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October 9, 1941 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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John E ~IcHugh, Representative, Phone 125
Mrs. Fred Bittle, News Reporter. Phone 135
Miss Esto Heath of Cedar Rap-l Mr. and Mrs. Vern Dacken were
ids was a Sunday guest of Mrs. A. Sunday dinner guests of Miss Velma
K. Runkle and Miss Hazel. ] O'Brine in Sigourney.
The Evangelical Missionary soci- Mrs. Ed Furrow and daughter
sty will meet with Miss Maude Bit- ] Caroline of Cedar Rapids visited on
tle on Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 14. i Monday with Mrs. F. S. Armstrong.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Oetting were Mrs. Frank Wooldridge was host-
Sunday evening supper guests in ess on Wednesday to the young
the Dr. H. O. Smith home in Ce- married ladies afternoon bridge
dar Rapids. t club.
Mrs. I. L. Cork spent last week l Mr. and Mrs. Edward Paxon of
with relatives in Cedar Rapids Rochelle, Ill were Monday guests
while Mr. Cork was on a carpenter in the Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Boyd
job at Alburnett. home.
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Bell of Bur- Charles Beaver spent Monday in
falo, Iowa, called Sunday on Mrs. Mount Vernon with his mother,
Bell's sister, Mrs. Etta Long in the Mrs. R. R. Beaver, and sister, Mrs.
W. M. Oberton home. A.J. Soder.
Mr .and Mrs. Robert Begley of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Kohl returned
Springville and Miss Ruth Reid of Wednesday from a visit since Sat-
Cedar Rapids called on Mrs. Mary urday in the Lee Evans home south
Smith on Sunday afternoon, of Mount Vernon.
Mr. and Mrs. Milo Kaliban, Ev- Miss Clara Spangler of Lincoln,
elyn, Donald and Bobby Dean were Nebr came last Thursday for a
Sunday guests of the Jack Rey- week's visit with her sister, Mrs.
hons family south of Mount Vet- Laurence Stabenow and family.
non. Mrs. Robert McCoy and son Tom-
Sunday dinner guests of Max my of Cedar Rapids visited in the
Stahl in the Mr. and Mrs. John Charles Long and Clayton Nosley
Miller home were Bernard Gish, homes last week on Thursday, Fri-
Marshall Milligan, and Donald Sig- day and Saturday.
gins. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson and
Mrs. Amelia Esterbrook and John Mr. and Mrs. Joe Clay of Olin, Rev.
Fey of Davenport spent Sunday and Mrs. G. S. Hamilton and Mrs.
with their sister, Mrs. L. E. Crelly D. W. Kohl and Miss Ruth were
and Mr. Crelly. Mr. Fey is staying Sunday dinner guests of the Harley
for the week. t Robertson family.
Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Gardner andt "Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson had
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sizer were atlas dinner guests on Monday, Miss
Ames on Saturday for State Legis-IAlice Chamberlin of Mount Vernon
lators' day at the Iowa-Nebraska and Mrs. Peterson's uncle, A. H.
football game. Finnegan of Green Bay, Wis who
Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Frink of Ce-
dar Rapids spent Tuesday with Mr.
and Mrs. R. L. Frink. They re-
turned last week from a month's
visit in California.
Mrs. Harold Ringer attended a
meeting of P. N. G. of Rebekah
lodge at the home of Mrs. Amos
LeGuire near Mount Vernon last
Thursday afternoon.
Milford Davis of Reading, Minn
spent Wednesday with J. W. Hahn.
He came from Van Horne where
the family was visiting with the
parents of Mrs. Davis.
Dr. J. R. Gardner and Dr. N. A.
York attended meetings of the
Mississippi Valley Medical society
in a three day convention session
in Cedar Rapids last week.
Mrs. Mason Stine and son Nell
Brian were brought home Satur-
day from St. Luke's hospital. Mrs.
StinGs aunt, Mrs. C. C. Kerslake
is spending this week in the Stine
A1 Kohl, who has been in ill
health for a long time, and serious-
ly ill the past week, was taken on
Monday from the M. F. Blessing
home to Mercy hospital in Cedar
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Sizer and family were
his sister, Mrs. Robert Begley, Mr.
Begley and son Tommy of Spring-
ville. The dinner observed Mr.
Begley's birthday.
Mrs. Howard Rinehart of Blue
Earth, Minn who is staying for
some time with her sister, Mrs.
Charles Hoeft, is spending this week
at Davenport with her husband,
who has employment there.
Dr. and Mrs. N. A. York called
on friends Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
Hampton at their home near West
Branch on Tuesday afternoon dur-
ing open house hours in honor of
their 50th wedding anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Blecka,
daughters Judith Ann and Janet
Lou and Mrs. Elizabeth Prendergast
of Iowa City, and Mrs. Anna Cook
and J. K. Barnicle of Cedar Rap-
ids were visitors of Mr. and Mrs.
Will Dugan on Sunday.
Mrs. Lena Mohn, Miss Alberta
Gaines, Carl Mohn and Paul Bow-
ers attended Cattle Congress in
Waterloo on Saturday. They were
accompanied by Mrs. John Mohn
of Cedar Rapids who spent the
the week end with Mrs. Lena Mohn.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Stone, son
John and son-in-law and daugh-
ter Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kleineck
moved last week to the Rev. Strat-
ton place, at the south edge of
town. They vacated the Notbohm
house recently purchased by Dean
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Chiverton
and son George of Cedar Rapids
were Friday guests of Mrs. O. P.
Wilson. On Saturday A. G. Wal-
ton of Mount Vernon spent the day
with her and Wednesday visitors
were Mrs. J. E. Edenson and Miss
Maurine Taylor of Cedar Rapids.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Graver and
children, Eleanor and Everett at-
tended Cattle Congress in Water-
loo on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E.
E. Hoover and Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Hoover and Harold were there on
Saturday. Others who attended on
Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Har-
ley Robertson, daughters Nolo,
Mary Florence and Harlene, and
Miss Ruth Kohl. Attending on
other days during the week were
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Morningstar,
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Morningstar,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bear, Mrs. Car-
oline Kettering, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Leinbaugh, daughter Bernice and
Miss Lillian Laing.
of Cedar Rapids spent the week end
in Potomac, Ill guests in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Harper.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Risler and
daughter, Mrs. Mollie Risler and
Mrs. Frank Risler of Davenport,
!Miss Velma Spidel of Tipton and
Elbert Beaver of Cedar Rapids vis-
ited in the Charles Beaver home on
Mr .and Mrs. G. L. Albright and
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Litts of Mt.
]Vernon attended Cattle Congress in
Waterloo on Sunday, and Patsy A1-
bright spent the week end with her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M.
Bebee at Springville.
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cave, and
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cave and fam-
ily attended a family dinner Sun-
day at the Harry Decious home near
Mount Vernon, given for their son-
in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Don Caldwell of Bemidji, Minn.
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Lackman were his relatives,
Mr. and Mrs. Orval Dahms, Mr. and
Msr. Harvey Thiel, son Kenneth
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jurgens, and
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schmidt, daugh-
ters Verlyn and Shirley, all of New
Liberty. . ,
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Whiuatcn
and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kent
were Sunday guests in the Donald
Whitlatch home near Tipton for
dinner in honor of Donald's birth-
day. Other guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Challis, son Donald and
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Becker and
daughter Florence of Tipton.
Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Burlingame
and children, Joan, Wallace, and
William spent the week end in the
parental Burlingame home in Clin-
ton. Mrs. W. S. Weirick and Mrs.
Mary Bailey accompanied them to
LeClair, where Mrs. Weirick is
spending several weeks with a
niece Mrs. Raymond Hamilton, and
Mrs. Bailey spent the week end
with friends.
Mrs. C. D. Mohn and Mrs. Harold
Stoneking on a week end trip were
Friday overnight guests in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Johnston at
Vinton. On Saturday they attend-
ed Cattle Congress in Waterloo, and
spent Saturday night and Sunday
in Cedar Falls, staying at Bartlett
Hall with Mrs. Mohn's daughter,
Miss Betty, who is at Iowa State
Teachers College. On their return
]home they stopped overnight Sun-
day with Mrs. Lottie Mohn in Vin-
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mueller, daugh-
ter Phyllis and son Milton, Mrs.
Bertha Mueller and Paul Rossman
of Walnut were guests of relatives
from Saturday until Tuesday. On
Sunday they were dinner guests of
Mrs. Lena Mohn, and Miss Alberta
Gaines, with other guests, Mr. and
Mrs. Ira Mohn, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Mohn, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gaines
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Warner were
!in a party of ten relatives as guests
I fall Presbytery meeting at West-
I minster Presbyterian church and
[ heard Miss Benfer, a home mission-
i ary, speak. Last Thursday evening
Mrs. Warner attended a 6:30 ban-
quet at a union of churches in St.
Paul's Methodist. Dr. Berger of
Coe College was the speaker.
Statement of the Condition of
orsanized under the laws of Iowa, located at Lisbon, in the County of Linn, at the
close of business on the 24th day of September A.D. 1941.
Loans and Discounts
United States Bonds and Securities
Securities Guaranteed by U. S. Government as to Interest and/or
Principal 1,000 00
Bonds and Securities 43,97~.00
Overdrafts 86.75
Banking Ho'u~ ~ :$ 4.500 00
0 ooo ,o
Furniture and Fixtures 869.604.869.~0
Due from banks and bankers, cash and cash Items 288,892.62
Total Resources
Capital Stock--Common $ 50,900.00
Surplus fund 26,000.00
Undivided profits and Reserves ;.:
Individual deposits subject to check 302,416.64
Savings deposits 118,571.60
Time certificates of deposit ii 265,105.93
Demand certificates, certified checks, cashier's checks and un-
76 000.00
paid dividends 7,841.83
Trust funds 632.41 693,968.41
Other liabilities 1,098.64
Total Liabilities $798,866.50
State of Iowa. Linn County, ss.
We, D. U. Van Metre. Vice-President ; and G. L. Hill, Cashier of the bank above
named, do solemnly swear that the foregoing statement is full, true and correct, to
the best of out knowledge and belief.
D. U. Van Metre, Vies-President
{SEAL) G.L. Hi]]. Cashier
Sworn to and subscribed in my presence by D. U. Van Metre and G. L. Hill, this
3rd day of October, 1941
Notary Public in and for Linn Cmmty.
A. J. Baird
John E. MeHugh
H. A. Richer
]['~,!*,~ ]~l,~[~h~*t T~ ]paired and the furnace room spray- I Perfect typing papers from sen-]ness session.
~-~v~a~ ~A,~,w ~ ~ led and renovated. The women's iors. Mr. and Mrs Argene Allbee on
Bride Of C. H. Kelley society is thmking of some improve- Seniors havmg a party, i Monday visited'Mr. Allbee's mother
" ments in the dining room to make i Some good features. (If so, please I in Mount Pleasant
I At eight o'clock on Friday eve- it more useful, notify Maxine and Bonnie.) I Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Zeller, Mr
ning in the home of her parents, A public supper is planned for WE WONDER WHY land Mrs. C. C. Berry and Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Flockhart, Miss lnext week, the first in two years The freshies aren't looking veryI Mrs. Argene Allbee attended the
Doris Marie was married to Coy l for any of the Lisbon churches happy toward tonight and the in-l annual County Farm Bureau meet-
Houston Kelley, son of Mr. and i We invite all who are not affili- itiation party, ing at Marion on Wednesday.
Mrs. Everett Kelley of Chillocothe, ated with other church groups to The sophomores go about with Mrs. Clair Booth has returned to
Texas, in a double ring ceremony share our services this coming Sun- that queer look in their eyes and J St. Luke's hospital for further treat-
performed by Rev. G. S. Hamil- day. the big grin. You Freshies would-lment. Her condition is fairly good.
ton. I 9:30 a.m. Sunday school. Depart- n't know, would you. S.J. Kephart is recovering from
Preceding the ceremony Harry mentalized and graded. The girls like to go bowling. Is]severe bruises suffered in a recent
Easterday of Marion played on the l 10:30 a.m. Service of Worship and it really the bowling alley that at-l fall in his barn
I piano accordion, "I Love You Tru-!preaching. A "portion" provided tracts you, girls? Or is it some-I Jerry Campbell of Lake City was
[ ly" and "Lohengrin Wedding for the children in this service. /thing else much more interesting, I a caller Friday in the Kramer home.
I March" as the bridal party took Our aim is to present as intelli- such as the Mount Vernon boys~. Mr. Campbell's boyhood home is
[their place beneath a pink and gently as possible, the Religion of Bob Urbanek went after Frances the house now ocupied by Mr. and
white arch with a white bell in the Jesus. this noon. You know, Bob, it was-IMrs. C C Berry.
center and baskets of fall flowers ~ /n't sprinkling so very hard. I Mrs. R. C. Anderson will leave
on either side. Given in marriage : =~:- ~ ~-q~,~-~ --~ =~:~,~=~.~= : [ Bob Bova wasn't in English class, l Friday for a visit over the week end
by her father, the bride was gown-1.Jl~l~ [~ HI-LI'I' I5 Thursday. Miss Barnes knows, does- in the home of her brother-in-law
ed in white chiffon voile floor [n't she, Bob? ]and sister Mrs and Mrs William
P ::::::::::::::::::::::::
length with sweet heart neckline NEWS STAFF ] Some of the Sophomores didn't] Mohr in Chicago
and short puffed sleeves Her ~m ,~, ut,u,~ ~,~+~ !want to go to the initiaition party Miss Irma Blazek of f~dsr Rsnid~
~ . ] e*-~,*
finger tip veil was held by a tiara ~o'~" ~,~. ~,~'~ ~ 1,~tonight. Couldn't be "Fun Night"l was a caller Sunday in the home
o~ oeaoeo pearls ana sne carried ,r~ ~o,o. ~,-,~o + ~,~ T~h ~eoar ~aplos couia 11: KIOS. [of Mr. and Mrs. George King
a bouquet of pink roses. She was ct'me H-rr- ~i""er ' . W. W. (We Wonder Why)i The condition of Mrs. Peter
attehded by her sister Miss Ruth"~ ' .~ ~ ~ ss ~ ~, signing off. Look for more gossip lCooper who has been a ,~atient in
wearin r ' ' r~eporters: ~aye ~immons wlax- from L " ' ~ '
g a d ess of pink chiffon ~,~ T ~,*, ~,~,^ ~;,- '~ -~.~ . H. S. in the coming weeks, t Mercy hosl0itay for the nest eight
voile, styled like that of the bride ut please don t strata your eyes ifI weeks remains unchanged
~lmmons Lavonne vanaeoerg
Her bouquet was of mixed gladi- ~. .' ' it doesn't appear some week.So] Mr 'and Mrs Ralph Stark of Ce
t~onnleL,ang camerIne ~riggs, "
olus. John Knapp, ~r of Marion,~ T~, ~',~-.~ ~,~, ~,^ Long. dar Rapids were Sunday guests of
served as best man. --"-"~ ~' A LITTLE HUMOR Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Anderson.
After the ceremony, a wedding
luncheon was served to the 57
guests, by Miss Janice Milligan and
Miss Leone Burrows. The bride's
table covered with a lace cloth was
centered with a three tiered wedding
cake topped with a miniature bride
and groom, and around it were low
bowls of pink asters Mr. and Mrs.
Kelley spent the week end with his
brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Marvin Kelley at Burlington.
The couple will be at home in Ce-
dar Rapids where Mr. Kelley is em-
ployed by the Cedar Rapids Block
Guests at the wedding were Mr.
and Mrs. G. W. Sproston of Spring-
ville, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kline-
felter, son Nell, Mr. and Mrs. A. D.
Flockhart of Anamosa, Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Tuetken, Margaret Ann
and Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. William
Ketelson, Betty Joyce and Billy
Lee of Monticello, Mrs. Everette
Sproston, of Mechanicsville, Mr.
and Mrs. William Goyer, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Riley, Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Kelley, Mayo, Lanoye, T. R. and
Joan, Miss Dorothy O'Brine, and
Robert Litze of Cedar Rapids, Mr.
and Mrs. James Sneathen of Fair-
fax, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cold-
well, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Craig and
Miss Virginia Stark of Marion, Mr.
and Mrs. Emil Mollie, Mr. and Mrs.
Ambrose Sproeton of Mount Ver-
non, Mr. and Mrs. James Tyson,
Mrs. Preston McCall, Joann and
Last Thursday Mrs. Howard
Caldwell was hostess at a miscel-
laneous shower at her home in
Marion, honoring the bride. On
Wednesday evening a wedding
dance was given in Memorial hall
at Marion
Mrs. Mayme Dorcas spent Sun-
day afternoon with Mrs. Molly
Beese at Sutliff.
L. H. Cave visited Monday with
his brother James Cave who is seri-
ously Ill in the hospital at Clinton.
The Federated Aid Society will
meet in the church parlors at two
o'clock on Thursday afternoon,
October 16.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Frazer of Ana-
mosa were Saturday evening din-
ner guests in the Mr. and Mrs. Har-
lan Briggs home.
Mrs. J. I. Smith of Omaha, Nebr
came today to spend a week or ten
days with her daughter, Mrs. A. M.
Andreas and family.
Mrs. Harlan Briggs was in Keo-
kuk on Tuesday as guest speaker at " ~
the Business and Professional Wo- ing
men's dinner in the evening.
Mrs. Homer Dorcas and Mrs. Rene
Dorcas of Tipton and Mrs. Lizzie
Dorcas of Stanwood visited with
Mrs. Mayme Dorcas on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tonne of
Preston visited relatives several
days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Tonne took them home on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Arbingast at-
tended the funeral service for Mrs.
Frank Tesar at the Methodist
church in Solon on Sunday after-
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Thomas of
Ankeny were overnight guests Sat-
urday in the Will Zearing home
and Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Blessing:
Miss Anna Strouse, who had been
a guest in the E. E. Stahl home
and visited with other relatives for
three months, left Friday for her
home in Allentown, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Kolek and
Wes, and J. F. Krob, with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Kolek and daughter of
Cedar Rapids, spent Sunday in the
Charles Thomas home at Oxford
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Peterson and
son Ralph joined a group of Mr.
Peterson's relatives for a pot luck
dinner Sunday evening at the Derle
Peiper home in Cedar Rapids in
honor of Mrs. Peiper's birthday.
Earl Burns and son Lee of Chopin
and Mr. Burns' son-in-law Clarence
Felding and a brother of Hampton
stopped Friday morning, enroute to
Missouri ,to have breakfast withi
Mr. Burns' sister Mrs. Howard]
Whitlatch. I
Mrs. John Miller and Mrs. John[
Thorington attended a miscellan-
eous shower Sunday afternoon giv-!
en by Mrs. E. C. Stahl at her home
in Martelle in honor of her grand-
daughter, Mrs. George Preston of
Anamosa, a recent bride.
Sunday Masses 7:00 and 9:00.
Week day Mass: 7:00.
Rev. G. S. Hamllton, Pastor
S. S. Teachers Prayer Meeting at
9:15 a.m.
Rev. Wm. D. Bostvom, Minister
Last Sunday's Rally Day service
found all departments of the Sun-
day school well cared for, with
teachers for every age group on
hand. The new Sunday school
materials were put into use, and
all heads are up for a good season.
At the Morning Worship service,
the choir was again in its place, and
Mrs. Wilma Briggs returned to the
organ after a year's absence.
The church tower has been re-
We are beginning to dread next
week because of its tests, you know.
For P. T. this week, we played
soft ball.
Richard Hutchinson is a new
member of our fourth grade class.
He comes to us from North Star
We are studying North Ameri-
can Indians in social science, and
have built a teepee in our room. A
bow, pair of moccasins, papoose
doll, birch-bark teepee, and some
Indian jewelry have been brought
in by members of the room. Those
who received 100% in spelling Fri-
day were Beverly Gouchee, Carroll
Sailor, Marlene Nosley, Dorothy
Sheber, Sandra Dennis, Bernadine
Harris and Carolyn Frink.
The second grade are beginning a
Knapp presided at the tea table.
A surprise and pound party was
given Monday evening for Rev. and
Mrs. J. B. Eyestone at their home
in Mount Vernon by a group of
members and friends of the Bert-
ram church. During the evening
brief talks were given by Dr. W.
Glenn Rowley, Rev. James Baltz,
Prof. F. M. McGaw and Charles
Bachman, all of Mount Vernon. Mrs.
Frank Letner represented the W.S.
C.S. of the church, and Floyd
Kitchen the church school. Re-
sponses were given by Rev. and
Mrs. Eyestone, who are now serv-
ing the Bertram charge for the 11th
Present were: Dr. and Mrs. W. G.
Rowley, Prof. and Mrs. F. M. Mc-
Gaw, Rev. James Baltz, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Bachman, Mrs. G. R.
unit on Community Helpers.
month we are studying the family,
our homes, food and clothing. We
made small teepees illustrating In-
dian homes.
Billy Kamerling has been absent
two days this week.
The first graders are coming along
nicely in their readers. They have
learned to write several letters and
words this week.
Tough luck boys. Too bad you
lost the game to Atkins. Anyhow
the boys really fought till their
strength was gone, but as someone
said, they must have done all the~
fighting before the game.
John Argotsinger told me he
This Jorgenson and Ramona, all of Mt.
Vernon; Mr. and Mrs. George King,
Mrs. Viola Berry, Pearls, Julia, and
Leonzo Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Mikuleky and Ruth, Mr. and Mrs.
Osmond Berry, Catherine, Caroline
and Osmond, jr Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Kitchen, Darrell and Doris, Mrs.
Ray Hartung and Roberta, Mr. and
Mrs. C. C. Berry, Irene McGowan,
Miss Tillie Kramer, Mr. and Mrs.
Amos Berry and Norma Faith, Mr.
and Mrs. Gerald Scott and Joe, Geo.
Kramer, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Let-
her, and the Eyestones. Refresh-
ments were served at the close of
the evening.
wanted to know that he is being a
very good boy from now on. His
new girl, Pollyanna S told him that
Mrs. Gerald Scott and Mrs. J. B.
Eyestone of division No. 4 have an l
interesting program prepared for
Friday evening in the church. All
are welcome.
The members of the Indian Creek
go Bluebirds 4-H Club met Thursday
. ]evening at the home of Marjorie
zrom ~ McGowan with eight members pres-
the Lisbon boys that the girls here
don't even have a chance---unless
they turn to C. R. in self defense.
Why Don't We Do This More Often?
Go to St. Pat's, girls.
Have more typing practice peri-
Have dances.
More basketball practices.
More Saturday nights.
Have assemblies.
Ralph and Don not being with the
girls at noon hour.
ent. Demonstrations were given by
Caroline Berry, "Makeshift Closet";
Martha Lippert, "Hanging Pic-
tures"; Corrine Dixon gave a talk
on the care of the hair. Marjorie
McGowan showed her guests her
room, which she had furnished and
planned herself. Geraldine Lau-
rence became a member of the
C. C. Berry was host to members
of the Brotherhood of the church
at his home on Wednesday evening.
There were 20 present. Rev. J. B.
Eyestone led the devotions and
Floyd Kitchen presided at the busi-
the Mason Stine home in Lisbon.
Mr. and Mrs. Gifford Hansen and
children of Morley were Sunday
visitors in the Glen Kamerling
home. Kenneth Leinbaugh of Lis-
bon, was also a visitor.
Lisbon Business
@@@OO,~-- - ~:.g-- ': ~,
Physicians and Surgeons
Phones: Office 2-91 Res. 3-91
Notary Public
4% Farm I~mns
Phone 127 Lisbon, Iowa
Physician and Surgeon
Corner Main and Jackson "Streets
Telephone 36
Lisbon, Iowa
Dealers in
Cemetery Memorials
Heating, Plumbing, and IViring
Res. 94 PHONES Office 110
Lisbon, Iowa
General Practice
Notary Public, Deeds, Wills,
Office in residence, corner Wash-
ington and Market St Phone 80
Attorney at Law
General Practice
IAsbon office, across from City
H,~AI, Phone 146.
Cedar Rapids office, 518 Mer-
chants National Bank Bldg Phone
Lisbon, Iowa
Real Estate and Insurance
Farms for Sale
Houses for Sale or Rent
Office Phone--146
Thur~lay, October 9, lkFnursday
Mrs. Forrest Huey and Roberti day evening at the home of .lVI~ ~'*l,g-*t.d~
were Monday visitors at the home! Mrs. Jim Petrick. Leo Petncz
of Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Frink in Ce- home for the evening. . ~ ~
dar Rapids. i Alberta Neal spent the weez ~[||~ |1
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Baxa were i at the home of her parents, Mr. ~
Thursday evening callers in the lMrs Ben Neal ~e,F,~,*F*F
Forrest Huey home. Ben Biderman came home fr
~ ida a~rs. lvla
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Laing and fam-Kansas C~ty, Mo on Fr . Y-
ily were Friday evening visitors in i Monday he had an
append CIt r r ,n '
the Joe Boxa home. i eration at Mercy hosnital in u~'~". ".~ ~'~
Mrs. Donald Kamerling is visiting Rapids. He is g~etting along fln~ez mem
her sister Mrs. Kenneth Kadlec and Callers at the home of Mr. ~ss lviar~
Mr. Kadlec in Iowa City. ]Mrs. Howard Neal Sunday eve~ayrece~
were Mr. and Mrs. Myron Neat ~'~, ~,-~-,I,
Fallsades i Donna. Monody evem s
Fuller ~u ~
Mrs Charle~ ~-~,~ J were Mr. and Mrs. Dick ~
Juhe; and on Tuesday eve ~,^~
strong, Mrs Everett" Jordan, and]moved to Cedar Rapids last Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Ford. There were about',end, dined at
20 present. The program consisted i ~ ~Uesday
of patriotic songs a talk by the' Pan.area Well ~! ~niversaz
Linn county president, Mrs. A. D L~g ht-~,len~01rab's~,~
Brennaman. For roll call every-] wnue snlps oo not ~s ~llison w
bod told of their et hobb'v Mi~ I gate at night In the t-andrea ~":'~ersar~'-
Ma~aret Stewart, P~. D. A:, gave~the great waterway is well light. Wolra
a short talk and a demonstrationevery mile being marked Dy "~%ank Wo
on how to preserve vegetables and houses or light.buoys. ~niversm
fruit for winter use, by waxing ~ -,-~ests in(
them. The election of officers re- @~,- ~z ~sts and
1[ ,~, Mrs. Ne
It's Jolly to dinne
~[ her son
Over Our Line Mrs.
Of Skirts and ~sit with
lette. Sh
Sweaters LeR
~ash av
- to ~sit wit
Skirts 7 to 12 and 24 ests Su
30. Our blouse
o~eldllg~illard H
~,~ ~wart an(
should say hello any
o~#" ~lle; Mr.
Now 30 days over due. d dau
That's chronic this za-.
We are fortunate in haY- Mrs L1
l ~ined th,
ing our orders
amP Y at di:
placed so gradually we.tesday e~
can take care of your after c
needs. Call often. If anY" Denny
b,a -"ds we I picnic b
t Tuesd
can and at the correC were
~ickie m
price. ~icky Sk
ITS " WN :lark of (
~dy CI~
OCTOBER ALE ~herenbel
~rs. Mih
Fall Merchandise match ~Iount V~
the season.
Oysters on hand regll ening,
larly. E
. ARchinsc
Frozen Fish all weel~underl.
Pancake Flour Daily. t0.1 s. F:
Honey and Waffle SyruPheStesSFrien f'
at your command. ~sday,O
Fresh Candy--New pea- nn cou
New Can Kraut and
1941 Can Peas, Corn,
Head Lettuce, CelerY,
Cabbage, Carrot
Fancy Med. Sweet
toes, bu.
Same, 10 lbs
For canning, now is the
Waconia Sorghum, 25c,
45c and 85c.
Red Beans, Spaghetti,10c
31-oz Pork & Beans, -
can 13c, for 25c
10 lb Bag Gran. Sugar 8c
New Shueyville Sorght
"1 /FORE loads less work easy handling eve.a
Vl spreading longer life that s what you get I~
the John Deere Model "H" Tractor-Drawn Spreader"
the economy spreader for tractor operation
You'll get a direct hitch to the tractor with proper
weight distribution for the best traction tor both
tractor and the spreader necessary rigidity for two"
wheel design an enclosed ratchet drive running
Oil big-capacity beaters geared to tractorhandl l 'speedf"
and many other valuable features in the easy
light draft Model "H" Spreader.
See it at our store. You'll want a John Deere Model
"H" for your farm.
Phone 32 Lisbon, Iowa