National Sponsors
October 7, 1898 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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October 7, 1898 |
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i ii i i i i ii i i iiii i
Hdditional Local
--Mrs. C. A. Wagoner of Toledo, was Ristine discussed the work of ]k(rs. +~
a Thursday arrival for a few days' visit [ l/;mma Little Main '~ in China; Pro ~t
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. lessor W. H. Norton that of W. E.
Smith. Mrs. Smith is also -ntertaming Manly '90 and Fh)rence 5i. Brown,
her sister, Mrs. Laura Nicholsonof blanly'9oat Chung King, China; l'ro-
Madison, Nebr. fessor [1.11. Freer that of Rev. E. E.
,I Wilson and Mary Webb Wilson '91 in
James l'avelk!t, who has been a/Chih, also that of l(ev. lL B Keester
familiar figure at Cough's corner score [ ,qv and' his wife Ann'~a ]{tt,un~"' ",l,n ~ ; ut=c++-
for a nllmber of years all(1 WhO has e co "+ d ~'~ " ;~' ~' *'"*'~'+'~
greeted the majority of our lie Guatemala I{eferetme'wds made by
friends and customers among whom I the leader Miss Wardle to Miss Ient
is wellandfavorablyknown was mar-, : " ~ -- A large line of Fur Collarettes
.', I mayer s iUlAlre IlelU aliQ 0 Lfle (lepar[-
rind W dnesday afternoon .el 5th, to, ,- - l-[eTrlglators L;l'leap
' [ ut~ ~) *vIISS .~. vi. JaanlelS ~2 tor work
Miss Flla . Barta, a memner, or one Or *in la-an'p' also to that of F. W Manl' y
the promment Bohemmn famflms hv-['95 for tha k'~,mm~ ,m~i ~ao ~rom ~3.oo up.
" " it orlmod alon and
mg m t! e nmgU g INmety have been enrolled in the Mis+ Cream Freezers Cheap
south or ueUarandmostgrOmof thetrnumber' acquamtancesriVeram ng ,u,n +nethetr "andmenus" t)rme the-1" S'~'' '~'. ~l -lie 'r''+'t~u~+resentn'+"+"tern,"" o oo,satp o, Gasoline Stoves Cheap Cotton Blankets
wedding was one of the most important l R+~v llr Sf, nnt'] ~-rogeh~d nt the T,i,~n
- od ', . rom cents up.
social events of that nelghborno
, ~, I Grove M. E. church Sunday afternoon,
I~lally out of town guesIss being present. I whoro ,A gori+~g of int~romtin~r rtaviwol
Mr I'avelka had already nrovided a I meetings l~av'e-beTen "hel~a+in'-c'harg'e'o"f Ladi es Te n n i s N Igh t Dresses
pmasan~ nvme the I euoycor~ propersy I t+,v m,~ A ~aa,a-- ,~ t++al~,
on South Wasl~ington St. recently pur- [ +m" V
chased, and the happy couple are get- [ y M ~; A At the Y ~ +' ~ 80 cents and Up.
ring settling. / meeting Tl~ursday evening Mr. Bian-
l oy EIlison, who has been cashier |char, a new student from Osage |,re- mh~r~ ~T H~rri
for the A,nerican Express Company at [settted the great poss,bihties of eltris- Children's Tennis Night Dresses
Bloomingtim I11 has performect his[tian effort in tim Philippine lslands
duties with such intelle~ence and [ while Mr. Potter of Clinton, discussed ,mAA~ l~',L ~J
ability thathe is recognized by the [similar opportunitms for missionaryi
company's ofllcials as one of their most [effort in Cuba and Porto Rico. The
competent employees. This was quite[boys have at, increasedandattendance atlmuch inter- Finest Line of Ladies Unde
graphically illustrated recently by his t their weekly meetings I rsk,; rts
being ordered to Decatur where the lest is shown by the new students.
work had proven too much for the/ -- I in this Section
cashier he succeeded, all of which is [ Dr. Kynett reports that while the I
emphasized bv the incident of the]church extension receipts have been l
agents at both'places being most de-/affected by the hard times of the pastI Take your watch, clo~'-"'-~'ry~uuae~e~ I l'~l----'--~~lf~ --I
sirens to retain his services and mak- I tew years yet ~r.s stances are in a senna I
ing a fight with, the superintendent for |healthy condition and its credit has I repairs to Smith the Jeweler and [ ~IIIlXUII~/ILI,~IIL, [
them. While Roy" just at present ] been so httle used that it is in every I Optician next door to Butterfields. .-I t " . ~" n ~ J r'~
does not know exactly "where he is at" way lirst class. ['he society is doing, a
n/grand work fur the church and natron. - New Process Laundry, tIorton & l and [ m an use m e 11 n~ el IVl/:tLl~ 1.$F 5 5
Ky e, agents. I I r"~w --
news of which is received among many ] I oAure you wearing glasses suited to [ ] ~KI F~S,
friends hereat the old home town with [much interest and the attgmented con- [ t ounc,l- " Proceedmgs" " IlY ur eyes, if not you should consnltl 0STEOPATItlC 1
fidence that he will continue to win / Council met in special session Friday l Smithtbe Opt e!a.n. . . . [ I (Joss Kirt - nester ones up to $5.oo.
h n r and distinguish himself with /evening' ~ept" 30' May r U rmly in I *~ rt n "~ ~yie' agents r r ~ew / t
credit in the duties of a most arduous ] chair. MemOers present,:Leigh, Butter-n Process Laundry. Bring your laundry
profession. [field, W1llix, tierricg and l~istine. Monday or Tuesday or we will have one F HY IOI N MaW an l W~,~,~o
- [ Mason absent. I oI~ our canvassers call for it. ] [ * '~ ,~,~ja v ~ a a ~.~ ~. ~t aL~.I,j~ O
Notice to Owners of Dogs. [ Upon motion the following bills[ RemexFountaln Pen, first-class and[ [ ~'P'xJ" I'~v ~,4-,'3;t'~
/ were read and allowed" only $1.00 at Book Store of W. G,[ g,l~ ~ g.41 tLC~tl i I u.~
The Town Clerk is now, suppnea I 8 Pedal co " ''"lo e' [r~n w.~ a ~= ,=v ~.o~ I
' ~' " ra .A. B. IIartle Y rt, mason work $33a;
- -. c ;--, . w r. + ' ltwe~'X'f'''''ntv ,ve ear ex ertence ,n"'s~'~+E~+~. -"'~ ~hd
with taffsforthe hcenstngand regret -[ v '" """" "'"'"'""" "'+ " I Elegant Lace Curtains $t.oo pair and up. Good Size.
tion of dogs as required by the ()rut- / ~, h*. ++ "5 ",
~. . - . l tJaltlU,v *or uama, g~ pal~ [0 mr,
nanee All parties mterested will call ]. ) o harn and e.rr, g') u+ A I Y" Y P
" n one ~edr~wt ess |llPl llll|J[rlatldtagnosts of disease. He is al .
on the Clerk and seeurehee se at c,~,l~aRin ~nmnetr ~,~i,~ +, t ~1
+ o c est m| ml HIIlUVPK [thorough Osteopath and cmrop . -/Ladie8 Wranners In alice ana
T. A. GOnMLY, mayor. [ well $4 40 n
/ On motion by tterrick and seconded V V m 1 V V I[ l- 1 I [tic. Acknowledged by those com-] v r-" (~
Church Announcements. ,theDiliofA. Meakin be laid on thel LTV~]~ V Ipetentt Judget l+e ne fthem stJ lann=l tie.
I'I{ESBYTERIAN [ table. Motion lost, skilled operators in th~ field. With F k~ e
[ Moved by Butteriield and seconded [ .-.-+ --- -- ~--. ~, ---. . - "
Services conuuc~ea ny the pastor as / that the bli]Aof A Meal~in tor $7 60 he l [this om~lnatlon he [ Best Styles and Qualltms ever shown for prme.
usual. The time for evening service / ~n,o,n t,~ .~a an "~,i,~ ' I
he wi rqnest ana tsest Kept up,CURES AFTER ALL OTHERS [
has been changed to t nter hour of,Mnv~d hv rand a~emd~] thmt I
7 o'clock. '.Popies "Religiona.nd Moral-[ E.'i~;no"~" be "~i'low~c~ $-2"~()0-pe-r "da-Yl rigS in Town. / HAVE FAILED I
ity, ,Calhng thmgs ny ,netr wrong/while working on water tank t0wer. I th ' ~ ~
names. [ Carried. [ Fourtcmn PassengerCarrya ! forPl .[ aSwill e hundreds of patientsHe treatedis
t, . oldest, most experienced and suc-
+ ~ 1 Fremont Turner make a water guage I [ /c.essful
l)r tl O trait w]l, n i ~ne ~ ~ u Passcngerstakentothecoun- Osteopath tn this section of [ bv[ rvlnlnff In I|rv [lq
. . . .[tobeplacedontank, indicatingn mber l tr-" and surroundin-
,)" g J.~V~JI, Iv JI.JI, JL JUI, JL JLJi, Jl.~ JL ~ldk k~7
putpi~ next Sunday morning an(1 even-/.f f r .P +.t i t;.r.i.d I. town. [the country. Cell and !~ convinced. I ~ 0 J
ing. In the Auditorium in the morn- I
ing and in the evenln~ at the church. [ r"~'~(]~lerk '~Y'~ay~r'] We Will Be r " CON8ULTATION ABSOLUTELY FREE, [
. ~ ] Council met in" regular session 0ct~]
' 14 with Mayor Gormly is, alaair andltor~aMvetrtalorders Wrlteforllt+rature. Otvel~tstory[/ . ~I~ ~I~ ~I~
~ornen s ura~or]u ou~;,+~ . |members all present,tomers, whomitwi' your case. Correspondence an-J
Arrangements are now being made
I. On motion and seconded the follow- [
for the organization of a I~r manent Dug hills we'e read and allowed: I deav r bY swered pr mptly" + / r l
vocal so~iety ++ in Mt.Vernon. This| Uhas. Kmmer, w,terworks,4.00;M.l pern IP[RM,N[NTLYL0C'T[I}[IN ,u ~ t>iTTIF|t I:l+++
socioty will take Up thohJgher forms of ]L. Shantz, wrench .50: (~o. Y [OWIoy, |
Cantata and Oratorio work and the in-],night watch and kerosene $i~.~;T. A. [ IIAMBL[ BAH +, CEOAR RAPiO$, IA. [ n i g r, ! ! 'n
dieations are that a very large and en-/Germly, Express charges $2.~J;+:W. E.[ / R00a a ~,t~ ~roc~, / II It], as 1 = aa, x. +J
thusiastic club will be formed. The|(;,ambie, cement" D. ml:: HOTEL'I " '
hope rm~+ ~en expressed that the first/lumber (town) $17.57; D~ -L. t-
musical work of the season will be the ] ber (waterworks) $2"25.59; E [ ~ ~ ~i
'%wan and Skylarg by A. Goring|nails ,(waterworks) $2.65; ~t Ctrie[
Thomas, the noted French writer. [Light Co. ~eptemher $108.32; ER~trt0] '~" ~ "~ +
This cantata was given not long ago |Light Co. chauging ligh~ $1.7~;,B, 8.|
at ' Albi n C llege' with PrP am r |811~rling' wat'rw rks Sga~9; E'I~ Quild I ~ 4~~I~ ~
Adams as conductor, and a m6st "en- ]boar~ting tramps '95, $3.25; Gord Hess+ ~
thusiastic reception was accorded the/street work $8.75; R. J. Alexahder|
entire performance. Tke plans for the [street work $34.12; R. J. Alegal~der,[ [
organization of the Corneil society in- iwaterworks $11.25; T. J. Baird, v/ater-|
clude a system of entraace examiua- tworks $24.30; New York Belting and|
lions and an admission fee for perma-/Packing (3 o. 2 special connections| T
uent membership. |$8.00; N. Y. Belting and Packing Co |
The examinations for this term will|for hose cart and 800 feet of hose
be given to-morrow (Sat.) 9:30 to 12 a./5600.00; R. Braumont, for valves and
m. and Monday afternoon at 2:20 to 4:00 |sundries $42.63; National Tube Works
College Chapel. It IS hopes that the|Co, well casing $1177.
music loving people of Mr. Vernon will,Moved hy Herrjck and seconded that
avail themselves of this opportunity |the J, E. Colton bill tmlaidon thetable.
for first-class oratorio work. ]Carried. ,
+ [ Moved by Willix and secouded that
M -- |the Chas. Kramer bill of $3004 bo
E. Church Notes. |reduced to $24.00. Carried.
~" ~ "= - " ""'~ the bill of A. L. Beard be laid on the
of the M. E. church Monday evening,/
~aDJe to Investigate wnemer ne was
the foilowmg lmt of oflmtals was select-
name tor poll tax. uarrmu
ed for the commg conference year.]
Tru,too~ ~ R |~i~tiIl~ tV R ]k~+nn~nn,IELOVe(1 ny )VIIIIX ana secon(lea chat
'- --X~ -[l- Nori~)n' "Dr -A-"'W |A. D. Cook bill for s earn pump be paid
~err-man H D uutterfield'/m full less the expenses paid by the
~ " " "~",' town Carried
E. 13. Wllhx, W. M, ~mlth,| ";W" ~ l A ~
M ]~ Ricvhv W M ~re / Moved by WllIIX allo seconaed that
~+ a= ~" w "~"~,~,"A ~+-,~111-~W" "the bill of John L. Simonds be laid on
~; ~ """ ,"' the table Carried " r First Fall .Announcement with feehng of deep
I ower, J. B. i{obmson, Gee. " " Make Ou
lI Belts, J E Iiarian, tI Moved hy xihx and seconded that
GS. Ke,+[er'Simnson~'(3~ l'tSmitl(.Kenler, T'. onthetable.bill of Carried. I~ isher Governor Co be laid ~ gratitute to our frnends for thenr liberal patronage during the past
'CO . tX:rTEES " Moved by yillix and seconded that season. We open the Fall Season wnth the choicest stock of
~,+o~,o ~v u ~; "~, t+ I{l=~+,~ the report of City Weigher be accepted
~.o a,h t- and placed on tile. Carried.
" ;.f"~':Y''-. Moved by Wiltix and seconded that
Temperance--w. it. ~or~;on, 2~lrs. +he Fino,~,~ ~ ~,~it~,~ ~re a de
,':; 7 "Y, V".':Z " ~'Y~" tailed statement of the cost of water-
PA(lUCaLIon--~V ~. l~Dersole, k w i eller-
" ' ' il works systemand lmve ltprmtedlnthe { il
son, xkmaIl(la ~ nlM~lngl;o 9
weekly newspaper ~arrlea
unurcn I~xtenslon " "
n " "" -- h W G Moved by W]lhx and seconded that
dr; A. t/ore g, d. H. ~eec," the Council as a body visit the side-
Sundalv~W~ols walks as petitioned by R.C. Walter,
~ -7 --lice F "" and report at next regular meeting
d. F. uats, ~rs. A ellOWS, -
,- 'Rigby, Mrs. "" --'.~ic~plOnm8 "'s ~rnm% ti n and seconded that the
J racts ~lrs 1' ~,~Ylr,
-- " ' "Council meet at 7:30 o clock in the
Webb, Miss Ellis.
Freedmen's Aid and 8, S. Educational
~ociety--J. S. Smith, T. B. Kepler.
lt. D. Butterfield.
Church Records--W. G. Power, E. R.
. l{istine.
Parsonages and Furniture
blrs. J. S. McIntyre, Mrs. T. S.
Kepler, Mrs. Martin Rigby, Mrs.
J. B Robmson, Mrs. W. B, Mun-
Church Music--W. It. Norton, John I.
Wade, tt. H. Rood.
Estimating Pastor's ~alary--
J. B. Robinson, J. EL IIarlan, G.
W. Young, E. B. Willix, W. G.
Es Amating for Conference Claimants--
G. W. Young, T. S. Kepler, E. D.
District Steward--W. G. Power.
Class Leaders--Dr. T. ~. Kepler, W. B.
Munson, Mrs. Alice
Fellows Rigby, Mrs. L.
Dr. Stuntz delivered an eloquent ad-
dress at the M. E. church Sunday eve
on the topic "Render to God the things
that are God's" and as a result of iris
powerful appeal two persons arose for
~ ~ N G,At the close of the Thursday evening
~1 Methodist prayer-meeting, Dr, ~qchol-
sot] expressed the gratification of the
congregation over the successful work
+ Part ot h~s
~p~~'t~i~'eec:~n of the conference year, the unanimous
r lO . . ;
~ ~ ~dl~g Min.n.e- approval of the church of the work of
Lo~t[it-~a~ et.c.' .with j its pastor and by a rising vote an earn-
~.::~ ~est stock, est request to the conference for Dr.
" '~ weekl
~k]y, ~ -writ I ~tuntz return the coming year.
:+ 7;::'ti~~ ''(~O: The Epworth League gave a special
missionary program Sunday evening
erw gloves to consider Cornell's representatives in
:VWe~rYl~'s for gloves Iforetgn work, when Professor E. It.
future. Carried.
On motion adjourned.
Mayor. Clerk
Total number of drafts on city scales~
872 @ 10 cts. $87.20, one-half of net
proceeds to the city $43.60; paid Travis
and Mason Jan'y. l, 1898, $12.35; paid
Travis & Mason April 5, 1898, $12.85;
p~id Mason and Iterrick JulT 1, 1898,
$8.30; paid Mason and IIerrick, Oct. l,
1898, $9.50. Total $43.00, Balance on
hand 60 cents. 42 tickets on hand in
weight book at 10 cts $1.20, one half
to city 60 cents.
W. E. G,~AnL~:, Weigher.
Business and Railroad Notices.
All kinds of Violin, Guitar. Mando-
lin, Banjo, Autoharp and other strings
at the Book Store of W.G. Power.
Duck coats, work shirts and overalls
at prices wbich mean a saving to you.
Rood & Young.
Every fashionable shape in men's
hats for Fall in all the desirable colors.
Rood & Young.
We invite you in to see our new Fall
and Winter clothing. We have the
largest and best stock of reliable wear
resisting suits and overcoats to be
found in eastern Linn county at prices
which mean a saving to all.
Rood & Young.
You need not go without warm
underwear. Our prices are within
reach of all. Our values the best ever
shown, Rood & Young.
We now extend to you, reader, a hearty invitation and a warm welcome
to our store. Look in our windows, come in and examine our stock,
and by your verdict we stand or fall. Our goods merit the highest
praise, while our prices remain within easy reach.
Completely Ready for investigation. We accord to each and every
customer the same courteous treatment and the same LOW PRICE.
Our In itation
~nd Look.