National Sponsors
October 7, 1898 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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vm. oroo *o.+r.e,o+r.ndOr OOr+ '0WA "0R+N 00+S*" o O 0PP' O +II+*R
IIWII F IIIN of this city, was elected in his place
--A= =:n *to
A/lffl 0LI]t|IIII! oov Drake gave $1,000 to Mrs. Matilda 'l~ouble Over the Loesttlon of the Nearly 1,000,000 worth of patent F ~ tl to lWAe Demoerstts *re Lettinff Go 01
B. Carse, who came to the convention ~. ." .~-- -* "~ + - . State Line Revived by MII medicines are exported from the Find St SnbmUtate for Free the Cumbersonle Cheap
to raise funds to enable the Women's ~r. Arthur laawiey was arrestea in snarl and Iowst Men United Kingdom each year. Silver. Money Plunk.
Wi'" "" Christian Temperance union to re- ~;e~:~re;d~:h n aif:arsgl~e cIlap:=~u~ye - Eight churches have stood on the
11 ~ot Call the Iowa tain possession of the Women's Temple swore in a ~'etition Ior" " flivorce tnat ne When the co----'~- ~,~,~,-o,~, =vp,-.=u:-*-a .j~ - site of' S++ Paul. . s caihedral. The first The democrats are pushing, war is- The simultaneous re. pudiation of sil-.
Ire Together, There office building in Chicago P +h + ^, +k^ TT :*.~ ~.~+.~ one was buffet in the year 223 sues to the front in their state and ver by the Connecticut democratio
nacL been a remaent at ~:tamllton court .-~ ~.-v-~ ~ ut~ ~& ~ ~u,tcu otat ~ " ' n " " ~ "
" " ]'~er+ ~eek 9 000 000 o.'~+ re co gresmonal campaigns Nearly stateconventionand byBrooks ~dams,
N0 1" Cauue of a FaiLure. tv 13 -'ears whereas he had occuniedto resurvey ann relocate the oounaary u, d +, ,+'~.~ o . + +
uemand fo, It. The recent failure of the New Eng- ~uartgrs from 1892 to 1898 in theXia- line between the states of iowa and +wallowed by the people of London. :3:i~t:;m:::~:~Comnt:t::~::::::tineh?: er.fO:~::vMtassacthUeSdttsBrya~itelead-
land Loan & Trust company, which sonic tem'qe, Chica"o It is claimed Missouri at the disputed point, four Italf the shells are used for asphalt g,hat emocra ic party
was organized in this city nearly t~0 v ~- " - miles west of L:-^-'n+ .+no. ,~a it~q t+avin~ the annexation policy of PresidentMc- east of the Alleghenies has forever
.~lrs Jaawley secures separate main- ,~=+,=,-~r w-- .-. ~ Kin" ' - "
10LU HAVE B:EM 10O GREAT years ag?. but now has its main office " icy s aumlmstration. ,n ~ew orol~en wttn the sixteen to one folly
tenance in Chicago and $50 a month believed the trouble that had been go- In Switzerland, the Lld+orad~ of H m "
in New York city, was not due in any a psnire the democratic convention in the ~onnecticut convention there
~Hmnnv ++,~m'~'l +.~a++h'~+ ~--e'+h'~ + +,lno '~" .m ert~sm.~ . lag on tar za +years nag been settles v olneu s emanclnatlon, tnere are amy . " . .
way to its Iowa business, but was " declares against the acamsltlon of was a souare fight made on the sixteen
bill for divorce was thrown out of the :or au time to come. Becent oeveiop- 23 wo~nen actuany enga~e(l In nxeoicat ~ ,~ y
ralvai in Des Moineu--At- caused by the ruinous depreciation of Cook county court meats, however, prove that such ispractice, all ~he others having left the any terrl,~.ory except :or coai)ng aug ~o one issue An out anu out gain man
- -- . naval stations. The same neciaration was nominated Ior governor, and the
'emD:MeKlnley--Chanee to values of real estate in Omaha Sioux not tne case. protession.
Howard Mo ' ~'a S made in the Iowa convention The attempt of the silver faction to secure
'resident-.The Corn Crop--. City, Kansas City, Salt Lake, Lincoln, Lived Over a Century. ore, at ~ercer county, It is said tnat llriti.n farmers anu - '
d [ r 1 .'~iLI, ~IIILL 1iJlam J.VL~t~a~ a*aaaLl, v2 t~t; g l
Visit the State Agrieul- Dallas and other "boomed" cities, on Alexan er MclX illan, a es'dent of +'~- --~ -,:-. ~+r $~:" w + +Jairymen are to-flay '+ milking" over ~lissouri convention declared against a reaffirmation of the Cbica o fiat-
catur count-- - ~- ~ ~ ~ ~, . ~m . tne annexation oI tne Mnitippines or tara was overwhelmingly oeaten
lele at A]ne~. which loans had been made. I' onpay-Sioux City for five years, died at the $, WaG nave o tuseu a. the 4<)00 000 cows, ann prooucing- in their + "
tal ~ ing property ++'as left on the company's - - - trouble ann ex"ense to the two state- -' ' '. .+ . other territory it] tne eastern hem- annul tne same time xnat tne con-
age of l03 years, xiewasoornin~vmry- v ~, Oairies 32000000 worth at mi/R anu . . . ~,
-~ UOrrespondence.] hands and was not worth the amounts are a~,aiu at their old wran~lin~" and ~" . ', ' ~.spnere n ~ermont the convention neeticut oemoerats were overtnrow-
Inns, duly a, iT'Ja, Jocaxea in uanaua in .~s s ~ Duller aim cheese o ose': "he "is 1 ' li +i olic " in -- i't +
s, .Ia,Oct. 3.~.Noextra~es- loaned. The officers of the company in width + .^^. +^ o^. ~a +," +~' the renuhliean t)artv. In Ohio the Brooks Adams, one of the best known
~gisiature will be called by say they could have no better asset~ his youth and w~ent to Dakota county, fighting. This strip of land, varying ]~mile :Xrton of Pan'lma notoriet~" pp a t t ema,st c p y at g the s l 'er eLemen~ at their party ,
~eo attcr the civil war. lie live(1 ""~ so zee~ tu u, ~ seems t~)bc underffoingan amelhorated d-- " ~, ",X . ,~ . . .~ +~ +
or.the purpose of passing than the farm loans which constituted +~. +'~ ~ -em^vod to m; Pit~, a nttJe over two miles long has been . . emocrats uec~areu tnat ~ney ulu not o~ the av,ag ravaGers o e ~rea~
ere und, ,e o.~ .~ a . '. ' . form of punishment for his misdeeds ~ n" ~" Phili d " i
+~ the soldiers in Iowa regi- their business in Iowa. ~ ~,~ ~, o a greater expense ana cause(/ more ~.+ ' a ~ the ppmes annexeu unaer 2~ ares ram ly, ,+-as oecmmng that the
IO lIVe V l(n 111~ uatlglltel-, ~,rtl's. OLl~all t" ~[~ was sentenced to serve -: "~-m in
[e in camp. There has been The Corn Cro-- ~---"^- ~^ ~ :~"~'^~'+ trouble to the two states mentioned c . u~s t ec eny conditions, silver issue was forever dead in this
ouovue3. ne ie~.vo,~v.~.uc.~oic Vlup- . the central prison at Me!un. He is, . ~,
for it and the governor " "" n ~r =. tr,~+u . few months b-fore hi* than any other matter of a like char- On the other hand, the republican country, the part of the
ttati^-' ' The most conservative reports o a~.+~ t.e was as active ~hvsicallv and deter in the history of these states ' convention in California declared that Adams matter is not that he has aban-
theU~ concJuo, eo tna~ tne the Iowa corn crop received here by+-+J " " nevertl~eJcss comtortamyuommnealn
u ~ ~" F ~' a the nOspltat Ot ~t I~OUlS, l'arls, where
mentally as a man of 50 years The commission remarked and re. he has'as ~ecial chamber and a arden, national welfare demanded the retch- doned the silver cause, but that he
eleefltra session an~ the the Iowa weather and crop service and " located the old Hendershott-Minor "" " r~he' - +t~ best 'g tionof the Philippines, TheVermont ever embraced it. The only booksor
aTM [lons.tnat.~'ouio nave from other observers indicate that the
' "b" to nil ieglsiaz~ve ca- Dr. DanlelFound. survey of 1851, made their renort tc amlwne smogest e c~ga~s convention opposed the surrender to tracts of any ability ever printed on
)re a yield will be about 80 per cent. o~ the
specla~ sessmn coum + "fie ver 30 bushels Dr, J. A. Daniel, Davenport's miss- the supreme court, which was ap Russ!a ~s experimen, tang ~vlth giant Spanish misrule of any territory now the silver side were written by Adams.
uld average crop, or a trl o
,~earcnltghts manured in Dalloon~ aUG ~IlS dv c,
oe too great ior tne ir state Mr ,ng physician, was found in the out- proved December 4, 1800, and the com. ' " . or hereafter acquired. The Colorado " a oeaey of silvcrism in 1896 ~ave
'h tler acre ior tne eat e
governor has recelve~;. ser~ic skirts of the city suffering from ex- misslon was discharged. Moore no~ co.nta[nmg electric b ttrners conneetect republicans declared unqualifiedly in a semblance of solidity and respect-
from ~age, utrector o~ tne crop e,
soarers or memoers . l ims tha i w~th d3namos upon tnc grouno "xne ear o )in e e ability tO the sixteen to one fraud such
whose estimates are always conserva-posure and showing evidences of hay- c a t McLaughlin s more tha~ . " fa f keel" g forever in plac th " "
' eld a foot over th rder and has or mrgest ~tnese3etrep rteuis f5,000 Ames fla en as t did not get from any other sourct
~ture tar a special session. .ng wandered through fi s wet with e bo ; ~* ' . "can g wherever it has be ' " + ~.
bee t~ve, is lncllneu toplace a mgner estl-
a caueo ne woul l nave rains and heavy dew. His whereabouts, dered him to move back. The lattercandle power. At a distance of only unfurled. Ohio approved the presi- This repudiation of silver by the
~d mate upon the y~eld, and thinks it will
sIsts t 600 ard.~ above the earth, it will it,s
iiff:~at the statepay In: run over 30 bushels, but other observ- for 32 hours still remain a mystery, per" hat his fence is exactly on . y s " "" ii '" dents policy Illinois declared that ea tern democrats is,of course, of na-
enceoetween the eg - " k '" ill:He had shaved his mustache off. He is the line marked by the commission, l u.minate a circular area 500 yaros in the United States should hold such tional significance. Connecticut's ac-
of ~ " ors with less lnlormatlon thin It W
~ta 60 a montn anu ~ne apparently suffering from mental ab- and he does not propose to budge an aiameter to tile brightness o~ the day. possessions in the conquered territory tion will probably be followed by the
rd " not De so goou Decause oI ory weatner.
pay of $1.50a day for the . erration, inch. The past has demonstrated the Au extraordinary piece of hick haa ss would be advantageous to its inter- New York democrat~ in their state
'rein-cam m" ~am'~ -.~le~ln- ~ne iarmers, nowever. were never ~.n a -- stubborn and determlned qualities of ease to a miner at Usworth colliery, ests in time of war and hence. +New convention. A strong attempt has
b " P - "p .~ better general condition. Nocrophss Deed of a Jealous Man. the two men, and aa they now have nearSouthend, It appears that a mat+ ] ttamoshire declared in favor of ~uch beenmadeby'theBryanites roger the
elng mustereu in. "lnls r
each soldier under the first suffered a severe ln~ury anti all a c James Raymond was stabbed and al-I~o recourse to law, ,the final act in tress was bought some 12 years ~go ] disposition o~ the ~'hi!ippines aswould A+ew York democrats to indorse the
$30, and would cost the fairly good, with prices better thau
$75,000 This recommends last year. Fall work is also well ad- most instantly killed by Jacob N, this great controve~y is looked for ~rom a person who had bought it sec- extinguish the sovereignty of Snain money plank of their party's platform
Moyers at the latter's boarding house at any time, and the ~eople are watch- and han~, the price paid being6s The I and make ~rood our obligations to+the of 1896. This object sent ex-Gov. Stone,
~bablv'be made to the le~" vanced and the farmers will be better in Oskaloosa. Mayors was insanely,lug the outcome wit~ interest, mattress was recently discarded, and I peoples of ~hese islandsf New Jersey of Missouri, on his recent eastern pU-
G prepared for ~anter than they some
.'n it tneets in regular ses- "' " jealous of Raymond, who had been -- ~ -- pu,t outside the house. Recently, how- I declared emnhaticall, in favor of the grimage Stone, as well as Bryan and
overattentive to Mrs, Mayors. The t AN OLD SWINDLE. ever, a string was observed t,o be hang- I expansion uGlier ofJthe administra- all the other silver chieftains, feel that
lry, 1900. Anothermeasure times are. r~MWe::~::t:ue" ~n'gatboY~lae~a tt~r-::SdSi:we'::udt%:tt~n- ts~nke a::plshiiivNe?;
the soldiers which the gay- Farmers at Ames.
dig recommend was to ex- Another opportunity has been given ~u;b:~d:o?nd tsh3fl~::ntsaul:d:g~nRt:: ~he:kesJ:;l~; g York convention ~eSwH~e:rkf'c::vf:na~?:n fit wthll :,mt3gO
from the obligation to ac- the farmers to visit the state agricul- sand was stabbed. . I ~,~ng 120 10s. in gold. I At fir * there : -- m'i~+t-'atio-- --- chance tn the national gathering in
Iothin- ~-elon'-in~" to the *ural college and government expert- -- ] in Various PIstees. ~ ] the -a 7~-" ~he ~' "-'~*~'~"man ~'+vu 1900. If New York's democracy re-
g u . ~ s -ar~ sent station at Ames and see what is * "deeek at arnivstls. MANILA'S PATRON SAINT. v r~; o~ ~ ~emocrauc agers~ fuses ~o s action
onttney wore wnen tney s~ t-ceing" uone Ior the tarmers ann tneLr October 3 to 8 ill a week of carnivals" I A fellow giving' the name of Charles ] to grapple with' the war issue, The m ~ a the democratic
Caml~MeKlnley ~onsand daughters. The college peo-forIowa Three important events arel Knop is working an old swindling game ,t Franelsthe Tearful--TheStranl~ +ampalgn on land and sea was so sue- e~?::ePa~s~nw~il?: ,+~t+ .nostate,n tone
~pline at Cam'-" McKin ple always devote themselves to show-+ schedule~l, for the ,~eriod, Sent om Sed ] on the merchants in the vicinty of Co- " Le+end Connected with cessful and the results so great that f .+ ~ accept ~t, anu tn!s w;l~
r e " 4 sa e orce tts aoanaonment t)y ~ne nationa~
carnival at Des Moines, Mondamin I dar Rapids very successfully. Forging HI~ ImstMe ] th y could not, as in 186,y that th democrac- ~- Y-~--" "" "
~een greatly Vimproved: ing their visitors what the)" are doing carnival at Siou~ City and See Der ]a check for amounts from $35 to $45, war was a failure, But within recent i:to line ~'or~t~'' su"~K was wrapped
hose who went away in a practical direction. In the dairy }tabbies carnival at Cedar Ranids The he drops into a town and usually calls The patron saint'of the city of Ma- ~ weeks the yellow press campaign, on- 189~ bt ne. ppor~^o~sbver in
~ehave -~turned andmore department a room hasbeen fitted up r ' i w, lttnepturalityo~oo0against
~ r~ " " BLll.t~? in tnat " + Wli
Jet'ileal by Col Lambert to to give instruction in making butter combined attendance at the three car- Int a hardware store, where he nego- mila ~enerally is St FrancastheTear-tlargng on the horrorsof ar, haam- ++,o, ^u, +,~+h~+ ' -
n~valswillnrobablvh-~c~0a tiatesthesaleofast0ve,whichheorders fful---~an Francisco de las La~rimas /fluenced democrats to make the con- ~."Y~.~.""~T . .
~essarv dut:es'there The cn the farm, independent of cream- . ~ '~ ~" " ~ t o sue T o lmgnten the western an~ southern
Lpidly ~reco~:ering and are eries. It is estimated that 100,000,000 delivered the. following day giving the. A' the legend, an image, of ~ duc,f the war,+ an is . .he dean - u~mocrats "~ ~rom at~empun any suen
tome T deathshave oc- pounds of butter are made on the Wlll Not *eeept. street ano number, Vouching the in- ,this saint xn the house of a native at I crahc convention inConnectlcut made dis~+ v ~ ; +~ ~ g ~. ~
Rev. Thomas E. Green, of Cedar Rap- [ formation that ,he has Just moved to Dilao, near the capitM, was on one [th~ astonishing deciaration that,while T~:'l~:'~."~^~:*~ ~;~'~ "~'~.~=~
Past'wee~,:w au--d one or two farms of Iowa annually, and that this ids, has declined the election to be town He proffers the forged check In ovens'ion; when the city was in dan- U~the war had been & great success and ~v~:. ~=~'~ "." " ,:u --?~
OCcUr .~- - .fital ex butter sells only for ten cents a bishop of the Epla+opaldi~ ese+~Ibwa I payment for the sto,e, hoping to ~et ogler, see~ to weep SO C~iou+ly "that [ had brought new'h0nors to/+he Amer-w~'ew~?~cr~P~ :~a~:r~?Y~h~ as~t:.:
h . xne no+t :-
e Red ~ ~-^~,ital the pound, while if it was made right it
sanitartu~ eartVhe cam~ would bring 15 cents. The colIeg~ is because of the veilsd clmr=ge~tti~+have the di:~erence, which is from $15 to $25 ~anv ci~ths were moist+ned, while,icon people and fresh glory to their ele " r 1 "" '
'Y the ~r~mentand the trying to help the farmers save this been insinuated n{[ai~st ~+~y some tin cash. He tried his game In Cedar. ~-,th~0~ead h+aad~ tt for ,three l:~ag, the management of the war "has sen~t, ] ~o ~ tmeo::a'ilc~e-:;:e:~:te~:Y cs-
the lad|el of the Bed Cro~s $5,000,000 that they lose every year by of those who ~fu~.d tO make unant- ] ~pLda and Waterloo.recently, but in ,~iours +stance besought God s pity o+J:ehlned our exultation and brought ." . . + "
'cies,'es Moine~comfortshaVeandfUrnishedneces. nOtketablelnnderstandingbutter. Theh Wcollege has a wln-t maJ~e mar- ~UScohi:e:It~:#?/l ~?t the recent spc I ~i!~el: ?~:~::an~e~A~eli:?~::;ed ~+I~h:l ~ta~teenl~ =l~t~:~:~:ad~!i~s::fa:?~i~itah +~ ;ivl~:~i~::W~n~ ~i]ti~ii!by~a~na~dc?h ?i
es an cr o ter clair school for buttermakers, the
d have done a ~o d " Y + " " ' ' " ' "~ '+ ' * ' +' :~pl'O, ' ~ ' : every eastern state The free silver
No l~.xtrst 9esslon
cheeks at Maline, Ill Two checks, one oct of the cit~- and his ima~L ~' :] our h~story with incompetence and . . ". :
e nursing. This and the termbe|n fourweeks, begtnntngJan- Gov. Shaw has stated positively that U for $40 and the other f0r $45, drawnon ~no~ed totheFranctscanchurehwith~]venality~ I~,~l|tnols andmNewYork T ~. ~P Y' ~
mmissio ~n~n" e in~ary 23 + +coarse Is very inexpen- ",~t or ~n ~, t~ e+~ : ' . cause i~ no eiess in this eountr - "sa's
u ~tal ar " ~: : no extra session of the genexal abe [ c~e~k blanks of the Merchants' n~tion- ;n the' '~:a'ils;: wh+ex~ it ~ si;ee re.] the democrat~ are taking practically ~osepn l/. ~argenx, the ~ryanite eonai-
r Condttio. ,~ ,~r,~nc, all sive, for no'~h~!flo~ii~oharged, 0nlythe ~, Gate tar governor in uonnecucut in
~, ~ + sembly will be called to allow~the Iowa [ al bank of Cedar Rapids, arrived at~the ~,tned Th~ anniver~ar~ ~f ~tssa[~t ] the same pod!tiara Everywhere the ~ : ~;
be don~ +~- +~^ .~t ~+actual ex e~s~bfmSteFials.breaka e, " ~'~ th + " ' : ~ ~ ~ + * " o~u. ~argent has given up the silver
h " P " g soldiers ~lll in service out~ of e I bank from Faith forty.liver id nat~rail+v a ~eneral holtday ~T~il] ~ ~!has gone, out th~ dwell on the
, ere, janitor service, ere;, abolt ,$14 ~r v t :e aid ' ~ : " ~': ~ +' ;+ 3, *, :,~ ngnt, anu rne majority ot his support-
M. s ~one ~ "~ :<+ No Stmml~ ~t,'~+ :+, no oanalaate xor omee nag ester,Wttt~t~ tsaiaw~ai m~a~ ~+~ .~.~ ~he~ti~eetgo~Bit~nd~ +T~t l~pa~ ~orget me gmtae~ ot ~ -. .
' "+ ++ : : ' ++ ~ ~ - - - -. +. ~:~a~',i' -:] = + : ~,!; ",course. ~Iverlsm Is doomeu in tnia
sco to inspect t~i~-~~ ' The United state al ~te it. ",+ + ~- ".~, ,fat Falrmont ~~ndent ;{~e b~he~ ~'--i#bs and cro~q thewar; : ' L * " " ~ ~" " " "
,- : . ~'~ /. ; ' ,' ~,+* . country, an~ ~ryan, ~tone t~lano aria ,~
-+nt, vis/t his frie~ls ,nd commissioner has hel~I that non|h,- '+ *++ (~,~. I-----e' :+i~' ~ It h: ~eck" T t0 t~++wide boUl~Pd+]' the:same the rest of the fanatics will discover " /
3elates an br
!. d ing ~me tionp~ef0t, ttate;eo~gretmtonalbr it will requl~ at';lel; . n " ' ~:;/{!lree ::sld~of t h~]~a:z~e:m ~t~=ttxat taeY mao ;;~;[thlstruthlongbefore theconventton
t: sick before the re'meat co,~n~:~s'do not req~ttte revenue
~r to Manila or IIo~o]ulu. ,~g~i Anything pertaining tO the county the o ~ ~.~++? ;Pa~++, : +/ ~+.~.+~]~a ~he ~A~traey 'wilt not deliberately throw the ''"
ors of bad R~t~rvter.~r+~#~ :-. ~ =~h~ne~.~a~te~'~+e.J~ ~,~+~:~" +' -- ~+:]:::~ :'~$aid~: ~t~da~li~'a~*' a ~mpalg~ Wllet~'tl~e*~g~eatl~s |w~01e 0f the eastern ~roun of states
ram either the Forty-ninth, missioner says, is exempt from tax~ ~'iev~ ~oomm~; ~:~iit~:<,~+i'~l~:t~i~r:-we~~$)'ln,::~*::h~al~ llano the repubti'can eo~umntwo years :+~
sonville, or the Fi[ty~S~ .ti~n~th~ g0vernmelii)''~ + ) C~-~t~ ~0 t. :,~ led si k l t~e um0:n cause ~e~. ea|henve, as they did two years ago. They :m~
,lily first, POrte++,~ m +o.~+~ the s~e~l ++:++,a ~+"" + W++m++m+. +i V~:]+ l';~*e+tahst ? ~ tt ~ eh elL7 :ld ~ rn jio~2:: -::+
'. on furl~rngh,+'d ": 41:' ~ =~ ~nVa+ ++~+ ' '. j' + " : ++ ' +~+ + + "" ++V+ + : L +> "+ "~" +e ~pper M|s~a-:'~+"'-2~+~+?' t ~:' ~ + 't :+,7 e+"+ + .:.a~za.~able'~ ;~]. ~:,~mu .~hoasan~s, ~:=for a eesaatl0n++t |e olleg 1 anti estimates oases on recelnts to Tro has ex erienced one of the
~oat pr0sperouslthe woman has become mentally un, after trn lllne~ o but a -,on the llfe o +,of nt ,I I: risoner---Please, --our worsnln, two, . -- l Y ' P
" lded In favor of the defendant ~ ~ f = ! ~eptemncr 15 give the customs revenue/Chicaeo latform meetin s which il.