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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
October 5, 1972     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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October 5, 1972
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Mount Vernon Hawkeye-RecSrd and The Lisbon tlerald October 5, P,~e Six .'" - - tended the 25th wedding anniver- church who made the tripto Ken- MOUNT VERNON holds the title Clark Ansley pro- ease. of 1 ; ram-- Sprlngvllle News sary observance of Mr. andMrs, tucky, paid their own wE .~ SCHOOL CALEN AR lessor of creative writing, neis This diseaseis aform par y- AP~I~ N~W Mrs. Clement Ozburn Allen Leslie. They wereaccom- Presbyterian Women s Circle uc'roBEH a Cedar Rapids native, sis characterized by tremor, ' panied by Mrs. Blanche Coker of met at the home of Mrs. Albert 6, Friday, varsity foot- Hun-Ling is associate director muscular reigidity and weakness I r~SShm iv - - ~uba diver Dave ~er of Mar-Anamosa. Pollock Tuesday evening of last ball, Mid-Prairie (Homecoming) of the International Writing Pro- of movement. MOVE IN NOW ion brought his diving equipment Mr. and Mrs. Allen Leslie week. Mrs. Phillip Welsch told 7:30 p.m. gram and associate professor of Mt. Vernon Local New beautiful deluxe we /rain Men To work r~ to the fourth grade room last L,V [ S T O C K Tuesday and demonstrated the and son, with their daughter, the group about the Kentucky 7, Saturday, homecomingdance Chinese. A native of mainland Mrs. Jack Leifort and son, of trip She was one of the accom- high school, 9 p.m. Geography China, she escaped to Taiwan in The Cornell Young Republicans bedroom apts. with co~ -- " ' - -- .~ - gear. This is the second year Oxford Junction, were callers panying adults. Mrs. Del Wilson class field trip. 1948 following the Communist group met at the home of Mr. size kitchens. 900 sq. B U Y F K ~ for the Springville elementary in the Dillon Atherton home and gave the lesson with Mrs. Floyd 9, Monuay, elgnm graue too~- takeover. She came to the Unit- and Mrs. Francis Pray for coffee quiet living area. ~ ~ school to take part in the pre- the Lowell Underwood home McShane giving the devotion and ball, Wilton at Mt. Vernon, 4:15 ed States in 1964. and cookies Saturday after con- You can rent for lesS~ ,e, VC:~aeVew:Ow~ ::ve:t a~rsPi~ tsi~rtoa~nma~he~SPi~- ~,o~ ,e ,o~,w,o~ year book of prayer. The after- p.m. Freshman- sophomore foot- ducting a voter registration upkeep, taxes and interest0s -~mo~g~those "fr~o~m'Springville noon circle met last Friday at ball at Mid-Prairie, .6.'30 p.m. Cornell Briefs drive, present2 bedroomhOme, apts. sT~rL:''" OobU mof e aware of variousinter- the Amana Octobe est Mrs. C.L. Burroughs' home w.ith 10, . esuay, ,?ac er CORNELL PARENTS DAY $140, including heat e ting ields where jobopportun- were Mrs. Charley Mysak and eight members present. Mrs Assoclauon open nouse, o egm- For a local interv,ew wr,te The Cornell College football in d er, living room drapes,~ . rues wm ve available to themSherry. Mrs Louis Wiekham, Elsie Florea gave the lesson and nmg at emmontar~ sc.nool, (p.m. C/ass e luxe 30-in. range, tw0 ~" today with your backgrouna " Include your complete so- -J' Ine murm graaers have been~,~a ~vlrs Junior Binley and Sandy Mrs. Kenneth Taylor the prayer. ~evenm grane xootvall, TlptOn a~ team will meet Grinnell for a refrigerator, air conditioll~t smo.ving sea life in science and "?'.~' ". ~. 4 M-s Bill Ainesworth has ac Mt Vernon, 4 p m Senior chili Parents' Day game Saturday at ~pringvlue uetea~en uJm xa-,"" . " ' " :.a. s: ~.'~l 57 " m Ash Park Field atCornell. GameAdvertising peting . 1~ aress and phone numvvr, have discussed the many occupa- last Friday at football. Keith cepted a posltlon with me tiawK- ~uup~z, .~ ~".~', . P. . disposal, and plush shag cp" CATTL[ BUY[RS, J~C. tions involved with the sea. They Sh~dek and Jeff Hanken ran for eye Area Community Action Pro- 11, Wednesoay, ex.ement arylac- time is 1:30 p.m. had many questions ready fortoubhdowns, gram in Mt. Vernon, and Brianulty meeting, washmgtonhbrary, ARTICLE IS PUBLISHED Lots of storage, La~ 4~zv Man,so- An article by Howard J. Rup- facilities, . hard ~.~i g~n,s Citv Mo 64111 their visitor. Miss Diane Clover of Bloom- Ainesworth is enrolled in the3:20 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Lowel Under- field was an overnight guest of head start pre-school In Mt. 12 Thursday, photography, kit, pel, Jr assistant professor of CARDS OF THANKS parking, barbecue s,'-/ z~.o ~ ,~,a # .6 o.~ ~.~ wood returned home Sunday from Kaye Lawn last Saturday night. Vernon. join~ county consux~an~, washing- sociology at Cornell College, has Dishwashers and garage @" been accepted for publication in I want to thank everyone for tionai, ear is Oxford Junction, where they at- Miss Edrie Bowdish returned Saturday and Sunday overnight tonlibrax~ 3:20 p.m the journal Sexual Behavior. their cards, visits and flowers 10% Discount One Y following a 12-day vacation She were the Rev. and Mrs. Clyde at oxon, Y: u p.m. Entitled "Sex and Social while I was in the hospital. Advance. was accompanied by Miss'Dor- Scott of Clear Lake. .14, Sa~rday, state marchingClass," the article discusses Carl Wiesenhofer This is acoustically gineered construction. It~ the relationship of social class othy Britten of Des Moines. They Debbie Binley spent the week- ~a~ +co n~es~, t,eograpny cxass to sexual permissiveness, andOur sincere thanks to our re- one cares to see fini~ visited relatives in Whiting, the end in Cedar Falls visiting her "~'~' ~-'-'~'- notes the differences that can latives, friends andneighborsfor apartment, stop atManiger% S D d 1~, ~aonoay, etgnm gra~e ~oo~- Black Hills, Huron, . ak ansister, Barb Binley, at the Uni- ~-~" ~ ~ M* Ve,'~on 4.15 occur in this relationship, all the flowers, food, memorials, Apartment 8. & Real Estate I spent several days at the home versity of Northern Iowa. ~'~': - ". DRUG RESEARCHER SPEAKS visits and kind expressions of - Form, Livestock . p.m. r resnman-sopnomoretoot- of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ftggins The Ta-N-Da CampF regroup M+ vo ,m .30 "The Discovery of New Drugs: sympathy in the loss of our be- Rental Office Don Cg Sales- Machinery, Merchan- I of Lake Otter Tain. met at the Methodistchurch after ~o, The Role of the Chemist and Bio- loved husband, father and grand- " The park hoard members met school Tuesday of lastweek, with v ~. ~.^~ sow-th ~r~e logist" will be the topic of a father. Special thanks to Rev. S BOW . . L~, *U~O~==J'~ ~, - at the home of Mzs Edrie - one v;s~tor, Susan Hemtz, pre- ~,~,~+ho~] .+e~ ~ ~;n.p o; ;,~ public lecture at Cornell College Bacheler for his deeply comfort- I dish last Wedne day e e g sent. The group set up meeting ~ -- m ~,*,-o ~ s ,~,~o+;,~ next Wednesday at 7 p.m. ining words. All were greatly ap- dise, Household & Antiques. s v nin to '~" ' discuss the ordinance passed by rules for the year .~ P 2"~2'''~'Maxwell Auditorium of the lib- preciated and will never be for- FOR SA-L ~-^ council 1-s Febru-'~' The ." name ecomonics room, ~:zup.m. u,~ a t o~ l~ennls TaylOrmlsyearplanteo ~o ur^a-^ ~--, sl] w~thar rary. gotten. . j posters explaining" the ordlnanc e 86 hills of potatoes and harvested ,o,~ --~ -" ~u ~;~h~'~' ~oh,~l--'--~"-:~7 an Speaker will be Dr. Joseph G Mrs. Russell James LARGE FOUR-bedroO~J~ Many years experience in sale manage- J will be seen this week m thepost such huge potatoes, many visit[ed ~m s' "" Cannon, professor of pharmacy Mr. & Mrs. Start James & Wes and lot, Lisbon. Ph. 4~.~ office and the bank lobby. Per- his garden to view them He v :: at the University of Iowa. He Mr. & Mrs. Larry Meyer, after 5 p.m. .-a= ment. Call and I will drive to your place. I l tr s on the " w, ~nursoay, iowa ~a~e ~au- mrs for p anting ee found an average of' seven to a ~+; ^~;~+; +;, has been conducting important Barry & Chris I narkin ' m.v be obtained from ~ : ~^a ^- +^ ^ ~ ~ , ~.m.~ w~q~.~-~ ~.~ u r~ M.;.~. f'~nf~r~ne, ~v ~t research on medicinal drugs for I We welcome your listings i Phone .432 :6524 I hoard members free of charge.1 ce pounds " There. were very few -" emmemary %~" *"~" ana~'-'~:: 7.mmme scnool.'~: the past several years. SERVICES They must be p anteds.a rtatnks small . notatoes probably one ~egmar scnootany mr mgn Dr. Cannon was recently / Homes, Acreages, [ W [number f feet from xdewal-[ ' gall n" Mr" Tayl r takes care "oh'~l sb'aents awarded a three'year grant f WILL DO ir nings inmyh me" / / with stal~J MechanlcsviJJe, Io a driveways and firebydrants, rne of their home and garden, cans "~-:" .~.7 : $112,744 by the National Institute Ph. 895-8065. --40" restrictions are in the interest of apple sauce and tomatoes, helps ~u rria.ay, xowa ~a~e r~uca- of Metabolic Diseases andStroke 1 h;-hlines sewers, fire pro ha . tion Association convention, ues Potter Real ~ ~ - nls wile wire me usenol~ to continue research into chemi- S,Momes. VarSII~y IOO~Dall a~wes~ tection, and other safety rulechores, and will celebrate h~s B- "^h 7 30 " m Conference cal compounds that may control / Jim Wigginl; J of precaution which must be ob- nintieth birthday on Oct 11 -~,~, : v symptoms of Parkinson's dis- served ,~.~ r ~,~ ~.~,~, aay a~exememary ana mzoate l Salesman / s h s en ~" " "~ ~ *'~" ~" ;~ - school, regular school day for Mrs. Rus ell Reeda be ed home last week following sur- ~.= ~ .^,^~ .~ a^.+o ~,a~n* n r einfection Legal Advertising sick wxth an in e ar gery at St. Luke s hospital, Ce- c~eer d~, St Luke's Hos-ital the past week. dar Rapids ~^ "" ~" " - ~- " Y" " " CATFISH FOR pond .st~.' P s of ",z~, ~onoay, no scn~oh veze-IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF Mr. and Mrs. aul Jane Mrs. Don Stentz is itS t Luke s THE STATE OF IOWA "The Cathouse," LiSW?o$0.$ R~-~-'~I~ w^r^ overn"-ht -.ests rans aay. ~=tgnm grane lOOIDa/l ~ax~ u v v ~ s- nospl~al war ovserva~lon anu . r~. -. ~ ~ . -- Fra~hrn.n 1o,~+ w'~k~d in the P~,1 Nielsen *-^ +.~ -+ a~ ~m~va~, ~:,o 1 - IN AND FOR LINN COUNTY 2345. ~e~~ hum-" ~'? ~ sophomore football, WestBranch IN THE MATTER v. ~lrs. ~usseu t~eea remrneu -+ M* V^rnon 5.30" m OF THE ESTATE OF LIST YOUR farm or reS~U ~ Six members of the Legion home from the hospital where '~ *'~'~ - ' " ~". ". -- property in the Lisbon are$~, . T e Auxihary attended the cty she was treated for an tuner ear oe ~ ~.a . Cons*- ~+ion - ~-" Bud Sizer Real Estate l~f P o 1 s W s ~, ~,u.o ~, ~ ceased. conference at al a t edne - infection 455-2662, Lisbon. ~ o,~ni-~ Th^-, Included Mrs L set, join~ coumy consultant, PROBATE NO. 38416 .o, ~. ~# ~rs. Ulara r~earns ana ~zss ~ . . n. ~@r s . washington xmrary, o:,~u p.m. NOTICE OF PROBATEOFWILL, ~ " -~" SCRATCH PADS. H ~ John Lemon, Mr . Guy McKee, Mable Kearns of Marion, endMr, x# ~ ~ ~,;~a;,~ i.;.~ ~ ~ M M = ~' ~ OF APPOINTMENT OF ~ ~ ~ Record office. Mrs. John Yanda, rs. titan and Mrs. Kenneth Kearns of EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO ~unsuiran, wasnmgmn ,orary, .E~T:~ Koch, Mrs. Oliver Hepker, Mrs. Hawaii, wsited Mrs. Sara John- 3.20 ~ m CREDITORS Steve Rice, and Mrs. Stanley son last Saturday . v.= . BRONZETONE DIN ' k with six chairs, roll-SW Members and their families /-, ~1 er. V~sztyfootb~l, ClearCree IN THE ESTATE OF Alethea TV cart, six-year crib'~9.~ held a pot luck supper in the (("JtT~f")llq J.N~l~kA/~ ax ~. vernon, Y:~u p.m. Della Douda Deceased: ~h, ,~h ~, ~ /-" "~" "-" "" "~ 31, Tuesday, simulation games, You are hereby notified that 455-2574. "'-- rresvy~eman Sunday evening and viewed the Kim Murphy was elected vice- joint county consultant, Washing- on the 18th day of September, . slides takenbythegroupwhowent president of the freshman class ton library, 3:20 p.m. 1972, the last will and testament SUPERIOR QUALIT~ ~ar repaif'~ H spita'izati n ~~ to Kentucky on the mission work at Wartburg College, Waverly.i . of Alethea Della Douda deceasedI e~!ii:~~ i R Front End $]~ COLONIAL FRONT3 s Ei h were resent He spent the past weekend w th Tm ~v~ Dr~,~m bearing date of the 9th day of room home. One of the~ Personal liability? Count on us for inIt wasAUgUdecidedt" g tyto holdPanother his parents, Mr. ann Mrs. Joe. -- .--~'''". September 1966, was admitted to kitchens Including rang complete-protection insurance. Nov. 3. The young people of the Murphy. Ol1' t'oems ny mao probate in the above court and dishwasher; formal" ( that Neva R. Baldaufwas appoint- room. Knotty-pine P~ l American Insurance Associates, Inc Legal Advertlslna writer Hun-Ling Nieh, will pre- Notice is further given that any lower level. Sun dec, -- .-'----. Poet Paul Engle and his wife, ed executor of said estate. ' rec room and 4th bedr~, ,Rih g -- . . sent a reading entitled, "The action to set aside said will must garage. A distinct Ple c ard K. Cooper NOT,CE: The Town~City Council of Mount Vernon m LmnPoems of Mao Tse-Tung" at be brought in the district court to show. Hall. Taxpayers will be heard at that time for or against the ~'~-" - l 1 (Formerly Merritt-Palmer Agency) 1 County, Iowa, will meet October 10, 1972 at 7:30 P.M. at City ~,~,~ Cn11~ navt Mandnv st of said county within one year following Budget Estimate. This is a Summary of the Support- ~ ~he" presentation, which will from the date of the secondI Lisbon Ph. 455-2H1 I BUSENBAg of Receipts and Expenditures on file with the m,~ ;, ,~ ,h~publication of this notice, or REAL ESTATE COM] i Detail Budget h~ I 895-8634 ng "1 thereafter be forever barred. BABYSITTING IN my home, [ Mt. Vernon, Io W$ Town/City Clerk. Copies of the Supplemental Detm (Schedule . Cornell library, will be open to Notice is further given that all days. Mrs. Don Smith, Ph. 455- ANNoUNcING L o--*--"* ' nochre - he public at a g . persons indebted to said estate I,B ~ J I The reading will consistofboth are requested to make immedi- 2449. --40-42* NO REGRET, the I~ t ate payment to the undersigned AGRICULTURAL Limestone, Blue Lustre cleans carPe D and creditors having claims road rock, fill dirt, drainage tffully. Rent electric sh~ against said estate shall file ditches, and cellars excavated. $1. Stall's VarietY. (uFe~w~e Dollars) ] them with the clerk of the above George Gaines & Son, dial 895- I i-'~1 ~1 ~ 1~ I ,~1 .al references. E~.gleandHua- named districtcourt, asprovid- 8394 or 895-8441, Mt. Vernon. BOY,SBENCHWARM~, Llmm Jomes FS Services, Imc . 1" fared bYallowance;law, dulyandauthenticated,unless so, --28ff J Functional ActlvllF / j "~-- ~'~-~'-- j -- Ling recently finished a hook of 10, never worn, ziP ~ 1~,025 j 2s,600 I 22,7o5 J J i translations of 38 poems of Mao. filed within six months from the ~ El ctrtcal Contracti.g J Ph. 895-8308. is tlno Autkorizod Doalor for Street,15,528 24,418 ~ 14,800/ I Engle said commentaryonthe second publication of thisnotice ~ HEATING&,MT. VERNON ]~EAI AIR CONDITIONINg- I I Publ. Safety: Police i23,000 23,050 j 29,280] j i ' noems "is extremely important (unless otherwise allowed or ~ ca|| ~62-0448 R. 8S4-631S| older three-bedroOm Fire ' 8,000' 9,000~ ll,000 ~ = I Sanitation Sanitation ' 17 855 J 20 618 i 28 598/ ] ] for the Amerman audience, which paid) such claim shall thereafter ~ ~4 Hour Service,custom built kitchen, ] Orlk0 Guard. ,~= Enterp.:cemeteryLlbrary ] 8,208'300 J 7,470~300 ~. 9,100'a00,J { remoteiS largelydetails unfamiliarHe withaddedthesethat be forever barred ~| On All Makes Furnaces I and dining room, lots t~ Airport J t --- J ---1 J J harts of Mao's life will be re- Dated this 18th day of Sept- J ~ Superior Machine I family room, remodel patio and gas grill, heat O/her -- Neva R. Baldauf llllmt Is 0 o-g nl? t t 1 vealed, since the poems are all ember, 1972. L Compa,y ] It is a preservative to store high-moisture pUflltfles St. Lighting [ 6,600 } 6,700,S,S00| J J about precise moments in the Executor of said Estate CLEAN RUGS like new, so garage, Ph. 895-8~z~ i 2s 7 J 104.710,27,997] J Communist leader's public life. Mount Vernon, Iowa easy to do with Rug-Mate. Rent corn in any type building that has a roof. I Ftmettonal ~ut~total .~ F- [ U I---~ --------- Engie is director of the Inter- Arthur R. Kudart electric shampooer $1. Kaliban PAIR 8x14 USED sn~ The cost is cheaper than constructing I147,220 J 238,091 [ 1680405 [46,086 [ 130,591 [ 83,900 national Writmg Program at ~e Attorney for said Executor Appliance Co. --lltf suitable for general use' ~ t,- -~,--I -- I universl~Y oi LOWS, wnerenemso Mount Vernon, Iowa Ph. 895-8272. [IDebt Service [ 14,791 [ - 14,316 [ 13,840 1 J ----] 13 S40-,-- J Date of second publication 5th FOR FRIF~NDLY, dependable high-moisture facilities, allowing farmers OTHER -- to feed high-moisture corn without spoil- Ag, cy',1 1 [ t,' Legal Aavernsmg day of October, 1972. service, stop at Al's "66" Ser- HAMPSHIRE BOARS, |Pmsions 5,925,6,800 II0,011,2,314,1,325 I ll,000 vice at the west end of Main Kepler, Lisbon. ,Sewer ~ntal . ~ j 22,375 |20,825 J 25,000 J 3,110 J 28,110 t IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF age. i~'~ (R.U,T.) ~ 33,600 |80,000 / 50,000110,000] 60,000 [ THE STATE OF IOW'A IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF Street, Mount Vernon. --31ff /Liquor Profit ~ ! 9,610 J 40,000 JS0,000~ 5,000 |35,000 ] ~L~#~tD,~ r(~m~mv THE STATE OF IOWA JONATttON AND |Street (.~. Land) /,1 100 I I i ,u, u~ ~, r~, ~~ cious apples, .' This applicator is similar to the type used to apply ORTHO Grain ~ --~ *- ' ' ' - -- ' ""~'~ER OF IN AND FOR LINN COUNTY Preservative. The actual equipment is simple to operate and can |TOTAL ~ 400,032,297,356.[ 66,510[ 255,026!108,840 u,~ ~nr~ ~v.~ F IN THE MATTER treat up to 900 bushels of corn per hour. Nozzles spray the grain,~ ~[[B.II~&~.IF .E~er $--~.~0 Asse'sed Vlduation $33 672 THE ESTAT E O- -- OF THE ESTATE OF WANTED TO b:Jy: Good oats. pic.ked. John astt'saugered into storage. The spray, coupled with tumbling action ! ,v ~ ~ m o~~ " JOSEPH ~VEC, ueceasen. HOWARD B. NEAL, Deceased. Jordan Farms. Ph. 895-6056. 455-2124. of the auger, helps assure that kernels get a protective coating of ' PROBATE NO. 38457 PROBATE NO. 38432 --40* Grain Preservative. NOTICE OF PROBATEOFWILL, NOTICE OF PROBATEOFWILL, PRICE REDUCED WE HAVE HAVE FOIl SALE OIl IlENT For More Information Contact Your Local FS Farm Salesman blmu t -- z.11ml Oallow -- 451-1511 Get Fast Starts and Sure Winter Protection * Check and rotate tires * Check and adjust brakes * Test and service battery * Check all lights * Check oil and air filter * Check andclean spark plugs * Check. points and distributor * Check muffler and tail pipe * Check tie rods * Check steering * Check windshield wipers PLUS * Safety-Warranty Lubrication. * Oil change to Skelly Supreme Motor Oil (5 qts.) and filter. * Drain and flush cooling system and add ~eIly Pre- mium Anti-Freeze (10 quarts) SEE US FOR ALL QUALITY PETROLEUM PRODUCTS AND SERVICES! Lange's Skelly Service Highways 30 and 1 Phone 895-9/58 Mt Vernon, Iowa Exporienced serv/ e you can trust! / OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO C R EDITO RS TO ALL PERY~)NSINTERESTED IN THE ESTATE OF Joseph Svec Deceased: You are hereby notified that on the 28th day of September, 1972, the last will and testament of Joseph Svec deceased bearing date of the llth day of April 1967, was admitted to probate in the above court and thatMarie Svec was appointed executor of said estate Notice is further giventhat any action to set aside said will must be brought In the district court of said county within one year from the date of second publica- tion of this notice, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to said es- tate are requested to make im- mediate payment to the under- signed, and creditors having claims against said estate shall file them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenti- cated, for allowance; and unless so filed within six months from the second publication of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) such claim shall there- after be forever barred. Dated this 28th day of Sept- ember, 1972. Marie Svec Executor of said Estate Mount Vernon, IoWa R.B. Wolfe Attorney for said Executor Mount Vernon, Iowa Date of second publication 12th day 1972. OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO ALL PERSONSINTERESTED IN THE ESTATE OF Howard B. Neal Deceased: You are hereby notified that on the 21st day of September, 1972, the last will and testament of Howard B. Neal deceased bear.- h~g date of the 17th day of Sept- ember 1955, was admittedtopro- bate in the above court and that James H. Neal was appointed executor of said estate. Notice is further giventhat any action to set aside said will must be brought in the district court of said county within one year from the date of the second pub- lication of this notice, or there- after be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immedi- ate payment to the undersigned and creditor s having claim s against said estate shall file them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provid- ed by law, duly authenticated~ for allowance; and unless so filed within sixmonths fromthe second publlcatio|~ of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) such claim shall thereafter beforever barred. Dated this 21st day of Septemb- er, 1972. James H. Neal Executor of said Estate Des Moines~Iowa 50310 Arthur R, Kudart Attorney for said Executor Mount Vernon, Iowa Date of second publication 5th day of 1972. WORK AFTER school. Write Box 306, Lisbon. --40 FOR RENT SLEEPING ROOMS by the week. Thrift Motel, Ph. 455- 2908. --40* LARGE TWO-bedroom apart- ment, partially furnished in new building. Completely air condi- tioned. Reasonable. Available Nov. 1. 718 Seventh Ave. N Ph. 895-8963. --40-41" FOR RENT: Small house in Lisbon; ideal for single person. Call 895-6234. --40 FURNISHED SHARP two-room kitchenette apt new appliances and carpet, bills paid. Thrift Motel, 455-2908. --40* CLEAN LARGE three-room upper apt closets and storage space, heat, refrigerator and stove, private entrance and bath, $95. Ph. Lisbon, 455-2416. --38-40 Owner far west. home in A-l tiful carpet wood floors up, large ced, close to Owner Contractor BOWMAN Frank Car ~b~eTl Lisbon 455-7~ Roy Mt. Vernon G.E. WASHER bed set complete; blankets, and house, daisy men's clothes. 8061. CHADEK TIRE acquainted offer A~ eye discount on 214 E. Benton, 4244. Techau & Co. Realtors take pleasure in introducing Laurine Ely as of their staff. Laurine is a homeowner in will be happy to assist you with your real estate If you are thinking of buying or selling pleaSe c for her friendly and competent assistance. Residence 895-8974 Office 362-1181