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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
October 9, 1941     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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October 9, 1941
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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r *% 1941 -- ~,a$ a IMrs. tt and : call- L sun- U USS Fd ~ffY ~NNT VERNON HA~VKEYE VOLUME LXXI NUMBER 50 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1941 MOUNT VERNON RECORD, VOLUME XLV, NUMBER 7 size, , Lis- L + + TER DAMAGES 'alter, i !LDINGS AT itAEFFER FARM gee ----- boar. N * I -,~ +9c emonsnes a r n,i Crib, Twists DIn ther Structures bnday night's brief windstorm Ight havoc on the Louis J. ~ffer farm, a half mile north ]le Caraway school house, five West of Mount Vernon, where title barn and new corn crib ~. demolished and the house, house, and barn were twisted the foundations. }, and Mrs. Sehaeffer were ' }Cued by the noise of the storm rushed to the basement at a. m. Tuesday morning. As 8chaeffer reached the bottom he heard a big crash which have been a big tree going ~ear the house or the barn or ~rlb. storm, was a The which at that point, passed in a be or two and nil was quiet. 40 by 50 foot cattle barn, was reduced to kindling did not contain any hay as ~'haeffer was planning to re- it. The corn crib had been . Names Committees PI2MTI2MMIAI Jill Recent Bade For Local Be I burlita mnt, vr Scout Fund 3rive CHURCH TO START t The annual d~ve for funds to ]LI~.V~ llrr.hlHl?Ol~/V [help support the local BOy scout+I]P.hl W~,VI~r, DI]/~I movement will be held the latter part of this month, and plans are; "r~* I qt/ff ~lT-e11 under way to help make it a brlefll t lsnop 1hague Will and successful campaign, i - Anyone who wishes to help so- Speak At Reded ca licit funds for this. worthy cause flea 0n Oct, 19 may do so by calhng Walt Gray or ructed of native lumber with church in Kenwood Park. The id frame, floor and roof and Rev. Mutton Green, pastor of the lat.stdes The. floor was church, officiated. The couple was zo tne wcmity or a near .D.v attended by their friends, Miss wnne ~ne root was carmen Rubye Beach and Charles Kline of et across a pasture and partsMount Vernon. ~tttered ~l! over. Mr. Schaef- The bride wore a royal blue silk just r nlsnen Dunumg tne velvet dress with a rhinestone clip ~hich was 40 feet long, 7 and her accessories were black. Her ae and 12 feet high A good o attendant wore a green silk crepe thf the lumber can be salvaged dross and black accessories. e laoor on it is a total loss at Mr and Mrs Ouinn went to busy time on the farm t housekeeping immediately in apart- ~e house was twisted four inch- meat C at 12+5 3rd Ave S.E. in ~ht of line and plaster knocked I Cedar Rapids. ?in ttte inside. Windows on the The bride was graduated from !Were broken. The milk house l the Mount Vernon high school at- ~t ' " ' Wisted almost to the point of tended Cornell collage and for the ~ing it to pieces. Another I last five years has been bookkeeper looks like it was raised three I in the ~vlount Vernon Bank and and dropped back on the I Trust companv. The groom was ~ation, breaking it in places, graduated from the Stratford high llightning rod wire appears to schooI and is employed as an elec- 'been jerked about three trtcian by the Iowa Electric IAght hs when the barn was raised, land Power company in Cedar Rap- ~Urteen trees were wrecked in iids. imber back of the house. One ~ ]~ elm was torn out by the roots I MVHS Homecomm it the house and it is believed -,r~-.1= ~ ~ i .t~. g ~tree may have saved the house I WIII De uc . r/ n more damage. Another large t In the timber, 3 feet across M.V.H.S. Homecoming will be trunk and probably 40 feet I held on Friday. Oct. 17th. The ~, was jerked out by the roots football game will be between Mr. ~h shows the force of the I Vernon and University High. ~' I The program will be much the SUranee was carried by Mr. [same as in other years with a pep ~effer on all but the new corn Imeeting the evening before and a ortunately no stock was in- dance on Friday evening The in the storm Homecoming queen will be present- ~enn Bachman "who lives at the I ed at the half during the game. She ~Y Valley station, was awaken- / will be selected by vote of the slu- r the wind and rain and saw a/dent body, the next two high being funnel shaped cloud It i attendants. as d over that point He said itI E. C. Bergmann. The committees as announced Wednesday are: Lloyd Oakland and Lawrence West, community campaign directors; Dr. E. C. Prall, N. A. Miner and Bob Beranek, prospect committee; Walt Gray and E. C. Bergmann, workers organization committee; James Me- Cutcheon, publicity; Bob Beranek, Audit. Similar finance campaigns will be held by communities through the Waubeek Area Council of which Mount Vernon is a part. Nearby communities who will have cam- paigns are Lisbon and Mr. Zion. LEO KIRKPATRICK Miss Ethel Colton, daughter of HERE ON FURLOUGH Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Colton, became the bride of Blair Quinn, of Cedar Rapids, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Quinn of Stratford, at 7:45 o'clock, Leo Kirkpatriek, son of Mr. and Friday evening in the Methodist Mrs. George Kirkpatrick, who Is The Centennial celebration of the Mount Vernon Methodist church will open next Wednesday after- noon with the W.S.C.S. meeting. Mrs. H. V. Cherrington of Iowa City will present the opening ad- dress Mrs. W. G. Rowley will lead the devotional hour. All lad- ies and friends of the church are cordially invited to attend this im- portant meeting. Next Thursday evening at 6:15 o'clock an all fellowship supper will be served by the W.S.C.S. divisions. Prof C. C. Tull will be mas- ter of ceremonies. Special guests at the supper will be three for- mer pastors and their wives, Dr. and Mrs. E. T. Gough, of Mount Vernon. Rev. and Mrs. Lloyd Gustafson of Clinton and Rev. and Mrs. H. C. Culver of Appleton, Wis Rev. Culver will speak fol- lowing the supper Reminiscence night will be Frt- = Sam Kohl Pays $65 IMqUO AMPi AqqM An Acre For Rosa A. ,+unrest Frank Marks Recalls LISBON + Light Estate Farm HAS ALL TIME IIlG I Railroading Days CONTRACTS .:m +o+: m m er DUMPING GROUND IAght estate farm of 206 acres,[~U~l|~llO|]M~|ll |~|l~l~ south of Lisbon, for $65 an acreI on VVednesday There were four ~ " active bidders Bidding started at tteporz ot emry Will Us cott Stone $40 an acre and went to $55 by ] R,+hards-n Shows Quarry Near Mount $5 jumps and to $63 by $1 raises aT~d }:n: 65 j :lYn s 50 eC ?;rtmi n:f 7As:,si + .~ ~'~ ~:l +76,215 ++in Vernon Kohl, a son of Sam Kohl, on the I The Farmers Mutual Fire Insur- west and the places are separated~ance~ Association of IAnn Town- only by a road on the south. W. ship, Llnn county, Iowa, closed one E. Challis was the auctioneer and iof the best years in some time at Lisbon Bank & Trust Co. the clerk, i the annual meeting held at Rose- George D. Sailor is executor of the estate. C rn In Field Sells For $35.10 An Acre Although it rained all the night before, the W. H. Kauble sale drew a good crowd and the offering sold well. George Wentzel paid $35.10 i dale school house, north of town on Saturday. The association is in a good financial condition. Risks in force are $4,874,+77. a gain of $76,215 during the year. Total losses of $3,823.40 listed in the annual report of Glenn Rich- ardson, secretary, are much less than the $12,692 toss of last year. The total of risks in force is an all time high and is not far from the an acre for the 32 acres of corn infive million mark. the field which amounted to over This completed the first year un-! $1100. Rent on the farm, owned der the Iowa standard policy form by C. F. Zimmermaker of Tipton, Iwhich was adopted a year ago. Be- was $700 or $3.50 an acre, so the cause of technicalities under the corn more than paid the rent. standard policy form the entire Mixed sows with two day old board of directors was elected this pigs sold up to $60 each. Dub An-:year instead of only half as for- dre bought 65, 80-1b shoats for surly. M~R. AND MRS. FRANK MARKS "I feel like I could still do a good The Lisbon Town Council at its monthly meeting held Monday !evening in the Town Hall approv- ed a contract with F. L. Runkle of i Mt. Vernon for the use of the old t stone quarry for a dumping ground for the residents of the town. This dump is not for automobile bodies, frames or any such mater- ials or anything prohibited by local or state health laws and regula- tions. The committee that had charge of erecting the fence around the old town well reported that the work was finished. The roof on this had fallen tn and it was neces- sary to get a wrecker to remove I the parts of the roof. A six foot steel fence has been erected with a barbed wire on top which should eliminate the danger of anyone falling into it. St. Jol s Church home on a furlough is the first day evening, Oct. 17, when old $10 a head. Carl Miller bought a Mount Vernon young man in the pictures will be shown on a screen team of smooth mouthed mares army in Louisiana to return on a for the entertainment of the eve-for $122and a team of smooth furlough He must report back at ntng. Mrs. A. M. Hull will pre- mouthed greys, a mare and grid- Camp Claiborne on Oct. 20th. side. A brief history of the local ing soldfor $140. Cows sold for Leo ts in the headquarters bat- church is being pre0ared and willfrom $99to $102 as fast as they tery 185th Field Artillery and pre- be read at this meeting, were driven out. A heifer carrying furs tt to the infantry although the The Sunda+ servi-es will cl--e her first calf brought $70. The men in the infantry think it is the the four da" Ycelebra~ion The re~ sale totalled over $5,000. Mr. Kau- best branch He was a fire marker i Y . . " . " ble expects to return to Kansas. aemcat on serwce ot tne neww re- umpire with the 145th infantry ofdecorated church additorium ~ill He has been on the farm a or 4 the 37th div!sion during the be held at 10:30 o'clock a.m. with years. W. E. Challis was the auc- tioneer and John Carville of Me- maneuvers ~us.~ completen ~lneBishop Ralph Mcgee of Des Moines ichantcsvtlle the clerk. t4btn infantry is mane up OIUnlo as the speaker. A four o clock ours from ~amp ~netby ~ ~p ~. . Vesper service in charge of the * * ~'rewous to ~ne maneuvers ne re- +Cornell colle-e students will be Sectlo air cetved two weeks training in anI m ne a in the cnuren. ,