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October 9, 1941 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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October 9, 1941 |
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~sday, 0
THE HAWKEYE-RECORD-'-'-" :-- := I] Democratic Women To Meet Happiness consists tn being and I Always open the garage door be- The American Ship of
d THE LISBON HE ,LD ARK At Des Moines Oct. 22 and 23 in doin good: only what God give fore starting the motor. Other-Inever be sunk if we have e.o J[IN/
CHALK M I] State Fair Board Thanks Newspapers ,an wnat we give ourso,ves -''--
OSicktl Newspaper Mount Vernon Imd I] ,~, J)emocratic ~von~cn of Io~a will / h~"~n'inesns?'co~nJsci~tdus~.~orLth, satiLsf~e~s iphyxiation with carbon monoxide 'help build them by making ~ ha~' '~'e'~
Llnn ~ounty ~ai,^r Lad Hodge O ~ESOLUTI~r e~ aL ,C raotei ForL J~es ~)~umes, ~ " ~ dr
,~" .~':. ":":Z'.':T "=: : IJ ~ v~, l at Dos Moines Oct 22 and 3 The J the hungry heart, and nothing else ] gas. This gas is colorless, odorless I of buying Defense Savings Be . and M
Lloyd MeCuteheon Estate. Propriatar !Assmtant l~al~or.-L~eggY Jane :vt~g~ I| 'meetin will o en" at one "o'clock ] can Mary Baker Edd fan- a " " and Mrs,
James W McCutch~n Editor Buslness ~ffanager Carolyn r~eat J Adopted at Des ~Ioines, Iowa, August 30, 1941 ~. ".' ~ g ~,~ P .;. . L ] can.--~vtary ~*aKer ~noy. . cl t steless, and stamps, Week en,
' ' Ife ~loria " ,)ctoDer ~. anu WILlClOSe wltn a i ~"
bhshed at Mount Vernon aria Lisbon. Typists--Ehzabeth Wo ~, II
Pu Thursda luncheon on Oct 23 A high light h and
in Linn County. Iowa. every- Y" Hodge. I[ WHEREAS the 1941 Iowa State Fair, from the standpoint I . " ' 1 d -
-- ' Cole i of th( aEalr willbe the dinner Ui ~nport w
~ " ' I e M n It8
along all rightwith a couple of i The girls gym classes are doing improving as well as could be wish- I office a't Des' Moines, Iowa, as ti~e time mm ~l~t~ D|F|I~| ] |||L ~&~ 0#! I.f; |Eldq| gT|&& J|A| JVEg~ J D|SIGN|D I~! e~l~
We Should Learn More "country lads," don't they? tumbling exercises. The 7th So- ed. land 1Aaee for hearing said l~tition; -I mm I [ .:-.-. -,1 ~'
.-- -- Oh say[ Have you noticed the elal" Science have had map proj'eets, [ Mr. and Mrs. Hadwin Wllhams," "]f .~nYhiseOt)ectmnSmust be~' inCnewritinggran 'ngand t sucn lfiled I l r;, CH[ R0t|! $ TRIM "[[ADER tint" $IYUNG [ In L~D |N |
2kDOUL ~OUtII ~iti~H~ ew t)iece of jewelry Darlene Bar- [ in American products. 8th Social [ who have been visiting his parents I in triplicate with this Commission at least ] i . i v.i ~ n
Y-ett lads been wearing? Well, you'd IScience have had map projects on lacy. and Mrs. Hadwin Williams 'five (5) days before date of hearing. The[ Chevrolet brings you "the new st le
Considerable has been written better notice, [early explorers I left Thursday for Dayton, Ohio I~ wt~ t~a~ethe~ r~Te~e b~ ~e~'rS~ nte~Uagt l~[ that will stm' newS' with swank I ,|l Pllgl |
nd said about our relations with We've observed that one of the Work on the "Bold Front" Mr. They will sail for Hawaii on Nov the hearing by someone who h~s full i/~-"~':)~J J ""~' ! "
a . im ortan e ,* o-. homoro irls should be IFuller's new musi0al comedy wiUil. "He will he engaged in educa-" !a, hor,*y fo.r!t. . . . I sweepin "Leader Line" S ling . . . I i b
South AIncrlca. The p ~" .~" . . . ~a~ea at ~es ~aomes, iowa, ~,eprem~er,~ ~
these relations" was brought to twins in order to take care of. begin soon. The marching band jtlonal work for the government. 129 1941 I With n A~e -, I ' '" 7 I ~
our 1 K.L. 2. her newly acqulreu in- Imarched last week and will march Funeral services were held IO'WA S;rATE COMMERCE COMMISSION I~d~ll~]l "'"-": "~ ""~'~" I TO [lAD IN i l,'
attention in a panel discussion on terest in the most recent addition at each game hereafter. Thursday afternoon for Dr. John Att~t:16?9~i L. McCaughan, SF~ret~r~{58 ~~[ Fenders . . . with smoothly modeled ] 1
"The Significance of the New Or- to the sophomore class, s col ]P'T~" Nil~lWs ~av b en la in soft [Di~oW l~e who died on Tuesday. I [ i[~ ~:~[ I[[[ Bodies by Fisher o~ a size and beauty [ I#I;KI;UK~A~U~ I
~|-- in the Americas" by W Earl Suggested slogan for thi e'l eg e e P Y vg lle -] er acr the field averaged $7i .~'~.dq~@l|@l~ -- a l li~ ~r.~4~lllllllllll |d[ equaled-" " only" oy- much- costlier"" cars - I [ ~ 1~
""~ f the Mason' City "Gi~obe umn: "If you have gossip wetak ball outside and modified o y-;p. e at the Merrill Garrett sale. ,t .~ /~ BB ~.L~k ~liillillLil[ equ~ i " I l/
Hall, o it; if not, we make it." I ball inside. The boys have been }Cows went from $30 to $35 and [ ' ~ ~t -US I I~$~1 And matchin this style leadershio of I D[$IG.B I ! /
Gazette: Dr. T. W. Schultz, head of Anyone knowing th: b~vh:l; praktei:~n~l football and also some good hogs sold for $17.50. ~ ~t -- The Finest CheVrolet oiAll Time tstlae I T0-t[A'D-/N I :
~he Economics department at abouts of a man, prefe a y ' [ ' i ~ ~ --'~"' ~- ~'~' ""~
~ lleze and E Howard ,blond, good-looking, and rich. of) Don't forget the game between TWEN ffY--. .OO 1, ~. ~: ;omi e, performance and econo=: I LL:?L". i IE;
" ' ~" k "that certain age" please get in [ Anamosa and Mount Vernon. Sup- October 10 1911 II YA~~ I il~hql~~.ll -~-" i ktuIqU~! I [ /
Hill proprietor or riulvlew ~toc touch with Dorothy Sipple immed- port the team and maybe they will John Hoodmaker sold the hack l i ~ -~/72~1~ ~l~ I l~i leaaersnlp wnlcn nas maae t nevrolet I -- 1 i
farm at the Community News- lately She will pay $5.00 to the feel more like winning. Get out line to S. A. Petty last Wednesday. ! I sAtv~ ,os~ o~o~ the No 1 car for ten of the last eleven [
a er conference at Iowa State first person sending in information]there and yell for all you're worth IThe former will continue his dray ' " " /I " ".'.-': ~ I I [~
P P " m w c n b work He is con i ' / 1 " years . . . arlve tins veautiful ' I I [
college last Friday evening Allleading to the discovery of this and show Ana osa e a eat[ s dering putting IIII III /I " l i |
." -man ]'em. Don't forget to come!: liE an auto truck to handle his drayif-- - -- i l l| new car today: I1 [
three men had recently returned FOl:t FRESHMEN ONLY '~YIP. VERNON LOSES lwork [[5 ~ rURNITURf P~ICED 1 /l II i
from extensive visits to South Bangs, Crashes, Howls, Shrieks! ~OWE~B~NCH ~ayC. BoydandA L Reid were /|. M,~ ~0~,~,~,I II In IChlc
~ ;~ ~- w what's that~'' I Mt Vernon played a losing bat [in line at the traveling mens par
/~merlca on the ,-- ~s.- ~,do - Gosh, . - . i/ i l il lullm nlvP H nnil~ Illi ii ~ll II I
ment Tours during which time they tlatO?;:hl:tfr:::meS ,P,hOmOres ini'[~eWiftohotWa~tfBrldnCwha~St~e~ridan~ T~e~u:edndrye~loPwidSltuStmFr~earYe/| II /I II FAIb IU bUI/H fir I1,S
~ ]
had unusual, opportumtles to make More bangs, crashes, shrieks and muddy, thus hindering the speed very becomingto both. [ha ! I ~-- ::. I HI aldh e ~v .u~ ,~ -, II
extensive observations, howls: and out of one of the M. of the players Dr. Kate Hogle and Miss Evelyn/[]~[ Ii ll ~ MI;//n5 kl;~l#lll~ }UI Im ann Ar
Some of the important ideas V.H.~. classrooms march Har:nlddisecGg~lillhdalTa~fkrnOCked:dllYi ih the ltRelrl:a~nlea;tlThe::::day evening en-]111,I ! Id,~ Mich.
~,~ h. Chore in th~ discus- Herring, Bill Milholln, Ward, a ] g 'g t i ~ of Miss Harriett/i~ I .VI~I~' ~~l~|[ N(~," Y(
- . !John followed by a mob of sopho- I the first. If Oaillard and the rest i ~. Cook [|. I [ J ." ~1 [ / ~ ~ ] ] . I I . . ] -- I ~ I ii i N y.
: : iiiiiiiiiiiiiiil} ililiiiill
has been proved that South Ameri [CLASS: This is only a dream corn-] " tea ere: Junior Koch, I -,g i|iii!)i i!i!iiii!!}} i ili i iii iii':i},} i!i!|!iii ,ilili} i
m r ou re real Dale Travm Bob Games Leo Bid a well knowr o
" [ pared to the night a e y ' - "," ~ ' - "' ~ii!::iiiiiii!ii! ::iiiiii![ .:::~i}:i:::i::i .%e. :{::ii:: !ill ::::~i~!!~i}~::;~::. i:i! ::!i!:: i!i::i!i!i!i::!::!!ili::i[i ~ ~
i!!p PedP~eh2Veu:tll::td ft :eLeaed::s l~;~s~g~?~ ~O~:: He who :rman an~ hU~ nne~:~Ty.Wilton died at his iiii
Mr Hall said that the .first thing My likes and dislikes vary with PWAY BACK WHEN ? i!il]
my age. While in fifth and mxtn I I oe ense :::::::::::::::::::: : "
we can do to help South America [grades I appreciated Black Beau ]Items of Interest in ~[ount Vernon nOd [[ ~ il ~, ! m ~ /
t~ t~ know more about her and to 1+ n ,~0 d ht~ Wunnv]And "Lisbon 1, 10, 20, 30 Years Ago [[ OTTT7 I|
+l- -xists is toEd and third grade readers and I ONE YEAR AGO I Q Has the Governm ] ;~!i~~l ~ /
I ami ksthat said, Mary had a dog.[ October I0, 1940 quota to be raised through then ~ ~ 1
neeue~ DU~ IS y l W ~$.~'.~
~Jlm nan a oog. (xe~m~tely oe o I The Mount Vernon. fire company[sales of Defense Savin~,s~ Bo~a~9 ~. I ~~?~. . ~ "" ~:.:: ~:=~". l
willing to spend some money to get I my intellectual level As a seventh ! made 8 runs during the year. Runs I A. No; there is no -uota an~ --^| ~::~ ~~ ^ ]
it but don't expect the impossible " grader I gazed in open awe at were made to the J R Eyre home, limit The Defense Savin s Pro,~~i'"~:i~ ~/ ~ I W~'d
g "~-:-:':~'~k:*:'.: . ~-:: "*:,:.:~ :::::: ":':"
he sam.'" "Our relations must be I the Senior high school students}Mrs Guy Siggins, Frank Rankle. gram is to be a continuing effort, ::~:ii~!~:~:::: !i:::: "i :::::::!::: ::ii:ii
. iwhen they unconcernedly began to [ Yelsley bakery Mrs JoG Wolrab and both Defense Bonds and] - ' i]]:i~ C
i / i
. Ilooked at in so much wonder sev- ] Falls to attend a conference I ings Stamps on a vast scale. I II~l
English English is the second . ~" . ' -
:~ " " l eral years ago. i woncler what~ Local men who will serve on the| NOTE--To buy Defense Bonds
~;:~??hme ?:~geCs eunti7 flrbs~t, !:~kit:~hw:~:tb~i!:t~ig~Y ihlyticmle/~Te;dyS~!ntRydrp~f:h}ka~adp~o~rtn~;, i~sd Stabm1: go ~tvh:g;eaanr~St f::t U ----Li. :- --m~-- A L -- I J ,
French second and English third, g --- ~ pp ] ation; or write to the Treasur- I n #4 B,a
~-~zi' Ar-entlne and Chile "~ret }~VARD ,~CHOOL { tsecKer. I er of the United States Wa~htng- ] ~ ~ ~l~ ~ ~ ~ ~l ~l ~l~ ~ ~
~ - v -t Crades I to 3 J Marshall Paul, father of Lee ]ton, D.C. for a mail order form I /i ////////I/llnlllllll
tlh:e: U:haAmi:rit~:d is making fur-lOP:Gaol' rA:;:il Ss:amps are now on sale at I ff///H]HllJ[IIIII~ ~ I
show. Brazil ]nitnre and painting. W'ednesday~ ores. - ~ ~, ~ ~ lilillllll/lllllLll~ll%%~ % ar.t;su~ll d~.orativeand~4C~ --
economically to uswhile Argentina lthey are going to paint a chair they~ i ~,/I dlr -- m M #H/llllllHIlltll torg llighting/sthisGJ -.I 1
exports the same things the U. S. made out of an orange crate :vl.utual insurance associtionof[. We must arm ourselves against ~/-A~II~.~W~ ~ /
-oes ThirdGrmle /Ll,n~.t wnship^ n^Oct berl, 1940,tnerorcesofevilanddestru 'n~ CtlO W Tin --
a [ The third grade is going to Mr./~ tanea ~,t~,z~z, apPr x]matelylYou can help by buvin~ Do~ I -- -- -- ~ -- - ~ shade, only ~I= [
Beef can be marketed in South [Forest's farm The nractice teach [$20,000 less than last year's total I Savings Bonds and .~t~ -~':"'~ I ~ 1~-------~ . ~,~ /
"~ ' -which was an alltime high ~ regular- Other pottery ~ ta~ ~'--
America for 3 ~ cents a pound at er of the third grade is Helen ~ U. . . * flY. ] 1 i 1 m n I ~ ro~ 9J 1
~ a nr,et, T n [Isaacs.--Don DeCamp. I 1~. ~. l~'orest neld his annual hog I ~ I I!"-- P P H T " " /
I ra e" I sale on Weanesday. The 55 boars,*:-*~ . . ~r~.'a.~~.~.~-~:.: : : ~:~: ~:, ] i i i ii i Ig 1
rass G d s 4 to 6 ,
tend 5 000 cattle on pampas g,I . . averaged $46.80 and the 35 gilts
' Miss Roscoe is teaching in the
without buildings. Sirloin steaks fourth grade arithmetic averaged $24 21. Ninety head were i}II Iltli PaDn i. ~ i d. ~ 1 Ii~ !~ 1 ~] ~ 1
were3'~ cents a pound and T-bone' Miss Fenneman planned a trip "~V~d Foh~ht i~alshe largest number ] ]~lk~lJ|l]l][~]ll~ ~nnuo / - ~ 1 1 1 ~n] ~ 1
I . e er o~erea for ~ @ ~.~:.:.@@.: :.:~ *** # ~ ~ o. o
ks 15 cents et GEl 2 000 eo for the fifth grade to the Rolly ~,*~ ~ ~= ' ',~
stea 'Y Y ' P '1 Bowman farm to stud-" corn Miss I sale" I 1 TIGHT so cheery, so soft and comforting that you~ ~]}] ~ 1
pie in one city of 6,000 could arl:orct Fenneman has st~u'ted to " teach "---I 1 F.F. EBERSOLE, M.D. NIII II#lllllmlllllllllllllllllllll~lll~l~ I
to eat mea~ ~=orn was 17 cents a I Occu" a i n " " I TEN ~qEARS AGO [ t ~[amilv anct o~uest8 ~eeL instantly relaxed that I
'" [" p t o s in the United States" ()ctober 8" I9a' Wal 5,1~ " |11 Illllllllllllllllllilllllllll~ll~ll~ 1
bushel and it was piled up and rot- in the fifth grade social studies I A gain of $34 440' in the amount q 1 I.E.S. L/ghting[ Today, more than ever, smart house- ~111 #llllllllllmlllllllllllllllllllllll ~ 1
~, in the Argentine Land is lMlss r~matar nas b~gun aunit in]of insurance in force ~*-*, t~lrst door east of Methodist Church
~,~ ~ O er 1 " " " "
^'~n~" the richestin the world I the fifth grade reading. ]1931 over that on the same date t I wtves reahz the value of good hghtlng -- not only for [U ~ |
2oo f et deep. l last year annual I ItS superior decorative possibilities --- but also as an essen- HI !
} . .-- ~ I report of the FarmersMutual In-[ ~V G K~r~r~w~r~') [ |111 ~ ~x" x~, /
Tnree-tourtns ot ~outn America] Gra~e 2~Catherine Lilley. I suranee association of Linn town-~ " Pi~ ie~,l~q~t ~a.u. I tlal tor happier living. I11[ /
~q::d~ :::nrge, li:f" sta::%idnSim:: ~i!~: ;. ~AnlberMttal~;~Y;rdson" ~Pur::y ~heRaonend:}e m:::iolgh:::: / Off~h~:e;oidence 1 Llf your home out of the gloom of faulty hghtmg. [1[ |
was .^. ~o ^,+,^. I ae a--~)orotny r~eacn. [ The DeLux Sandwich shop was I c~;.~ ph ~ ~o R~"~ 34I ~ransform each room into a charnung lcture, ahve and
] -- J pe ed in the Benesh building by ~Ca;;;2n;~e;ed P ~"
Brazil is $12 a month and outside SI~ORTHAND romptly
the cities $5 a month. I l:00--The bell rings. Dashing[ternoon. } l)ay or ~]gnt %-. I br/~ht with new life colorsi o r let re
Brazil can drive Japan out of the [through the halls go most of the I Frank Dvorak, Clarence Russell, / "~ / o-- ny U p U S and wall ~ /
students. Locker doors clang slam Ed Pitlik and Joe Irish w r E.C. PRALL, Dentist
world textile market in the next ' . * : . ," [,~ e e cut t ~ hangdogs d/stlnct and dear! Then not,re how much mora /
l anu oang. it is not sate in tnese land bruised when the Dvorak Ford' .~-- J ~
15 to 20 years if this industry is de halls for f w mmu es ~'nones
/ "" ' "' -, a e " t yet. and a lturned over several times after it! / often you hear those pleasing compliments from your,iI
veloped there The cheap laborifew timid individuals are still hid-[blew out a rear tire southeast ofiOffice .-- 5712Home -- 4S41/ friends And ~our famil-~ aren't the~-~tb/t more cheer,
can be well trained Argentina ins behind sheltering doors or in i Cedar Rapids I [ " . 7-- II
hasn't the making of an industrial !places where the traffic is not so . Marjorie. Medary, Cornell '12, / Mount Vernon, Iowa / ful, too? And why shouldn't they be? Thls new and better ~ [I
nation neavy. . [former reslaent of Mount Vernon, ,: il
1:05--The class oegms to garner, t is the author of a new book ]0 aght tor better 81ght makes reading and relaxation easier II
South America lacks soft wood, ' ~ :l 0--Tardy Bell -- enter Mr. "Orange Winter." ~ D. ~x~t ~ 1",-- e Th~swi~garml~mppl~. Jl~h II
good coal, but has a great potential Hawker with the remark "It's goodI Miss Nama Lathe who was injur-/ Vete~nartan I and more ~un. Ja~.~h~ ".~w~'."ti~: n~2~ II
ofpetroleum, and minerals to have a perfect class once a day--. ' ed ill an auto accldent a week~ ,ago, I Phones'. l~eAaxr ~ T~;I,~ ~'~;"** "~"* : "Today yu~ ~ ~xxjuy'--- ~xx 't- wit---if' nl~6~'aS '~-N/'~&~-~ ~k~It
soothing to the nerves" (He has Thursday, returned home on Fri-|Office 2761 Residence 2763 bulb. o y ** li~ ~
. .~ - . [typing the next period) Amid a [ day from St. Lukes hospital where ! ! outstanding advantages of I. E. S. Lighting at low cost --
"* " " -i y "ad "g " P I ~ een confined since the ] ' " i he
cial independence--buy Defense the front of the room. "Turn to accident. ~ t re is no advance m either tax or rate of electrical /
Savings Bonds and Stamps today! I page 50." He reads the new ex- I Two false fire alarms w~ro turn- I G.M. ~,VILSON I ~ --- ~' . t~ 1
f ercise and then "Turn to the brief ed in at six thirty Wednesday eve- Y" " i " I~' 1
]forms on page 44. You may start, ', nlng from the Cornell chapel [ Practice in state and federal courts,party and select yours at onceP' An :: ~, s. ~p i
t~y ~uylng n,e[ense ~av]ngs Pe~,-y ----All right--continue a I The 55+`` ---~,-- " Counselor-at-Law and Notary Pub- i -- " .~rsa~tn! J.~p ~t~. t-j, ~gt'la~ 1
Bonls~and ~qtamps regularly you ' ~. - s -,-- w~uun[g anniversary ,ihc. Offi t/on m'on~ a,x/~a w/th Iold
round the class There's time now 1 of Mr and Mrs John Auracher was ' ce over DeLuxe Coffee hi ~light, (]ompleto with
c'~nhelpthe Defense Pr g::er~: ann~iforalittlequiz." I'll put some brieflcelebrated at a dinner Sunday inISh p'MOunt Vernon, Iowa. nn.u r, rn m ~ n~.0 ~. "
it th( sam( time nelp yo e [ Phones Office 56]2
~j ? ' |forms on the board and you're tolthe home of their son-In-law and : '. Home 2871 IIIIMA /I /l'/llll" I II'lllAIUII IlllWlll I'HMHAIUV "
your family. Iwrite what they mean--is everv-ldaughter Mr and Mrs Frank]-'~~ IuTTrli=LI=U/IllU LII3fl//'tllU I tllll:il UUIVlI'/ II! -
' 9 ." . ' " *#OIINS'[~ON BROS. [ " " "" " "
------------------ lone finished. Now exchange with I Bates In Cedar Rapids. / Funeral Directors IOWA OWNEn
o ~,~,;a,~,- ~ s~v.q~ houc, h +~ I your neighbor. Tell me your grades. I -- " I ~ w
"~"~'~" " ~ - ~ ~ - i"Hanni]"~ no one faile'd the ~uiz ] THIRTY YEARR AGO [ C. B. Johnston, Licensed Embahner i (
first ])efense ~avlngs t~ona on .v~ay vv : . -~,"
- -~-- There's the bell' Swish They're October 12 1921 I H. R. Johnston Licensed Embalmer [ ~(
1 1941 Your ~anK or your posti " ' ' I1 ' "
--. " gone' Any everyone seems happy ~ oyd Goodhue sold the City Cafe I Lady Assmtant When Wanted I
ottlce IS "~ValtlUg tOt you [o call ior to I ~ -
- -,ahout the whole thing reuben Stoner of North Liberty Mount ~ernon and Lisbon
vours--tooay, i " " ' [ I
Liqht d
Potuer [o: