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September 28, 1939 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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September 28, 1939 |
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Lter ~Patc w rk r t r F En lekin Lisbon' sec nd Mrs ....................... J terial on the migrant labor situ- bertine Henik Bermurd Lynch Hu
~tl~ble Li b F 2 home of Mrs James McCutcheon used for decorahons and tea was Rev aud Mrs E 1" Gough and , ...... u ~ ~M ...... Monday morning m a rumple IN THE REAL ESTATE DE..~I~R
th~ . " ...... %? ...... Russell Cooperwilluresent the ling. to Mount Vernon, Rev. and u..-+~ vmed altar of autumn flowers, Bar- i visit a~n ~eaa~ r~m vr~vt .....
a~lcsville .+ . -+.~..,.+j. • ~ ...... .-.. ..~,-..,,.,.,,.. v~ ~,.s~ m,~
ver~ - program ! Mrs. Gustafson will be welcomed ...... ~ .... , . ~bara Cramer became the bmde of h,,.~hv nafl~t~ ~ho~ ~h,, ~,,~,, * ,~
~Q__. . . , . : * Tenter l-oulr-uroana, ~. r~. z~uee, ob r ....... " "'~"'~'" "--~ "~ "~"~'°
Any design.First, Nellie Trump, Mechanicsville, second, Mr~ ~.......... -.o , Dr. Stanchft back for another year, and Dr. W ........ c, .................. R e t Zyck. The single ring sere-!,~, , oo, ~,,, ,,,,~ ,~,~ ........
Witmer Ttpton e t Bauman ' • I G Rowley and family will be hen- y as performed by Dr. H. H.
, • r entertained at a brldgel]l:~,~4-~.~o ]u~.~m r~h~.~,~' . . . M.C. Melcher. Ha-man of the f'olle-o -~ ~-~-h,-estate of Anton Slach Sr., deceased,
llk~bll,.Llli~ 1" l~l,fflLt .JLLLL%.'%,.* ol eu on their aepartme forCedal a ,~. ~,,. v.,. ~.,,..,,~,,,,.,
q'G----Any design: First, Mrs. Von Behren, Mechanicsville; dinner at the former'sapartment, on t ..... ,, ~ , Rapids to reside Clarence, A. B. Chamberlain. at the Caldwell Presbyterian late of L inn Count~ Iowa.: prior to
C-~n~va I~tnsnn C~ntral C~itv weanesaay evening ~ix~een laaies~ [VINrlYI~ In rno N~;fl.~Y ~ - Clinton First J B Ackman ~,,,,,^~, ~..~.. ^ ,^... ^,^_~ ~,:__.,_ ~ep~emner z~na, i~, [ileal their
............... , .............. ,,,.~,.~ ,~,,,~+~ [.,~vA.,~.~, ~. ,~.,~ ~.---,,~-- ALL members and friends of the ' • ' • • :" , ~-,,~-~-,,, ~-~,,~.~ a ~w ~=~= ~uu~ ,~,;,~,~. °,,.4 .,..~;^.,;^-- ~- ,~.. ,,~
linen: First, Nellie Trump. Mechanicsville; .... s ..... ! Clinton. Lyons and Sabula, L. E. of the family witnessed the short ~ ............. v~,-,~--,*,, ,,, ~ v,-
rice of the Clerk of the Linn Coun-
Mrs. Roy Young honored herI Dr. H. C. Stanclift returned to church are invited to attend. Mrs. Clements. but impressive service. Through-ty, Iowa District Court, asking
mother, Mrs. A. F. Holmes of Hart- IMount Vernon last Sunday after Glenn Rogers and Mrs. Lloyd Oak- Davenport, St. John's. J. Arthur out the wedding Mrs. Carlyle said District Court to grant such
ford, Wash., who with Mr. Holmes i spending more than three months land are in charge. Young. Smith, at the piano, softly played Executors Authority to sell all real
e Facece L00ras ~ Davenport. Graee, A. W. Gable.'At Dawning.'
are guests in their home, at a lunch- [in the east. He reports experiences1-- ~PIT~ur'~I
eon last Thursday. !as follows: Delmar-Charlotte, D. E. Kehrili.
Mrs. Adolph Biderman, Cedar Rapids.
Linen--First, Miss Luella ~Mohn, Lisbon; second, Mrs. Earl
Cotton--First, Miss Mildred Lewis, Mechanicsville; Second,
Mohn, Lisbon.
Cotton--First, Miss Mildred Lewis, ,Mecahanicsville; second,
Nellie Witmer, Tipton.
article: First, Mrs. Gee. Craver, Lisbon; second, T. Beg-
First, Mrs. C. F. Engleking, Lisbon; second, .Vfrs. Jo
First, Mrs. Herbert Dunn, ~Marion; second, E. Wangert,
First, Mrs. Fred Post, Springville; second, Mrs. Jim
Mt. Vernon•
OR PILLOW.~---First, Mrs. A. Schott, Lisbon; second, Miss
GR~IN--Must Be From the Crop of 1989
• Ienry Von Behren, Mechanicsville.
Bert Neal & Sons, Mt. Vernon.
R. F. Pisarik, Mt. Vernon•
R. F. PisRrik, ;Mr. Vernon•
Kenneth Kirkpatrick, Martelle.
Marvin Andre, Lisbon•
Harry Hailer.
John Dunn, Lisbon.
Chas. Stork, Lisbon
Jack Ciha, Lisbon.
Yellow corn ................ First,
Yellow corn ............ Second,
White corn ............ First,
than yellow or
................................ First,
corn .................... First,
(Tassell) ................ First,
corn -- any kind ---
---On Cob
Japanese Hulless, First,
Tom Thumb ........ First,
ether than above, First,
Hybrid ......... First,
I)eI~al b Hybrid ..... Second,
I)eKalb Hybrid ........ Thlrd,
Pllnk Bros. Hybld, First,
Bros. Hybrid, Second,
Bros. Hybrid, Third,
Hybrid ............ First,
Hybrid ........ Second.
Hybrid .......... Third,
PiOneer Hybrid ........ First,
Hybrid ........ Second,
Hybrid ........ Third,
Hybrid ............ First,
Hybrid ........ Second,
Hybrid ........ First
Milton Koch, Mt. Vernon.
Albert Blinks, Lisbon.
Chas. Paul, Center Point•
Albert Blinks, Lisbon•
George Wallick, Mt. Vernon•
Rex Brady, Lisbon.
Albert Blinks, Lisbon.
F. J. S~hotwell, Martelle.
Joe Verba, Mt. Vernon•
Lester Nlcoll, Mechanicsvllle.
Lester Nicoll, Mechanicsville.
F• J. Shotwell, Martelle.
Albert Blinks, Lisbon•
Albert Blinks, Lisbon•
Antone Netolicky, Mt. Vernon•
Hybrid .... ~econd Antone Biderman, Mt..Vernon.
(:]olden ............ First, Antone Netolicky, Mt. Vernon.
Antone Netolicky, Mt. Vernon.
I~ W. Marker, Buchanan•
Antone Netolicky, Mt. Vernon•
IMrs. Carolyn Kettering, Lisbon.
Mrs. Roy Kohl, Lisbon•
Antone Netolicky, Mr. Vernon•
L W. Marker, Buchanan.
................ First,
Delicious ............ Second,
........................ FiPat~
.................... Second,
........................ First,
Apples ................ First,
............................ First,
Grapes other than
.............................. First,
of Fruit, 15 pounds,
'Mrs. Marvin Andre, Lisbon.
Antone Netolicky, Mt. Vernon.
Plums ................ First, Hazel Runkle, Lisbon.
13nuquet ................ First, ~Mrs. Emil 'Stuhr, Mechanicsvllle.
net ................ Second, Mrs. Carl Sherrits, Lisbon•
.................................... First Mrs. Cha~s. Stork.
one loaf ........ First. Mrs• F. Lorence, Cedar Rapids, Rt 3
One loaf ................ First, Mrs. L• Linebaugh, Lisbon.
Ohio Potatoes .... First. Earl Arbingast, Lisbon.
Ohio Potatoes.. Second,
C(~bblers ............ First,
Cobblers ............ Second,
ethel. Potatoes ........ First,
Squash ................... Firm'.,
Yellow Bermuda, First,
............................ First
...................... Second,
........................ Third,
3 ........................ First,
3 .................... [Second,
3 ........................ First,
3 ........................ ~k~cond
Pk. less than 2 in. First,
1 quart ............ First
Pickles, gallon, First,
best head ................ First,
$ ................... First,
5 ........ First,
5 pounds, First,
peck ............ First
peck ........ Second
Leonard Kamberling.
E. E. Moots, Mt. Vernon.
Gordon Bridges, Lisbon•
Earl Arbingast, Lisbon.
Tom Franta.
Jim Johnson.
C. G. Russell, Mt. Vernon.
C. G. Russell, Mt. Vernon•
Burdette Conklin, Lisbon.
Burdette Conklin, Lisbon.
Burdette Conklin, Lisbon.
Burdette Conklin, Lisbon.
Burdette Conklin, Lisbon.
Chester Spidle, Ely.
~Mrs. A. E. Jennings, Tlpton.
Walt Challis, Lisbon.
Bobby Boxa, Lisbon.
Roy Burgs, Lisbon.
Chas. Downey, Mt. Vernon.
Mrs. Howard Whitlatch, Lisbon.
Tom Franta, Lisbon.
Tom Franta, Lisbon.
peck ............ Third, ~has. Downey, ,Mt. Vernon.
Cake .................... First, Mrs. C. C. Berry, ~Mt. Vernon.
Cake ................ Second,
Unfrosted ........ First,
Unfrosted .... Second.
U~frosted .......... Third,
Nut ............................ First,
Nut ........................ Second, ............................ First, ........................ Second0
( ........................ Third,
Q~ke .......................... First,
~-ke ........................ Second,
~a, ke ........................ Third,
Cake ...................... First,
Cake ................ Second,
Cake .................... Third,
Cake ........................ First
~ake ................... Second,
Cake ................ First,
Cake ................ ~econd,
(3ake ............ First,
Cake ........ Second,
Cake ............ Third,
........................ First,
Mrs. Merle Long, ,Mt. Vernon.
,Marjorie Whitman, Mechanicsville
Mrs. Thee. Light, Lisbon.
Mrs. Thee. Light, Lisbon.
,Mrs. Jack Clha~ Lisbon.
Helen Jack.
,Mrs. 'Merle Kepler, Lisbon.
Mrs. Harley Robertson, Lisbon.
Mrs. Oscar Mohn, Lisbon.
Mrs. Oscar Mohn, Lisbon.
Mrs. A. E. Jennings, Tipton.
Mrs. Howard Whitlatch, Lisbon.
.Mrs. Oliver Dill, Lisbon
,Mrs. O. ,Mohn, Lisbon.
:Mrs. Merle Kepler, Lisbon.
Mrs. Emll Stuhr, Mechanlcsville.
Mrs. Ed. Brokl, New Boston, Ill.
~Mrs. Morris Gamlble, Lisbon.
Helen Jack, Lisbon.
Constance Johnston, Lisbon.
,Mrs. Harvey Elltson, Mt. Vernon.
Mrs. Robt. Elltson, Cedar Rapids.
Mrs. Tom Franta, Lisbon.
.................... S~cond, Miss Ardts Whitlatch, Lisbon.
................................ First. ,Mrs. Merle Kepler, Lisbon.
Mrs. Howard Whitlatch, Lisbon.
Eleanor Lorence Cedar Rapids Rt
'Mrs. Morris Gamble, Lisbon.
Mrs. T. Franta, Lisbon.
'Miss Lulu Heller, Lisbon.
Mrs. Tom Franta, Lisbon.
.............................. S~cond,
.......................... First,
................................ First,
............................ Second,
................................ First,
.............................. Second,
.................................... First, .~%Itss
A~plMe ................ First, Mrs.
APple .................... First, ~Mrs.
.............................. First, Mrs.
............................ Second, Mrs.
...................................... First, Mrs.
~. .............................. First, Mrs.
........................... First, Mrs.
Lulu Heller, Lisbon.
C.has. Burd, Lisbon.
Marvin Andre, Lisbon.
Joe Kettering, Lisbon.
F. H. Schlemme, Lisbon.
Carolyn Kettering, Lisbon.
F. J. Shotwell, Martelle.
F. H. 'Schlemme, Lisbon.
Cookies ............ First, .Mrs. Jo Kettering, Lisbon.
Cookie~ ........First, Miss Lula Heller. Lisbon.
Cookies ................ First, ~Mrs. Annabelle BAttle, Lisbon.
~_f ~Ome Made ............ First, Mrs. R. Hartung, Mt. Vernon.
W ~ome Made .......... Second, ~Mrs. G. L. Blood, Lisbon.
Mrs. Merrill Burge and Mrs. J.
E. Selma of Cedar Rapids will be
hostesses Friday afternoon, at the
home of Mrs. Burge in honor of
Mrs. Dan Caraway of Lisbon•
The regular meeting of the Past
Noble Grands will be held in the
I. O. O. F. hall Thursday, October
5. Hostesses will be Mrs. Ethel
Coster and Mrs. Hattie Stoneking.
Miss Alma Moots was hostess at
a fireside tea last Sunday afternoon
at the home of her parents, Prof.
and Mrs. E. E. Moots. Guests were
members of the Delphi social group.
The R. & N. Circle will meet on
Friday evening, September 29, in
the L O. O. F. hall. Hostesses will
be Miss Carrie Kyle and Mrs. Mae
Lake. A good attendance is desired•
Mrs. Artie Edaburn was hostess
for the regular meeting of the Jolly
Seven club at her home on Tuesday
evening. A social evening was con-
cluded with refreshments served
by the hostess•
The Jolly Workers club will meet
for an all day meeting, Sunday,
Oct. 1, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
George Straub. Everyone bring a
picnic dinner. The whole family is
invited. Be sure and come.
Mrs. Walter Gray honored her
mother, Mrs. Fred Carlson, at a
coffee party last Saturday after-
noon• Guests were Mrs. Joseph
Gray, jr•, and her mother, Mrs.
Petersen and Mrs. Elizabeth Per-
Mrs. Clarence Slach was honored
Tuesday afternoon at a miscellane-
ous shower, at the home of Mrs.
George Henik. Many lovely and
i useful gifts were presented to the
guest of honor. There were thirty-
five guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Dana Wilcox were
hosts Tuesday evening for the
meeting of the Presbyterian Guild.
After the picnic supper the mem-
bers ~oined in a discussion of the
neutrality law. The next meeting
will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Don Goodyear.
Miss Jean Smith, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert Smith, entertain-
ed fifteen girls of the Mount Ver-
non high school freshman class at
a party, in honor of her fourteenth
birthday, last Saturday evening• A
social evening was enjoyed and was
concluded with refreshments•
Miss Lillie Hodgson was hostess
for the regular meeting of Altruria
club, on Monday evening. Mrs. E:-
len Merritt read a very interesting
paper on the exposition at San
Francisco, California and Miss Ma:-
garet Smiley's interesting paper
concerned a vocational school in
Denver, Colo.
Miss Edna Kegley was hostess f~:
the meeting of Entre Nous on Mon-
day evening• Mrs. Grace Barker
presented a very comprehensive re-
view of the book, "Each to the
Other", by LaFarge. Mrs. Chester
Williams and Mrs. Robert Bauman
were welcomed as new members
of Entre Nous.
The Woman's Foreign Missionary
society of the Methodist church
will be entertained at the home of
Mrs. C. W. Neff, Wednesday after-
noon, October 4, at 2:45 o'clock•
Miss Alberta Munkres will present
the program and Mrs. G. E. Bar-
tholomew will be in charge of the
devotional hour.
The ladies Industrial society of
the Presbyterian church met on
Wednesday afternoon. During the
business meeting the date of Dec.
7, was set for the annual bazaar
and dinner• Mrs. DeWitt Kohl
president, will choose her commit-
tees later. Refreshments were
served by Mrs. Robert Barnes' di-
Mrs. Gladys Lindsley presented
the program at the regular meeting
of the New Century club on Tues-
day afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Sarah Tallman. He subject was,
"Influences of Propaganda". Final
plans were made to attend the sec-
ond district federated club meeting
to be held in Clinton next Thurs-
day and Friday•
Mrs. G. H. Scobey and Mrs. Gee.
Wilson were co-hostesses at a one
o'clock luncheon at the home of
Mrs. Scobey on Tuesday. Guests
were members of Division No. 5,
of the Ladies Aid Society of the
Methodist church. There were 35
guests• After the luncheon a short
business session was held and the
officers of last year were re-elected
to serve another year. They are:
Mrs. Scobey, Mrs. Wilson, and Mrs
Sarah Tallman.
Division No. 7 of the Ladies Aid
society of the Methodist church
held their monthly meeting on
Tuesday evening at the home of
Mrs. Watson Kepler• During the
business session, the following
ladies were chosen as a committee
to be in charge of the division this
year: Mrs. Kepler, Mrs. Rose Hick-
man and Mrs. W. H. Crew. Mrs.
Fred Travis was elected secretary
and treasurer• A social hour was
enjoyed after the business meeting.
A large number of members and
guests of the Woman's Home Miss-
ionary society met with Mrs. Lloyd
Gustafson Wednesday, Sept. 20 for
the oper~ng meeting of the year.
The president, Mrs. Roy D. Young,
outlined the work of the so-
ciety for 1939-1940. Miss Charlotte
3 Reinke sang, with Mrs. Helen
Schroeder at the piano, followed
with devotions led by Mrs. Aley
Parsons. "Migrants" was the timely
subject of the program which was
"At Niagara Falls on the Cana-
dian side I saw the King and
Queen of England. Having seen his
father, George V, his grandfather,
:Queen Alexandra, and his great
grandmother, Queen Victoria, I was
interested to see the present digni-
fied King and his beautiful Queen.
! "In Ithaca N. Y., I attended the
fifty-year reunion of my class at
Cornell University and saw a few
whom I had not seen for half a
[century. I also did considerable
i research work during the summer
i in the Cornell University library,
i one of the great university libraries
of America.
i "At Spencer, N. Y., near Ithaca,
I visited my sister, went on motor
trips about that part of the country,
worked on problems of local his-
tory for local publication and did
some semi-public speaking.
"In New York City I saw the
World'sFair and looked up old
friends. Having been going to
World'sFairs since I was a boy,
I had some curiosity to take a look
at this one. It is a great fair and
well organized, but my old-fash-
ioned eyes did not enjoy the con-
temporary architecture•
"In Washington I used the Con-
gressional Library and consulted
the public records of the Census
"In all of this I had a fine time
until it was clouded by the out-
break of the European war. Hav-
ing made a life study of European
history and international relations,
having taught such subjects in col-
leges for forty years, and having
spent about five years of my life in
study, travel and residence in Eu-
ropean countries, the horrible pres-
ent situation seems very real to
Auxiliary Presidents Of
County Attend School Of
Instruction Here Friday
Mrs. Frances Beach, president of
the Linn county Auxiliary, conduct-
ed a very successful school of in-
struction for unit presidents, and
secretaries, held in the local Legion
Hall on last Friday afternoon. Mrs.
R. M. Sawyer, vice county chair-
man of Central City and Mrs. John
Phillips, Linn county secretary, of
Ely, were among the guests present.
A representation from Cedar Rap-
ids, Central City, Coggon, Center
Point, Ely, Fairfax, Marion, Lisbon,
Walker and Mount Vernon units
were in attendance. Following the
business session refreshments were
served by Mrs. Ruth Avery, Mrs.
Hazel Klinefelter, Mrs. Leila Plat-
tenberger and Mrs. Mable Smith.
Four Ladies Will Attend
Missionary Society Meeting
Four ladies from Mount Vernon
plan to go to .Mason City next Tues-
day, Wednesday and Thursday, to
attend a branch .meeting of the
Woman's Foreign Missionary so-
ciety of the :Methodist church
Those planning to go are: Mrs. F.
G. Brooks, Mrs. J. B. Eyestone who
are both on the program, and Mrs.
[~. E. Bigger and Mrs. Lloyd Gus-
Mrs. Harold Fisher Attends
State Federation Meeting
Mrs. Harold Fisher went to Des
Moines this morning to attend the
meeting of the Iowa ~Federation of
Women's Clubs which opened for a
three day session on Wednesday in
the Hotel Fort Des Moines.
Mrs• Fisher is motion picture
chairman of the second district of
i the Iowa Federation of women'.~
clubs. She expected to return houle
Friday afternoon.
Franklin Ladies Will Have
Homemaker's Tea On Friday
The ladies of Franklin Township
Farm Bureau will meet for a
Itomemaker's tea, Friday after-
noon, September ggth, at the home
of MYs. Lnther Plattenberger. The
ladies will take up a craft course
this year which will be explained at
the tea by Miss Lucille Gove, Home
-lemonstration agent in IAnn coun-
ty. All interested ladies are invit-
ed to attend•
Mrs. Ray BoRon
The Paralta Emb• club will meet
with Nell Patten on Oct. 6, assisted
by Helen Murray.
Alma McShane and Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Bennett and Carolee were
callers at Ray Bolton's Wednesday
Dick Carnahan has the measles.
Tie is staying with his grandparents,
Jesse Carnahans, and is attending
Springville school.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leaf were Ce-
dar Rapids callers Tuesday.
Sauer Kraut day was well rep-
resented by the Paralta community
both day and night.
Mrs. Bernice Cook and Wanita
spent several days at Ray Bolton's
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Filley of
Cripple Creek, Colo., arrived Fri-
day evening at Ray Bolton's and
left Monday for New York to at-
tend the World's Fair.
Rollo Patten, Edward Murray,
Cleve Bennett and Willard Miller
helped Cecil Patten stack bean hay
several days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bolton called
on Mrs. C. E. Clark Tuesday eve-
Plate of Home Made ............ Third, Mrs. Oliver Dill, Lisbon.
Kalaehos, one dozen .............. First Mrs. B. Mallie, Martelle.
Kolaches, one dozen ........ Second,
Poppy Seed Kolaches, doz ..... First.
Doughnuts, dozen, Dipped in
Powdered Sugar ............First,
Dairy Butter, two pounds ..... First
Dairy Butter, two pounds Second,
White Eggs, dozen ................ First, Mrs. Merle Kepler, Lisbon.
Brown Eggs, Dozen, First ............ Gwen, Smyth, rMt. Vernon.
LARGEST FAMILY PRESENT -- Carl Millers, Lisbon•
CANNED GOODS EXHIBIT --- Cyclops Post Special
First--Mrs. Emil Stuhr, Mechanicsvllle; Second--Miss Sarah
patrick, Mt. Vernon; Third--Mrs. Wingert
Mrs. John KRliban, rMt. Vernon.
,Mrs. John Kalibari, Mt. Vernon.
Mrs. I. J. Nosley, Lisbon•
,Mr. Harvey Ellison, Mt. Vernon.
Mrs. Harvey Ellison, Mt, Vernon•
"The bride appeared in a smoke- ¢.e~o. r.^,,.,~ • ....... a .~ .... L~^~
College Friday Eve DeWitt, R. c. JerreU. blue, semi-tailored street dress " ".--.." .... :"r'. ......
an~ wor ~ .... as iOllOWS: l~Ot ~ OZ t~overnment
Elwood, F. L. Brooks. u e olacK sueue aece~omes. Lot Six in ..... --"
-- A small h ..... ~:~ecuon "l'W0, Township
With a major victory already be- Hopkinton, (H. W. Hewitt). ag crownea w~m a Ei h
swee,~in~, ~ho,,l~~ ~+,,.,,.,+~, . ~;~ ,.,, g ty, North Range Four Wut $th
Iowa City, E. E. Voigt; Robert M. centuated her blonde loveliness, u r" " " ..... :" "--:"
hind them, Dick Barker's Purple Hamill.
looked ahead this week into the She wore a corsa"e of "-'~^"'-- q a ter ana easz one ~our~n ~ioum-
coming conference schedule and theIAsbon, W. D. Bostrom. and delicate orchid~lilies s ........ ~ eastquarter Northeast quarter S~-
two games still left before the big Low ~Moor. D. I). Whitmore. "Mrs Evck a native of'Nor~ Do tion ten, except cemetery lot,
loop battle begins. Next Friday McCausland-Camanche, F. E. kota and former remdent of San ^uarter 'Secti "
night at Dubuque the CornelliansMastin. " " ' • "" "" West half West half Northw~
on eleven excel~
Francisco, attended schools of dra- Railroa- ri -- " '-- "+
will face Loras college. A week Maquoketa-lron Hill. H. D. matics and speech in Portland and of I --a. r grit o x way, a~par;s
iater they will take on Culver- Green.
S~okane Sh~ has lived in ~n~-^ ors mree ana ~our ox uovern-
Stockton college at Canton, Me., Marion, Arthur W. Henke. ,- • ....... +,,= • .