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September 30, 1898 |
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Col. Plcqnart, of the Dreyfus Scandal Ten Persons Are Cremated Alive and ~t Reports of the Recent Hnrri- Scope of the Inquiry Into the qgon- Fanny
Fume, Hints That He May Many Injured in an Elevatoe cane tn the West Indies Not duet o[ the Late War Passes
Explosion of Gas and Firedamp Be Murdered. Fire at Toledo, O. Exaggerated. The Famous Case I3 Soon to Be with Spain.
Takes Eight Lives. Paris, Sept. 22.--The trial of CoL Toledo, O Sil~pt. 21.--Ten persons Kings,:on, Jamaica, Sept. 24.---Mail Heard Again. Washington, Sept. 27.--The commi~- Dnxbury,
Picquart, who was at the head of the cremated, eight r~ore fatally burned advlces which reached here Friday sion selected by the president to in- Davenport (Mrs.
it Occurs Near Drownsvllle, Pc -- secret intelligence department at the and eight seriously injured is the, roe- brought melancholy relief o the sus- Freaeh Cabinet Ylelds to ~I. ~rl~= ~-estigate the conduct of the war de- ell) died at her
Seventy Men at Work iu the time of the arrest and conviction of oral of the most dAsa~trous fire that pease regarding the full extent of the partment held its first formal session bourne hall, at ]~
Mine ai the Tlme--T~ree Are Dreyfus, and Maitre Le Blots, his law- ever occurred in Toledo. The spon,hurricane disaster at the islands of son's Strong Al, peal nud Orders
o Itevision--Cro~vd Wildly Monday with all the members pros- Monday night, of
re1", upon charges of having revealed taneous combustion of dust in the St. Vincent, St. Lucia and Barbadoes, Cheers Its Action. eat. heart
I~llled ~t NP~mtlcoke, Pc. documents relating to the national de- g'rain elevator owned by Paddock. showing ~hat the first accounts were The meeting was strictly secret, no Miss Daven
tense, was called in the Eighth nor- ]todge & Co. Tuesday night caused not exaggerated. At St. Vineentabou+.
Brownsville, Pa Sept. 24.--Seventy rcctlonal tribunal Wednesday. An ef- this terrlble destruction of life, and 300 lives have been lost, not counting :Paris, Sept 27. -- At a meeting of newspaper representatives or others covered from
men were entombed Friday in theEm-fort was made by the prosecution to none of those who were taken out the loss of l~,fe suffered through the the cabinet, all the ministers bei~g not connected with the board beingin the summer
l~ire mine of Snowden, Gould & Co secure an adjournment, but this was after the fire started was far enough destruction of shipping. The coast ia ~ pres.ent, a decision was taken in favor admitted, it was thought
rue-fourth of a mile below town, as opposed by counsel for Col Picquart. from death's door to tell any of the strewn with the wrecks of vessels,Dreyfus, f a revisiOnand the f adocumentstrial of formerin theCapt'case ingTheof twoSe~*i nhours'WaSdurationC nfinedint thea meet-fore, gOOdhowever,healtha changea
the result of an explosion of gas fol- Col. Picquart addressed the court in horrible details, r many of which were from Barbadocs. will bc sent to the court of cassation. ~oon, after which an adjournment was then she has bee:
taken z~ntil ten o'clock Tuesday. The ,~nd on hlondavlt
~owed by another explosion of fireopposition to adjournment andin con-DEAD--SamuelAlexander, Fred Ga rett, The storm raged from ten o'cloek inIThe crowds of people outside the i proceedings were limited to the out- death was on'ly
I]amp. Of the number entombed all clusion said: Bert Wainwright, Harold Parks, John the morning (Sunday, September 11)
escaped or wer~ taken out by reseu- "Perhaps this may be the last timeI shall Smith, Grace Parks, Frank Van Housen, until two o'clock in the afternoon, ministry of the interior wt~ere the
ing parties except eight, who werespeak in public. I shall perhaps sleep to- John Carr, William Parks, and an un- completely wrecking the island. At ~ cabinet council was held, loudlylining of a general policy and the for- hours. Her three
killed outright and three more,or less night in the military prison of Cherche- known man.
MidL I wish. therefore, to declare that if I INJURED--David Kemp. Barney Welch. the capital, Kingston, fully 200 houses ' cheered the ministers and there were mulation of letters of inquiry been notifed
shouts of "Vivc Brisson," "Viva la re- The letters which have been decided were at her
hurt. The dead are: John Haiston, find there the ~tranglingropeofLemorcler Charles Keller. Fred Pargtllls,- Eliott, were demolished, while the suburbs, np6u are to be addressed to the sec- ful]Jpassed awa
miner, aged 35 (colored), wife and two Picard or the ra--or of Lteut Col. ttenry It Charles Brookseeker, Everett Smith. Ham- Coxheath and Montebel]o. were ob- vision."
children; Salem Haiston, miner, his will be a case of assassination, for I have llton Parks, W. C Jordan. Peter Haas. Al The cabinet ordered the minister of re~ar5" of war, the quartermaster gen- William Seymour
brother, aged 25, single; Robert David- not the least idea of committing suicide." Baldit and three others, names unknown, literated.
This utterance evoked cries of "Vine Air. :paddock, a member of the, firm Throughout the island the destruc-justice, M. Sarrien to lay before the eral. the commissary general, tbe stir- of her condition
geon general and the chief of the ord- tie will take cha~
~on, miner, aged 45 (white),no family;
John Bennett, driver, ~tged 22, single; Picquart." The court then adjourned owning the plant, said that there was tlon was on a wholesale scale not only court of cassation the petition of Mme.
William Pritchard, miner, aged 50,the trial indefinitely. Col. Picquart between 500,000 and 600,000 bushels of the estates and buildings being razed Dreyfus. wife of the prisoner of Devil's nanee department of the army. Theyran~emen'fs, the
wlfe andscvenchildren;HenryHagar, declined toask forbail, and was taken grain i~ storage at the time, mostof and cultlvation being obliterated,island, for a revision of her hus- will consist in the main of inquiries [Mlssbe knownDnvenportUn
back to prison by detectives, receiv- it being winter wheat. The property The hurricane struck the island ofband's ease The court, therefore, intende ~ to bring out all the facts that i nol
can be gi:en relative to the organiza- Edward
aged 17; John Cartwright, miner, aged ing an ovation from the crowd as he and the grai~is an entire loss and will Barbadoes on the night of the 10th, will decide the legal question as to tion of the volunteer army. These of- actor, and Fanny
50, married but no children; Jameswaslednway, reach $450#00. ~fheins~ranceis$135,- completely wrecking that flat. exposed whether the first trial of Capt. Dreyfus ficials will be asked to give speelfie in- enport, the
actress, and was
Idall, miner, aged 17, unmarried. Gem Chanotne, mintstcr of war, de-000 on the building, and the grain is island and sweeping away 10,000 houses was vitiated by the forgery committed iormation, so as to cover each of the 1~50. She first
The explosion is saht to have beenhies baving ordered the institution of covered with $258,000. while damaging thousands more. This by the late Lieut. Col. Henry, who was departments in question, concerningHoward
eaused by the loosening of a largeproceedings against Col. Ptcquart for ]eft three-quarters of the inhabitants a witness before the court-martial, the condition of the army hoth at the adult part was
"Still VCaters Run
block of coal which opened apocket of forgery. Gen. Zurlinden, the former P]NGRER RENOMINATED. homeless. Over 100 people were killed and who confessed to having forged a beginning and the close of the war.the "Black Crook
gas. ImmedL'ttely following the explo- minister of war, alone had the power, so far as known. The city of Bridge- document in the case. For this purpose a date in April has a soubrette, and
sion of gas there was a second explo- he said, to order such proceedings. Republicans of Michigan Unanimous- town was partially destroyed and the The ministerofjusticehasannounded been selected as the one fox' the be- Drew's company
sion of fire damp. There were 70 men ly Chose Hlm to Head ThelrTlc~o st~burbs of St. Michael and Belleviile that he has given instructions thatginning of the preparation and an- mained there but
~t work in the mine at the time of the WANTS THE FACTS KNOWN. ct--The Other Nominees. ~ere entirely demolished. All the proceedings are to be taken immedi-other in August for the close. Joined Augustine
Theater company l
disaster and at first it seemed an is- shipping was wrecked or blown out ately against anyone attacking theThe questions are so formulated as played leading
possibility for the 54 men in entries see~eta~ Alge~ Says qPhe~e Is Noth- Detroit, Mieb SepL 22.----Gov. Pin- to sea. The total estimated damagearmy. to call out answers covering the or- from 1869 to 1879.
~ine and ten. where the explosion oe- ln~ ia His Department to gree was unanimously renominatedbybesides the loss from the cane crop The cabinet meeting was prolonged ganization of camps, the purchase of pearance as a star
produced a number
eurred, to escape. Four men, Jacobs, %Vlthhold. acclamation Wednesday aftermoon by and provisions is about $1,500,000 at and animated. The minister of agri-supplies and the making of contracts old English
Davis, Whetzel and Walker, who were the republican state eonvent:'on, is Barbadoes. culture, M. Vigor, is reported to have with transportation companies, and from time to
near the entrance, managed to crawl Chattanooga, Tenn Sept. 23.--See- reform ideas and~efforts towa.r~, regu- bitterly opposed a revision and it is a]~o to show the methods adopted for dramas of
cut, and the othe~ with the exception retary Alger, who arrived Wednesday lating alleged iniquities of taxation NO DELAY TO BE GRANTED. rumored he will resign. He left thefurnishing supplies to the various com-- series of
of those caught by falling coal es- night, was astir early Thursday morn- were heartily com~nended by the plat- meeting before it ended, remarking'to sands and for protecting the healththisfam US'and late~"Fed ra"'
caped by traversing a mile and a half ing. About nine o'clock the secretary form adopted, and~ man,y members of l.~vaenatlon of Cuba by Spanish a newspaper man that he was eom- of the soldiers. There will be an espe- wonderful skill
and Surgeon General Sternberg, ac-his party* who have heretofore, not Interruption.
of underground passages coming ou~. Troops Must Proceed Without p]etely voiceless, cial effort ~o develop the motives that Miss Davenport
at the entrance near Lynn station,companied by Brig. Gem Boynton, left bee~ in accord with the governor Yield to M. Drisson. actuated the department in the choice tlon on the
of the foremost of
It is nnderstood that M.'Brisson lit- of camp sites, as there have been she held high rank
This point is four miles from the open- for Chickamauga park, where they Joined in the cheering whe~ he ap-Washington, Sept. 23.--It is stated erally wrung consent from the eabinet charges ~o the effect that they were and in thlslatterwC
ing of the mine oa the Monongahelaspent tbe day in a critical inspection
of the hospitals over which there has peared an4 made a eharacteristic that the war department has received for a revision after a remarkable dis- h~eated as a matter of favoritism to success. Her
river, been so much controversy. Before speech o acceptance. The rest of the no detailed reports or any informs- play of eloquence and personal iuflu- railroad companies, the stage with
Dlsaater in I ~ntlcoke Mine.
Nantieoke, Pa, Sept. 24.--By a rush leaving Chattanooga Secret~ary Alger ticket is as follows: Lieutel~ant-gov- tion from the Cuban military commis- tumes, and she was
ence and the stormiest scenes. IllsThe commission also considered sen- the heroines parts
in coal in No. I shaft Friday three men said to a reporter: ernor, O, W. Robinsou, of tIoughion; sion regarding the work of the corn-
"The press has been disposed to exag- secretary of s~ate, J. S. Stearns, of mission at Havana. In reply to thestrongest opponent was M. Sarrien, era] letters of complaint from persons style of lmpersonat
were entombed and probably instant- ge~.te the condition of some of the camps, Ludington; auditor-general,Roscoe question as to whether there was any ~he minister of justice, who expressed professing to have information bear- Miss Daven
a desire to resign, and warned the oth- ing upot~ the subject of investigation, first husband
stock actor
er ministers that they were assuming and decided to address replies to the leading juvenile
' " a terrible responsibility :M. M. Viger writers of each of these requestingseason of 1877-78.
and Maruejou]s, respectively minister them to put their charges in specific 1888-89 she married
of agriculture and minister of com-shape and informing them of the scope and an actor of
merce, supported M. Sarrien. M. ~rls- of the inquiry. It is intended if
son fell into a violent passion and de- the replies received to those letters THE
clared tearfully that the ministersshow the writers to be in possession of
ought to credit him with understand- real information ~o summon them be-Spanish
ing all the difficulties and the best way for Hetention
of meeting them. Should they aban- Paymaent
don him now hy refusing a revision it
would be to face dishonor. As a final Madrid, Sept.
argument he pointed out that it would day evening had
be an extremely grave matter to force Gem Blanco's
a cabinet crisis while the chamber was American claims
not in session The commission also expects to ex- evacuation of
tend its inquiry, before it closes its de Ri0,
The dissenting ministers then re- work. to th'e extent of summoning be- states that the
lue/tantly yielded. M. M~rueJouls said:
"It is not worth while t0~resign when f re~it the commanding officers of the sinners have
it is known that we shall be over- various divisions and brigades, andtend strongly
' ./: turi~ed in a fortnight." Gem Cha~toine, probably o the eoIo~els ish sovereignty
minister of war. remained neutral,of regiments : the ground
have be Spain and
-Prestid~nt Faure Returns. i pected to before Manila
~aure hastily returned to t~ken or make a firm sta~
v afternoon, bU M. Ntis-
: ~ debt and the
: - :, dted
political and
: afternoon with the
t W~: eign in the Phili
SwoRD TO BE PRESENTED TO of losing a porti
happens to Partytoare instructed t,
,Accused by Hen~r any attempt of
~y killed. They were George H. Mor- D. ~tspositiun to accede to t~ ":to. claimtheri
fan, aged 34 )'ears; John Shannon, t l#e ~paniar~ ~r powers should
aged 32, and John A. Jones, aged 28. the evaciat of Special toe
Two other miners, John Woolford and ilme next spring the st ton says thatunderstood,
John Jones. narrowly escaped with made that no pa- finns are only
their lives, The men were driving a problem ot~ ered; that the evacuation r :ransportation the
rock plans in the shaft and had driven 000 volunteers Jason, E. H~ need with expedition and that th~ exposition, inter- English.
it about 35 feet above the ~djointng out the gent of Eli trool~ of the United Stateswere now adds that he paid Esterhazy 1,000 ; Monday in
chamber, whiel~ had been worked full war came upon being put in readiness for the occupa- fi~ancs for copies of all the documents tc Omaha. Four
and played out. This chamber was clear sky, and It ', tlon of Cuha andwould he sent there, in the case and that, in'addition, with cabinet will accom-
about 180 feet from the main gangway, t~tskthe Warof equi tared ~o definite date has been fixed for two other newspaper me~, he paid pa~y the president, namely: 'Seere- Gcn. LlterallyG mez'
and a stout box had been built around number of men. of Flint. their departure. Esterha~, who was literally without ~ tartes Gage, Smith, Bliss and Wilson,
the pillars to prevent a rush of coal. "For a time there was difficulty In fur- & centime, 300 francs monthly ~o pre- with *,heir Wives. as will Gen. Nelson A.
niching eupplies and equipment for the ~AYS RULl R IS DEAD, vent him from dying* of h~n-er while : Miles and Commodore Philip, of the
]t is supposedthat tht~ box gave way. troops, but ~at had to be expected. The Gen, Arth~lr F. :Mars ' ~' ~,' /'~ -~ :*.~ ~ Texas, and Assistant Postmaster- Washin
REPRES -Tl 'LIPINOS. departmettt,~had only a limited supply of Ptngree eandidaie), ~ ~ - ' Watti-g to uotum a pcuS,ou. '' ~ ~ the Cuban
' Generat Heath ~ne resment ",~iil
tents, and It had practically no wagons and the state central eo~mmittee. The con- Eleomflfme~ Rumor ef Demise fif the' The Libra' Parole asserts that Ester- " " P " been visiting
ambulances to start with. There were a Chimese Emperor--Edict A TM-
Emim~arie~ of the Philippine Pro- thousand and one details tol0okafter, and vention completed its work at mid- hazy has telegraphed to the minister leave Wv~shington October 10 in the
vislonaI Government Arrive a fairly disposed public will'uaderstand the night, nealeel RIS Abdieatian. of War, "Gem Chanoine, protesting morning, arriving at Chicago Tuesday days.the CubanHe bringdeleg
disadvantages under which the war depart-
-Will Visit McKinley. meat worked for many weeks. As fast as FLOODS IN THE ORIENT. Shanghai, Sept. 23.--There is a per- ! against the story published in the Ob- at 11 a. m via the Pennsylvania{ With-
I server, of London, purporting to be out stop-over he will take the Bnrling- tress among the
possible equipment and supplies were sent sistent.rumo# here that the emperor a confession made by the major, the ton for Omaha, making a daylight run Tampa. He say
San Francisco, Sept. 23,--The United to the several camps and if there has been [
States transport China axrived~ Thurs- lack of medicines and necessaries of life,Thousands lu Chtnn and Japan ~nf- of China is dead. Details~ are not oh- ~ substance of which was that he was through lllinois and a portiomof Iowa aregin anxiOUSwork, butt t'~r
day from Man/la via Hong-Kong, Na-the fault lies with the commandingofflcers,for from St,rms @g lgnu~ual|F tainable, nor can, the re,port be con- I the author of the bordereau, a docu- After the Omaha visit the president unable to make
of the camps. Severe Character. firmed. The report from Pekingofthe i ment which is said to have furnished will go to Denver, returning via Oma- Quesada receive~
gasaki and Kobe. She brought with "There may have been some incore~e- emperor's abdication is thought by i proof of the guilt of Dreyfus. ] ha and the Northwestern railroad to coming the con~
her as passengers several dieting-ashen1 t~a~ officers, generals and colonels in
militancy and naval men, besides sen2 charge of some of the camps, and tf such Vancouver, B. C Sept. 23.--Advices many to be intended~to prepare the -- Chicago to attend the peace jubilee men. A telegra~
oral Journalists and two. represeata- is found to be the case they will be held from the orient by the Empress of In- way for the announcement of the era- ] To Bulhl u Bi~ Steel MlIl. i~ exercises in that city October 1S.
strictly to,~c~ount for their misdeeds, dia state: that China and Japan have peror's death. The most sinister re- I Sharon. Pc Sept 27.--The Bessemer nounces the arri~
tires of the provisional government of "If t~ere are any commanding o~cer$ been visited by thunderstorms and ports as to the manner of the era- ' Furnace company, of the Mahoningsi~ou~d %Valt Awh/lc. slon from Gome~
the Philippines who are en route to who aro now Incompetent, or who fail to
Washington to plead with P~esidentput their camps In first-class eondttion end disastr~tm floods, in which many hun- peror's death are in circulation. Ad- !~and Shenango valley, will build a $2,- Santiago, Sept. 27.--In answer to a ing assistance
McKinley for the independence of the keep them that way, I promise that they d reds of people have lost their lives, vices from Peking say the gates of the '000,000 ~teel mill. The plant will be nuP~ber of small capitalists who have that the army is
sl~iall be replaced by men who are comps- The region north of Ah Shang moan-inner city are closed and that it is is- built large enough to utilize the prod- written here asking for information death; that
island, after whiehtheywillprobably tent, and who will see that perfect sanitar~ tains has been inundated for hundreds posslble to learn what has really taken uct of the 18 furnaces comprising the and advice as to coming to Santiago, killed and
proceed to Paris to appear before the condl,tions are est~blishe~ and ~main h r " ~he sen Gen Wood advises them not to come tber
peace commission. The Filipinos are talned." = i of miles by the Yellow river. Several placein the palace, assocmtm~, ann as ~ a on ~s ~ - . '
- - ~ here until December, as there are no the people are
named Fillipe Agonci110 and Jose L~ "T] ~ IPEI~ISI:[' i hundred thousand persons have been -~ witttra' oeP mtet'ee~e~ i tne~enere, vaneys moveC ncernS~s e ~- " . A~ed' -----Fro
pez, the former being Aguinaldo ~ ' ' ! ~u plunge~ tat6 the deepest distress and Mortar the Dead Thi ' om facilitie~s at present for the transfer
Akron, O Se
chief emissary. ~n an interview heWreckin! of, e Sehuoner U, C F ~ many i~to absolute penury, which Richmond, Va Sept. ~4.--The p~Isory, as the manufacturers have no of propertY, oAfote:unthtatst~me ~here
for ~ ~lll be many pp he t e use
local au~orities ar~ unable to al- "daughter of the confederacy" lien at market their iron "n co~d pigs. " ~ ,
said the insurgents fully expected to --only Two Seamen ES- ' ~ of brains ann capita, an aged and wel
be allowed to govern themselves and cape Death. leviate, rest. From the time the body of Miss
" ~ Winnle Davis arrived in :Richmond un-,:%. s 1 ~ot--.~ :Richfield, this c
even hinted that some sort of agree- Darlu~ Bank Robbery. til it was buried iu Itol]ywood ceme- New York, Sept 27. -- -' d" patch to' . - - Friday, but his
Cedar Ra ms, ~a ~ept 27 lien
meat had been made with United San Francisco, Sept, Z---Austi'alian San~ Francisco, Sept. g3.--Australian tery Friday busiuesa in the city was the World from Asbury :park N. J ' . . p ~ . . .--. ered until Mondi
says: The Corbett-McCoy fight is ~ff Thomas E. Green has oecHned ti~ee~e~- alone, and was cl
States Consul Wildman regarding the papers received here on the steamer papers just received report a daring practically suspended. More than 70,- indefinitely, finally and unalterab v, : t~on to be bishop of the Episeopa~ o~o- siderable mone
outcome of the war made by the in-Alameda report the wreck of the bank robbery at Penhurst, abo~It 209 000 people either took part in or gath- and the Corbett camp took up ~takes, ' eese of Iowa, because of the veiled head was crush,
surgents against Spain, but what the schooner C. C. Funk, on t~linder's is- miles from Melbourne. An unknown ered on the streets to look upon the
~erm~ were Agoneillowould not state. ~and on July 31, with ten of heriorew, man entered the local branch of the procession. Men of national fame packed their trunks and satchels, charges that have been ~ns~n~ated about his neck.
closed their training quarters and left agaiust him by some of those who re- idently been to
tic said that he e~pected definite i~- all of whom shipped on the i well-Bank of Victoria and, covering thecame from a dozen states to honor her I Asburv P.~rk Sur~day night for ~-o~)d fused to make uuauimous his election close the hldinl
structions from A~:uinaldo by cable, known coaster either here or in the
but diplomaticaUy refused to give the horth. 'Only tw6 seamers, ~klbe~t manager, Mr. Jamieson, with a revol- memory. All flags were at half mast'. I a~d al~ ' at the recent special convention, by choking him.
ver, bound and'gagged him and ob- the stars and stripes and the confed- -
slightest hint of &ny he might h~ave al- Krottgh and John P~ter~ were rained possession of the keys of the crate flag as Well. { Ilank Closes Its Doors. Children Perish by Fire. leon'.
ready receive0. ~e Ft]ip~nogare very saved, and but" one body ~ad/~een re- strong room. He abstracted aboat ] :Richmond, Vs Sept. 27,--The Alle- Fairfax, Minn Sept 2.7.--John Liebl, Chicago, Sept
shrewd and spoke:English fiumatly,eovered~when 4he'~!amed.~t ~ailed. It 600 in notes and gold and Death of an Inventar. [ gheny bank at Clifton Forge r:losed its a prominent farmer hying three miles
~amage bT a CIouaburst. was that-:of.Pete~.Nei~son, made off. A man named Glen Thomp- Paducah, Ky Sept. 23.--Maj. L P" ~ doors Monday morning and anncunced southeast of Fairfax, had two smallning, ex-soutb
~ found guilty M~
Charlotte, N. C Sept. ~4.--Speeials Empress of C~I~ In Control son ha~ been. arrested on suspicion, Girardey, a confederate veteran, aged [ an assignment. It was organized dur- children burned to oathMonday bribe from Cha~
lso a barn and ranar ,
to the Observerfromp'oInt~inwestern Washington, Sept. 24.---The Chinese the evidence against him being very 70 years, died here Monday night. He I ing the boom of 1890, with a paid-up mo[-ni~ g, a . g Y the Reliance bu
d a large 1
North Carlonia tell of serious damage minister, Mr. Wu Ting F~ng, Fridaystrong, wes born in France and spent most of ] capital of $20,000 and worked under a three au ~, a nouut of penalty for the
from a cloudburst The Y~dktn andrecelved a cable dispatch from the "~lusnlts to q~ral, his life ht Augusta, Ga. He invented [ state charter. The line of deposits grain it is supposed the children The ex-assessor
a~ 60 ~t ~tted the fire ~n the barn and were
the Glrardey fuse to explode shells. [ fonts np about $a0,000. It is s "d .: ~," vlcted on a cha~
Catawba rivers are booming. The Chinese foreign offica at Peking gin- Madrid, Sept. 22.--When the train For his invention he received $50,000
rivsr bottom corn crops are covered ing the text of the edict issued by the c0~veying Gen. Toral arrived at the for a one-fifth interest during thewar. / per cent. of the deposits may be paid nnab]e to escape, office and palpl
,tnd there is talk of reorganization. ~ for which a fin~
with mud and are rift[ned. The hayemperor Thursday, in which, owing to station at BoJ~r a crowd which hadHis invention was successfully used in ~ I~n. Philadelphia, Sept. 27. -- Ex.-Gov. last week. Wit
crop is also seriously damaged. Some the crttica~ condition of Chinese a~e gathered insisted that the generalthe Franco-Prussian war. During the
families here been driven from their fairs, he calls back to, power the e~o should show himself. Upon his doing past few years he has resided in Pc- ~ Santiago, Sept. 27.--The city of San- l~obert l']. Pattison. who was nomi- Clerk Benjami~
houses to the hills by the freshet, press dowager, and commits ~o her so the gathering loaded him with in- dueah, ] tiago is cleaue~, and healthle~r, now hated for eongress a few days ago by der indictment
Louis Moser was drowned in the Yad- hands the direetion of the vast affairs sulfa. Gen. Toral, who is ill with fever, than ever before in its history. No the democrats of the Sixth district, has and will
kin, near Donnaha, while attempting of the empire uttered a few excuses, and beat a re- A FataI Accident. cases of yellow fever are recorded. !formal]v declined the nora:nation,on this charge
to rescue pumpkin~ that were floating ---- Ranged. treat in order to avoid being struck.Pittsburgh, Pc Sept. 23.--Capt. -------- " -- --
Unclaimed Thousnnd~. ] Shufter to Return to Old Station. E1 Ma'hd'l
- ~ George J. Adams, aged 33, and Capt. San Francisco, Sept. 27.--There are! San Francisco, Sept. 27. -- Advises London, Set
down the stream. TerrellRichm nd'(colored)'Ya" wasSept'hanged24"--J seph}n the Coups Rle~'ated ~o tlae Peern~eo Charles Miller, aged 22, his assistant, seve'ral thousand dollars in Wells- from Gem Shatter to friends in this graph's Cairo
Cervern Ar'elv~ at Madrid. j ailyard at Chari0ttesvillc at~ 10:30 London, Sept. 24.--It ~ officially an- were instantly killed while conducting Fargo and the German savings ba~lks city ~tate that'he will soon return to is reported tt
nounced that Hon, George N. Curzon,a fireworks display and reproduction I deposited to the credit of Dr. G. B. resume his station here as commander reached La~lo,
AIadrid, Sept. ~3.--Admiral Cervera o clock Friday morning for the tour-, until recently parliamentary seers- of the Manila battle on the Allegheny I C. De Free'e, who died at Vienna on of the department of California. re- mahdi's tomb
arrived here thursday. There were no der of his mother-in-law, Malia~datary for the foreign office, who is to river in fro~t of the Exposition build- i July 4 last, and all efforts to dud au lieving Gen. Merrlam, who will prob- destroyed. /~
in~idents worth noting in connection Brown. The crime was committed at succeed the earl of Elgin as vtceroy of ing Th~rsda~ night, .
with his arrival at the capital. In an Earlysvtl/e, Albemarle county, in May, India, has been elevated to the peerage - - [heir or claimant for the fortune have ably be assigned to his former duties secured the
Killed b~' LlghtniltE.
interview, he said he bad a ctear con- 1898, and was a very brutalone, as Baron iC~rzon of Kedelwton. [been without avail. As far as known as commander of the department of ing it to the 1~
science regardingSantiago. Nations,
he said, grew great by their victorles Mn.t P-my Their Own War. :~urder and Suicide. Batesville~ Ark Sept. 24.-~Near ] the doctor had no relatives. He was a lhe Columbia. in London.
and not by their- de,eats, ~oweverWashington, Sept. ~4.--An order has Chicago, Sept. 21.--Michael Schwarz, Gaither mountain Rosser G. Brown, a [ pioneer physician of this city. cavil, that Maj. Ma
glorious they might be. ~ ~pain had been issued by tha war department to a musician, shot an~ killed his wife farmer, with his tw~young daughters [ ~'l~als. London, Sept. 27.--The Daily Chron- surd and th.~a~
live~ in a dream and abe now had different commanding generals, star- Anna, from whom he ha& been di- took refuge under a tree ~om a show- ] Santiago, Sept. 27.--Upon instruc- icle's Tien-tsin correspondent says the Mount
to f~ce reality. The admiral addeding tha~ furloughed men ar~ not en- vorced two mo~ths, and then killeder and seated themselve~ on a plow. I tious from Washington ~chools here emperor provoked the existing criSlaLondon, S l
tba: h~s warsh~ips were not destroyed titled to transportation to their homes himself. The s~ooting wa~ the result Lightning struck the plow and aIl~will be opened on the first Mondayia by an edict introduc2ng European dres~ Kitchent
at government expense, peerage.
tn battle but by ~re. of an argument over vast differences, three were killed. Detober. ann abolishing pig tails.