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October 5, 1939 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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October 5, 1939 |
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........... I ]In ilSi .... I!11| I I I .... I I ........... If IIIIIll I " I I I
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y[ i Obituary Mt V rn.rt ~[~tr~rtQ V to tnoi [Taylors returned to their home in[other year. [Lieut Morley Sl- rht Is
: • • • DeW tt on Tuesday morning. Mrs. Mrs. Ella Austin was a dinnerTr nsf
i E --- / Spawn remained for a couple of guest Sunday in the Arthur Free a
erred to Panama
' ~ W~.~.~ .~.iAI.I.V IN Mflll~1~ ~/~RNflN MRS. MARY MAY ,Defeat Winton 12-6 ,Alumni Council ;
a W" s, auax~aa ~wvvJuL~ • iaa AV•VVAI • • uAilaVAa Mar- ,~a..~l;..~ ,,_. ~_. _~,^_ _, l ~- ! I weeks visit, home•
ro~ !Barnh~r~Tr~aB2rba;a~i~maa~ag~. I The Mount Vernon High School ] Two vacancies on the Cornell ! lVlr. and Mrs. Ben Neal called on [ Miss Eleanore M..Gordon Troy bele'nie;~atiMn°f!ey. Slag[at ..~..vho ha.s
~-°--°--° °°--°--°-'~ goner, was born in Hardin county, football team won its second game Alumni Council were filled at the Mrs. Emil Dolezal, Mr. Evitts and I Mllls, was an overnight guest inl • ~• • -- ea at ~eiiy ~Jela. t~n
'f~~r., I BANQU_ET _tt ONO_IR$ ~Ohio Jan 3rd 1846• When about lot the current season from Tlpton ]first meeting of the year for that Mrs. M ulherm on Sunday at St. I the H. W• Austin home Friday• tAntomo, ~exas: tot several years,
atu~ ?sg~vS sis t°:16glerestau 'ORNI~LL ALUMNUProfessor Loui--~B• ' ' ' " -'g '~ "" 2-. " ~ " ~ ." ~" ,'"- • " " • ]] • " ~ "'" io;~:A:(!';Hk :
y-y~n ooo~nd a~it~;tlb ~Sf]?:2:taa~F:°~i C .al~uns were nos[essesSSChmidt.attile Dolzmof I James•three mileSon Jan.east 22°f 1863An~m°sathe°ntrShe hut Mount Verlon ,~ool~ advantage '2. h~ts moved to MiYlneapolishas left frotll ll~lviUueMr rSra saat.itYae~el'i aOa.r t.i.lMtgi fir a" aaisn ss;.mra la earlnF l'eUagenrlVl air lO£eWeauaegn' ia tW'nr el~anrar eelS "I"/ I ' .. ~,"
uests at 2ar~DOo~ CORNELL ALUMNUS . ! s~V~7oYea~)sh?: ~geIthe famdlYe~tT:d hlt~hT~;la~ i:;Patr~nd l~ou6t strong l b:dy h;Indini2 Mi/.nl:e221.1 Rnn~,i;. ~'~ie.s a~SP~2J. ~n. g•eda:ssR:2~dSMr" c~sr: MrE:Z?.b~hAn~uCCl~a.Fsy. A?~. [i~iii ~ ;.~:~d.tWpZe;k;
re:Alma Moots Professor Louis B Schmidt of ,5 and Mrs Chas Stanley from Tip Free and Mrs Ella Austin sent ' xpe(ts to bc sit
' [e" "l[ory out Llle **VlllStleDleW as ' . A. YVII|LL' •, th, Ol l es ! ..... " " " "
• .t~ ~. -, .V|L. ~¢ernou. tl • lll~tOll, ~i't2rt2 l/~iili211 to llll their ] . i~- __-.-~____~_
Ioremost autnorltles on the his- A Morri+t of ~Jinhr-ra T~,~hr' al ~ .......... I .......... and Mrs Walter Evltts called on[ Miss C'tth.~rine l,~eves dat ~-i~ter! a~,~,*a.. '~A,~,,,,-~,
.................. ~ ............. assed awa in 1928 " . ~ Octouer 1 Miss Keyes h(~s return- ' FLORENCE STINGER LIT'I'S LETA
nonollng nlS ~olmer stuaent, oul;, ~ u errlllN ~tal rea for ul ectol v, as autnorlzetl I
~~llege, who in 190lithe farm now owned b,+ i~er' ~n ]of "l imd Ti~ton hunt to scor~ in the [Anamosa and Benton Underwood ton visiteo on bunaay at the nome ]nursaay afternoon with Mrs. Daisy tlonea there ~or tie tea~t two
P e ~arnum IVzar orle Bates graduated from Cornell College and of Mr and Mrs Chas Ford Miller near Newport ~ xeals l'he Slaghts have sold theh
P~~vI1-~fr~rr~ was second quarter. At the half Tip- '36. Tipton to take grad- _. - -- ".. - =" . I ~' .- ~." "_ ,? . r
~go recelveO from l united in marriage to Nicholas May. ton had Mount Vernon in their own uate work at the University of Mis- . Mr. ann Mrs. ~owara l~eai re- ,~ .~ . ~ . ; nousnola goons in San Antonio, anu
tllman~a mater tne honorary de-,To this union nine children weret- ,~ ............ I sou~i N .............. ) ~turneo nome on bunaay afternoon lt~atnarlne xeyes is ~amea 'Mrs. Slaght and daughter l..ft last
._~~:-h-£s/a ha- born: Margaret B., wife of S. D.[the half ended 6 to 0 in favor of IMoines and LeRoy Pease '37 Ifr°m a fishing trip in Minnesota. ]Music Lihrarian At Ober|in Nriday to join Lteut. Slaght.
~eputation as one of the iSoner of Kennewick Wash" Alicet ...... B--~I:-~ .................. " .... 'l Mr. ana mrs. warner t'etersonl I
+ ..... , a... ... ,. ,~ ......... , ..... , "~ - [ q'nc secona nalt opeuect witfl Tip- ~ prates. .ur• V¢inter opel'ages a I ~"~' "'~ ......... i - • -, , . , • c, i .-.....~......~ ..~,.a.~.
{ -- ~,,,~j ~,~ +~,~emcan asricm~ure we!bert F who nassedawa~ in 1931• /, ' * "~- * '" ~ ..... [le~din- "'~"-=*"': ....... "- "" ,lvlr ~VlttS ann Mrs ~mll Dolezal lot l)r. and Mrs. Charles I(cves ilas[ --------
• . •, A" ~" ~ LOll pusaiug L~ze Oal| ueep ,nto ~vtL. ~,~ S aUVCVLI~ilI|g ~tNt21lCy Ill lzes " " " " In the Dis ri C "
~.Cozy Corner Club will meet has been tor many years head of ,,.,,o r wh~ na¢¢~daway inI~lU' / .............. Ion Sunday at St. Lukes hospital lucre ted *x nosition as music l" "" r l= . . t ct ourt of Iowa, m and
~lavt)--"" * .... I'-rn~- I +n ...... " I~'-" ~', "-"*" ......... a ....... , ! vernon's territory anu Wllen it t .Violnes an(1 Nlr. Pease is a teaener i.. ,~^~_ ~, ..;~ , P , ~ .... lbla " t tor Linn County
-. ~. x2, ,u~ an ,, ~ uuu ~ e uepar~mcnt o~ uis~ory anu gov- t ivtablo nnH Selli,~ l~. ,,,h,-, "~ied i,~ ~ ............... ~ m ~=ua~ ~al~,us ~ Jan ill Oberlin college (',berlin ' •
a . . , . .. ....... , ...u. *" seeme(1 tnat *i'lpton might score In tile l~urlington SChOOlS. , o , ,
~,.. t the home o~ ~wrs. ~ar- [ e~nmen~ in me mwa ~tate t=ouege / mmncy; Steim Maud, wife of J [~h~., ~ ..... ~.,.~ +~.. ~.,,, ......... ,~,, ,~ .... a ........................ I Mr. and Mrs. George Flowers at- / Ohio, and will also teach courses in ] FRANCIS STINGER and BERTHA
~aason. [oi Agztcuiture and lVtecnanic Ar~s, m k'eetof lvmunt Vernon James F,/recove;:ed°by"Mt'Vtrrno~"~vho im~ de;it presided at the*~;leetin*~" .... [tended the Cattle Congress at[advanced theory iu the conserva- STINGER, Plantiff~
~ -- at Ames, ann is st~l in active set- t , .... I • .... s. I Waterloo on Thursday• tor She be all h r w " "
~Henry Weseman was honor-1 .... , ........... ~ ......... ),,~ ,of near Anamosa, and ~red, who ]mediately punted out of danger i Iris[dent Magee was an invited, [ ~Y', ~ • g e ne dories on I_ ._ vs.
• ~t. IV at a ~.lnen bnower at t was honored wtm a banquet in me tp" -.eaYs a"o she with her hus [After an exchange of punts Mount [guest and outlined his general pol-] Morl-~ led to hel: aln;: m'tte; ~'here h( ] STINGER LEWIS, and MER'CHANTS
~ale oI ±wrs August Weseman I ~v, omn,,m Immn ,n~ro ......... -~ ~-- ~ ~ s - I Vernon scored again on an off I icy in regard to alumni participa- t ~'d | . , ' . :; ; I NATIONAL BANK
Guar~i~ q@ the
~10vew ann useful grits were ) one nm~orea twenty ~vo ,~, ,n, ~ao I bana .atIlliateci with the Christian [ tackle play and boosted the score [ tlon m college affairs ~ Mrs Ella F. Austin | ecelvea nor music aeglee in 1.~ ,. property of Leta Stinger I,~gvm. [ncom-
....... - ............ - L " " • . "~ petent
tea - church at Antioch, a xew mues east 1') ' Th " t ~ She was graduated from ( orn-ll ,
• ~t to tne guest oI honor. I u,ty 'the pres~aent ol. tne coueae I [ to .-0 m favor of Mount Vernon. ] e council recommended that a ~ ............... / . • I Defendant,~
| el • ~, ot their /arm home• ' i " ' I(aleful n" ' ~n~vL~L~r~-r~.'~Y college m 1931 receiving '-in A 13 T ^ " "~ '
~" gnt guests were pre~eut. ]ann nno ~r ,,,o ,~'~ ............... ] ............ [ r ptou tallied m the fourth quarter , ~ " ad~ mlstrative study be [ ....... [~ ' ..... I O E CH AND ALL OF SAID I)~,~FND-
~re- -- - I ............................... ~ zn tl~e tall o1" lOUU Mr• ana ±wrs. ,,~ o ;. ~ ~ + ~ [,n,n,, ,.r .... n,,~+ ,. . ,[ (.;has. O. tiay oI ~orest vicinity |uegree. Since 1931 she has con l ANTS.
l.le~nllienLs were serveu, tile s e l~er aauvr ,¢ I•tln ~.y anu a pass ..... e ... ~.a....,es ,, colnnlercla~ r . ' ....
p a s. Nlay retire(l, living in Anamosa un- [ Mitch( iI to ] indhad laced the and industrial ositions and led and Mrs. Halhe M. Shumaker of |head cataloguer in the New York I YOU AND EACH OF YOU ARE HERE-
I the m~o~y department of Cot I t P P P g , BY NOTII, I
,~Irl Hooa-a~-~a~er was hostess ' " -~ul lwr tway's aeam, Dec 5 1920 ,~,_,, "~ .. ". 7. • . ] ................. "~. _ ~-~Morley were married Thursday,|tublic Library Ne~ York City I " ED that there is now on file
_ i nell college was invited to take , c ....... ' .... , .;tit on .vtoun~ vernon's one-yaru I ell l~u O~2SL el/err tO es~aollSfl a more ~ .. . " ........ J.) ' • ' " I in the office ,,f the Clerk of the Dia*rlet
alternoou mmge cmO at nor ........... omce tna~ ome sz,e has maue net ]line from wher,~ ])ic,~ e'~,l,';,~n ~, coonerative alumni ,,,~n~i• ......... ~ept, z~ a~ me unltea ~rethren |l rcvlous to that she taught for sev- &tort f Iowa in and fo Linn ~-" ~'
, ,part. Dr• ~. t~ ~ancll~t ~'roles- om u r assln ., ....... ~ ........... ,~,,~ ,o i • . . , . = 9. ' r ~..un,.y.
)~0n luesuay oz last week ~ . _ fl e w~tn her cn (1 en p g ] ,~,,,~, Th~ro w ~ro nA onnvo,-¢~i,~n~ I ontentinl rmtlot~ ft~r d,~it n}d¢~ t~o, I parsonage at Hudson Iowa by the [oral years m Wooster college the Petition of Plaintiffs praying for jud,g
~eWas reaved at three tames [ o story ~,metltus, unuei ]away at me home o~ her daugmer, I ......... t ..... ~ trey. H. E. Buss. After snendmv tWooster Ohio after r c ~" *-~ '--,- ~ment and decree establishing the rights
~un ..... "- ~2 . . _ "2 I whom Pro~essor Set.mat vegan ms ~v~rs l~eet on 'J=nursaav mornm~" ] on any o~ the toucnaowns ann tne nel~ employames. I ~ovornl rl~ny~ ~ th~ C'~ttI~ ~c~r~ | ....... " ....~ .,- ,..~ (1.V..:e, .... of the Plaintiffs and the Deiendanta herein
]t__-m t~uHen~ was an mwteu I co,ingrate stuay ox ms~orv recelv- ] ,~n~ ")x ~u.~_q " °' game ended 1 2-6 in favor of Mount After considerable general dis- ~"--'~X~*+~'~'~* "-~'l~ ..... .~: ..... e~...~ [~xt,~l (.e at t)Dtl lln. vne last year t in and to the premises deseribed aa
~UCmUS reiresnments were lea a ~pecim mvitatmn to' join in I °~e~m~s~e~." son and three dau-h [Vernon. I(ussion regarding tile alunlni fund icni ,Tn~~erlOO' on~e couple are _,re- |nas Deen 8pent in advanced stndy st/~ of the SW¼ of the SE~ of ~ec-
. ~ Y the nos~ess. I ....... I ' " g - ] 1 ittell ,-n~ H ....... , • ~ ~- 'the alumni ='q ..... "- • " I e v g the c gratulauons oz their iin Munich. Germany. tion 17, and the W½ of the E~ of
. ~ __ " ' ' ~ers she reaves to mourn net puss- • .... * . many friends at the bride's home in [ ~ 1 Section 20 and the NWI/4 of
the NE~
I '~T: t • -- " I- • [DeJ.ll°" u.ame to a~teno ~e~lt a wrl~ I .............. ,., .... IMount vernon ~to raise a special committee to I~^-~^.. |~ir -- '~ T s ] of Section 29 all in Townahip 8:t
efal~ernoon brmge club at ner ten u'mute, wmcn was read at the s.a3~tty O[ t~.nalD.u~a, llll~-r~en gta~(1- The starting lineup was as tel- IWOIK out a plan for submission to I -------- |~vL~u[t~o IK:;ll[IkPl| JL~llL~il~l]~ } r~ortn, ~ange a, went ot the ~tn It'.M..
][0a ~Uesuay rrizes were re- oanquet, crewmen ann e~gn~een great grana- lows: I.E Tonne, LT Barrett. L~-[the council at a later date. ]TAKES BUS LOAD TO ] . . , ~ ! e~nfh:,m!ng., the ~-h?,res and
interests of
~l ~,.. ~.. - ~ ~ ' ~ Blood c('~ C F-re l{G I ei~hr HT I ~ I~ur~ ~A,ru~, ,,~r~vt-~oo F l~icnotas Peet goes to Ottunlw'~ I tne r|amt~ns ann tne ~e~enaant:~ in saia
~" ~ Mrs. ~werle Long, ~VU'S. i Mr~ r~m~" ~,,,~, ,,,+~ ~ ~.^ . ]cmmren. i ~ ~+, . .~ , ~. e~ : [ t'~ ~ "mar*~ ]~aa~a ~'az~aa~ ~x.~'~a~ |n~"" v" ~- _ . _ "_ "~ [ ]ands and praying further that a par*
~De t~arnp and lVlrs. ~uuo±i I ~. o,~ ..... ~., .... eon was ,us~- ] ~v,r~. May always spoke of Aria- [W°rrall, ]{b. Snyder, QB Elhson, / ~CO~S lYllli ! Harold Austin conveved a load [- cxt..~cen xxnele ne has a contract titicn thereof be made, or if name cannot
t~ ^ ........... tess ior tne lng~es~ae clue meeting, ................. RH Herring ] H Current FB ] it ......... - :-~- . ~ [ , ~ , [[or tne ouilding of all eight renal ~be
e:luitab y divided in ~ccordvnce with
• .~" ~ ~IAeSL wa~ l¥1r~• l¥1~lVlll ......... i mo~a wnere ~.~ zla~ ~pcll~ auux~[ • ' ' ~ ' ~ ' Nits, ~ierala ~COtt Ox regal-seers In nlS SChOOl oUS tO}a ,,~ ',th. i,.~..,~t~ -¢ ,h~ ~*',,tlff~ ~n ,~,.
' . [las~ J.vlonuay evening, ivlrs. ~u~e,~ ' " tee (C) , ............ o ....... : ....... r.._ .m"
s~¢on. ~ae aostess servea ue-, ~ _ _ ~ man sevenW years oInet ltte, as" ~ • I -- I the Dairy Cattle Congress at Water- [ [ Defendants, that a ...ale .if 'aM 0remLaes
re~resmne~m ]t.ooper p'esenteu a most m~eres~-!~ume _ _-7-~------------ • [WILLI.~YI[ REINKING l leo Saturday Those in the bus | Mr and Mrs. John Neff exl)ect i be orde:'ed and a diviakn of the pro.eed~
~. " lllg zevlew oI Flerre Van l-*aasscn s l " ' J' . • made tetween th~ artes to this a se
~ ------- • - - -[ ....... ~) .... , ..... ~, ..... " ',,,, ixue funeral was held at the Smy-[John Carter To Sing 1 win. Reinking passed away on [load were: Mesdames H. P. Smith [to go to I)uouque Sunday to attend t of action accor=i~ p Io''~ " . ,[u
eLZounger lnuusuual group orI ........... _"'~ ? ......... !~u home ~or e Uuerais at Z p m, IT ,n ~ T~ *-- ~ I Tuesdav mornln,, Se~,t 2a o÷ ),~o land Ella Austin Mr and Mrs W |a dist'i~t meeting of the rural let- ~hares and furt~e~rg~ra- r~ne~r ~tt~p~- t!~
o ~crmn ellUlcn i u ea a review provoke(1much ulscusslon. ] , ¢ b, y ,, a~ ..o , • . • • . . .,' ~ v. ~,~,-r*~7-
e~'~sl ~ el j y , oatutuay bept ;Iu, lv~; ~tev 1~A In weaar l~aples ~oon home near (gsseo Minn at +h .... [ B Guthrle Miss Katie Sunday [tel- carrie "s I fees and c.~ t~ including ,'os~ ~.[ abstract
• ~ul0per ann meeung at the -- " [a.~aU erOi ~esU O~tlc~al~eCl -- I " ' "' *." "~" • ' • - of title to said premises.
,'l~ct .................... I The October luncheon meetmg oi i r, P %.. [ ............... o~ 80 years• He had been ill Ior [Miss Sue Gordon, Miss Lois Tall-/ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Biderman and I For further particul~r~ ~ou are referred
d~0"n~.~a~;e at me upper ra,-[the eas~ umers associauon wm De i ±no songs, "~ne ~wee~w ~oiemn ]. aonl.a. ,=ar~er, ~enor w,tn.tnc .u.e: i several years with heart trouble• ]man, Floyd Slyer, Edward Year- ]Miss Katie Varnholt and ]x)uis [ to tbe Petition on file as-at .... id.
_~ua iv, u,uay evema~g, at the home olE lvars tS W l~ex~ i ghougnq"and "~o l~q~ut 'lnere" tropontan upera ASSOClauon, ",Vlll Mr ReinKlng was born ~'eb 1 1859 er Harold Hoppe, Francis Smith |V'trnholt of I,'lv ,++..,a.-., .~.^ NOW. TttEREFORE unless you apl~ar
• • • I l ~" • , ' ' • ' • . t~ttuliUUl~l llIt' i
e$ .. -- t - ~ ~ vVe~e reuderea b~ lvlrs tJlenn flus-Ipresent a recitalin the ,Memorial .,- r. .......... • .. I Harlan M~i-, Mary E l-l'~fflofina~r | .... • ~ . • . i thereto and defend on or before noon of
1~ R Rlstind__ entertained at J r rmay, Octooer o. ] .7 . • ]. , ..... ~ ~ ~x~u~illl ~ownsnlp, riennepln .- .., - ¢ ............ e.---, l~alry ~.attle (engross in Water- I the second day ~f the next November 19b
IleAl ,,. " _ ! __ ~ so,l, accompamea oy m,s~ l~lorence iConseum m Cedar t{apids on Prl-[county After his marriage in 1~88[Luella Main, Lois Southard Betty/1oo last Thursda,• ' |Term f the District C.~art (if |own :n
uatcneon oct 'J~uesUay 1or ' ' da, Oc 13th • 15 n - " .' / +- o . , ,
........................ I Dr. and Mrs. F. ~. Ebersole were ,~ate. xnte~ment was in l-t~vex's,ue] ~, t. , . at 8. p.m. i a to Laura Margraff of Mankato Ruth Swltzer, Arlene Smith and ............... [ and for Linn County. to be begun and
- ' cdal ~a lds S m hun Olches I .vx~a l) • rltog~s lel[ lU{Suay held at the Court House in Cedar Rtpids
k~( ,.: ..... "'~'\~'~ ~" ":: .... l hosts a¢ a mncneon ~*muuay noon cemetery ana casKe~ i~earers were:[C~ " P" • Y P Y " " ]IVlinn he estannsned a home next rAmy Jam[son. ] ..2 " ". ~'" ~ • ~• " ~" i- . • '- - !
~-' xaU~SLS el IIOIIOZ-; i "" " ' ~ .................... ti abenefit concert Tickets al e i • "~ .. i I "£iLernoon /or a visit in th( home of I binn County lOV,'a commencing ~ovem~er
~, 1~: ,- =. ~ ]hOlLering lVirs 1-1 lvl ~exxy oI z~mg-~o:~air~u~sel~, o~amey w a~su.~x, I ". ' " Ire tne ortgmal RelnKin~ homestead ' -- ' " " ~ • ' '
~. x~eh O~ l~a~eiano ~a • e, • . he son-[ ...... 6th, 1939, default will be catered a~ain.~t
o~ ~w-~Y~nv~ ........ "-,~on,:' ara _,aus, 1~. ¥., wno arriveu ~tm-,~auian t~arter, joun/~tu, esen, [$1.00, students 50c and are on sale in this home they nave resined and Thel~I: E. Social met at the ........ n-l,!~ and daug. hte~, M,• y .... d each ot you. and ~udgment nnd
~ ~ ....." ....... .'~'~'--.':oay mmrnoon Ior a wstt wim ~or-l,nomas hanmn, aaa Wm. lau-aw-ton the mezzanine floor of Hotel Ion xast November 15th they cele-Icnurcn ~nursaay ann en]oyeu a plc-] ~t