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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
October 7, 1898     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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October 7, 1898
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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MOUNT VERNON HAWK-EYE. BUSI NESS DIRECTORY. C. W. KEPLER, 3‘ Correspondence and Neigborbood News ’l’l‘l‘nlNEY AT LAW, Notary Public, Mt. . ", Vernon Iowa. Particular attention given to ,‘4’.,.’./.’.,. .1.’.’.’.’. .’././.’.’.,.’.’.$/-.’ the collectibll of debts, -€\-\-{’-{'- The Martelle News. Township assessor Uriah Barr made a business trip to Oxford Junction Tuesday. C. E. Pollard contemplates a trip to Omaha to visit his daughter and view the exposition. Rev. C. S. Waite was called to Marion over Sunday. Meetings at Disciple church will continue another week, Evangelist Milo Cr. Cummings as the speaker.~ Jacob Newman entertained Rev. Cummings Sunday. J. E. Wood and wife visited Mrs. Wood’s parents in Linn county Satur- day, returning Sunday afternoon. Sunday mornin broke without a WM. GLENN, TTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public, Real Estate and Loan Agent, Mt. Vernon, Iowa. J. N. HUGHES. 'i‘TOltNEY AT LAW, Notary Public. in all the State and Federal Courts. 81:. Cedar Rapids, Ia. Prac‘ 217 3d DR. J. B. ROBINSON, )iIYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Ofllce in Wil- I cox Block, Mt. Vernon, Iowa. Du. GEO. W. IIooLs. Dn. KATE MASON—11061.12. DRS. HOGLE. IlYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, oiiice and residence over llogle Bros. Pharmacy. -\.\.\.\.\.\ \. .\ \ \.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\_\ E“719;..1-(9775377svr2r1392923:- ;\ sun and the Sun ay schools were not in receipt of their usual attendance, only two of the regular teachers of the M. E. church being present, the super- intendent,John Reed being the only one from out of town. Mr. Reed is very faithful and prompt in his dis- charge of his duties pertaining to the Sunday school. lie has not a duplicate in any other branch of the church, but from indications affairs will be con- ducted differently in the future. At the Disciple church three teachers were present, a collection of 39 cents taken. In absence of the superinten- tendent F. D. lloicomb, Mr. Remington took charge of the school. Mr. R. has no superior from an educational stand- point among the laity of his church, having followed the occupation of teacher for fourteen years. He is a good offhand speaker. There will be no preaching at the M. E. church next Sunday, Oct. 9th. as it is Conference Sunday. Everybody ex- pects Rev. B. W. Soper to be returned. He is very popular and a most engaging speaker. As announced in the Hawk-Eye C. H. Brown led the Epworth League Sunday evening and “she was a hum- mer.” He seemed to possess the fac- ulty to interest and draw out the mem- bers of the meeting for when called upon to speak every body seemed loaded for the occasion. The time of the League has been changed to 7 p. m. Pearl Kohl will lead next Sunday evening Oct. 9, A. H. Newman Oct. 15, C. Garretson Oct. 23, Mac Kinney Oct. 30. Keep your eye on the IIawk~Eye for the announcements. Howard Miller is on the Slck list. James Ellison trustee, has graded the road coutigious to the new bridge north of the school house in his district so it is in first—class condition. The nutting season is almost here again. Both boys and girls are anxi- ously waiting heavy- frosts which will bring the nuts from the trees. although some are already gstheringthe unripe fruit, in order to avoid the grand rush later. A drizzling rain commenced to fall last night about 10 o’clock. It, is not believed however that it will last long. The fact of the matter is a good rain at the present time with nice lclesrlng “gather following would be an excellent t ing. DR. T. S. KEPLER, IIYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Main Street, Mt. Vernon, Iowa. Office hours 7:30 to 9 a. m., and 7 to 9 p. m. A. C. ’I‘ENNEY M. D. OMEOI’A’I‘IIIC Physician and Surgeon, Mt. Vernon, la, office over Rebstock‘s res— taurant. (mice open day and night. Residence three blocks north of Presbyterian Church. Special attention given to surgery and diseases of the eye and car. H T. A. GORMLY, DENTIST, Mount Vernon, Iowa, oflice over Neil‘s furniture store. DENTIST c. w. STAUFER, D. D. 5. Office in Mitchell Euild/ng, Next Door to Neff‘r Furniture Store. DR. T. I. MITCHELL, V. 8., ETERINARY Sur eon and Physician. S rec inl attention to Ve erinar Dentistry. 0 06 with Drs. Wolfe, Mt. Vornon. own. New hardware Store [Have Just Received a New Stock of hardware Cinware Gasoline and Cook Stoves ngicultural Cools Make a Specialty of Furnace Work, Roofing, Spouting and all kinds of ’l‘in WOT 1" An elocutionist contest was given at tr £40310}! by the Ggod graphic Lodge, “a g ‘ri ay evenin opt.“ t . n mber Your pa, o of our Martellg’folks attended. ’ 501l€lt¢d .r J ame xArmstl-ong has been getting out his ll force of road workers and putting his district in apple is order. To intended “to have everyt ing done Saturday. Irving Terry has gone to Lost Nation to war . ' Emanuel Newman made a business trip to Anamosa Saturday. l Mnand Mrs. William Arnold vi lit to Olil. Friday morning, to visi ir daughter, Mrs. Minnie Clothier. DEATH 01" MRS. T. BLACKLEDGE.’ A precious one from us is gone, A voice we loved is stilled, A place is vacant in our home, Which never can be filled. We loved her, yes, we loved her, Bill. angels loved her more; And so they came and called her, From our half open door. We know we‘ll meet dear sister, U in that world so high, An there we‘ll live forever, And never say goodbye. We know we are God‘s angel, And sit upon Ills throne, And there you‘re waiting and watching For us all to come home. B. r. ROBINSON & cO 18f Door East of Neil's Furniture . Store. Old City Hall Building. LEONRAD KOPF CUOOERBOR ro G.A.&C.R.RUNDBLL The Old Reliable...... City Meat Market CHOICE MEATS OF ALL KINDS CALL AND SEE LEONARD KOPF South Side Main Street Mt. Vernon Another has joined the great major- ity, another has answered the last call, another new beckons from the lovin shore to the loving ones left behin . Martens has lost one of its best in- habitants. Rich in merits, honored and respected in her grey hairs but careworn and weary to whom death was a welcome messen er, Mrs. T. Blackledge passed aways 10 o’clock a. in. Monday, Oct. 3, at her home. She closed her eyes to earthly scenes with- out a sigh or a murmur or a pang. Quietly she slumbers the sleep from which there is no awakening until the resurrection morn. She has gone to that country from whose bourn no traveler returns. More im ortant by far for her to say with the ying Paul of the Gentiles: “I have finished in course,Ihave fought a good fight, have kept the faith.” The funeral services,brlef but touch- ing, were'held in the Christian church, of which she was a member, Rev. Waite officiating, assisted in prayer by Rev. Cummings. The music furnished by the Martelle choir was impressive and appropriate. At the close of the service loving hands tenderly conveyed the loved form to the funeral car thence followed by_ a. large concourse of sorrowing friends to the Linn Grove cemetery. “Though lost to sight she is to memorydear.” A really good woman has gone to her reward but our loss is heaven’s gain. If there were not some such souls to be translated to the fellow- ship of the saints, the empty seat va- cated by the rebel angels might remain unoccupied for along time. After 54 years of a useful career, her weary head rests on the couch-that knows no dreaming. ‘ Sister, now thy toils are o‘er, Fought the battle, won the crown, City Hack and Dray Linc JOHN HOODMAKER. Proprietor First-class accommodations and prompt service. Bus meets all trains and passengers and baggage trans- ferred to any part of the city. Of. fice lit-Central House. HAYMARKE’I‘ LIVERY G: FEED STABLE Elflt Maln SVO.‘ 013141113”; r01: h filming“? slaore, on as” ai y u: on own '1’)“ to PUbuo Grant her Lord eternal rest, ' School.. With the spirits of the blast. The floral decorations were numerous and beautiful and all spoke of the esteem in which the deceased was held. To mourn the great loss she leaves a loving husband, son Roy, two daugh- ters Carrie and Lizzie and a son-in-law. All have the sympathy of the entire community. Good Rigs at Moder- ate Prices. 11w» KEPT comrqu ON HAND AND AT 0 MARKETPRI‘OEH . . D CARD ()F THANKS. To the numerous friends and neigh- bors who have by word and deed done so much to lighten our burden of sorrow and ministered to the last needs of our loved one who has entered the valley of the shadow of death we SINGERS TAKE T0 EIGHBORING‘ TOW 5 OR INTO TKB‘ COUNTRY Dr. T. 1. Mitchell 1’ (i return our warmest thanks. Should sorrow and death invade your homes may friends as good and true cluster about you. May He who marks the sparrow’s fall reward you more abun- dantly than is in our power. Morley. Ed. Boyd is plowing Oil Mr. Thrap’s farm. Mrs. 11.1). Miller and sister Esther Farnum have returned from the Omaha exposition. Daniel Clalllin is hauling wood to Morley. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Heath paid Cedar Rapids 3. visit Tuesday. Anna Ernst won the silver medal at the contest last‘Friday night at the M. E. church. Henry Seeger is hauling wuod for the post-master. F. B. Rosbrook of Chicago, is calling on John McMurrin and John Ernst this week. Wm. Zimmerman has moved into the house vacated by ex-operator Ralph Heath. A. A. Sindley is taking a short vaca- tion and visiting the Jones county capitol. J. M. Randall has just received a new consignment of fish from Clinton. Mr. Hayes and assistant is in town renovating feather beds. . The Neighborhood. The fine new M. E. church at Lis- bon, when completed, will be one of the notable structures of Franklin township, than which there is no other township in the west containing more handsome architectural examples of a public character. It is to be hoped that the indefinite delay in obtaining the necessary iron work for the roof, caused by the great rush at founderies and the inability of manufactures to keep up with the demands of these in- dustrious times, wrll result in no seri- ous trouble or loss. * * The Marion Register remarks that while this is Carnival week in Cedar Rapids, Des Moines and Sioux City it is Conference week at Marion. * * Clarence has a waterworks system put in by the town several years ago and operated by the City Council, but private ownership .--and operation of En? dplant is now being strongly agi- s e . ale It '* “One of the pleasant drives from town is the one down to Boeze’s melon patch, especially if one goes by way r the new ‘brid e. The county is putt.i in money an effort, along that road grading the Sailor hill and the slice evident for the sand hills on the I along the Sailor farm, formerly terror of all travelers have been lev sometimes by cuts and fills of in: to 12 feet. until the road is only. a moderate grade, and when, the, ma amizing is completeit will be aims boulevard. Bud Shockers, ‘ ‘ Rapids who is recognised ty’s best contractorisz‘idl f _, When Johnson , tion of the roadwewi fh,, , é road to the bridge and on a preciated by the farm, ersld. . ale ale up ’ ‘ g The Coggon Monitor has first passed the first decade of its existence healthy and vigorous. The Monitor gives the impression of being a live paper in a live community. II: it it Here’s a chines for some enterpris- lug» man. Both Lisbon and Central City desire milk wagon service. If Mt. Vernon call support 5 or 6 dairy lines there on t to be “something in it” for-the rig t man at the above men- tioned towns. III ‘ ill “A FEL‘INE Divmo TOWER-“If any- body thinks there is no educating influ- ence in fairs he should go around back. of the residence of Mr. C. S. Millard, cashier of the Anamoss National Bank. There he Will find a perfect facsimile of Col. Carver’s diving tower at the fair grounds, with its ascending chan- neLway and a sloping drop at the exit— not for Powder Face or Cupid but for John Millard’s cats. It is about eight feet high and a lar e cushion takes the place of the lake at and on this the cats, after sundry exhprtations, coax- ings and nudgings, alight after their flying leap from the summit of the tower.”——Anamosa Eureka. it It it If a person does not want to read advertisements in the newspapers he or she will have to skip the leading country journals just at present. How- ever, the average housekeeper is deeply interested in advertisements and the question of winter supplies just at resent and the country merchant by ibsral use of printers’ ink does not pro 086 to be overlooked in Carnival rus es. The fact is attested in every leading paper in the neighborhood. The Goldfields Central America. The Gold Fields in N icraugua are easily acc sible, r (being only twelve days jourd’gySfrom New Orleans,) and are located in a. healthful and attract- ive climate where mining can be carri- ed on the year around and food is aduu- dant and cheap, yet they are not near- ly so well known as those of Alaska, slthought it is thought development will prove them to equal and probably exceed the true value of the famed Al— askan discoveries. The few miners who are already dig- ging out fortunes do not care to share their brilliant prospects and are per- fectly willing that they should remain unknown. This state of affairs cannot longer continue, and a nest descriptive circular. giving full information has been prepared, which will be mailed free to anyone who will send their ad- dress to the undersigged at Dubuque, Iowa. . F. MERRY, A. G. P. A., I. C. R. R. Senl 0m Sad Carnival, Des Moines, la., Oct. 3—8. On account of the above, agents in Iowa will sell tickets to Des Moines, via the NorthWestel-n Line, October 2-8, good until October 10, at. one fare for the round trip. Apply to agents for full particulars. 00 EAST THIS FALL. Low Rates. Special Accom— modations. October is the ideal month for travel- ing, and parties who desire to Visit friends in the east should avail them- selves of the extremely low rates of fare for the Triennial Conclave of Knnights Templar to be held at Pitts- burg Oct. 10-14, 1898. Tickets good 30 days from date of sale. The trip will include Washington D. 0., Baltimore, Gettysburg. Norfolk Navy Yard, Old Point Comfort, Fortress Monroe. and many other places of historic interest. Details of the route east of Chicago will be given later. Points in Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland, Virginia. and West Virginia can be easily reached by this line. Sleeping cars will start from Cedar Rapids and other points. For further information and sleeping car reservations address E. 0. Sonic, G.A.l’.l).. Cedar Rapids, Ia. G0 EAST FOR HALF RATES” 13., c. R." 82 N. R’y. has been selected as the Official Route from Iowa to the 27th Triennial Conclave Knights Templar, to be held at Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 10th and 14th. This company will run a Special Train of Pullman Sleepers, Coaches, etc., ‘ Through to Pittsburg. The Special will leave Cedar Rapids Saturday evening, Oct. 8, after arrival of all evening trains and will reach Pittsburg via B. 6: 0. R’y, Monday, Oct. l0. at 7:00 a. m. Tickets on sale from all points Oct. 8 to 12, good until Oct. 31 at rate of ONE FARE FOR THE ROUND TRIP. Special Train Excursion from Pittsburg to Washington Round Trip only $8.00. Tickets willbosold at Pittsburg to Baltimore, 01d Point Comfort and to all points within 260 miles at Pittsburg, located in Central Passenger Association territory at Rate of One Fare For the Round Trip. Address the undersigned for pamphlet giving full information, or call on B., C. R. 6: N. agents for rates, etc. J. MORTON. G. P. &. T. A... Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Knights Templar Triennial Canclave, Plttsburg, Pa, Oct. 10—15, 1898. On account of the above. tickets to l’ittsburg via the North-Western Line, will be sold Oct. 7 to 10 inclusive, at especially favorable rates. Apply to agents for full particulars. Omaha Exposltlon. For the Omaha Exposition take the C. M. &.St..1’. R’y. They are selling excursion tickets every day at greatly reduced rates. Apply to agents C. M. St St. 1)., for full particulars. REBSTOGKTT Another Reduction of Rates use", to Omaha. Tourists tickets via the North-West— ern Line, the pioneer line west and '\ north-west of Chicago, will be sold . < r C during September at very low rates. Apply to agents for full particulars. 0 00Mt_ ‘ I n One Night. to Denver. S v L “The Colorado Special,” via Chicago “if,” & North-Western Railway, leaves Chi- , . ' ‘ i AM“??? 32§o3ga$lynauaggoggiggapggghihiilgg It s an easy matter to make it an “£211.... - : . . :. l ( ’ pfim. the aims day, (and Denver 130 economical year in your furniture um: t 9 next a ernoon. ‘onnections made ' . ill the Ulillion Depog 1Denver dwith Fuylng 2; "IT ' x(ROLL trains to a points in ‘0 orado an the ' ' ,' “on? West. Ub-to~date equipment. Daylight t only epends Upon patrOnIZ‘ng aD-i U11 ridje through Illinois, Iowa and 0010- 3 “ti: Bl re 0. eLa SHORT E HUl National Peace Jubilee. ' ' f‘ Eggs. For the National Peace Jubilee at {s 1 “MA Chicago, the C. M. &. St. 1’. R’y. will sell wagonette 1' ER N excursion tickets at one fare for the ' ; ls' ‘ Iggy-ore llcllirlny Buyers round tri fiom all ppints inthir:i 250 , , mi es. ‘ic else on ea c Oct. 1 an 18. ' good to return Oct.)22n,d. Apply to Person“ t‘ken ‘ 01:13,: agents C. M. &. St. I . E y. ‘ and adjolnl OsirA Homeseekers’ Excursions Via _are among: our patrons’ and, that o-M-& St. P. Ry. IS good eVIdence that ours is a i idem“, Oili gélly (1191) Au4gusti21§ndl 18,11 Sept. ‘ , r c >. B, 3, of iiiolo. .an ct. an ,t e ice 0 i v1888.' a St. Paul R’y. will 351] Propr MA: 'sion tickets to points A , ' “0910 la ‘nu hem s 3 es at ’ a ch -. Furniture Store n rgicul‘l‘ifis con- i , a “:32 ‘ or u 9“ .7 fuhtegtu 3353‘s l: “ :‘RL‘ ‘ , , , 8! l Live Sto, Jill‘s i, . “(51100 (fig k City Soles Promptly,., [- La 5 y x. ‘2”, 1?, I: It v mwk-nye on“?! 1% “We; soon .; . , . ‘ I ' “433‘ ofigdfirmj Rear Estate; ‘ " "i u. “3i”? . , lineagmmnaagaumi For'lisrgains in Real Estate, either p ' , ‘ 5.3% 1i._ 1nd including she“ ,Tovvn Property or Farms, call upon. 2‘ A Boo V g t Crossing, and to -' (snow. BORDER. “‘1’; Vocal Wa V” ' at this, rate will RealrEstate A cut, 0bel “ “ ' 'ents of-this com- panvito large auto ers of cities and towns in Southern, Western and North- ern towns. For full particulars call on agent 13., C. R. & N. Ry. or-address J. MORTON. G. P. T A... Cedar Rapids, Ia. Mt. Vernon, owe. ‘ nu: ORE ' , NATIONAL §€ NEWSP non FARMERS’5LI AND ‘1 AND YOUR FAVORIT Chronic Diarrhoea Cured. This is to certify that I have had chronic diarrhoea ever since the war. I got so weak 1 could hardly walk or do anything. One bottle of Chamber- lain's .Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy cured me sound and well. J. R. GIBBS, Fincastle, Va. Both Mr. Gibbs and Mr. Shaver are rominent farmers and reside near inoastle, Va. They procured the remedy from Mr. W. E. Casper, a drug- gist of that place, who is well sequsint- ed with them and will vouch for the truth of their statements. For sale by Hseseler & Leigh and the City Phar- macy. . No constipated person can look his or her best or feel perfectly well. For that inactive liver and constipation, try Dr. Sawyer’s Little Wide Awake Pills, and they will cure you. ' Not the Wisest Way. It is not always best to wait until it is needed before buying a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Dia- rrhoea Remedy. Quite frequently the remedy is required in the very busiest season or in the night and much in- convience and suffering must be borne before it can lib obtained. It costs but a trifle as compared with its real worth and every family can well afford to keep it in their home. It is every- where acknowledged to be the most successful medcine in the world for bowel complaints. For sale by Haesel~ or St Leigh and the City Pharmacy. 5 cents will save you time and effort. Depot telephone at N eif's. BOTH One Year form snub Alli: onnsns no ruin slink-ll Don’t fall to see the new Pendulum Washer at Chambers & Herrick’s. The greatest step saver in town, the depot telephone at Neil’s Furniture Store' 5 gen“ tou' 340 moss. National 1 Governmental and poll THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE AMMANAG, Belts, pins and buckles at cost, at Contains the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution ofthe State of rep . Stevenson’s. Tariff hill, with 21 Comparison of old and new rates; President McKinley‘s 05 If you have urinary trouble or pain Ambussadorsflonsuls, etc,: the wrsonnel of Congress, names of different 0 pr( States, commandin officers of t 18 Army and Navy, with their salaries; till)! Election Returns, arty Platforms and Committees; comple'e articles on th Silver, and a vast amount of other valuable information. The Standard Ame ntive and complPtE. cones ending in rank with Whittier‘s Almanac ill Eler Postage Paid. Send all or are to l‘IIE IIAWKVEYE, Mt. Vernon, lows. ,* ff: THE. NEW BR0 0‘ Pictures and Rhyme. by PALMER 0d IN in the back, indicating kidney disor- ' dcrs, if there be a general loss of en- ergy,,we ask you in all fairness to use Dr. Sawyer’s Ukatine. Thousands bear evidence to the fact that it cures. “Saved Her Life.” A priceless blessing is found in Dr. Sawyer’s Arnica and Witch Hazel Solve for piles. hives. scald-head, eczema, pin worms, burns and cuts. H. Ellaeseler. Don’t scratch your life away, but use Dr. Sawyer's Witch Hazel and Arnica Salve for eczema, piles, hives, burns and cuts. Tornado Insurance written by S. II. Bauman. For gloves and mittens call on HORTON & KYLE. Our new spring piece goods now in. The belt clothing is custom made Nothing else as end. We are ready to measure you an make you a spring suit or byercost. Rood St Young. House For Rent. Inquire of J. Wardle. ’ 4 RS. JOHN Wis. than whom none is more highly esteemed of widely known, writes. "1111890 I had a. severe attack of LaGrlppo and at the end of four months, in spite of all physicians, friends and good nursing could do. my lungs heart and nerwous system were so completely wrecked, my life was de- spair-ed or, my friends giving me up. I could only sleep by the use of opiates. My lungs and heart pained me terriny and my cough was most aggravating. I could not lie in one poaltion but a. short time and not on my left side at all. My husband brought me Dr. Miles‘ Nervfno and Heart Cure and I be- gan taking them. When I had taken a half bottle of each I was much better and contin- uing persistently I took about a. dozen bot- tles and was completely restored to health to the surprise of all." . ' Dr. Mlles' Remedies are sold by all drug- glsts under a. positive guarantee. first bottle benefits or money re— funded. Book on dis»- cases of the heart and nerves free. Address. DR. MILES MEDICAL 00.. Elkhu-t. Ind. A good milk cow ANDERS ANDERSON. Hindsight. Buysa lot anywhere because it is cheap and repents at leisure. Foresight buys one whereeverythingis clean, new and desirabl in the best and growing part of towu, and is always pleased and milled. We have the kind of lots oreslght buys. Shall we sell one to you ‘9 I’latner & Whittemore. For Sale. IIalf Jersey. I had chronic diarrhoea for tWelve years. Three bottles of Chamberlain’s Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy cured me. S. L. SHAVER, Finecastle, Vs. We have some broken lots in wom- en’s, misss’s and children's shoes to close out regardless of cost. HORTON KYLE. Order from newsdealers or by mail THE INTER OCEAN, ./