU-S. SenateataP.M-A'lbeside his wife on Thursday. How-
," ~dress is Pvt Raymond P Zinku- the campus committee ~-- " i ~,u~,/~= ,~, ~ ~ '~ ,'f 7" ~- i ~ . - . I time "- [ meeting in Cedar Rapids on Oct. 16, } ard Stanton of Cedar Rapids made
~a U " t Bn " " will in ~ plan zo erec~ a une-~tury ~a,-, " " i " '1950 ' '
~.'~. S. 55160660, Co. B ls ] Major events of the day . " U.~k 4|.~ D llv [~,~ i, ;,~ ehor,~ which will~ Historical Aehc|e )arrangements for the burml on
~." .S.S. 2nd Plt Ft. Sam Houston, ~ clude: 10 to 12, Registration ot via-, 1 1 ] ". ~ .:~'."~"7~ %~ L. i Dr. O~is Young is the author of i ~ ~L A---- D,~n~ i Local farmers who attended,Monday. He said his father had
~e ,lace me Doule~,ara iney nupe tu~ P~UUll ~ ~ma "
Xas ~iting parents in Law buildingi IM;ll ~@F ~n ~,~e~nv ' "- 'an article on "The Rappite Colony" ]uu[ HnY ~ i this meeting have received reg- !died while on a visit in the west
v~ v.v *-v - -1 oe able to start WOrK on me DUlltl- ' ') "
. ~,[ 12 noon, Luncheon for parents !. fat New Harmony, Ind uublished'.l'~A.~,l~t~,~ I~#~r~ehln ~ istered letters fro m Alfred The Stantons formerly lived m the
e~vt. Elwin Woof( spent theweeK i and their sons and daughters, dining i Rall~, Da~, will be observed in the ~lmg-s n'- for the first time'in the current is- I~'~'~'~'~ r I Klein, chief law officer. Some i house in the north part of Lisbon
-.u in the arental winiam wooII! - : ~ -,mr. aria Mrs. nnoaas now re~m~: ~ . . : ! . . .
hor~ p together, m Pfefffer and Bowman Mt Vernon Methodist church Sun-~ ,~.~;. ~ ~ ,~;l~ ~outh of sue of the Indmna Magazine oft Dorothy Ann Rogers, daughter ofreceived the letters last week occupmd by the Alvin Millers.
",~. nxs aaaress: rv. ~lw ~- ~ " ~" ""='" "~-" " '" """ ~ ~ ~ i arm some mm week
.~ooff ~ a~,~9 c',~ 14 ~Veh Tnf l ha-lls day, according to the Rev. Merton ',Mechanic.~ville ill,story whmh ~s edited on the Ind- Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Rogers, com-~ . .
-', ~ 2 n m l~ooloall t:ornen vs. ~ r- + ~ { ~ iana iversit cam us H "t 1 After mentmmng the charges I
~e . . ' ", ~. u-~=-, v,~*- ~ ~ Un Y P i pleted an internship lri OSpl a .
g, 10th Inf. D~v Ft. Riley, Kan. ! Ripen, Ash park i All departments of the Sunday i Mr and Mrs Lawrence Cork San i The names of 501 men and women i Dietetics at Saint Mary's hospital i made against Mr. Cook, whmh are !WIll Entertain Ba~d
p . ~-~--~. ! .4"30-5:1.5, Parents stuaemSischoo1 will assemble for a brief ', Diego county," Cal called on theiwho made up the colony were!in Rochester, Minn Sept. 23, 1951, ', aheged to oe in vioi.a.~ionoI sectioni
-=qram ,nurcn Laales ~slt their Cornell teacners at aes i ]n the mare sanc d m a deed book for 1824 found nt exercmes was award va of the Hatcn ponucat acuvmes ~ne Llsoon ~cBooJ oanu a.u u,
"' " " " am us"mainl'~w rship service " " -C. W. Neffs last week enroute to ifoun " !and at rece " -'~ . I n
nateaspoIs on c P,Y~ b 1 hers 1 rs a o m ,act the letter continues rector Mms Stemoec~ will De e
$ rve ~n Dinners . : !tuary at 9:45 a.m. The eg'n !Davenport to visit relatives. They by Dr. Young severa yea g ' led a certificate. ~ ,'- : ! t' Bishons and
~v ~Armstrongnau . . . l wiU sing a song and me primary:operate an avocado ranch near San the court house at Ivlt. vernon, i Saint Mary's tlospital is one of i tour reconecuon ot mr. ~OOKS!~r~myu ~ ,u~--,X=* ,~ . - " ~.~
Dinner ior arentsat I movle at me z-aramoun~ u. =-.
Abe,* ~n m e ~erved at / 6:00 p.m " P i department will recite some scrip- i Diego. Ind. t57 institutions in this country of- i talk .in behalf of the can.aiaate t a ;.h, c'~m-
t ~ m 11 k ~.oveland or In o OSltlOn ~o ms op Lay evening, oy me
he ~.~.~ ~ "~'~=~:~.~.~,o ~ ~ ,~ingy . ] ture verses Mr. Green wi spea i ! feting approved training in Hos- : PP " ~ . ~ ~.~ ~ " '~.-::.'~
"~1 tl~tlll Avlt=~.tlv~ ** " n * z ommerce lwe,~ ---==
~er held ;.- "he townsl~io'l~all oni 7:45 pan All campus review a.a. briefly and the departments will i i pital Dietetics. Completion of her !ponent, S e n a t o r Hickenlooper, l ber . o ~ ": r the tri"
~ hUrsda~, "evenina The" W SCS talent, show in r~ing Memormi go to their rooms for the morningI Observ Annnv rsarv I dietetic internship qualifies Miss [would be important com-]mem.Ders na.vequanx~e2er~~ and atv-
'~t~,~--- s ~ ~ " -' ' -"~ IcrmpeJ campus groups, ensemmes 3~ ~. ~ / I Rovers for vractice of dietetics and mission in arriving at a ae~ermina-toy praying m mu~ ~v,~ ~ -
- ute that %ney male aruu~u, ' ' " ' " : ~---= ~ ' four rehearsals
~0 It w~ the most successful and solmsts. . . . ! At the morning church serwce .~m~:~.~, : ~.><;~;~::.~.~ ~:;:::~;~~ i for membership in the American I tio.njn, the matter. tending
,~.'- -- "'7- - ,~,- --~ Other memoers oI me campus ,~ :, *- vi~ of recount- ~ ~~:~L~.~~~ ~ ~' ? . r~;~ ~,~ A~ ,~i~tlon ) "'wiu you Kinaty zurnisn a aetail- I The ~roup will leave m a ~cuuu~
-',~er tile nave ever servea. ~ney I tner~ wl*~ u= a or ,-,- o 4 ~" ~" ~ ~"'- ) "
~ar~t to a~sure "~eonle that a faster tc mmittee are Dr. Chester L. Rmh,tion from the Methodist Book of! ~ii~~ i A graduate of Mt. Vernon high;ed account of what Mr. Cook sa}dlbus from the school house at.4.-45
bla, v .v ~and Dr Otis ~: ~oung There is a~ ~ ^*qcers and teach i ~::~' :~: ; !~n~l Mi~. Ro~ers received a;and did at this meeting rem~ive ~olo m J F Kramer aria ~. ~ue~
-. uz serving Will De worKea ou~i " .' " ~ worship ~u: ~ v~ -, >~~j::7~;. - : ; ~ . --
~r parents' committee consisung oi ~u!,~.~ .t eh~ church school and for' ~~~-. " ~h~ohelor of science de~ree with a both of the above mentioned can- Miller of the Lisbont:namDer ox
o-umer. ~ i ' an them
couples. A ma)or]ty of th~s corn-^ ~o~ members of the congrega-. ~~ J i-~or in foods and nutrition from;d~dates. It would greatly add to Commerce will accomp Y
~ * i mittee met Saturday w~th the facul- ' tion's board of education, i ~ i lowa State College Ames, in 1950 . the weight of your statement ff you ~ . ---------~-
To Natlona~ Meeting !ty members of the committee and ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ i ~:]----- " could have it sworn to before one l~UNG FARMERS TO START
Mr hardson President Cole ]n the latters of-~ ln &~-- ~t---- Parents " .:~ ! n. mm ]who is authorized to take oaths in Youn Farmers begin classes on
e~,- ' and Mrs ~ten ti. ~c fice They were luncheon guests ~,all m~Itn~ v :::-~ . MeliO worla -'our county .g ' -* ,~ v:-
~i~ct to.leave Fmday for an over-lat Pfeiffer hall. In C.h Smuts i -- i i "If a hearing at the request of ]Thursa~aY]=~gr~oom They will start
1 e~*t~ VlSit witll tnelr son ana IalTll- I 6,~,** ~,~mm~,~ m*,mbers from : "''"~"*""*" "" " . ~ - .~>.:~ . ~ l~orn to wlr. ana lvLrs, l-larola ~ ~,-,1,- i,~ ehi= ~,~o ,~- u,~r~ holrl ~'" ,*e, . -- .
"~, t -,-~ ~ i ' "'" "'~ a series of meeungs on swine
he Delbert Rmhardsons, at Oak~ ron s ' ~ Suthff a son Kenneth Lynn Sept. w~th .
I.~w t. ~Iowa are the Robert Armst g" There x~illbe an ~mportant i " ~~ .~ -' ,-- -'.t ~ ~ 'r,~.~ ~ m Iowa m the near future, would a,mtnn management Helpm~
-, zu enroute ~o L~etro~t, ,v~,t=~ J Was i ;jr a[ or. ~= o ,vov,~a ,~=uo . - iv-" ' -
~her~ ~2 ~;^ ~,~ i. ~ ,~,~]~t~ Marshall H~ckmans and E. . : meeting of committee members and ' ~~ ~,= ~ ;.~.; o ,~ ~ycu appear if mwted and tell what he re ram were Everett
I - ~ ~ ~.-~ Ra ida" Rev Dr ana - ~ . . ~ .~p,u~, w=,~,~ o .u~ 3 oz. ' " the meet ' plan t P g .
ta of Cedar p nts of be eh ~ble for Mr Cook stud and d~d at Gremer Dudle
the national convention ef the "~ ~ " ~'r Daven ort" :all pare Y~ g . ; i i. "~, " Graver, Pete y
ta~b,~, ~ ~t Mrs. James Uhhnge, P ' Cub Scouts If you have a boy or ,: . Born to Mr. and Mrs Ray W. rag. ] Don Russell Rolland Hemk
~,~ Insurance compum~ - 13o sen Water " ! ~mlth.
l~g t Dr and Mr G M y "boys between the ages of 8 and 11 i Burch a son Wednesday Sept 19 ~ son'
Tom Fergu
l~ieh~;dr:othe f 11%~%LrWeek~ Mhre lee'; the Clarence Bacons, Hopkin-ancl if you want him to take part I ;~at Fort Worth, Texas. Lewis ~Ves~ Sunday Will Be Rally ]and
.~ard o a;.~) (he Iowa i~u-ten; Kenncth Kennedys, A.namosa; in the Scouting program, please i :is the grandfather. ; . .~ n ~. n I PT.A. NOTICE
q~al To:: =~'~;~'f =nee assn The, F. A. Koerners, Charms uzy; r~ev. come to the Presbyterian church ' Mr. and Mrs. James Koh[ were greatly pleased when all "a~ Mr o,a M~o ~ uay Alr LISDOn ~,nurcn " ho T.;~hon P T A will meet in
bla~ to return the last of next week. Dr. and Mrs. J: P. Ga, ble: Marmn, tonight, Thursday, Sept. 27th: at their eight children were a~ the,r home m Ltsbon sometime dur,ng !Frazier of Minden La a daughter, ~ ~,na~v ~e,~t 30 wiI1 be Rally }the school house on Monday eve-
hey. L~r. ana iV;rs, r~erDer~ ~empm, : "30 This is an important meeting. '. " ! ~, "~ ~" ' ~ - -
~ ~--~-:-=~-~-~--;'---,~,~ t~,~ Fall~" Rev Dr and Mrs 7. . Sunday through Tuesday m observance of the,r 65th wedding i Joan Marne, weighing 8 lbs. 11 oz i Day at the Methodist church in L~s- ~ rang, Oct. 1. The program ~s being
-~ ar~ ~ ~tt~u " -------~--'------ I h 5th rade ro
Sept 17 Mrs Framer will be re t ren of the Sunday lanned by t e g om
Pro ~"~k ot Fred E Miller Waterloo' the C ~rs L C Dean of San Antonio anniversary Mrs. Kohl became ill, necess,tahng postponement of bon. The child )P
th ~. ~ari ~.ettermg wm .v~,~ . ~ ' " ',~" ' membered as Irene Sipple. ; "l re~ent a rogram be- r Mrs, barrel ~om, cnairman, tells
t,~e annual dinner of the Marion N. Housh-,Garner; the F. C. Hene- Texas, Mrs. C. C. Dlllavou of Los the,r open house pUanned for Sunday. On Tuesday all the famdy I : school wl.l p~ - ~ ~o~ ,~f ,~ ~;
~. tuber of Commerce on Monday, mans, Mason City. There are vineAngeles, Calif and Dr. ana " aothered ot their home for a family dinner Mr end Mrs Arthur' ~ . ginning^at s:;~ ; --" -- . ' ~,~.t,~ .~ ~.
~'lis d.',~~ ".'= .~.'~.'"":'"T i, i 5U ~.~:- ~'~ r.d outh Da -'~ "~'~o ~o ,~dav dinner ~ueets Kohl ot Limmerman, t~ninn wno were nere TOt" the occasion, came ion visited Wednesday with Miss al,o wilh a children's sermon by with more gooa numbers Bring a
"'Wake~ kc'a i Iv]- and Mrs A1 Morrissey. the aongest anstance. ]~eme m. riarmng, the !~asmr. n~-,~,- ,~-,~